A flour mill as a business: is it possible to count on large orders? Flour production as a highly profitable business

The daily need for flour is obviously a strategic product that happens different kind. Flour production is a sought-after business. Modern market in this industry has a good raw material base in Russia. For this, different grains are stored in the storages: wheat, rye, and other grains.

This branch of production has its own specifics, this is expressed in proper organization own flour mill, on which depends up to 50% of the success of the entire business. It is necessary to observe technological processes and be able to process grain crops. This type of activity attracts entrepreneurs with a stable demand for products and constancy in profits.

Flour production is based on processing cereal crops─ a generally accepted concept, but in addition, it is possible to simultaneously launch the production of feed additives, which include bone flour. This kind entrepreneurial activity interesting in that flour can be processed into crops that are not in short supply in the region where processing is carried out. In other words, when there is no wheat, you can work with corn or rye, other crops.

It should be noted that by changing the raw materials it is necessary to involve changes in the production of flour. For this reason, initially, experts recommend that an entrepreneur make a choice on which raw material base he will build own business.

The flour milling enterprise of small production, according to experts, refers to a permanent, and not to seasonal look activities. Flour products: pasta, spaghetti, bread, and other products are bought all year round.

An entrepreneur who decides to open a small flour mill must understand that this is a technology with a high quality control of products, which is controlled from grain receipt to the final product. It is high-quality flour that gives stability in the implementation of the final product. An entrepreneur in the flour-grinding business focuses mainly on bakeries, for this reason it is necessary to produce not one kind of flour, but several: the highest, the first and so on varieties, which are determined by the quality of production.

Flour premium will always be in demand, it is consumed by all bakeries, but the demand depends on its cost, and flour of the second or third grade is always of a lower cost, which ultimately affects the final product, its cost for the population. Flour production uses technologically sophisticated lines, we will consider this in more detail.

Flour manufacturing technology

Flour production in Russia has a high degree of mechanization. It should be noted that Russia is a leader in the production of these products, for this reason, entrepreneurs can safely focus on domestic equipment for their small production.

The technological process of the flour mill in the preparation of the grain base is divided into two stages, this:

    Preparation of grain fractions for subsequent processing, this is conditioning and purification. Purification of cereal crops takes place in special devices, these are: separators, duaspirator and trier devices, where the following occurs:

    mineral components are removed from the grain mass with the help of stone separators;

    moistening and washing of grain mass in special units.

When there is a need after quality control of work on the cleaning procedure, cycles can be repeated to the desired quality. Best Level purification of the grain mass is achieved using special air-sieve devices that separate weed and oil impurities.

Stone separators purify the grain mass from fractions of mineral origin and are used to distinguish in the mass of grain of the main crop (wheat or other grain) from ballast grain equipment trier, as well as magnetic separators (cleaning from metal particles).

    The stage of cleaning the grain mass of its husk from dirt. There are two ways of such cleaning: wet and dry way, when:

    the dry method in its processes involves the use of a special scouring device, which consists of a whipping drum located in a steel cylinder. Cleaning occurs with the help of mutual friction and beating of grains; for dust removal, these devices are equipped with aspirators;

    the wet method of cleaning the grain mass is the most effective, for its application you need water at the rate of two cubic meters per ton of grain mass, the disadvantage of this method is the need to treat wastewater into the sewer.

The parameters of high-quality cleaning of the grain mass make it possible to make fewer adjustments and adjustments of grain processing units in the technological process. To achieve this, thermal and hydraulic processing of grain is organized in production.

It is necessary to take into account the parameters of the grain mass for the expected grinding result, this:

    what is the humidity of the mass;

    what is the level of gluten in the incoming grain mass;

    endosperm and grain cost.

The supply of grain mass in organized batches improves the rejection of low-value grains that will not produce flour of the desired quality.

Flour production, as a business, is costly in terms of energy and water consumption, the need to obtain best quality flour led to thermal pre-hydraulic treatment of the grain mass. This process makes it possible to efficiently extract the endosperm at a high level, and also reduces required amount electrical energy until the grinding mixture is obtained.

Flour manufacturing technology ─ in other words, the grinding of the endosperm and the shell of the grain, which are grinded worse than the endosperm. For this reason, they can be contrastively separated, and when the grain mass is dry, this difference sharply decreases, so wetting is mandatory in the technology.

There are three types of wetting of the grain mass, these are:

    cold moistening of grain;

    hot wetting;

    the most effective is air conditioning in an accelerated way, when the mass of grains is moistened and dampened in the bunker.

Accelerated conditioning of the grain mass leads to grain intensification according to the structural and mechanical properties of the shell and endosperm.

Technological dampening of the grain mass provides for 30 minutes of moistening, when water penetrates into the grain shell and endosperm during this time interval, and its plasticizing properties improve.

How to prepare grain for grinding

A modern small flour mill cannot do without preliminary preparation of the grain mass. The technology of this process goes automatically through the stages of grain processing by equipment, these are:

    Preparatory processes using automatic equipment grain mass for grinding.

    Process, automated grinding of prepared grain into flour.

    The packaging of the received product.

Equipment for flour milling

Starting your own business in this niche food production, you need to draw up a quality business plan that includes the purchase necessary equipment. Own enterprise can not do without an elevator, and the same units for the preliminary preparation of raw materials. The grain mass in the cleaning process passes it by 95%, then it enters the grinding devices.

For entrepreneurial activities, experts recommend a grinding machine of the PTMA 4 brand, it is capable of processing about one ton of grain in 60 minutes. The price of this equipment is up to 600 thousand rubles, and a mill (the main production unit) of grade F 1 is also recommended for it, the cost of which is up to 450 thousand rubles.

Mill F 1 is considered by specialists to be a unit with high performance, with its help, flour is obtained from the second to the highest grade. It can process half a ton of grain in 60 minutes, it has relatively small dimensions, and no special alteration of the premises is required.

For the full production of flour, you need to buy:

    separators - sieve and air;

    industrial scales, costing up to 40 thousand rubles;

    packing machine, costs up to 25 thousand rubles;

    quality control device, costs up to 30 thousand rubles.

How to equip production

It is necessary to clearly understand how the whole line should look technological process flour production. From the equipment recommended for the organization of small-scale production, for the manufacture of flour, we will create a sequence for its installation, taking into account the characteristics of the devices.

    purchased in 2016 complex for preliminary preparation of grain mass;

    main equipment;

    the final process of flour production complex.

The first group consists of equipment for preparing grain mass for grinding, it contains: grain transportation devices, silos, cleaning units. Behind them, devices for thermal water treatment of grain mass are installed. This complex of equipment is completed by a device for dosing and quality control of the grain mass.

The final complex contains in its device devices for weighing the resulting flour, its dosing and mixing device. In order to save money without filling machines, flour storage tanks are installed and workers are hired to pack the product.

Flour making room

Flour production has special requirements for the premises chosen for these purposes, namely:

    it must be disinfected, at least with slaked lime;

    excellent ventilation;

    the room must be dry, without rodents.

It is necessary to think over the space for storage purposes: grain mass, finished products. For entrepreneurial production, it is recommended to use a silo for this purpose, which has a conical shape for storing grain mass. The volume of grain storage should ensure the operation of the enterprise for 10-12 days.

How to make food additives, flour

The food niche of small industries can attract a novice entrepreneur by organizing the production of fortified flour for livestock and birds.

    Coniferous flour, which is necessary as a vitamin supplement for livestock and poultry. Features of this production in the absence of strict quality control. It is possible to apply for these purposes mobile unit. The principle of operation is as follows:

    coniferous paw is fed into the bunker, where the needles are separated;

    then it is fed into a special bunker device, where grinding takes place.

It is necessary to collect raw materials for the production of this type of flour in autumn or winter. Storage occurs in compliance with the level of fall of such an indicator as carotene. It is better to organize this business when there are many farms nearby.

    Fish meal, it has a price content of about 60% protein, unlike herbal (coniferous) flour. The raw material for its manufacture is fish or its waste. Preliminary preparation the raw material includes drying and removing fat, preferably using a vacuum device. The manufacturing steps are simpler than in flour flour, these are:

    digestion raw material base;

    the process of drying raw materials, its grinding;

    vacuum removal of fat, proteins and useful vitamins with trace elements are preserved.

    Bone meal, the raw material of which is the bones of large animals, is used as an additive in feed for poultry and domestic animals, for farms. The value of the product in the high content of phosphorus. Manufacturing is associated with a thorough check of raw materials by sanitary services, the process is:

    primary grinding of raw materials;

    drying followed by boiling;

    grinding to obtain a single mass;

    the use of a centrifuge to separate fat and moisture from the mass;

    the entire cost of equipment up to 600 thousand rubles.

Here are the three most popular flour production as feed additives for livestock and poultry on farms. Their organization is recommended in regions with developed farms and agricultural cooperatives.

Sales of flour milling products

Flour production as a business for a novice entrepreneur will not be easy on starting stage. Implementation finished products should be considered at the stage of drawing up a business plan.

    private bakeries, regional bakeries;

    private manufacturers of confectionery products;

    pasta shops;

    Profitability of production

    Starting funds for opening a flour mill as a whole will amount to about 2 million rubles, this includes:

      modern equipment located in the premises - 1 million 450 thousand rubles;

      repair and sanitary work on the selected premises - 200 thousand rubles;

      purchase of a raw material base - up to 300 thousand rubles;

      marketing organized production, registration of certificates and other documentation of a permissive nature - 50 thousand rubles;

      monthly, for utility bills and rent - 100 thousand rubles;

      wages for hired specialists - 150 thousand rubles.

    We calculate the payback of production from the parameters of the output of finished products, this is 150 kilograms of flour in 60 minutes. The change of work of the enterprise is 12 hours, this is 1 ton 800 kilograms of finished products. Wholesale of 1 kilogram of flour 16 rubles. It turns out that, according to simple calculations, the monthly income of production is 850 thousand rubles, we will make deductions for the purchase of a raw material base and wages for production specialists, we will get about 300 thousand rubles purely.

    According to this scheme of work, experts say that the break-even point of production will be reached in 12 months, the profitability estimate is up to 25%.

    Studying the demand for products and establishing reliable distribution channels makes production successful.

    How to make flour at home

    For lovers of homemade cakes, experts say that at home, flour can be made from any grain.

    Some rules must be followed,:

      Drying and cleaning the selected amount of grain. This is achieved by washing and visual selection of bad grains. It is necessary to wash the grain mass several times, be sure to twice a warm water. It is necessary to dry on a spread fabric, for the manufacture of more than a kilogram, the room must be ventilated.

      For grinding, a coffee grinder is used, preferably with good power. electrical machine can make first grade flour, and hand grinding is coarser. The finished flour should be dried on the prepared sheet for 30-40 hours, it will stop sticking to the hands and become a lighter color.

      You can store the resulting product in a paper bag, be sure to sift it before use.

      Since baking flour is the most in demand, this project will focus on its production as part of starting a business. It is worth noting that in the production of flour, the quality of the raw materials plays an important role, therefore, when organizing a business, it is necessary to take into account the location of the workshop, the possibility of purchasing high-quality grain, the availability storage facilities for raw materials and finished products.


      Flour - a product of grain processing different cultures. Flour from grain crops is especially common - barley, wheat, rye, oats, corn, millet, rice, etc. The largest mass of the product is made from wheat. Baking flour is divided into varieties: extra, higher, first, second, grain, wallpaper.

      The main purpose of flour is baking bread, although it is also used for animal feed, products fast food and for home cooking needs - dumplings, pies, pancakes, cakes.

      Flour products are high-calorie, rich in carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, make up a large share in the diet of all categories of the population.

      Target audience and distribution channels

      The target audience for the sale of flour is bakeries, workshops for the production of flour products - pasta, semi-finished products (vareniki, dumplings, frozen dough, pizza), confectionery and bakeries, canteens of the municipal sector, as well as private households.

      Flour can be sold through the following distribution channels:

      Production process and required equipment

      The production technology provides for successive stages:

      1. Preparatory - grain cleaning, mixing of different batches, moistening (or drying by conditioning) grain, laboratory quality control of grain (composition, the presence of harmful impurities, sufficient moisture).
      2. Peeling grain;
      3. Grinding (crushing);
      4. Sifting and aspiration (improving dispersion).
      5. Packing in bags with separation by grades and separate storage until sale.

      Thus, the following basic equipment will be required for the production of flour:

      • Grain preparation unit
      • flour production line
      • Filling equipment

      Consider the option of organizing flour production on the equipment of the Penztekstilmash enterprise - Russia, Penza.

      The equipment allows you to perform the preparatory process for grain, which will be subjected to grinding into high-quality flour.

      The composition of the unit: sieving - separator, soft scouring machine, trier - puppeteer, air purification unit, two aspiration columns, two bucket elevators, humidifying machine, grain conditioning hopper with a capacity of 6 tons. In the process of processing, the grain is cleaned of impurities (by 70-95% ), dirt, dust, foreign seeds are removed, softening occurs.


      • Productivity on cleaning of grain: 1000-1200 kg/hour.
      • Line dimensions: 4.3m * 4.1m * 4.5m.

      Price 636 581 rubles.

      It is a line for processing wheat grain into high-quality baking flour (highest, 1st and 2nd grade) and rye into baking flour (sowed, peeled and wholemeal). The equipment is compact and does not require special conditions room organization.

      Composition of the unit: roller machine, pneumatic transport system, sieving, sifting.


      • Productivity on grain: to 500 kg/hour.
      • Flour yield: "Highest grade" - up to 42%,
      • Flour yield: "First grade" - up to 65%
      • Line power: 11.3 kW
      • Line dimensions: 2.5m * 1.55m * 2.9m.

      Price 448 395 rubles.

      Finished products are packaged manually. The packaging process is as follows: the flour enters the hopper, from which it is poured directly into bags standing on the scales. The operator measures right amount flour and sews up the bag with a portable bag sewing machine. This process requires additional costs work force but saves a lot of money on initial stage business for the purchase of automatic filling equipment.

      To organize a manual packaging area for finished products, you will need the following equipment:

      • - 39,000 rubles.
      • - 16 300 rub.

      The total cost of completing the flour-grinding shop with production equipment is: 1,140,276 rubles.

      Feasibility study

      Capital investments

      • Purchase of equipment: 1,140,276 rubles.
      • Delivery, installation, commissioning: 100 thousand rubles.
      • Purchase of raw materials: 200 thousand rubles.
      • Registration in the INFS, preparation of the premises, other expenses: 300 thousand rubles.

      The total investment in the opening of the flour mill will amount to 1,740,276 rubles.

      Calculation of revenue and profitability

      Yield of finished products, premium flour, kg/h 90
      Output of finished products, bran, kg. hour. 100
      Change, in hours 12
      Number of shifts per month 30
      Flour production, per month, in kg. 32 400
      Bran production, per month, in kg. 36 000
      Wholesale price premium flour, per 1 kg, in rubles. 16
      Wholesale price of bran, per 1 kg, in rubles. 4,5
      Revenue, rub. 680 000
      Profitability, rub. * 140 000
      Payback, per month

      * The approximate amount of profit is indicated based on the expert opinion of the author of the article.

      Learn the types of flour. Not only wheat varieties are in demand on the market, but also bone, corn, buckwheat, oat and other types. You may have to start with non-standard options. Studying the demand in your area will help you decide what to focus on. The competition is also worth evaluating thoroughly, it is quite high.

      If you have not worked in this industry before and do not have professional knowledge find an experienced technologist. It is he who will decide on the purchase of this or that equipment, will be able to realistically evaluate the premises for the enterprise and the proposals of potential suppliers. Based on these data, you must draw up a real business plan.

      Main risks

      There is no dependence on the season in this business - high-quality flour is in constant demand. The main obstacle is high competition. Breaking into the flour market with a new product is very difficult. You must offer quality products, wide range of varieties and reasonable prices.


      The organization of flour production requires a spacious building, minimum area– 200 m². The parameters of the mill room depend on specifications production line. It is worth considering the need for separate areas for a grain warehouse and a room for storing finished products.

      It is important for you to be as close as possible to your raw material suppliers. Perfect option location - directly next to the elevator. Outskirts will do big city or regional center. It's better to buy a place. If the starting capital is not enough, you need to carefully work on the design of the lease agreement. Try to prescribe the most favorable conditions for its extension and the possibility of redemption.

      Technical requirements for the premises are put forward by sanitary and Fire Department- they should be known in advance.


      The technological line is divided into 3 groups, which correspond to a certain stage in the processing of grain or other types of raw materials.

      The initial complex consists of equipment for preparing grain for processing:

      1. silos;
      2. chain or belt conveyor;
      3. apparatus for removing impurities;
      4. machines for hydro- and heat treatment of grain;
      5. devices for quality control and dosing.

      The central or main complex consists of the most expensive equipment:

      1. crushing machines;
      2. magnetic separators;
      3. roller machines;
      4. screening machines;
      5. machines for handling large particles.

      The main complex can consist of a different number of devices. Depending on this parameter, its performance is determined.

      The final complex is the simplest. It consists of scales for finished flour, batchers and mixers. On filling machines that sew up bags, it is better not to save. They cost 20,000-30,000 rubles. This is the monthly salary of one worker. In the absence of a filling machine, you will have to hire several people who will do this work manually.

      In addition to inventory, you will need at least one truck, forklift. Find a reliable bag supplier in advance and factor these costs into your business plan.

      Production lines cost between 1,100,000-1,300,000 rubles, depending on the capacity and degree of automation. There are inexpensive mini-mills that do not require a particularly spacious room.

      There will be no problems with finding equipment - there are enough offers on the market from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Choose the option with installation, configuration and after-sales service. Ask about the possibility of training your mechanic to repair the production line. Some manufacturers and suppliers of foreign equipment offer full complex services. Perhaps in this case the cost will be 100,000 more expensive, but it's worth it.


      An important stage of work is laboratory research of raw materials. You can conclude an agreement with a specialized laboratory, but it is better to hire a specialist on a permanent basis.

      To work in the warehouse of grain and finished products, at least 2 storekeepers and 2 loaders are required.

      One shift in the workshop in the presence of a full automatic line should consist of an operator and 2 workers. Technologist manages the processes. The mechanic monitors the condition of the equipment. If you have your own freight transport, you need to hire a driver. Your property needs reliable security. Video surveillance and alarm systems are necessary, but you can’t do without watchmen.

      An accountant should be hired on a full-time basis. At first, the business owner can search for buyers. But when entering the first profits, you should invite a qualified account manager. In a highly competitive environment, this is very important.

      Documents and licenses

      You can register a mini-enterprise as an individual entrepreneur. If you plan to reach large wholesale buyers, it is better to register as a legal entity. Permission to organize production should be obtained from local administrative authorities, fire supervision and SES. During the construction of a new building and a radical reconstruction of the old one, the project will have to be coordinated with the architectural bureau, the environmental service and the above-mentioned institutions. In addition, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements regarding water supply and sewerage, electricity supply.

      Permission for grain processing and licenses are issued by Rospotrebnadzor after verification technical documentation equipment, certificates from grain suppliers and documents on technological scheme production.

      The paperwork process can take two to three months. The approximate cost of obtaining a package of permits is about 35,000 rubles. It is better to entrust the design chores law firm. Specialists will shorten the registration period and ultimately help reduce the cost of this item.


      Your potential buyers– bread factories and workshops for the production of flour products, bakeries and confectioneries, restaurants and pizzerias, chains grocery stores, wholesale bases. Develop for the leaders of these enterprises an attractive offer. The demand for different types of flour varies with the season. Try to provide the widest possible range. Take an active part in industry exhibitions and forums, including at the events of grain producers.

      Design informative and attractive booklets and labels for retail clients. Offer them along with your products to stores. This is a great move that works for your brand awareness. Advertising in the media in your case does not give a tangible effect.

      To increase profitability, it is worth investing the profit from the sale of products in the organization of a pasta production workshop. Waste from your production can also be sold for the production of animal feed.


      Consider profitability on the example of a small enterprise with a capacity of 2,000 kg of premium flour per shift. Organization, purchase of equipment and raw materials - about 2,000,000 rubles. Current expenses - 300,000 rubles per month.

      With the production of 2,000 kg of flour per day per month, the enterprise produces 44,000-46,000 kg. At the wholesale price for premium flour 18 rubles. for 1 kg, the income of the enterprise will be about 790,000 rubles. minus running costs and the cost of purchasing raw materials can be counted on net profit in the amount of 90,000-110,000 rubles. At smooth operation and stable sales of products, the payback comes in 2-2.5 years.


      Despite high competition, flour production is a promising direction. It is important to offer customers quality products and reasonable prices.

      Everything is changing - technology, raw materials, engineering. The only thing that everyone always needs is food.

      Flour, as the basis of the agricultural industry, will never be at a loss, because everyone needs to eat. That is why the production of flour as a business project is seen as a solution with good prospects.

      Here are the minimum requirements:

      • Elevator for moving raw materials.
      • Workshop equipment (an example is PTMA-4, which can process a ton of raw materials in an hour);
      • Optional equipment:
        • Air and sieve separators;
        • Bag sewing equipment;
        • Packing machine.
      • Warehouses.

      Business idea - flour production, details in this video:

      Registration and promotion

      Business registration is carried out in the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence. Depending on the scale, you can choose one of two forms of doing business: LLC and IP. Despite the scale of the LLC, for a start it would still be more reasonable to choose an individual entrepreneur.

      The advantages of sole proprietorship over LLC are as follows:

      • Simplified taxation;
      • Tens of times less fines;
      • Ease of bookkeeping.

      But if the enterprise is large, it may be better to pay attention to LLC - legal entity it is easier to work with large volumes of products and it is easier to control many workers.

      Bread products are made from spring or winter red grain wheat, pasta products are made from spring durum wheat. Confectionery flour is produced with a reduced protein content.

      Flour production is a profitable and promising business.

      Production takes place in stages.

      • Stage 1. Purchase of grain. Ideally, one supplier of quality grain is needed.
      • Stage 2. Equipment preparation.
      • Stage 3. Preparation of grain for processing. At this stage, the grain is cleaned of impurities, the grinding mixture is compiled, and conditioning takes place. Air conditioning is hot (about 50 degrees) and cold. Rye grain is processed only by cold method.
      • Stage 4. After cleaning and sterilization of the grain, it goes to quality control. If a harmful impurities and foreign particles exceed the norm, it is sent for reprocessing.
      • Stage 5 Grinding and preparation for storage. First, the grain is crushed, then it is sieved. Grain is crushed on roller machines. After passing through each machine, the ground grain is sifted through sieves different sizes. Grinding can be single and repeated. The most high-quality flour is obtained after several grindings with a pass through a torn system.

      The figures are quite impressive, but the turnover is not comparable.

      Sales of products

      So, the main question is who needs flour? The demand for it is very high. Companies that buy it can be divided into several categories.

      • Bakeries. They usually require large volumes of production, but if you can establish sales, you can say that everything is already arranged. Bread is always in demand, it has a more or less stable price, and if you improve relations with big company- it is time to think about the gradual expansion of production. However, many factories also work with small producers if their products are of high quality and competitive in a fairly large food market.
      • Bakeries and confectioneries. More suitable for small deliveries upper class. They require fresh and well-refined flour, the cost of which is somewhat more expensive than simpler products. A large bakery or pastry chain can buy large volumes of flour, and if you manage to reach several such companies, the prospects for expansion will become clear.

      Mini-factory for the production of flour.
      • Outlets. They need flour as it is to be realized. Flour is taken by shops, it is profitable to sell it to wholesalers. You can consider the option of self-selling flour with delivery. In this case, you will need to additionally attend to the purchase of a truck.
      • Catering establishments. All kinds of cooking, canteens, cafes, restaurants. It is quite obvious that they need flour for cooking. Even with small production volumes, you will most likely have to look for several such buyers. But many restaurants high level will buy rare, well-refined flour at very good prices.
      • If you are a novice businessman, do not rush to build your "business empire". At first, small amounts are enough. Once you get a feel for the market and find your niche, it becomes both easier and harder at the same time. But only after that it will be possible to expand your enterprise.
      • There is no need to open an LLC if a very large production is not planned at the start. IP is easier and faster to open, it requires much less investment, it is easier to get rid of it if something goes wrong with the business.
      • A good supplier is almost half the success. The other “almost half” is a constant and reliable distribution channel. Look for a financial partner you can trust.
      • Workers should be treated with respect. Select smart staff. Better - on your own, because at the start a good personnel officer may not be affordable.

      And main advice- love your business, invest in it not only money, but also your soul and work.

      Flour is a necessary raw material for the production of bread and pasta, animal feed, as well as fast food. In addition, flour is also one of the main ingredients in the preparation of pies, pancakes and other homemade food.

      Flour can be made from crops such as barley, rice, oats, corn, but it is wheat flour that is most in demand today. Flour products traditionally occupy a significant part of the diet in Russia, and almost regardless of social status and income.
      The demand for flour products depends little on the economic situation in the country. Of course, during periods of crisis, the demand for expensive cakes and pastries decreases, but the demand for pasta and the bread remains high enough anyway. It should be noted that the global part of the Russian flour market belongs to Russian enterprises, which is a consequence of Russia having the necessary raw material base.

      • Bread factories;
      • Confectionery;
      • Workshops producing flour products;
      • bakeries;
      • Restaurants, cafes, pizzerias;
      • Private farms.

      Technological process

      Flour-grinding production technology involves the following steps:

      1. Grain cleaning, preparation and quality control;
      2. Peeling of raw materials;
      3. Splitting up;
      4. Screening;
      5. Packing.

      Raw material

      The quality of flour directly depends on the quality of raw materials, therefore, for the successful development of the enterprise, it is necessary to initially select suitable grain suppliers.

      It must also be taken into account that different varieties Wheat produces different flours suitable for certain purposes. In particular, pasta is made from durum wheat flour, and bread is baked from soft grain flour.

      When choosing raw materials, it is worth focusing on the generally accepted classification, according to which grain is divided into 5 categories:

      • I - red grain;
      • II - solid;
      • III - white grain.
      • IV - red grain;
      • V - white grain.

      If you need to make pasta flour, then you need to purchase raw materials of type II, and if baking flour - I or IV.


      To organize the work of a flour mill, it is necessary to purchase:

      • farm mill;
      • Cleaning equipment, preparation of raw materials for grinding;
      • platform scales;
      • Bag sewing machine.

      The cost of Russian flour-grinding equipment is lower than that of imported ones. The price of a farm mill with a capacity of up to 200 kg / h is 500-600 thousand rubles, with a capacity of up to 380 kg / h - about 1 million rubles.

      The cost of a grain cleaning and preparation unit with a capacity of up to 1200 kg / h fluctuates around 700 thousand rubles. It is needed to clean the grain from various impurities, as well as to moisten it.

      Minimum cost production equipment to equip a small flour mill will amount to 1.5 million rubles. including delivery and installation.

      Modern flour-grinding equipment is quite compact in size, so it is not advisable to rent a large production area, but the enterprise needs to allocate premises for a warehouse of raw materials and products. The capacity of the raw material warehouse should ensure the operation of the production line for 1.5 weeks, and the capacity of the flour warehouse for 1 week. Statistics show that with such a capacity, the equipment can operate at maximum efficiency.


      To organize the work of a flour mill, its staff must have:

      • Manager - 1 person;
      • Worker - 2 people;
      • Storekeeper - 1 person;
      • Cleaning lady - 1 person

      Initially, accounting functions can be performed either by a manager or an organization specializing in accounting services. When expanding the business, it will be necessary to hire a full-time accountant as the manager will have much more time to solve problems with suppliers and customers, and employees accounting organization may not be able to handle the volume.

      Costs and payback

      To organize a flour-grinding business, approximately 2.01 million rubles are needed, which will be distributed as follows:

      1. Repair of premises and purchase of furniture - 150 thousand rubles;
      2. Purchase of equipment, including installation - 1.5 million rubles;
      3. Purchase of raw materials - 300 thousand rubles;
      4. Registration of an enterprise - 10 thousand rubles;
      5. Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

      Monthly expenses:

      1. Wages of employees - 150 thousand rubles;
      2. Premises rental - 70 thousand rubles;
      3. Security - 5 thousand rubles;

      Total: 225 thousand rubles.

      With an average output of finished flour in the amount of 150 kg / hour, approximately 1800 kg of flour will be produced in one twelve-hour shift. Consequently, the estimated production volume for the month will be 54 thousand kg. With the wholesale cost of flour 16 rubles. for 1 kg, the monthly income will be approximately 850 thousand rubles. Excluding monthly expenses and the cost of purchasing raw materials, the estimated profit will be 80-100 thousand rubles.

      The approximate payback period for the initial costs of starting a flour production business will be 1.5-2 years.

      Opening a flour mill is most advisable in those places where grain is initially produced, otherwise, starting a business will require a larger amount of capital investment. The fact is that in this case you will have to purchase vehicle for the transport of raw materials. This will negatively affect the payback period and due to the introduction of a driver's vacancy and the cost of maintaining a car.