Effect of electricity on fruit plants. The electric field of the Earth is the source of energy. Analysis of the studied literature

Soil electrification and harvest

In order to increase the productivity of agricultural plants, mankind has long turned to the soil. The fact that electricity can increase the fertility of the upper arable layer of the earth, that is, enhance its ability to form a large crop, has long been proven by the experiments of scientists and practitioners. But how to do it better, how to link the electrification of the soil with the existing technologies for its cultivation? These are the problems that have not been fully resolved even now. At the same time, we must not forget that the soil is a biological object. And with inept intervention in this established organism, especially with such a powerful tool as electricity, it is possible to cause irreparable damage to it.

When electrifying the soil, they see, first of all, a way of influencing the root system of plants. To date, a lot of data has been accumulated showing that a weak electric current passed through the soil stimulates growth processes in plants. But is this the result of a direct action of electricity on the root system, and through it on the whole plant, or is it the result of physical and chemical changes in the soil? A certain step towards understanding the problem was taken in due time by Leningrad scientists.

The experiments they carried out were very sophisticated, because they had to find out a deeply hidden truth. They took small polyethylene tubes with holes, into which corn seedlings were planted. The tubes were filled with a nutrient solution with a complete set of chemical elements necessary for seedlings. And through it, with the help of chemically inert platinum electrodes, a constant electric current of 5-7 μA / sq. was passed. see. The volume of the solution in the chambers was maintained at the same level by adding distilled water. Air, which the roots badly need, was systematically supplied (in the form of bubbles) from a special gas chamber. The composition of the nutrient solution was continuously monitored by sensors of one or another element - ion-selective electrodes. And according to the registered changes, they concluded what and in what quantity was absorbed by the roots. All other channels for the leakage of chemical elements were blocked. In parallel, a control variant worked, in which everything was absolutely the same, with the exception of one thing - no electric current was passed through the solution. And what?

Less than 3 hours have passed since the beginning of the experiment, and the difference between the control and electric options has already come to light. In the latter, the nutrients were more actively absorbed by the roots. But, perhaps, it's not the roots, but the ions, which, under the influence of an external current, began to move faster in the solution? To answer this question, in one of the experiments, the biopotentials of seedlings were measured and growth hormones were included in the "work" at a certain time. Why? Yes, because without any additional electrical stimulation they change the activity of absorption of ions by roots and the bioelectrical characteristics of plants.

At the end of the experiment, the authors made the following conclusions: “The passage of a weak electric current through the nutrient solution, in which the root system of corn seedlings is immersed, has a stimulating effect on the absorption of potassium ions and nitrate nitrogen from the nutrient solution by plants.” So, after all, electricity stimulates the activity of the root system? But how, through what mechanisms? To be completely convincing in the root effect of electricity, another experiment was set up, in which there was also a nutrient solution, there were roots, now cucumbers, and biopotentials were also measured. And in this experiment, the work of the root system improved with electrical stimulation. However, it is still far from unraveling the ways of its action, although it is already known that the electric current has both direct and indirect effects on the plant, the degree of influence of which is determined by a number of factors.

In the meantime, research on the effectiveness of soil electrification expanded and deepened. Today, they are usually carried out in greenhouses or in the conditions of vegetation experiments. This is understandable, since this is the only way to avoid mistakes that are involuntarily made when experiments were carried out in the field, in which it is impossible to establish control over each individual factor.

Very detailed experiments with the electrification of the soil were carried out in Leningrad by the scientist V. A. Shustov. In slightly podzolic loamy soil, he added 30% humus and 10% sand, and through this mass perpendicular to the root system between two steel or carbon electrodes (the latter showed themselves better) passed an industrial frequency current with a density of 0.5 mA / sq. see Radish harvest increased by 40-50%. But a direct current of the same density reduced the collection of these root crops compared to the control. And only a decrease in its density to 0.01-0.13 mA / sq. cm caused the increase in yield to the level obtained with the use of alternating current. What is the reason?

Using labeled phosphorus, it was found that an alternating current above the indicated parameters has a beneficial effect on the absorption of this important electrical element by plants. There was also a positive effect of direct current. With its density of 0.01 mA / sq. cm, a crop was obtained approximately equal to that obtained with the use of alternating current with a density of 0.5 mA / sq. see By the way, of the four tested AC frequencies (25, 50, 100 and 200 Hz), the frequency of 50 Hz turned out to be the best. If the plants were covered with grounded screening grids, then the yield of vegetable crops was significantly reduced.

The Armenian Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture used electricity to stimulate tobacco plants. We studied a wide range of current densities transmitted in the cross section of the root layer. For alternating current, it was 0.1; 0.5; 1.0; 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.2 and 4.0 a / sq. m, for permanent - 0.005; 0.01; 0.03; 0.05; 0.075; 0.1; 0.125 and 0.15 a/sq. m. As a nutrient substrate, a mixture consisting of 50% black soil, 25% humus and 25% sand was used. Current densities of 2.5 a/sq.m. turned out to be the most optimal. m for variable and 0.1 a / sq. m for a constant with a continuous supply of electricity for one and a half months. At the same time, the yield of dry mass of tobacco in the first case exceeded the control by 20%, and in the second - by 36%.

Or the tomatoes. The experimenters created a constant electric field in their root zone. Plants developed much faster than controls, especially in the budding phase. They had a larger leaf surface area, the activity of the peroxidase enzyme increased, and respiration increased. As a result, the yield increase was 52%, and this happened mainly due to an increase in the size of the fruits and their number per plant.

The direct current passed through the soil also has a beneficial effect on fruit trees. This was noticed by I. V. Michurin and successfully applied by his closest assistant I. S. Gorshkov, who in his book “Articles on Fruit Growing” (Moscow, Ed. Selsk. Liter., 1958) devoted an entire chapter to this issue. In this case, fruit trees go through the childhood (scientists say "juvenile") stage of development faster, their cold resistance and resistance to other adverse environmental factors increase, as a result, productivity increases. In order not to be unfounded, I will give a specific example. When a constant current was passed through the soil on which young coniferous and deciduous trees grew continuously during the daylight period, a number of remarkable phenomena occurred in their lives. In June-July, the experimental trees were distinguished by more intense photosynthesis, which was the result of stimulating the growth of soil biological activity with electricity, increasing the speed of movement of soil ions, and better absorption by their root systems of plants. Moreover, the current flowing in the soil created a large potential difference between the plants and the atmosphere. And this, as already mentioned, is a factor in itself favorable for trees, especially young ones. In the next experiment, carried out under a film cover, with continuous transmission of direct current, the phytomass of annual seedlings of pine and larch increased by 40-42%. If this growth rate were to be maintained for several years, then it is not difficult to imagine what a huge benefit it would turn out to be.

An interesting experiment on the influence of an electric field between plants and the atmosphere was carried out by scientists from the Institute of Plant Physiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. They found that photosynthesis goes faster, the greater the potential difference between plants and the atmosphere. So, for example, if you hold a negative electrode near the plant and gradually increase the voltage (500, 1000, 1500, 2500 V), then the intensity of photosynthesis will increase. If the potentials of the plant and the atmosphere are close, then the plant ceases to absorb carbon dioxide.

It should be noted that a lot of experiments on soil electrification have been carried out, both here and abroad. It has been established that this effect changes the movement of various types of soil moisture, promotes the reproduction of a number of substances that are difficult for plants to digest, and provokes a wide variety of chemical reactions, which in turn change the reaction of the soil solution. When the electric impact on the soil with weak currents, microorganisms develop better in it. The parameters of the electric current, which are optimal for various soils, have also been determined: from 0.02 to 0.6 mA/sq. cm for direct current and from 0.25 to 0.5 mA / sq. see for alternating current. However, in practice, the current of these parameters, even on similar soils, may not give an increase in yield. This is due to the variety of factors that arise when electricity interacts with the soil and the plants cultivated on it. In the soil belonging to the same classification category, in each specific case, there may be completely different concentrations of hydrogen, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and other elements, there may be dissimilar aeration conditions, and, consequently, the passage of its own redox processes and etc. Finally, we should not forget about the constantly changing parameters of atmospheric electricity and terrestrial magnetism. Much also depends on the electrodes used and the method of electric exposure (constant, short-term, etc.). In short, it is necessary in each case to try and select, try and select ...

Due to these and a number of other reasons, the electrification of the soil, although it contributes to an increase in the yield of agricultural plants, and often quite significant, has not yet acquired wide practical application. Realizing this, scientists are looking for new approaches to this problem. So, it is proposed to treat the soil with an electric discharge to fix nitrogen in it - one of the main "dishes" for plants. To do this, a high-voltage low-power continuous arc discharge of alternating current is created in the soil and in the atmosphere. And where it "works", part of the atmospheric nitrogen passes into nitrate forms, which are assimilated by plants. However, this happens, of course, in a small area of ​​​​the field and is quite expensive.

More effective is another way to increase the amount of assimilable forms of nitrogen in the soil. It consists in the use of a brush electric discharge created directly in the arable layer. A brush discharge is a form of gas discharge that occurs at atmospheric pressure on a metal tip to which a high potential is applied. The magnitude of the potential depends on the position of the other electrode and on the radius of curvature of the tip. But in any case, it should be measured in ten kilovolts. Then, at the tip of the point, a brush-like beam of intermittent and rapidly mixing electrical sparks appears. Such a discharge causes the formation of a large number of channels in the soil, into which a significant amount of energy passes and, as laboratory and field experiments have shown, it contributes to an increase in the forms of nitrogen absorbed by plants in the soil and, as a result, an increase in yield.

Even more effective is the use of the electro-hydraulic effect in tillage, which consists in creating an electric discharge (electric lightning) in water. If a portion of soil is placed in a vessel with water and an electric discharge is made in this vessel, then soil particles will be crushed, releasing a large amount of elements necessary for plants and binding atmospheric nitrogen. This effect of electricity on the properties of the soil and on water has a very beneficial effect on the growth of plants and their productivity. Considering the great prospect of this method of electrifying the soil, I will try to talk about it in more detail in a separate article.

Another way of electrifying the soil is very curious - without an external current source. This direction is being developed by Kirovohrad researcher IP Ivanko. He considers soil moisture as a kind of electrolyte, which is under the influence of the Earth's electromagnetic field. At the metal-electrolyte interface, in this case, a metal-soil solution, a galvanic-electric effect occurs. In particular, when a steel wire is in the soil, cathode and anode zones are formed on its surface as a result of redox reactions, and the metal gradually dissolves. As a result, a potential difference arises at the interphase boundaries, reaching 40-50 mV. It is also formed between two wires laid in the soil. If the wires are, for example, at a distance of 4 m, then the potential difference is 20-40 mV, but it varies greatly depending on the moisture and temperature of the soil, its mechanical composition, the amount of fertilizer and other factors.

The author called the electromotive force between two wires in the soil "agro-EMF", he managed not only to measure it, but also to explain the general patterns by which it is formed. It is characteristic that at certain periods, as a rule, when the phases of the moon change and the weather changes, the galvanometer needle, with which the current that occurs between the wires is measured, changes position dramatically - the changes accompanying such phenomena in the state of the Earth's electromagnetic field, which are transmitted to the soil "electrolyte" .

Based on these ideas, the author proposed to create electrolyzable agronomic fields. For this purpose, a special tractor unit distributes a steel wire with a diameter of 2.5 mm coiled from a drum along the bottom of the slot to a depth of 37 cm. soil surface. After 12 m across the width of the field, the operation is repeated. Note that the wire placed in this way does not interfere with conventional agricultural work. Well, if necessary, steel wires can be easily removed from the soil using the unwinding and winding unit for measuring wire.

Experiments have established that with this method, an "agro-emf" of 23-35 mV is induced on the electrodes. Since the electrodes have different polarities, a closed electrical circuit arises between them through moist soil, through which a direct current flows with a density of 4 to 6 μA / sq. see anode. Passing through the soil solution as through an electrolyte, this current supports the processes of electrophoresis and electrolysis in the fertile layer, due to which the soil chemicals necessary for plants pass from hard-to-digest to easily digestible forms. In addition, under the influence of electric current, all plant residues, weed seeds, dead animal organisms humify faster, which leads to an increase in soil fertility.

As can be seen, in this variant, the electrization of the soil occurs without an artificial source of energy, only as a result of the action of the electromagnetic forces of our planet.

Meanwhile, due to this “gratuitous” energy, a very high increase in grain yield was obtained in experiments - up to 7 centners per hectare. Considering the simplicity, accessibility and good efficiency of the proposed electrification technology, amateur gardeners who are interested in this technology can read about it in more detail in the article by I.P. 7 for 1985. When introducing this technology, the author advises to place the wires in the direction from north to south, and the agricultural plants cultivated above them from west to east.

With this article, I tried to interest amateur gardeners in the use of various plants in the process of cultivating, in addition to the well-known technologies for soil care, electrical technology. The relative simplicity of most methods of soil electrification, accessible to persons who have received knowledge in physics, even in the scope of the secondary school program, makes it possible to use and test them in almost every garden plot when growing vegetables, fruits and berries, flower-decorative, medicinal and other plants. I also experimented with electrifying the soil with direct current in the 60s of the last century when growing seedlings and seedlings of fruit and berry crops. In most experiments, growth stimulation was observed, sometimes very significant, especially when growing cherry and plum seedlings. So, dear amateur gardeners, try to test some way of electrifying the soil in the coming season on any crop. What if everything works out well for you, and all this may turn out to be one of the gold mines?

V. N. Shalamov

The biological influence of electric and magnetic fields on the organism of people and animals has been studied quite a lot. The effects observed in this case, if they occur, are still not clear and difficult to determine, so this topic remains relevant.

Magnetic fields on our planet have a dual origin - natural and anthropogenic. Natural magnetic fields, so-called magnetic storms, originate in the Earth's magnetosphere. Anthropogenic magnetic disturbances cover a smaller area than natural ones, but their manifestation is much more intense, and therefore, brings more tangible damage. As a result of technical activity, a person creates artificial electromagnetic fields, which are hundreds of times stronger than the natural magnetic field of the Earth. Sources of anthropogenic radiation are: powerful radio transmitting devices, electrified vehicles, power lines (Fig. 2.1).

One of the strongest exciters of electromagnetic waves is industrial frequency currents (50 Hz). Thus, the strength of the electric field directly under the power line can reach several thousand volts per meter of soil, although due to the property of lowering the strength of the soil, already at a distance of 100 m from the line, the intensity drops sharply to several tens of volts per meter.

Studies of the biological effects of the electric field found that already at a strength of 1 kV / m it has an adverse effect on the human nervous system, which in turn leads to endocrine apparatus and metabolism disorders in the body (copper, zinc, iron and cobalt), disrupts physiological functions: heart rate, blood pressure, brain activity, metabolic processes and immune activity.

Since 1972, publications have appeared in which the effect on humans and animals of electric fields with strengths of more than 10 kV / m was considered.

The strength of the magnetic field is proportional to the current and inversely proportional to the distance; the strength of the electric field is proportional to the voltage (charge) and inversely proportional to the distance. The parameters of these fields depend on the voltage class, design features and geometric dimensions of the high-voltage transmission line. The appearance of a powerful and extended source of the electromagnetic field leads to a change in those natural factors under which the ecosystem was formed. Electric and magnetic fields can induce surface charges and currents in the human body (Fig. 2.2). Researches show,

that the maximum current in the human body induced by the electric field is much higher than the current caused by the magnetic field. So, the harmful effect of the magnetic field is manifested only when its intensity is about 200 A / m., which happens at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the wires of the line phase and is dangerous only for maintenance personnel when working under voltage. This circumstance made it possible to conclude that there is no biological effect of magnetic fields of industrial frequency on people and animals under power lines. land fauna.

Based on the design features of power transmission (wire sagging), the greatest influence of the field is manifested in the middle of the span, where the intensity for super- and ultra-high voltage lines at the level of human growth is 5-20 kV / m and higher, depending on the voltage class and line design (Fig. 1.2). At the supports, where the height of the suspension of the wires is the greatest and the shielding effect of the supports affects, the field strength is the smallest. Since there can be people, animals, vehicles under the power lines, it becomes necessary to assess the possible consequences of long-term and short-term stay of living beings in an electric field of various strengths. The most sensitive to electric fields are ungulates and humans in footwear that isolates them from the ground. Animal hoof is also a good insulator. The induced potential in this case can reach 10 kV, and the current pulse through the body when touching a grounded object (a branch of a bush, a blade of grass) is 100-200 μA. Such current pulses are safe for the body, but unpleasant sensations make ungulates avoid the route of high-voltage power lines in the summer.

In the action of an electric field on a person, the currents flowing through his body play a dominant role. This is determined by the high conductivity of the human body, where organs with blood and lymph circulating in them predominate. At present, experiments on animals and human volunteers have established that a current density with a conductivity of 0.1 μA/cm 2 and below does not affect the functioning of the brain, since the impulse biocurrents that usually flow in the brain significantly exceed the density of such a conduction current. At />1 μA/cm2, light circles flicker in the eyes of a person, higher current densities already capture the threshold values ​​of stimulation of sensory receptors, as well as nerve and muscle cells, which leads to the appearance of fright, involuntary motor reactions. In the case of a person touching objects isolated from the ground in the zone of an electric field of significant intensity, the current density in the heart zone strongly depends on the state of the “underlying” conditions (type of footwear, soil condition, etc.), but can already reach these values. At the maximum current corresponding to etah==l5 kV/m (6.225 mA); a known fraction of this current flowing through the head region (about 1/3), and the head area (about 100 cm 2) current density j<0,1 мкА/см 2 , что и под­тверждает допустимость принятой в СССР напряженности 15 кВ/м под проводами воздушной линии.

For human health, the problem is to determine the relationship between the current density induced in the tissues and the magnetic induction of the external field, AT. Current Density Calculation

is complicated by the fact that its exact path depends on the distribution of conductivity y in body tissues.

So, the specific conductivity of the brain is determined by =0.2 cm/m, and the cardiac muscle ==0.25 cm/m. If we take the radius of the head 7.5 cm, and the heart 6 cm, then the product R turns out to be the same in both cases. Therefore, one idea can be given for the current density at the periphery of the heart and brain.

It has been determined that the magnetic induction that is safe for health is about 0.4 mT at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. In magnetic fields (from 3 to 10 mT; f\u003d 10-60 Hz), the appearance of light flickers similar to those that occur when pressure is applied to the eyeball was observed.

The density of the current induced in the human body by an electric field with a magnitude of intensity E, calculated like this:

with different coefficients k for the brain and heart area. Meaning k=3 10 -3 cm/Hzm. According to German scientists, the field strength at which hair vibration is felt by 5% of the tested men is 3 kV / m, and for 50% of the men tested, it is 20 kV / m. At present, there is no evidence that the sensations caused by the action of the field create any adverse effect. With regard to the relationship of current density with biological influence, four areas can be distinguished, presented in Table. 2.1

The latter range of current density refers to exposure times on the order of one cardiac cycle, i.e. approximately 1 s for a human. For shorter exposures, the thresholds are higher. To determine the threshold value of the field strength, physiological studies were performed on humans in the laboratory at a field strength of 10 to 32 kV/m. It is established that at a tension of 5 kV / m 80%

Table 2.1

people do not experience pain during discharges in case of touching grounded objects. It was this value that was adopted as the standard when working in electrical installations without the use of protective equipment. The dependence of the allowable time of a person's stay in an electric field with the intensity E more than the threshold is approximated by the equation

The fulfillment of this condition ensures the self-healing of the physiological state of the body during the day without residual reactions and functional or pathological changes.

Let's get acquainted with the main results of studies of the biological effects of electric and magnetic fields, conducted by Soviet and foreign scientists.

February 8, 2012 at 10:00 am

The biological influence of electric and magnetic fields on the organism of people and animals has been studied quite a lot. The effects observed in this case, if they occur, are still not clear and difficult to determine, so this topic remains relevant.

Magnetic fields on our planet have a dual origin - natural and anthropogenic. Natural magnetic fields, so-called magnetic storms, originate in the Earth's magnetosphere. Anthropogenic magnetic disturbances cover a smaller area than natural ones, but their manifestation is much more intense, and therefore, brings more tangible damage. As a result of technical activity, a person creates artificial electromagnetic fields, which are hundreds of times stronger than the natural magnetic field of the Earth. Sources of anthropogenic radiation are: powerful radio transmitting devices, electrified vehicles, power lines.

Frequency range and wavelengths of some sources of electromagnetic radiation

One of the most powerful exciters of electromagnetic waves is industrial frequency currents (50 Hz). Thus, the strength of the electric field directly under the power line can reach several thousand volts per meter of soil, although due to the property of lowering the strength of the soil, already at a distance of 100 m from the line, the intensity drops sharply to several tens of volts per meter.

Studies of the biological effects of the electric field found that already at a strength of 1 kV / m it has an adverse effect on the human nervous system, which in turn leads to endocrine apparatus and metabolism disorders in the body (copper, zinc, iron and cobalt), disrupts physiological functions: heart rate, blood pressure, brain activity, metabolic processes and immune activity.

Since 1972, publications have appeared in which the effect on humans and animals of electric fields with strengths of more than 10 kV / m was considered.

The strength of the magnetic field is proportional to the current and inversely proportional to the distance; the strength of the electric field is proportional to the voltage (charge) and inversely proportional to the distance. The parameters of these fields depend on the voltage class, design features and geometric dimensions of the high-voltage transmission line. The appearance of a powerful and extended source of the electromagnetic field leads to a change in those natural factors under which the ecosystem was formed. Electric and magnetic fields can induce surface charges and currents in the human body.

Studies have shown that the maximum current in the human body induced by an electric field is much higher than the current caused by a magnetic field. So, the harmful effect of the magnetic field is manifested only when its strength is about 200 A / m, which happens at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the wires of the line phase and is dangerous only for maintenance personnel when working under voltage. This circumstance made it possible to conclude that there is no biological effect of magnetic fields of industrial frequency on people and animals under power lines. Thus, the electric field of power lines is the main biologically effective factor in an extended power transmission, which can be a barrier to the migration of various types of aquatic and terrestrial fauna.

Lines of force of electric and magnetic fields acting on a person standing under an overhead AC power line

Based on the design features of power transmission (wire sagging), the greatest influence of the field is manifested in the middle of the span, where the intensity for super- and ultra-high voltage lines at the level of human growth is 5-20 kV / m and higher, depending on the voltage class and line design.

At the supports, where the height of the suspension of the wires is the greatest and the shielding effect of the supports affects, the field strength is the smallest. Since there can be people, animals, vehicles under the power lines, it becomes necessary to assess the possible consequences of long-term and short-term stay of living beings in an electric field of various strengths.

The most sensitive to electric fields are ungulates and humans in footwear that isolates them from the ground. Animal hoof is also a good insulator. The induced potential in this case can reach 10 kV, and the current pulse through the body when touching a grounded object (a branch of a bush, a blade of grass) is 100 - 200 μA. Such current impulses are safe for the body, but unpleasant sensations make ungulates avoid the route of high-voltage power lines in the summer.

In the action of an electric field on a person, the currents flowing through his body play a dominant role. This is determined by the high conductivity of the human body, where organs with blood and lymph circulating in them predominate.

At present, experiments on animals and human volunteers have established that a current density with a conductivity of 0.1 μA/cm and below does not affect the functioning of the brain, since the impulse biocurrents that usually flow in the brain significantly exceed the density of such a conduction current.

At a conductivity current density of 1 μA/cm, light circles flicker in the eyes of a person, higher current densities already capture the threshold values ​​of stimulation of sensory receptors, as well as nerve and muscle cells, which leads to the appearance of fear, involuntary motor reactions.

In the case of a person touching objects isolated from the ground in the zone of an electric field of significant intensity, the current density in the heart zone strongly depends on the state of the “underlying” conditions (type of footwear, soil condition, etc.), but can already reach these values.

With a maximum current corresponding to Emax == 15 kV/m (6.225 mA), a known fraction of this current flowing through the head region (about 1/3), and the head area (about 100 cm), the current density<0,1 мкА/см, что и подтверждает допустимость принятой напряженности 15 кВ/м под проводами воздушной линии.

For human health, the problem is to determine the relationship between the current density induced in the tissues and the magnetic induction of the external field, V. Calculation of the current density

is complicated by the fact that its exact path depends on the distribution of conductivity y in body tissues.

So, the specific conductivity of the brain is determined by y=0.2 cm/m, and the heart muscle y=0.25 cm/m. If we take the radius of the head as 7.5 cm and the radius of the heart as 6 cm, then the product yR is the same in both cases. Therefore, one idea can be given for the current density at the periphery of the heart and brain.

It has been determined that the magnetic induction that is safe for health is about 0.4 mT at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. In magnetic fields (from 3 to 10 mT, f = 10 - 60 Hz), the appearance of light flickers was observed, similar to those that occur when pressing on the eyeball.

The density of the current induced in the human body by an electric field with a magnitude of intensity E is calculated as follows:

with different k coefficients for the brain and heart regions.

The value of k=3-10-3 cm/Hzm.

According to German scientists, the field strength at which hair vibration is felt by 5% of the tested men is 3 kV / m, and for 50% of the men tested, it is 20 kV / m. At present, there is no evidence that the sensations caused by the action of the field create any adverse effect. With regard to the relationship of current density with biological influence, four areas can be distinguished, presented in the table.

The latter range of current density refers to exposure times on the order of one cardiac cycle, i.e. approximately 1 s for a human. For shorter exposures, the thresholds are higher. To determine the threshold value of the field strength, physiological studies were performed on humans in the laboratory at a field strength of 10 to 32 kV/m. It has been established that at a voltage of 5 kV/m, 80% of people do not experience pain during discharges when they touch grounded objects. It was this value that was adopted as the standard when working in electrical installations without the use of protective equipment.

The dependence of the allowable time spent by a person in an electric field with a strength E more than the threshold is approximated by the equation

The fulfillment of this condition ensures the self-healing of the physiological state of the body during the day without residual reactions and functional or pathological changes.

Let us get acquainted with the main results of studies of the biological effects of electric and magnetic fields, carried out by Soviet and foreign scientists.

The influence of electric fields on personnel

During the studies, an integrating dosimeter was fixed on the upper part of the forearm of each worker. It was found that workers on high-voltage lines had an average daily exposure of 1.5 kV/(m-h) to 24 kV/(m-h). Maximum values ​​are noted in very rare cases. From the data obtained from the study, it can be concluded that there is no noticeable relationship between exposure in the fields and the general health of people.

Overhead power lines and cancer in children

In residential premises, a magnetic field can be created by household electrical equipment and wiring, external underground cables, as well as overhead power lines. The studied and control objects were grouped at intervals of 25 m to the overhead power line, and the degree of risk at a distance of more than 100 m from the line was taken as one.

The results obtained do not support the hypothesis that power frequency magnetic fields affect the occurrence of cancer in children.

Electrostatic effect on human and animal hair

Research was carried out in connection with the hypothesis that the effect of the field felt on the surface of the skin is caused by the action of electrostatic forces on the hair. As a result, it was found that at a field strength of 50 kV / m, the subject felt itching associated with hair vibration, which was recorded by special devices.

The influence of the electric field on plants

The experiments were carried out in a special chamber in an undistorted field with a strength of 0 to 50 kV/m. A slight damage to the leaf tissue was detected at an exposure of 20 to 50 kV/m, depending on the configuration of the plant and the initial moisture content in it. Tissue necrosis has been observed in plant parts with sharp edges. Thick plants with a smooth rounded surface were not damaged at a voltage of 50 kV/m. Damage is a consequence of the crown on the protruding parts of plants. In the weakest plants, damage was observed already 1–2 hours after exposure. Importantly, in wheat seedlings, which have very sharp ends, crown and damage were visible at a relatively low tension of 20 kV/m. This was the lowest threshold for damage in the studies.

The most probable mechanism of plant tissue damage is thermal. Tissue injury occurs when the field strength becomes high enough to cause corona and a high density corona current flows through the tip of the leaf. The heat released at the same time on the resistance of the leaf tissue leads to the death of a narrow layer of cells, which relatively quickly lose water, dry out and shrink. However, this process has a limit and the percentage of dried plant surface is small.

The effect of the electric field on animals

The research was carried out in two directions: the study at the level of the biosystem and the study of the thresholds of detected influences. Among chickens placed in a field with a tension of 80 kV/m, there was an increase in weight, viability, and low mortality. The field perception threshold was measured on domestic pigeons. Pigeons have been shown to have some sort of mechanism for detecting low-strength electric fields. No genetic changes were observed. It has been noted that animals exposed to a high electric field may experience a mini-shock due to extraneous factors depending on the conditions of the experiment, which can lead to some anxiety and arousal of the test subjects.

In a number of countries, there are regulatory documents that limit the field strength limits in the area of ​​overhead power lines. A maximum voltage of 20 kV/m has been recommended in Spain and the same value is currently considered as the limit in Germany.

Public awareness of the effects of the electromagnetic field on living organisms continues to grow, and some interest and concern about these effects will lead to continued relevant medical research, especially on people living near overhead power lines.

More information on this topic:

V. I. Chekhov "Environmental aspects of electricity transmission"

The book gives a general description of the impact of overhead power lines on the environment. The issues of calculating the maximum electric field strength under the alternating current line and methods for its reduction, exclusion of land under the line route, the impact of the electromagnetic field on people, flora and fauna, the occurrence of radio and acoustic noise are considered. The features of the impact on the environment of direct current lines and cable lines of ultrahigh voltage are considered.

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Bovin A.A.
Krasnodar Regional Center of UNESCO

All living organisms that exist on Earth, one way or another, in the course of a long evolution have fully adapted to its natural conditions. Adaptation took place not only to physical and chemical conditions, such as temperature, pressure, composition of atmospheric air, lighting, humidity, but also to the natural fields of the Earth: geomagnetic, gravitational, electrical and electromagnetic. Technogenic human activity in a relatively short historical period has had a significant impact on natural objects, sharply violating the delicate balance between living organisms and environmental conditions, which was formed over thousands of years. This has led to many irreparable consequences, in particular, the extinction of some animals and plants, numerous diseases and a reduction in the average life expectancy of people in some regions. And only in recent decades, scientific research has begun to study the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on humans and other living organisms.

Among the listed factors, the impact of electric fields on a person, at first glance, is not significant, so research in this area has been few. But even now, despite the growing interest in this problem, the effect of electric fields on living organisms remains a poorly studied area.

In this paper, a brief overview of the work related to this problem is made.


The electric field of the Earth is the natural electric field of the Earth as a planet, which is observed in the solid body of the Earth, in the seas, in the atmosphere and magnetosphere. The electric field of the earth is due to a complex set of geophysical phenomena. The existence of an electric field in the Earth's atmosphere is mainly associated with the processes of air ionization and the spatial separation of positive and negative electric charges arising during ionization. Air ionization occurs under the action of cosmic rays of the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun; radiation of radioactive substances present on the surface of the Earth and in the air; electrical discharges in the atmosphere, etc. Many atmospheric processes: convection, cloud formation, precipitation, and others, lead to a partial separation of opposite charges and the emergence of atmospheric electric fields. Relative to the atmosphere, the Earth's surface is negatively charged.

The existence of the electric field of the atmosphere leads to the emergence of currents that discharge the electric "capacitor" of the atmosphere - the Earth. Precipitation plays a significant role in the exchange of charges between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere. On average, precipitation brings positive charges 1.1-1.4 times more than negative ones. The leakage of charges from the atmosphere is also replenished due to the currents associated with lightning and the flow of charges from pointed objects. The balance of electric charges brought to the earth's surface with an area of ​​1 km2 per year can be characterized by the following data:

On a significant part of the earth's surface - above the oceans - the currents from the tips are excluded, and there will be a positive balance. The existence of a static negative charge on the Earth's surface (about 5.7×105 C) indicates that these currents are on average balanced.

Electric fields in the ionosphere are caused by processes occurring both in the upper layers of the atmosphere and in the magnetosphere. Tidal movements of air masses, winds, turbulence - all this is a source of electric field generation in the ionosphere due to the hydromagnetic dynamo effect. An example is the solar-diurnal electric current system, which causes diurnal variations in the magnetic field on the Earth's surface. The magnitude of the electric field strength in the ionosphere depends on the location of the observation point, the time of day, the general state of the magnetosphere and ionosphere, and the activity of the Sun. It varies from a few to tens of mV/m, and in the high-latitude ionosphere it reaches a hundred or more mV/m. In this case, the current strength reaches hundreds of thousands of amperes. Due to the high electrical conductivity of the plasma of the ionosphere and magnetosphere along the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field, the electric fields of the ionosphere are transferred to the magnetosphere, and the magnetospheric fields to the ionosphere.

One of the direct sources of the electric field in the magnetosphere is the solar wind. When the solar wind flows around the magnetosphere, an EMF arises. This EMF causes electric currents to be closed by reverse currents flowing across the magnetotail. The latter are generated by positive space charges on the dawn side of the magnetotail and by negative ones on its dusk side. The magnitude of the electric field strength across the magnetotail reaches 1 mV/m. The potential difference across the polar cap is 20-100 kV.

The existence of a magnetospheric ring current around the Earth is directly related to particle drift. During periods of magnetic storms and auroras, electric fields and currents in the magnetosphere and ionosphere experience significant changes.

Magnetohydrodynamic waves generated in the magnetosphere propagate through natural waveguide channels along the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field. Once in the ionosphere, they are converted into electromagnetic waves, which partially reach the Earth's surface, and partially propagate in the ionospheric waveguide and attenuate. On the Earth's surface, these waves are recorded, depending on the oscillation frequency, either as magnetic pulsations (10-2-10 Hz), or as very low-frequency waves (oscillations with a frequency of 102-104 Hz).

The variable magnetic field of the Earth, whose sources are localized in the ionosphere and magnetosphere, induces an electric field in the earth's crust. The electric field strength in the near-surface layer of the crust varies depending on the location and the electrical resistance of the rocks, ranging from several units to several hundred mV/km, and during magnetic storms it increases to units and even tens of V/km. Interrelated variable magnetic and electric fields of the Earth are used for electromagnetic sounding in exploration geophysics, as well as for deep sounding of the Earth.

A certain contribution to the Earth's electric field is made by the contact potential difference between rocks of different electrical conductivity (thermoelectric, electrochemical, piezoelectric effects). Volcanic and seismic processes can play a special role in this.

Electric fields in the seas are induced by the alternating magnetic field of the Earth, and also arise when conducting sea water (sea waves and currents) moves in a magnetic field. The density of electric currents in the seas reaches 10-6 A/m2. These currents can be used as natural sources of an alternating magnetic field for magnetovariational sounding on the shelf and in the sea.

The question of the electric charge of the Earth as a source of the electric field in interplanetary space has not been finally resolved. It is believed that the Earth as a planet is electrically neutral. However, this hypothesis requires its experimental confirmation. The first measurements showed that the strength of the electric field in the near-Earth interplanetary space ranges from tenths to several tens of mV/m.

In the work of D. Dyutkin, the processes leading to the accumulation of an electric charge and the formation of electric fields in the bowels of the Earth and on its surface are noted. The mechanism of occurrence of circular electric currents in the ionosphere, leading to the excitation of powerful electric currents in the surface layers of the Earth, is considered.

In the foundations of modern geophysics, it is noted that in order to maintain the intensity of the geomagnetic field, a mechanism of constant field generation must operate. The predominance of the dipole field and its axial character, as well as the westerly drift with an exceptionally high velocity for geological processes (0.2| or 20 km/year) testify to the connection of the geomagnetic field with the Earth's rotation. In addition, the direct dependence of the field strength on the speed of the Earth's rotation is proof of the interconnectedness of these phenomena.

To this we can add that by now a huge amount of statistical information has been accumulated, linking the change in the parameters of solar activity, the geomagnetic field, the speed of the Earth's rotation with the temporal periodicity and intensity of various natural processes. However, a clear physical mechanism for the interconnection of all these processes has not yet been developed.

In the works of Professor V.V. Surkov, the nature of ultra-low-frequency (ULF) electromagnetic fields is considered. The mechanism of excitation of ULF (up to 3 Hz) electromagnetic fields in the ionospheric plasma and atmosphere is described, the sources of ULF electromagnetic fields in the earth and atmosphere are indicated.

Hypotheses about the origin of the Earth's electric and magnetic fields are considered in a popular science article by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences G. Fonarev. According to the hypothesis of Academician V.V. Shuleikin, electric currents in the waters of the World Ocean create an additional magnetic field, which is superimposed on the main one. According to V.V. Shuleikin, the electric fields in the ocean should be on the order of hundreds or even thousands of microvolts per meter - these are quite strong fields. Soviet ichthyologist A.T. Mironov in the early 1930s, studying the behavior of fish, discovered in them a well-pronounced electrotaxis - the ability to respond to an electric field. This led him to the idea that electric (telluric) fields must exist in the seas and oceans. Although the hypotheses of V.V. Shuleikin and A.T. Mironov's studies have not been confirmed in practice, they are still not only of historical interest: both of them played an important stimulating role in the formulation of many new scientific problems.


Currently, many studies have been carried out on the influence of electric fields on living organisms - from individual cells to humans. The influence of electromagnetic and magnetic fields is most often considered. A large proportion of all works are devoted to variable electromagnetic fields and their effects on living organisms, since these fields are mainly of anthropogenic origin.

Permanent electric fields of natural origin and their significance for living organisms have not been sufficiently studied so far.

The most simple and intelligible about the influence of the constant electric field of the Earth on humans, animals and plants is described in the work of A.A. Mikulin.

According to the latest research, the globe is negatively charged, that is, with an excess of free electric charges - about 0.6 million coulombs. This is a very big charge.

Repelling each other by the Coulomb forces, the electrons tend to accumulate on the surface of the globe. At a great distance from the earth, covering it from all sides, is the ionosphere, consisting of a large number of positively charged ions. There is an electric field between the earth and the ionosphere.

With a clear sky at a distance of a meter from the ground, the potential difference reaches approximately 125 volts. Therefore, we have the right to assert that the electrons, which, under the action of the field, tend to escape from the surface of the earth, penetrated into the bare feet and electrically conductive ends of the nerves of the muscles of primitive man, who walked the earth barefoot and did not wear boots with electrically impervious artificial soles. This penetration of electrons continued only until the total free negative charge of a person reached the charge potential on the area of ​​the earth's surface where he was.

Under the action of the field, the charges that penetrated into the human body tried to break out, where they were captured, recombined with positively charged ions of the atmosphere, which was in direct contact with the open skin of the head and hands. The human body, its living cells and all the functional dependencies of metabolism have been adapted by nature for millions of years for a healthy human life in the conditions of a near-Earth electric field and electrical exchange, expressed, in particular, in the influx of electrons in the foot and outflow, recombination, electrons into positively charged ions of the atmosphere.

Further, the author draws an important conclusion: the muscles of animals and humans in contact with the earth are arranged by nature in such a way that they must carry a negative electric charge corresponding to the magnitude of the charge of the earth's surface on which the living being was at the moment. The magnitude of the negative charge of the human body should vary depending on the strength of the electric field at a given point on the earth at a given moment.

There are many reasons for changing the electric field strength. One of the main ones is cloudiness, which carries the strongest local electric charges. They reach tens of millions of volts at the time of lightning formation. In a living organism, on the surface of the skin, the intensity of electric charges sometimes reaches such a value that sparks appear when they come into contact with metal, when removing nylon underwear.

The latest observations by employees of the Institute of Public and Communal Hygiene have shown that when the weather changes, the well-being of a sick person depends on the magnitude of the local field strength of the earth, as well as on changes in barometric pressure, in most cases accompanying a change in field strength. But since in everyday life we ​​do not have instruments for measuring the magnitude of the voltage of the earth's field, we explain the state of health not by the main cause - a change in the field strength, but by the consequence - a drop in barometric pressure.

Experiments have shown that any mental or physical work performed by a person who is isolated from the earth is accompanied by a decrease in his negative natural charge. However, none of the described changes in electrical potential is observed or measured even by the most accurate instruments, if the human body is in contact with the ground or is connected to the ground by a conductor. The lack of electrons is immediately eliminated. On any oscilloscope, it is easy to notice these currents and determine their magnitude.

What changes in a person's life caused his departure from the natural primitive being? Man put on boots, built houses, invented non-conductive linoleum, rubber soles, filled city streets and roads with asphalt. Man today is much less in contact with the electric charges of the earth. This is one of the reasons for such “common” diseases as headaches, irritability, neuroses, cardiovascular diseases, fatigue, poor sleep, etc. In the past, zemstvo doctors prescribed barefoot walks in the dew for the sick. In England, there are still several “sandal” societies functioning today. This treatment cannot be called anything other than "grounding the patient's body."

At the Institute of Plant Physiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences E. Zhurbitsky set up a series of experiments to study the effect of an electric field on plants. Increasing the field to a known value accelerates growth. Placing plants in an unnatural field - at the top is a negative belt, and in the ground is positive - growth is depressing. Zhurbitsky believes that the greater the potential difference between seedlings and the atmosphere, the more intense photosynthesis proceeds. In greenhouses, the yield can be increased by 20-30%. A number of scientific institutions deal with the influence of electricity on plants: the Central Genetic Laboratory named after I.V. Michurin, employees of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, etc.

Of interest is the work of R. A. Novitsky, devoted to the perception of electric fields and currents by fish, as well as the generation of electric fields by strong electric fish (freshwater electric eel, electric rays and catfish, American stargazer). The paper notes that weakly electric fish are highly sensitive to electric fields, which allows them to find and distinguish objects in the water, determine the salinity of the water, use the discharges of other fish for informational purposes in interspecific and intraspecific relations. Weak electric currents and magnetic fields are perceived mainly by fish skin receptors. Numerous studies have shown that in almost all weakly and strongly electrical fish, derivatives of the lateral line organs serve as electroreceptors. In sharks and rays, the electroreceptive function is performed by the so-called ampullae of Lorenzini - special mucous glands in the skin. Stronger electromagnetic fields act directly on the nerve centers of aquatic organisms.

3. Technogenic electric fields and their impact on living organisms

Technological progress, as you know, has brought mankind not only relief and convenience in production and everyday life, but also created a number of serious problems. In particular, the problem of protecting humans and other organisms from strong electromagnetic, magnetic and electric fields created by various technical devices has arisen. Later, the problem of protecting a person from prolonged exposure to weak electromagnetic fields appeared, which, as it turned out, also harms human life. And only recently they began to pay attention and conduct appropriate studies to assess the impact on living organisms of shielding natural geomagnetic and electric fields.

The influence of powerful constant and variable electric fields of technogenic origin on living organisms has been studied for a relatively long time. The sources of such fields are, first of all, high-voltage power lines (TL).

The electric field created by high-voltage power lines has an adverse effect on living organisms. The most sensitive to electric fields are ungulates and humans in footwear that isolates them from the ground. Animal hoof is also a good insulator. In this case, a potential is induced on a conducting bulk body isolated from the ground, depending on the ratio of the capacitance of the body to the ground and to the wires of the power transmission line. The smaller the capacitance to the ground (the thicker, for example, the sole of a shoe), the greater the induced potential, which can be several kilovolts and even reach 10 kV.

In experiments conducted by many researchers, a clear threshold value of the field strength was found, at which a dramatic change in the reaction of the experimental animal occurs. It is determined to be 160 kV/m, a lower field strength does not cause any noticeable harm to a living organism.

The electric field strength in the working areas of a 750 kV power transmission line at a height of human growth is approximately 5-6 times less than dangerous values. The adverse effect of the electric field of industrial frequency on the personnel of power transmission lines and substations with a voltage of 500 kV and above was revealed; at voltages of 380 and 220 kV, this effect is weakly expressed. But at all voltages, the effect of the field depends on the duration of being in it.

Based on the research, relevant sanitary norms and rules have been developed, which indicate the minimum allowable distances for the location of residential buildings from stationary radiating objects, such as power lines. These standards also provide for the maximum allowable (limiting) levels of radiation for other energy-dangerous objects. In some cases, bulky metal screens are used to protect a person, in the form of sheets, nets and other devices.

However, numerous studies by scientists in various countries (Germany, USA, Switzerland, etc.) have shown that such security measures cannot fully protect a person from the effects of harmful electromagnetic radiation (EMR). At the same time, it was found that weak electromagnetic fields (EMF), the power of which is measured in thousandths of watts, are no less dangerous, and in some cases even more dangerous, than high-power radiation. Scientists explain this by the fact that the intensity of weak electromagnetic fields is commensurate with the intensity of the radiation of the human body itself, its internal energy, which is formed as a result of the functioning of all systems and organs, including the cellular level. Such low (non-thermal) intensities characterize the radiation of electronic household appliances that are present in every home today. These are mainly computers, televisions, mobile phones, microwave ovens, etc. They are the sources of harmful, so-called. technogenic EMR, which have the ability to accumulate in the human body, while violating its bioenergetic balance, and first of all, the so-called. energy information exchange (ENIO). And this, in turn, leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the main body systems. Numerous studies in the field of the biological effect of electromagnetic fields (EMF) have made it possible to determine that the most sensitive systems of the human body are: nervous, immune, endocrine and sexual. The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term long-term exposure can lead to the development of long-term consequences, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, hormonal diseases, etc.

In the work of V.M. Korshunov, it is reported that in the 1970s, specialists returned to the effects of weak and very weak magnetic and electric fields on model physico-chemical systems, biological objects, and the human body. The mechanisms that cause these effects "work" at the level of molecules, and sometimes atoms, as a result of which they are very difficult to detect. However, scientists have experimentally demonstrated and theoretically explained the magnetic and spin effects. It turned out that although the energy of magnetic interaction is several orders of magnitude less than the energy of thermal motion, but at that stage of the reaction, where everything actually happens, thermal motion does not have time to interfere with the action of the magnetic field.

This discovery makes us take a fresh look at the very phenomenon of life on Earth, which arose and developed in the conditions of the geomagnetic field. The laboratory showed the effect of relatively weak (an order of magnitude or two higher than geomagnetic) permanent and variable magnetic fields on the output of the primary reaction of photosynthesis - the foundation of the entire ecosystem of our planet. This influence turned out to be small (less than a percent), but something else is important: proof of its real existence.

In particular, in the same work it was noted that household electrical appliances that surround us, at a certain position relative to our body (or our body relative to appliances) can affect the electrochemical processes occurring in the cells of the body.


To study and control the electromagnetic situation, it is necessary to have appropriate instruments - magnetometers for measuring the characteristics of magnetic fields and electric field strength meters.

Since the need for such devices is small (yet), then, basically, such devices are produced in small series for two purposes: 1 - to control sanitary safety standards; 2 - for the purposes of exploration geophysics.

For example, the federal state unitary enterprise "NPP" Cyclone-Test "serially produces an electric field meter IEP-05, which is designed to measure the root-mean-square value of the intensity of alternating electric fields created by various technical means.

Electric and magnetic field strength meters are designed to control electromagnetic safety standards in the field of nature protection, labor and population safety.

Within its technical characteristics, the device can be used to measure the strength of the electrical component of electromagnetic fields, regardless of the nature of their occurrence, including when monitoring according to SanPiN "Electromagnetic fields in production conditions" and SanPiN "Sanitary epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises.

The device has a direct reading of the measured field value (in real time) and can be used for electromagnetic monitoring, control of the spatial distribution of fields and the dynamics of measuring these fields in time.

The principle of operation of the device is simple: in a dipole antenna, an electric field induces a potential difference, which is measured by a device such as a millivoltmeter.

The Zyklon-Test Research and Production Enterprise also produces other devices designed to measure the parameters of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields.

At the same time, methods of electrical exploration of minerals have long been used in geophysics. Electrical exploration is a group of exploration geophysics methods based on the study of natural or artificially excited electrical and electromagnetic fields in the earth's crust. The physical basis of electrical exploration is the difference between rocks and ores in terms of their electrical resistivity, dielectric constant, magnetic susceptibility, and other properties.

Among the various methods of electrical exploration, the methods of the magnetotelluric field should be noted. Using these methods, the variable component of the natural electromagnetic field of the Earth is investigated. The depth of penetration of the magnetotelluric field into the ground due to the skin effect depends on its frequency. Therefore, the behavior of the low frequencies of the field (hundredths and thousandths of Hz) reflects the structure of the earth's crust at depths of several kilometers, and the behavior of higher frequencies (tens and hundreds of Hz) at depths of several tens of meters. frequency allows you to study the geological structure of the study area.

Electroprospecting equipment consists of current sources, electromagnetic field sources and measuring devices. Current sources - dry cell batteries, generators and accumulators; field sources - grounded at the ends of the line or ungrounded circuits, powered by direct or alternating current. Measuring devices consist of an input converter (field sensor), a system of intermediate signal converters that converts the signal for its registration and filtering interference, and an output device that provides signal measurement. Electrical exploration equipment designed to study a geological section at a depth not exceeding 1-2 km is made in the form of lightweight portable sets.

For research purposes, most often special equipment with the necessary parameters is manufactured.

The paper considers the most accurate and sensitive spectral methods for measuring superweak magnetic fields. However, there is an important statement here that on the basis of atomic spectroscopy a standard of electric field strength can also be constructed. The paper notes that it is possible to measure the absolute value of the electric field strength with high accuracy using the Stark effect. To do this, it is necessary to use atoms with nonzero orbital angular momentum in the ground state. However, so far, according to the author, the need for such measurements has not become acute enough for the corresponding technique to be developed.

On the contrary, right now is the time to create ultra-sensitive and precise instruments for measuring natural electric fields.


The results of numerous studies show that invisible, intangible electromagnetic, magnetic and electric fields have a serious impact on human and other organisms. The influence of strong fields has been studied quite extensively. The effect of weak fields, which had previously been overlooked, turned out to be no less important for living organisms. But research in this area has just begun.

A modern person spends more and more time in reinforced concrete-type rooms, in car cabins. But there are practically no studies related to the assessment of the impact on people's health of the shielding effect of rooms, metal cabins of cars, aircraft, etc. This is especially true for shielding the natural electric field of the Earth. Therefore, such studies are currently very relevant.

“Modern humanity, like all living things, lives in a kind of electromagnetic ocean, the behavior of which is now determined not only by natural causes, but also by artificial interference. We need experienced pilots who thoroughly know the hidden currents of this ocean, its shallows and islands. And even more stringent navigational rules are required to help protect travelers from electromagnetic storms,” Yu.A., one of the pioneers of Russian magnetobiology, vividly described the current situation. Kholodov.


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