Protein supplement for chickens bone meal. The main types of mineral supplements. Video: Super fertilizer - meat and bone meal

When feeding pets, people often use special mixtures. To provide a complete diet for a pet (it can be a dog), a bird, it is important to use a bone, meat composition (the recommended dosage of the product is indicated below). The vitamin-mineral mixture will balance the nutrition of the animal, which will positively affect the productive characteristics of pets and birds.

What is meat and bone meal?

The product is a brown, milky powder with a specific smell (remember that it should not be musty). Before you buy meat and bone meal, pay attention to uniformity (buy a composition with no lumps), the color of the mixture. It is not recommended to buy a product with a yellowish tint. As a rule, this color is obtained by adding a chicken feather. If an animal consumes such a mixture, it will harm his body. When using such a product, the egg production of a bird decreases, for example.


It is proposed to study the chemical composition of the mixture. It is made from:

  • water;
  • fat;
  • squirrel;
  • ash.

On the shelves of specialized stores, a class 1 product is often found (the price for it and other types of complexes is presented in a special table below). It contains no more than 9% water, 13% fat, 50% protein, 26% ash. Grade 2 mix consists of 10% water, 18% fat, 42% protein, 28% ash. Class 3 includes a powder containing up to 10% water, 20% fat, 30% protein, 38% ash. It is worth noting that, regardless of the classification of the product, it contains about 2% fiber. Keep in mind that for the full development livestock it is not recommended to buy too greasy powder.

Meat and bone meal production technology

Before making a purchase, research the production of Meat and Bone Meal. When creating it, the carcass of a dead animal is used (as a rule, the complex is often created from dead animals, the meat of which is suitable for consumption). "Raw materials" are checked for the presence of infections. Often, meat of previously ill animals is used to make a vitamin complex (the meat of farm animals that had non-communicable diseases is taken). Waste from a specialized enterprise can be used (for example, it can be a meat processing plant).

"Raw materials" are boiled, then cooled to a temperature of 25 °. The product is crushed (special equipment is used for this), sifted through a sieve. Magnetic separators remove metal additives. A food supplement containing potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements is carefully treated with antioxidants and packaged in bags (note that the price for a pack varies).

The use of meat and bone meal

Meat and bone meal must be present in the diet of animals and birds (approximately 7% of the total amount of grain and other products). If you give protein-mineral powder (see its cost below), then you will be able to improve the health of livestock, increase the level of poultry productivity, normalize the immune system, increase the body's protective functions, which will help fight various viruses and infections.

For dogs

The vitamin complex (its price can be from 16 rubles per kilogram) should be added especially to the feed of lactating females carrying puppies. The offal compensates for the lack of vitamins during the period of change of milk teeth in puppies, helps to restore the strength of the dog after childbirth. Bone meal for dogs is recommended for rickets, osteoporosis, deficiency minerals in the body, problems with joints, spine, heart.

count required amount mixtures according to the recommendation: 1 tsp. powder (about 5 g) is applied for every 10 kg of pet weight. So, if the dog weighs 20 kg, then the daily dose of flour will be 10 g. For puppies, nursing mothers, multiply the indicated value by two. An increase in the daily dose for an adult dog should only occur on the advice of a veterinarian.

For chickens

An experienced farmer knows that approximately 3-7% of the meat and bone product of the total amount of dry feed should be present in the daily diet of chickens. If the bird consumes the powder in such quantity, it will contribute to the complete absorption of the necessary vitamins and nutrients by the body. Flour is recommended to be added to concentrated feed, mixtures of grass, hay. If bone meal for chickens is used, then it should be added in an amount of 0.6-0.8% of the total mass of dry mixes.

You should not exceed the indicated dosage of the vitamin complex. Remember that if there is an excess of the product in the diet of chickens, this will lead to the development of gout, amyloidosis. Make sure there is no soy in the powder. If chicken meal is used regularly, you will notice an increase in egg production, which will help save money on the purchase of feed formulations.

For pigs

If you are interested in animal husbandry, then make sure that the quality of the powder is good ( great options compositions are sold by the companies presented below, the price of the powder is acceptable). For pigs, this product is a source of amino acids, calcium, phosphorus. Meat meal with a high ash content is often recommended for pigs (in this case, the product contains the elements Ca, P, Na, Fe).

The vitamin-mineral complex is recommended to be included in the diet of animals in the amount of not more than 5% of the total amount of dry feed. If you study carefully Agriculture, then know that the additive is not recommended for use for too small piglets (include the complex in the menu of two or three-month-old pets in the amount of 2% of the total mass of the food offered).

The meat and bone mixture is a powdered protein-mineral offal used for pet food. It is used in poultry farms, in private and industrial farms. The inclusion of meat and bone meal in the diet allows you to balance nutrition, increase productive characteristics, and accelerate the growth of young animals. The instructions in the article describe in detail what the product is and how to use it correctly.

The composition of the offal and manufacturing features

The mixture obtained as a result of the processing of meat and fish production waste is called meat and bone or fodder meal. It is a gray-brown or brown powder with a specific odor. As raw materials for its production, carcasses unsuitable for human consumption, dead cattle, waste from fish and meat processing plants, slaughterhouses, and canning factories are used. In the production process, raw materials are boiled, cooled, crushed, sieved, cleaned of third-party additives, treated with an antioxidant, then packaged. On sale there is both a pure product and premixes or compound feeds containing it.

According to the amount of protein, meat and bone powder is divided into 3 categories:

  1. Class 1 product contains 50% protein derived from muscle and bone tissue, 13% fat. It contains water, ash and fiber.
  2. Class 2 additive is distinguished by a lower protein content - 42% and a higher fat content - 18%, ash and water, 2% fiber;
  3. Class 3 characterizes a reduced protein content - 30%, an increased amount of fat - 20% and ash.

Attention! The meat and bone supplement, in addition to BJU, contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and other biologically important trace elements.

Additionally, the product contains substances that stimulate the metabolism and growth of animals. These are serotonin, bile acid, adenosine triphosphate and other components of a similar action. Instructions for use indicate that animals receiving meat and bone powder with feed:

  • grow and develop rapidly;
  • are resistant to diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system;
  • suffer less from micro- and macronutrient deficiencies;
  • metabolic disorders.

Features of the use of the additive

A balanced animal diet assumes the presence of meat and bone offal in it in a volume of up to 7%. The inclusion of an additive allows you to strengthen the body of animals, improve their immune system, increase productivity, and also reduce food costs. Instructions for use of the additive recommends using it:

  • For feeding poultry (hens, geese, ducks, guinea fowl, turkeys) in order to increase egg production and prevent pathologies. To do this, the additive is introduced into the composition of herbal and grain mixtures, animal feed in the amount of 0.8% of the total volume. Exceeding the indicator leads to the development of gout, amyloidosis, and other pathologies of protein metabolism in chickens, and a deficiency is one of the causes of fragility. eggshell, as well as an increase in cases of cannibalism among birds.
  • For pigs to enrich the diet, improve weight gain and meat quality. Mixtures with a high ash content are suitable - a source of potassium, iron, phosphorus, and other nutrients. The amount of product consumed is related to the age and weight of the animal and is prescribed in the instructions for use. For adult pigs, the figure is 5-15% of the total volume of dry feed, for piglets - 2%. The use of meat and bone composition for young animals 2-3 months of age is contraindicated.
  • For cattle in order to increase the fat content of milk and the quality of meat products, as well as fertility. Feed powders made from chicken or pork raw materials are used. They are given by mixing with compound feed or bran, gradually increasing the dosage to 100 g / day.
  • For MRS and rabbits in order to enhance growth and weight gain, improve the quality of dairy and meat products. The volume of offal should not exceed 5-10% of the total volume of feed.

Attention! Due to the risk of protein and vitamin loss, feed containing meat and bone meal should not be cooked.

How to choose

The use of a high-quality protein-vitamin supplement is a guarantee of the health and productivity of livestock and poultry. Therefore, when buying, you should pay attention to:

  • on the appearance, namely color, uniformity, fineness of grinding;
  • to the smell.

It is not recommended to use a product with a yellowish tint for pet food. Its presence indicates the presence of crushed chicken feathers in the composition of the mixture, the use of which negatively affects the productivity of livestock and poultry, especially chickens. For feeding chickens, it is not recommended to use meat and bone powders containing soy.

Attention! The meat and bone mixture Brown color and uniform texture without lumps.

High-quality fodder meal should not have a musty or putrid odor. On its packaging there is information about the manufacturer, compliance with GOST 17536–82, varietal classification, production date. The packaging must contain instructions for use.

AT household fodder meal is used in pure form and as part of concentrates intended for cattle, pigs, chickens, as well as cats and dogs. This affordable by-product allows, subject to the dosages and storage conditions specified in the instructions for use, to improve the productive performance of livestock and poultry, their growth and development.

What animals do you use this product for?

In the meat processing industry, the best parts of the carcass are used to produce gourmet products. Other parts find their application in less responsible industries. However, even the most unusable components are not thrown away, but are actively used. Everything that does not go into the cold-smoked oven, from which sausages, sausages or dumplings are not made, turns into an important product - meat and bone meal.

Meat and bone meal is a protein feed of animal origin. In appearance, it has a grayish-brown color and a specific smell. Meat bone meal is used as feed for poultry, pigs, and is added to various compound feeds. Its addition to animal feed allows increasing feed productivity, enriches it with proteins, useful minerals and vitamins, and reduces feed costs. In addition, it helps to normalize metabolism and enhances the nutritional properties of the feed. As a result, it becomes a universal product, which not only allows the use of even parts of the carcass that are unsuitable for food, but also is a useful additive to feed. Meat and bone meal is obtained by processing all the remains of the carcass that were unsuitable for human consumption, in addition, waste from slaughterhouses, canning factories and the like are used. Thus, the production of meat bone meal avoids unnecessary waste. All parts go into action and find their application.

Meat and bone meal is produced in special equipment for the production of this product. This technique processes raw materials that should be used for the production of meat bone meal. Several processes take place in the apparatus at once: grinding of raw materials, drying and its further sterilization. Depending on what raw materials are used in production, the composition of meat and bone meal may be different. The consistency of this product is a dry crumbly mass. She may have various shades from gray to brown, and different fineness of grinding.

It is the most accessible raw material of animal origin in the production of animal feed. With meat and bone meal good quality(grades 1 and 2) balancing of essential amino acids in the feed is achieved, except for methionine and cystine.

Properly made and low in scleroproteins, protein digestibility is 85-90%. It is a good source of macronutrients: calcium contains 6.5-11.6%, phosphorus 3.3-5.9%, sodium 1.5-1.6%, while available phosphorus contains an average of 4.2% (in fish flour - 2.5%). It has a number of useful biologically active substances and unidentified factors.

Negative factors:

There is a supply of low-quality flour to feed mill enterprises.

Good-quality meat and bone meal should have acid number fat not more than 25 mgKOH / g, fat peroxide value - not more than 0.5% J (42 mmol / kg). According to research conducted by VNIIKP, the meat and bone meal supplied to the feed mills of the Central and Central Black Earth regions of the Russian Federation had an acid number of fat on average 35 mg KOH / g, with fluctuations of 10.8-68.0, a peroxide number of 0.11 and 0.01- 5.2% J (8.1 and 0.8-420 mmol/kg). The receipt of meat and bone meal with unsatisfactory indicators of its fat fraction at feed mills indicates either its improper manufacture (overheating), or poor conditions for its accumulation, storage and transportation. Overheating of meat and bone meal is especially dangerous, during which intensive decomposition of fat can occur with the formation of unsaturated toxic aldehyde acrolin. And aldehydes, due to the presence of a carbonyl group and a mobile hydrogen atom, are among the most reactive organic compounds.

Due to overheating of flour, the availability of amino acids can be reduced to 50-60% and, first of all, lysine and cystine, which are most affected by heat.

Contains up to 12% of defective protamine proteins.

Meat and bone meal contains 8-12% of low molecular weight proteins - protamines with pronounced basic properties. Protamines contained in the muscle tissue of an animal play an important role for it, since their presence protects nucleic acids from premature cleavage by nuclease enzymes. But such protective action not necessary for meat and bone meal due to the fact that foreign active DNA and RNA harm the body of the animal that consumed them with meat and bone meal. Protamines are incomplete proteins, as they lack such essential amino acids as tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine and sulfur-containing amino acids. One more thing negative property have protamines: when trypsin is inhibited, which can occur when raw legumes are used in the diet, the digestibility of protamines drops sharply due to the fact that they are easily hydrolyzed by trypsin, but are practically not subject to hydrolysis by pepsin.

It may contain a significant amount of poorly soluble and difficult to hydrolyze fibrillar proteins - scleroproteins. Fibrillar proteins include collagen, keratin and elastin. Collagen is the most abundant of all proteins found in higher animals: its amount in the body is about one third of the total amount of proteins. But most of all collagen is found in the fibers of the connective tissue of animals.

A distinctive feature of collagen is that one third of all its amino acid residues is glycine, and one fourth is proline or hydroxyproline. Most of the collagen fibers are insoluble in water, organic solvents and neutral saline solvents. Collagen is resistant to the action of proteolytic enzymes, but is easily broken down by collagenase, which is produced by some types of anaerobic bacteria, but is absent in animal and plant tissues.

The second most common scleroprotein is keratin. It is part of wool, hair, feathers, horns, hooves, tendons, the stratum corneum of the epidermis of the skin and other integumentary and protective tissues. Keratins do not dissolve in water, acids, alkaline and saline solutions. But they easily form complex compounds with lipids, calcium and potassium salts, and other substances, and therefore quickly change their stability. Keratins are resistant to the action of proteolytic enzymes. Due to the content of a large amount of cystine (up to 15%), keratins have many strong disulfide bonds, which explains the insolubility of these proteins. Alkali metal sulfides, thioglycolic acid, cyanides that reduce disulfide bonds dissolve keratin. After the restoration of disulfide bonds in keratins, substances called kerateins are formed, which are cleaved by proteolytic enzymes. In addition to cystine, keratins contain a lot of leucine (7-13%) and glutamic acid. Of the fibrillar proteins, the least valuable is elastin, which makes up the bulk of the elastic fibers of the connective tissue.

Mammalian elastin is an insoluble protein with hydrophobic properties, which contains about 70% of amino acids with non-polar protein chains - glycine, alanine, proline and valine. Elastin is characterized by great stability: it does not dissolve in water, dilute acids and alkalis even at 100°C, is resistant to the action of proteolytic enzymes and is hydrolyzed only by specific elastase.

From the foregoing, it can be seen that meat and bone meal with a high content of fibrillar proteins is not a highly valuable protein component for animal feed. But in addition to their poor digestibility, the undesirability of introducing meat and bone meal into feed (even High Quality) more than 5% lies in the fact that when animals use an overestimated amount of fibrillar (tissue) proteins, and primarily collagen, they may develop the disease amyloidosis - a violation of protein metabolism, expressed in the deposition and accumulation in tissues and organs of protein substances with characteristic physical and chemical properties.

The use of meat and bone meal in excessive amounts in poultry diets can cause gout.

Bird disease with gout is characterized by the deposition of uric acid salts (urates) in the joints and cartilage. Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism in birds (and allantoin in mammals). Gout can occur for several reasons. One of the reasons is associated with a violation of purine metabolism, leading to a high concentration of purine bases and their metabolic products, mainly uric acid and its salts, in the blood and tissues, which are then deposited in the joints and cartilage. Excessive formation of uric acid can be caused by the intake of an overestimated amount of nucleoproteins, free purines (adenine, guanine, xanthine), adenylic acids, and uric acid. All these substances are found in meat and bone meal.

The second reason for the deposition of salts in tissues is a change in the properties of the structural proteins of the connective tissue (collagen in particular), caused by the consumption of an excessive amount of feed fibrillar proteins. And their main supplier is meat and bone meal.

May contain biologically undesirable active substances. It was noted above that with many organs and tissues of animals, some useful biologically active substances get into the meat and bone meal. Along with beneficial substances, it may also contain undesirable biologically active substances. One such substance is histamine. It is contained in meat and bone meal up to 5 mcg/g. Histamine refers to biogenic physiologically active amines. In addition to the intake of histamine in a free form with food, part of it is formed in the intestine from histidine under the influence of bacterial histidine decarboxylase. Excessive intake of histidine with feed at the expense of feed products of animal origin activates bacterial histidine decarboxylase, which leads to the formation of histamine in the body. Increased accumulation of histamine in the blood and other biological fluids in a free state leads to the appearance of various allergic reactions in animals.

With parenchymal organs, prostaglandins can get into the meat and bone meal. Their biological action is extremely diverse. Once in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal, and then into the blood and organs, foreign prostaglandins can cause a disruption in the normal cycle of their biosynthesis. A violation of the biosynthesis of prostaglandins can be the cause of severe pathological conditions. Meat and bone meal may contain certain harmful products metabolism that remained in the body of the animal used for its production.

Among the feed products, it has the highest contamination with bacteria, including salmonella. The total bacterial contamination of meat and bone meal, selected by the employees of VNIIKP at a number of feed mills, averaged 2397 thousand microbial cells per 1 g (the maximum number was 6200 thousand per 1 g). According to the draft new veterinary requirements for feed safety, in meat and bone, meat, blood, bone and hydrolyzed feather meal, the presence of total bacterial contamination, expressed as a microbial number (MCH), CFU / g - no more than 5x105, is allowed. In the selected samples, Escherichia coli contained 60% of the total number of samples studied, including those with a coli-titer of 0.1 in 36.4% of the samples. According to the above requirements, pathogenic Escherichia (E. coli) in feed of animal origin is not allowed (when determined in 25 g of the product). Contamination with staphylococci was detected in 90.6% of samples in an amount of up to 4,875 thousand per 1 g. Other types of bacteria in meat and bone meal include Salmonella, Campylobacter, Lieteria, Clotsridia.

Bacteria multiply very quickly; in a day, one microbe, under favorable conditions, is capable of producing 1,600,000 of its own kind. Of the bacteria, the most unpretentious is Escherichia coli (E. coli). For its growth, a nitrogen-containing ammonia compound is sufficient, and E. coli can use such simple compounds as ethyl alcohol and acetic acid as a carbon source. E. coli is a gram-negative bacterium (a group of bacteria that stain pink according to Gram).

Non-pathogenic varieties of Escherichia coli are permanent inhabitants of the intestines of animals. Many of its strains are able to suppress the development and destroy various pathogenic and putrefactive microbes: streptococci, staphylococci, anthrax and plague bacilli, and others. Some varieties of Escherichia coli are precursors of B and K vitamins and synthesize amino acids. At the same time, certain biotypes of Escherichia coli can be the causative agents of acute intestinal infections and other animal diseases. They are classified as enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. They produce enterotoxin. The young growth of agricultural animals and poultry is most often affected by enterotoxins. Colibacillosis in piglets and chickens is a common disease. E. coli, as a permanent inhabitant of the intestinal tract, is excreted with feces (litter) into the environment, where it does not multiply, but retains its viability for about the same period as pathogenic enterobacteria: shigella, salmonella. In the external environment (water, soil), it survives depending on specific conditions within a few months. When heated in suspensions, it dies at 55 ° C in an hour, at 60 ° C - after 15 minutes, at 100 ° C - instantly, in 1% phenol solutions - after 10 minutes, in sublimate solutions 1: 1000 - after 2 minutes.

Staphylococci are gram-positive bacteria (a group of bacteria that stain Gram in a dark purple color). Staphylococci multiply well at room temperature, poorly - at a temperature of 2-4 ° C, pH optimum - 6.8-7.5, minimum - 4.2. They are opportunistic pathogens. In addition to the development of staphylococcal infections, staphylococci reduce nitrates to more harmful nitrites, actively hydrolyze proteins and fats. Staphylococci are mainly the cause of enerocolitis, but S.aurus (golden) is able to affect any organ or tissue, which causes many diseases. It belongs to the most pathogenic microbes. For birds, S.aurus is the main strain. Animal mastitis is often caused by staphylococci.

These bacteria are characterized by a relatively high resistance to drying and freezing for non-spore-forming bacteria. Enterotoxic staphylococci are resistant to table salt - their growth is delayed when its concentration in the product is more than 12%. Heating at 70°C causes the death of staphylococci after 1 hour, at 80°C - after 10-30 minutes. A 3-5% carbolic acid emulsion kills the culture in 3-15 minutes, 1% formalin in 1 hour. But the resulting staphylococcal enterotoxin does not completely destroy the hourly boiling. In addition, it is not destroyed by alcohol, formalin, acids and alkalis.

Salmonella is the most common pathogenic bacteria. They belong to Gram-negative bacteria of the paratyphoid group, aerobes, do not form spores. Most Salmonella are pathogenic for agricultural animals and poultry. Salmonella grows most rapidly at 35 - 37 ° C, pH optimum - 6.0 - 7.5, minimum - 4.0 - 5.0. They have a relatively high degree of resistance to various factors environment (common salt endure up to 30% in the product). At 57°C (in a liquid medium), most Salmonella dies within 1-3 minutes, while at the same time, even at very low temperatures(-20°C) they are able to remain viable for a long time; in frozen meat, for example, salmonella survive from 6 to 13 months. Salmonella toxins and an excessive amount of biologically active substances formed lead to a violation of functionally adaptive mechanisms and metabolic processes at the molecular and cellular levels. With salmonellosis, there is a violation of the permeability of cell membranes, which contributes to the development of intoxication, diarrhea, dehydration and other symptoms. Therefore, according to safety indicators, salmonella is not allowed (in the study of 25 g of feed).

A common Salmonella species, Salmonella pyllurum gallinarum, causes one of the most common infectious diseases in birds - pullorosis (bacillary white diarrhea). The disease is characterized by damage to the intestines, parenchymal organs in chickens and the degeneration of ovarian follicles in an adult bird. The microbe grows well on ordinary media, is resistant to environmental factors, persists in chicken manure for up to 100 days, and in soil for more than 400 days. A 1% formalin solution kills these bacteria after 5 minutes, a 5% carbolic acid solution after 30 seconds, potassium permanganate (1:20,000), 1% naphthalizol and a clarified solution of bleach containing 0.5% active chlorine- after 5-20 minutes.

Meat and bone meal and other feed products may contain streptococci - gram-positive, facultative anaerobes or aerobes. Highest value in the pathology of agricultural animals and birds have B-hemolytic streptococci, which are the causative agents of sepsis, wound infections of the skin and other tissues, rheumatism and erysipelas (pigs). Group B streptococci are the causative agents of mastitis in cows, groups B, C, D and E - pathogens of infections in animals different types. The optimum temperature for the growth of pathogenic streptococci is 37°C. Streptococci of different groups, with the exception of group D, die when heated to + 56 ° C for 30 minutes. Sublimate (1%) and phenol (5% solution) kill streptococci within 15 minutes. The culture of streptococci remains viable in environment but rapidly loses its virulence.

Pseudomonas aerugenosa, a gram-negative motile aerobic bacterium, can be detected in meat and bone meal and other feed products. For the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one organic compound is sufficient, for example, citrate ( citric acid) as a source of carbon and energy. The optimum temperature for its incubation is 37°C (pH of the medium is 6.6-7.0), it can also grow at 42°C. Compared to other Gram-negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is biologically inactive. But it produces biologically active substances that can be considered factors of its pathogenicity: exotoxins A, B and C (highly toxic), enterotoxin, leukocidia, hemolysins and others. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is resistant to most antibiotics. The most active against its aminoglycosides. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is sensitive to antiseptics such as 0.5% chloramine solution, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, 2% phenol (carbolic acid) solution.

Botulism bacillus (Bacillaceae) can be found in meat and bone meal made from animal corpses, as it belongs to spore aerobes; after the death of the animal, the spores in the intestine germinate, the microbe multiplies and penetrates the muscles. Bacteria of the Bacillaceae family are Gram-positive. Most of them are mesophilic, with an optimal growth temperature of 30°C, but there are thermophilic ones that grow at a lower temperature. One of the reasons for the accumulation of toxamine-histamine in meat and bone meal (it was discussed earlier) is proteolysis followed by decarboxylation of amino acids, which occurs under the action of botulinum bacilli. It produces botulinum enterotoxin, which is the most potent of the enterotoxins. All agricultural animals and poultry are sensitive to it. But it is not resistant to physical and chemical influences.

Meat and bone meal, as well as other feed products, may contain conditionally pathogenic bacteria of the Proteus genus. They belong to gram-positive, non-spore-forming, capsule-forming and pigment-aerobic bacteria. Proteus are not demanding on nutrient substrates, growth is possible at a temperature of 10-43oC. Bacteria are resistant to many antibiotics, in particular to penicillin and tetracycline. Proteus is most sensitive to cephalosponins and aminoglycosides.

Thus, all of the above bacteria can cause feed poisoning. They occur both when toxins enter with the feed, and when they are produced in the body of the animal. A certain importance should be given to the third factor - the formation in feed products under the action of microbial enzymes of amines toxic to animals: tyramine, histamine, cadaverine and putrescine during the decarboxylation of tyrosine, histidine, lysine and ornithine, respectively.

Under the action of a complex of toxins, they develop as local changes in the gastrointestinal tract (inflammatory process, changes in the synthesis of various biological substances, impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal dysbacteriosis), and general toxic syndrome (increased body temperature, impaired activity of the cardiovascular system and nervous system, etc.). When products are infected with staphylococci at a temperature of 36-37 ° C, 4-5 hours are enough for the accumulation of toxins. This process is relatively intensive and at room temperature.

Meat and bone meal is a biologically active product used for feeding animals and plants. Its value is determined natural origin, near qualities and ease of use.

Definition and properties

Meat and bone meal is a natural top dressing for animals, birds and plants. It is made from the bones of animals disposed of in slaughterhouses, waste from meat processing plants, as well as from the carcasses of sea animals and fish.

The flour has a grayish appearance, a specific smell, and is produced in the form of small granules. In a quality product, lumps are not allowed. She has a high nutritional value as a supplement to the main feed for pets and poultry, it is also used as a component in the production of animal feed.

Basic properties:

  • The supplement helps to balance the amount of essential amino acids in plant materials.
  • It is a source of a number of B vitamins (riboflavin, cobalamin, choline, etc.).
  • It supplies extractive factors (growth, Ackermann, etc.) to the animal organism.
  • Organizes metabolism.
  • Contains a number of useful substances (glutamic acid, glutamine, creatine, carnitine, serotonin, thyroxine, glucocorticoid hormones, etc.).

Sources of raw materials

The sources of raw materials from which meat and bone meal is produced are:

  • Unsuitable for food waste from meat processing plants, private farms.
  • Carcasses of dead livestock without signs of disease.
  • Veterinary confiscations.

All raw materials intended for further processing must receive a veterinary examination and a check for the presence / absence of pathogens. In the process of processing, pathogenic bacteria, viruses do not lose their activity, and animals that have received infected bait may become a victim of the manufacturer’s dishonesty, and mass loss of livestock may also begin.


The production of meat and bone meal is divided into the main stages:

  • Checking the quality of raw materials.
  • Grinding in the apparatus for crushing bones.
  • Conveyor movement of crushed raw materials to a drying unit for further heat treatment (cooking).
  • At the next stage, the cooked substrate is transferred for further processing to the screw conveyor, where it is crushed to the state of minced meat.
  • The crushed raw materials are partially dehydrated and degreased using a centrifuge.
  • The viscous semi-finished product is settled in the bunker. The fat obtained in the process of centrifugation is packed, water is sent to ensure technological process the first stages.
  • After settling, the mass is sent to dryers for final dehydration.
  • The mass is dried and sent to the crushing stage, where it is simultaneously sterilized.
  • The resulting meat and bone meal is packed for storage and transportation.

The production process can run continuously. Heat treatment takes place at gentle temperatures, which allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients and preserve the full value of the feed additive. The shelf life of flour is no more than six months, an increase in the duration of storage is possible only due to antibacterial additives.

Organization of the process

A plant for the production of meat and bone meal begins with the legal registration of activities. At this stage, it is necessary to obtain all documents of the financial and production company(form of activity, bank account, accounting in control bodies, etc.). In addition to the documents common to all, the company is obliged to apply to the veterinary control service for permission and product certificates.

The choice of premises for workshops is carried out taking into account the specifics of production, the main problem is strong smell. Such factories of any size are located outside residential areas. The area of ​​the premises should accommodate overall equipment, preparatory workshops for raw materials and finished products, warehouse space does not take up much space, since the goods are not subject to long-term storage (no more than 6 months).

Minimum staff:

  • Three workers of the main production.
  • Accountant.
  • Sanitary worker with veterinary education.


Meat and bone meal is produced according to technological scheme, each stage of which has its own mechanical support. The connection of devices into a single circuit allows to reduce losses and produce the product with stops only for sanitation of equipment.

Equipment for the production of meat and bone meal of the minimum configuration:

  • Raw material grinder.
  • Capacity for evaporation of crushed raw materials.
  • Centrifuge for the initial stage of degreasing and dehydration.
  • Sump.
  • Pump for diverting and separating the resulting fat and water.
  • Hammer crusher.
  • Screw conveyor.
  • Apparatus with container for drying and sterilization.
  • A container for storing the finished product with a device for dosed packaging in boxes and bags.

Risk factors

Meat and bone meal is produced from raw materials of animal origin, which were no longer fresh at the stage of receipt for processing, so the technological process has risks:

  • Bacterial pathogens (rotting, pathogenic bacteria, etc.).
  • Oxidation (rancidity) of raw materials and finished products.

The best flour with the maximum set useful properties obtained from fresh raw materials. For the most part, such industries end up with waste from meat processing complexes and slaughterhouses, where the amount of decomposition products is already large. In warm rooms, their number increases significantly. Raw materials processed into flour are sterilized, but exotoxins remain, the less they are, the better the flour is. The spread of toxins and putrefactive bacteria is prevented by regular sanitization all equipment. Experienced producers of meat and bone meal advise not to let the sanitary condition of the entire facility take its course and spend money on frequent cleaning.

Experts recommend using bran with antibacterial additives to maintain cleanliness, especially in “blind zones”, where bacteria accumulation is inevitable. A meat-and-bone meal plant may not be a model of sterility, but it is necessary to maintain a level of cleanliness. At the end of each shift, it is required to load the system with antibacterial agents mixed with bran, and carry out one complete production cycle for the prevention and disinfection of all parts of the apparatus. Once a week, mechanical cleaning of all machine components is carried out.

Failure to comply with sanitary standards harms human health up to death, the emergence of epidemics and infection of the entire production area and adjacent territories.

Fields of application of bone meal

Meat and bone meal has a wide range of applications in animal husbandry, poultry farming and crop production:

  • Farms and large livestock complexes use bone meal as an additive to the main natural or combined feeds. The use has advantages - weight gain, normalization of metabolism in animals, strengthening of the musculoskeletal system in adults and elderly animals, etc.
  • Feeding poultry increases egg production, weight, growth, balances nutrition and helps to avoid many diseases (growth inhibition, rickets, etc.).
  • For cats and dogs, bone meal is added to feed, which keeps pets healthy for many years, improves coat, normalizes digestion, strengthens immunity, etc.
  • Meat and bone meal is an ideal fertilizer for plants and fruit trees. It can be applied at any stage of fruit ripening, which is not recommended with any other type of fertilizer. The use helps to increase the abundance of fruiting, resistance to bacteria and pests, etc.

When making meat and bone meal for animals, the dosage should be adhered to, since oversaturation leads to negative side effects. With an excess of the drug in the diet, animals may develop gout, amyloidosis and other diseases. People are contraindicated in the use of meat and bone meal.

We met with the management of PKF TIME-2005 LLC, the largest supplier of foreign and domestic meat and bone meal in Russia, and talked about the situation on the domestic market.

SN: Today, in the context of rising feed prices, a number of enterprises are again faced with the question of using meat and bone meal in their diets. Your company is one of the most major suppliers this product in Russia. What do you think is the state of the animal protein market and what issues do their consumers face?

Time: Our company often has to deal with issues related to biosafety and the general quality of meat and bone meal, both domestic and imported.

Earlier, we gave quite detailed comments on imported meat and bone meal. Today in Russia there are new producers of meat and bone meal using imported equipment. At end user- mainly at poultry farms - the question arises, what is the Russian market of meat and bone meal today, what are its positive and negative sides.

First, it is necessary to recall once again that domestic meat and bone meal is produced in accordance with GOST 17536-82, according to which flour can be produced from a “mix” of case waste, slaughterhouse waste, pig, cattle, poultry waste, and veterinary confiscations. Accordingly, the following questions arise before the veterinarian or livestock specialist of the enterprise:

1) At what enterprise and with the help of what equipment meat and bone meal was produced;

2) From what raw materials it is made;

3) What is the maximum production capacity of this flour;

4) The reputation of the manufacturer of this product.

Oddly enough, but it is the reputation of the manufacturer that is often the decisive factor.

Each of these issues should be considered very carefully, since the return of low-quality meat and bone meal is always cheaper for the supplier than the poultry or pig that has begun to die from the buyer.

SN: Could you elaborate on the above questions?

Time: Yes, of course. Although we are sure that the answers to them are known to almost every livestock specialist or feed technologist. So, in order:

1) At what enterprise and on what equipment was meat and bone meal produced?

Today in Russia for sale (not for own consumption) about

6000 tons of meat and bone meal. Producers are: higher education institutions, meat processing plants, pig farms, poultry farms. Obviously, it is safer for a poultry farm to purchase flour produced by meat processing plants (not processing poultry) and pig farms. The second issue is the equipment - if it is not modernized, there are old Laabs boilers, there is no fat press, and the moisture exceeds 7%, that is, there is a risk of obtaining a product with a high biosecurity risk.

2) From what raw materials is meat and bone meal produced?

Here, in general, a completely understandable practice has developed: a poultry farm is interested in flour without poultry waste, a pig farm is accordingly interested in flour without pork waste.

When a veterinarian or a livestock specialist asks what is the production capacity of a recycling enterprise, they first of all try to understand how homogeneous the meat and bone meal will be in terms of zootechnical indicators. Simply put, if a higher education institution produces about 200-300 tons per month of any type of meat and bone meal, which is considered a small volume, then certain difficulties arise in order to make the product homogeneous.

SN: Can you please clarify what it is about?

Time: Everything is simple here: today they brought raw materials from the meat processing plant after deboning, and tomorrow they will die. Accordingly, in one case, the crude protein will be no higher than 42-45%, in the other 55-65%. Of course, you can mix the finished product in bags in the warehouse, but there is still a high risk of getting mixed-grade meat and bone meal.

SN: You said that the reputation of a meat and bone meal manufacturer is one of the most important issues, why do you put such emphasis on it?

Time: The fact is that we are a major trader in meat and bone meal, that is, we buy goods and then resell them. Our successful existence for 15 years in the animal protein market is primarily due to the fact that the supply of low-quality meat and bone meal to the end consumer is perceived by us as a blow primarily to our reputation, and not to the reputation of the manufacturer.

It's no secret that the culture of doing Russian business, unfortunately, sometimes leaves much to be desired. This issue is most acute when proposals from veterinary and sanitary recycling plants are considered. Recently, it has become fashionable to call the most ordinary higher education institution by some attractive name, thereby diverting the attention of the end consumer.

Our area of ​​responsibility just includes an in-depth analysis of the meat and bone meal offered to us from manufacturers. Only after that we start to implement it. In fact, the end consumer pays us money for this.

SN: With what negative examples in this regard, your company had to face?

Time: I would like to say that we do not have “returns”, but I repeat, sometimes the culture of doing business, including the meat and bone meal market, leaves much to be desired.

Often, even after a study tour to the plant, inspection of equipment, monitoring of veterinary documents of incoming raw materials (to the extent that the plant allows it), there is still a feeling that you are “walking through a minefield”.

Our main task is to understand the management culture of the flour manufacturer. If we come to the conclusion that it is at the proper level, we build mutually beneficial long-term work.

Today, the competitive environment and the clear desire of poultry farms not to introduce third-party meat and bone meal with poultry waste is pushing universities to share the flow of raw materials. That is, to process poultry and cattle-pork waste on separate lines. And there are such universities.

However, as our practice shows, the declaration by higher education institutions of the separation of raw material flows sometimes remains only a declaration.

SN: Can you give any examples of such "declarations"?

Time: An example of this is our negative experience of working with the Abiogroup (Biotek) higher education institution located in the Sheksna SEZ in the Vologda Oblast. New imported equipment has been installed at this higher education institution, and the management declares separate processing of poultry and cattle-pork waste on two lines. However, as soon as official sampling was carried out as part of our monitoring, impurities of hydrolyzed feathers and wheat bran were found in the supposedly cattle-pork meat and bone meal that arrived at the poultry farm. Thus, we do not want to assert that the Abiogroup (Biotek) Higher Educational Institution always produces flour that is dangerous for the end consumer. Perhaps it was special case. But our relationship with this company is currently suspended.

SN: What advice would you give to consumers who use animal protein in their feed?

"Time": It's hard to advise something specific. There are common truths: “cheap cheese can only be found in a mousetrap”, and, probably, before buying meat and bone meal, it always makes sense to carefully check whether what you are told in commercial offer or by phone sales managers.