Technological scheme for the manufacture of compound feed and their benefits for animals. Feed production technology

Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products. Compound feed is a complex homogeneous mixture of various feed components and additives cleaned and crushed to the required size, compiled in accordance with the requirements for the full feeding of animals and birds, taking into account their species, age, sex, health status and purpose of feeding. The production of compound feeds implies their balance in terms of energy, protein, macro- and micro-additives, vitamins and biologically active substances.

Depending on the purpose, there are complete mixed feeds, mixed feed concentrates, feed mixtures, protein-vitamin-mineral (BVMD), protein-vitamin (BVD) and mineral additives, premixes.

Complete mixed feeds fully satisfy the needs of animals for energy, nutritional and biologically active substances ah, without additional feeding of other feeds and micro-additives. They must contain all the nutrients necessary to ensure high productivity and product quality, good animal health and low nutrient costs per unit of production.

Compound feed concentrates are intended for cattle, pigs, rabbits and other animals. They have a high content of protein, mineral and biologically active substances. These compound feeds are fed to animals in limited quantities, exclusively as an addition to grain, coarse and succulent feeds. Compound feed-concentrates in their composition should correspond to the quality of roughage and succulent feed, providing the necessary nutritional indicators of the diet. As a variety, it is sometimes customary to single out a separate group of starter feeds, i.e. feed for young animals in the first periods of his life.

Feed mixtures are intended mainly for cattle. They can be made from waste flour and cereals, for example, from barley husks, flour with the addition of molasses, carbamide, and other additives, preferably in granular form. If compound feeds produced for one reason or another with significant deviations from regulatory and technical documentation do not meet zootechnical requirements, they can be classified as feed mixtures. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus does not recommend the use of this type of feed.

Protein-vitamin additives (BVD) and superconcentrates are balancing feed additives, which are homogeneous mixtures of high-protein feed products, micro- and macro-additions, vitamins and other biologically active substances crushed to the required size. They are produced according to scientifically based recipes and used for the preparation of feed based on grain fodder. This type of feed additive is intended for supply to collective-farm, state-farm, inter-farm feed enterprises, farmers for the production of so-called “secondary compound feed” on the basis of feed grains available on farms, herbal vitamin flour and other feed products. These mixed feeds must fully correspond in quality to complete mixed feeds or compound feeds-concentrates.

Premixes - special concentrated feed additives, which are a homogeneous mixture of pre-prepared biologically active substances, crushed to the required particle size, and in some cases microadditives with filler, used to enrich animal feed and protein and vitamin supplements. The basis of premixes are vitamins, microelements, amino acids. In addition, the composition of premixes may include substances with a stimulating effect (antibiotics, etc.); substances that have a protective effect on feed, prevent the deterioration of their quality, contribute to best use feed (antioxidants, emulsifiers, enzymes, flavorings, etc.); having a therapeutic and prophylactic effect (furazalidon, sulfadimisin, etc.); sedatives (tranquilizers); surface active (detergents).

Features of production and consumption finished products. Feed production technology is a set of operations, the sequential execution of which makes it possible to obtain from various feedstocks that differ from each other in physical and mechanical properties and chemical composition, feed with specified parameters depending on the recipe. The main requirements for technology - obtaining products High Quality, which, in turn, is due to the observance of all stages of the technological process and the introduction of automation of machine operation and product quality control. The final products are produced at feed mills in loose and granular form. Compound feed is important integral part diets for animals and poultry. In feeding rations, its share can be up to 27 ... 36% for cattle, 38 ... 90% for pigs and 60 ... 100% for poultry.

It is customary to evaluate the production technology of mixed fodder according to the flow diagrams that graphically show the sequence of operations, as well as the place of each of them in the overall structure of the preparation of the final product from different types of feedstock. Each technological scheme consists of a number of preparatory and main lines, which are a system of interconnected machines and mechanisms arranged in the order of sequential execution of operations.

The process flow diagram is usually depicted graphically and denotes: the quantity and place of unloading of raw materials from vehicles, types and sizes of mechanisms, and their performance; number of warehouses; their capacity, and for silo warehouses - the number of silos, places for loading and unloading warehouses, types and standard sizes of transport mechanisms and their productivity; the number of lines for supplying raw materials to production; the number and carrying capacity of scales for raw materials when entering production; the number of production lines of the technological process and the equipment used with the main characteristics and technical data; the number of warehouses for finished products, their capacity; places for unloading and loading of finished products in vehicles; directions of flows of raw materials, components, products and wastes* at all stages of the technological process; the number and length of magnetic barriers, the place of their installation along the lines, the number of aspiration equipment and its distribution over aspiration networks with reference to aspiration machines.

Stages of the technological process. Feed preparation includes the following main operations:

Reception, weighing and storage of raw materials;

Purification of raw materials from impurities;

Peeling of oats and barley; crushing of grain and other components;

Drying and grinding of mineral raw materials;

Preparation of a mixture of microadditives with a filler;

Introduction of liquid additives into animal feed;

Dosing of components according to recipes;

Mixing of components;

Granulation or briquetting of mixtures;

Accounting and issuance of compound feed.

Characteristics of equipment sets. The structure of compound feed production provides for the main and auxiliary processes. The main ones include processes directly related to the conversion of feedstock into animal feed. Auxiliary processes are not directly related to the production of feed. These include: transportation, reception, placement and storage of raw materials; storage and release of finished products; recycling of waste from the main production, etc.

The organization of production should ensure the minimum duration of the technological cycle, complete mechanization and flow of the process, timely quality control in the main sections of the line, uninterrupted operation of inter-shop and intra-factory transport, accounting for raw materials and products, effective use technological and power equipment, operational dispatch control, favorable working conditions, etc. The flow of production and the continuity of the process are ensured by: the maximum use of the properties of the flowability of products; introduction of operational bunkers (over-crushing, over-dosing, etc.) into production lines; dividing the total flow into separate lines, specializing depending on the properties of the components; rational choice of productivity and line rhythm, as well as the percentage of components in accordance with the recipe.

Technological operations are usually carried out on specialized production lines, due to the range of recipes and possible changes in their composition. Such lines are part of feed mills or workshops. At the same time, their number, depending on the purpose of the plant, can be different both in quantity and in composition. Compound feed enterprises include the following main technological lines: 1) reception and processing of grain raw materials (there may be several parallel lines equal to the number of types of grain); 2) separation of films from oats and barley; 3) mealy raw materials (bran, flour); 4) vitamin herbal flour (loose or granulated separately); 5) feed products of food production; 6) meals; 7) pressed and lumpy raw materials; 8) processing of raw materials in containers; 9) preparation of table salt; 10) preparation of fodder chalk and other raw materials of mineral origin; 11) input of molasses (hydrol, liquid concentrate, fodder lysine); 12) input of feed fat, IEC (multi-enzyme compositions) or vegetable oil, fish oil; 13) input of premixes (preparation and input of enrichment mixtures); 14) input of urea (in dry form, in the form of a solution of molasses with urea, urea concentrate); 15) dosing and mixing; 16) granulation; 17) expansion, extrusion of grain raw materials or compound feed; 18) placement, storage and distribution of finished products; 19) preliminary mixtures of protein difficult-to-flow components; 20) preliminary mixtures of grain, granular and other raw materials.

In addition to the listed lines, modern plants can also include such lines as the line for thermodextrinization of grain raw materials, the preparation of a preliminary mixture of table salt with a filler; a line for the introduction of table salt in the form of saturated solutions, a line for the reception and introduction of mineral premixes (MPR) or vitamin-amino acid preparations (VAP) and others.

The device and principle of operation of the line. There are several principles for constructing a technological process at a feed mill.

Series-parallel preparation of all components and single dosing is the most common. This is a classic, common in many countries, principle of completing feed mills. The components for dosing are prepared separately. On some lines - in series, and on others - in parallel. They are placed in dosing hoppers (Fig. 5.1). Such acquisition is distinguished by a large number of over-dosing bins capable of containing a stock of components for 8 ... 36 hours of operation of the main dosing unit. Quantity preparation lines in this case ranges from 10 to 12.

The basic algorithm for the operation of such plants and their lines can be formulated as follows:

Striving for the constant filling of all dosing bins with the initial components necessary for the current production, according to the recipe;

Parallel preparation of additional components for the next batch (recipe) of compound feed, in order to minimize the loss of time when switching from one recipe to another.

Figure 1- Classical technological scheme for completing a feed mill

Feed grain from the corresponding silo or hopper 1 enters when the bottom outlet window is opened with the help of flow control valves 2 through the downpipes to the conveyor 3. The silos are equipped with upper and lower level sensors that are connected to the central control center of the plant. With the help of valves-regulators 2, a batch of grain is formed, which is fed for processing into mixed fodder. Electropneumatic valves are used as flow control valves. Each grain flow passes through 4 magnetic separators, and then enters the 5 crusher. In the 4 separators, metal impurities are removed. The crushed product is then fed by crusher pneumatic transport to the 6 unloader cyclone, and from it to the 7 screening machine. Large impurities are returned to the 3 conveyor, and the product fraction of the required grinding degree is fed to the distribution conveyors in the dosing bins 8 of the component mixing section. Shredded protein raw materials and mineral additives enter other dosing bins. From the 8 bunkers, the raw material enters the 9 multi-component weight dispensers, which, according to the recipe, form the feed component flow of a certain intensity. The dosed flow of the corresponding raw material enters by gravity or with the help of special conveyors 10 into the batch mixer 11.

The disadvantages of the classical principle of constructing a technological scheme include a large amount of time spent on preparatory operations at the beginning of the shift, if the dosing bins were empty. In addition, when carrying out replaceable (ten-day) stripping, it is very difficult to take into account the mass of raw material residues in the bunkers, and therefore the stripping of the production building is carried out once a year.

Due to numerous parallel technological lines, classical schemes are saturated with main, transport and auxiliary equipment, including aspiration equipment, the operation of which requires large amounts of energy. It is difficult to manage the work of production due to the need to obtain and process a huge amount of information.

Compound feed is a mixture, heterogeneous in its nutritional and mineral properties, intended for feeding various types of agricultural crops. animals. The same compound feed may be suitable for feeding, for example, dairy cows and be completely contraindicated for young birds. In this regard, for each group of animals and birds, depending on their age, species, economic purpose and even gender, their own recipes and their own technology for the production of compound feed are being developed.

Compound feed classification

Due to the need to adapt to specific physical indicators, today there are more than a hundred types of raw materials for feed production: limestone flour, grass, meat and bone, various types of grain, straw, cake, hay, as well as vitamins, minerals and liquid components. If you look at compound feeds not from the point of view of the recipe, but from the point of view of their ability to fully or partially provide the diet of animals, then all feeds can be divided into several types:

1. Complete feed - fully provide the diet of an animal or bird, their normal life and do not require the use of any additives or feed.

2. Concentrated compound feed - used as an additive to coarser or succulent feed, produced to compensate for the lack of vital vitamins and minerals in the agricultural diet. animals and birds. Economically concentrated feed is much more profitable to produce than complete feed. In addition, they are also more in demand. Perhaps that is why in Russia this moment the production of concentrated mixed fodder occupies a leading position in comparison with the rest.

3. Feed special mixtures - are mixed feed concentrates and coarse feed, which include straw, hay, corn stalks. Such mixtures are suitable mainly for sexually mature ruminant artiodactyls - sheep, goats and cattle.

4. BVMD or in other words - protein-vitamin mineral supplements - as the name implies, they are an additive to the main diet. For proper growth, animals must receive full complex nutrients and minerals every day. If the feed that the animals receive daily is not saturated with one or more of the listed components, the required BMVD composition is selected.

Technologies and equipment for the production of animal feed

The technological scheme, equipment for the production of compound feed are selected depending on the selected recipe and the type of feed produced. By law, the manufacturer is obliged to very clearly monitor the quality of the products received, the serviceability of the equipment and compliance with the prescription, sanitary-epidemiological, zootechnical requirements. The fulfillment of the necessary norms is regulated by institutions and biological laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

All actions that take place between the receipt of raw materials for production and the direct sale of finished feed are conventionally divided into two groups:
- basic;
- auxiliary;

The former include those actions that help the raw material to become animal feed. To the second - everything else - this is the transportation of raw materials, its distribution, warehousing, receipt and storage of finished feed, secondary processing of residues in the production of unsuitable for the main production, etc.

Consistently, the production of compound feed is as follows. Raw materials are brought, weighed and distributed in a warehouse or determined directly into receiving hoppers on a production line. Then, depending on the recipe, the raw materials are divided into groups (grain, mealy, protein-mineral, coarse, liquid) they begin to “cook”, or rather, process in every possible way: clean from unnecessary impurities, peel (filmous cereals), crush, dry, grind (minerals , salt), as well as in accordance with the recipe to carry out moisture treatment, heating to certain temperature or extrusion (heat treatment of grain raw materials under pressure). With the help of special equipment - extruders for feed production. Extrusion can significantly improve the taste properties of the grain, it acquires a specific aroma, similar to the smell of freshly baked bread, and the starch in it decrystallizes.

At the last and most important stage, all components are measured in accordance with the recipe and mixed. It is extremely important that all feed components are weighed and dosed in strict accordance with the recipe, otherwise this can potentially have a significant impact on the health of animals and birds. Especially when it comes to complete food. measure out right amount one or another component can be done in two ways: by weight and by volume. If a weight dosage is used, then the components fall on the scales and are mixed into the total mixture in stages. With the bulk method, the components are constantly mixed.

It is clear that the volumetric dosage has a greater percentage of error, however, the device of such a line is much simpler, the equipment is cheaper and much easier to maintain, and some components (straw, hay) of mixed feed can only be measured with a volumetric dispenser. Given all of the above, it is not surprising that manufacturers prefer less accurate volumetric dosage, weight.

After mixing, the compound feed has several ways. If it is assumed that the finished feed should be crumbly, the mixture is simply packaged and sent to the warehouse to await shipment. If the compound feed will be produced in the form of granules, then the finished feed mixture is transferred to a separate storage tank. Here it accumulates until its quantity reaches a certain volume. Once this has happened, the production belt sends it to the granulator for the production of granulated feed.

This equipment makes it possible to make granules of equal size and shape from a practically homogeneous feed mass. After granulation, the compound feed is dried and sieved to separate the finished granules from unusable residues. The granular compound feed is packaged, and the remains are sent for processing. Accordingly, when briquetting, the mixture is also first accumulated in a tank and then pressed into round or rectangular briquettes. The advantage of briquetting is that it leaves much less dry, unprocessed residues than when pelleting compound feed.

Features of the organization of the production of animal feed

At the moment, there are 4 ways to organize a feed production workshop:

Parallel-sequential processing of raw materials and single weighing;
- parallel preparation of raw materials and double dosage;
- parallel preparation of raw materials and single dosage;
- sequential (straight-through) method.

With the parallel-sequential method of organizing production, the raw materials are divided into parts, one part is processed separately from the main flow separately, and the other - one after another, that is, sequentially. Processed and cleaned raw materials are placed in tanks. Each tank is for its own type of raw material. Then, in accordance with the recipe, the ingredients are measured, mixed and immediately packaged. The scheme seems to be simple, but it requires a significant amount of space to accommodate all the necessary tanks. Work in such a production requires a lot of labor for preparatory stage, and the remaining raw materials in the tanks at the end of the shift are extremely difficult to track.

In the second method, several pre-mixes (cereal, mealy, protein-mineral) are first prepared, and then they are re-measured and mixed according to the recipe. Such production is less overall, however, the mobility when changing the recipe is reduced.

The third method differs from the second one in that all pre-mixes are prepared in strict proportions, which means that they do not need to be reweighed when mixed in the total mass. Such a scheme is more mobile; feed can be produced according to several recipes at the same time. But the equipment often runs idle, which reduces its useful life.

The fourth method involves a constant, continuous process of processing raw materials, their dosage and mixing. All stages go on top of each other and one after another. This is the most efficient scheme, there are almost no unaccounted balances. There is only one drawback - the raw materials used in such production must already be completely cleaned, since technological lines are simply not suitable for cleaning.

Which method to use is a private matter for each manufacturer. Absolutely all of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, the trend of recent years is such that global feed producers are gradually moving from the classical, first scheme, to the fourth. In addition, it is not uncommon to find small, mini feed mills located directly near farm plots. Such lines are able to meet the needs of an individual farm and are characterized by a quick payback.

The agricultural business is a fairly promising area of ​​​​activity, provided that you are able to competently organize your business. The number of farms in our country is constantly increasing, respectively, the demand for feed and other expendable materials. Experts believe that the production of compound feed as a business is the best option for start-up entrepreneurs.

Business Features

AT recent times, the agricultural sector began to develop rapidly. In this regard, various feed mixtures are in great demand in the market. Therefore, many novice businessmen, when choosing a line of business, prefer the production of animal feed.

Modern livestock breeders put forward serious requirements for manufacturers of such products. One condition remains unchanged under any circumstances - a balanced diet. Manufacturers regularly develop new recipes using various legumes and grains, as well as all kinds of hybrid varieties.

When developing a business plan for the production of compound feed, it must be taken into account that only high-quality products, which are a combination of components rich in vitamins, microelements and natural protein, are in great demand.

According to experts, such a business is highly profitable. But it requires large capital investments. To open such an enterprise, you will need at least 2 million rubles.

Types of feed

Compound feeds are intended for poultry and animals. They are made from grains and various protein supplements. In addition, the product includes all kinds of vitamins and minerals, as well as specialized additives.

Since most often animals and birds are kept in closed ranges, they need balanced feed to maintain a normal physical condition. Many farmers start the production of compound feed at home in order to provide their farm with high-quality feed mixtures and receive additional income from the sale of their surplus. A good owner is well aware that you can’t save on quality feed, so such an enterprise can become a real gold mine for you.

Manufacturers produce a huge range of animal feed of different types. In addition, they offer products for young and adult animals, pregnant and lactating females of various product lines.

According to the nutritional value, compound feeds are divided into:

  • Concentrated containing a large number of various nutrients;
  • Balancing supplements containing vitamins and trace elements;
  • Complete food for daily use.

The most popular are bulk feed of medium grinding, as well as granular fractions. They are commonly used for raising poultry and pigs. For cattle breeding, briquetted feed is produced.

Scheme: compound feed production

To produce high-quality products, you need to contact specialists who will help you choose the composition of the mixture from local components and conduct laboratory studies of raw materials. In addition, they will help calculate all costs, future profits and production costs.

If you offer wide range of products for different types of animals, you will be able to attract more buyers. Accordingly, the company will bring good profits.

Raw material

For the preparation of feed mixtures, a variety of raw materials are used:
  1. Hay, meal or cake. In some cases, high quality straw is used;
  2. High-quality grain without mold and fungus;
  3. Meat and bone meal;
  4. Salt;
  5. Syrup;
  6. vitamins;
  7. Protein additives.

The choice of components depends on the formulation and production technology.

Technological process

The choice of feed production technology largely depends on the composition of the raw materials. For example, to make poultry feed, barley must be hulled. For other mixtures, such grain is not used.

The most demanded line of business is the production of granular mixed fodder.

It consists of the following steps:

  • Grinding of the main raw materials;
  • Dosing;
  • Mixing of all components;
  • Granulation of the mixture;
  • Product cooling;
  • Packing.

Primary raw materials, depending on the recipe, are crushed into particles of 30-40 mm or 5-10 mm in a conventional crusher. After that, it is sent to the dispenser. At this stage, all the necessary additives also come. Remember that the quality of the finished product largely depends on the accuracy of dosing. Further, all components are sent to the mixer and processed into a homogeneous mass. Loose compound feed is packaged and sent for packaging.

To get the granules, the resulting mass is sent to the hopper with the help of a conveyor. Through it, the mass is evenly fed to the granulator press, which forms lumps of a certain size from the mixture. After that, the compound feed is cooled and served on the sieving table, on which substandard is separated. The last step is bagging.


In order to establish a complete manufacturing process, you will need a room in which you can place the equipment. In addition, it is necessary to equip warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.

The height of the ceilings in the room should not be less than 4.5 meters. Plant planning is best left to the experts. They will help you install the equipment correctly, in accordance with all existing standards.


In order for the enterprise to work fully, it is necessary to purchase high-quality equipment for the production of animal feed. For a small workshop, you need to purchase two units - a grain crusher and a mixer. If you want to open a mini feed mill, it is advisable to purchase a production line. approximate price equipment for the production of compound feed - 150 thousand rubles. When the enterprise begins to develop, you can buy a more powerful line with a capacity of 3t/h. It costs about 2.5 million rubles.

When developing a business plan for granulated feed, it should be taken into account that for the manufacture of such products you will need a special Production Line. It costs about 1.5 million rubles. The productivity of such equipment is 1 ton/hour. You can also purchase a more powerful line with a capacity of 3t/h. Its cost is about 3 million rubles. In addition, you will have to purchase a raw material grinder. This will require another 20 thousand rubles.

Costs and profits

The largest expense item is the equipment of the workshop, since the price of extruders for the production of animal feed ranges from 2–3 million rubles. Therefore, in order to save money at the start, you can purchase used equipment for the production of animal feed at home with a capacity of 0.5 t/h. In this case, your company will produce monthly 92 tons of finished products. The wholesale price of compound feed is about 10 thousand rubles a ton, respectively, the monthly revenue will be about 1 million rubles.

In addition, it is necessary to allocate additional funds for:

  • Room rental - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Salary for workers - 120 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of raw materials - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Transportation costs and payment of utility bills - 100 thousand rubles.

If you manage to ensure the right approach, the initial investment will pay off in just 10-12 months and the company will reach a net income. After that, you can upgrade production and purchase more powerful equipment.

Production at home

Entrepreneurs who do not have a large start-up capital can open a small business at home. In this case, you can buy inexpensive used equipment or make it yourself.

The owner of a private house will surely find suitable premises on a personal plot in which it is possible to install a granulator and an extruder. In addition, you will need a crusher for raw materials, a mixer and scales. If you have your own household plot, over time, you can build a full-fledged workshop with an area of ​​100 sq. meters and purchase a more powerful production line.

Sales of finished products

Since the production of compound feed in Russia is developed on high level the competition in this area is quite strong. Therefore, when compiling a business plan for the production of compound feed, it is necessary first of all to find distribution channels.

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Compound feed is purchased in large quantities:

  • Farms;
  • resellers;
  • Nurseries for breeding different animals;
  • Private traders;
  • Zoos.

It is advisable to sell the goods in bulk so that the products do not stay in stock, so try to conclude agreements on the supply of products with public or private companies.

It is not profitable to sell feed to intermediary firms, since such organizations do not offer good purchase prices. They buy products for a penny, make a big margin and sell it at retail to private individuals.

Description of the presentation BASICS OF THE PRODUCTION OF COMPOUND FEED 1. Compound feed, production technology according to slides

1. Compound feed, production technology The basis of any compound feed is grain and seeds different cultures. First of all, it is the grain of corn, barley, oats, wheat, millet, sorghum, leguminous seeds and wheat bran. To these components are added (in various recipes) cakes and meals, animal feed (bone meal, blood meal, meat meal, fish meal, whale meal, crab meal, etc.), fodder yeast, mineral feed (chalk, shell, etc.) and much more.

Guided by recipes, feed mills produce feed mixtures, compound feed concentrates and complete feed: loose, briquetted and granulated. The most simple to prepare feed loose mixtures. Relying on the recipe components are each separately cleaned of impurities, subjected to peeling (for example, filmy grain) and then crushed in hammer mills to the required fineness. Further, all the prepared components in the required doses are measured (by volume or weight method) and mixed on special mixers (screws). The resulting product is packed in bags or stored in loose form.

More difficult is the production of briquetted feed. For their production, a mixture of crushed components is prepared, which is transferred to a special mixer, where it is mixed with dosed required quantity molasses supplied in a pulverized state. The resulting well-mixed mass is transferred to briquetting presses. The briquette has an octagonal shape 160-170 mm long, 70-80 mm wide and 30-60 mm thick. Briquetted feed is produced for ruminants. The recipe of some of them includes chopped hay and straw. Granulated feeds are prepared with more great variety technological processes and are produced mainly in the form of full-ration. Special meaning they feed on birds, fish and fur-bearing animals. Granules are small cylinders of a certain diameter and height, obtained by pressing the mass of the prepared product. They are convenient for movement, transportation and storage, as they have good flowability. They are also the most convenient for feeding.

Granular feed is produced by dry and wet methods. In the dry method, a homogeneous mixture of technologically prepared components is mixed with a sprayed liquid component (molasses, salted hydrol, fish oil, etc.), after which it is sometimes steamed, and then pressed, cut into pieces (granules) and cooled. The size of the granules depends on the type and age of the animals and how they are fed. So, for young birds (under the age of 8 weeks) and fish, granules with a diameter of up to 2.4 mm are recommended, for chickens and broilers older than eight weeks - with a diameter of 3.2 mm, for adult broilers - 4 mm, and for laying hens, ducks and adult fish - 4.8 mm. Larger granules are obtained for rabbits, sheep and calves (6.4 mm) and even larger ones for cattle, horses and pigs (9.5-15.9 mm).

2. Rationing the quality of mixed feed The science of feeding farm animals, birds and fish has established that only if there are rations that are complete in terms of feed, it is possible to minimal cost feed and more short time receive maximum quantities marketable products (milk, meat, eggs, etc.) of high quality. Therefore, modern animal husbandry is based on the use of specially prepared combined feed, or, in short, compound feed. Compound feed is called complex homogeneous mixtures of various feed products and microadditives, purified and crushed to the required size, produced according to scientifically based recipes and providing more complete feeding of animals. The advantage of the production of compound feed is that it provides the opportunity to most rationally use various products - waste generated in various sectors of the food, flour and cereals, meat and dairy and fish processing industries.

For the production of compound feed, a compound feed industry has been created and is successfully developing. belong to the state or collective farms and state farms. The productivity of feed mills per day can be very different (up to 600 tons), and the equipment can be more or less complex, depending on what kind of feed they have to produce. AT agriculture factories are built mainly near livestock complexes. Currently, feed mills produce the following products: feed mixtures, mixed feed concentrates, complete mixed feeds, protein and vitamin supplements, premixes, urea concentrate, protein and vitamin supplements based on urea concentrate.

Feed mixtures - a homogeneous product consisting of feed products used in animal feeding, but not containing a complete set of nutrients. However, these mixtures are great value than separately fed components. In addition, their digestibility is increased as a result of grinding raw materials to a particle size size that is most acceptable for a given species and group of animals. Compound feed-concentrates - compound feed with a high content of protein, minerals and micro-additives, fed with grain, succulent or coarse feed products to ensure more biologically complete feeding of animals.

Feed mixtures are a homogeneous product consisting of feed products used in animal feeding, but not containing a complete set of nutrients. However, these mixtures are of greater value than separately fed components. In addition, their digestibility is increased as a result of grinding raw materials to a particle size size that is most acceptable for a given species and group of animals. Compound feed-concentrates - compound feed with a high content of protein, minerals and micro-additives, fed with grain, succulent or coarse feed products to ensure more biologically complete feeding of animals.

3. Storage and transportation of compound feeds Compound feeds are more complex and difficult objects of storage than grain masses, flour and cereals. This is explained by the large number of components that make up their composition, and the various physical, chemical and biological properties of each component. So, even if we consider the issue of the “critical” moisture content of mixed fodders, then, depending on their constituent components, it is at the level of 10-14.5%, and the critical moisture content of bone meal is 8.7%, flour from alfalfa leaves - 14.9 %, cake from cotton seeds - 11.5% and meal from the same seeds - 12.8%. As applied to animal feed, the term "critical moisture" characterizes the possibility of active development of microorganisms. The stability of compound feed during storage largely depends on the quality of its components and their quantity in the compound feed.

Possessing hygroscopic properties, compound feeds can significantly change their moisture content. This happens especially quickly in loose feed. Experiments in laboratory conditions have shown that the process of sorption or desorption of water vapor is most intensive during the first three days and ends on the 10-14th day. In compound feed stored in a warehouse or silo, the processes of sorption and desorption occur intensively in top layer embankments. The rate of moisture penetration into the embankment also depends on the granulometric composition of the mixed fodder and its wellness.

Of the factors environment providing greatest influence on the safety of feed, is the temperature. Storage under conditions low temperatures and at humidity below critical, it significantly extends the period of their safe storage. The great importance of the temperature factor is explained by the fact that the main reason for the decrease in the quality and deterioration of mixed fodder is the active development of microflora and insect pests of grain stocks. It has also been established that the oxidative processes occurring in combined feeds proceed more intensively at higher positive temperatures.

The microflora of mixed fodders in the overwhelming majority consists of microorganisms inhabiting the grain mass. Their total number in 1 g of compound feed may exceed the content in the grain mass, since products such as bran and grass flour, extremely saturated with microorganisms, are introduced into the recipe. Feed batches prepared from sound grains contain mainly bacteria, and Bact is the most common among them. herbicola.

All compound feeds are an exceptionally favorable nutrient medium for many bacteria, and especially mold fungi. In the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture (at the critical level and more) and positive temperatures (above 10 °C, and especially above 20 °C), molds develop rapidly, release a lot of heat and are the main cause of self-heating. The large openness of loose (56-58%) and granular (50-54%) feeds provides a supply of air (and oxygen in it) necessary for the intensive development of aerobic fungal flora.

In order to prevent poultry diseases, produce complete and veterinarily safe poultry products and protect the population from diseases common to humans and birds, feed and feed raw materials must meet the relevant requirements. Complete compound feed for poultry should be made from purified and crushed raw materials, according to recipes based on the recommendations of VNITIP, normative documents. Complete compound feeds are produced in 3 types: loose, granulated and grits.

Raw materials used for the production of animal feed must comply with established standards and specifications.

Table 2 - Recipe for feed for young chickens of egg breeds.

Raw materials of grain crops

In the diet of a bird, depending on its type and age, grain feeds make up 60--75%. They are easily digested and readily eaten by birds. Of the cereal grains, corn, barley and wheat are the most valuable for poultry. Wheat is introduced into the diet if it does not meet the requirements of the food grain standard in terms of quality, but is suitable for feeding animals and poultry. Grain, with its high concentration of nutrients, is of course the most suitable feed for poultry, but it is low in protein and some amino acids. Grain feed cereals contain up to 70% starch, 8 to 20% protein, 2.2 to 10.5% fiber, 1.5-4% minerals, 2-8% fat, vitamin B. Grain should be used in the diet good quality moisture content 14-16%.

Corn. This is one of the best bird feeds. It surpasses all other grain feeds in terms of energy content. Corn is rich in carbohydrates (up to 70%) and contains very little fiber. 100 g of grain contains 330 cal of metabolic energy, which is 10-30% higher than the level of other cereals. At the same time, corn is poor in proteins (8-13%), and its protein is of poor quality, poor in some essential amino acids. Therefore, when it is fed large quantities feed containing complete protein of legumes and animal origin is added to the diet. The low level of fiber in it allows you to feed it to young animals in a crushed form from the first days of life. In the diet of poultry of egg breeds, corn is fed in an amount of up to 40-50% of the volume of all grains.

The quality of corn is regulated by GOST 13634-90 Corn. Requirements for procurement and supply.

This standard applies to corn on the cob and on the cob harvested by the state procurement system and supplied for food, feed purposes and for processing into compound feed.

According to this standard, the grain may have a yellow, orange or white color. For the production of compound feed, corn grain with a moisture content of not more than 15.0% is allowed. An important indicator is the contamination of incoming raw materials: the content of weed impurities is not more than 5.0%, grain impurities - 15.0%. Infection of grain with pests is not allowed, except for infection with a tick not higher than 1 degree.

Wheat in terms of calories, it is somewhat inferior to corn, but contains slightly more protein (12-14%), and it is more complete than the protein of other cereal feeds. Is different high content vitamins of group B and vitamin E. For feeding poultry, wheat of non-edible quality, the so-called fodder, is used. A mixture of wheat grain proteins is often called gluten (gluten), which has elasticity. Therefore, finely ground wheat in the goiter of a bird forms a sticky mass, which leads to indigestion. It is recommended to use coarse wheat. The digestibility of wheat nutrients is 62--84%. The optimal norms of wheat for young animals are 35--40%, for adult birds 40--45%, the maximum 60 and 70%, respectively.

The quality of this type of raw material is controlled by GOST 52554-2006 Wheat. Specifications.

This standard applies to grains of soft and durum wheat intended for use in food and non-food purposes.

Grain color characteristic of healthy grain of this type and subtype. The smell is characteristic of healthy wheat grain, without moldy, malty, musty and other foreign odors. Grain with a moisture content of 14.0% and with a grain size of 750 g/l is allowed. When accepting raw materials, the content of weed impurities is allowed - no more than 2.0% and grain impurities - no more than 5.0%. Infestation with pests is not allowed, except for tick infestation not higher than degree 2.

Barley. The best forage crop in terms of the content of the range of amino acids. It is distinguished by a high content of lysine and choline. In general, the protein contains 9-11% (. The disadvantage of this food is the high content of fiber due to the shell - up to 15% by weight. organic matter barley are digested by 58--78%. Barley is fed whole and crushed. Young animals under the age of 10-20 days are given barley without films, in the form of cereals. Sprouted barley is much better eaten and absorbed by the bird. The rate of introduction of barley into feed for young animals is 15-20%, for adult birds 30-40%. Barley without films can be introduced 20-25% more.

Restrictive norms for harvested barley are determined by GOST 28672-90 barley. Technology for procurement and supply

Applies to barley grain harvested by the state procurement system and supplied for food and feed purposes.

Grain color may be yellow various shades. The production receives grain with a moisture content of 14.5% and in kind of at least 630 g/l. The content of weed impurities is necessarily controlled - no more than 2.0%, grain impurities - no more than 7.0% in the grain of the main crop. Infestation with pests is not allowed, except for tick infestation not higher than 1 degree.

Waste of technical production.

sunflower meal is a waste from the oil extraction industry. Obtained after extraction of fat from the seeds of oil plants with organic solvents in distillers and evaporators. It is a good protein source with amino acid availability.

The protein level can reach up to 44%, the corresponding fiber level from 12% to 25%. In such sunflower meal, the fat level ranges from 7% to 10%. In terms of calcium content, sunflower meal is similar to soybean meal (calcium content from 0.2% to 0.35%), the level of phosphorus is higher (from 0.9% to 1.0%). The total amount of organic phosphorus is about 77% of the total. This type The feed is rich in niacin, riboflavin, choline, biotin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine. In addition to this, sunflower meal is an excellent source of vitamin E.

GOST 11246-96 Sunflower meal. Specifications.

It applies to sunflower meal, obtained according to the pre-pressing-extraction scheme from pre-treated sunflower seeds.

The color of the product is gray with various shades, the smell is characteristic of sunflower meal without foreign odors (must, mold, burning). The mass fraction of moisture in the meal is 7-10%. The content of foreign impurities (pebbles, glass, earth) and infestation with pests are not allowed. Total energy nutrition in terms of dry matter not less than 0.968 c.u.

feed yeast obtained industrially from the waste of wood processing, sulfite-cellulose and alcohol production. Yeast contains 42-49% protein of high biological value, 35.2% nitrogen-free extractives, 9.7% water, 1.5% fat, 0.2% cellulose, 7.8% ash. In poultry feeding, yeast is used mainly to improve the amino acid composition of feed and as a source of B vitamins and vitamin D. When 3-7% of feed yeast (by weight of feed) is introduced into feed rations, growth is accelerated, animal gains increase, as well as the survival rate of young animals.

The quality of fodder yeast is regulated by GOST 20083-74 Feed yeast. Specifications.

This standard applies to fodder yeast obtained from commercially pure yeast cultures grown on various substrates of hydrolysis-yeast, molasses-yeast, alcohol, acetone-butyl and sulfite-alkali industries. Feed yeast is used in the production of compound feed, as well as an additive in the feed rations of farm animals, poultry and fur-bearing animals.

According to this standard, yeast from light yellow to brown in powder form is used for the production of animal feed. The mass fraction of moisture fluctuates within 10%. The presence of living cells of the producer is not allowed.

Raw materials of animal origin

fish flour are made from various wastes obtained during the cutting of fish at canneries, as well as from non-edible fish. Fishmeal contains a lot of essential amino acids, B vitamins and trace elements. The industry produces fatty (10-20% fat) and low-fat (up to 3% fat) fishmeal. Low-fat flour is more valuable, as it keeps longer. Fishmeal contributes to more rapid growth poultry and livestock: fattening increases by 15% and growth by approximately 4%. When growing egg-laying hens, the use of a nutritional supplement rich in protein, selenium and iodine increases the fecundity of the bird, improves its immune defense.

GOST 2116-2000 Feed meal from fish, marine mammals, crustaceans and invertebrates. Specifications.

This standard applies to feed flour made from fish, marine mammals, invertebrates, as well as from waste obtained during processing, intended for the production of compound feed and for feeding farm animals, birds and fur-bearing animals.

Fishmeal should be crumbly, without lumps and mold, have a specific fishy smell, without mustiness. 3-7% of fishmeal is introduced into compound feed for young animals, 2-3% for adult birds. Mass fraction of moisture in flour is 10.0%. Fishmeal is rich in calcium (13.0%), phosphorus (5.0%), vitamins A, D, group B. In 1 kg of fishmeal containing over 50% protein, 18.0% fat and 0.90--0 .93 units

Bone flour- the product of processing of bones of the killed animals used as mineral top dressing for page - x. animals. It is produced by grinding defatted organic solvents and deglued with steam bones. She is rich minerals, especially calcium (245 g per 1 kg of feed) and phosphorus (118 g).

GOST 17536-82 Feed flour of animal origin. Specifications.

Applies to fodder flour of animal origin intended for use in the production of animal feed and in feeding livestock and poultry.

This is a free-flowing product without dense lumps or granules that do not crumble under pressure, with a diameter of not more than 12.7 mm, a length of not more than two diameters, and a crumbling of not more than 15%. Humidity should not exceed 9.0%. AT bone meal contains 20.0% protein, 61% ash and 10% fat. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the finished product is not allowed.

Components of plant origin

herbal flour is a valuable feed for poultry of all types and ages, obtained from artificially dried green mass. The introduction of herbal flour into compound feeds contributes to their enrichment with vitamins and makes it possible to significantly reduce the additional supplement to the diets of expensive vitamin preparations. Grass flour nutritionally is not inferior to many grain feeds and surpasses them in the usefulness of the protein, the content of vitamins and other biologically important compounds. The disadvantage of herbal flour is its high fiber content (up to 25-27% or more). The most valuable raw materials for the preparation of high-quality herbal flour are legumes and legume-cereal mixtures. Herbal flour is produced in loose or granular form. The optimal norms for the inclusion of grass flour in compound feed for replacement chickens are 3--5%.

GOST 18691-88 Artificially dried herbaceous fodder. Specifications.

This standard applies to artificially dried grass feed intended for use in the production of animal feed, feed mixtures or for direct feeding to farm animals and poultry.

The color of artificially dried grass fodder should be dark green or green, without musty, moldy, putrid odors and burning. Toxicity of artificially dried grass feed is not allowed. I dry grass flour to a moisture content of 9-12%, depending on the type of plant. This feed contains about 19% protein and 210 mg of carotene.

Mineral components of compound feed

The main components of compound feed do not satisfy the needs of birds in calcium, phosphorus and sodium, therefore they must be modified with appropriate additives: table salt, fluorine-free feed phosphate, mono-, di-, tricalcium phosphate, limestone flour, baking soda, shell, feed chalk, defluorinated phosphate , zeolites, bentonites. Much attention should be paid to the mineral nutrition of the bird. So, for the formation of the shell of one egg, a chicken consumes more than 2 g of calcium and 0.1 g of phosphorus. good source calcium serve as chalk.

Stern chalk 75-85% consists of calcium. Absorbed in the body with the participation of phosphorus. The normal ratio of calcium to phosphorus for young animals is 2:1, for laying hens 3:1. It is introduced according to the needs of animals and the composition of the feed at a dose of 0.5-3.0% of the amount of feed.

Shell fodder a source of calcium for the formation of the skeleton and shell of eggs. The effect of digestion improves in combination with tricalcium phosphate. The input rate for young animals is 1.0-1.2%, for laying hens up to 7-9% of the amount of feed. The barnacle can be given in separate free-feeding feeders. In the shell, it is necessary to control the content of calcium (not less than 35%), magnesium, fluorine, arsenic, lead and sand (not more than 5%).

The absorption of calcium is uneven as the growth and development of the bird: in chickens from 2 to 4 months. - 25%, from 6 to 12 months. - 60%. Therefore, growing young birds are especially in need of calcium and phosphorus, since its selection for precocity has led to the fact that the development of the skeleton lags behind the formation of muscle tissue. In this regard, at an early age, leg anomalies of non-contagious etiology develop in young birds - chondrodystrophy, tibia dyschondroplasia, rickets.

Salt, as a mineral supplement, is needed by all farm animals and poultry, because most of the vegetable feed contains little sodium and chlorine, which are part of table salt. Sodium in the blood and tissue fluids is involved in the neutralization of acids.