Clinker brick sizes. Facing brick: types, sizes and approximate prices. How to do simultaneous warming

Aerated concrete is a modern building material that resembles foam concrete in structure, but differs in air bubbles located inside. The hollow structure of aerated concrete absorbs moisture well, which requires exterior finish material. The better to plaster aerated concrete walls is discussed in the proposed article.

For the manufacture of material are used:

  • quartz sand - the basis of the mixture;
  • lime;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • aluminum powder is added during the manufacturing process of the material. Acts as the main blowing agent and gives the material a specific structure.

Tip: When purchasing aerated concrete, it must be borne in mind that the pores of the blocks, unlike foam concrete, are open. This determines the features of its application and finish.

Comparative characteristics of foam concrete and aerated concrete are presented in the table:

foam concrete aerated concrete
In its structure, air bubbles do not connect with each other, which increases the resistance of the material to wetting.Air bubbles are interconnected, which allows moisture to move freely through them.
Good qualities of frost resistance and thermal conductivity.Gives off heat and hardens from frost.
The inner layer of the plaster layer should be twice as thick as the outer one.The walls must be plastered inside the room, and then on the facade of the building.
To improve adhesion, the walls must be cleaned, then carefully sanded to remove the upper hydrophobized layer. Due to poor absorption of moisture, a solution is sprayed to increase adhesion, and then the main layer is applied.Adhesion indicators are higher

When plastering external surfaces of aerated concrete, its high hygroscopicity must be taken into account.

This requires the use of non-standard plasters, which over time will not lead to:

  • Cracking of the internal and external surfaces of the building, as in the photo.

  • The appearance of traces of masonry after fog or rain, which worsens the visual parameters of the walls.
  • Change of technical characteristics.

  • An increase in indoor humidity.
  • The appearance of mold in the corners of the rooms.

For the finishing of external surfaces, special facade plasters. Special danger for aerated concrete slabs- temperature fluctuations and severe frosts.

During operation, a certain amount of liquid begins to accumulate inside the structures, which will expand when it freezes and can greatly damage the structures of the structure. plastering aerated concrete foundations it is possible only with mixtures that have good water-repellent properties that do not prevent moisture from evaporating from the walls.

For exterior finishing of aerated concrete, the plaster must have:

  • Good adhesion parameters.
  • High compressive strength.
  • Frost resistance.

Tip: Owners of buildings made of aerated concrete blocks should take into account that the exterior wall decoration is carried out only after all internal facing works. Otherwise, when carrying out “wet” interior finishing work, the walls will absorb a significant amount of moisture, which will subsequently begin to evaporate.

If a exterior facade will be trimmed before application internal plaster, with its intensive evaporation, peeling of the outer plaster layer from the surface of aerated concrete will appear. After the interior decoration of the room, it is possible to clad the walls of the house from the outside with special compositions with the highest vapor permeability.

Advice: It is impossible to plaster facades using standard cement-sand mixtures due to their insufficient high properties vapor permeability.

Plaster for gas concrete

For wall finishing, a vapor-permeable plaster for aerated concrete is used, which passes water vapor well, does not get wet, with good adhesion to the surface of the blocks and high frost resistance.

Type of plaster Material Features

  • Acrylic plasters for aerated concrete are used to strengthen structures with increased load, such as a plinth.
  • Used for interior and exterior decoration of the house.
  • Taken for decorative coating.
  • For a long time they retain their color and unchanged texture.
  • They have good adhesion.

Material disadvantages:

  • Not too high vapor permeability.
  • subject to combustion.

Tip: When choosing such a material, you must first waterproof the walls.

  • The basis of the composition is liquid glass.
  • It is a breathable plaster for aerated concrete.
  • Has low water absorption.
  • Acceptable price.
  • There are many textures on which there can be: scratches, roughness, pits.
  • Used for plastering facades and internal walls from aerated concrete, on the material itself and insulating elements for it.

Flaws: small selection colors, loss of appearance, due to the deposition of dust and dirt on the surfaces of the walls.

  • silicone plaster for aerated concrete is made on the basis of silicon-organic polymers.
  • Possesses high resistance to harmful atmospheric action.
  • Practically does not get wet, the mixture is hydrophobic.
  • It has high vapor permeability.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Such plaster mixtures for aerated concrete do not lose their pleasant appearance for a long time.

Disadvantage: High cost, but over time, it will likely pay off. In this case, it is appropriate to remember that the miser pays twice.

The advantages of the composition:
  • Dries quickly.
  • Doesn't shrink.
  • You can make a smooth surface.
  • No need to apply finishing layer.

Disadvantages of gypsum plaster:

  • Not very good vapor permeability.
  • Gets wet quickly in rain or snow.
  • Spots appear on the surface that need to be painted over.

Lime-cement plaster

All the necessary properties are inherent in light thin-layer plasters specially designed for finishing aerated concrete surfaces. An example of such plaster can be - Baumit HandPutz for do-it-yourself wall decoration, produced in bags weighing 25 kilograms.

Its main physical properties are shown in the table:

Name of indicatorIts meaning
Grain size, mm1
Ultimate strength of the material in bending, tensile, N/mm2≥0,5
Compressive strength of the composition, N/mm²≥3,5
Vapor permeability coefficient μ,15
Thermal conductivity coefficient λ, W/mK0,8
Dry mix density, kg/m³1600
Liquid consumption, liter/bag6-7
Consumption of the mixture (with a thickness of the applied layer of 1 cm), kg / m²15
Minimum layer plaster, mm5
Maximum layer of plaster, mm20

Tip: Before plastering aerated concrete with this plaster, it is necessary to spray the previously cleaned wall surface with Baumit Vorspritze solution.

Material selection

To choose which plaster is better to plaster aerated concrete walls, you need to purchase a plaster composition that meets the characteristics:

  • good vapor permeability;
  • the optimal volume of liquid for mixing the mixture: for one kilogram of the mixture - no more than 0.2 liters of water;
  • certain values ​​of the minimum and maximum thickness applying plaster;
  • good adhesion with a base of at least 0.5 MPa;
  • resistance to negative temperatures;
  • high resistance to cracking;
  • long pot life of the mixture, the larger it is, the easier it is to work with the solution, especially for beginners.

The procedure for plastering walls made of aerated concrete

Before starting work, it is better to get acquainted with the video in this article.

Advice: Building blocks from cellular concrete are quite even with almost imperceptible seams. It is not necessary to use plaster solutions for leveling surfaces. It is enough to apply only a thin layer of the mixture.

The wall plastering instruction suggests the following work procedure:

  • Surface primer. A composition specially designed for aerated concrete, the surface of which actively absorbs moisture, is applied with a brush or roller.

  • The walls are finished with a thin layer of plaster.

Properly selected plaster mixes for aerated concrete blocks allow you to make your home not only beautiful, but also warm, preserving all its positive characteristics for a long time.

One of the popular wall materials used for the construction of private houses is aerated concrete. But despite its fame, very often fatal mistakes are made at the stage of finishing an already built house, due to which the natural microclimate is disturbed. aerated concrete house. And before starting detailed description facade processing, you need to figure out why such misconceptions are born, how to avoid them, and what kind of facade plaster for aerated concrete should be.

A little about aerated concrete

To understand the issues of finishing, let's move away from this topic a bit in order to understand how important it is to do everything right and what affects the cladding technology. To do this, you need to plunge into the technology of block production. And if you briefly describe its description, then special additives are introduced into the finished cement-sand mortar, the result of the reaction of which is the formation of a porous structure. If we consider in more detail the body of gas silicate concrete, we can see not only microvoids, but also many tubules that dot them, forming an “open” cellular structure, which has a mass positive properties, such as:

  • high heat capacity. It is provided not only by the porous body of the blocks, but also by their precise geometry, which allows the use of a minimum butt joint from a special adhesive composition, which does not allow the formation of "bridges" of cold;
  • noise isolation;
  • not susceptibility to various fungal formations;
  • The "open" structure of the concrete creates a unique atmosphere inside the building - it will keep you cool in summer and warm in the cold season. But if you break this natural system vapor permeability, for example, illiterate plaster walls made of aerated concrete, then the house will be stuffy, and condensation will begin to accumulate on the walls, which will lead to mold.

But the cellular structure of aerated concrete blocks also has certain disadvantages:

  • a high degree of water absorption leads to the rapid destruction of the walls without the possibility of recovery. Therefore, waterproofing is given Special attention;
  • the structure, consisting of open pores, is very well ventilated, which makes the house quite cold, even despite good system heating;
  • heterogeneity of the body of blocks, even the most high density makes them susceptible to mechanical influences, which are imprinted in the form of large chips and potholes.

But is it necessary to plaster aerated concrete blocks Or do you need a more solid cladding? Of course, the ventilated facade system is perfect option for decorative protection of walls, but if you choose the best way to plaster aerated concrete outside and follow the technology, then this method of finishing will be no less effective.

When is the best time to plaster gas silicate walls

Aerated concrete belongs to the family cellular concrete, therefore, it has some of its general properties, namely shrinkage. This phenomenon is inevitable, and if finishing is done earlier than six months later, then its cracking is inevitable.

But as we remember, aerated concrete does not like water, therefore, after the walls are erected, rhinestones need to be treated with a deep penetration primer, which reduces water absorption. For reinsurance, you can cover the walls with polyethylene.

The rest of the plastering is best done in the summer, but if the planned finishing falls on a colder period of the year, then it is allowed to be carried out when the temperature at night does not fall below 0 0 C.

The quality of the erected structure of aerated concrete directly depends on the order of production of finishing outside the premises and inside. Consider possible ways analyzing their advantages and disadvantages.

Method 1 - parallel plastering inside and outside the house

The production of such a finish is very convenient from a technical point of view, and saves a lot of time. But if we consider this method from the other side, then it is less preferable, since the quality is lost and the characteristics of the newly built house suffer.

Any technology for plastering walls made of aerated concrete implies significant evaporation of moisture. Of course, most of it will be weathered with the help of natural and artificial ventilation, but the bulk of the moisture will fall on the walls. Simultaneously carried out plaster from the outside will clog it on certain time, which is undesirable.

Method 2 - when the exterior finish is carried out first

It is more logical to initially finish the walls of aerated concrete from the outside in order to prevent their destruction under the influence of atmospheric phenomena. But this is not entirely true, if this is done, then the vapors will be directed inward, which is highly undesirable.

But even overwintered primed walls will easily give up moisture and all vapors in the spring, without destroying the structure. But if a house is being built near a body of water, then priorities change, and under such circumstances, you first need to protect the walls from the street from exposure to abundant moisture.

Method 3 - when interior decoration is carried out first

Of the proposed options, this one is the best, because the volume of moisture formed during the finishing will freely come out through the non-clogged pores of aerated concrete. After the plaster is completely dry, you can safely proceed to the cladding of the facade.

Treating the walls with a deep primer with this method of finishing will not interfere with the removal of excess moisture.

What mixture to prefer as facade plaster

Market building materials replete with a huge range of plaster mixtures intended directly for the processing of aerated concrete. If you believe the manufacturers, then they are all the best in their field. But this is far from true. The characteristics of the main groups of plaster compositions summarized in the table will help you decide.

Type of plaster Advantages Flaws
Silicone blends based on organosilicon polymers resistance to water absorption; does not deteriorate under the influence of precipitation; high level vapor permeability; easy to apply high price
Silicate plaster based on liquid adhesive glass hydrophobicity; low water absorption not aesthetic appearance after dust settling;limited choice of colors
acrylic blend high strength; good decorative qualities flammability; low vapor permeability. But this can be corrected by using enhanced protection against moisture and organizing the ventilation system of the room with power.
Mineral plaster: lime-sand; cement-sand resistance to temperature extremes; good adhesion; resistance to cracking; vapor permeability; low cost does not have high decorative qualities

All vapor-permeable plaster, except for mineral, is produced in the form ready mix. In this regard, when studying the characteristics of various types, pay attention to the setting time. The longer it is, the easier it will be for beginners to apply the mixture.

But still, the preparation of ordinary cement plaster composition much more profitable from an economic point of view. Therefore, all inexperienced builders are tormented by the question: “is it possible to plaster aerated concrete cement mortar? The answer is unequivocally no, for the following reasons:

  • low adhesion with a gas silicate surface;
  • high humidity, which is detrimental to such cellular walls;
  • low coefficient of vapor permeability, which will not allow moisture to escape.

Some craftsmen even manage to mix concrete mortar with a plaster mixture in pursuit of profit. But instead they get a lot of problems and the need for large Money to remedy the consequences.

Self-finishing the facade with plaster

There is nothing clever about how to plaster aerated concrete as competently as possible. Next is the matter of technology. Plastering can be carried out using several technologies:

  • thin layer;
  • thick layer.

There is no particular difference in them, the choice is yours, depending on which way it will be more convenient to apply the plaster.


In both cases, before finishing, you need to prepare the base.

Stage 1. The walls are cleaned with a stiff brush from dirt.

Stage 2. Defects in masonry joints are eliminated with an adhesive composition.

Stage 3. If there are potholes in the blocks, they also need to be “patched” with the same masonry adhesive or mounting foam.

Stage 4. Beacons are mounted on nails - a profile along which alignment will occur.

Stage 5. The base of the walls is primed with a hydrophobic composition with a surface 2–3 mm thick.

Stage 6. After it dries, a composition for a 5 mm reinforced cloth is applied.

Stage 7. A reinforcing mesh (fiberglass or metal) is fixed on the walls with an overlap of 5 cm. It is better to do this with a solution than with self-tapping screws. Since in the first case, the grid will become one with the wall and, accordingly, will “sit down” together with aerated concrete, preventing the appearance of small cracks in the plaster layer. By the same principle, they are installed and fixed plastic corners. Only after the reinforcing plaster has dried can it be continued.

Thick plaster surface

When carrying out plastering using this technology, it is meant to apply one layer sufficient to perfectly level the wall - at least 10 mm.

Stage 1. Dilute the plaster mixture in a small amount.

Stage 2. The composition is thrown onto the walls.

Stage 3. The plaster is aligned with the beacons by the rule.

Stage 4. After plastering the entire surface of the walls, wait until it is completely dry and only after that you can paint as desired.

Thin-layer plaster surface

Plastering walls using multi-layer technology is also not difficult and is more suitable for beginners.

Stage 1. The first layer is applied in 3-4 mm on aerated concrete. Only after it has completely dried can you continue further.

Stage 2. The applied plaster is considered to be leveling, so special attention should be paid to evenness. Again, we are waiting for complete drying - about 3-4 days.

Stage 3. The final step - coating finish surface, which can later be overwritten if necessary.

Stage 4. After the previous application has dried, the walls can be painted.

To increase the life of the plaster, it is necessary to treat it with a water-repellent solution. It will extend the life of the plastered surface by almost two times. Especially the use of such compounds is relevant in areas with high humidity.

As you can see, plastering the walls yourself is not so difficult. On the first 10 m 2 you will develop your style of application, after which the process will go much faster.

Facade decoration is an obligatory stage in the construction of a private house. If a material such as aerated concrete was used to build a house, then plaster for facade decoration must have certain properties.

Plaster for aerated concrete should be specific for the reason that the material from which the house was built needs good protection from various adverse factors.

Before purchasing a material for plastering walls from the outside, you should study its properties in detail.

The purpose of the plaster is to protect the surface of the walls with outside from factors that can destroy the structure of the aerated concrete material. They are treated as atmospheric phenomena as well as the human factor. If there is no coating on the walls, or it does not meet certain requirements, then the blocks will collapse in a fairly short time.

For a better understanding of the properties that plaster should have for facade decoration, it is necessary to recall the features of gas silicate blocks. They are characterized by a high level of hygroscopicity, which often causes cracks on the surface of the walls.

Due to strong temperature fluctuations, the blocks also gradually crack. Therefore, the requirements that apply to plaster for aerated concrete, which are based on the features of this material, are as follows:

  • high level of adhesion with wall material;
  • high compressive strength;
  • good frost resistance.

Facade decoration

Types of plaster

Plaster is produced in the form of dry mixes, which later independently transform the solution, and in the form of ready-made solutions.

There are several types of this material, their purpose is also different:

  1. view is used to decorate the outer or inner surface of the walls. These include lime-sand variety and cement-sand. Apply in a very thin layer.
  2. type are used to give high resistance to the coating. This surface is not subject to mechanical damage. The acrylic look is resistant to water, able to maintain integrity, that is, it does not crack due to the high plasticity properties. When applied, it can fill any small cracks and irregularities, has a high electrostatic, which is the reason for its rapid contamination.
  3. the look is similar in properties to the acrylic variety, but does not attract dirt so much.
  4. view is considered universal., it has a number of properties that can provide the outer surface of the walls required characteristics. It is characterized by resistance to cracking. In addition, it is less polluted due to its dust repellent properties. With this kind of plaster on the facade, you can cover the surface of the walls according to the previous material, which was previously used to finish the house. This type of plaster penetrates well even into the smallest cracks and pits, creating a flat surface.

Types of plaster

How to choose

The choice of plaster is based on properties that are determined the composition of the material.

Paying attention to these characteristics, you can choose the type of plaster you need.

In the case of a house built from foam blocks, it is forbidden to use plaster. She is unable to provide required level vapor permeability in combination with aerated concrete.

The best options for finishing the facade of a house from will be acrylic or silicone variety. Also good option is also silicate. Everything else depends on financial possibilities.

The silicate variety is considered the most expensive, but in any case, saving on exterior finish facade in the future will entail more high costs. Since the surface of the walls will not be sufficiently protected, it will subsequently require significant investments in repairs.

Characteristics of plaster

Application conditions and surface preparation

Given the properties of aerated concrete to quickly absorb moisture, it is necessary to provide it with protection from getting wet.. If the material is wet, then this is not the most a big problem in the process of finishing, the main thing is not to let it freeze in this state. Frozen moisture in the blocks promises the appearance of cracks and the destruction of the material.

It is very important, after the laying of aerated concrete blocks has been completed, let it dry completely. This is the reason why it is recommended to finish the facade only in warm weather.

If a concrete-sand type of mortar was used to bond the blocks together, then it should be borne in mind that more time is needed for drying. This is due to the fact that the seam has a significantly greater thickness than the one that was made with a special adhesive composition.

Surface preparation

In case of impossibility to carry out Finishing work in the warm season, the surface is covered with a deep penetration primer. It can reduce water absorption. Additionally, the walls are covered plastic wrap. The recommended conditions for carrying out such work is the period from temperature regime above 0 degrees at night.

Before proceeding with the application of plaster on the walls, the following is done:

  • The first step is to provide maximum Smooth surface . This is achieved by filling all recesses and cracks with cement mortar;
  • after that, a planer or grater for aerated concrete blocks is used, with which all irregularities are finally eliminated. If the surface has various pits or cracks, then in the future this will cause an increased consumption of material;
  • the last thing in preparing the walls is cleaning them from dust and dirt particles. This is done with a brush or roller moistened with water. These tools process the entire surface of the walls, after which some time is given for the material to dry completely.

Insulation for aerated concrete

One of the issues that owners of private houses face during the construction process is the issue of wall insulation from the outside.


Styrofoam insulation is used quite rarely, since the level of vapor permeability of such a material is 10 times less than that of aerated concrete. In addition, it is not recommended to insulate a building in areas with a humid climate with this material.

This is due to the fact that the space between the insulation and the wall will be filled with moisture, and this is fraught with the appearance of decay processes on aerated concrete.

  1. insulated most often, since its level of vapor permeability is significantly higher. Such insulation allows you to create and maintain the necessary microclimate for the room.
  2. very comfortable during application. It is characterized by a high level of thermal insulation qualities. It is applied by spraying, which, in addition to the ease of the process, provides a seamless surface.
  3. Plaster can also be used to insulate walls.. Sawdust, perlite, swollen glass are added to the solution for this. It is quite convenient and practical to insulate walls in this way, the only thing worth considering when insulating in this way is the complete loss of the breathable properties of aerated concrete. Compared to insulation with mineral wool, this method has a rather low efficiency.

When choosing a material for insulation, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions in which the house is located and its capabilities. The best option for insulation, the use of mineral wool is considered, however, in each case, the choice of material is individual.

Foam block insulation

Surface primer

The role of priming is to provide the wall with water-repellent properties. Therefore, the composition of the material for the primer must be made on the basis of acrylosiloxane.

This material can provide protective properties and prevent precipitation from destroying the material.

The surface to which the primer will be applied must not be cracked or contaminated.

Priming begins after the surface of the walls has been fully prepared, namely, all dust has been removed and all irregularities have been eliminated. After the water applied for cleaning has completely dried, the priming process begins.

You can often come across recommendations that the primer material must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. However, this is wrong, such a technique will significantly reduce the properties of adhesion to the surface. Per given property you can not worry if the wall is pre-prepared correctly.

Technology of plastering and surface reinforcement

After the primer layer is completely dry, start applying the plaster solution.

Application can be done in two ways:

  1. thick layer. This method consists in applying the plaster in one layer, after which it is leveled and grouted.
  2. thin layer. It is characterized by applying the material in thin layers several times. The advantage of this method is the possibility of preparing the surface for application. decorative variety plaster, namely the leveling layer. There is also the possibility of applying special formulations which provide soundproofing properties.

But, before proceeding with the application of plaster, it is necessary to carry out the reinforcement process using metal mesh. Due to this, it is possible to achieve the maximum level of adhesion of materials and walls. The mesh is fixed after applying a thin layer of plaster. And after that they are closed with the same layer of material.


After the plaster dries, the surface becomes monolithic. In some cases, it is permissible to attach the mesh to self-tapping screws. The mesh is attached with an overlap of up to 50 cm.

Reinforcement is used regardless of the chosen method of applying plaster, but it is not needed, if the thickness of the layer of material for plastering is not more than 2 cm.

Otherwise, reinforcement occurs depending on the application method:

  1. If the thick-layer application method is selected, then the reinforcing mesh should be under the primer layer followed by plastering. The reinforcing mesh is covered with a primer layer, which is leveled and dried, after which a layer of plaster is applied. Then they wait 2 days and start painting the walls.
  2. If thin layer application is selected, then after attaching the reinforcing mesh, apply a leveling solution and wait for it to dry completely. After that, the surface is primed and the finishing layer is applied with decorative plaster. When it dries, proceed to staining or processing with any other selected material.


Sectional diagram

Finishing layer

The finishing layer is carried out using decorative plaster. You can additionally use paints and varnishes. Choice decorative plaster highly individual and depends on design solution than from any special properties.

Before applying the final layer of plaster, grouting is carried out, after which they proceed to the final work. The only thing that needs to be considered with regards to the plaster for the finishing layer is its vapor permeability property. Paint should also have similar properties.


Useful video

Do-it-yourself aerated concrete finishing master class:


A house built from gas silicate blocks has many advantages. The disadvantages of such a material as aerated concrete are eliminated with the help of a properly selected material for facade decoration. As well as the choice of material, since the plastering process itself should be approached as scrupulously and responsibly as possible.

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