Economical façade. Exterior decoration of the house options: photo of the decoration of a private house, as well as the advantages of various finishes. House siding upholstery

Some building materials from which walls are erected immediately imply the need for exterior decoration of the house: the picture is very unsightly. Others may lose their appeal over time. And the third case is extensive fissure formation, which is “treated”, but the results remain visible. In all these cases, the question arises: "How to sheathe the house from the outside." Moreover, most often it is required to “sheathe” - without the use of a solution or other similar means that require a lot of money and time. I want to do everything quickly and, very preferably, inexpensively, and even, if possible, with my own hands. Oddly enough, but the choice of materials and technologies is, and considerable.

Basic Rules

When choosing materials for cladding a house from the street, be sure to remember that in order to maintain normal humidity in the premises, the vapor permeability of materials must decrease from inside the room to the outside. That is, the exterior finish should conduct steam better than the material of the walls. Then the increased humidity, which is typical for our homes, will be removed through the walls in a natural way (explanations in the photo).

If this principle is violated, moisture will accumulate at the boundary of materials with different vapor permeability. It condenses, creating conditions for decay, the development of fungi and mold. In winter, it freezes, destroying the material of the wall and / or decoration. Sooner or later, such a system will have to be dismantled and redone.

The trouble is that only wood meets this requirement. Most of the other materials for the exterior of the house has a low vapor permeability. The problem is solved in two ways:

Today, the second option is becoming more and more popular. Very effective heat-insulating materials have appeared that allow to reduce heating costs by several times. But they have very low vapor permeability (expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam). When using them, only the second humidity control scheme is possible. When choosing how to sheathe a house, consider these points.

wood paneling

Wood in construction and decoration has been used for centuries, and it looks like it will be relevant for a long time to come. All thanks to the excellent appearance and the ability to regulate the humidity in the room. This is perhaps the only material that will easily remove excess moisture, no matter what material the walls are built from.

Wooden sheathing can have a completely non-standard look: different colors and sizes, different directions. It's simple and the effect is amazing

The most popular wall cladding materials are block house and timber imitation. There is also a lining for exterior decoration - it has a greater thickness, compared to the one intended for the rest, it is no different.

The block house imitates the surface of a rounded log - the front part has a rounded shape. Imitation of a bar is very similar to a planed bar. Both types of cladding are attached to the crate, then sanded and coated with protective impregnations, optionally varnished or painted.

What lumber looks like for exterior cladding of a house

If you can’t decide how to sheathe a house of foam blocks on the outside, consider wood cladding. In this case, a crate (metal or wooden) is nailed to the walls. If necessary, a heater is laid between the planks - basalt wool (styrofoam or polystyrene foam cannot be used), and then the wooden sheathing is nailed.

This building is sheathed with imitation timber. Under the skin there can be a brick, a log house, a frame or any of the building blocks

If you need the cheapest option, for most regions of Russia this is an ordinary planed board. Its thickness is from 40 mm, it is stuffed in the same way as a lining or a block house on a crate, the lower end of the upper board goes 10-20 mm onto the one located under it. It turns out the principle of the bump. So you can cheaply veneer a country house or even a residential one. With proper processing, such a lining has a very good appearance.

What is the cheapest way to sheathe a house outside? For central Russia - a planed wooden board

The disadvantages of such a finish are the same as for any wood: it can be damaged by pests, rot, without proper care it quickly loses its decorative effect, becomes dark and ugly. If you want to sheathe a house and not think about it for years, this is not your choice. Wood paneling requires maintenance, and, most often, annual maintenance.


In some regions, boards and other lumber are not the most affordable materials. In this case, it is cheaper. This is the option when, after finishing once, you can forget about it for a long time.

If you are thinking about how to decorate a house from a bar from the outside, perhaps your option is siding.

Since the sheathing is nailed to the crate, the facade is ventilated. If you need to inexpensively finish wooden walls (from timber, logs, shields), siding is one of the options. It can also be used for building from any other material: foam block, aerated concrete, slag filling, etc. This cover is universal.


Siding is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is therefore also called vinyl siding. It is a strip of material with a width of 205 and 255 mm, a thickness of 1.1 mm and 1.2 mm. On the longitudinal edges there is a lock on one side, on the other - perforation for fasteners (self-tapping screws are more often used).

The siding is also attached to the crate. It is recommended to use a special metal one, but impregnated wooden blocks are quite suitable. Only regular starting and side lanes will be needed. The only caveat: the self-tapping screws need to be “short” a little, leaving a backlash in order to compensate for temperature changes in materials. With this installation, the siding will not crack from the stresses that have arisen.

The advantages of this material for exterior cladding of the house: low prices, easy installation.

The disadvantage of vinyl siding: it quickly fades in the sun, so it is advisable to use soft colors. It has a fairly wide operating temperature range: from +50°C to -35°C, but even in slight frosts it becomes brittle and easily damaged.

Another point: the houses sheathed with siding, which have a broken configuration, look good. If the building is rectangular, without architectural excesses, it does not have the most attractive appearance (in confirmation of the photo below).

If the building is just long, without reliefs and ledges, wall cladding with sadding will not embellish it very much.


Metal siding is a strip of thin aluminum or galvanized steel, which is coated with a protective and decorative coating. It has the same mounting system as vinyl.

Sheathing a house with metal siding is simple: you can do it yourself even without much building experience

The coating may be of polymers. Differs in reliability, resistance to burning out, other climatic factors. Its disadvantage is the limited choice of colors. The second coating option is powder coating. The color gamut is much wider, the paint lasts for years without signs of flaking.

If you are looking for something to clad the outside of the house so that the finish is reliable and bright, one of the metal siding options may suit you. It can be bent, broken very difficult, installation is not very difficult: you need good metal scissors, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver. All installation features are the same as for vinyl, with the only difference being that metal can also be mounted at low temperatures.

It is not easy to harmoniously decorate a building sheathed with metal siding

From the point of view of durability, this is a good option, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is difficult to work with it: it looks too “productive”. The building no longer looks like a residential building, but a warehouse or some kind of workshop.


This is one of the varieties of vinyl siding, but it has a completely different configuration, appearance and greater panel thickness. It was developed specifically for decorating and protecting the plinths of buildings, but it was so well liked that it was also used for facade cladding. External design - for brickwork of various types and colors, with or without drawings, wild stone. Sometimes the imitation is so successful that you can understand that in front of you is not a brick cladding, but a vinyl cladding, you can only touch the wall.

Mounted, like other types, on the crate, there is perforation and locks. The difference is that the basement siding panel does not look like a long rectangle, but a certain section of the wall with curly edges. These curly edges are joined. Accordingly, the crate must be adjusted to the size of the fragment. When installing, first the edge of the panel is brought into the lock of the already installed one, matches are achieved, and then fixed. The main thing - during installation, do not tighten the screws too much, leaving the siding to move with temperature changes.

The crate can be made of treated wooden bars (protective impregnation) or from drywall profiles (galvanized). How to mount basement siding on the base, see the video. Similarly, it is attached to the wall. Area difference.

Fiber cement boards and siding

Relatively recently, a new cladding appeared on our market: fiber cement boards and siding from the same material. They consist of wood fibre, quartz, mica, cement, may contain chlorine and asbestos (some materials used only for exterior decoration). This mixture is molded into sheets, then dehydrated in several stages, and fired using some technologies. Then a protective and decorative coating is applied to the surface:

The coating can be smooth - glossy and matte, can imitate brickwork, wood and other finishing materials. Mounted on mounting rails, fastened to the wall with clamps. This material may suit you if you do not know how to sheathe a frame house from the outside: it creates a solid surface, the panel joints are sealed and precipitation will not get inside.

This house is also lined with fiber cement boards.

How to fix fiber cement boards, see the video.

Fiber cement siding is made using the same technology, only it is molded into long strips. They are basically standard: 3600*190*12mm. This material is cut with an electric jigsaw, installed on a wooden crate with an overlap (according to the cone principle) and nailed to it or twisted with self-tapping screws.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are a material that performs two functions at once - cladding and external insulation of houses. A layer of decorative coating is applied to the thermal insulation layer at the factory. It is similar to marble or natural stone, does not burn, has low water absorption characteristics.

This finishing material is made on the basis of foam, mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. Depending on the type of insulation, the installation method is selected: polystyrene foam and polystyrene are glued to the appropriate composition. The joints are closed with a special aluminum bar or rubbed with paste.

Based on mineral wool, they are mounted only on a special system of profiles, the joints are also sealed.

A very attractive idea is to immediately insulate the house and revet it. Excellent appearance, and the characteristics of such a cladding are impressive. It’s just a pity that there is little operating experience and there are no reviews yet: it appeared quite recently.

There are also clinker thermal panels. Clinker tiles are glued to the insulation. The material is not cheap, but the characteristics are impressive, as is the variety of finishes.

Another option for thermal panels - with clinker tiles

The choice of materials with which you can sheathe the house at any time - in winter or summer - is considerable. There are expensive options, there are cheaper ones. In any case, in addition to cost, be sure to consider vapor permeability. Then you do not have to deal with mold and dampness.

The final stage in the construction of a country house is finishing, which includes, among others, facade cladding. The range of finishing materials is huge, and for the right choice consider their characteristics and features. applications.

What is the facade cladding of a country house for?

Most modern building materials have excellent thermal insulation properties and high strength, but their appearance is unassuming. Therefore, the facade cladding is included in the project of a newly built country house.

Modern materials allow you to build a house in any style, regardless of the material of the walls. In addition, often homeowners resort to facade decoration during the restoration and repair of old houses - it gives them a new look.

Facade cladding has not only a cosmetic effect, in addition, it protects wall material from harmful factors: sun, wind, moisture, improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the building. In general, properly executed wall decoration extend the life of the building.

Types of modern finishing materials for the facades of private houses

The choice of modern facing materials is diverse, when choosing them, the following factors are usually taken into account:

  • protective and thermal insulation properties;
  • resistance to external influences and service life;
  • application area;
  • complexity of finishing works;
  • price.

All materials used for facade cladding have their advantages and disadvantages, and the task of the developer is to find the best option for your home.


This popular finish most often used for finishing walls made of bricks and building blocks.

Advantages of plaster:

  • well protects the walls from atmospheric moisture, creates an additional heat-insulating layer;
  • increases the fire resistance of walls;
  • the plaster is vapor-permeable, which ensures good removal of moisture from the inside of the room;
  • work can be done independently;
  • different types of decorative plaster differ in price, it is easy to choose an affordable option;
  • plaster can be combined with other types of finishes, choose any color scheme and texture.

Application of decorative plaster.

The disadvantages include rapid destruction of the plaster layer due to improper application and operation of the building.

Types of plaster:

  1. mineral plaster based on cement and additives - the simplest and cheapest option. Its advantages include strength and high moisture resistance. Mineral plaster is sold in the form of dry mixes and has an unattractive gray color, but it is easily painted in any shade with facade paints. Service life - from 3 to 10 years.
  2. Acrylic plaster- ready mix with various decorative textures on the basis of pitches, it differs in plasticity and resistance to moisture. Scope of acrylic plaster - walls insulated with polystyrene. Service life - from 10 to 15 years.
  3. Silicone polymer plaster- the most expensive of analogues, it is distinguished by high quality coating, durability and resistance to pollution. It does not absorb dust and does not collapse when exposed to chemical compounds, so silicone plaster can be used to decorate buildings located near cities and highways. Finishing will last at least 25 years.
  4. Silicate facade plasters based on liquid glass are characterized by good vapor permeability, they are often used for finishing houses made of gas silicate. It is plastic, easy to apply, allows you to create different textures, is not afraid of dirt and dust and retains a fresh appearance for 20-25 years.

Designers often use plaster in combination with other finishing materials: stone, decorative bricks and tiles. This technique allows you to refresh the facade, create accents, for example, on window openings, columns or corners.

Finishing facades with natural or artificial stone

The stone can be used not only for decoration, but also as an independent decoration. This type of finish is not cheap, but durable and allows you to give the house a rich appearance.

Natural stone is a heavy material, therefore they are used to decorate walls made of bricks or blocks that can withstand the weight of the cladding. The stone has an irregular shape and requires adjustment, as well as grouting.

An alternative to natural is artificial stone. It is lighter and much more affordable, imitates different types of stone, easier to mount on the surface of the walls. Like natural stone, it does not burn and is not destroyed by moisture.

Clinker tiles and thermal panels

This type of finish is a ceramic tile that imitates clinker bricks (see photo). Finishing bricks are a good way of cladding walls on their own, but they are usually fixed at the stage of laying the walls. Clinker tiles can be used for renovation and restoration of old buildings which makes it more versatile.

Clinker thermal panels combine two functions: insulation and finishing. Due to their size, the finishing work time is significantly reduced, and the appearance of such a house is no different from a building finished with bricks.

Clinker tiles have a natural color range from sandy to dark brown, it has strength and moisture resistance, does not burn, does not contribute to the development of mold. This finish is durable, with proper installation will last at least 50 years.

Porcelain stoneware

Porcelain tile is an artificial material that is not subject to shrinkage, moisture-proof and durable.

It can be mounted on a special glue, like a finishing stone, but the moisture resistance of porcelain stoneware will help retain moisture inside the walls. Therefore, porcelain tiles are more often used in ventilated facades.

This method of finishing involves fastening a crate made of a metal profile to the wall, on which porcelain tiles are mounted using special fasteners. Between tiles and wall leave a ventilated gap or lay a layer of fibrous insulation that allows moisture to be removed from the walls.

The richness of colors and sizes of porcelain tiles make it a popular finishing material for country houses. Service life - not less than 25 years.

Repairing a ventilated porcelain stoneware facade is very simple: the damaged tiles are removed and replaced with new ones.


Siding - polymer or metal finishing panels used in ventilated facades.

With their help, you can finishing new houses or restoring old ones buildings from any material. Vinyl siding has more natural and muted colors, while metal siding has brighter colors. There are varieties of finishing panels that imitate wood or stone. Mounted on a crate made of a bar or a metal profile.

Advantages of siding:

  • affordable price;
  • easy installation;
  • resistance to atmospheric moisture;
  • does not require painting, does not rot;
  • can be used for wall decoration of any material.


  • with improper fastening, temperature deformation is possible;
  • vinyl siding is not durable, it can be damaged upon impact;
  • light shades of siding get dirty quickly.

wood finish

wood - the most environmentally friendly material. Due to the ability to “breathe”, wood finishing is possible both for wooden buildings and for brick and block houses. Like siding, fastening of wooden trim is carried out according to the ventilated facade method.

The frame is made of bars, between which insulation boards can be laid. All wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic, and the finishing material itself is recommended to be painted or coated with wood preservatives.

Finishing wood can have a different shape: block house - imitation of rounded logs, imitation of timber, planed facade board.

Advantages of wood finishes:

  • natural breathable material;
  • wood can be mounted on any walls, installation does not require special skills;
  • the tree is easily painted in any, including natural shades;
  • the price of materials is moderate.

Significant disadvantages include:

  • low fire resistance;
  • susceptibility to decay;
  • the need for periodic processing.

What material is better and cheaper for the exterior of the house?

Having considered the description of facing materials, we can draw conclusions and make a choice. For cladding the facade of a wooden house, it is better to use a ventilated facade made of siding or finishing wood. This finish will allow the house to "breathe", it not afraid of shrinkage and seasonal deformations, perfectly harmonizes with the style of a wooden house.

For finishing a house made of bricks and blocks, plaster, finishing stone or tiles are excellent, as well as ventilated facades with any finish.

When using waterproof materials Efficient exhaust ventilation is essential in the house, otherwise high humidity, condensation and mold cannot be avoided. Over time, this can lead to the destruction of the walls.

Finishing the facade of a private house: instructions

Each type of exterior wall decoration has its own technology, the main stages of which are given below.

Rules for applying plaster:

  1. Before applying the finishing plaster, the walls are cleaned of mortar residues, cracks and shells are sealed, and the seams are leveled.
  2. When applying plaster on top of the insulation, you need to fix it well.
  3. If the intended layer of plaster is more than 10 mm thick, a reinforcing mesh must be fixed to the wall.
  4. Beacons are set up to obtain even coverage.
  5. The solution is kneaded strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package, in the amount that can be used at a time.
  6. Ready-made solutions must be thoroughly mixed before use.
  7. The prepared wall is primed.
  8. The first layer of plaster is applied by spraying, subsequent leveling layers are applied with a spatula and leveled with a rule, and figured spatulas and rollers are used to create decorative textures.
  9. If a layer of paint is applied over the plaster, the plaster must be dried well, and for better adhesion and reduced paint consumption, it is recommended to pre-prime.

Rules for installing a ventilated facade:

  1. It is not necessary to remove the old coating from the walls if it provides a strong fastening of the frame.
  2. It is recommended to cover the wall with a wind-moisture-proof vapor-permeable film.
  3. The frame of the ventilated facade is made of a metal profile or wood, depending on the facing material, fixing it to self-tapping screws or nails.
  4. Insulation can be laid between the racks of the frame.
  5. The facing material is attached to the frame using special fasteners or self-tapping screws, nails.
  6. If necessary, the lining is treated with flame retardants, color and protective composition.

Rules for facing with stone, clinker or tiles:

  1. Level the wall with cement mortar.
  2. Prime the wall to improve adhesion.
  3. Facing stone or tile is placed on a special solution suitable for this type of finish.
  4. After the glue has dried, the joints are grouted.
  5. To improve the appearance and performance, natural stone can be coated with a special varnish. This will ensure shine and the absence of white plaque from salts.

Facing the facade with clinker tiles.

Facing the facade of a country house - guarantee of its beauty and durability. By choosing the material you like, the homeowner will be able to realize his ideas and make the house a real cozy family nest, give it charm and originality for many years to come.

Many private developers, after they build a house, begin to think about how to inexpensively finish houses.

Each owner wants to see his building with a high-quality and attractive exterior finish, but exclusive finishing materials are not cheap.

Not every family's budget can withstand such expenses.

But you should not choose the most budget options for finishing the facade, as rain, wind and snow can quickly render poor-quality material on the facade unusable. It’s cheap to make a house cladding, in any case it won’t work out, but you can find the best option, with good characteristics and at an affordable price.

There are several types of facing materials that private developers prefer, for example:

  • facade plaster
  • porcelain stoneware
  • decorative brick
  • tinted facade primer
  • block house

The main factor influencing the choice of facade material is its durability and wear resistance. And in order to understand what kind of lining is needed in a particular case, it is worthwhile to thoroughly consider the most popular types of materials.

Facade plaster

This material for finishing facades, which has a number of advantages:

  • inexpensive price
  • wide range of shades
  • easy application method
  • guaranteed beautiful finish
  • on the market you can buy varieties of plaster with heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties with a water-repellent effect

Naturally, there is no such material that would be devoid of flaws.

Cracks and stains may appear on the facade plaster, from the adverse effects of the external environment. If the material application technology has not been violated, then the facade will require updating for the third year.

Types of siding

For facing private houses, two types are often used: vinyl and metal, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Vinyl siding

This material has become in demand among private developers due to its positive characteristics:

  • ease of arrangement
  • affordable price
  • durability, does not change its properties for more than 20 years
  • due to its low weight, it does not exert additional loads on the base
  • large selection of colors
  • suitable for cladding private buildings of any material
  • ease of care
  • sheets of material can imitate any surface, from wood to natural stone

Despite the fact that vinyl siding has minor drawbacks: low impact resistance and the possibility of gaps appearing when the structure is unstable, this is the best option for finishing the facade.

metal siding

Don't know how to inexpensively decorate houses in the country? An ideal option would be aluminum siding, a material that has many positive aspects:

  • fire safety
  • durability and strength
  • large selection of colors
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays
  • affordable, cost
  • easy to install

The disadvantage of this material, one - with a strong impact, the metal siding is deformed without the possibility of restoration. But for sheathing a country house, it is quite suitable.

Advice! In order for the siding facade to serve for a long time, it is better to veneer the lower part of the building with metal siding for the base, which has increased wear resistance. It is not recommended to finish the whole house with them - the material has a large specific gravity.

Porcelain stoneware

Ceramic granite is a type of facade material, which is rightfully considered an alternative to natural stone, it has many advantages:

  • durability
  • strength
  • ease of care
  • excellent design features
  • fade resistance

The main disadvantages of this material are: the complexity of the work, which will have to be done in several stages and the high price.

Answering the question: how to decorate the facade of the house inexpensively and beautifully, it is worth using porcelain stoneware, which is particularly durable, while the thermal insulation qualities become much greater.

ceramic brick

Environmentally friendly material made from natural ingredients. The advantages of pottery bricks include:

  • you can choose variations for any style
  • excellent thermal insulation properties
  • the ability to paint in any tone
  • not afraid of environmental influences
  • lasting
  • durable

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted: it will take a lot of time to complete the lining, you need to observe the temperature regime.

Tinted facade primer

If the walls of the house were plastered in advance, then the cheapest option to make the facade attractive is to cover it with a facade primer. For private buildings, it is recommended to use a deep penetration primer.

This material can cover a wooden frame, after sanding each log, only the primer-impregnation should contain antiseptic components in its composition.

Block house

This is a natural wooden board with one semicircular side - an imitation of a log. The material has proven itself well with private developers, as the buildings lined with lamellas block house have a great appearance. The material is made from natural raw materials using innovative technology, which allows it to maintain its positive qualities for many years.

Blockhouse has the following advantages:

  • environmental friendliness
  • strength and lightness
  • resistance to temperature changes
  • convenient installation
  • creates a special microclimate in the house - the material "breathes"
  • affordable price

The material is universal, it can be revetted not only on the outside of the walls of the house, but also on the inside.

Having considered all types of the most common materials and their characteristics, you can choose the best option for yourself. But you should not save too much on the cladding of the house, as the view of the building should be beautiful and please the owner.

On the video - an inexpensive and original facade of the house - on the video:

Surely all owners of private houses will agree that today, more than ever, it is more important than finishing the facade of the house. Chasing the stunning appearance of the house and exclusivity, perhaps, does not make any sense.

In any business, it is important to observe the golden mean, and facade decoration is no exception. Without an objective assessment of quality, you should not choose budget material. Of course, carrying out these works will not be cheap in any case, however, you can choose a material that, with the same strength characteristics, will cost much less.

Competent approach to the choice of material

In order to make the right decision, which will be financially beneficial, it is important to determine as accurately as possible the criteria that identify both the advantages and disadvantages of a particular finishing material.

Pay attention to the finished facade. Of course, how presentable the lining is depends largely on your personal preferences, which means that your own opinion cannot be objective. Consider the following parameters of the materials used:

  • Resistant to visual defects and color fading.
  • If you are thinking of purchasing an imitation product, then compare how similar it is to natural raw materials.
  • The number of proposed invoices and variations.

The facing material must be durable. It will be very unpleasant if a relatively inexpensive facade needs annual repairs. But, if the material you like has a long service life, then you are on the right track!

Everything shows that the facade material is not easy to choose. Having considered the pros and cons of different facing materials, you can understand which material will be more reliable and durable.

Types of panels for facade cladding and their features

There are 2 main types of panels for finishing the facade of the house, namely:

  • Sandwich panels.

The polyplane consists of three layers. The top layer is made of lacquered aluminium. Outwardly, it resembles plaster or wood. Polyplan protects the surface of the walls of the house from steam and heat. Polyurethane foam is the internal filling of the panel, which provides thermal insulation. The inner layer consists of doped foil and plays the same role as the first layer. The polyplane is fixed vertically with the help of special locking profiles called "Dolphin". The joints are almost invisible, which protects the walls from rain getting inside.

Sandwich panels are designed for facade decoration, they also consist of three layers. The top and bottom layers are made of metal sheets, and a heater is located between them. Parts are joined together by hot pressing. Due to this, the material is reliable, durable and durable. Styrofoam, mineral wool, fiberglass and polyurethane foam can be used as an insulating material in the manufacture of sandwich panels.

When choosing an insulating material, it is important to take into account the coefficient of thermal conductivity, because the higher it is, the worse the material retains heat.

This facing material can be smooth, decorative profiled or conventional profiled. Sandwich panels are a simple, inexpensive and fast way to finish the facade. Its small weight will not exert a load on the foundation. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the vulnerability to damage to the appearance and freezing at the joints.

reliable stone

Everyone knows that stone is the strongest and most reliable material, the durability of which can be envied. For cladding, natural and artificial stone can be used. By the way, the latter in appearance and quality is not inferior to its natural counterpart in any way, as evidenced by the photo.

The breed, texture, size and color of the stone is a matter of taste and the choice here is simply huge. It is worth considering that the houses, the facade of which is finished with granite or diorite, look monumental and strict. While houses finished with travertine or marble look more natural and less strict. Whichever stone you choose, the stone facade will look original. The frost resistance of the material in our country should be a priority, due to the harsh winters that occur in our latitudes.

Natural stone is expensive, and its artificial counterpart is much cheaper. The texture, color and shape of artificial stone is the most diverse. Material advantages: wear resistance, lightness and corrosion resistance.

classic plaster

This type of finish is popular mainly because of the low cost of decorative and cement-sand plaster. In addition, this finishing material allows you to improvise with color, pattern and texture. It increases the insulation of the house and its fire resistance. The coating dries quickly, is not afraid of water and shock. Traditionally, cement and sand plaster is used for plastering the facade, but along with it, decorative (bark beetle, lamb) and facade (acrylic, silicone) plaster are also used.

The cement-sand mixture consists, as the name implies, of cement and sand, as well as chemical additives. It copes well with temperature extremes and high humidity. Acrylic plaster is the cheapest option for decorative plaster. It fits well on polystyrene foam, waterproof. With sudden changes in temperature, it is likely that it will crack. Silicone plaster is more expensive. It is made from silicone resins. It is not afraid of direct sunlight, moisture resistant and durable. However, it is worth considering that the result of the work largely depends on the qualifications of the plasterer. In order for the coating to always look presentable, it must be looked after.

In a nutshell, it is characterized as a layer cake. There is an air space between the facing material and the insulation. In fact, this is a hinged structure, installed at a certain distance from the wall, which allows you to finish the facade of a wooden house in this way.

The ventilated facade allows air to pass through. Moreover, excess moisture is removed to the ventilated area. Rising air currents bring it out.

For a ventilated facade, different options can be used as a cladding material. For example, it can be light weight aluminum composite sheet or heavy weight granite slab and other materials. Ventilated facades are characterized by high energy-saving properties. They provide good noise and sound insulation. It is not necessary to finish the walls before installing a ventilated facade, while the hinged elements will hide all their irregularities and defects. If you want a modern and inexpensive cladding, then choose a ventilated facade.

Siding - good or bad?

The siding used to finish the exterior walls of the house is of two types - basement and vinyl. In the arrangement of residential buildings, aluminum siding is rarely used. The main advantage of the material is ease of installation, safety and easy maintenance. The main drawback is that outwardly the material looks very artificial.

Although siding manufacturers claim that it can last more than 45 years, in practice this is far from being the case. In fact, it becomes brittle after frost, prone to fading and unstable to deformation. Unfortunately, you can often see that siding after 5 years loses its positive characteristics and becomes unattractive in appearance.

If you decide to install siding in the cold season, you should take into account that it has a high rate of thermal expansion.

This is a multi-layer facade design. Each part of it plays an important role. It consists of 3 layers: base reinforced layer, thermal insulation and decorative layer. With the help of a reinforced layer, it is possible to even out the curvature of the walls and fix the heat-insulating material. First, a mesh is installed on the facade, on which the adhesive composition is subsequently applied. As thermal insulation, polystyrene foam or mineral wool is most often used.

The decorative layer is made of mineral or silicone plaster. It protects the internal components of a wet facade and decorates the house externally.

See how to glue polystyrene foam:

Finishing the facade with a block house

A lining that imitates a rounded log is called a block house. The material is environmentally friendly because it is made from natural materials. A significant drawback is the high cost and comparative fragility, it is not refractory. All defects characteristic of wood may well appear on the block house.

Externally, the house, finished with a block house, looks very presentable. If you decide to purchase this material, then make sure that it is sufficiently dried, otherwise it may begin to rot after installation.

Since the block house is made of natural wood, it must be periodically coated with special protective compounds and opened with varnish or paint.

The better you take care of the facade finished with a block house, the longer it will serve you.

Quality and durability of facing bricks

Ceramic bricks for cladding are made from clay using a special technology. It is very durable, has good sound insulation, frost resistance and low moisture absorption. Clinker bricks are fired at higher temperatures than their ceramic counterparts. The physical characteristics of clinker bricks are also higher than those of ceramic ones.

The material has a wide range of colors, shapes and textures. The only drawback is the possible appearance of efflorescence. But for the most part, residential buildings finished with clinker bricks look presentable for many years. In order not to have to strengthen the foundation, brick cladding of the facade must be planned even in the process of designing a house.

Advantages and disadvantages of facade tiles

It is not afraid of moisture, differs in reliability, durability and durability. If the facade tiles are laid with high quality, then they will provide a presentable appearance of the house. If the adhesive solution is chosen correctly, then the facade tile will serve for decades without losing its original properties.

Among the disadvantages of ceramic facade tiles, it is worth noting the high fragility before laying, the need for preliminary and very thorough preparation of the surface of the external walls of the house and a straight seam.

In this article, many options for decorating a house have been considered, including those finishing materials that will cost the homeowner relatively inexpensively. The main thing is that the cladding for the house you choose should please your eye for more than a decade. If you have any questions about the topic, then write comments.

A photo

Exterior wall cladding is an important part of the design of any building. After all, the facade of the house is the calling card of the owners. It reflects their preferences and forms the first impression of the home as a whole. Exterior decoration, in addition to decorative, also performs the function of insulation, and also plays the role of protecting load-bearing walls from the effects of temperature extremes and natural precipitation. In this article, you will learn how to decorate the facade of a private house.

Nowadays, there is a huge amount of building materials that can be used for the exterior of the building. Before starting work on the design of external walls, you need to carefully study the positive and negative qualities of all finishing materials and decide what end result you plan to get.

The exterior decoration of a private house also depends on the design solution of the interiors - it is necessary that there be harmony between them. Only then the house will look not just a construction of stone and concrete, but a comfortable and cozy home in which you want, as they say, to live and live and make good.

In addition, the choice of finishing material is affected by:

  • the chosen style of facade design;
  • climate;
  • construction budget.

What are the materials for the exterior design of the house

A modern facade is usually finished with artificial or natural stone, brick, vinyl or metal siding, porcelain stoneware, plastic or wood panels, and plaster.

wood paneling

Wood is considered an excellent heat-insulating, environmentally friendly material. Most often for the manufacture of wooden panels using oak, cedar, pine.

Note! How to decorate a wall with your own hands: 150+ best photo examples of decor

The positive aspects of wood are strength and resistance to atmospheric precipitation. The disadvantages include the need for special care: wood must be treated every year with special compounds to protect against pests.

Metal paneling

Metal panels are one of the most practical cladding materials for the exterior walls of buildings. They are usually made from steel or aluminum. Metal panels have a long service life and do not need any special care.

The design of the facade with such a cladding looks stylish and beautiful, especially if it includes wooden or stone trim elements.

Vinyl paneling

Facade vinyl coating does not require maintenance. The photographs of the facades of private houses show that it can be used for facing any buildings, regardless of their type. It is affordable.

Its other advantage is the variety of colors and styles (it can be stylized as stone, wood). Vinyl also has good thermal insulation, but impact resistance is less than that of wood and metal.

Brick cladding

Brick is a unique finishing material. With it, you can create a different ornament, and it also gives the whole structure a cozy look. In addition, its benefits include:

  • ease;
  • durability;
  • no need for special care;
  • ease of installation;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Finishing with natural or artificial stone

Like brick, stone is the most expensive facing material. In addition to significant financial investments, it requires serious efforts. Stone cladding is a rather difficult, time-consuming process. As a result, buildings are usually only partially finished with stone.

But such a design of the facades gives the private house a particularly chic and representative look. Such a building will have a higher value in the subsequent sale.

concrete finish

In Western Europe, the popularity of exterior wall cladding with concrete is only growing every day. We can expect that soon this fashion trend will reach our country.

First, it must be said that the outer walls are finished with concrete if they need to be strengthened and strengthened. Such facades look very stylish. In addition, concrete has the ability to enhance the beauty of wood and other finishes.

Facade plaster

Finishing with plaster is within the power of anyone. A plastered facade can have a rather beautiful appearance, especially if textured plaster is applied. Speaking about the qualities of such a coating, it is durable and weather-resistant.

Finishing with other facade panels

In addition to panels made of wood, metal, vinyl, panels from:

  • Fiber cement. They are resistant to frost, have a light weight, and are durable. Another advantage is the variety of texture solutions. The downside is the high cost. Fastening is made on a metal frame.
  • Styrofoam. The peculiarity of such panels is the presence of a reinforced layer of plaster and the absence of the need to install a frame. The disadvantages include the impossibility of attaching them to the facades of wooden buildings - this can lead to decay of the tree.
  • Glass. Glass panels are made from special impact-resistant glass. They have good heat and sound insulation properties. The disadvantage is the high cost of the material and significant installation costs.

Exterior wall cladding with sandwich panels

A sandwich panel consists of two sheets of metal with a layer of insulation and a layer of vapor barrier between them. Pros - light weight, ease of installation, excellent thermal insulation, durability, moisture resistance, fire resistance.

If the top layer is damaged, the panel can be easily repaired without having to replace most of the façade. The disadvantage is that such material is not cheap.

Sheathing the external walls of the house with siding

This is probably the most common and budget option for finishing the facade. Siding can be installed both on insulated walls and on walls without insulation. This facing material is used to hide the defects of the facade. It is moisture resistant and is represented by a variety of textures and colors. Vinyl, metal, wood, cement can be used for its manufacture.

The ideal cladding is the one that best of all protects the supporting structures of the house from all sorts of precipitation. This is the most important point that you should pay attention to when choosing a facade cladding.

Of all the finishing materials that meet this requirement, choose the easiest to install and further maintain, which has the best thermal insulation and moisture-repellent properties.

Photos of facades of private houses