Do-it-yourself aerated concrete blocks manufacturing technology. Do-it-yourself aerated concrete blocks: manufacturing technology (video). Comparison of self-made and factory-made products

Today, materials are increasingly being used for construction, which can be made by hand, purchasing only the necessary ingredients. All of them are characterized by excellent operational features, durability; their cost is not too high. One of these materials is aerated concrete. The laying of the blocks is simple, and the material itself has many advantages, including good thermal insulation properties, which are important for building a house.

Aerated concrete blocks have good thermal insulation properties.

Aerated concrete is not a novelty on the market, it was first used for construction at the beginning of the last century. Its active use in the construction of buildings began about 10 years ago. Although the aerated concrete manufacturing technology itself was patented by Erikson, an architect from Sweden, back in 1924.

Previously, aerated concrete was produced only in the factory, as this required exactly following the technology and selecting the proportion for mixing. The production itself is simple, but the weight of one block, which is obtained after pouring, is not the smallest, so the work must be done by at least two people.

For the production of aerated concrete you will need:

  • Portland cement;
  • quartz sand;
  • aluminum powder;
  • water;
  • lime.

The manufacturing process itself is based on the use of one of 2 methods:

  • autoclave;
  • non-autoclave.

The first method is used in the factory, as it requires special equipment. Blocks after pouring are sintered under specially created conditions. You won’t be able to create them yourself, so it’s more practical to use the 2nd method. Concrete is poured into molds and dries naturally. The aerated concrete block is then removed and, if necessary, cut into pieces. Although it is better to immediately use for filling forms that correspond to the required dimensions.

To make aerated concrete blocks with your own hands, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  1. For each cubic meter of finished aerated concrete (by output), approximately 250-300 liters of water are required. It must be clean drinking water. It is best to take it from the surface layers of any clean sources.
  2. Approximately 260-320 kg of cement is required per cubic meter of finished aerated concrete. For self-manufacturing, grades M500D0, M400D0 are used.
  3. Quarry sand, river, cleaned. Its quantity per cubic meter of the finished mixture is 250-350 kg. It is best to take a small one, the particle size of which is up to 2 mm. In no case is it allowed to keep branches, debris, clay.
  4. Special additives for aerated concrete. Quantity 1-3 kg per cubic meter of finished mixture.
  5. Gasifier, i.e. aluminum powder. Enough 0.5-0.7 kg for each finished cubic meter of concrete. Powder is needed in order for the mixture to start the reaction necessary for gas formation. During mixing, gas begins to be released, bubbles and cells form inside the concrete, which give the composition the qualities it needs.
  6. Lubricant for containers in the amount of 0.3-0.5 kg per cubic meter. Before you start pouring with emulsions, the molds are thoroughly lubricated. Do not use used oils, as they contain a large amount of soot.

Making aerated concrete with your own hands is not so difficult, but it is important to follow all stages of production exactly, to select the ingredients for the future mixture in the correct proportion.

Equipment list:

  1. Forms for pouring future aerated concrete blocks, which can have a different size. It is best to purchase ready-made containers.
  2. Strings that are needed to remove excess mixture from the surface of the molds.
  3. A concrete mixer that will be used to mix the mixture.

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Ingredient Requirements

It will not work to make a large amount of building material on your own, but they will be enough to build a small house. The weight of one standard size unit can be approximately 650 kg. Therefore, the presence of several people is necessary not only for laying walls, but also for pouring molds, pulling aerated concrete blocks from containers. If all conditions are met, aerated concrete blocks will turn out to be durable and of high quality, their cost will be less than when buying a ready-made material.

You can use special installations that knead aerated concrete in automatic mode. They can be rented, but the equipment doses the ingredients on its own, mixes concrete of exactly the quality that is needed. Rental costs will be justified.

The proportions of aerated concrete may be different, but it is best to adhere to the following formula (for aerated concrete D-600):

  • Portland cement PC500 D0 - 65%;
  • purified sand - 30%;
  • dolomite - 5%;
  • V / T - up to 0.48.

Lime flour, i.e. dolomite, can contain up to about 10% aerated concrete, but it is important to decide what color of blocks is needed. With more lime, the color of aerated concrete blocks will be lighter. A large amount of powder is also not required, it acts as a catalyst for the gas formation reaction.

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Aerated concrete manufacturing process

To make cellular concrete, several steps must be followed, which include:

  • dosage of ingredients, mixing of the dry mix;
  • adding water, mixing the solution;
  • filling the resulting mass of molds for pouring;
  • exposure of the mixture to gain strength, drying of aerated concrete blocks and their removal from molds.

It is necessary to carefully measure all the dry ingredients needed for the production of aerated concrete blocks. The main materials are cement, lime, sand. To start the process of gas formation, it is necessary to use aluminum powder. After reacting with water, it provokes the release of hydrogen, the mixture begins to foam. Proportions are very important, since the strength, porosity and other characteristics of the future aerated concrete depend on them.

At the second stage, the components are mixed. The mass should be homogeneous. The quality of the batch also determines how the aerated concrete will be after preparation. Only special equipment should be used for mixing. Concrete mixers will do, this process is not done manually.

When the future concrete is mixed, it is necessary to start pouring it into forms.

Special forms are used, it is best to purchase ready-made ones that fully comply with all requirements.

Filling is carried out only up to half of the forms, in no case should they be filled completely. This is due to the fact that in the process of gas formation, the mixture greatly increases in volume, completely filling all the forms. After the increase in volume is completed, using a metal rod, it is necessary to remove all excess mixture from above so that the upper part is even and smooth. This is done approximately 6 hours after the filling has been completed.

Building your own house or any nearby structures is always a necessary and interesting process that takes a lot of effort, time and money. Therefore, almost all building materials people have become accustomed to do with their own hands. At different times, the complexity of the work either increases or decreases, but in the 21st century, such a process has acquired new forms, because. Do-it-yourself production of gas silicate blocks began.

Main aspects of activity

Before you start making gas silicate blocks, you need to know many production features.

The most important thing is the variability of the production process, because different compositions can be used, depending on the technological process.

So, sand with cement can be used as the main reagents, but an option is also possible with a combination of ash-cement. Water and copper shavings remain unchanged, because. water serves to liquefy and adhere elements, and aluminum chips react, which contributes to the formation of pores.

In industry, an autoclaving element is used, but this is not possible with manual work, and therefore the activity is slightly re-profiled.

It is necessary to make a mixture that does not require steaming for maximum strength development.

There are many ways to cut aerated concrete, but it is better to immediately fill in the desired shape, because. at home, extra body movements will take too much time.

Usually saws and cutters for wood are used, because. they make a perfect cut in no time, but you can use a jigsaw to shape it.

The design is very light, so you can use a reinforcing rod no thicker than 6 mm. It can be bent immediately in the form of a frame, or you can make just one crate, depending on the required final strength, as well as the thickness of the product.

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Main job option

A standard sand-cement mixture will be used here, but the volume of the solution will be given as a trial one in order to know exactly what will happen in the end. You will need the following tools and materials:

  • containers for materials;
  • mixing containers;
  • nozzle for solutions on a drill;
  • cement m500 - 1900 g;
  • hot water - 1400 ml;
  • fine quartz sand - 1900 gr;
  • aluminum shavings - 3 gr;
  • washing powder - 0.3 gr;
  • NaCl - 19 g;
  • plasticizer - 19 ml;
  • rubber gloves;
  • respirator;
  • forms;
  • machine oil.

At the very beginning of the manufacturing process of gas silicate blocks, a gas-forming mixture is prepared. To do this, aluminum shavings, washing powder and a little water are mixed in a small container. You need to stir directionally for 3 minutes, while you need to be attentive to the chips, because. strong dust can rise from it.

Washing powder serves to degrease the chips, but in fact it will not bring any negative. All work is done with gloves and a respirator, so as not to inflict any injury on yourself.

In the meantime, the suspension is infused, you can start making the solution. To do this, sand is poured into a container, and a dry cement mixture is poured on top. The resulting dry mixture is mixed thoroughly so that in the end there are no lumps and inhomogeneous places. For mixing with a drill, it usually takes no more than 2-3 minutes, but in small volumes, even 1 minute is enough.

Water is poured into the dry mixture, and 200 ml should be left in the jar. A plasticizer is poured into the water in a jar and sodium chloride is poured out. The resulting consistency is mixed, but without fanaticism, as was the case with chips. It is enough to chat for 20-25 seconds, then move it aside.

The sand-cement mixture, already filled with water, is mixed for several minutes until a homogeneous mass. This will take a little longer than for the pre-dry mixture, because. you need to soak the solution completely. If the dry mixture is poured into water, then the solution will turn out with lumps, so you need to follow this step especially carefully.

Now dilute water can be added to the mixture, as well as aluminum slurry. The solution is mixed in the most thorough way until the silvery film disappears from the surface (no more than 2-3 minutes). The result is a fairly liquefied mass.

As a trial form, you can use any containers lubricated with machine oil or mining (as an option - plastic wrap). The solution is poured to 50% of the total volume of the container, because the rest will come on its own.

Aerated concrete is one of the varieties of cellular porous concrete. This is a porous stone created artificially.

Table of characteristics of wall materials.

Due to its porous structure, aerated concrete has very good thermal insulation and energy-saving properties, and its light weight distinguishes it favorably from other materials used in construction, such as concrete, brick and cinder blocks.

One aerated concrete block weighs approximately 30 kg. It can replace about 30 bricks, so the walls will be laid much faster. Thanks to this weight, the blocks can be used in construction without using special lifting equipment.

You can easily bypass the problems that come with choosing a material when building a house when you decide to build a house from aerated concrete blocks.

Such a question as the possibility of independent production of aerated concrete worries many owners of their own suburban areas. The use of cellular concrete allows you to save a lot on building materials, and when making aerated concrete blocks with your own hands, the cost is further reduced. The masonry of such blocks will be reliable.

Aerated concrete blocks are produced using high quality materials, industrial equipment for their manufacture is not cheap. Some developers have plots located at a considerable distance from densely populated areas, so you should expect that the delivery of building materials to the site will cost a rather large amount. The raw materials from which you can make aerated concrete with your own hands are quite affordable. For this you will need:

  • sand (it can be replaced with ash or slag);
  • cement;
  • quicklime - in a small amount;
  • aluminum powder.

Material Features

Scheme of building a house from aerated concrete blocks.

In order to obtain high quality material at home, it is necessary to achieve a uniform distribution of pores throughout the material. With the right equipment, this problem can be easily solved.

For the manufacture of aerated concrete, autoclave and non-autoclave methods are used. For self-manufacturing, the second option is used - it does not require special equipment, and it is much easier to perform. The autoclave manufacturing method is able to improve the properties of the material by an order of magnitude. The formed blocks are placed in autoclave chambers, where for 12 hours they are processed under high pressure with water vapor at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Aerated concrete treated in this way becomes stronger, masonry made from it shrinks less. The structure of the gas block is more homogeneous, it can be used in various areas of construction as the main building, heat-insulating and sound-proofing material.

Previously, only specialized large enterprises that had special equipment could produce cellular concrete. But the emergence of new technological processes has greatly simplified production. Now, with careful observance of manufacturing technology, it is possible to get quite good material for construction at home, but it turns out it is not so durable.

Characteristics of cellular concrete obtained by autoclave

Using pore-forming components, you can get a wonderful building material with the following properties:

Do-it-yourself scheme of a house made of aerated concrete.

  • low density, which can be compared with the density of dry pine (500 kg / m³). This is 5 times less than that of ordinary concrete or three times less than that of brick;
  • the compressive strength of the gas block is quite sufficient to use aerated concrete as a material for the construction of load-bearing walls of two- and three-story buildings. For the first day, the increase in strength is 50%;
  • sorption humidity - up to 5%;
  • water absorption is approximately at the level of a simple brick, that is, less than 20%;
  • frost resistance - more than 75 cycles. This is twice as much as that of a brick;
  • cellular concrete masonry has a thermal conductivity half that of dry pine, 8 times lower than that of brick, and 15 times lower than that of ordinary concrete;
  • the masonry wall is 30 cm thick - while the sound insulation corresponds to 60 dB .;
  • aerated concrete can be easily processed using conventional tools, it is convenient to saw it, you can even hammer nails into it;
  • fire resistance is much greater than that of gas silicate, brick and concrete;
  • building materials are environmentally friendly;
  • simple gas block manufacturing technology;
  • possible monolithic casting;
  • good performance at low cost;
  • the resulting material is of decent quality.

Technology for the manufacture of aerated concrete at home

  1. All components of raw materials are mixed in certain proportions.
  2. The mixture is thoroughly mixed in water.
  3. Prepared forms are filled with the resulting solution.
  4. The material is molded to the shape, after which it is aged in order to gain the necessary strength.

For home production of aerated concrete blocks, you will need the following equipment:

  • mixer, in order to qualitatively mix all the components and the blowing agent;
  • molds for making blocks are designed to give the material the correct geometric dimensions;
  • metal strings, with their help you can cut off excess mixture from the top of the molds.

To date, it is possible to purchase a special installation - a mixer, the task of which is the independent production of aerated concrete. Here the components will be automatically dosed and mixed. Using such equipment, it is possible to significantly facilitate and simplify the process of manufacturing gas-block products. Since aerated concrete mixers are very mobile, the whole process can be carried out directly at the construction site. At the same time, transport costs can be significantly reduced or even completely eliminated.

The first stage of the process is that all components must be thoroughly mixed, while it is necessary that aluminum powder be distributed evenly throughout the entire volume of the dry mixture. Then the dry mixture is placed in a concrete mixer, in a rotating drum, where water is poured in advance. The equipment will help to ensure that all components are connected in the best possible way.

To organize the production of a gas block at home, you will need forms. They can be made from metal sheets. The best option is collapsible-type forms, with the help of which you can quickly and easily carry out the process of excavating finished blocks. Of course, the material will be produced in small volumes, but quite sufficient for private development.

The finished mixture is poured into molds in such a way that the mold is only half filled. The process of chemical reaction of water and aluminum powder provides gas evolution. Bubbles will appear inside the solution, after which the mass will almost double.

The next stage of work can be started only after the chemical reaction ends - this is about 6 hours. Sometimes the solution swells so much that it rises above the edge of the mold. To align the blocks exactly along the edge, the protruding mass is cut off with a metal string. After that, the block material, without removing it from the molds, is stored under a canopy or in a closed room. He should stand like this for about 12 hours.

At the end of this period, the forms are unpacked, the finished blocks are stored in one row. Strength, which is necessary for storage, aerated concrete will pick up within two days. For construction, blocks can be used in four weeks - by this time the material is gaining brand strength.

Additional Information

Aerated concrete blocks can be made in a variety of configurations, the size of the forms and their design can be changed depending on the form in which the masonry is planned. This can be attributed to the important advantages of the production of this building material. Of course, in terms of strength characteristics, aerated concrete produced by a non-autoclave method will be somewhat inferior to autoclaved one. However, for personal use when carrying out not too large-scale construction, it will fit perfectly.

Different strength indicators for concrete mortar can be achieved by changing the proportions of the components. However, the standard recipe will correspond to the following indicators:

  • sand - 20-40%;
  • cement - 51-71%;
  • lime - 1-5%;
  • aluminum powder - 0.04-0.09%;
  • water - 0.25-0.8%.


You can even reduce the cost of building your own house or cottage if you make aerated concrete with your own hands. have long become an indispensable building material for the quick and inexpensive construction of various buildings.

The composition of aerated concrete blocks includes: cement, lime, quartz sand, gypsum stone, aluminum powder and water.

There is nothing complicated in the manufacturing technology of non-autoclaved porous concrete. The composition includes available and widely used materials, and the maturation conditions of the composition are normal. All this suggests that making aerated concrete with your own hands is real.

Features of aerated concrete

Aerated concrete blocks are regular parallelepipeds of porous concrete. The material itself is a kind of cement-based concrete, in which air pores up to 3 mm in size are evenly distributed. Aluminum powder or paste is commonly used as a pore forming additive. In general, the concrete mixture has the following composition: cement, sand, aluminum powder, water, and various additives.

According to the manufacturing method, aerated concrete is divided into autoclaved and non-autoclaved. The first type of material is obtained in an autoclave at elevated pressure and temperature, which is realized only in industrial conditions that ensure proper process control in extreme conditions.

The non-autoclave manufacturing method is implemented in natural conditions, which allows you to use it yourself. The production technology is based on the fact that when aluminum powder comes into contact with water, a violent reaction occurs with the release of carbon dioxide. If this process occurs in a closed form inside a viscous mass, then gases form pores in the volume of this material. Even after the gases leave the mixture, the pores remain in the thickness of the mixture. After the mass has hardened under normal atmospheric conditions, aerated concrete is obtained, that is, concrete with closed pores in a shape close to round, with a diameter of 1-3 mm.

The porous structure provides the main advantages of the material, namely high thermal insulation properties combined with a low specific gravity with a sufficiently high compressive strength. Aerated concrete blocks have a density of 300 to 1200 kg / m³, depending on the amount of pore-forming substance introduced.

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Manufacturing features

The technology for obtaining non-autoclaved aerated concrete includes several mandatory steps and conditions. The pore-forming component is added to the cement-sand mixture and is evenly distributed throughout the volume. The process of pore formation occurs quite actively with the expansion of the volume upon contact of the powder with water.

To keep the pores inside the mass, the gas evolution reaction must proceed in forms having sufficient strength. The internal cavity of the mold sets the dimensions of the resulting block of aerated concrete. For the initial hardening of the mass, at least 2 hours are required. After that, the concrete can be removed from the mold, but must be in a stationary state on the racks until it is completely cured. The final strength value is reached only after 28 days of block drying. For the manufacture of aerated concrete with your own hands, it is necessary to ensure that the basic conditions are met and to carry out a number of necessary works.

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Required Tools

To make aerated concrete blocks with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • a hammer;
  • shovel;
  • mixer;
  • ruler;
  • building hair dryer;
  • Master OK;
  • putty knife;
  • steel string;
  • chisel;
  • chisel;
  • scales;
  • measuring bucket.

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Preparing the mixture

A standard mix for aerated concrete contains cement, sand, water and lime. Aluminum powder is used as a pore-forming agent. Slaked lime acts as a plasticizer. To improve the properties, it is recommended to use additional additives: sodium sulfate (no more than 0.5%) and caustic soda (no more than 1.5% by weight).

The basis of aerated concrete is cement. It is recommended to use Portland cement grade M400 or M500. The filler is taken in the form of quartz sand. It should be carefully sieved to remove large fractions. Clay in the sand can only be in the form of small traces and amount to no more than 7% of the weight of the sand. The following composition and ratio of concrete mix ingredients are recommended:

  • cement - 50-70%;
  • sand - 20-40%;
  • lime, caustic soda, sodium sulfate - 1-5%;
  • aluminum powder - 0.04-0.09%;
  • water - 0.25-0.8%.

The mixture must be thoroughly mixed. By changing the content of cement and the pore-forming composition, it is possible to control the volume of pores in concrete, that is, to change the density of the material.

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Making a mold

In order to solve the question of how to make aerated concrete, it is necessary to ensure the manufacture of a mold for pouring concrete mixture. Such forms can be of two types. The first type (the simplest) is a rectangular box with a height equal to the height of the block. The area of ​​the box should contain the amount of mass from which several (4-9 pieces) aerated concrete elements can be made. If a significant amount of production of gas blocks is planned, then it is better to make a mold from a steel strip 4-5 mm thick. The structure must be collapsible to facilitate the excavation of the concrete blank. A removable cover must be provided on top. It is advisable to provide for its fastening to the sides of the box with bolts (screws) or other clamps. A simplified version of the form can be made of wood. For the sides of the box, a board with a thickness of 30-40 mm should be used.

The second type of shape is a lattice system. In this design, the cavity of the box is divided by partitions into cells in which one gas block is formed. This form can also be made of steel strip or wood. For internal partitions, plywood with a thickness of 12-15 mm can be used.

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Making aerated concrete at home

Before starting work, the inner surface of the mold must be thoroughly lubricated with machine oil to prevent sticking of the mass. It is recommended to heat the mold to a temperature of about 40º C. Aluminum powder is introduced into the evenly mixed concrete solution, and it is poured into the mold.

It is necessary to pour to a height approximately equal to half the height of the side of the box, which takes into account the expansion of the mass during the passage of a chemical reaction with the formation of pores.

A violent reaction with evolution of gas proceeds within 6-8 minutes. At this time, there is an active increase in the level of mass in the form. At the end of the reaction, the expansion of the composition stops, and then a slight shrinkage of the solution occurs. After the cessation of the vertical movement of the level, with the help of a strong steel string, all irregularities (bumps, sagging) are cut off from the surface of the workpiece. A heat-insulating material is applied over the calmed blank of the block: asbestos, polystyrene, etc. From above, the form is closed with a lid.

Natural drying of aerated concrete blocks is carried out. The minimum drying time is 2 hours. After that, the monolith can be cut into blocks of the desired size. The recommended time before transport to the storage site is 24 hours. In the process of work, it is necessary to exclude the occurrence of drafts. Fan operation is not recommended. The cooling of the mass should be slow and uniform.

You can significantly reduce the financial costs of housing construction if you make aerated concrete with your own hands at home. Aerated concrete products in construction are used very often.

Of these, it is easy to build a variety of buildings with great savings in mortar.

What is aerated concrete

Aerated concrete building blocks can be of different sizes and shapes. But their composition is almost always the same. Do-it-yourself aerated concrete blocks can be made from:

  • high quality cement;
  • lime;
  • quartz sand;
  • gypsum;
  • aluminum powder;
  • water.

The production technology of this material is quite simple. You can produce aerated concrete in the yard of your house or directly at the construction site. Finished blocks are parallelepipeds of porous concrete mass, which contains many small air pores. They are about 3 mm in size. Pores are formed due to the addition of aluminum paste or powder to the solution. Sometimes, in addition to the listed components, some other substances are added in very small quantities. They are needed to change some parameters of building materials.

According to the production method, aerated concrete can be made by autoclave and non-autoclave method. The first method is not suitable for home conditions. It requires expensive equipment. The non-autoclave method is simpler, it allows you to set up the production of aerated concrete with your own hands at home. In the manufacture, the reaction of water with aluminum powder is used, as a result of which a huge amount of carbon dioxide is released, which forms pores inside the blocks. The mass hardens after a while. This happens in natural conditions. The body of the block receives many pores from 1 to 3 mm in diameter.

Mini-plant for the production of non-autoclaved aerated concrete

The porous structure is the main advantage of the gas block. The pores make the material light, endow it with high thermal insulation properties. The density for aerated concrete is kept at the level of 300-1200 kg / m³. In order for the pores to hold firmly in the concrete, it must be placed in a strong form that sets the size of the future block. The mass hardens in 2 hours. After that, the blocks can be removed from the mold and laid out on racks for complete hardening. The final strength is formed only on the 28th day of natural drying of the blocks.

Making aerated concrete with your own hands

The production of aerated concrete at home requires some tools. It is necessary to prepare:

  • grinder with a disk;
  • wood saw;
  • electric drill;
  • plane;
  • hacksaw for metal work;
  • sharp knife;
  • metalwork hammer;
  • shovel for solution;
  • mixer for mixing the mixture;
  • ruler;
  • building hair dryer;
  • Master OK,
  • steel string for cutting blocks;
  • putty knife;
  • scales;
  • chisel and chisel;
  • measuring bucket.

Using a measuring bucket and scales, the necessary components for the solution are measured. The production of gas blocks is carried out from the following components:

  • Portland cement brand M400-M500 - 50-70%;
  • screened quartz sand - from 20 to 40%;
  • lime as a plasticizer - 1-5%;
  • powder or aluminum paste - 0.04-0.09%;
  • water - 0.25-0.8%.

Collapsible metal mold Pouring lightweight concrete Removal of excess concrete solution Blocks after stripping

The mixture is thoroughly mixed and laid out in forms that are different. It can be quite a strong box. Its height is equal to the height of the blocks. The total volume is 4-9 gas blocks. Forms can be made of wood or metal. It is desirable to make the design collapsible. A more complex option is a box with cells, which can be made of wood 30-40 mm thick, or metal 4-6 mm. Internal partitions can be made of plywood. Its thickness should be 12-15 mm. Before pouring the solution, the surfaces from the inside must be lubricated with technical oil and the entire structure should be heated with a hair dryer to 40˚. The mixture is poured to the level of half the height of the box. The rest of the space will be filled with the expansion of the composition and the formation of pores.

The gas evolution reaction lasts 6-8 minutes. The solution first rises, then sits slightly. After shrinkage, the upper part can be cut off with a prepared string, the blocks can be removed from the mold. Cooling of blocks should occur in natural conditions. Fans are not recommended. Installation of the form is recommended on a flat horizontal surface. It is better to prepare several boxes at once in order to mix a significant amount of the solution. The working platform must be sheltered from wind and precipitation. Block sizes can be customized.

Conclusion on the topic

How to make gas blocks at home? Is such an option possible? What are they made of? After all, you need special equipment and equipment for the manufacture of aerated concrete at home. You can build the walls of houses at a much lower cost if you make gas blocks yourself. Only building materials of the autoclaved manufacturing method require special equipment. In this way, materials are made from concrete in production. At home, you can cook blocks only in a non-autoclave way. This requires high-quality Portland cement, sand with minimal clay impurities, lime, water, aluminum powder and some other substances to change the characteristics of the finished product.

The mixture is well mixed and poured into molds, which can also be made by hand. After 2 hours, the tops of the blocks are cut off with a metal string, the blocks themselves are removed and laid out for drying. Final drying lasts 4 weeks. By this time, the blocks acquire real strength. For the production of aerated concrete for 1 m³ of blocks, 90 kg of cement, 300 liters of water, 0.5 kg of aluminum powder, 35 kg of lime and 375 kg of sand are required. This is an approximate composition.

Aerated concrete blocks are a material for building walls. It is of high quality and durability. Widely used in low-rise construction. To build your own house, it is quite possible to make blocks with your own hands.