How to cook flour paste for windows. How to make flour paste. "Super" glue and other special compounds

Glue is a viscous substance that can stick together different materials. Its role is difficult to overestimate. The mixture is used in medicine, industry, construction and other areas. In everyday life, people use this tool for domestic purposes. And although many are accustomed to the fact that ready-made adhesive raw materials can be bought, it is unlikely that there will be a person who would not come across a flour paste.

Home-made adhesive compositions are not only cheaper than factory counterparts, but also surpass them in quality. The ingredients used in the manufacture are natural and hypoallergenic. These properties allow even small children to work with the substance without fear. The recipe is quite simple, and all the ingredients can always be found in the kitchen of any thrifty and conscientious housewife.

What is a paste

According to various definitions given in many explanatory dictionaries, paste is glue made from starch or flour. According to the type of gluing, it belongs to the drying subspecies. This is a perishable product that cannot be stored for a long time. It quickly turns sour, which is manifested in an unpleasant odor, suitable for use within one day. The density of the composition depends on the materials to be bonded.

It is difficult to say now who and when first invented this type of glue. However, according to historians, the first adhesive compositions were cooked back in Neolithic times, using animal bones and tendons for this purpose. They became the prototype for bone, fish, vegetable, and other natural adhesives. Perhaps the flour, starch composition was used by ancient civilizations, but records of this have not been preserved.

Homemade adhesive is simply indispensable for domestic needs. With it, you can repair, use it to create crafts, to solve many other problems. The technology for preparing glue is simple. It can be made in several ways, it all depends on the components used. To work, you will need water, flour or starch, an enameled container, a mixing spoon.

Advantages and disadvantages

Flour paste is popular with builders, gardeners, and creative people. This is a reliable tool that has many advantages. An environmentally friendly product made from natural raw materials is completely harmless to health, does not cause allergies, and does not irritate the skin. The main advantages of this substance include:

  • Low cost. This is the cheapest type of glue. It allows you to save on the purchase of ready-made formulations, surpasses them in many characteristics.
  • Wide scope. It is used in construction, needlework, children's creativity.
  • Easy cooking. Anyone can make glue with their own hands.
  • Leaves no marks on the surface.
  • Practical and easy to use.
  • Strongly sticks together some types of materials, well seizes with many surfaces.
  • Easily removed. To remove the glued wallpaper, it is necessary to moisten the walls with water, the coating will come off by itself.

Among the main disadvantages are:

  • Weak water resistance. To increase this indicator, PVA can be added to the composition of at least 5% of the total volume.
  • The product is a breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms. To eliminate the disadvantage in the cooking process, you can add copper sulfate.
  • Limited shelf life. It is recommended to brew the paste in small quantities.
  • Time taken to prepare. Most purchased analogues can be used immediately.

Where applicable

Homemade glue, made from flour mixed with water, is used for a variety of purposes. It is used by librarians, chemists, agronomists and gardeners, employees of child care facilities. Among the most famous areas of application are:

For household needs:

  • Repair work. With the help of natural mass, wallpaper is glued to the walls, windows are pasted over, surfaces are primed for finishing.
  • Gardening. For uniform planting of seeds in the garden, they are glued to toilet paper.
  • Children's creativity and needlework. The harmless and hypoallergenic composition perfectly replaces glue, even the smallest children can work with it. They make papier-mâché crafts and other paper products from it, use it for scrapbooking, create fabric compositions.

In professional activity:

  • Librarians glue books with paste, use it to perform binding work.
  • Chemists use it as an indicator.
  • Kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers use this material in classes that educate children in perseverance, concentration, developing thinking, fine motor skills of hands.
  • Theater workers use paper objects to decorate the stage, make props.
  • Designers use the substance to hold various decorative elements together.

Cooking methods and rules

Homemade paste is not inferior in characteristics to purchased compositions for gluing paper and other materials. It is used both for fixing parts of small crafts, and during large-scale construction work. Safety, complete availability of ingredients, ease of preparation make the flour-based mixture popular and in demand. There are many ways to make paste. Choosing the right recipe should be based on the purpose of the glue and the characteristics of the surfaces to be fastened.

From flour for wallpaper

For cooking, you only need flour and water. The resulting mixture is suitable for thin ordinary paper sheets and for dense vinyl sheets. The only thing is that it is necessary to adjust its density during the cooking process. It is better to prepare wallpaper mass from second grade flour, since it contains more gluten, which improves its characteristics.

Even a child can learn how to prepare a simple paste. Water is poured into a container based on the amount of the mixture and heated on a stove. After waiting for the boil, pour the flour into the center of the bowl, stirring constantly. The amount of the main ingredient is not calculated in advance, it is easier to add it by eye.

The mass for simple wallpaper should resemble liquid sour cream in consistency. For heavy sheets of flour, it is better to add more and thicken as much as possible. It is necessary to use the paste while it is warm, because as it gradually cools, it loses its properties.

From starch

Such a paste is prepared if you need a transparent mass for gluing that will not leave stains. The technology for preparing an economical composition is not much different from a flour mixture. Starch is sifted into an enameled bowl, poured with part of cold water, stirred. Then add a part of boiling water without stopping shaking. Cook starch paste to the desired density, breaking all the lumps.

Do-it-yourself starch mass has both advantages and disadvantages. It quickly seizes, reliably fastening even heavy materials, does not leave stains and does not turn yellow. When removing the dried glue, simply wet it with warm water. Corn starch gives the most pleasant consistency. The rice and potato product performs worse, which is reflected in the transparency.

The disadvantages of the starch mixture include a short shelf life. After 5-6 hours after cooking, an unpleasant odor appears. Even in the refrigerator, he can stand without loss of quality for no more than a day.

For papier-mâché

A popular technique for making paper crafts involves sequentially pasting the mold with a material soaked in glue. To create a high-quality figurine, you need a lot of adhesive mixture, so it is convenient and profitable to make it yourself from cheap and affordable materials.

Papier-mâché paste is made from flour, hot water and salt. The main ingredient can be replaced with starch, but then it will have to be brewed in small portions. The process will not be justified if you need to create a large craft.

The proportions of the ingredients must be chosen taking into account the density and type of paper. For newspapers and easily absorbent materials, a ratio of 5 parts water - 1 part flour - 1 teaspoon of salt is suitable. Magazine sheets and cardboard are softened and fixed with a mixture with the addition of wood glue or PVA.

To make papier-mâché crafts shiny, you can add vanillin and sugar to the paste.

Do-it-yourself dextrin paste

On the basis of dextrin, a high-quality glue is obtained, which perfectly fastens thick paper with any coating, leather, fabric, wood, plastic. The substance is obtained from starch by splitting it. Dextrin powder dissolves faster and better in water, a sticky mass based on it is easy to make at home. To prepare the paste correctly, you must adhere to the following recipe conditions:

  1. Pour starch onto a baking sheet and place in the oven;
  2. We set the heating temperature to 160 ° C and leave the powder for 2 hours;
  3. After a while, we take out the yellow dextrin and cool at room temperature;
  4. Mix the substance with boiling water in equal parts;
  5. Stir continuously until completely dissolved.

The resulting mixture must be used immediately after preparation, as it thickens very quickly. If its use should be postponed, during cooking, increase the amount of liquid and add a few drops of glycerin. You can store the dextrin mixture in the refrigerator in a sealed, tight package that excludes contact with oxygen.

Paste with the addition of PVA glue

PVA glue, as an independent composition, is a very effective adhesive material. Sometimes its consistency is made less often by adding water. In this case, the quality characteristics are reduced. If it is necessary to obtain a moderately liquid mass and retain all the original properties, PVA is added to the usual flour paste. This will help reduce the adhesion of the clean product.

The recommended proportions for preparing a small portion of the paste are 100 g of flour, half a liter of water, 2 tablespoons of PVA. Add flour to boiling water, boil and knead the mixture for 5 minutes. After complete cooling, add PVA, shake.

The additive can be added to both flour and starch ready-made paste. The mixture becomes suitable for gluing heavy non-woven wallpaper, textiles, wood. The mass with PVA will be stronger, retain transparency.

Paste with wood glue

Based on the scope of the mixture, various additional substances are added to it. An ideal option for improving fixing qualities is wood glue. We must not forget the color of the surfaces, since the wood material will give the adhesive mass a dark shade.

Animal glue is added to the mass to prime walls under heavy wallpaper, or to tightly fix old paint on panels that are difficult to clean. The proportions in this case are selected 1: 1. Water is brought to the desired density. For gluing surfaces with linkrust or other materials on a fabric, plastic basis, the mixture is prepared from 2 parts of flour and 1 part of wood glue.

An economical alternative to purchased glue, which is not inferior in performance, is a paste made from flour at home. It will be useful for construction work, and for joint creativity with a child, and for needlework. Ease of preparation, availability of ingredients, environmental friendliness, ease of removal of dried traces make the paste really worthy of attention.

Paste - homemade glue made from flour or starch mixed with water. Despite the abundance of various adhesives on sale, homemade glue is widely used in repair work and everyday life.

The most common areas of application are:

  • Wallpaper pasting. With a large amount of work, the use of a paste will significantly reduce repair costs. At the same time, the quality is not inferior to store compositions.
  • Window stickers. It will help to get rid of drafts without damaging the materials.
  • Wall primer. The mixture is perfect for preparing walls for finishing.
  • Preparing seeds for sowing. To evenly distribute the seeds, they are glued to toilet paper before planting in the garden. Natural adhesive composition will not harm the seeds.
  • Children's creativity. Hypoallergenic and harmless if swallowed, the homemade formula is well suited for working with children.
  • Needlework. Craftswomen use for scrapbooking, fabric compositions, papier-mâché.

Making glue with your own hands is not difficult at all. Most often, flour with water needs to be boiled and boiled for some time, but there are recipes without cooking, when the flour is diluted with a small amount of cold water, and boiling water is added to the resulting mixture.

The main advantages of homemade glue are its cost and safety for health, because it is prepared from natural ingredients. The disadvantage is the fragility of storage, so they cook immediately before the planned work in a volume sufficient to complete the task.

For wallpaper

Flour glue is suitable for both thick and thin vinyl wallpapers, only the proportions of the components and the density of the resulting mixture are different. To brew a paste, they take the cheapest flour, since it contains more gluten due to coarser processing, which means that it will be better to keep such a composition.

It is good to use home glue for pasting windows with wooden frames, the cracks in which are perfectly closed with a mixture of water and flour.

Do not use hot to avoid damage to materials.

Papier mache

Papier-mâché is a popular manufacturing technique because the source material is readily available and the end product is light and strong. To work in the papier-mâché technique, no special knowledge or education is needed, the result is limited only by the author's imagination. Papier-mache is used for interior design decoration, as a hobby, in children's art, for making masks and theater props.


Glue made from water and flour is widely used by needlewomen. For example, fabric is impregnated with it in the manufacture of artificial flowers. To work with fabric, vanillin is added to the wallpaper paste, it will add shine to the finished product.


Flour glue can also be useful for making holiday decor elements. For example, it is better to glue New Year's snowflakes on windows with a home-made solution, since it is then easy to wipe it off the glass. With the help of paste and paper, using the papier-mâché technique, such decorative elements as figurines, vases, and interior figures are created.

most popular recipe

There are many options for how to make a paste. The most popular recipe requires flour, water, a bowl, a saucepan, a whisk and a stove. Actions are performed in the following order:

  1. The flour is placed in a bowl.
  2. Water is added to flour (it is important to pour water into flour, and not vice versa).
  3. Stir the resulting mixture with a whisk until the lumps disappear.
  4. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil.
  5. Boiling water is slowly poured into the flour mixture, stirring constantly.
  6. The resulting composition should be boiled for 5 minutes, when it is as thick as batter, the stove is turned off.
  7. Cool the finished paste. It must be borne in mind that as it cools, the solution thickens.

Approximate proportions are 5 tablespoons of flour per 1 liter of water, but they may vary depending on the purpose of the paste and the quality of the flour. For example, for gluing heavy vinyl wallpaper, you need a thicker composition, and for applications with children, a more liquid one.

We cook from starch correctly

If it is important for wallpapering that the glue does not leave stains, you can cook a starch paste. Do-it-yourself glue will not yield to store-bought products in terms of characteristics, besides, the composition of starch is more economical and safer for health. Its preparation is simple and similar to boiling a solution from flour.

First, all the starch is sifted through a sieve and poured into a container, after which it is poured with water and mixed thoroughly. The resulting mixture is combined with boiling water, without stopping stirring, so that there are no lumps. Boil until desired thickness.

After thickening, you can add PVA to give water repellency and additional strength and bring to a boil again. While still hot, the solution is filtered again.

Do-it-yourself dextrin paste

Dextrin paste is an adhesive made at home from preheated starch. Used for gluing paper and fabric. To prepare such a composition, potato starch is heated on a baking sheet in the oven to a temperature of 400 degrees, which transforms the white powder into brown lumps. Lumps need to be cooled and ground, then combined with water in the proportion of 10 g of powder per 25 ml of water.

A simple recipe for an adhesive solution from improvised means can help out in situations where you urgently need to glue something, but there is no ready-made glue at hand. Homemade composition will save money and will not cause harm to health.

Home craftsmen used paste in the era of shortage of building materials. Wallpaper was glued to them, the paste was used to insulate windows for the winter, it was made for children's crafts. Today, glue of any brand and for different needs can be easily bought at the store. Nevertheless, there are times when a paste is needed right now, for example, for minor wallpaper repairs. Or your child is allergic to chemistry, and you do not want to deprive him of the joy of creativity.

How to cook flour paste

Wheat flour is suitable for paste. You can take it of the lowest grade - this will not affect the quality of the glue.

  • Prepare flour and water. For a glass of flour water, you will need either 1/2 cup (the paste will turn out to be liquid), or 3/4 cup (the paste will turn out to be thicker).
  • Divide the water into two equal parts and put one on the fire to boil.
  • In the second part of the water, stir all the flour.
  • When the water in the pan boils, then pour cold water into it with flour mixed in it. When pouring, stir the mass with a spoon so that the paste does not seize in lumps.
  • Boil the paste on the smallest fire for 4-5 minutes, remembering to stir it constantly.
  • Remove the thick mass from the heat and let it cool completely.
  • If your paste turned out with lumps, then strain it still hot through a metal colander with small holes.

Flour paste is suitable for children's crafts, the so-called applications. It is environmentally friendly, has no foreign smell and is completely neutral in taste. If your child loves to work with glue, then this option is especially for him. But it is better not to use flour paste for gluing torn off wallpaper. Over time, it begins to change color, and if during the repair even a small amount of it remains at the joints, they will then turn yellow.

How to cook starch paste

For minor wallpaper repairs, it is better to cook a potato starch paste.

  • Pour 500 g of starch into one liter of cold water. Mix the mass thoroughly.
  • Put the pan on the slowest fire and cook the paste until it becomes thick. Stir all the time while cooking.
  • Cool the starch paste to room temperature and pour 50 ml of PVA glue into it. Mix the mass again.
  • If there are small lumps in the paste, then strain it through a sieve or colander.

There is another type of paste designed for making papier-mâché. Papier mache is a soft mass made from two ingredients (thick glue and small pieces of paper or other suitable material). You can find the recipe for this thick papier mache paste in the video at the bottom of this article.

Paste has long been used as wallpaper glue. And even with the advent of modern adhesive compositions, many prefer this unpretentious tool. Moreover, the main reason for such a commitment to the paste is not even the cheapness of its preparation.

What is a paste?

First, let's figure out what a paste is. This is homemade glue. With it, paper and wallpaper are easily fixed on almost any surface.

Paste - natural glue of home origin

The paste is prepared from flour or starch with the addition of water and scalded in boiling water. The corn starch paste has the greatest gluing ability. It is followed by homemade glue made from wheat flour, in the last place is a paste made from potato starch.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fact is that all the most modern adhesive compositions have one big drawback - they do not work well on surfaces covered with old oil paint or primed with drying oil. On such surfaces, only an ordinary paste, cooked from flour or starch, can perfectly cope with its function.

The only drawback of the paste can only be called its instability to moisture. However, this disadvantage can be overcome by using various additives in the preparation of the paste.

The advantages of the paste are many:

  • Properly brewed and filtered, the paste leaves no residue even with not too careful work.
  • It adheres well to any surface.
  • Its durability is in no way inferior to the most modern adhesive compositions.
  • Also, the advantages of the paste include the fact that the wallpaper that is pasted with its use is very easy to remove.
  1. Water is poured into the container in the amount of 2/3 of the planned volume and boiled.
  2. Then flour is poured into hot water. This should be done gradually, while thoroughly mixing the solution. Flour will need approximately 1/3 of the volume.
  3. The solution should be brought to the density of a very liquid dough (cook for 5 minutes).
  4. After the paste has cooled to 30-40 degrees, it should be filtered through gauze, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

It is better not to use hot paste. From temperature, the embossed pattern or paint on the wallpaper can be deformed and become unusable.

Method number 2

In this recipe, the ratio of flour and water is 1:3.

Remember that the finished mass should be similar to batter

  1. Pour the flour into a container. Fill with water.
  2. We put the container on the stove and cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  3. After the water boils, remove it from the heat, filter through cheesecloth or a sieve, cool.

How to cook from starch with your own hands

The advantage of starch paste over flour paste is its transparency. Although flour paste leaves almost no traces, starch paste is still preferable for pasting walls and light wallpaper.

Damp wall paste has a higher adhesive power

Starch paste recipe for ordinary walls

  1. 750 g of potato starch are kneaded in 200 ml of wood alcohol.
  2. To the resulting mass, add 1.5 liters of water, mix thoroughly.
  3. The next step is to add 8-9 liters of boiling water and bring the whole mixture to a boil.
  4. Separately from the mixture, 100 g of alum are dissolved in 0.3 l of water.
  5. The resulting solution is poured into the boiled mixture and mixed until a uniform mass.
  6. The composition is cooled and filtered.

How to make homemade glue for damp walls

  1. 40 g of calcium chloride are dissolved in 600 ml of water, the mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  2. In addition, 400 ml of water and 400 g of potato or corn starch are separately mixed;
  3. The mixture from the first point is added to the resulting mixture. Stir, heat and add another 4-5 liters of water.
  4. The resulting mixture is boiled for another 2-3 minutes and removed from heat.

Do not forget to periodically remove the film that forms after the starch paste has cooled.

  • Any paste should preferably be used immediately after filtration, or at least on the same day. After a day, the adhesive qualities of the paste are significantly reduced.
  • Make the paste in small portions to prevent the mixture from cooling and hardening quickly.
  • It is best to store unused mixture in a container with a lid in the refrigerator.
  • If the glue gets on the skin or furniture, it is enough to wipe the contaminated area with a damp warm cloth.
  • If we talk about additives to the paste, then in addition to PVA glue, you can also use wood glue, which is added in the same quantities as PVA glue (1 part of glue to 1 part of water). At the same time, it should be taken into account that wood glue can leave reddish spots on the wallpaper, and it is not recommended to use such an additive when pasting with very light wallpaper.

A paste with the addition of wood glue is perfect for priming the surface of walls and ceilings before wallpapering. And for these purposes, it should be used hot.

Video: how to cook flour paste for wallpapering, papier-mâché, etc.

Regardless of the achievements of modern chemistry and the emergence of a large number of adhesives for narrow and general purposes, the paste does not lose its position. Paste is a glue based on environmentally friendly and safe vegetable raw materials - flour or starch. The process of its preparation is simple, the raw materials are more than available. In this article, we will discuss how to make flour paste.

What is flour paste used for?

  • Wallpaper pasting.
  • Making papier-mâché.
  • Binding and restoration work.
  • In children's art.

Flour paste for repair and painting work

The very high adhesion of the paste to various surfaces, including previously painted with oil paint or treated with drying oil, is the reason for its stable popularity. The disadvantage is low moisture resistance, which turns into an advantage during the next repair, because. wallpaper is easy to remove from the wall, eliminated with a variety of additives. The initial raw material is flour, best of all wheat flour of the first grade. Rye is used less often, because. glue based on it turns out to be dark and loses its versatility (although its adhesive properties are higher than those based on ground wheat grains).

PREPARATION (volume 5 l):

  1. Sift 0.8-1.25 kg of flour (the quantity is determined by the thickness and quality of the wallpaper - the more expensive and thicker the wallpaper, the more you need to take).
  2. Add a little water to it and mix thoroughly until the lumps disappear completely.
  3. Pour the resulting thick solution into boiling water, stirring the mixture. For complete homogenization, the mixture can be heated over low heat without boiling.
  4. To improve adhesion, a small amount of wood glue from 70 to 150 g in dry matter should be added to the paste. This glue is crushed the day before and poured with water from the total volume and boiled in a water bath the next day. For light wallpaper, PVA is added instead of wood glue. Adhesive mixtures are heated in a water bath.
  5. After cooking, the glue must be filtered through cheesecloth, folded in several layers, to prevent lumps from entering.
  6. Cool to 30-40 ° C, remove the foam.

You can start painting the walls. No need to wait for complete cooling, because. this will reduce the adhesive properties.


  • To store the remaining glue for 5 liters, add 12.5 g of carbolic acid, 25 g of aluminum alum pre-soaked in water, or 7-8 g of copper sulphate.
  • Optionally, a small amount of substances that repel or destroy insects (10 g of borax or 25 g of chlorophos) are added to the glue.

☞ Video cooking

Flour paste for papier-mâché

The process of making products from papier-mâché, regardless of the method - layer-by-layer gluing of paper of different thicknesses and / or cotton fabric or modeling from paper dough, is practically impossible without a paste.


  1. Mix 100 g of flour in a bowl or saucepan with 100 ml of water and beat well with a whisk or fork, then add another 200 ml and beat again. The result should be a homogeneous mass without lumps. If necessary, you can use a blender or mixer.
  2. Put this mixture on fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil, stirring constantly, until a thick jelly-like mass is obtained.
  3. After cooling, the paste is ready for the layer-by-layer gluing technique. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several days in a tightly closed jar.

ADVICE! For paper dough, PVA or wood glue is added to the paste in quantities determined by the manufactured product.

☞ Video recipe

Flour paste for bookbinding and restoration works

For bookbinding and restoration work, a paste on flour is used, enriched with glycerin to improve elastic properties and gelatin to improve adhesive characteristics. For antibacterial protection, formalin is added to the adhesive mass up to 1 ml per 100 ml of glue.

For gluing thin sheets, a thick paste is used, and for working with thick paper and cardboard - liquid:

  • The recipe for a thick paste made from finely ground wheat flour: for 1 liter of boiled water, 135 g of flour, 12 g of gelatin, 6 ml of glycerin.
  • The recipe for a liquid paste made from finely ground wheat flour: for 1 liter of boiled water, 80 g of flour, 10 g of gelatin, 4 ml of glycerin.


  1. Soak gelatin in advance for several hours in 50 ml of water, after which it must be dissolved by heating, but not allowed to boil. Cool gelatin to 50-60 °C.
  2. Pour the flour into 300 ml of cold water and mix thoroughly.
  3. Heat the remaining water (650 ml) to a boil and pour flour with water into it. This mixture must be boiled, stirring vigorously, at 80-85 ° C for 20 minutes, then pour in the gelatin and glycerin.
  4. The shelf life of this adhesive when stored in the refrigerator in a well-closed container is 4-5 days.

Flour paste for children's creativity

For any adult, the advantages of the paste for children's creativity are obvious - it is absolutely harmless and safe, easy to use and reliable. With it, you can make an application, a cardboard box or a wall newspaper. This glue is prepared only from flour and water in proportions of 1 to 8-15, depending on the desired density of the glue.


  1. The method of obtaining is similar to all the previous ones - first mix the flour with a small part of the water, pouring water into the flour so that the mixture is easier to stir, mix with a whisk, fork, blender (if the amount allows).
  2. Then this mixture is brewed with boiling water, stirred and warmed up a little, but not boiled.
  3. After cooling to room temperature, the paste is ready for.

ADVICE! Do not make a large amount, it is better to prepare a new portion the next day, although this glue can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Often, in various situations, the paste can become a lifesaver, without which you simply cannot do. Now you know how to make a flour paste, where to use it and how to store it.

How do you apply the paste?