Ideas for a small bedroom are the best solutions for a compact arrangement. Suitable wallpaper for a small bedroom: how to make the right choice Wallpaper for a small bedroom in an apartment

Modern construction has long abandoned any framework, houses are being built in a variety of ways: multi-storey typical, non-standard low-rise, cottages. Accordingly, the layout of the premises in such buildings is different.

If we consider the living space in the context of the bedroom, it is easy to divide the layout into two main types, large and small. And if a large bedroom has practically no problems with choosing an interior and wallpaper, then with a small one, on the contrary, there are more of them. The reason for all the troubles is banal and simple, the lack of space for the implementation of ideas.

Non-standard horizontal wallpapering

How to make a good, cozy interior in this small room, without turning it into a closet, dark and lifeless. Which wallpaper to choose for such a bedroom, in terms of color, pattern, quality. This is what we would like to talk about.

Subtleties and nuances

Most people tend to believe that it is easier to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in a small room, since there are no large dimensions that bring an element of boredom and coolness into the interior. Wallpaper in the interior ensemble plays a major role, since they occupy the maximum area. But if you are already puzzled by the question of how to choose the best wallpaper for a small bedroom, then you approach the matter reverently and carefully, which is very correct.

A certain advantage of a small room is the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. It does not require a lot of materials, the work will be carried out quickly, and in which case, we can always repeat them. Of course, you will not change the interior of the bedroom very often, but it will be easier for you to update it from time to time. Therefore, whatever wallpaper you choose, remember that you do not have them forever.

Floral themed wallpaper in nice colors

The location of your bedroom relative to the cardinal points is also important, since this directly affects its natural light. We can always bring artificial lighting to a certain level by adding lighting objects. Based on the illumination of the room, it is recommended to choose a certain style in which the design of the room will be created.

If you really like dark wallpapers, then you can use them in a small bedroom, but given that you have very large south-facing windows, otherwise your rest room will always be dark, like in a crypt.

As you already understood, regardless of the style, we will use light-colored wallpapers to decorate the bedroom. They will allow you to distribute light throughout the room, as well as slightly increase the visual representation of the space.

Typical apartment building bedroom

Types of wallpaper

The modern assortment of wallpaper is so diverse that even a specialist in this field cannot imagine it. New wallpaper collections are released daily, and factories around the world are working on their production. However, there are main directions in the work of these enterprises.


The cheapest option would be paper wallpaper. They have been produced for many years, so the technology of modern production of this finishing material has undergone a huge number of upgrades. Paper wallpapers are environmentally friendly, not harmful to humans and animals. They are produced in different variations: single-layer (simplex), two-layer (duplex), with acrylic coating and washable.

However, for our small bedroom, this wallpaper option will not be the best. Keeping in mind that we choose light colors, and the paper cover is easily dirty and cannot be washed, the decision to choose wallpaper from paper will be wrong. In addition, paper wallpapers are prone to fading and loss of color.

Not the best pattern on the wallpaper for such a room

Even the most luxurious paper wallpapers with acrylic foam are used exclusively in large rooms where direct contact with the wall is excluded.


Vinyl wallpapers are considered the most modern, their production technologies are based on many years of experience in creating finishing materials and modern approaches to the implementation of the technological process. Each eminent factory that produces such wallpapers is constantly improving its production technology, because if it does not do this, it will be out of the market.

Vinyl wallpapers from well-known factories in Russia and Europe are environmentally friendly, they are produced on two types of substrate. For small rolls, paper is used, and for large, heavy rolls, a non-woven base is used. Interlining is a mixture of paper (cellulose) with fabric fibers, i.e. by and large, this is a stronger imitation of the paper backing.

Vertical stripes visually enlarge the room

Choosing vinyl wallpaper for a small, comfortable bedroom is the right decision. From a practical point of view, they have no equal. Yes, there is no industrial pollution in the bedroom, but wet cleaning in such rooms is a vital necessity, and vinyl wallpapers can withstand it.

In addition, they practically do not fade in the sun. When buying, look at the marking on the label, it always indicates the level of light fastness of the wallpaper. Vinyl wallpapers have a million, even several million, colors, you can choose anything for yourself.

Wallpaper for painting

If you need to make even plain walls, then one of the best options can be wallpaper for painting. Currently, the most popular are non-woven and glass.

Non-woven wallpaper is used most often in residential areas, they are light and durable, able to hold a large number of layers of paint. Glass fiber is more industrial in nature, they are used for decorating the walls of offices, hotels, shops. Features of installation and operation of this wall covering do not allow working with it in many residential areas.

Subdued lighting creates a cozy atmosphere

You can choose any paint color for such wallpapers, remembering that preference should be given to light colors.

natural wallpaper

Modern interiors are increasingly built on the use of natural wallpaper. Under natural wallpaper, we mean products made from bamboo, cork, wood, straw. These are materials created by nature, with which people have been decorating their homes since ancient times.

Despite the excellent workmanship and complete environmental friendliness, wallpapers made from natural materials are very impractical. They look just amazing until moisture or pet claws ruin them. The rapid loss of appearance is inherent in all natural materials. Therefore, for a small bedroom, we would not recommend using such finishing materials.

It is a thankless task to advise you which color and pattern to choose for your bedroom, but we would like to outline the general style.

Silk-screen wallpapers have a peculiar sheen

Do not use dark wallpaper, as they will darken the room. Very bright canvases are also not suitable for us, because they will create a tense atmosphere. It is acceptable to combine colors, but first you need to check them for compatibility.

The following colors are optimal for such a room: white, milky, beige, cream, peach, sand, pink, pistachio and other shades of pastel colors.

Try not to choose wallpapers with large patterns, consider medium and small images. Monochromatic options will look good, but here you should decide how you will achieve this effect: glue the finished wallpaper or paint the wallpaper to match the color.

Thoughtful interior of a small bedroom, used light wallpaper

The English vertical strip can be used because it enlarges the room, but the borders are contraindicated because they eat up precious space.

When creating the interior of a small bedroom, focus solely on your taste preferences. This is only your room and only you will be in it, so you should like it more than all other rooms. It is not even necessary to transfer the general trends of the interiors of other rooms to the bedroom, no one will notice it anyway.

Only at first glance it may seem that the choice of finishing material for the bedroom is an extremely pleasant occupation. The room has an excellent microclimate - no high humidity and temperature fluctuations, tap surfaces are rarely subjected to pollution or mechanical stress, which means that there will be practically no exceptions in terms of technological characteristics. But what to do with the variety of color and texture solutions? Which manufacturer to choose - domestic or foreign? Should I buy wide wallpapers or standard ones? And how to combine the palette of the department with the color schemes of furniture, textile design and decorative elements? One thing is obvious - without a preliminary plan for choosing the quality, color and texture of wallpaper, you should not go to a store with an incredibly wide selection of options. We hope that the design projects of bedrooms selected by us, in the decoration of which a wide variety of wallpapers were used, will help you not only draw up such a plan, but also make the most effective and successful choice.

Features of choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

The main feature of the selection of finishes for the bedroom is the almost complete absence of restrictions. There are no factors harmful to the finish in the bedroom, the walls themselves are rarely loaded or any kind of mechanical stress, the risk of contamination is minimized. Yes, and the attention of the guests of the home to a private room is minimal, which means that you can decorate the bedroom in accordance with your own vision of functionality, aesthetics, practicality and beauty. An important factor when choosing a finishing material in terms of technical properties will be the budget for repairs. After all, the range of prices for wallpapers of domestic and foreign manufacturers is incredibly wide. And only the owners will be able to decide what they like - cheap, but not durable paper wallpapers or practical vinyl, or maybe luxurious velor fabrics, which will take half of the available funds to repair or reconstruct the bedroom interior.

Paper wallpaper. The main advantages are low cost, environmental friendliness, ease of installation, the ability to pass air and a wide range of colors, products with prints. The obvious disadvantages include fragility (even with very careful use - no more than 4-5 years), susceptibility to fading under the influence of sunlight and the inability to endure wet cleaning, the use of cleaning products.

Non-woven wallpaper or non-woven fabric. Interlining has a high density, it consists of cellulose fibers with the addition of polymeric materials. Depending on the method of applying the pattern, there are two groups of non-woven wallpaper:

wallpaper with direct application;

polymer-coated fabrics.

With direct application, the pattern is transferred directly onto the fillet base. Such canvases are stronger than paper ones, but they have a number of other disadvantages:

  • such material, as well as paper sheets, cannot be washed, cleaned with special products;
  • wallpaper fade in the sun.

The advantages of non-woven wallpaper with direct drawing include:

  • high strength;
  • ease of installation - wallpaper can be applied to a wall treated with glue without using it for the canvases themselves;
  • the ability to "breathe";
  • environmental friendliness in relation to man and the environment;
  • the density of the canvases allows you to hide minor imperfections in the processing of surfaces that are being finished.

With a polymer coating of non-woven wallpaper, the pattern is applied to the vinyl coating. This polymer coating can be smooth, foamed or embossed (silk-screen printing type). The surface of such canvases is able to imitate various finishes - from brick or stone masonry to concrete and wooden surfaces.

The advantages of vinyl-coated non-woven wallpaper include:

  • excellent strength (including tensile strength);
  • durability;
  • the possibility of cleaning with a wet method;
  • burnout resistance;
  • the ability to hide small cracks and potholes in the surface of the walls.

Some of the shortcomings include:

  • inability to pass air;
  • some polymer products are capable of releasing toxic substances, so the choice of wallpaper must be carried out in accordance with GOST.

Textile wallpaper. This finishing option is the best suited for the bedroom. Wallpaper is made as follows - a fabric or thread is applied to a thick paper or non-woven base. The fabric can be:

  • cotton;
  • linen;
  • jute;
  • velor;
  • felt.

Of course, such material is significantly superior in cost to paper products, but it also has distinctive advantages:

  • improved sound and heat insulation properties (which is important for a bedroom);
  • high level of environmental friendliness, ability to breathe (if the base is made of paper);
  • luxurious appearance, exclusivity design.

Unfortunately, there are also many disadvantages of such a finish:

  • cleaning surfaces is problematic, wet cleaning is prohibited;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage (in a house with small children and / or pets, use is undesirable);
  • the installation of such canvases is more difficult to carry out than to paste over the walls with paper or vinyl wallpaper;
  • high cost of paintings.

Wallpaper. They are widely used in the creation of modern design projects for bedrooms. Great for decorating an accent wall. An image of a beautiful cityscape, plants or animals, nature or fictional scenes, macro photography or family photos enlarged to the entire wall - an interior with such an accent will be unique, interesting.

As a rule, photo wallpapers are made of fiberglass and have an adhesive layer. But recently it has become fashionable to use a natural base - bamboo, leather, cork.

In addition to the above types of wallpaper, modern bedroom design projects also use liquid wallpaper, fiberglass canvases. Textured wallpapers are very popular, with embossing, inclusions of quartz, colored glass particles, straw, shells and much more.

The combination of wallpaper in the decoration of the bedroom

The combination of wallpaper, different in color, print, texture and even style of execution, can help not only create an original interior, but also correct the flaws in the geometry of the room, highlight certain functional areas, create certain accents.

We focus on the advantages and mask the disadvantages. With the help of a color, pattern or pattern, you can create a focus on a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, interior item or surface. For example, you would like to divert attention from the design of the ceiling (irregularities or flaws in the finish) - a bright pattern on the wall in the middle of the room will be the perfect accent option. Or vice versa, you would like to focus on the furnishing of the room (beautiful design of the bed, for example) - wallpaper the walls in a neutral color scheme and make them almost invisible.

We zone the room. Very often in the bedroom, in addition to the immediate area of ​​​​sleep and relaxation, there are other functional segments - a dressing table, a boudoir, a workplace, a dressing room, a reading corner. It is enough to use a combination of wallpapers that are different in color, texture or stylistic decision and the room will be effectively zoned.

We increase the space. It's no secret that with the help of certain optical effects, you can visually adjust the volume of the room. For example, horizontal stripes on the wallpaper help to visually increase the width of the room, and vertical stripes - the height of the ceiling.

A favorite technique of designers all over the world (mostly forced) is the use of a light palette to visually increase the space, erasing the boundaries of the room. But this does not mean that in a small bedroom you will have to paste over all the walls with white wallpaper and be content with bright accents on the bed textiles or window drapery. The palette of pastel shades, which will not interfere with the visual enlargement of the room and will bring a certain zest to the design of the bedroom, is incredibly diverse. And you can create an accent with the help of a soft print on light wallpaper, with the help of textured elements.

Create an accent surface. The easiest and most effective way to create a color accent is to make one of the walls of the room in a bright tone (against the background of a light color palette) or using a pattern (pattern, ornament, photo printing). There are many ready-made combination solutions on sale. Wallpapers are sold in specially created collections - as a rule, the tone of the main finish is present in the pattern of accent paintings.

Focusing on a point. An equally popular design technique for focusing attention in the right place is to create an accent not on the entire surface, but on some part of it. For example, a segment is highlighted above a headboard, around a fireplace, a reading area, a dressing table, or a piece of furniture to which one would like to draw attention (antique furniture, art, or an expensive decorative element).

Wallpaper as a decorative element. Often very beautiful, expensive wallpapers (or simply canvases that differ significantly from the general background of the room) are used as wall decor. You can arrange plywood with wallpaper pasted on it into a beautiful frame and hang it on the wall or decorate with moldings canvases locally located on the vertical surfaces of the bedroom.

The current color palette - trendy prints and textures

Obviously, the color scheme of the walls in the bedroom largely forms not only the image of the room, but also our psychological state during our stay in it. That is why it is important to take the choice of print on the wallpaper for the sleeping space with all seriousness. The color palette and options for drawings on canvases will depend on the following factors:

  • the size and shape of the room;
  • the number and parameters of window openings (the level of natural light is incredibly important);
  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal points;
  • color schemes of the main furniture and textile design of the bed and windows (the rule about the combination of plain wallpaper with printed curtains and vice versa, colorful finishes with neutral window drapery, has not been canceled).

Monochromatic wallpaper is an option for a laconic interior or a room in which it is planned to highlight the furniture of the room and, above all, the bed with its design. Most often, neutral pastel shades are chosen for the bedroom, soothing and setting up for rest, relaxation ...

But there are also radically opposite options for decorating bedrooms. A bright, colorful wallpaper tone is most often chosen to decorate an accent wall. If the surface behind the head of the bed becomes such a wall, then even a bright tone will not interfere with a calm emotional state. After all, lying in bed, we cannot focus on the wall located behind the head of the bed.

Floral print. To create a romantic image of the room, a floral print is perfect. And yet the bedroom is most often a space for two. To balance the atmosphere and not go too far with the femininity of the interior, the floral pattern on the wallpaper is most often used as an accent wall decoration. Depending on the quality of the wallpaper, floral print can be used to create a classic, romantic, modern interior and in the style of screws, shabby chic.

Often, a floral or floral print echoes animalistic motifs in the design of bedroom walls. Images of animals, birds, fish and insects contribute to the creation of a relaxing, but at the same time not boring atmosphere of the room. Most often, a similar wallpaper pattern can be found in bedroom projects in a classic, oriental and eclectic style.

Ornaments with geometric elements. The range of use of geometric print in the decoration of bedrooms in terms of familiarization with a certain style is incredibly wide. The geometric ornament looks quite strict, concise, but much depends on the chosen color schemes and their combinatorics. Geometric print can be used from classic to modern, from understated to eclectic.

"The Imitation Game" Wallpapers imitating various surfaces are at the peak of popularity. It's easy to create an accent wall with wallpaper that mimics a concrete or wood surface, brick or stonework, peeling plaster, or old paint. The originality of the image and ease of installation (compared to the original finish of stone or wood) captivate both designers and their customers.

Wallpaper for decorating a bedroom in 2019

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Small bedrooms are not uncommon for urban apartments, and it can be difficult to design for such rooms precisely because of the serious lack of free space. What wallpaper to choose for such a small bedroom to make it seem cozy and more spacious?

When choosing decorative coatings, it is very important to adhere to the accepted rules that will help make a cramped room brighter and more spacious, and for a narrow one, visually correct the configuration.

The choice of wallpaper for a small bedroom

What wallpaper to choose for a small bedroom source: //

For small rooms, you can use various techniques that visually expand the space. Among these methods, the most popular are wallpapers in combination with textiles. To do this, the following rules for choosing tulle are observed:

  • the material should be thin, airy, in light colors;
  • when forming folds, preference is given to falling free ones, in the form of an accordion;
  • when choosing textiles, it should be borne in mind that the material of the curtains should be combined with wallpaper, have a soft gradient, the use of contrasting, overly bright and flashy tones is not allowed;
  • for textiles, vertical stripes are welcome, a thin ornament with a vertical orientation, you can use light filament curtains that will go well with light wallpaper in a thin strip;
  • large print, massive drawings and horizontal lines for textiles and wallpapers are not allowed.
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The best combinations are:

  • light, translucent fabric of soft shades and paper wallpaper, lighter by a couple of tones and without a pattern;
  • filament curtains with single, not very large pendants, combined with pastel wallpaper with a vertical, thin pattern, separate ornaments in the form of flower buds, geometric shapes;
  • opaque curtains made of light fabric in cool colors and darker wallpaper without a pattern (for a bed, you can use a wall highlight with a lighter shade finish).

Warm tones are chosen for dark rooms, cold shades are chosen for very light rooms. But you can not use very dark, saturated coatings, large ornaments, an excessive amount of decorative details, large curtain tassels or large hairpins.

Patterns and color palette for a small bedroom

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To visually enlarge the bedroom, you can use photo wallpapers with a perspective or 3D pattern. They visually enlarge the room very well, creating an unusual and attractive effect. But it is very important to consider that not every ornament is suitable for a bedroom, especially when there is a shortage of space. In addition, patterns can be used for ordinary wallpapers, but in this case, a thin vertical strip, single patterns, floral patterns, but in very pale or gray tones, are preferred.

For the bedroom, murals or panels for the wall with the following patterns will be optimal:

  • undersea world;
  • city ​​streets;
  • forest trails.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom photo design source: //

All drawings should have a perspective, which allows you to visually expand the room, but such materials can only be used for one wall. It is desirable that this wall is behind the headboard, but not opposite the window. But the use of panels should be in harmony with the surroundings, for example, when choosing 3D drawings, the surrounding furniture should be concise, for coverings with images of nature - in ethno style, simple and solid.

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For a small bedroom wallpaper in sunny shades works well, but the tones should not be very saturated. Rather, they should resemble the color of sun-bleached sand. An interior with such a color scheme can be decorated in an Afro or Mediterranean style, using the most simple and concise environment, only natural materials.

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For the interior of a small afro-style bedroom, accent dark spots are allowed, but they should be used wisely. For example, for the wall to the side of the window, you can use wallpaper with bright floral ornaments, for example, in the form of palm leaves. The wall opposite, where the bed will be, can be decorated in the form of light gray, pale orange or sand wallpaper with a pattern. These can be cyclic images of animals, murals with a view of an oasis, or single trees that go into perspective. Furniture for such an environment will be minimal, for the floor it is better to use a massive board with a naturally aged texture.

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For very bright rooms, cold shades are best suited, lighter than the rest of the environment, but not bleached. In this case, the following tricks will work well for the extension:

  1. Contrasts for zoning space. For example, darker tones are used for the bed, just behind the headboard you can arrange a shallow niche with lighting, but without the rest of the decor. This will visually push the wall, give the room the effect of a large room.
  2. Saturated tones. Such wallpapers are used for rooms with an irregular configuration, for example, for the visual narrowing of an elongated room.
  3. Contrasting large patterns for small bedrooms are rarely used and most often not recommended. Such a technique in the form of a 3D pattern is only suitable for decorating a place behind the head of the bed, but on condition that the situation will be in harmony with such an ornament. It is best to give preference to a small pattern, a vertical strip, which visually makes the space larger.

There are several rules for decorating a wall with wallpaper:

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  • for opposite walls, wallpapers in the same range are used, with the exception of the reception of a selected wall;
  • the print or pattern should be small, with the exception of only murals with 3D images for one of the walls (best for making a bed);
  • the strip should be vertical and thin, unobtrusive, it is recommended to combine such coatings with plain ones of a lighter or darker shade;
  • diagonal drawings can be used to visually stretch the room; saturated colors can be used to visually shorten the length of the wall;
  • for well-lit rooms, you can use gradient wallpapers with a soft transition from light to saturated colors;
  • when using an ornament, the technique of alternating such coatings with plain ones is suitable, while the stripes without a pattern should have a large width, this will visually create the effect of a large room;
  • for very small rooms, you can use glossy inserts, but it is very important not to overdo it, as the bedroom can easily be turned into a cramped box.

How to visually expand a narrow bedroom

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The decor of a room with an irregular configuration and a small area is also a challenge. For this reason, it is recommended to choose a “light” design for the decor - a minimum of furniture, light colors, any tricks that will help visually push the walls apart. Among the simplest techniques for such correction of configuration flaws are:

  1. Use of mirror surfaces. Mirrors will help to easily “push apart” a narrow room, giving it more comfort. For the interior, mirrored cabinet doors, decorative mirrored panels with embossed or sandblasted patterns can be used to help give the room a visually square shape. It is best to place mirrors on a long wall, creating depth.
  2. For walls, it is best to use very light and cold shades, the lightest coatings should be glued to the far wall, and darker ones closer to the windows.
  3. Usually, horizontal stripes are not used for small bedrooms, but this rule does not apply in the case of a narrow room. To visually correct the lack of configuration, you can use coatings with narrow, very light horizontal stripes for a long wall.
  4. Contrast reception works great for an elongated bedroom. For short walls, you can use light coatings with a pattern that not only focuses attention, but also provides a visual expansion of the space.
  5. For dark, poorly lit narrow bedrooms, very light wallpaper should be used for the far wall. This will make it possible to even out the light, make the room visually more comfortable.

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In the apartments of the old housing stock, the bedrooms are often very small or have an elongated shape, that is, the problem of visual expansion is quite relevant. The task is also complicated by the fact that the bedroom often contains a living area or a small work area. The choice of furniture should be considered separately, each room has its own individual solutions, but when choosing wallpaper, you can use the following design techniques:

From the entire range wallpaper for a small bedroom, photo which you will see in our article, you can choose something similar for yourself. But it’s much better to gain knowledge on how to choose the right texture, shade, pattern and even wall covering material to make it comfortable for sleeping and relaxing.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom: design

When choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom design can be decisive. If you read most of the canonical recommendations and advice of professional designers, then they are the same for any small room - a small pattern, light colors, everything is very dim, unexpressed, without accents. Yes, it will work, but will you be comfortable living in such a featureless room.

In fact, it is the walls that can become color accents even in a small room, determine the rest of the style. At the same time, you can focus on your own taste when choosing in the store, but we will try to tell you about how to apply the purchase.

If you can't get past bright wallpaper with a large pattern, then it is better to use them on a single wall that fits behind the head of the bed. You can do this either from floor to ceiling, or fit them into a pattern of decorative finishing materials. The choice in this case will depend on the initial height of the ceilings. If they are low, then the best solution would be to make a solid pasting, if they are of a standard height or high, then you can use the option posted on the photo example when wooden friezes or moldings are used, which act as stylized frames for beautiful wallpaper paintings. You can also apply the diagonal placement technique, when stripes of narrow wallpaper are applied not vertically, but obliquely. Such a method, of course, will require you to use more material and increase the number of operations performed, but in the end you will get a very unusual effect.

Monochromatic wallpapers also have a lot of fans, because they become an excellent neutral background for all other bright elements that you choose, they should not be smooth and even, it is better to choose a textured surface that has a relief. Wallpaper with a surface imitating fabric or leather is perfect, it will hide possible wall imperfections and will attract attention.

Wallpaper color for a small bedroom

Wallpaper color for a small bedroom it can be determined both by your personal preferences and fashion trends, which also change every season, or it can, for example, be inspired by the advice of psychologists or, say, recommendations. Whatever color you choose, it is best to use its combinations and combinations, then you can achieve the desired visual effect.

What until recently was a bold design decision, today is already a classic and commonplace. But, for all that, combining different textures and colors is still not an easy task. Wallpaper for a small bedroom combined the easiest way is to buy from a single collection from one manufacturer. Today, the vast majority of them necessarily produce in the collection several basic plain products and several with bright prints. At the same time, examples of their use are already offered in the catalogs, for example, to make one accent wall, to paste it vertically in different proportions - two strips of a single color, then one strip of color, etc. The reception of horizontal combination does not lose fans, when darker or patterned wallpapers are pasted on the lower part, and light, textured ones on the top. At the same time, they are separated from each other by moldings or a paper frieze, which is also included in the manufacturer's collection. Along with the base wallpaper. When we talk about a small room, we must understand that thick lines will visually compress it, so this transition must be made as thin and inconspicuous as possible.

However, there are also lovers of dark shades who see their room in this way. For many, such dark accents will look very organic, usually men prefer just such an ascetic, slightly gloomy interior. And still wallpaper for dark small bedroom should not be matte, since this texture absorbs any light very well, which is why you may become anxious in pitch darkness and quality rest will not work. You can choose patterns with the so-called silk-screen printing or its imitation, that is, when the ornaments seem to be embossed on the surface and have a glossy look. They will create a very interesting visual effect in the light of a lamp, and in daylight they will look like ordinary patterns.

By the way, the degree of illumination of the room can greatly help you with the problem, what wallpaper for a small bedroom pick up. It is believed that for a well-lit room, into which a large amount of sunlight penetrates, you can choose all cold shades without exception. Turquoise, blue, lavender, pearl, light gray will look great. If for some reason there is not enough light (shady side, view of the park or trees), then the light must not only be attracted, but also delayed as much as possible. Warm shades will help us with this, for example, peach, beige, light orange, brown.

It is not easy to choose wallpaper for the bedroom, given their variety on store shelves. Here you have different materials, and the width of the roll, and texture, and manufacturers from Russia and from abroad.

First of all, when choosing, you need to take into account the specifics of such a room as a bedroom.

It is important to create here an atmosphere of comfort and individuality of the owners.

Wallpaper and dimensions of the room

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the room. If it is necessary to correct some shortcomings, visually this can be done just with the help of wallpaper.

So, a picture located horizontally will visually expand the room, but the height of the ceilings will seem lower.

With a vertical pattern, the situation is opposite: the ceilings “raise”, but the room seems narrower. Sometimes geometric shapes on the walls help to visually resize.

Light colors and small patterns also contribute to the visual increase in space, while large prints create the opposite impression.

Wallpaper can be combined and thus zoning the space, as well as placing accents in the interior, if one of the walls is pasted over with darker wallpaper.

The main types of wallpaper

Usually, when talking about the types of wallpaper in the bedroom, they mean the material from which they are made. Distinguish paper, non-woven, vinyl, liquid wallpaper, as well as glass.

Now more about the most common options.

Paper. They do not need a detailed description, since everyone used them.

The advantages of paper are obvious: environmental friendliness, affordable price, breathability, ease of use, a large selection of patterns and colors.

But paper wallpapers are chosen as a temporary option, since they serve no more than five years. During this time, they manage to fade, and as a result of cleaning they wear out.

Wet cleaning is generally contraindicated for them.

Non-woven wallpaper consists of two layers: base and decorative. Interlining is a durable material, which includes several components, including cellulose and polymers.

Compared to paper, non-woven wallpaper is much stronger. Despite the strength, these wallpapers are also well breathable.

They are easy to glue, as the glue is enough to apply to the wall. They are good at masking small bumps on the walls.

Among the disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper - they can not be washed, they quickly fade.

Textile. Many believe that these are new items in the world of wallpaper for the bedroom. In fact, walls were decorated with fabric in ancient times.

Modern textile wallpapers are quite expensive, but they have no equal in beauty and practicality.

They are durable, eco-friendly, the upper fabric layer can be made of any material, including felt or velor. Dense textile wallpapers do not transmit sound, retain heat.

Their disadvantages are the same as those of paper or non-woven: only dry cleaning, dust accumulation, the difficulty of applying to the wall.

Vinyl. Despite its practicality, ease of use, and resistance to moisture, vinyl wallpaper is not used in the bedroom.

The reason for this is the lack of breathability, plus they cannot be called environmentally friendly.

Bedroom wallpaper design

What makes stylish wallpaper in the bedroom? Of course the texture and pattern. Which one is the best for this space?

Plant motifs. Flowers, leaves, curlicues are chosen by romantic ladies for their own bedroom.

If spouses live in the bedroom, this will have to be indicated by a combination of floral motifs with more masculine checks or stripes.

If the bedroom is decorated in pastoral styles like Provence or Country, you can't do without the same colors. Strict squares and triangles in the ornament are more suitable for the classics.

The color of wallpaper for a bedroom is important, but just as important is its texture.

Embossed wallpaper from different types of fabrics looks elegant: velvet, velor, velveteen. Especially if the upholstery of the sofa is made of the same fabric.

Textured wallpapers are best suited for masking wall imperfections or diverting attention from them.

Another plus of the combination of smooth and embossed options is the ability to correct the configuration of the room.

small bedroom

What wallpaper to choose in the bedroom, which can hardly be called spacious?

First, you need to pay attention to light shades, for example, pastels.

Secondly, it is better to look at the wallpaper of saturated colors on the end walls, then the room will visually become more square.

Thirdly, if the ceiling height is too high for such a small bedroom, wide borders will help.

It is better to perceive information visually. Photo wallpaper in the bedroom best give an idea of ​​their different combinations and combinations.

Wallpaper design photo for the bedroom