Step by step repair. Repair of a two-room apartment is capital and cosmetic. Where to begin. Preparatory stages of repair in the room

Before deciding from which room to start repairs in an apartment, you need to find out the type of repair transformations, their estimated time frame and planned costs. It is quite possible that when answering these questions, the priority room will be determined by itself, by elimination, thanks to the advice of experienced people, or for other reasons.

How to start renovation in the apartment?

It's best to start with family council. Even if you have a decisive say in all matters, you do not live alone. Repair hardships fall on the whole family - if not in terms of financial costs, but in terms of everyday inconveniences. And at least listen to the opinion of your loved ones does not hurt. Children's room design and functionality kitchen area have the right to determine not only the heads of families, wives and children can suggest such effective solutions that designers can only envy.

The more deeply you discuss and think about the repair before it starts, the easier and faster it will go. The decision where to start renovating an apartment depends on several factors. And they are all the most important, so the order of our list is relative:

  • What is the renovation budget? After carefully accounting for all conceivable expense items, multiply the total by a factor from 1.5 to 2. No one has yet managed to perfectly calculate the estimate apartment renovation before it starts, so a financial "airbag" will be required. Naturally, if you do not want to give up the whole repair idea halfway through;
  • What is the cost of our renovation? Whether it concerns the entire dwelling or will affect only individual rooms, is it associated with the replacement of windows, doors, utilities and floor coverings. It is possible that a change in the layout of the rooms or the removal of the kitchen to the balcony will be required - such global transformations should be planned in advance;
  • Who will renovate the apartment. If everyone can perform cosmetic wallpapering in a children's room, then installing a new bathroom without the appropriate skills will not work. The more serious the repair, the more versatile professionals in their field are needed.. And it’s better if these are masters known to you, familiar from past affairs, and not abstract workers from an unfamiliar company with a “European level of highly qualified personnel, a hat” ...
  • Is it possible to spend repair time outside the renovated apartment. Living in the conditions of construction work is difficult even for adults, and even for children, such hardships can be insurmountable.

All these pre-repair problems need to be addressed in a comprehensive manner - money, deadlines, capital and personnel should form a harmonious mosaic even at the planned stage. Otherwise, you can start such a long-term construction, which you will not be happy about.

A typical list of preliminary construction and repair preparation includes:

  • Acquisition of materials and tools necessary for work and their reasonable placement in the apartment itself. The storage method “we will analyze later” is fraught not only with a loss of time to study material blockages, but also with a possible breakdown of laminate or tiles buried under blockages of cement or sand;
  • During a major overhaul, it is necessary to replace interior doors and external windows - these products are ordered in advance, and the terms of the repair themselves depend on the execution of the order. It is undesirable to put old frames in the trash and “flaunt” empty facade openings for a week or two, it is better to dismantle and install synchronously;
  • Construction waste - there will be a lot of it even with cosmetic repairs one room. In case of replacement of floors or redevelopment of the apartment, disposal construction debris will become a serious problem - city services are not required to take it out. It is only possible to stack garbage bags in the stairwell up to a certain limit, limited by the patience of the neighbors. It is most reasonable to agree on the removal of garbage deposits with representatives of city services - alas, but this will require additional costs;
  • If the apartment remains residential, it is necessary to provide sleeping places and other items for minimal comfort. If craftsmen work in it without spending the night, they will need sanitary facilities and a place to change “civilian” clothes for work uniforms - organizational issues should be taken into account in advance.

During a major overhaul by the forces of professional craftsmen, it is not so important from which room to start repairs in the apartment. Often repairers themselves determine optimal sequence, especially if their material interest is related to the amount of work and does not depend on hourly pay. There are cases when the question “Where to start repairing a room?” were not asked at all, but started it in all rooms at once, leaving the most small room"for later", as a headquarters-base-dressing room.

With an independent repair of an apartment, one can only dream of such a wide maneuverability. Here are the options for the first repair steps:

  • A distant room, isolated from other rooms by a single door. You can take out all the furniture from it (pack too bulky with cellophane and move it away from the walls). After clearing the space, you can safely proceed to repair transformations;
  • Bathroom, kitchen and toilet. The laboriousness of the work in these rooms is great, plus they need to be done quickly (no patience is enough to live in an apartment without a toilet bowl). Mixer replacement, installation gas stove and plumbing equipment must be completed in a few hours, for reasons of elementary comfort, and not at the expense of quality. Facing a new sink with ceramic tiles or installation wall panels PVC they do not have such time limits, these stages of repair can be stretched for several days. Functionality is primary, and design beauties are secondary, if we talk about timing;
  • The hall and corridor should be recognized as categorically unsuitable for rooms of the first repair. These premises are being repaired last, when the finish of the entire capital and cosmetic undertaking is already close.

How to start repairing a room - step by step instructions

The general repair sequence "from top to bottom" is valid for all types of residential premises, but with some reservations for common areas:

Where to start repairing a room - a step-by-step diagram

Step 1: destructive

We take out furniture, household appliances, interior items such as paintings or sculptures - everything that can be moved to other parts of the apartment. By the way, repair is a good reason to deal with unnecessary things, which can be taken not to another room, but straight to the trash. In the room freed from the "remnants of the old" we are dismantling old finish. Ripping off the rags old plaster, beat off tiles, scrape off wallpaper, etc. We do not touch the floors yet, their alteration will be later;

Step 2: fundamental

We move the partitions and cut down the arches (if planned). It is necessary to avoid cluttering the room with construction debris, it will have to be taken out periodically. In the kitchen-bathroom-toilet, plumbing and gas equipment should remain operational until the last. Let the stove in the middle of the broken walls look surreal, running for boiling water to the neighbors is even more surreal ... Heavy, "dirty" work - building new walls, plastering arched openings etc. - are performed before the replacement of plumbing. Otherwise, your new acrylic bath from cement and Dr. Proper will not wash;

Step 3: infrastructural

Communications. It is necessary to replace the electrical wiring and sewerage at the stage of "bare walls", it is convenient, simple and visual. The risers of the heating pipes and the radiators themselves are mounted at the same stage. It largely depends on the quality of communications whether it is necessary to open the newly laid tile or re-prepare the walls for wallpapering - so for such a crucial repair stage it is better to hire specialists;

Step 4: Basic

The ceiling and walls are repaired according to the chosen project - wallpaper, plasterboard, tiles, panels with or without insulation, etc. etc. Renovation options are limited only by the imagination of the residents and their degree of budgetary freedom. We install plumbing and household equipment. Before installing a bathtub, dishwasher, shower cabin, gas stove and toilet bowl, the floor under them needs to be repaired, and partially. This section will set the level for all new flooring;

Do you associate repair with a difficult, costly and long process? Our site "Remontik" will prove you the opposite! You don’t believe it yet, but the repair process can be a real pleasure if you turn a rather boring and difficult task into a simple and exciting process.

If you are thinking about how to make repairs in the apartment with your own hands, then the first thing to follow is the sequence of all actions, and all stages should be completed one after the other, according to a pre-prepared plan.

So, if you are in the mood and seriously thinking about doing repairs in the apartment with your own hands, then you should adhere to the following steps:

Global preparation.

Replacement of double-glazed windows.

Plastering works.

Wiring electrical communications, plumbing work.

Floor preparation.


Indeed, you can make an apartment renovation with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professionals, if you follow a clear scheme and carefully study each of the stages, which we will discuss in more detail below.

List of tools needed for do-it-yourself apartment renovation

  1. Ladder. It may seem to someone that it is not the most necessary tool on the list, but it is not.
  2. Special marking tools:
  • tape measure 10 or 2-3 meters;
  • square;
  • metal ruler for one meter;
  • carpenter's hydraulic level - use for more precise marking horizontal surfaces;
  • cord - beacons are installed along a stretched cord for alignment;
  • plumb - ensures the evenness of the walls during plastering - the surface is hung.
  1. Hand tools (you can buy them in whole sets or separately):
  • a hammer;
  • ax - turn Special attention for sharpening the blade (under the left or right hand) and the ax itself, which should sit as tightly as possible on the butt;
  • hacksaw - blade thickness from 1 mm with a well-polished plane;
  • chisel - up to 10 mm (needed in woodworking);
  • log cabin;
  • chisel 20 mm wide (used for woodworking);
  • metal scissors;
  • cutters.
  1. Power tools:
  • an electric drill with a hammer drill (necessary both during repair and after its completion);
  • angle grinder, can be used when grinding surfaces and corners, as well as when cutting stone and metal;
  • screw cutter (for this you can use a drill at low speeds);
  • electric jigsaw.
  1. Tools for other jobs:
  • paint bath (capacity for paint, glue, primer, etc.);
  • scrapers, spatulas (for applying plaster, putty, putty and removing old wallpaper and paint);
  • rollers (large furry, small foam rubber) and a “rod” for them;
  • brushes (round and flat);
  • skin (of different grain sizes) - designed to smooth surfaces;
  • a syringe gun (for squeezing out various adhesive mixtures) plus a gun cleaner;
  • masking tape (used for neat painting).

This is the minimum list. necessary tools for those who are planning to renovate the apartment on their own.

Preparation for apartment renovation: video, photo

Each repair, whether major or cosmetic, begins with a global preparation. First of all, you will need to perform all dismantling work: removing plaster, whitewash, wallpaper, door blocks, floor covering and if necessary, it will be necessary to dismantle the partitions, as well as rearrange them.

Situations often arise when, upon completion of repairs and finishing, you will find that you forgot to dismantle something. In this case, you have to redo a considerable part of the work, and do it carefully, slowly, in order to minimize new damage.

For this reason, having completed the dismantling of everything old, unnecessary and not subject to replacement, carefully examine and analyze the results of your work. Think about whether you did everything right.

Replacement of double-glazed windows in the apartment

This is quite a dirty job, especially its first part, when you have to dismantle the old window blocks. Close the window and window sill after installation is complete. plastic wrap so as not to smear or scratch in the course of further work.

Plaster work in the apartment: video, photo

When performing plastering work, it is necessary to follow the following sequence of actions: marking for beacon profiles, priming walls, installation of beacon profile, plastering walls, slopes. Moreover, plasterboard walls are not subject to plastering. Works on ceiling plastering, installation and installation of suspended and tension structures worth doing after you complete the wiring on the ceiling of electrical cables, ventilation and other communications.

Electrical wiring and plumbing work

All activities at this stage come down to one - responsible action: installation or replacement of heating radiators, laying and wiring of electrical cables, low-current profiles (grounding cables, telephone, Internet, alarm, TV).

Before you start laying cables, mark the output of switches and sockets on the walls. Then proceed to grooving grooves and holes for cables, junction boxes, socket boxes, take care of installing the built-in electrical unit.

Be sure to draw a diagram electrical wiring: you will need it in order to prevent in the future from getting into places where the wire is laid, where you will drill a hole, and also hammer nails. It is important in the toilet, kitchen, bathroom, before laying the electrical wiring, to lay out the pipes, as well as all the work that is associated with them.

Preparing the floor in the apartment: photo, video

Underfloor heating, screed and leveling. Once the screed is laid, leveled, you need to wait until it is completely dry. For various materials offered different time drying, which means you should carefully read the description on the package or instructions.

Finishing work

Once the floor is prepared, you can install the doors and then proceed with the finishing. Moreover, the sequence of all finishing works directly depends on the materials used and the choice of technologies. So, painting and whitewashing the ceiling is done first, and suspended ceiling it is best to mount when the wall decoration is completed. Laying the flooring, whether it be tiles, linoleum or parquet, is done when both the ceiling and the walls are ready.

Attention! If possible, it is better to repair the entire apartment at once. Similar stages of work are, first of all, relevant for "dirty", which include the removal old whitewash, installation of windows, not to mention the dismantling and rearrangement of partitions, if the meaning is to perform in different rooms at the same time, in order to prevent this, when carpet is laid in one room, and in the next room you have just begun to remove old whitewash from the ceiling.

If you are unable to repair the entire apartment as a whole, you can start it from the farthest room and gradually approach the exit. Repair of the corridor and hallway is carried out last. This is a fairly obvious rule: it is clear that carrying bags of construction waste and buckets of mortar around newly renovated rooms is not the best thing to do. the best solution. But be that as it may, in practice this rule is violated very often.

It is also worth moving from the room farthest from the hallway when repairing the entire apartment. First of all, it concerns last stage do-it-yourself apartment renovation - finishing.

We have provided instructions for repairing an apartment on our own. Those who prefer watching videos, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the videos presented above, where all the processes are clearly considered.

How can you save money on home renovations?

If you want to make repairs to your home, but do not spend a lot of money, then do not think that you can save only on materials and services of specialists. Really secrets budget repair not so much.

  • Start renovations in winter. You will be able to hire experienced workers at a lower cost, since they don't have much work during the off season. Sometimes discounts can reach up to 40%. But at the same time, do not forget that winter climatic conditions are unfavorable for repair and construction work, and most people decide to repair in the summer.
  • You can also save on the materials used by replacing expensive imported ones with cheaper domestic counterparts. Imported materials do not always live up to expectations, but are much more expensive than domestically produced materials.
  • Most of the costs are for materials. If you replace vinyl wallpaper with paper wallpaper, which today can be no less beautiful, you will save two or three times on wall decoration. Well, instead of a suspended or plasterboard ceiling, you can use paint, which will cost you much less. Of course, in cases where it is necessary to level the ceiling, it is not worth saving and it is better to do it from drywall.
  • Sometimes the services of specialists are more expensive than the materials they work with. For this reason, before choosing a construction team, look at a few offers and do not rush to contact the first specialists that come across.
  • If there is not enough money for expensive bathroom tiles, then the walls in this room can be pasted over with washable tiles. vinyl wallpaper or acrylic paint. They also look very nice PVC wall panels for the bathroom, the cost of which will pleasantly surprise you.
  • When planning an inexpensive do-it-yourself apartment renovation, you can’t afford to buy expensive plumbing. Therefore, if old plumbing fixtures look bad, then you can clean or paint them. However, if the plumbing has cracked, then only their replacement remains. You can also save on the removal of construction waste if you organize it on your own.

What is not worth saving by doing repairs on your own?

In no case do not skimp on the laying of pipes or electrical wiring. Engineering Communication must be of high quality and must be installed by specialists. If we talk about finishing, then even the most expensive decorative trim it will look bad if you lay it out with gaps or ugly.

The only stage of the repair, which will be difficult to handle on your own, is the alteration of the electrical wiring. For those who plan to save money, a way out is also offered here - arrange with an electrician who services your home. Such a master will be interested in high quality his work, as he will have to serve your house further. It is not worth saving on the wiring itself, since the safety of your family directly depends on its quality. Well, you can easily install the sockets yourself, saving money.

If you do not have repair tools, you will have to buy or rent them. However, more economical option- ask friends or neighbors. We recommend that you make a list of all the necessary tools in advance so that you do not remain without improvised means during the repair process.

Have you finally decided to update the interior of your home? Then knowledge will come in handy, what stages of apartment renovation await us and how to follow their sequence. So there can be many, at first glance, imperceptible nuances.

If you determine the sequence of actions in advance, the result will only please.

  • This is a chance to significantly save the budget, because you don’t have to redo anything and buy it in a hurry, while overpaying.
  • The duration of work will be reduced. Self-organization always contributes to a faster end of the case.
  • Repair will be really high quality.

The first mistake of the owner who decided to start construction works, - thoughtless purchase building materials. Often, because of the haste, he buys a lot of excess, and what is really needed, on the contrary, remains on the shelves. After all, even for groceries it is better to go with a thoughtful list.
Read how to start repairing.
It all starts with a budget. At the same time, it is advisable to invite a specialist for consultation, even if only independent work.

Before starting the repair, it is necessary to develop a project and draw up an estimate

With a well-defined plan and a competent list of everything you need, you can proceed.

Work order

We pay attention again: in order to avoid errors, alterations and downtime during the repair process, be sure to adhere to ready plan.

step by step repair

Dismantling of the old interior

It all starts with total preparation. Such works include:

  • removal of old wallpaper;
  • dismantling of plaster;
  • destruction of walls and partitions not provided for in the new project;
  • floor removal;
  • dismantling surfaces intended for replacement.

Skip the disassembly step, going straight to the next step.

Interior dismantling

Installation of communications

First of all, they carry out work on the installation of communications. Before making repairs, you need to do all the operations that can destroy new coatings: installation of windows, doors, wiring and ventilation. Pipework can also be attributed to this stage.
Read more about it in our articles:

All old electrical wiring is removed and a new one is installed. The safety instructions for placing sockets will help you locate electrical elements correctly and use wires with sufficient cross-section. For example, you should take care of the presence of thick wiring and grounding at the point to which the washing machine will be connected.

Creating partitions

At this stage, you can change the entire layout of the apartment, bringing novelty and additional comfort to the interior.

With the help of partitions (especially if extra walls removed) you can create an office, a nursery, share a bathroom.
More often, bricks or foam blocks are used for such purposes, less often - drywall. covering new wall soundproofing plaster, you can achieve greater comfort. When creating partitions, it is important to take into account the quadrature of the premises, sometimes it is better to leave one big room than doing five small ones. In addition, the creation of unnecessary partitions can lead to a violation natural ventilation apartments. So when building additional walls be sure to consult with professionals.
Articles of our site on the topic:


For plastering works it is recommended to use a ready-made cement-sand mixture (CPS) or gypsum plaster, which will eliminate possible errors in self-mixing proportions of sand and cement. If there is not enough experience in such work, it is still better to hire specialists. Firstly, it saves time, and secondly, you do not have to redo unsuccessful work.


When pouring concrete, we level the floor. The quality of these works will affect the subsequent placement of furniture in the room. Surely more than once faced with the problem of leveling the table, chest of drawers, chairs and, more significantly, washing machine. A good screed will help to avoid such difficulties in the future.
More details: .

Drywall installation

Between the screed and the installation of drywall, at least a week must pass so that the room has time to dry.
We install the iron sectional base, leveling the surface of the ceiling. Then we mount and drywall sheets.
More detailed articles on this topic.

1. A good mine in a bad game.

100% polyester silk. Stone-like tiles, parquet-like linoleum, onyx-like laminate, Trekhgorka under Ralph Lauren. Porcelain stoneware "under the python". “Artificially aged” something there ... It’s embarrassing to even think about it. Alas, the number will not pass. Look through good interior magazines. There, everywhere, a stone is a stone, and a tree is exactly what a tree is. If there is no money for parquet, and a simple laminate is below your dignity, look for a good engineering board. As a result, you will get a floor that looks much more expensive than the money spent on it. A good alternative to porcelain stoneware for kitchens, bathrooms and hallways - cement tiles. The result will look more expensive a hundred times.

2. Leave the ceiling alone.

Everyone has become obsessed with ceilings! If you think sensibly, riveting attention to the ceiling, you only remind everyone of its existence. And according to his height. Ceilings with a height of two sixty will not turn, even if cracked, into majestic vaults melting somewhere in an unthinkable height. This cannot be, no matter what the "decorator tricks" promise you. Just accept it. Tall doorways can do a lot more for your home than a ridiculous five-layer neon-lit ceiling. Let interior doors will be two high, say twenty. BUT doorknobs slightly lower, five to seven centimeters. Having shown a non-standard approach, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

3. Choosing paint for the walls, consider the movement of color around the house.

Neighboring . If you have a bright living room, let the hallway be painted in a deep, relatively dark color. In any case, the cost of paint will be the same, and the result may look really expensive.

4. Buy modular cabinets from laminate in the store, and order the doors to them in a good carpentry workshop.

This will give you significant savings, which, however, no one will ever notice. The same is true for kitchen equipment.

5. If you still purchase ready-made cabinet furniture, let the veneer of the facades be dark, and the door panels - simple (rectangular).

Remember: light wood always looks cheaper. Avoid yellowish and reddish shades of veneer. And, saving on the furniture itself, splurge on good pens!

6. If on good carpet no money, look for viscose carpet or mixed fibers, imitating a silk or wool pile carpet.

Choose the color and texture that suits you and order a piece of the size you need. For additional small money, its edges are swept with braid.

7. Plant the curtains on a thick lining.

Even inexpensive curtain fabric will seriously benefit from this. Look for fabrics that are three meters wide. This results in significant savings. If you are not ready to spend a lot, give up printed textiles (fabrics with a pattern). When cutting fabrics with a pattern, due to the need to properly join the fabrics, there are a lot of scraps. The more rapport, the more waste. Do not use curtain tape for curtains. Let the seamstress lay the "manual" folds. It's not that expensive, and the folds gathered on the braid look very cheap.

8. Set-headset-set. The same things in the interior are allowed only in one case: if they are paired things that form a symmetrical composition. and leave a sconce from one set to those to whom God did not give imagination. Them - kits upholstered furniture"a sofa or two armchairs" and similar gentle sadness. For more details, see the next paragraph.

9. Ready-made solutions.

Bad news: there are none. At least for us. Shower room under construction construction method because she is a room. Unless you run a student hostel or underground massage parlor with a striptease, a shower cabin (this is a sad structure of yellowish acrylic and skewed doors) will not suit you. Do not spend money on "designer" plumbing. Let the appearance of the sanitary equipment of the bathroom (kitchen, bathroom) be dictated by the function. Buy sinks and faucets simple shapes without inappropriate decor. The toilet bowl should be invisible and cope with its duties. No one will love them, right?

10. Paintings, prints, prints, photographs and posters frame in simple but deep frames with glass and be sure to passe-partout.

Even a picture printed on a home inkjet printer (or a naive children's drawing), in such a frame looks very significant. Play with the size of the passe-partout. A small work in a very wide passe-partout looks very “designer”. And, by the way, cardboard for a passe-partout can be almost any color.

11. Comfort. Another collective fetish.

According to my observations, what is called “comfort” in our Palestinians is, in 99 percent of cases, poetic crampedness. In many ways, this is a bodily memory of a bygone childhood, of a warm and affectionate meager Soviet life with carpets teeming with saprophytes, a kind grandmother, Czechoslovak crystal and Dreiser, unread by anyone, in the polished Polish wall "Hanka". The coziness will not be added by the expensive devilry of the type round bed with music and a minibar, a bar counter with a built-in aquarium, etc. The same is true for such rich things as a lambrequin, a garland and a swag. Do not worry: in a good, thoughtful interior, coziness inevitably comes naturally. That's why…

12. ... Farewell, Gypsy Sera!

Duvet covers made of coarse calico in a small Nefertiti, towels in scarlet roses, pillowcases with “scarred” shades, nylon blankets with Shanghai leopards. All these are attributes of collective farm chic, forgive me for being direct. They don't add comfort. Motley coloring is often necessary for these things solely to hide their exceptionally lousy quality. Let the bed linen and bath towels be plain white (options: ivory, ecru). But from excellent Egyptian cotton.

13. However, it is also important not to overdo it with ivory.

Peach, beige, sand... The average nuance range is good for chain hotels. Because their stencil interiors are bound to please everyone. Your interior should please you. After all, he is a manifestation of your essence, right? Pick up a fan-palette of any paint manufacturer. Do you feel a pleasant heaviness? These are your opportunities. Don't miss them!