How to glue wallpaper of different colors. How to glue different wallpapers in one room - photo. inserts over large areas

Options for sticking wallpaper of two types are quite common. After all, design decisions are made in order to highlight the room. And gluing two types of wallpaper is often used in this direction.

Today we will tell you how wallpapering of two types is done, what needs to be foreseen, and you will also receive the necessary recommendations for this type of work on photos and videos.

Wallpapering in two types

There are various reasons why designers choose to wallpaper walls with combined wallpaper. So that the walls do not represent a monotonous color spot, the changeability of different textures of wallpaper of the same color is used. And almost everything can be done by hand.

In what cases resort to a combination:

  • Room with high ceilings with small footage;
  • The disproportionate length and width complicate the layout;
  • The room needs to be divided into separate zones;
  • There is a desire to dilute the situation, using a large plane (one of the walls);
  • It is necessary to emphasize some individual elements of the situation;
  • The task is to establish a visual connection between adjacent rooms.

Common types of combination

There are a large number of options for wallpaper stickers of two types, starting with a combination of different material backgrounds with the same structure and ending with different relief textures of the material. Let's look at how wallpapering in two colors is applied in practice.

A popular option is to divide the wall horizontally. This method is suitable mainly for high ceilings.
We divide the wall according to the proportion 1:2. The butt line can run both at the bottom and at the top of the room, of your choice.

Settled combinations:

  • Striped wallpaper - bottom, plain - top;
  • Small pattern - bottom, large pattern - top;
  • 2/3 - a pattern with large stripes or flowers, 1/3 - canvases of the same tone.

If you are distinguished by a creative approach and a desire for elegance, the use of moldings (decorative overlays) is suitable to distinguish between different canvases. This patch is glued on top. But you can make a tie-in and directly into the surface.
Another option is vertical striping. As a rule, it is used in order to achieve the trick of the illusory "pulling" of the walls.

When it comes to pasting the walls of the corridor, we recommend choosing washable wallpaper with the following combination: dark colors - down, light - up.

Here are a number of vertical alignment options to choose from:

  • We connect two walls. We choose two prevailing colors, on one of the working walls we perform alternation, making the color change deliberately smooth. It is allowed to paste strips after 1-2, it is no longer worth it.
  • We alternate asymmetrically. We highlight the center of one of the selected walls with a saturated strip that attracts attention.
  • We paste over the opposite wall with medium stripes of a similar catchy color, and all the remaining space will be occupied by background canvases. This technique will help visually increase the size of your room.
  • We alternate symmetrically. On top of the background canvases in the center of the room, we glue wide saturated stripes. This technique will add dynamics, but will bring the effect of some narrowing of the room. It is better to immediately decide whether such a task is before you.

Recently, more and more often they resort to redevelopment with the installation of light partitions. Is it permissible in this case to glue the wallpaper directly on the plywood? Experts give a clear positive answer: it is permissible. Moreover, the existing base can also be used as an element of intermittency of colors.

Consider the following design solutions that you may find useful. One of them is highlighting with color or texture.
For this purpose, you can use a wall covering that has become very fashionable - glass wallpaper (see Fiberglass wallpaper and interior use). This material has a very interesting texture, reminiscent of fiberglass fabric, and perfectly emphasizes such relief elements as ledges, niches and arches.

If bright colors are used as a background, then a relief element of the interior, pasted over with wallpaper of the same tone, but with a different texture, will clearly stand out against the general background.

In what cases is it used to highlight a section of a wall with a different color:

  • The task is to delimit the room into separate zones;
  • It is necessary to emphasize a fragment of the interior and not allow it to merge with the general background;
  • It is necessary to highlight the primary detail, which will set the mood for the entire interior according to our plan.

Companion Wallpapers:

  • Visually reduce the size of the room will help the contrasting finish of selective walls;
  • Relief combinations and combinations of a number of patterns will also help emphasize design features;
  • Enfilade-type room transitions (without doors) can be enhanced with color highlighting, while the contrast is balanced by catchy color spots.

Glass fiber and molar fiberglass can find their use as wall panels. A creative approach is gaining popularity, which consists in creating color spots on the walls and enclosing them in baguette picture frames (see How to hang pictures on the wall: options). Agree, a very original way to enliven the situation and decorate the interior in a non-trivial way.

Deciding on the design that suits us is not always so easy. That is why designers turn to various techniques and in different cases combine all of the above methods. One of them will definitely transform our room in the best way.

Arch decor

A separate topic is the decor of arched openings between rooms (see Decorative arch decoration: how to do it). Let's look at how to properly wallpaper the arch.

What we need:

  • Scaffolding (you can use tables, stools);
  • Wallpaper directly;
  • Glue suitable for working with these wallpapers;
  • Roller and special spatula for smoothing;
  • Measuring tool and stationery knife for cutting.


  • We cannot do without stable scaffolding. However, it is not necessary to spend money on purchased construction platforms, although they are very convenient, quickly assembled and disassembled. You can use a table or scaffolding from the boards;
  • For arched decor, it is recommended to choose wallpaper with a small pattern that is not conspicuous;
  • Be sure to first make sure that the wallpaper prepared for pasting corresponds to the type of glue. Universal glue will do an excellent job with light canvases, but heavy vinyl and non-woven fabric will need PVA-based glue;
  • It is necessary to correlate the pattern in the arch with the pattern on the wall, make markings and start cutting the roll into sheets;
  • First we paste over the front, then the back wall of the arch. Keep in mind that you need to leave some room at the edges for the hem;
  • We decorate the center of the arch last. This is done by means of one canvas: from floor to floor evenly throughout the arch.
    We hope that now such a simple and detailed operation, as pasting arches with wallpaper, will not present any difficulties for you.

About the type of base and working directly with plywood

Various base materials - natural, painted or plastered - all of them have their own characteristics when pasting wallpaper.

Let's consider measures for sticking wallpaper on plywood.

  • With such gluing, pay close attention to the procedure for covering the seams with a primer and, if necessary, gluing them with paper strips.
  • Drown the protruding nails into the thickness of the plywood, after which it is good to coat with varnish. If you decide to prime the work surface, this will increase the adhesion of the plywood to the canvas.

You can start. We trim plywood with artificial stone:

  • As an interior element, artificial or decorative stone is very convenient and popular in the design of modern rooms. However, we are more concerned with the question: is it permissible to glue it on the wallpaper? The answer of experts is negative.
  • Wallpaper should be glued to the surface in question with an overlap.
  • An artificial stone will keep very poorly on a vertical plane if it is lined with a smooth material.

We combine wallpapers

Let's take a look at one of the most common design techniques - combining wallpaper.

Attention: Before starting the repair, we should already have a more or less intelligible idea of ​​​​what we want to see the room when the repair is completed.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment with textures and colors. They will be justified provided that the functions and features of the premises are assessed correctly.
  • Taking into account all the available factors, from the dimensions of the room to the nuances of the layout, we choose the most suitable method of wallpapering.
    The methods discussed below can be applied to any standard interior. If the room has a non-standard layout, obviously, you will need to show more imagination and combine several types of alternations.

vertical stripes

The option with vertical stripes always adds dynamics to the interior. You just need to use two types of stripes of different colors and textures.

You can work with a combination of shades of the same color, but you can also apply contrasting combinations. In the first case, we strive to achieve a play of shadows, in the second, we emphasize the originality of our interior solutions.

horizontal stripes

Many owners choose a horizontal finishing method. Why not? After all, it fits into absolutely all known design styles, allows you to alternate wallpapers of any shades and textures.


  • What exactly to alternate is a matter of personal preference. But pay special attention to the correct selection of the width.
    For example, in rooms with high ceilings, our experts advise combining stripes in a ratio of 2:1.
  • The combination of non-woven and textile wall coverings makes a tremendous impression - a kind of game of lurid relief and delicate outline.
  • You can diversify the procedure for pasting walls with wallpaper with the help of additional decorative elements.

Attention: Determine the butt sections before gluing the strips, mark them with a line parallel to the floor level.

  • Horizontal finishing is carried out from top to bottom, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe butt sections we provide for an overlap, we will cut it off at the very end.
  • If the gaps that have arisen during gluing become noticeable, you will have to hide them with a border or a special tape for such purposes. However, the borders will add grace, even if you do not need to hide the flaws.
  • Often the canvases differ markedly in width. The use of decorative elements such as polyurethane moldings and wooden slats will allow you to solve this problem without much difficulty.
  • One of the most original methods is the wallpaper paste method. But such a design is carried out exclusively on well-prepared walls.
  • First of all, we glue light background wallpaper. Behind them are prepared inserts, which can be quite thick, massive and of various shapes. Rectangular inserts are more often used, but you can come up with an ensemble of other geometric shapes - it all depends on your imagination.
  • In the children's room, inserts depicting heroes of fairy tales and cartoons will look very cute and funny.

Ways of pasting walls

Depending on your preference, here are a few of the more common uses for the combination:

  • . It is a natural and safe material imitating fabric.
  • In the living room, you may need to visually divide the room into functional areas. Combined wallpaper will calmly cope with this usual task, giving semantic content to each separated section of the room.
  • In the hall, we can offer to try the "accent wall" method. Its essence lies in the fact that we make the wall behind the TV, which usually occupies the dominant place, significantly contrasting with the background of the rest of the room. The effect will be amazing.

Non-standard design methods

Types of wallpapering of two types are selected depending on the design and style of the room. The price of the material can be any, the main thing is to choose the right combination.

  • We have already considered variations with wallpaper inserts. But what if we go further and cover the walls entirely with some inserts, even without the use of a seemingly obligatory background? This bold and creative way of gluing is known as patchwork.
  • It looks a lot like a patchwork quilt from a distant childhood, doesn't it? Such a design is unlikely to leave without vivid emotions.
  • But it is important to observe the color measure and overall harmony. You can glue any wallpaper inserts, but you still need to have an idea that unites the existing ornament.

Attention: If the room in question has a lot of relief elements, stop considering them as planning inconveniences, but rather use all the available arches and ledges to create a truly original interior!

Try not to hide once again all these inconvenient elements, but on the contrary, risk highlighting them.
Wallpapering in these places is carried out with contrasting canvases. If the rest of the wallpaper is light, make the existing recesses dark. If the rest of the pattern is shallow, choose a more impressive pattern for the ledges!

  • Buy wallpapers in the same department to avoid color and texture mismatches.
  • Try to use canvases of the same width.
  • Combine not only for visual reasons, but also to correct layout flaws.

Wallpapering options in two colors can be quite different, and here you must take into account the style of the room. The instruction will help you choose the right solution and make the room unique.

The arrangement of the hall is one of the fundamental moments of the repair: not only the long-term result, but also the aesthetic perception of the interior by guests and family members will depend on your efforts.

As the simplest option for creating a pleasant and stylish design, appropriate, the method of wallpapering in two colors in the hall and other rooms is used. The popularity of this method is due to relative cheapness of materials, unlimited possibilities of interior design, as well as with the possibility transformation of the size and shape of the room through the implementation of certain techniques.

Many people prefer to combine wallpapers of different colors. When implementing such a method It is desirable to combine bright and neutral shades. For example, it harmonizes with and beige, - with blue, - with pale pink.

Do not overload the environment with contrasting and inharmonious shades: for example, when wallpapering in bright green and red shades, you will not be able to relax or concentrate on important matters.

How to stick wallpaper in two colors in the hall? The following methods are distinguished as the most common:

Stage 3: divide the space into zones

Suppose you have already decided on the optimal combination method. In what part of the hall to carry out such an idea? In many photos of how beautiful it is to glue wallpaper in a hall of two colors, there is a trend allocation of several functional zones in space. Moreover, with the right choice of materials, space can be zoned by any of the proposed methods.

The best option is to create an accent wall. In the interior of the hall, this effect is used to highlight the seating area: bright or patterned wallpaper pasted on the wall with a sofa or TV will emphasize the importance of this area against the background of the rest of the room.

Advice: in the case of studio apartments, it is this effect that will allow you to separate the hall area from the kitchen space.

You can select one of the zones by implementing horizontal or vertical combination method if discreet wallpaper is glued on the rest of the walls, preferably of the same tone and without drawings.

Another option is to decorate niches, plasterboard structures, balcony walls, ledges and partitions with wallpaper that is different from the rest in color or pattern.

As a creative method of zoning space, you can stop at patchwork combination. Using a large number of colored fragments will allow you to create an unusual design on the entire wall or a separate part of it and emphasize the purpose of specific areas in the room (which is why the patchwork technique is most often used in areas of active recreation or games).

Styling Features

In search of an answer to the question of how to choose wallpaper for a room in two colors, the aspect of stylistic unity is often overlooked. But the hall is a room that combines several functions at once: here you can have lunch, relax, gather with friends, and play with your child. That is why it is extremely important take into account the compliance of the selected shades with the style of the interior.

In order to avoid inconsistencies in the perception of styles and colors please adhere to the following guidelines:

Beautifully glued combined wallpapers in the interior of the hall will become a source of inspiration, harmony and warmth, emphasize the sophistication of style, help to focus on some of the advantages of your room and, undoubtedly, will become the main reason for your good mood.

Take care of your loved ones and create a pleasant and practical interior simply, quickly and at no extra cost.

Wallpaper combination in the interior allows you to give the interior dynamism and originality. It should be noted that the combination of wallpapers of various colors and patterns has long gone from the category of "curiosities" and novelties and has moved into the category of a standard design solution for wallpapering indoors. Manufacturers encourage this desire of customers and follow the trends, creating a collection of wallpapers from several matching patterns and even often accompanying them with examples of possible combinations in finished interiors. Despite this, many are interested in how to properly combine wallpapers of different colors and with different patterns. Let's look at the basic techniques and ways to combine different wallpapers in rooms.

Why combine wallpapers?

If you have a choice - to paste the whole room with one wallpaper or combine several, designers advise giving preference to the second option, several types of wallpaper in one room will help create various decorative effects in the room, visually change the geometry of the room, delimit it into functional areas, hide flaws and emphasize dignity.


Emphasize strengths and hide weaknesses. By highlighting one of the walls or part of it with wallpaper of a different pattern or shade, you will immediately make this place an exact focus, riveting the eyes of guests or household members to it. At the same time, you can distract your eyes from some flaw in the room - another uneven wall or a flaw in the ceiling. The brighter and more noticeable the wallpaper in the desired area, the less likely the flaw is to be noticed.

Room zoning. Sometimes in one room you have to combine the functions of several rooms at once. In this case, wallpapers of different patterns or shades will come to the rescue. In such rooms, you can apply quite bold and radical combinations, it all depends on how much you want to separate this or that zone, whether static partitions are used or only visual separation techniques using color and light. For example, you can divide the children's room into two parts with blue and pink wallpaper and use a static partition. Or combine plain wallpaper in the kitchen and wallpaper with a pattern in the dining table area.

Visual effects. A narrow rectangular room visually expands if light-colored wallpapers are glued on long walls, and darker wallpapers on short ones. A square room will look better if one wall is wallpapered in a richer tone than the rest. The space of small rooms is expanded with wallpaper in light pastel colors.

accent wall. An accent wall is one of the simplest techniques in wallpaper combinations. As a rule, in one room there is only one accent wall, but sometimes it also happens that two adjacent or two opposite walls are accentuated. At the same time, of course, the accent wall is noticeably different from other walls. It can have a much richer shade of wallpaper than other walls. It can be wallpaper with a large pattern or pattern. The overlapping element with this method of wallpaper combination is often a common shade. .

Focus point. Unlike an accent wall, the focal point should not occupy the entire wall, but may be located on only one of its parts. So, with wallpaper of a different shade, you can highlight an area with a fireplace or a false fireplace, an antique chest of drawers, a gallery of paintings, bedside tables, a crib, a reading area and much more.

Wallpaper as a decorative element. By enclosing a piece of wallpaper in a frame or in moldings, you can create an interesting wall decor from repeating patterns.

Ways to combine wallpaper

When choosing wallpaper combinations in the interior, you should remember about a similar element - it can be different shades of the same color, one style of ornament, overlapping pattern geometry, the same wallpaper texture.

Monochromatic wallpapers of different shades of the same color. This technique is ideal for lovers of plain interiors and discreet walls. With this approach, one or more walls have wallpaper in a more saturated shade than others. Often you can see similar blue (sky blue and pervanche), beige (ecru, sand and ivory), gray (slate gray and light gray) colors.






The combination of plain wallpaper with patterned wallpaper. If you want to decorate a room with large bright panels, it is better to balance them with plain wallpaper. The same technique is correct to use if the wallpaper has a large floral pattern, geometric elements or a wide stripe.






Combination of wallpaper with different patterns. Traditionally, a combination of striped wallpaper and wallpaper with a floral pattern is used, which have something in common with a similar shade. Floral ornament looks good paired with woody patterns. Stripes, cubes and other geometric shapes are combined with abstractions. This is the most dangerous combination method, you should be careful about it.

Combination of wallpapers of different colors. Active colors should be combined with neutral ones. To create a bright, youthful interior, you can experiment with contrasting colors. Such a technique will look beneficial when zoning space.






Among the ways to make an unusual repair, pasting walls with different wallpapers can rightfully be considered the most affordable option, because essentially no additional costs are required for this. In the process, only one problem may arise - choosing a combination and searching for ideas, but here we will try to help you!

Wallpaper combination - what does it give?

Walls occupy the largest area in the house, and for this reason they play the most important role in creating style and atmosphere. Of course, you can not bother yourself and choose wallpaper with the same pattern and color, but in this case, even very expensive wallpapers will merge on the walls into one continuous spot. The beauty lies in the fact that even with the relative cheapness of the material, you can get an incomparably better effect. than from simply pasting the walls with plain stripes.

The trouble with wallpapering with one pattern and one color is that after the process is completed, we will get walls that themselves will seem empty and devoid of all comfort. Then try to dilute this emptiness with interior details - okay, even in a small room this will probably work out, but in a spacious and high room this emptiness will always hang over the inhabitants.

The decision to combine materials is the right one in any room - there is simply no space that would lose from a combination of canvases. But before you go to the market for shopping, you need to solve a few simple tasks: decide on the features of the room, note its purpose for yourself, choose a style, and “dance” from it in the direction of color and combination options.

Visual effects - assistants to the designer!

Being aware of the features of the premises, we do not always have an idea with what methods one or another deficiency can be corrected. If so, this list will surely come in handy!

  • Large pattern - be careful when pasting the walls of a small room with stripes with a large pattern. Visually, it reduces the space, which means that a small room will become even smaller.
  • Small pattern - the effect of using wallpaper with a small pattern is exactly the opposite of the previous option. With the help of a small pattern, the space expands, it seems more spacious than it actually is.
  • Intersecting stripes - an ornament of stripes intersected at a right or sharp angle creates the illusion of a continuous space. Again, with this pattern you can expand a small room.
  • Vertical stripes - the use of wallpaper with this pattern visually increases the height of the room.
  • Horizontal stripes or a horizontal pattern give width to a narrower space, but at the same time make the ceilings look lower.
  • Diagonal stripes - bring dynamics and movement to the room. It is relevant to use this option in children's rooms, gyms.
  • Textures - it is impossible to determine the unambiguous effect that texture wallpapers bring to the room. With their help, you can both create a separate dimension in the room, and reduce the existing space. Therefore, be careful when buying such materials and consult with experts.

Wallpaper for the kitchen - delicious combinations!

In kitchens, the need for combination is also dictated by the specifics of the room - in the working area you need to glue washable wallpaper, while in the dining area there is no need for such waste. In addition, quite often kitchens have a small space, and the visual expansion will only benefit the room.

It has already become a classic warning to use coatings in “appetizing” colors in the kitchen space - red and its shades. As you know, the color red really stimulates the appetite. But warm beige and cold blue have a calming effect. Therefore, it is recommended to make combinations from such wallpapers. The simplest option would be a combination of different textures, so that the kitchen can be divided into functional areas.

It is enough to use the same color, but with some difference in tone. If you want to add more dynamics, then try to combine contrasting materials - black with white, yellow with blue, gold with green. Of course, in everything you need to know the measure and adapt to the taste preferences of each resident of the house. A narrow kitchen will help expand light stripes on the long sides and dark stripes on the narrow ones. But with square ones, everything is much simpler - in such a kitchen you can experiment with plenty of wallpaper, the main thing is that one wall or zone be more saturated in color than the rest.

Pasting the walls with different wallpapers in the living room - fashion tricks!

There are a lot of combination possibilities in the living room. Firstly, you need to take into account not only the wallpaper itself, but also the upholstery of furniture, for example, a large sofa. By choosing the same shade or a similar pattern, you will achieve a special harmony. The actual way of pasting different wallpapers for the living room is vertical and horizontal combination. In the first case, the coating of different colors, but of the same width and texture, during gluing, alternate through one or two stripes.

If you don't want to make the stripes stand out too much, choose wallpapers of the same shades but different patterns - this combination looks more "calm" than the option with multi-colored stripes. For a retro look, try a combination of polka dots and stripes or flowers, or for a classic, sophisticated look in your living room, use wallpaper inserts edged with borders. This option is much cheaper than modeling, but it will look no worse!

The horizontal division of the walls also looks great in the living room and is used in almost all styles. The lower part of the wall to a meter height is pasted over with darker stripes, and the upper part with lighter ones.

For joints, use a border - it can be a paper strip, a wooden lath, or a polyurethane molding. The resulting composition allows you to somewhat reduce the wall that is too high, besides, family photos will look very good on it. By the way, you first need to glue the upper sheets, and the bottom of the sheet must be left slightly under-glued. It is also important to leave an allowance, the same applies to the bottom wallpaper. The top of the lower wallpaper also cannot be glued immediately - when dried, they can shrink significantly, and a visible joint will appear between the parts. To prevent this from happening, you need to glue after the canvases have dried.

Another good solution for the living room and other rooms of the house would be a combination of wallpaper and. It is not always possible to place photo wallpapers on the entire wall, in such cases one type of coating is inserted into another. There is nothing complicated here, first the photo wallpapers are pasted, and then the empty space above, below and on the sides is filled with strips of a standard coating, the joints are sealed with a border.

We decorate the children's room - a fun patchwork!

Scraps of fabric make fun toys and blankets, so why not use this technique in decorating a child's room. To do this, you can either purchase material with different patterns and colors, choosing the most successful ones, or use the available ones. True, when using the accumulated residues, not all stripes will match in thickness, and they are unlikely to be able to harmonize, so the option to purchase wallpaper is still more practical - this way you will select wallpapers of the same thickness and from the same material. In addition, when buying, you can pick up the desired border, which will hide the joints.

When you have decided on the material, cut a lot of squares using the prepared cardboard layout. To simplify your task, you can paste over the lower part of the wall with one type of wallpaper, as in the horizontal combination option, and paste over the upper part with squares. Rather, in this case, first glue the squares, and then cover the lower part with a wallpaper canvas and join the composition with a border.

A fairly popular option for decorating the surface of walls in a room is a combination of two types of wallpaper. This design allows you to correct existing surface imperfections or highlight the main areas. This is a modern way to make any room stylish and modern. The article will consider options for sticking wallpaper of two types and give recommendations on how to independently carry out this work.

Since the combination of wallpaper implies a combination of not only the color of the canvases, but also textures, this process has its own rules that must be followed when working.

Ceiling height

This indicator largely helps to determine the wallpaper. With ceilings no higher than 2.5 meters, then light canvases with a small pattern and with a small texture are suitable for such a room. If the ceilings are too low, then decorating them with light wallpaper with a soft pattern or vertically arranged stripes can help visually raise them. You can also place on the walls alternately canvases of different, close to each other colors.

Rooms with a height of more than 3 meters require wall decoration according to a different principle. In this case, a contrasting large pattern is needed, located in a horizontal plane. Also in this case, it will look good to divide the walls in a horizontal plane with wallpaper with a different design pattern or texture. But to make it look modern, you will have to try very hard with the choice, since this interior is classic.

Room area

In addition to the height of the ceilings, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room when choosing wallpaper for it. If the room is spacious, then you can use deep dark shades in the design to visually make the interior more comfortable. If plain wallpaper does not suit the mood of the owner of the house, then you can choose similar ones, but with a pattern. As a rule, dark canvases with a light abstract, geometric or floral pattern are most often used.

For small rooms, this rule does not apply. Here, on the contrary, light wallpaper with a small pattern is needed, which is not very pronounced.

It is very important to look at the geometry of the room. In the case of a narrow room, which is very long, it is worth pasting with dark and light wallpaper. So light-colored canvases are laid on short walls in such a way that part of them goes onto a long wall. So you can get the visual alignment of the geometry.

If the entrance to the room is located on a long wall, then the surface parallel to it is pasted over with wallpaper in a contrasting color with the condition that the edges of this wall will be decorated with the same canvases as the rest of the room. So the room will not seem too long.

Wallpaper texture and color

If it is decided to glue the room with two types of wallpaper, then the choice of texture and thickness of the canvases should be taken very carefully. When combined, panels similar to each other will look best so that there are no noticeable transitions. If docking is planned only in the corners, then it is not necessary to pay attention to the texture.

In the case of gluing different types of wallpaper, the adhesive for each type is selected appropriate. If you do not want to purchase several compositions, then you can buy one universal one.

In the case of a room that is located on the south side and is constantly flooded with sunlight, you do not need to make it completely dark. You can use deep shades of wallpaper on the wall that is parallel to the window, and paste over the rest with light ones. So the room will not be too monotonous, and the dark color will not press on the psyche of the person inside.

This technique can be applied in the room on the north side. Here it is worth pasting over the wall opposite the window with light wallpaper. In this case, the room will look brighter.

Wallpaper layout options

Designers offer a huge number of layout options for two types of wallpaper, and several techniques can be used at once in one room. In order to harmoniously emphasize the dignity of the room and hide the flaws, you need to clearly imagine what needs to be achieved in the end.

Vertical Combination

Everyone has long known that vertical stripes visually increase the height of the ceiling. And it is not necessary to use only striped wallpaper. So one wall or part of it can be made in a striped design, and the rest of the sections are pasted over with canvases without or with a soft pattern.

The stripes can be completely different. This includes differences in color or pattern.

Important! The texture of the wallpaper with this combination must be identical.

Since manufacturers now offer collections of companion wallpapers, it is not at all difficult to choose canvases that are the same in texture. They will be combined with each other as correctly as possible, in harmony in color or design.

In vertical combination there is a technique that allows you to visually increase the height of the ceiling using two types of wallpaper. To perform this option, you need a canvas pasted on the wall, continue to glue on the ceiling. In this case, the border will be erased, and the room will become visually higher.

For a better understanding of how to perform vertical combination, special schemes have been created that will work flawlessly with any shade of canvases. Many designers work on these examples, and every time they get an excellent result.

Horizontal Combination

As previously mentioned, horizontal combination refers to the classic options for interior design. This technique has been used for a long time, but with a modern assortment of colors and textures, it has acquired a new sound. Most often, a horizontal combination of wallpaper is used in small rooms with high ceilings.

If there is no need to glue several canvases at once from above and below, then the surface of the walls can be zoned with a horizontal strip, which is usually performed at the level of the window sill, but can be located below or above.

To decorate a corridor or hallway, the strip can be placed right at eye level, which also looks very good.

Separation is also made from above. Usually the upper section is made in a light color, and the lower one is dark, but it is quite possible to break this rule.

The traditional ways to create a horizontal division include the following:

  • 1/3 of the lower part of the wall is pasted over with striped wallpaper, and the rest of the surface on top with plain canvases that harmonize in shade.
  • 1/3 of the bottom is covered with wallpaper in a small pattern, and the rest of the wall with canvases with a large image.
  • 2/3 of the bottom of the wall in a large pattern, and the rest is plain.

Creating room zoning

Several colors of wallpaper in one room are often used to design functional areas. Often this can be found in studio apartments. The same design is also used for children's rooms, when it is necessary to separate the recreation area from the work area or several children of different sexes are placed in the room at once.

Typically, this design involves docking only in the corners, so that the junctions are invisible, and there is no need to decorate them with moldings.

Making decorative inserts

In those days when wallpaper was made only of fabric and was expensive, people who did not have enough money for them took pieces and framed them on the wall. Since then, the design of wallpaper in the form of a panel has gone.

Today, such a design is inherent in classical interiors, where on the walls you can see embossed wallpaper or those canvases that are made using the silk-screen printing technique.

If possible, then the wallpaper elements are decorated with a molding frame. This design will look beautiful in a classic style, as well as country and Provence interiors. This panel can decorate the living room or bedroom in modern style. But in this case, the frame is made from the same wallpaper as the main part.

Advice! If the room has a niche, then inside it you can stick another version of the wallpaper, which will be in harmony with the main background. Get a kind of panel.


At the moment, there are several principles for using this technique. The first involves distracting from some detail that does not look advantageous in the room. This, for example, may be the unevenness of the walls. In order not to look at this flaw when entering the room, the opposite wall is highlighted with wallpaper of a different color with or without a pattern. It is very important that the pasted surface attracts attention.

The second option is to highlight an important place in the room. In the bedroom - this is a bed, in the kitchen - a working or dining area. For each room there may be a subject that needs to be accentuated. Partially, this design is also considered zoning.

Typically, accents are created with vertically arranged canvases, but in rooms with high ceilings, you can use the horizontal accent option. Often there are protrusions in the premises, which they mainly try to disguise. But it is not necessary to do this, since by highlighting this element, you can get a zest that will be inherent only to this interior.

Combination of wallpaper depending on the purpose of the room

Depending on the function of the room, wallpaper can be combined in different ways. We will consider the most interesting ideas for creating such a design.

In the bedroom

Not all colors and textures are suitable for this room. In the bedroom, a person relaxes and rests, so flashy shades of wallpaper will not work, although modern interiors are often done in bright colors.

The main object in any bedroom is the bed. That is what is being emphasized. This can be done in several available ways: pasting the wall behind the headboard with a contrasting color of wallpaper, bringing several canvases to the ceiling, creating a unique panel in a molding frame. It is not necessary to use only two types of wallpaper, there may be more. The main thing is to adhere to harmony and create a design that will promote relaxation.

In the living room

The living room is the hallmark of the house, as it is where guests gather and most often the whole family spends time. That is why the creation of the interior in this room must be approached with all responsibility.

Often the walls in the hall are decorated with niches or ledges. Since such elements are decoration in themselves, their decoration should be carried out very carefully. They are pasted over with contrasting wallpapers of dark shades.

Accents look advantageous in the living room, but there should be few of them. It is appropriate to zone the large hall with different wallpapers. They will help to highlight the functional areas or the main interior items.

In the children's room

This is the room in which zoning with different types of wallpaper is most often used. Here it is very important to highlight the area for recreation, games, training by pasting, and also to create a corner for everyone if the room is inhabited by several children. The design of the room with this design is shown in the photo.

In the hallway and corridor

Favorably hide the shortcomings of the room wallpaper of different colors in the hallways and corridors. As a rule, these are cramped and dark rooms, which, with the right choice of design, are transformed before our eyes. Here, wallpaper of various textures and appearance will be ideally combined. Originality can be achieved by performing horizontal stripes on the walls.

In the kitchen

For the kitchen, a combination of calm and bright colors is appropriate. Beige or white wallpapers in combination with turquoise or orange, as well as photo wallpapers, will look perfect here. Wallpapers of different colors and textures in the working and dining areas make the room collected and as comfortable as possible. To divert attention from the cooking area, the dining area is designed as originally as possible.

In the now fashionable studio apartments, there is no distinction between the kitchen and the living room, so the wallpaper will help create the right design.

Now in building stores there is a fairly wide range of wallpapers, among which you can choose those that will combine with each other as well as possible. As we said earlier, there are special collections with similar designs that match each other. In order to start combining on your own, you need to practice this art.

To do this, you can create a panel from the wallpaper you want in terms of design and make a molding frame for it. You can make a kind of patchwork quilt from scraps of wallpaper. To do this, there is no need to buy expensive canvases, even those left over from previous repairs will suffice. Moreover, you can even ask for shreds from friends and relatives. To do this, you need to fasten the finished squares or rectangles of wallpaper together with glue or tape on the reverse side and decorate them with a certain section of the wall.

In order to combine wallpapers of different shades with each other, you do not need to be a designer. Fashionable repairs are easy to do with your own hands, you just need to show a little imagination and creativity. Some ideas for gluing various rooms with wallpaper of two types are presented with a photo in this article. You can repeat them or add something of your own to the design.


Pasting rooms with two types of wallpaper is an ideal option for those who want to update their interior, but want to move away from the traditional design. This way of wall design will give the room a touch of originality and make it as stylish as possible, meeting all modern requirements.