Modern electric heating systems for private houses. Heating your home with electricity: the most economical way, a few tips. Underfloor heating on electrical elements

Every house should be equipped with a heating system

Owners of private housing have a huge advantage over residents of apartment buildings. They can decide for themselves which room service systems to use and how to save on installation and operation costs. Those who live in apartments, as a rule, cannot influence the quality and quantity of public services provided, especially in the direction of increasing them. The owners of private houses can foresee the nuances even at the construction stage and choose the most advantageous solution. Up to the point that the most economical home heating can be installed by hand.

The main advantage of electric heating is the rapid distribution of heat around the source.

This source is available almost everywhere. But it is unlikely that heating a private house with electricity can be called the cheapest. If you decide to use electrical appliances for heating, then be prepared to see big numbers on your electricity bill. The main advantage of electric heating is the rapid spread of heat around the source. Literally within a few minutes after switching on, you can feel the result. That is why electric heaters are used most often not for permanent heating of housing, but in some emergency cases. The fire hazard of electrical heating appliances is also quite high. It is not recommended to leave them switched on for a long time without supervision.

solid fuel

Under this name, most often they mean firewood and coal. Firewood, although a very common fuel in Russia, will not help you solve the problem of cheap heating at home.

Briquettes of fuel can have a different composition

In private houses, they are usually used to kindle stoves before laying coal. In large country houses, where, as a rule, there are fireplaces, firewood is also used. Coal is the cheapest and most commonly used solid fuel for heating private houses. Thus, if you want to provide economical heating at home with your own hands, add to the project a stove that will be heated with coal and heat your home. In some areas, briquetted fuel is also used. It can be peat or pressed wood chips. However, due to geographical features, such types of fuel are not very common in Russia.

Liquid fuel

Derivatives of chemical industries are usually used as liquid fuels - fuel oil, diesel fuel, etc. In private homes, these heat sources are rarely used. Because acrid smoke is released during combustion. Also, due to the increased flammability, it is rather unsafe to store these types of fuel near residential premises.


The cheapest heating of a country house can be arranged using gas equipment. The cost of fuel is very low, and modern equipment can be installed and assembled in a matter of hours. However, the cost of quality equipment is quite high. And the final price of the project will depend on the distance of your house from the gas pipeline.

Alternative energy sources

Installing solar panels can save you money

Of all alternative sources known in the world, winds can be used on a more or less large scale in Russia. For this, respectively, solar panels or windmills are needed. These sources are able to give you practically free energy and provide really the cheapest home heating. Moreover, both of them can be very different in size, and, accordingly, cost. However, due to climatic features, they cannot be used constantly and everywhere.

So, if you want to make cheap heating of a private house with your own hands, you need to choose which type of fuel will be the main one for you and which one will be auxiliary. First of all, you need to proceed from the location of your home and the availability of certain heat sources. Then you need to calculate the cost of installing equipment for each resource and choose what suits you best. In such an important matter, it is advisable to consult with experts. Usually firms-suppliers of the equipment possess the full information on this question.

In a private house, it is desirable to have several heat sources. To heat the main living space, you can use pipe or, which supply heat from a distribution boiler. It can be heated both with the help of solid fuel, and with the help of gas or electricity.

To create a special comfort, often the owners of country houses use fireplaces. In fireplaces, of course, only natural firewood or charcoal should be laid. True, there are still electric fireplaces, but the inhabitants of apartment buildings rather than the owners of a country house will become lovers of such an imitation of living heat. Also, in the project of private houses, a bath is often provided. For its heating, both natural firewood and electric stoves can also be used.

The use of solar panels is a good help to the budget. Since solar energy can be accumulated, in the conditions of most regions of Russia, this equipment can be used in order to have a spare heat source in case of force majeure. In addition, electricity generated from solar panels is 100% environmentally friendly.

In any private house, when installing a heating system, it is necessary to provide for various situations. Including emergencies. So that in the event of a gas boiler failure or a pipe break, you can easily switch to a fallback option. And during the repair of the main equipment, you will not be left without heat and energy. Thus, the cheapest heating of a country house is a well-combined various heat sources. Using them in various combinations, you will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the life support system of your home.

When choosing the type of heating for a private house, most people make the same mistake: they confuse the cost of equipment with the efficiency of the system as a whole.

These are completely different things. The general principle, with some exceptions, is this: the cheaper you buy a boiler, the more expensive your heat costs. This is the first, but not the only bad news. The second is that the most economical heating system for a private house is a myth invented by marketers.

The effectiveness of any type of heating will depend on the region of residence, the area of ​​​​the house, your ideas about comfort and other factors. Therefore, you should not believe in a wonderful know-how that will be the most economical, regardless of the circumstances.

There are special methods for calculating the cost of a unit of heat, measured in gigacalories (Gcal). However, in most cases, you can limit yourself to approximate calculations. Calculation should be done for 5, and preferably 10 years, only in this way you can see the difference between cheap equipment and economical heating. And, of course, one should take into account possible changes in the price of the selected fuel in the future.

Gas heating

Despite regular rises in prices, gas remains one of the most economical ways to heat a private house. Therefore, if a gas pipeline passes nearby, do not even hesitate. Another thing is when the highway is far away, because each additional meter increases the cost of already expensive installation work.

It should also be taken into account that the amount of natural gas is steadily decreasing, which will lead to new increases in tariffs for it. Whether the “blue light” will remain as profitable in the short term is a big question. Therefore, many are already looking for a way to organize economical heating of a private house without the use of gas.


We must pay tribute to the sellers of electric boilers, they managed to convince many that heating with electricity is a worthy alternative to the ever-rising gas. The catch is that electricity is not getting cheaper either, but (accidentally or not) it rises in price immediately after gas.

However, in some cases, the use of this far from economical heating method is fully justified. For example, in rural areas, where there is a reduced tariff for electricity, or in the presence of benefits and subsidies.

These types of heating a private house have two common features that should not be forgotten. The positive is that only they provide complete comfort at a relatively low cost of equipment. They turned it on in the fall, turned it off in the spring, and the rest of the time, human intervention is not needed.

And the negative side is complete energy dependence. Turned off the gas or electricity - we freeze until they turn it on. Therefore, further we will talk about more autonomous heating systems for private houses.

solid fuel

In light of the constant rise in prices for gas and electricity, many rushed to look for an alternative in the form of firewood and coal. As a result, in recent years they have increased in price several times. Given the rate of deforestation and the condition of the mines, this trend will continue. Therefore, such heating in a private house is the most economical only if you live in "lands rich in game firewood."

Lack of classic solid fuel boiler– low efficiency and high consumption. In fact, this is a slightly improved version of a conventional stove. Every couple of hours you need to throw firewood or coal, otherwise it will go out and freeze.

A much better option would be pyrolysis boiler or long burning boiler. They can use both conventional fuels and special briquettes and pellets, which is much more efficient. On one tab, such boilers can work up to 5 days, and in terms of efficiency, they overtake gas heating by 3-4 times.

And the last peep of solid fuel fashion - "omnivorous" boilers, or, as they are also called, utilizers. They "consume everything that burns": wood, plastic, rubber, industrial waste and even ordinary garbage. In the event of the most severe fuel crisis, a warehouse of “bald” tires at a nearby tire shop or, at worst, a city dump will not freeze.

Alternative heating methods

If heating in a private house does not require fuel, does this mean that it is the most economical? Depends on the cost of the equipment and how effective the system will be.

Solar collectors. For all its attractiveness, this type of heating can be considered, rather, as an additional source of heat. In winter, its effectiveness drops sharply due to worsening weather, so this option is perhaps only suitable for the southern regions.

Heat pumps. A relatively new technology that uses heat from the bowels of the earth, water or soil for heating. Here, the cost of installation and the payback period are frightening, and this is at least 10 years. In addition, the laying of pipes will require a considerable area on which it will be impossible to build or plant trees.

Hybrid heating systems

Thus, none of the considered methods of heating a private house is neither ideal nor the most economical. The solution is simple: combined systems using different types of fuel. There can be many options, and they depend on what is more important for you: savings or comfort.

Example 1. Gas + solid fuel boiler. Gas works as the main one, but, if necessary (severe frosts, the need to "tighten the belts", and just the desire to sink "manually"), the backup is turned on.

Example 2. Solid fuel + electric boiler. Here, on the contrary, the more economical option is the main one. However, if you are tired of "working as a stoker" or you need to leave home, then the automation switches to electric heating.

Such systems have proven to be reliable and economical. Their only drawback is the price. However, they pay off pretty quickly, especially on large areas.

Gone are the days when economics was ignored. Today everything is different. Energy carriers are getting more expensive every year and now it's time to look for the most profitable and economical home heating. We will talk about this in our material.

Every developer dreams that the heating system of a private house is economical. You can save on 3 key things:

  1. Financial. Make an inexpensive heating option
  2. Savings in terms of heating system
  3. Savings in terms of modern technologies

Before installing heating, you need to decide:

  1. What will the house be used for? Will you live in it permanently or come periodically. The payback period of the heating system depends on this. It may be useful to mount an economical heating option.
  2. What is the key for you: to save on heating now or lay the heating of a private house in the future.
  3. Decide which fuel will perform a key function

Savings on finances

Let's just remember: saving money, you will never get the most economical and profitable heating of a private house. This is the main mistake of all developers. You invest in the construction of a large house, in finishing the outside and inside, but most often you forget about such fundamental things as heating.

Heating costs money, but reasonable savings can still be made. You can mount the good old and proven . It will be affordable and you will provide your home with warmth in the cold season. But it will not be the most economical heating system.

About the most profitable home heating system

Now it remains to find out which heating system of a private house is the most economical. In this nomination, water heated floors win with a decent margin. And that's why:

  • Underfloor heating is at least 30% more economical than radiators (subject to special conditions for temperature control and boiler installation for low-temperature systems);
  • Warm floors heat from the bottom up, while radiators heat the ceiling first;
  • Underfloor heating works at a low temperature. The high limit is 45 degrees.
  • Warm floors can be heated by anything.

That's what they say all over the internet. In fact, all modern systems are about the same in terms of efficiency. It does not matter what you mount, it is important how exactly you will regulate it all. The more precisely the heating system is adjusted, the more economically it functions.

The most important point, due to which savings are achieved on warm floors, is thermal insulation. Manufacturers recommend using a density of 35, a thickness of 10 cm on the first floor and 5 cm on the next.

In practice, 5 cm on the ground floor is quite enough. Unless of course you live in a region with a lot of cold.

What a warm floor looks like, you can see in our video:

The second point due to which you can get the most economical heating at home is temperature control. By installing room thermostats with a manifold, mixing module, you can save up to 50% compared to radiator heating.

You can make the adjustment and simpler, and the underfloor heating system as a whole.

What fuel is more profitable?

Gas is the most economical energy source for heating a private house. Gas heating does not require constant human intervention. What can you say about coal heating.

Gas is not available everywhere. Therefore, one often has to choose either coal or electricity. Plus electric heating - turned on once and forgot. Coal must be constantly thrown into the boiler.

Modern economical technologies

With the help of modern technologies, we can achieve the most economical home heating. But we still classify these technologies as unreasonable, because their payback is quite long. From 10 years and above.

One such technology is a heat pump. With the help of earthly resources, it is able to produce at least 4 times more energy than it consumes itself. If you need a 20 kW boiler for your home, then a heat pump with a power of only 5 kW is suitable for heating. The heat pump is powered by electricity. The pump is also 3-4 times more expensive than a first-class gas boiler with high efficiency.

Solar collectors can be used as heating. It does not require any energy consumption at all. When properly installed, solar collectors are able to heat underfloor heating and provide you with the necessary amount of hot water. But then again, it all comes down to finances.

These technologies are our future. There will come a time when both the heat pump and the solar collector will be available to everyone.

As a result, we get that using a warm floor + temperature control + heat pump (or collector) we can get the most economical home heating.

If you are looking far ahead and confident that you can afford such expenses, then you definitely will not regret installing all this at home.

More ways to save

Additional savings from heating can be obtained by installing control equipment:

  1. If you have radiators, thermostatic heads will not be superfluous. They are installed on the radiator supply instead of conventional valves. They perform a simple function - at the desired room temperature, they shut off the flow, when the room cools down, they open it back. The adjustment is relevant only for heating systems with forced circulation
  2. If you have underfloor heating, then it will not be superfluous to install a collector with servo drives and put a thermostat in each room. The servo drive is interfaced with a thermostat and when the required temperature in the room is reached, it shuts off the supply of coolant to the underfloor heating circuit

These two life hacks allow you to achieve additional savings on heating.

Electric home heating - a set of devices designed to heat a room using electricity (electric boilers, heaters, underfloor heating and other products). The advantage of this method is availability, reliability and high efficiency.

What types of electric heating exist, and what are their features? What type is recommended? How much will it cost? These and other questions will be considered in the article.

Appropriateness, what to look for

The use of electricity to heat a house, office or apartment is relevant if there is money to pay for the consumed electricity. In terms of costs, gas heating is cheaper (not in all countries). Therefore, when choosing between gas and electricity, preference is most often given to the first option.

But what if the gas is not supplied to the house? Electric heating comes to the rescue here, because the light is supplied almost everywhere.

For safe operation of electric heating, it is recommended to make a 3-phase input and connect the load evenly. In the case of using only one of the phases, you will have to change the wiring in the house and solve problems with replacing the circuit breakers at the entrance.

The issue of costs is resolved by installing. Its peculiarity lies in fixing energy consumption at different times of the day for calculation at various tariffs.

For example, at night the cost of electricity is the lowest. This time can be used to heat the living space. For the rest of the day, it is recommended to use other types of heating, for example, a solid fuel boiler.

Another option is possible. In the presence of water heating, a heat storage tank is used, which accumulates heat at a minimum tariff for light, and gives it away during peak loads and maximum prices.

To save heat and save electricity, it is important to sheathe the house with foam. This method is also relevant for other heating methods.

Types of electric heating - types, application features

Today there is a huge selection of electric heating devices. Consider the available options:

  1. ELECTRIC BOILERS. Here the coolant plays the main role, and the unit itself is built on the convective function. used for heating houses and apartments. The advantages include safety of use, high efficiency and ease of use. Among the shortcomings is the complexity of the design, which needs professional installation, as well as problems with repairs in the event of equipment failure. It is important to note the high energy consumption and the cost of electricity. Additional disadvantages of heating devices are power limitations and other difficulties.
  2. ELECTRIC CONVECTORS(air heating). Such electric heating systems are actively used in retail outlets and offices with a small area. The equipment quickly heats up the room, but due to the low power, several devices will be required for use in an apartment or house. It is not used as the main type of heating due to low efficiency. During operation, drafts and areas with poor heating are formed. The main advantage is low electricity costs and ease of maintenance. More on the topic here.
  3. ELECTRIC HEATED FLOORS. Can be ordinary and. Such heating systems are used in the form of additional heating. They provide floor heating and guarantee comfort. Application as a single system is irrelevant. To heat the room, the surface temperature must be very high, so walking on such a coating with bare feet will not be comfortable. In addition, the "lion's share" of heat goes down, which reduces efficiency.
  4. INFRARED HEATERS. When used correctly, electric heating of this type can be used as the main source of heating. The designs differ in design and are used for mounting on the ceiling, walls or flooring. Of the advantages - ease of installation and maintenance, and their disadvantages - action in a certain area and uneven heating of the room. For more information about follow the link.
  5. ELECTRICAL DEVICES— thermal fans, oil fans, heat guns. Such devices play an auxiliary function and are not used as the main source of heating. With their help, it is easy to heat a small room. It will not work to provide heating for the entire house or apartment. Disadvantages - inability to work automatically, air drying and other problems.
  6. COMBINED BOILERS. They work on different types of fuel. Seven out of ten heaters on the market have electric heating elements. There are two types - standard and universal. Combined boilers are actively used in country houses where there is no gas supply or there are interruptions in the supply of electrical energy. The features include the ability to connect a group of circuits, efficiency, no malfunctions in the heating system, the ability to program and upgrade. Combined boilers are on gas and electricity, wood and gas, wood and electricity. Multi-fuel installations are also distinguished.

We will consider in more detail the features of each of their types of boilers below.

What type of heating is best

When choosing the right option, it is important to focus on the type of building that needs heating. Note that ideal electric heating systems for all occasions do not exist. Such issues are resolved individually and taking into account the operating conditions.

  1. With permanent residence in the house, water heating is suitable. Feature - the need to daily control the work.
  2. For country houses of country type with periodic visits, air heating is sufficient. It turns on for short time intervals to warm up the premises to the required temperature.
  3. Underfloor heating - used as an additional source of heat. They are used to increase comfort and maintain the temperature at an optimal level. Sometimes they are used as the main source of heat, but in exceptional cases.

The main thing is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the decision made, and then implement the plan.

Electric boilers for water heating

The main device in the electric heating system of a house or apartment, as a rule, is a boiler. It can be of three types - with heating elements, electrode or induction. The owner has the right to choose any of the options.

The principle of operation is identical in all cases - the use of electrical energy to heat water. Each of the species has individual characteristics, which requires separate consideration.

Induction boilers

Scientists have noticed that under the influence of a magnetic field, an object is heated. On this principle, induction-type boilers have been developed. They are a coil that passes large currents through itself.

Water passes through the zone of action of the induction field, heats up, and then goes into the system.

The electric boiler includes a start relay, a thermostat, pressure relief valves for the coolant and air, condensers, a thermomanometer and contacts for switching additional products (for example, air sensors).

Advantages of induction boilers:

  1. Heat generation occurs directly in the heat carrier. This guarantees a minimum amount of losses. Manufacturers of such equipment note the minimum consumption of electricity (especially when compared with boilers equipped with standard heating elements). The use of induction-type boilers allows you to save up to 25-30 percent of electricity.
  2. Reduced energy costs due to lack of inertia. After switching on, an induction field immediately appears, and the water is heated to the required temperature. From the moment of shutdown, the liquid ceases to heat up.
  3. There is no plaque on the surface of the heating element. This is due to the loyal heating mode of the main element. In addition, constant vibrations eliminate core vibrations.
  4. Compactness. Induction boilers are much smaller than conventional devices.
  5. The service life is up to 30 years. During the entire period of use, the device does not need repair or replacement of elements.
  6. In the manufacture of induction boilers, high quality materials are used, which allows the use of an electric heating element with different heat carriers.

Of the minuses of the products, it is worth highlighting the high cost and the need to control the heat carrier. Automatic verification is not possible, so all verifications are done manually.

If you ignore this requirement, there is a high risk of overheating of the coil and melting of the case.

In general, induction boilers are highly reliable and economical.

Popular models.

Induction boiler VIN-3

A vortex heating device used for heating water and its application for technical needs, as well as heating various rooms.

The main heat carrier is water, which is heated in operating mode up to 95 degrees Celsius. Power - from 3 to 80 kW. Efficiency - 99.8%.

The product has a size of 62 * 13.3 cm. The optimal heating area is from 30 to 40 square meters.

According to the manufacturer, the use of antifreeze is allowed as a coolant.


The device has a power of 7 kW, which allows you to heat a room with an area of ​​up to 90 square meters. Structurally, the product consists of a transformer, the secondary winding of which is a pipe.

The manufacturer correctly calculated the parameters in order to avoid overheating of the boiler elements even during prolonged operation. The resource of the heating device is limited by the life of the coil wires.

The product is characterized by high efficiency (98%), fire resistance, service life up to 30 years and energy savings (up to 50%). During operation, the appearance of scale is excluded.

The basic package includes the unit itself, a temperature sensor, security elements, a remote control and a passport.

VIN-7 in VIP configuration

The device for electric heating has a power of 7 kW, is installed on the wall. Features - Efficiency 98%, use as a water coolant. Dimensions - width 13.3 cm and height - 72 cm.

TENovye electric boilers

This is the simplest type of boilers with a tubular electric heater (TEH). The device is made using a special material that releases thermal energy when current flows.

The main element is hidden in an electrical insulating tube, and the gap between the heater and the outer part is filled with sand. This guarantees a better transfer of thermal energy from the coil to the housing. Water enters the boiler, where it is heated using a heating element.

Advantages - affordable price and the possibility of replacing the heating element. To improve the efficiency of boilers, it is important to pay attention to the presence of the following options - electronic control and power regulation.

Such devices are more economical, but they also have a higher price. The advantage of improved products is less energy consumption, due to the connection of the required number of heaters.

The disadvantages of an electric boiler with a heating element are low efficiency, heat loss and large dimensions.

An important nuance is the need to use a closed-type system. This is due to the risk of plaque on the surface of the heating element.

If the same liquid circulates in the system, there is nowhere for the plaque to come from. The use of an open type system requires periodic replacement of the heating element. To protect the system, it is better to use distilled water. In this case, the risk of deposits is minimal.

We single out several models of heating elements boilers:

Electrode boilers

Electrode boilers work on the principle of electrolysis. Ions generate heat as they move near the electrode.

An alternating voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz is connected to the electrodes, which provides a polarity change from positive to negative 50 times within one second. As a result, heating occurs constantly, and heat diverges throughout the system.

The advantage of electrode boilers lies in the simultaneous heating of all the liquid inside the heater tank, which ensures maximum efficiency. Thanks to a quick set of the desired temperature, heating costs are reduced (electricity savings up to 40%).

Electrode boilers are compact in size, low price and easy to install. In the absence of a coolant, the electric heating system will not fail - it simply ceases to function.

As soon as water gives in, electric heating works in a standard mode. The electrode boiler can be left unattended and not worry about its safety.

But there are also disadvantages. The current passes directly through the heat carrier, so in the event of a breakdown, the metal elements of the heating system may be energized. Important to reduce risk.

An equally important point is the composition of the coolant, in which there must be the required amount of salts. A separate requirement is imposed on radiators - they must be made of bimetal or aluminum.

Additional disadvantages include:

  • Ability to work with closed systems.
  • Maximum water heating up to 75 degrees Celsius (otherwise, electricity consumption increases).
  • The use of low quality coolant leads to breakage of the electrodes. The advantage is that they have a low price, and the replacement process itself takes a few minutes.

The considered disadvantages are more related to the nuances of the operation and installation of equipment and should be taken into account during the installation process.

Many people use such boilers to heat private houses. The main thing is to follow the indicated recommendations and achieve the correct composition of the water.

Consider several models of electrode boilers:

Combined boilers

Combined boilers - devices for space heating that can operate on different types of fuel. The transition can be carried out at any time at the request of the owner.

To switch to another fuel, a different furnace is used or a suitable type of burner is installed.

A combined type boiler is usually used in country houses with interruptions in gas or electricity supply. Such products can operate with the following fuel combinations:

  1. Solid fuel, gas.
  2. Solid fuel, electricity.
  3. Diesel, gas.
  4. Gas, wood, electricity.

On sale there are boilers that can simultaneously operate on four types of fuel. Their disadvantage is the higher price.

Find out more like in a private home.

Boilers for heating on wood and electricity

Combined boilers operating on solid fuel and electricity are in the greatest demand. This is due to the availability of both fuel sources in almost all regions of the country. The composition includes a firebox for burning firewood, wood chips or pellets, as well as a heat exchanger.

To work from electricity, a heating element is provided, the regulation of which occurs through the control panel.

Many combined boilers operating on electricity and solid fuels have special automation. It switches the device to another mode when the temperature drops below the set level.

Solid fuel-electric boilers can operate on a voltage of 220 or 380 volts. The output power is from 3.5 to 9 kW. Some products have the option of switching phases, which allows them to function in networks with different voltages.

The advantages of combined boilers include low costs, the ability to adjust, the availability of two or more types of fuel and the ability to function in automatic mode. Users note the reliability and durability of the equipment.

Among the shortcomings are the requirement for a separate room (for storing supplies) and the need to supply a three-phase network (for some models).

When operating a combined boiler from 380V, you will have to coordinate the connection with Energonadzor.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the narrow scope (in private homes) and the need for frequent maintenance.

Popular Models:

IMPORTANT - a few words about the cost

The price of electric heating boilers is in a wide range and depends on many factors - the manufacturer, the presence of a combined principle, equipment, power and other aspects.

TEN devices are more expensive, and products based on the induction or electrode principle will be cheaper.

In TENovye boilers, a heating tank is provided, there is a pump for the circulation of the coolant, a temperature sensor, an expansion tank and automation. This means that the device is ready to use and does not require the purchase of additional elements.

As for induction boilers, after purchasing the main equipment, you will also have to spend money on the control unit (if it is not included). In addition, it is necessary to purchase an expansion tank, sensors and other devices. As a result, the cost of electrode boilers can be even higher.

In the process of comparing electric and other boilers for heating, it is important to take into account not only their characteristics, pros and cons, but also pay attention to the equipment.

It happens that the manufacturer attracts buyers by offering a lower price, offering a product with a minimum configuration. As a result, the buyer is forced to spend money on additional equipment.

Electric convectors for air heating

Electric heaters are conditionally divided into several categories:

  1. convectors;
  2. Oil devices (radiators);
  3. Infrared emitters and ceramic panels.

This heating option is convenient because of the ease of organization and binding only to an electrical outlet.

The disadvantage is the need to strengthen the home wiring and get more power from the power supply organization. This is necessary, because the consumption of heaters can reach 20-30 kW. Consider the subtleties of heating for various devices.

Oil heaters

The use of oil heaters in heating a private house is a rarity. This is due to the low efficiency of the devices and the possibility of using it as an additional source of heating.

People resort to buying oil heaters in the presence of severe cold weather, when the main system does not cope with the tasks assigned to it.

In such circumstances, oil heaters do a good job and hardly dry the air. As a heating element, a conventional heating element is used, installed in a container filled with oil.

The coolant retains the accumulated heat for a long time, which contributes to the high efficiency of such devices. Metal walls heat up and give off heat to the surrounding air in the heated room.

The disadvantage of oil heaters is that it takes a lot of time to heat the oil, and subsequently to heat the room. Due to the inertia, oil models can only be used on a long-term basis (in rooms where people constantly live).

If you use an oil heater in the country, it is unlikely to warm up the cooled room.

Most of the models are made on special wheels that allow you to move the product from place to place. On sale are wall-mounted options that can be used in the arrangement of permanent heating.

Popular models - Ballu BOH/CL-11BRN black, Electrolux EOH/M-5105N, Timberk TOR 21.1507 SLX, Zanussi Loft ZOH/LT-11W 2200W, Ballu Turbo BOH/TB- 07FH, Royal Clima ROR-C11-2200M Catania, Electrolux EOH/M-4221.

Infrared heaters

A popular way to organize heating is the use of infrared heaters. Their peculiarity lies in the heating of objects directly, and not the surrounding air.

This feature increases the efficiency of infrared models to almost 100%. Further, heated objects heat the air in the room. By the way, the sun works on the same principle, because its rays only heat the earth and various objects.

When choosing, you need to take into account that IR heaters differ in the type of attachment. They are ceiling, wall and floor. Outdoor models and infrared heaters with thermostats are also produced.

When being in the coverage area of ​​the model, a person will be warm even at low temperatures outside. As a result, you can limit the number of heaters and reduce your electricity bills. In addition, the heated elements in the room accumulate, and subsequently give off the collected heat.

Minus infrared heaters in the negative impact on health (according to some experts). But there are no confirmed facts. In practice, some people complain of a deterioration in well-being with prolonged exposure to infrared rays. In the presence of such problems, it is better to give preference to other heating options.


Ceramic heating panels

The peculiarity of ceramic heaters lies in the close contact between the heater and the front panel (made using thermal ceramics). Such devices heat up to 80-90 degrees Celsius, after which the accumulated heat is transferred to the air in the room. In its spectrum, this heat is close to that emitted by the solar disk.

The design of ceramic heaters is simple. From the inside, a metal case with a polymer coating is installed. Next comes a reflective screen (for maximum efficiency). After it, a heating element is installed, and a ceramic component is fixed on the front part. It is she who gives heat to the room.

When determining the required number of heaters, 1 kW of power per 10 "square" of the room is taken. The use of ceramic-type models makes it possible to reduce this parameter by half.

The practice of using heaters only confirms the validity of this approach. To avoid maximum load, it is better to use not 0.5 kW, but 0.6 kW per 10 square meters of area. If the ceilings in an apartment or house are higher than 2.5 m, the power requirements will also increase.

One example of such a device is the Venezia 120*60 ceramic panel. This is a reliable model consisting of an infrared ceramic plate. Power 750 W.

Advantages - environmental friendliness, reliability, practicality of use and the ability to set the required temperature. Covered area is up to 22 sq. meters. Model weight - 4 kg. The surface temperature reaches 90 degrees Celsius. Dimensions - 60 * 120 * 4 cm. The thermostat and control are mechanical, the heating element is ceramic.

It is worth highlighting other models - Dimol Mini Plus 01, Dimol Standart Plus 03, Stinex Plaza Ceramic 350-700/220 black, Stinex Plaza Ceramic 350-700/220 black, KAM-IN easy heat originals, Dimol mini 01 270 W (cream ), VENECIA» 50*50.

Air convectors

When buying air convectors, it is important to pay attention to the way they are mounted. Models available today are wall or ceiling mount, floor mount, floor mount or skirting mount models.

Generally speaking, air convectors (regardless of type) have an identical structure. The composition includes a heating device (heater) with special fins (improve heat transfer). The temperature is set on the regulator, which turns the device on and off.

There are holes on the outside for better penetration of warm air into the heated room. In this case, the heat exits through the upper openings, and the entrance - through the bottom.

Thanks to this design, the air functions in a natural way, but the movement of air flows itself is slow. To improve efficiency, many manufacturers embed fans. Their task is to disperse the air flow and increase the heating rate.

The simplest are convectors for mounting on the wall, ceiling and floor. In the first case, it is enough to install a pair of hooks to install the selected model.

As for ceiling products, they are fixed to the surface with dowels or self-tapping screws.

For fixing floor air convectors, the same fasteners will be required, but fixing is carried out already to the flooring.

More problems arise when fixing intrasexual or skirting models.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Skirting air convectors are installed instead of standard skirting boards and have the same appearance. The peculiarity is that the heated air comes out from the wall, warming it and the room as a whole. After reaching the required temperature, the product turns into a large radiator that gives off heat and maintains the required temperature. Even after switching off, the air convector continues to heat the room.

The downside is inertia. A certain time is spent on warming up the walls, after which the heat is transferred to the air in the room. This method of heating is suitable for houses and apartments with permanent residence.

One example is the STN NEB-M-NS 0.5 (B) model. This is a 500W wall hung appliance. The heating power is 2 kW, the covered area is 10 square meters. Supply voltage - 220 V.

A feature of the model is the presence of electronic control, temperature control and the ability to install programs. The heating element has a closed type with the possibility of networking. There are protective options (frost protection, shutdown in case of overheating and moisture protection). Device dimensions - 75*45*9.8 cm.

No less interesting models are Hintek SU 1500M, Timberk TEC.E0X M 1500, Dantex SE45N-05, Royal Clima REC-M1000E, Zilon ZHC-2000 SR3.0, Timberk TEC.E5 M 1000, CTH NEB-M-NS 0, 7(B).

fan heaters

Fan heaters are often used for space heating. Depending on the situation, they are used as the main or additional source of heating.

Structurally, fan heaters are a housing with heating elements located inside and a fan that disperses heat around the room. This is a simple but effective tool for heating small areas.

Advantages - high heat output, fast air heating, ease of control and versatility. In addition, fan heaters consume little power, and the cost is the lowest in comparison with other devices.

Additionally, it is necessary to highlight compactness (small size) and safety of use. The chance of injury during application is minimal. Most of the models are provided with protection against overheating, overload and fall.

Disadvantages - a rapid decrease in temperature in the event of a shutdown of the device and low productivity.

The main scope of fan heaters - apartments, country cottages, dachas, offices, industrial premises. The devices are useful for heating warehouses, shops, pharmacies and other retail outlets. Fan heaters are easy to use, because they can be used as an independent device without being connected to the central network.

An example of a fan heater is Electrolux EFH / W - 1020. This is a wall-mounted device that is compact and highly efficient. To get started, you need to fix the model on the wall and plug it into a power outlet.

The device can work in three modes - ventilation, intensive or economic work. Electrolux EFH/W - 1020 has a power of 2.2 kW, which guarantees rapid heating and air distribution throughout the room.

The advantages of Electrolux EFH/W are strong design, low weight (4 kg) and wear resistant heater. During operation, the device is almost silent, which allows you to install it in bedrooms or other rooms with a quiet operation. Additional features - use in the composition of non-combustible materials, protection against overturning and overheating.

Other popular models - Ballu BFH/W-201L, Ballu BHP-W3-20-S, KALASHNIKOV KVF-W21-12, Ballu BHP-W2-30Ballu BHP-W2-100-S, Electrolux EFH/W - 9020, Electrolux EFH /W - 7020.

Thermal curtains

Thermal curtains are a versatile device that is ready to provide a comfortable environment in an apartment or house in any weather. In summer, the product protects from heat, and in winter from cold.

Thermal curtains are of two types - air or thermal. The former protect the room from the leakage of warm or cool air mass, and the latter block the flow of cold air into the room. One of the main features is the cost.

Thermal curtains are available with or without heating, as well as with hot water supply.

Also, products differ in the type of heating element:

  1. Ceramic - works at high temperatures, is highly reliable.
  2. Tenovoy - it is heated for a long time and at low temperatures.
  3. Spiral - an element with a high heating temperature.

The task of the air curtain is to separate different temperature zones, for example, between the freezer and the room, the area near the window or door.

Mounting is carried out vertically or horizontally depending on the type. When choosing a vertical option, you need to take into account the parameters of the doors. It is important that the curtain exceeds them by 15-20 cm.

More powerful industrial models are available that are suitable for installation in cafes, restaurants, offices, garages or other premises. Depending on the model, thermal curtains have different functionality. But in general, it is practical, multifunctional and durable.

For example, let's consider the Ballu BHC-L10-S06 thermal curtain - a device for creating a powerful air flow that separates different zones (for example, the street and indoor space).

The model is used for installation in shops, offices, vestibules, residential premises, cafeterias and other points.

Advantages of Ballu BHC-L10-S06 - low noise level, fast air heating, easy connection, anti-corrosion treatment of the case and built-in thermostat (controls heating). There is a mode without heating (to protect against heat).

If desired, one of two operating modes is set. The device is equipped with a modern and easy-to-use remote control.

Other popular models - Ballu BHC-CE-3L, Ballu BHC-CE-3, Hintek RP-0306-D, KALASHNIKOV KVC-A08E3-11, Ballu BHC-L08-T03, KALASHNIKOV KVC-A08E5-11, Hintek RS-0308 -D, Hintek RP-0508-D.

Electric heat guns

Electric heat guns provide air heating with the help of special elements:

  1. The usual spiral, heated to the maximum value.
  2. A heating element with high efficiency (a feature is maximum efficiency).
  3. Ceramic elements are elements that are safe for health and are characterized by reliability and environmental friendliness. Today they are considered the best option of the heating elements proposed above.

Air circulation is ensured by powerful fans, which allows you to heat the room within a few minutes. Some models are supplied with special wheels or skids, which guarantee convenient movement or installation of heat guns.

The popularity is ensured due to the absence of combustion chambers, noiselessness, no need for maintenance and the ability to install without coordinating the installation of the gun with a government agency.

An interesting option is Ballu BHP-PE-3. This is a compact and lightweight heat gun, which differs in the direction of heating and is located in a round body.

The device is made in a stainless steel casing, with the option of tilt adjustment. The maximum power is 3 kW, the number of modes is two. Weight - 3.7 kg. Model Ballu BHP-PE-3 has small dimensions - 31.5 * 24X5 * 25 cm. Additional features - heating element, versatility of use, the presence of a rotary switch, overheating protection. The device is used in rooms with an area of ​​up to 35 "square meters".

Additional models worthy of attention are Ballu BHP-P-3, NeoClima TPK-5, Hintek XS 03220, NeoClima CCI-5, Ballu BHP-P2-3, NeoClima NPG-10, Hintek PROF 03220, Ballu BHP-M-5.

Warm electric floor

Electric warm floors are considered the most "young" heating system. Its use provides the most comfortable conditions at home. Due to the heating of the floor surface, heat accumulates in the leg area, after which it rises to the ceiling, and is distributed over the entire area.

The peculiarity of the system lies in inertia - it “swings” for a long time. It will take a long time to heat the room with a warm electric floor.

On the other hand, after turning off the heating, the floor still gives off the accumulated heat for some time, which ensures that a comfortable temperature is maintained.

It requires qualification, and the complexity of the work depends on the chosen model and design features.

There are models on sale that need a new screed (eg electric mats and cables).

Some systems are installed on a flat hard surface and do not require major work (for example, film models). Devices for heating laminate or linoleum are also sold.

The electric heating of the house with the help of underfloor heating has a number of disadvantages - the difficulty of repair in the event of a breakdown due to the lack of direct access to the elements, the time spent on installation (especially when installed under a screed).

So, the installation of underfloor heating under the screed takes about 30 days, and the installation of conventional models takes about a day. In this case, the price of the latter will be much higher.

A popular model is NeoClima N-TC 953/7.4. This is a warm floor, which includes a kit for self-assembly. Features - the need for installation in a screed, a large guarantee (16 years), versatility and safety (double insulation).

The heating system includes a heating section, a tape for attaching a cable, a tube for a temperature sensor, instructions and a box.

The cable has a length of 13 meters and is designed for a small heating area - up to 1.7 square meters. meters. Power consumption - 195 watts. Scope of application - small rooms (for example, a bathroom).

No less demanded models - NeoClima N-TM 375/2.5, NeoClima N-TM 450/3.0, NeoClima N-TM 600/4.0, NeoClima N-TC 1095/8.6, STN Termolife ET61W (WI-FI control), NeoClima N -TM 1500/10, NeoClima N-TM 1800/12.

General aspects of electric heating

Electric boilers are the only heating device that uses external heating or additional elements. The remaining systems are self-sufficient, which is their invariable advantage.

Heating systems are easy to install and manage, have a small inertia. For convenience, you can connect electronic control units and organize remote control.

The disadvantage of many heating systems is the high cost of maintenance. As for the power consumption required to heat an apartment, house or room, it is almost identical.

On average, to warm up 50 square meters of a room with standard ceilings from 2.5 to 3 meters high, 6 to 8 kW of power is required.

An additional aspect when choosing is the place of residence (geographical location). When located in the southern part of the country, electricity costs will be lower (when compared with the northern regions). Equally important is the design and the fact of building insulation.

The more compact and better sheathed the house, the less energy is required for heating. As a rule, electric heating is used for small one-story houses or apartments. The main condition is the presence of good wiring.

Most often, such systems are used as additional heat sources. The main disadvantage is the dependence on electricity.

The best solution in terms of energy consumption is the use of electrode boilers, warm infrared heaters, as well as devices with automatic mode and temperature control (smart home system).

Heat pumps for heating a private house

Heat pumps are an environmentally friendly and modern way to heat batteries in a house. The simplest design option is a refrigerator capable of generating cold and heat. A similar principle is laid down in heat pumps.

The heating algorithm has the following form:

  1. Water is sent to the evaporator to reduce the temperature by 5 degrees Celsius.
  2. The cooled composition goes to the compressor, where the liquid is compressed and its temperature rises.
  3. The heated water is sent from the heat exchanger, in which it gives off heat to the heating system, and the cooled liquid is sent to the beginning of the cycle.

Water can be taken from any convenient place, for example, a reservoir or a column.

The heating system on heat pumps consists of the following elements:

  1. The heat pump itself is a device that extracts geoenergy.
  2. A probe is a coil located in the ground or water.
  3. Heating system, including heat exchange chamber.

Advantages of heat pumps for heating:

  1. Small energy consumption. Heating requires only electricity. The power consumption is much lower than with conventional electrical appliances. One of the characteristics of heat pumps is the conversion factor, which shows the efficiency of the device, namely the amount of heat output compared to the electricity consumed. For example, if this parameter is equal to five, then 5 kW of heat can be obtained from 1 kW of electricity.
  2. Versatility. The heating system can be installed in different areas. The device is able to heat the house at any time of the year at a temperature in winter not lower than -15 degrees Celsius. In addition, in the summer, the system can be used for cooling.
  3. This is especially convenient for buildings without gas. In addition, in the absence of electricity, the heat pump can operate on a gasoline or diesel engine.
  4. Long service life - up to 50 years. For example, a compressor may require replacement only after 20 years.
  5. Environmental friendliness and safety. The heat pump does not emit gases or foreign waste during operation. The appliance cannot accidentally overheat.
  6. Automatic work. The operation of the heat pump does not require the addition of water or the need to control its flow.

Disadvantages of the device for heating:

  1. High price. To purchase such a system, you will have to spend money, and the payback is at least five years.
  2. In areas with low temperatures, the use of heat pumps is not effective.
  3. The system negatively affects the planet's ecosystem, but the damage is minor and can be ignored.

Knowing the features, advantages and disadvantages of electric heating systems, it is easier to make a choice and decide on the right option for your home.

The most economical way to heat a private house is an autonomous system that runs on natural gas. But often, for objective reasons, such an opportunity is far from being everywhere. In the conditional second place in terms of the cost of thermal energy are solid fuel boilers or heating from a fireplace / stove with a closed firebox (if the house is small), but given the need to store fuel and the complexity of maintenance, not everyone likes this heating method. Liquefied gas storage requires expensive containers. And liquid fuel, in addition to storage difficulties, is distinguished by expensive equipment and poor environmental performance. All these shortcomings are deprived of electric heating of a private house. Except for one thing - the high cost of energy. Although in this case there are opportunities to reduce the burden on the family budget. What are the features of heating a house with electricity, the most economical way that you can heat a house with energy, we will consider in our article.

Electric heaters do not need chimneys and can be installed anywhere Source:

Which heaters are not suitable for the heating system

Sometimes you have to read unfair criticism of certain types of heating appliances. They are criticized not for real shortcomings, but for fictional ones. Although at the end of the criticism, the conclusions are completely correct - these devices can only be used as auxiliary heaters, and it is impossible to build an economical heating system with their help.

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In our video, we'll talk about heating in a private country house. Our guest is the author and presenter of the Teplo-Voda channel Vladimir Sukhorukov:

Oil radiator

It is considered uneconomical - critics argue that it should not be used as a heating device due to high energy consumption and low return. But it is this type of device that has one of the highest efficiency - about 98%. That is, it converts almost all electrical energy into heat (no one has yet canceled the law of conservation of energy), and those insignificant losses of 2% are due to the resistance of the inner walls of the radiator to the coolant. Yes, it is inertial - it warms up for a long time, but it also cools down for a long time.

Another disadvantage is that the room with its help warms up for a long time.

But this is a property of all batteries, including water heating, in which the main method of heat transfer is natural convection, and it proceeds slowly.

The main drawback is the “rough” power adjustment and the use of mechanical thermostats. And such inaccurate temperature control makes an oil cooler inefficient when trying to optimize the cost of heating with electricity in a private house. And yet, it has a rather high case temperature when running at full power, which is dangerous if there are small children in the house.

There are models of oil radiators that can be hung on the wall Source

fan heater

It is often written about a fan heater that it burns oxygen. But the “burning of oxygen” is nothing but the process of oxidation (combustion), and the maximum that can burn at a rather low temperature of the coil is organic dust in the air. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about the combustion of oxygen (after all, firewood does not burn), since this insignificant volume must be replenished as a result of mandatory ventilation of the room.

The efficiency of such a device is slightly lower than that of an oil cooler (part of the electricity goes to the operation of the fan), but not very different, given that the motor power of the fan itself is small (about 50 W out of a total of 1 or 2 kW). Advantage - very fast heating of the room. Disadvantages - a constant level of noise (albeit insignificant) and the transfer of dust throughout the room. And the main drawback of these household appliances is manual power adjustment and the ghostly possibility of creating an automated heating system based on fan heaters.

The fan heater is the most compact heating device, and it is great for heating a small area. Source

Therefore, it must be emphasized once again that the main reason why some types of electric heaters are not suitable for heating a house is not the efficiency (it is above 95% for almost everyone), but the impossibility of automating system control. It is this factor that does not allow optimizing the operation of the heating system, and without this it is impossible to make heating a house with electricity cheaply.

Efficient ways of heating with electricity

Heating with electricity in a private house has the main advantages over all others - these are simple and accurate methods for monitoring and regulating the operation of all nodes and elements. Even the sensors and display of information about operating modes are more accurate than those of equipment on other types of energy carriers.

Individual electric heating of a private house has three options for heating systems:

  • autonomous water heating systems based on electric boilers:
  • use of infrared ceramic heaters;
  • electric convectors with electronic thermostats.

All these systems can be adapted into a smart home system and controlled remotely.

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Differences between heating on gas and electricity in the video:

Heating with an electric boiler

This is a classic scheme of an autonomous heating system. There are two options for heating the coolant - indirect and direct.

There are two types of indirect heating electric boilers: heating elements and induction.

The device and principle of operation of heating element boilers are quite simple - there is a heating coil enclosed in a sealed metal shell with a dielectric heat-conducting filler, heat from the coil through the filler is transferred to the surface of the heating element shell, with which the heat carrier of the heating system contacts.

This is how the “stuffing” of a 9 kW heating element boiler looks like, which, despite its compact size, is able to heat a house with an area of ​​100 m2. Source

Induction boilers have appeared for domestic heating systems relatively recently. Their principle of operation lies in the property of metals to heat up under the influence of an alternating magnetic field. The heating element itself is an inductive coil with a ferromagnetic alloy core, through the "secondary winding" of which the coolant passes.

Scheme of operation of an induction heater Source

The peculiarity of direct heating electric boilers is that water acts not only as a heat carrier, but is also part of the electrical circuit - an alternating current passes through it between the electrodes. Where does the name of the boilers come from - electrode.

Each type of boiler has its drawbacks. In heating elements, scale is formed, which leads to a decrease in the useful power and resource of the boiler. Induction - quite expensive, bulky and have a "step" power control. Electrode ones have severe restrictions on the quality and composition of water, which must have a certain specific electrical resistance to alternating current.

A cascade of four electrode boilers for heating a large house Source

Well, the main drawback of heating a country house with an electric boiler is the presence of the coolant itself and the “cumbersome” circulation system of pipes and batteries. The arrangement of such a system is costly, and the efficiency compared to direct-acting electric heaters may be less if circulation pumps are used.

Infrared heaters

There are several types of heaters that use radiation (radiation) as a transfer of thermal energy. This transmission method is considered the most effective for heating a room - first, objects that stand in the way of infrared radiation are heated, and then air is heated from them, due to secondary convection.

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Clearly about infrared heaters in the video:

There are three fundamentally different types of infrared heaters:

    reflectors, in which the incandescent spiral is enclosed in a quartz glass bulb;

    panel - in a ceramic monolithic plate "sealed" heating element;

    film - with carbon sputtering on a polymer film.

Heating a house with electricity of the first type refers to heaters operating in the short-wave range of infrared radiation.

Such devices can be used as an additional heater, but not as a basic element of a private house heating system with electricity.

Disadvantages - the lowest efficiency (due to the visible part of the radiation), the lack of precise temperature control and high case temperature.

The second type of device operates in the soft long-wave range. The maximum temperature of the ceramic panel does not exceed 90°C, but on the body it is even lower. There are two types of control - mechanical and electronic thermostat. The first option involves manual control and its accuracy is low. With the help of electronic thermostats, the temperature can be set with an accuracy of 1°C.

The infrared panel is so safe that it can be hung on wooden walls Source

Film heaters are the most efficient. Usually they are used as part of a warm floor, but in principle they can be mounted in walls or on the ceiling. But it is the installation as part of the floor covering that most of all corresponds to the correct and uniform heating of the room. The operation is controlled automatically using a pair of "temperature sensor-thermostat".

If there is not enough space on the floor, then the film heater can be mounted on any free plane Source


Outwardly, convectors are very similar to panel ceramic heaters, but inside the metal case there is an “open” heating element, enclosed inside a plate radiator. The fundamental difference is in the method of heating - cold air enters the case through the bottom row of holes, in contact with the radiator, heats up and exits through the upper row of holes.

The body of the convector not only serves as a protection for the heating element, but also increases the speed of the upward flow. Due to this, at the same power, the space is heated faster than from a water heating battery.

Stylish convector panel looks great in a modern interior Source

As with panel ceramic heaters, there are two types of thermostats - mechanical and electronic. And it is the electronic operation control that ensures the accuracy of adjustment and the ability to work in several modes:

  • individual, with manual control, used to heat a separate room;
  • group, operation of several devices under the control of one (common) thermostat, which ensures uniform heating of a large area or the same heating mode for several rooms;
  • intelligent, control with a remote control, connection to a GSM module and control using standard commands from a remote terminal (mobile communication, Internet), connection to a router and control via a local network and / or Internet.

Video description

What is better to choose: an electric boiler or an electric convector - clearly in the video:

An example of a real system with an intelligent control scheme for electric heating at home

NOBO, a leading European manufacturer of convectors, produces two compatible smart control systems for electrical appliances. Including "warm floors" (through a thermostat) and any other household appliances that are connected to the network (through a shield, a "break" in the circuit or turning on / off sockets). To do this, they produce special thermostats, socket receivers and flush-mounted relay receivers.

Using such a system, you can control and manage up to 100 devices or group zones. And thermostats of the 700 series provide 4 operating modes for convectors: comfortable, economical, non-freezing (air temperature 7 ° C) and “off”. According to the manufacturer, the flexibility of such a control system for convectors and underfloor heating allows you to save up to 25% on electric heating at home.

One of two control schemes for a multi-zone electrical system Source

As a result - how to optimize electric heating

In addition to a competent selection of heating equipment, an efficient and optimal (in terms of costs) heating system with electricity is possible only with comprehensive insulation of the house - from the basement to the roof. Otherwise, the cost of heating a house that is blown through will be much higher, even despite the high efficiency of the heater itself, and heating a house with electricity is unlikely to be cheap.