Nod official. The myth of the occupation of Russia and the "fedorov project" (video). Held positions at various times

Member of the faction of the political party "United Russia".
Member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes. Evgeny Fedorov was born on May 11, 1963 in St. Petersburg. In 1985 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Military Engineering and Construction School named after General of the Army A.N. Komarovsky with a degree in Military Power Engineering. From 1985 to 1988 he participated in the fighting in the Republic of Afghanistan. Lived in the Armed Forces of the USSR. He was the chief power engineer of the operation department of the apartment maintenance department of the 40th army in Kabul, had 1,200 people under his command.

Since 1988, he served at Baikonur, was the chief power engineer, then the head of the group of the Main Military Construction Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense in the city of Leninsk, Kazakh SSR. From 1988 to 1990 he was the head of the group of the operation department of the Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense in Leningrad. In 1989 he was elected a People's Deputy of the Leningrad Regional Council. In 1990 he became a deputy of the Leningrad Regional Council of People's Deputies, a member of the small council.

From 1993 to 1995, Fedorov became a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first convocation, chairman of the subcommittee on economic security of the State Duma. From 1996 to 1997, he was Deputy Head of the Department of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The following year he was Deputy Chief of Staff of the Defense Council under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Until 2001, he was Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy.

From 2001 to 2003, he was an adviser to the chairman of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party "United Russia". From 2003 to 2007, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation, a member of the General Council of the United Russia party. Since 2003 he has been a member of the United Russia faction.

In April 2005, Evgeny Alekseevich became deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, a member of the working (tripartite) group for improving interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation, a member of the State Duma Commission for the consideration of federal budget expenditures. In November 2006 - Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, member of the State Duma Commission for the implementation of the annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 2006 he graduated from the state educational institution of higher professional education "North-West Academy of Public Administration". Next, the non-state educational institution of higher professional education "St. Petersburg Law Academy". Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In December 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation. Chairman of the RF State Duma Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship. In 2011, on December 4, he was elected to the State Duma of the VI convocation. Member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes. Has more than 40 copyright certificates and patents for inventions. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Evgeny Alekseevich Fedorov was elected a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list of candidates put forward by the All-Russian political party "United Russia". Member of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes. Start date of office: October 5, 2016.

I decided to write this post so that young people who easily succumb to Russian propaganda at least sometimes think with their own heads. If such a function as thinking critically is alien to you, then close this post right now, if you are still a supporter of the truth, then welcome.

Let's start. To understand what NOD is, it is enough to listen to ANY interview with its coordinator, United Russia deputy Yevgeny Fedorov. Each of his subsequent phrases contradicts the previous one. Moreover, each of his subsequent words refutes the previous one. The deputy's conclusions defy any logic. The feeling that he lives in his own fictional world and constantly changes the rules of his own propaganda.

Reasonable people have long understood that the NOD, like the ONF, OURS (StopHam, Piggy), Young Guard of United Russia (MGER) (Agents) are just zombie mercenaries working off budget money for the ruling party.

What is most interesting is that NOD does nothing useful for the Russians. The NOD does not solve the problems of ordinary people, does not contribute to the growth of their well-being and standard of living. Exceptionally rabid propaganda without benefit to the population. They went to pickets, rallies with megaphones and flags, shouted their duty slogans to the camera that the United States is an enemy and must be destroyed, the rest of the cattle repeated after them. This is where it all ended. And all this is accompanied by provocations, insults and fights on their part. Brutal and aggressive youth who decided that they can do anything, because "They are for Putin."

The task of the NOD is to take care of PUTIN'S RATING and PROMOTE HATE towards the USA, Europe, Ukraine. Moreover, neither the activists of the NOD, nor the deputy Fedorov himself can adequately and logically explain how the United States is to blame for all the problems of Russia. Although Putin himself in 1999 made it clear that only Russia itself is to blame for all the troubles in Russia, and the West has absolutely nothing to do with it.

In 2014, Fedorov managed to accuse Viktor Tsoi, the founder of the KINO group, of collaborating with the CIA to destroy the USSR, saying that his songs were written in Hollywood. Like, at first he wrote about "cucumbers, and then about the wind of change, and this is not casual." Another pro-government fanatic, a member of the Public Chamber, Anatoly Kucherena (Snowden's lawyer), stood up to defend the legend of Russian rock, threatening the deputy with a court.

In any interview, deputy Fedorov always presses the same line: "Anti-Maidan! There is a conspiracy everywhere! Russia is a colony of the USA! Everyone who is against Putin is the 5th column! All the media and Banks in Russia are controlled by the USA, "Let's change the Constitution through a referendum" "Putin - our leader", the laws and the Constitution of Russia were written by the Americans! Enemies everywhere! The US and Europe want to destroy Russia" and stuff like that.

Fedorov constantly says that the task of the NOD is to organize a global struggle led by Putin against American imperialism: “We see that in Ukraine they (the United States) are waging a fascist war of conquest. We (Russia) have been attacked!”

Quoting British Prime Minister David Cameron, Fedorov builds the following chain of his conclusions. Cameron says: "We will destroy the Russian economy." Further, Fedorov argues as follows: "It is said that they want to destroy us and the citizens of Russia understand that tomorrow they will simply be hung on poles like in Ukraine"

Fedorov's logic: "We (Great Britain) will destroy the Russian economy = hang Russians on poles." Well, then everything is according to the scenario: "Motherland! Freedom! Putin!"Watch from 1 minute 38 seconds.

If you can't watch from the right moment, then follow this link:

In an interview with AIF, Fedorov said that the State Duma adopts laws written by the Americans. I highly recommend reading the interview itself with this character on this link .

The main thesis of Deputy Fedorov: “The Americans are to blame for all Russian troubles, andRussia is a US colony". At the same time, Fedorov himselfcalls himself a member of the teamVladimir Putin and claims that all the ideas that he, Yevgeny Fedorov, expresses publicly, do not belong to him at all, but to the president. In any interview, apart from his manic theses about the USA, Fedorov only "pours water", says nothing. There are no specific proposals for raising the standard of living of Russians, for beautifying cities, for solving the country's acute social problems, there is nothing of this, just water. Fedorov is a typical pro-government official who receives a salary from the federal budget for his demagogy about high matters.
There is no benefit from it, in principle, as well as from most other button presses of the State Duma.

Fedorov refers to his 23 years of experience in government, says that he is honest and will not lie, so everyone should believe him.
To understand the whole intellectual underdevelopment"Deputy Fedorov must read an excerpt from the same interview with AiF:

Fedorov: I'm talking about facts. Note, I am not running for office.
AiF:You already deputy. This is tall status.

Fedorov: Now I am not running in elections. I speak facts for people. I don't need anything from them.. I don't need to be trusted. To me, in principle, it's on the drum. I'm talking facts: if you want, check it out.

AiF:Do you know people who are foreign agents in power?
Fedorov:Livanov ( Dmitry Livanov, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation). Pursues a policy aimed at supporting the interests of the United States. (In the power of Livanov, at any opportunity, all the deputies and ministers “kick” him, they always have him “extreme”).

AiF:And in the State Duma, among your colleagues?
Fedorov:The entire State Duma passes laws written by the Americans.

AiF: Except you?
Fedorov:Why? And me too. I am a member of the State Duma.

AiF:And conscience allows you to do this: g say one thing and do another?
Fedorov:I say and do the same. Are you already moving on? Are we talking about me now?

AiF:I am talking with a deputy of the State Duma, an official.
Fedorov:Yes, I am an employee of the State Duma, and the State Duma system works by passing laws written by the Americans. Do you understand? Like all parliaments of vassals and colonies. The State Duma and I inside it are no exception to the general rule.

I don't know what's going on in this man's brain. Where is the logic in his reasoning is unknown. A bunch of random words and phrases. Maybe this is really "intellectual underdevelopment"? And here is an interview with "Rain".

Fedorov:In 1991 we lost sovereignty.
Rain:In 1993, this did not prevent you from being elected to the Duma and participating in the government of the country.

Fedorov:: It didn't stop me from going to work, shaving in the morning. It's from other areas. I live in a country where there is no sovereignty. Yes, this is a fact.
Rain: You don't just live in it, you are directly involved in its management.

Fedorov: No. I participate in its authorities.
Rain: By way of legislation?

Fedorov: Not. By adopting laws developed in a foreign country.

The present republic is only a colony in slavish dependence on foreigners.

Evgeny Fedorov unknown Austrian artist

The protest activity of 2011-2012 made it clear to the authorities that the masses have returned to politics, and this must be somehow responded to. Three methods were chosen to deal with the spreading protest moods:

  1. To denigrate the entire opposition movement by discrediting well-known oppositionists (mainly liberals and key protest figures: Navalny and Udaltsov);
  2. Initiate criminal cases against the most active activists (and on this wave of political repressions, the seasoned fighters of the anti-Putin movement Udaltsov, Gaskarov, Sutuga and many others received real terms on ridiculous charges, and some - for example, Alexei Sakhnin - were forced to emigrate);
  3. With the help of a pro-Kremlin (but supposedly opposed to the government) political movement, shift the blame for the state of affairs in the country in the eyes of those dissatisfied with the current government to some secret hostile forces. Pull as many politically active people as possible to him and direct them in the right direction for the authorities.

The protest activity of 2011-2012 made it clear to the authorities that the masses have returned to politics, and this must be somehow responded to.

To implement the latter, the National Liberation Movement (NOD) was created. If the president, senior officials, thick-faced deputies from United Russia tell us every day from TV screens that everything is fine in the country (especially in comparison with the 90s, and even more so with Rwanda), oppositionists of all stripes - everything is bad to varying degrees horror, then this freak takes an intermediate position. On the one hand, the NOD recognizes the severity of the state of affairs in the country and calls for mass activity to correct this. On the other hand, it requires the population to rally around the national leader Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and his inner circle, and declares the United States and its agents introduced to us at all levels of government, daily sabotaging Putin’s decisions and pushing bad laws in the Duma, to be guilty of all the troubles of Russia. Yevgeny Fedorov, an experienced member of the State Duma of many convocations, was made its leader. Along with such a “worthy” leader, the liberators of the Fatherland absorbed at first all the “best” of the socio-political life in the country that was at that time: supporters of the “Course of Truth and Unity” (KPE) party; fighters against world Jewry; Tolkienists who worship Vedic Russia; fantasy fans from the writer Starikov; a public nostalgic for the USSR, which learned only ardent anti-Americanism from Soviet propaganda, etc.

They built their manifesto on outright distortions of facts, or even just on banal lies. We will talk more about their theoretical research below. To popularize his ideas, the leader of the NOD Fedorov chose the path of a video blogger, and a very active video blogger who releases many hours of videos almost daily. In them, the main savior of the Motherland monotonously and incoherently explains to his audience why the United States is to blame for everything, and Putin is well done (and he speaks about this in every video on any issue raised and in the same words); why the deputies of United Russia, including the hero himself, vote for bad laws, but they are not guilty of anything, etc. On the last point, it turns out really badly: Fedorov tells the Internet that laws are written in the USA (not all, though: the famous Rotenberg law was written by patriots), and patriotic deputies, by virtue of the Constitution, are forced to vote for them. Several questions arise here:

  1. Why, then, do these patriots work, according to him, in fact, collaborators, and do not change their place of employment to one where it is not necessary to betray the Fatherland every day?
  2. Why, if all deputies are forced to vote for the proposed bills by order from the Oval Office, then some, including Fyodorov's fellow party members, still abstain, or even vote against? Why can they do it, but Fedorov can't?

In general, only questions from such explanations.

Well, despite the NOD's statement that all the media are pro-American, and they were ordered not to talk about the activities of our liberators, Fedorov obviously settled somewhere in the Ostankino lobby. Otherwise, one cannot explain such a frequent appearance of the hero on TV.

Why do patriots actually work as collaborators, and do not change their place of employment to one where it is not necessary to betray the Fatherland every day?

The followers of Fedorov are distinguished by the complete absence of critical thinking, the ability to seek independent information and even retell the “truth” they heard in their own words. Therefore, they can only copy-paste the texts of their Fuhrer, passing them off as posts on the Internet, then as their comments under them. At some point, the Russian Internet was so inundated with such copy-pastes and tons of creations by the video blogger Fedorov that there were doubts about his ability to digest all this. Digested. But at that time, a small, albeit very active group of people posed as a large number of the movement. This was evident from the actions they carried out: in the regions they gathered a dozen people, in large cities - several hundred. Everything changed last year. After the annexation of Crimea and the entry of the Russian Federation into a covert war with Ukraine, a colossal wave of jingoistic patriotism and the wildest anti-Americanism was raised in the country with the help of state media. After watching TV, many people were filled with a righteous desire to annoy the United States and Obama personally. But the annexation of Crimea and Putin's foreign policy were only small reasons for pride for them against the backdrop of internal problems visible to the naked eye. Therefore, their eyes turned to the NOD, so publicized on TV and the Internet, and the picture of the world in their eyes gathered into a single whole: Putin and his closest associates are good, the Americans are bad, for 20 years the Americans, through their people inside our state, have been preventing Russia from rising from my knees. Now the NOD has not only great financial and informational opportunities, now they have a fairly large number of activists, and their ideas have penetrated the heads of even many people who consider themselves leftists.

Well, enough preludes, let's take a close look at the theoretical basis of the NOD, with which they are so worn. The key thesis of their theoretical papers reads:

In 1991, our country suffered a global geopolitical defeat, which ended the era of confrontation between the two hegemons of the post-war world - the USSR and the USA. The forty-year war of two polar ideologies and the most powerful intelligence agencies, referred to in history as the "cold war", ended in favor of the United States. Following the collapse of the USSR in its disconnected parts, the loss of sovereignty, the collapse of the economy and the degradation of almost all spheres of life followed.

In general, Russia became a US colony, which was officially enshrined in the 1993 Constitution. The definition of the term "colony" in any dictionary says that the colony does not have independent political power, its own economic policy, the metropolis has direct access to resources and controls the army. But in reality, we have the following: the country is led by the permanent father of the peoples, Vladimir Putin, and he is not a protege of the United States, according to the confessions of the same NOD; the economic elite of the country consists entirely of Putin's friends, they are whitewashed in every way by our saviors (remember their active defense of Rotenberg), and the United States is taking sanctions against our oligarchs; the independence of economic policy after the introduction of retaliatory sanctions by our government is beyond doubt; the resources are all owned by the largest Russian corporations with little participation of foreign companies; the army is subordinated formally to the sun-faced supreme commander, and in the Georgian-Russian war of 2008, which is clearly not approved in the United States (FOX News will confirm), we see that in fact. Something is wrong here. It is possible that the NOD has its own definition of a “colony”, with kvass and nashistka.

The generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those stipulated by law, then the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

The inflamed imagination of the Nodovites immediately draws a picture in which somewhere in Washington an agreement is being written, for example, on the legalization of same-sex marriages, and it automatically becomes dominant over domestic Russian legislation. In fact, of course, this is not the case. Here we are dealing with a distorted interpretation of the article of the Constitution by Deputy Fedorov. In order for the treaty to be valid on the territory of Russia, it must first be adopted by the Federal Assembly, and then signed by the President (Articles 86 and 106). Such an experienced deputy cannot but know this, but he prefers to mislead his supporters. The adopted international document has priority over domestic legislation for the reason that otherwise it would have no meaning at all. Why do we need an official document that can not be executed? If you don't want to follow some international norms, don't sign agreements. The United States does just that, which is why, for example, they have not ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Kyoto Protocol. And it is worth noting that in the Constitution of the same United States of America there is such a clause in Article VI:

This Constitution and the laws of the United States made in pursuance of it, and all treaties made or to be made by the power of the United States shall become the supreme law of the land

Apparently, the "evil empire" is someone's colony.

In order to gain some kind of mythical "sovereignty", the NOD suggests that we follow the path of Germany in the 1930s and establish a fascist dictatorship. It is they who in every possible way promote the idea of ​​the appearance on the streets of cities of anti-Maidan squads in the spirit of the Black Hundreds and assault detachments of the NSDAP, the purpose of which is to extinguish the protest in the bud. And all this under anti-fascist slogans with ribbons on the chest.

Another example of colonialism is Article 13, which prohibits the establishment of a state. ideology. First, the NOD greatly exaggerates the role of ideology. The liberators believe that after the state acquires the right to brainwash schoolchildren at the official level, radical changes will take place in the minds of all officials. They will know what the state is striving for, what its official world outlook is, and they will stop taking bribes, doing business through family members, but on the contrary, they will work conscientiously. As if the presidential messages are not enough for them. The utopian nature of such views is visible to the naked eye. Secondly, ideology is understood here as an all-powerful idea that forms an objective reality for itself. And this, of course, is not so. Ideology is a reflection of the consciousness of a certain social stratum, its principles, goals, ideals. Thus communism reflects the consciousness of the working class, liberalism reflects the consciousness of the bourgeois strata, and so on. You can talk as much as you like about the equality of all ideologies, but when only one is realized in practice, it will be hypocrisy. Therefore, any prohibition of state ideology is cunning, it exists in any state. And the ideology of the political and economic elites, of course, acts as the state ideology. Through the mass media and schools, their ideology is imposed on us from above, however, secretly. The NOD, on the other hand, stands for the explicit and forcible introduction into the brain of every Russian of his (or rather, the domestic elite) ideas, without the right to choose.

Article 29 prohibits censorship in the media, which is also possible only in the colonies, according to our heroes. Censorship is needed, because all the media are controlled by the United States. It's funny that insufficient attention on the part of journalists to the NOD and their ideas is often used to prove this, in their opinion, although, we repeat, Fedorov lives on TV, and few people can boast of such information support as the NOD has. In fact, they were more than 10 years late with this requirement. If you start to analyze in detail each media outlet in discussions with Nodovites, it turns out that the news of VGTRK, Pervy, NTV is made by agents like Kiselev introduced by Putin to the pro-American media, and the pro-Americanism of these channels consists only in a rare mention of the opposition. And that with a negative connotation. Then it turns out that only Gazprom's Ekho Moskvy and Dozhd are purely pro-American. Sparsely to change the Constitution somehow. Until now, these media have existed only for the reason that a certain (albeit not very large) audience has a demand for them, and let them watch and listen to controlled “enemy” journalists rather than find some kind of information source as a source of information. completely independent of anyone. Here again GCD, as we see, stands for two times two being four, even though it is four. But instead of more or less gentle planting in the heads of citizens of the "correct" ideas and sorted information, the Nodists want clumsy brainwashing without the right to use alternative sources of information, where a slightly different position from the state would be expressed. Well, at least until they call for burning books that do not fit into the framework of their ideology.

Well, one of the main ideas of the NOD (key in essence, under which the myth of colonialism was invented):

This position (presidential - author's note) was invented by foreigners for the purpose of ruling Russia. And this position is quite specific, its parameters are the guarantor of the constitution. He (Putin) is not the General Secretary, not the tsar.

Translated from Fedorov's into Russian, this means that Putin is a patriot, an excellent leader, but he does not have the proper amount of authority to change the state of affairs in the state.

In terms of powers, the President of the Russian Federation is already comparable to African dictators, and they are clearly enough to do good and eternal things for the country. But at the same time, they are not enough for the NOD.

Let's remember the circumstances of the adoption of the Constitution: the President and Parliament clashed in an armed confrontation, then Yeltsin won, and on the wave of success, his team wrote and pushed through a new main law by hook or by crook. In it, they tried to maximize the scope of the president's powers, minimizing the role of parliament. And after the 1993rd parliament, Yeltsin did not have to be shot, although his opponents made up the majority there. Don't believe me? Let's take a closer look at the Constitution. Only the Federation Council can remove the President, and only on the basis of an accusation brought by the State Duma of high treason or other serious crimes (Article 93). Those. in other words, it is virtually impossible to remove the President from power. The President of the Russian Federation has the right to dissolve parliament (Article 84), appoint his representatives to the highest authorities and subjects of the Russian Federation (Article 83), determine the main directions of domestic and foreign policy (Article 80), issue decrees (Article 90). The President of, for example, the United States (a textbook presidential republic) does not possess anything from the listed list. We see that in terms of powers the President of the Russian Federation is already comparable to African dictators, and they are clearly enough to do good and eternal things for the country. But at the same time, they are not enough for the NOD.

The answer is simple: in addition to the banal removal of responsibility for the current state of affairs in the country from Vladimir Putin, our liberators find an area where the President still lacks authority. Let's read the program of the party formed on the basis of the NOD:

We are for a deep and comprehensive transformation of the country, but at the same time, while transforming the country, we must not allow anyone to destroy it, even if “with the best intentions”. We will do everything to prevent internecine turmoil from fanning out in Russia - for any turmoil leads to a weakening of the country, its further dismemberment.

Making ends meet, we get that the changes requested by the NOD in the political structure are needed solely to combat the so-called. "fifth column". And unlike some leftists, the author of these lines has no doubt that the Communists of Nodov will be attributed to this "fifth column", and not just liberals. It is precisely for an even larger-scale reprisal against dissent that Putin now lacks the authority (it is no coincidence that the comparison with tsars and general secretaries, mainly with Stalin), is precisely what the same ban on censorship is preventing for now. That is, in order to gain some kind of mythical "sovereignty", the NOD suggests that we follow the path of Germany in the 1930s and establish a fascist dictatorship. It is they who in every possible way promote the idea of ​​the appearance on the streets of cities of anti-Maidan squads in the spirit of the Black Hundreds and assault detachments of the NSDAP, the purpose of which is to extinguish the protest in the bud. And all this under anti-fascist slogans with ribbons on the chest. Amazing.


Born May 11, 1963 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Leningrad Higher Military Engineering and Construction School. Army General A. N. Komarovsky, specializing in military power engineering.

From 1985 to 1988 he served in Afghanistan.

1990 - the beginning of a political career. Yevgeny Fedorov was elected a deputy of the Leningrad Regional Council of People's Deputies, a member of the small council, a deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation and Chairman of the subcommittee on economic security of the State Duma.

In 1996, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Insurance Supervision Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

1997 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Defense Council under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

In the 1990s, he was the initiator of the creation of a number of social movements, including the All-Russian political public movement "In support of the development of nuclear energy, industry and science", the All-Russian public movement of depositors of the Savings Bank of Russia, insurers of JSC "Rosgosstrakh" and owners of securities.

He was a member of the political advisory council under the President of the Russian Federation, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Association of Children's Computer Centers "Compass Center", as well as the chairman of the All-Russian Political Public Movement "In Support of Independent Deputies", which in 1999 established an electoral Unity block.

Until 2001, he worked as Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy.

In December 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Unity Party -, subsequently became a member of the General Council of the party.

In April 2005, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes. He was a member of the working (tripartite) group for improving interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation, a member of the State Duma Commission for the Consideration of Federal Budget Expenditures aimed at ensuring the defense and state security of the Russian Federation.

In November 2006, Fedorov became Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, and was also elected a member of the State Duma Commission for the implementation of the annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Member of the Council for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation, Member of the Government Commission for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, Member of the Government Commission for Ensuring the Implementation of Measures to Prevent Bankruptcy of Strategic Enterprises and Organizations, as well as Organizations of the Military Industrial Complex, Member of the Government Commission for Investment Projects member of the Supervisory Board of the State Corporation Rosnanotech, Chairman of the IPA EurAsEC Commission on Customs Regulation and Border Policy.

He was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation from the party and was again appointed Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship.

Since 2011 he has been coordinating the activities National Liberation Movement in Russia.

Scandals, rumors

On January 21, 2011, in an interview, Yevgeny Fedorov said: “This did not happen in Putin’s times, it happened from the very beginning, from the very beginning of the 90s. And to be honest, where did the Russian oligarchs of the late 90s come from, they were picked up by American Chicago boys in the early 90s And I remind you that our history, the Russian state, is based on 10 thousand American advisers who were in all the ministries and departments of Russia, just as the Soviet ones were, for example, in the Afghan ministries and departments, or Polish, or some other. This is how the Russian state became. And, for example, the property ministry, the Federal Property Management Agency, this six-story building, the entire sixth floor was occupied by American advisers. And they appointed who should be an oligarch, who should sell what ... ".

On February 21, 2011, he took part in a debate with a public figure on the topic "United Russia - a party of thieves and corrupt officials or honest, principled patriots?"

As a result of this broadcast, the vast majority of listeners (99%) supported the opinion of Navalny, who called the ruling party "a party of thieves and crooks." In total, 1354 people took part in the voting, which lasted 1 minute.

On March 4, 2011, he proposed creating "strategic governing bodies" in the country that would stand above the head of state. Fedorov's words were published on the party's website. According to his proposal, appropriate changes should be made to the Constitution. Later, she refused to comment on her deputy's idea of ​​a "politburo of the nation," and information about the proposal was removed from the party website.

In 2013, he proposed to withdraw from Constitution of the Russian Federation provisions on a ban on state ideology and on the priority of international law over Russian law, calling the Constitution a "colonial sheet of government."

In 2014, he accused a rock musician Viktor Tsoi in collaboration with CIA. On May 20, during the plenary session of the State Duma, he called for a fight against "traitors and liars in the media", "a powerful fifth column of the media", to which he ranked RBC, Snob, Ekho Moskvy,, Slon and TV channel "Rain". Blamed the musician, stating that " Andrei Makarevich has been collaborating with the Nazis for a long time. He made this choice a long time ago, even when he went over to the side of the enemies of the Russian Federation".

On November 5, 2014, Evgeny Fedorov stated that CBR does not have the right to let the national currency float freely, as this is contrary to paragraph 2 of Art. 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that "the protection and stability of the ruble is the main function of the Central Bank, which it performs independently of other state authorities."

In this regard, Deputy Fedorov sent a request for an audit of the activities of the Central Bank to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

This request also states that, pursuant to Art. 3 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank" protection of the national currency and ensuring its stability is the main goal of the regulator, however, the ruble exchange rate in the period from December 17, 2013 to October 27, 2014 against the dollar fell by 31%, and against the euro - by 22%.

The deputy believes that the deliberate violation of the law has led to the fact that the country suffers huge losses.


According to the submitted declaration, Fedorov's income for 2011 amounted to 3.3 million rubles. He owns two land plots with a total area of ​​5.1 thousand square meters (50 acres), 4 apartments and a car.

Yevgeny Fedorov's income for 2012 amounted to 2.8 million rubles. The composition of real estate and vehicles has not changed compared to last year.

GCD Fedorov: superficial goals, indistinct structure, sinister allies. When a public figure's words differ from his deeds, you need to look for who benefits from his words, and then it will become clear what kind of deeds he is being kept for. It seems that Fedorov works for the Russian Orthodox Church, which is preparing a serious offensive ...

“The church is the most important element of the national liberation movement… it was the church that preserved the understanding of the unity of the state of “Holy Russia” – Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, despite more than 20 years of terrorism, pressure in Russia, the complete destruction of national authorities and national ideas, they have preserved. In this regard, the institution turned out to be the most ideologically stable, despite the pressure. Because the officials abandoned the national course, the deputies refused, the church did not refuse ... ".

5. Evgeny Fedorov claims that the US and the rest "free world(mainly NATO countries) irreconcilably were at enmity with the USSR and sought to destroy it at any cost. Therefore, they allegedly brought Gorbachev to power, staged Perestroika, and so on. , because the USSR was the brainchild of Zionism, which, as all the media unanimously broadcast, allegedly was at enmity with him. In fact, all branches of Zionism are primarily fought with Russia! And then they barked among themselves for trophies (for more details about the "collapse" of the USSR, see the article "How did we live in the USSR?"). And the Soviet Union was built like slave state(as in the past Khazaria), in which an absolutely disenfranchised people diligently worked for the party and Soviet elite, which consisted exclusively of Jews! And in the USA for about two centuries they have been in power exclusively Jews! Why are they at war with themselves? They already got everything they wanted from Russia. Here Comrade. Fedorov too deliberately lying, singing along to the chorus of the rest of the media, spreading any fables to hide the truth about the reasons for the collapse of the USSR and the System of Socialism, described in the article “How did we live in the USSR?” .

6. Evgeny Fedorov claims that Russia has lost to the West cold war, and supposedly that's why all the misfortunes rained down on us. This is not true because the Soviet Union did not fight against the West, even in a "cold" way. The fact is that Russia was captured by the Zionists even to this day remains occupied by them; those. since then (and even a little earlier), power in Russia (and in the West too) belongs exclusively to Jews. Therefore, it made no sense for the West to fight with its vassal, the West already received everything it wanted from Russia! Another thing is that different Jewish branches - Sephardim and Ashkenazim- have long been at odds with each other. Hence the confrontation, and struggle, and wars, and so on. But the Russian people did not fight the West in the Cold War. Such a war in general did not have! There was a war (and it is still going on) between Jewish clans Sephardim and Ashkenazi! I cover this issue in more detail in the article “The attack on Ukraine is a war against the Russian World”. Therefore, Evgeny Fedorov is also misleading us here. I hope not on purpose, but purely because of ignorance of this information.

7. Evgeny Fedorov claims that Russian people supposedly betrayed their homeland, having gone to a rally in Moscow in 1991 and supported the dissolution of the Union. This is not true! The Russian people did not betray their homeland. The Russian people openly expressed rejection the existing slave system and the omnipotence and impunity of the Jewish party elite. In addition, in the referendum, the people in an absolute majority voted for the preservation of the Union! motherland- this is not a Jewish occupation administration, built in Russia in strict accordance with! Yevgeny Fedorov should have remembered this for a long time ...

8. Evgeny Fedorov claims that the Russian people and is now betraying his homeland, without going out into the streets at the invitation of the National Liberation Movement (NOM) created with his participation. This is not true. The people do not follow the NOD, not because they betray Russia! In no case! It's just that NOD, for some reason, still is absent or hiding at least a little bit clear and intelligible Idea and Program actions so that you can understand what this GCD is and where it invites people. That is why the people do not want to follow no one knows who, rightly judging that the leadership of the NOD is either ignorant or provocateurs (the second is more likely against the backdrop of total betrayal by the ruling elite of Russia).

9. Evgeny Fedorov gives an example of the betrayal of the people in the recording of his conversation dated August 22, 2014. He reports there about some law developed in the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance by order of the occupation administration, which should worsen the economic parameters of Russia, and, accordingly, reduce the prosperity of the country's population. This law will be submitted to the Duma in the fall, where it will be adopted. And, says Fedorov (attention!), if the people do not take to the streets and begin to actively protest against this law, then people it turns out it's all my own fault!

This is no longer in any gate climbs! It turns out people, according to Fedorov, these are some incomprehensible people, to whom he neither Ulyukaev, nor Nabiullin, nor the employees who wrote the bad law, nor himself, nor the other five hundred Duma loafers, does not include. It turns out that these people, who are not included in Fedorov's concept of "people", can do anything. And they don't betray anyone! And here people, if he doesn’t take to the streets on time, and doesn’t start loudly protesting against the law, about which he has no idea, and which for some reason was adopted by the “people’s representatives”, in this case the people will be to blame for everything, and we are all so pink, ruddy and fluffy - they are not involved in this constant betrayal. This statement by Fedorov already most of all resembles mockery and to try zombies"the people" with the aim of implicitly instilling in them the attitude to the infallibility of Judaism, which again flooded all the offices of the governing bodies of Russia.

10. Evgeny Fedorov and many other figures argue that it is necessary to build USSR-2, and there supposedly everything will be in chocolate for everyone. This is not true. E. Fedorov must know that the Soviet Union was created Jews. So much has already been written about this that he simply had to know about it for a long time (for details about the Jewish roots of the USSR, see the article “How did we live in the USSR?”). the Soviet Union was slave state in which the entire Russian people was a slave. The USSR was created for this, in order to keep hundreds of millions of Russians in obedience and gradually destroy them. And they were fine until Nikolai Levashov accidentally did not discover and did not destroy the technical means (astral generators), which actually kept the Russian and other white peoples of the planet in obedience. Therefore, those leaders who today consciously call for the restoration of the USSR are main enemies Russian people!