Sheathe the walls of the toilet with plastic panels. Finishing with plastic panels: decorating the toilet. Preparing for paneling

When choosing a cladding for the walls and ceiling of the toilet, one has to be guided by considerations not only of aesthetics, but also of hygiene: ideally, the coating should be smooth and easy to clean. Accordingly, moisture resistance is also required.

Today, in addition to expensive ceramic tiles, only PVC plastic panels for the toilet satisfy these requirements.

As for the ceiling, here they generally act as the only truly acceptable cladding option. Let's see how the toilet is finished with plastic panels (PVC plastic) and how to choose the right material.

Cladding with plastic panels can be done in two ways:

  1. The material is glued to the wall and ceiling like ceramic tiles. In this case, the room almost does not lose in volume, but you can resort to this method only with perfectly flat surfaces. Tile glue or "liquid nails" are used.
  2. The panels are attached to the frame. A method in demand for uneven walls. The cladding will turn out to be perfectly even without laborious “wet” processes - plastering, puttying, etc. But the volume of the room will decrease more than in the first version.

Toilet is paneled

We will consider the option with the frame - as more complex.

Preparation for finishing work

So, there is no need to align the walls and ceiling. However, you still have to do some work in advance. Let's consider them all in order.

Taking measurements

First of all, you need to find out what and how much you need to purchase to complete the cladding. Let's go through the list:

PVC panels

The amount of the base material is determined quite simply: the area of ​​​​the walls and ceiling to be finished is calculated, after which a margin of 15% is added to the result. It is imperative to provide for a margin: some of the panels will go to waste when trimmed, some of them may be damaged.

Ready repair with plastic panels

It would seem that the missing elements, in which case, could be bought in addition, but there is one thing: parts from another batch will most likely have a slightly different shade in comparison with those already purchased. Therefore, everything must be bought in one approach in a known sufficient quantity.


These are additional elements with which the corners and edges of the finish are formed. There are several varieties:

  1. Starting bar: frames the finish in the place where it adjoins the unfinished surface, and forms an internal corner with it.
  2. Ceiling plinth: this is the same starting bar, only having a more interesting shape. Used for framing ceiling cladding.
  3. F profile: frames the edge of the finish in the place where it adjoins the unlined surface, and forms an outer corner with it.
  4. Corner: is external, internal and universal. This detail forms the joint of two lined surfaces.
  5. H profile: used for lengthening short panels.

Accessories for plastic panels

In general, the total length of the ceiling plinth is equal to the perimeter of the toilet ceiling. You will need an internal corner, the total length is equal to the height of the room multiplied by 4. Other details must be selected according to the situation.

frame details

The frame for the installation of plastic panels is assembled both from profiles specially designed for them, and from profiles for the installation of plasterboard structures. In the first case, structural elements can be made on the profiles, to which plastic panels are snapped - then they will not need to be screwed with self-tapping screws.

When assembling the frame, two types of elements are used:

  1. Guide profile (U-shaped): is screwed around the perimeter of the surface to be trimmed and serves to fasten fittings (starting bar or corner) and intermediate frame profiles.
  2. Rack profile (C-shaped): the same intermediate elements are made from it, which are installed with equal pitch over the entire surface and to which plastic panels will be screwed.

The required number of rack profiles is taken on the basis that they will be fastened in increments of 50 - 60 cm.


Used for ceiling lining. The hangers are screwed to the ceiling, after which intermediate frame profiles are attached to them. It is impossible to fasten the profiles directly to the ceiling - there will be no place behind the cladding for installing built-in lamps.

Suspensions are installed along each intermediate profile with a step of 45 - 50 cm.

Dowels and screws

  • Dowels. With their help, suspensions and frame profiles are screwed to capital structures. We calculate the quantity based on the installation step of 40 - 50 cm.
  • Self-tapping screws 15 - 20 mm long. With their help, the panels are screwed to the frame. The optimal pitch is specified by the panel manufacturer.

The choice of material for construction

First of all, you need to know that plastic panels are divided into two types:

  1. Wall: they are distinguished by increased strength and cost accordingly.
  2. Ceiling: they are less durable, since it is almost impossible to damage the lining on the ceiling by negligence. They are cheaper than wall tiles.

The panels also vary in size. In a small room, narrow panels should be used, which are called slats or plastic lining. If you do the opposite and apply large details, then the toilet will seem very small and cramped.

The walls of the toilet are finished with PVC

Those who pay special attention to design will surely find it interesting to install special decorative inserts between the panels.

An important issue is the quality of the panels. Here's what to look out for:

  1. Stiffeners inside the product should be located as often as possible.
  2. The front side must be absolutely smooth. If stiffening ribs are guessed under it, you have a low-quality material in front of you.
  3. The thicker the plastic, the better. Please note: this is not about the thickness of the panel as a whole, but about the thickness of all its components - outer sheets and inner ribs. To check, you need to squeeze the panel with two fingers. If the ribs are bent at the same time, and dents remain on the surface, it is better to refuse to buy this brand.
  4. Plastic should not be brittle, for which special additives are added to it. Manufacturers of cheap species tend to save on such an additive. Bend the strip at the edge of the panel that is used to snap the adjacent piece. If a dent remains in the bend area, and even more so if the plastic is cracked, it is clearly of poor quality.
  5. Discard material with a strong odor immediately. It indicates that plastic is gassing, that is, it emits volatile substances that adversely affect health.
  6. The appearance of the panels must be impeccable: the color is uniform, the pattern is clearly printed.

If in any doubt, do not hesitate to ask for a certificate.

Required Tools

In addition to the finishing material for work, you need to prepare the following:

  • plumb;
  • level: it is desirable to have both bubble and water;
  • perforator or impact drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • metal scissors;
  • roulette;
  • roller and brush;
  • spool of kapron threads;

Stock up on a marker or pencil.

Surface preparation for finishing

The purpose of this stage is to prevent the development of mold and mildew on the surfaces hidden under the lining.

Here's what to do:

  1. Old finishes that may present a potential hazard are removed. This concept refers to any wallpaper, areas of painted surfaces on which the paint has peeled off. If the wallpaper is still holding tightly, they need to be soaked with warm water (it is convenient to do this with a roller), after which it will be quite easy to remove them.
  2. Next, an antiseptic primer is applied to the surface with a roller.


How to sheathe (finish) the toilet with plastic panels?

Finishing is mounted as follows:

  1. The frame is installed first. To clad the ceiling on the walls around the entire perimeter, a guide profile is screwed, stepping back from the ceiling the required distance. These elements must be in the same horizontal plane, so the markings for them must be applied using a water level.
  2. Next, nylon threads are pulled between the guide profiles to indicate the horizontal plane, and then, guided by them, intermediate profiles are installed on hangers.
  3. When finishing the wall, you first need to designate a vertical plane with the help of nylon threads, for which a plumb line is used. Next, segments of the rack profile are screwed to the wall, so that their faces lie in the designated plane. In places where the wall surface has deflections, linings must be installed under the profile.
  4. Next, starting strips are attached to the frame (for wall cladding) or ceiling plinths (for the ceiling).
  5. Having freed the first plastic panel from the protective film and cut it to length, it is brought on one side under the starting profile and screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws.
  6. The rest of the panels are installed in the same way. Luminaires must be installed and checked during installation, so that later, if the lighting system does not work, you do not have to disassemble the ceiling.
  7. The last panel is also cut in width, after which a starting profile is put on it on one side. The panel must be cut along the length so that it can be inserted end-to-end into the starting profiles without bending. Next, the guide profile is lubricated with “liquid nails” glue, the last panel is put in place, snapped to the previous one, and the starting profile put on it is glued to the frame guide profile.

An example of finishing a toilet with do-it-yourself plastic panels

Before cutting each panel to the correct length, check the actual dimension between the profiles at the location where it will be installed.

Related video

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 4 minutes

Not every home master can put tiles in the bathroom himself. That is why many people prefer to resort to an easier way to ennoble this room - to make it with plastic panels. The main advantage of structures of this type is the assembly according to the principle of the designer, which makes it possible to disassemble the panels easily and without loss if necessary. The design features of this type of finish allow oxygen to circulate freely, which is fundamentally important in conditions of high humidity.

Benefits of choosing PVC panels

  • Low price, which varies depending on the quality of the material and the prestige of its manufacturer, but generally remains affordable.
  • If the installation work is not carried out independently, then you will have to pay much less for the services of the master than for laying ceramic tiles or, for example, natural stone.
  • Resistant to fluctuations in humidity. Plastic is not afraid of drops of water, temperature changes, mold, fungi. Even if the material is used in an unheated room, there will be no deformation or loss of color brightness.
  • Reliable manufacturers guarantee the safety of their products of all properties for a quarter of a century.
  • Unpretentiousness in use and care. Plastic panels are remarkably washed from dirt with a soapy solution.

The plastic trim also has several disadvantages:

  • Installing plastic panels will still steal some toilet space, which does not happen when painting or wallpapering.
  • Vinyl does not burn well, but if it begins to melt, it releases acrid, toxic smoke.
  • Choosing a plastic finish from unscrupulous sellers, you can buy a low-quality product that will be very fragile, brittle.

On the video you can see the results of the repair in the toilet when it is finished with PVC panels:

Examples of repairing a toilet with plastic panels with your own hands are shown in the photo below.

The cost of repairing a toilet using plastic panels

If you have not decided which is better - to upgrade the bathroom yourself or order a turnkey toilet repair service, keep in mind that in Moscow such a repair with plastic paneling will cost you 11-13 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - 9-11 thousand rubles. In the regions, prices can vary quite significantly.

Choosing panels for finishing the toilet

  1. PVC is an incredibly flexible material that bends at an angle of more than 90⁰. You can check the quality of the material if you take the panel from different ends with your hands and start bending it. High-quality plastic will bend into a ring.
  2. Smell the material you buy. Your nose should not smell anything, because high-quality plastic is devoid of any odors.
  3. Narrower panels are easier to properly level, wide ones will leave a lot of unnecessary trimmings.
  4. All quality products have the appropriate certificates. Their absence from the seller should make you suspicious.

Advice. When buying PVC panels, always take a small stock of several elements. After all, if during the laying process it turns out that your initial calculations were wrong, it may turn out that just such a model is no longer available.

We mount plastic panels in the toilet

Sheathing a toilet with your own hands using plastic panels is not at all a difficult task if you have the desire and a supply of free time.

Before you go to the store, recalculate the area of ​​​​future installation, add another 15% to the resulting figure for cuts.

Necessary materials and tools

Before you make the installation of plastic panels in the toilet, you need to stock up on useful equipment. You will need:

  • PVC panels, as well as edging profile for them;
  • aluminum or plastic profile;
  • hydraulic level;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver and drill;
  • cutting tool;
  • drawing tool.

Preliminary work

Before starting the installation of plastic trim, perform the following steps:

  1. We remove the old finish from the walls.
  2. If possible, we change the old wiring and water pipes.
  3. We process the walls with a primer mixture.
  4. If it is planned to install cabinets, shelves, accessories in the room, we install additional strips under them.
  5. The material must be brought into the apartment a few hours before the start of work so that its temperature equals the temperature in the room.


The sequence of work will be as follows:

  • We fix plastic or metal guides on the walls.
  • On the ceiling, the crate should be mounted perpendicular to the direction of fixing the plastic elements, and on the walls - horizontally.
  • We install guides in increments of 0.5 m.
  • Fixing profiles.
  • Carefully insert the first plastic panel into the U-shaped profile, fix it with self-tapping screws. Some builders use a construction stapler for fixing, but this step is only acceptable if a wooden crate is installed, which is inappropriate in toilets.

Not a single family in our country and abroad could do without such an important event as repair. In any case, it is inevitable that it is necessary to carry out repair and finishing work, both in the bathroom and in the toilet. And here there is not such a wide spread in techniques and materials, as, for example, in the living room or bedroom, but even a small separate toilet can be turned into a stylish and cozy place.

Plastic panels for bathroom and toilet walls

Many have heard about the wonderful and beautiful PVC panels that can be used both for the walls of a bathroom or bathroom, and for the ceiling, and some types of such panels can also be laid on the floor surface. It all depends on the personal wishes of the person and his material capabilities.

In today's market rich in building materials, you can find a wide range of types of plastic panels that can harmoniously decorate any bathroom and merge into the concept of almost any design.

Material types:

  • Wall panels made of plastic, decorated with a decorative frieze;
  • Sheet plastic panels of sheet type;
  • PVC panels imitating wood;
  • Photo panels;
  • Plastic panels with a pattern applied by a laser;
  • PVC panels with thermal printing.

Photo-panels - decorative panels with photo printing applied to them. They allow you to design wall panels with almost any image, whether it is a view of a fantasy world, a magnificent waterfall or the face of an unloved boss.

It all depends on the wishes of the customer and the ideas of the design specialist.

Each of these types of panels for finishing a toilet or bathroom can be used in an interior of any complexity and theme, whether it is a hint of a Victorian house, or an imitation of Provence or Art Nouveau style.

Option to finish the toilet with PVC panels: examples and photos

Despite the fact that many people have long seen what beauty can be done with plastic wall panels, what the most interesting and exclusive ideas can be brought to life, they still do not understand why friends or relatives gave their preference for just this type of panels, if there are many other materials, for example, MDF panels.

The whole secret lies in the advantages of PVC panels over other decorative wall materials:

  1. In the case of finishing the walls of the toilet with plastic panels, a person does not face such a question as a special preparation of the working surface of the walls. Panels can be mounted even on not the smoothest surface. This, as practice shows, allows you to save material resources, which usually go to additional work to level the walls. In addition, the panels allow you to hide defects and uneven walls.
  2. Lightweight plastic panels can be installed by one person, which is also a big plus, because in the bathroom or, especially, the toilet, there is not much space for several masters to turn around.
  3. PVC panels are an exclusively environmentally friendly finishing material. For all the time of its service, plastic under any temperature conditions remains safe for people and animals. A toilet finished with such wall panels does not rot, mold or fungus does not form on it even at the highest humidity, which makes the plastic material ideal for use in the bathroom.
  4. Finishing with such plates guarantees easy cleaning. Any housewife will confirm that this is a big plus when you don’t need to think about how best to carry out wet cleaning in a particular room.
  5. Ease of installation allows installation even for a novice master.
  6. Excellent looking material. Any picture can be displayed on the panels. It all looks beautiful and impressive.
  7. Long service life. With proper care, plastic panels can last for many decades.
  8. Wall cladding with PVC panels is quite cheap due to the availability of prices for the material itself.

All these advantages of plastic panels allow them to become an increasingly popular and popular material for use in the interior of a toilet or bathroom. And yet, as practice shows, there can be no pluses alone. PVC wall panels have a minus - they can be quite fragile, and break through if you lean on them or throw something heavy or sharp at the wall.

The use of panels in the toilet: photos and decor methods

Design solutions of specialists may involve the use of plastic panels on completely different surfaces and planes. By themselves, plastic panels, depending on the thickness and maximum load, can be installed on different surfaces.


  1. On the walls. The classic use of plastic panels. Here, the choice of the type and quality of the material depends only on the wishes of the person himself, the idea of ​​the designer or the amount of available funds.
  2. On the ceiling. Often used to visually enlarge the space. For example, with the help of panels, you can turn the ceiling into a sunny clear sky, or a starry night sky. A ceiling sheathed in this way in a large toilet can make the human brain perceive the bathroom on a larger scale.
  3. On the floor. The floor version of the panels is not used so often, but is also quite popular. With the help of panels, you can make the bottom of the ocean out of an ordinary boring toilet floor or simply space floor, that is, everything your soul desires.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that at this stage in the market of building and finishing materials there is an extensive selection of panel colors for any purpose. You can find red, black, white panels, colorful or with drawings.

Panels using photo printing are very popular.

For example, this method can allow you to recreate in the bathroom or toilet the atmosphere of being on a paradise island or in outer space or the ocean, where you will create a complete feeling that the owner is among exotic fish, especially if the walls, floor, and ceiling are made in the same style.

Repair in the toilet with plastic panels: photos and examples

When the choice is made according to the place of installation of the panels, their appearance, colors and all the nuances are clarified, the question arises before the person “how to install plastic panels?”. There are the following options - contact a finishing work specialist, pay him a certain amount and enjoy the work done, or do everything yourself. The latter option is more economical, besides, if you make repairs with your own hands, it will be much more pleasant.

If you decide to carry out extensive installation yourself, then you first need to decide on the type and features of installation work with plastic tiles. If self-adhesive PVC tiles are used, then the work will not take much time. It will be necessary to remove the protective layer and glue the finishing material to the surface. It should be understood that in this case it is better to glue on a flat surface. Installation with glue - the back surface of the tile is treated with a thin layer of glue. Then it is glued to the surface of the wall of the bathroom or toilet. Installation work using crates - in this case, a perfectly smooth surface is not required. A plastic or metal batten system is attached to the wall, to which plastic panels are subsequently glued. Tiles and panels are fixed with adhesive solutions.

Finishing the toilet with plastic panels: design (video)

Someone prefers to make repairs all at once in the whole house or apartment at the same time, someone prefers a leisurely gradual repair, when you are first busy with one room in your home, then another, and gradually the whole house is repaired, but having done everything according to your ideas, turns out very nice.

Repairing a toilet with plastic panels with your own hands has two obvious advantages in the title - this is the swiftness and cost-effectiveness of such a finish. At the same time, it is quite possible to achieve a design effect and guarantee the durability of the repair, if you avoid typical mistakes when working with PVC panels.

Toilet renovation - why plastic?

Plastic as a finishing material for walls and ceilings has a whole range of advantages:

  • The lightness of the material is such that even a teenager can install PVC panels in the toilet, physical strength for such work is not required;
  • Cheapness - compared to tiles, plastic is 3-6 times more economical;
  • You don’t have to level the walls and ceiling, their irregularities will be “smoothed out” when installing the frame base;
  • Polyvinyl chloride is completely inert to moisture. Just do not confuse this quality with moisture resistance, not a single type of PVC panel will become an obstacle to dampness. Waterproofing will have to be taken care of in advance, at the stage of installing the frame;
  • Ease of maintenance and cleaning. After high-quality installation, cleaning up the toilet will be a matter of 5-10 minutes, just wipe the plastic surface with a damp cloth;
  • Durability - the original appearance of the plastic panel is difficult to damage, even if desired. The material is resistant to most types of household chemicals, solvents and oxidizers.

Naturally, plastic panels have their drawbacks, otherwise, due to their low price and installation advantages, they would have long ago taken a monopoly position in the market of finishing materials. The main disadvantages:

  • Any plastic burns, and PVC wall panels are no exception. Manufacturers indicate data on its thermal stability and self-extinguishing qualities, but even smoldering polyvinyl chloride becomes a source of toxic gases. A fire in a toilet lined with plastic is a real danger, it must be taken into account when smoking, working with open fire, etc.;
  • Finishing the toilet with PVC panels is not as simple as it seems. A lot depends on the stage of preparation, which we will discuss in detail below. The preparatory stage begins not in the apartment, but also in the store;
  • Plastic trim will narrow the dimensions of the room by at least 3-4 cm from each wall and ceiling. With uneven walls, the spatial loss will be even greater. For the height of the toilet, such a decrease is not critical, but for the length and width it can lead to certain inconveniences - for example, during the further installation of plumbing, when opening and closing doors, etc.

Therefore, plastic is installed on the ceiling of sanitary facilities more often than on walls. There are various design options for mixed wall renovations, using ceramic tiles and PVC panels, but they are more relevant for bathrooms than for smaller toilets.

Finishing the toilet with PVC panels - choose the main and consumable material

One of the main mistakes when choosing wall plastic is the primary focus on its design qualities. . The strength of the panels is much more important than the pattern and patterns! This material of any strength is suitable for the ceiling, and we lean on the walls with our hands, hang shelves and accessories, etc. Therefore, start the selection with the rigidity of the panels - the higher it is, the better. A rigid panel will not vibrate when accidentally touched and will require less effort when installing the frame, because. mounting clearances can be made wider.

After selecting sufficiently strong PVC panels, we pay attention ... no, not yet to the color, but to their size and design. The length of wall plastic is standard (3 meters), and the width varies from 12 to 25 cm. The wider the PVC panel, the more precisely and evenly the frame base is required to which it will be attached. If you do not have natural carpentry talents, choose a width up to 15 cm.

Now you can choose colors and patterns for the glossy "packaging" of your toilet. And do not save on fittings - plastic corners and endings. The strength and aesthetics of the entire repair depend on these fastening strips. They should be of a similar color to the main panels, with wide shelves for easy attachment. Buy plastic fittings with a margin - at the first attempts to fit it, mistakes are possible, and you hardly want to go to the market around several corners.

As a rack base of the frame, use slats with dimensions from 20x25 mm. For proper strength, it is more reasonable to choose a square section of the rails, from 30x30 mm. Pay attention to their straightness, for which do not hesitate to untie a stack of rails and measure several (or even each).

On curved rails, even the Tula Lefty will not be able to build an even frame. Buy self-tapping screws for attaching the frame base to the walls and mounting studs for the plastic itself. Construction nails of small size will not work; rather, you need an analogue of roofing nails, but with a low head. If the toilet is damp or the neighbors from above are distinguished by man-made "floods", you will need an antiseptic composition for wood treatment.

Repair of the toilet with plastic panels - we mount the frame with our own hands

Even before the toilet is repaired with plastic, a toilet must be installed and floor tiles laid; a ready-made flat floor is required for work. Fold all the plastic away from the repair area, with a quality installation of the frame, its installation will take only a few hours, but this will be later.

Mounting the frame for plastic panels - step by step diagram

Step 1: Treating the rails with an antiseptic

This step is often skipped, but in vain. If you carefully coat the rack base with compounds against rotting and fungus, it will last for decades and will not lose its strength from dampness. Due to the fact that most of these compounds are toxic, the processing of the rails can be done outdoors the day before installation - they can also be dried there, bringing the bars ready for hydro-disturbances into the apartment. It is necessary to lubricate the entire surface with an antiseptic, with the exception of the ends - the same requirements as for the overlap between floors, a tree is a tree.

Step 2: Set up the side rails

These are the four slats in the corners of our room for the obligatory reflections. Their installation has its own secret - the main rails should not touch the floor and ceiling. Why do they put small scraps of the same plastic under them, and then pull out impromptu linings when the rail is firmly fixed to the wall with screws. The exact installation of the side racks is very important, they are installed strictly on a plumb line, the parallelism of the edges is checked with a wide steel ruler. In fact, the accuracy of the entire frame depends on these "four pillars". Fastening is carried out in increments of 30-40 cm with self-tapping screws, under which holes are drilled in the walls (at least 5 cm deep), plastic plugs are hammered into the holes.

Step 3: Side railing

Along the lower and upper perimeters of the room, bars for the lower ends and upper corners are attached to the main vertical rails, respectively. Mounting screws are twisted at an angle of 45 ˚ to securely "hook" both rails. After the end screws, the fasteners of the battens are supplemented by fastening the rails to the walls using long self-tapping screws. When the frame "skeleton" is ready, additional racks or crossbars are mounted (depending on the direction of laying the plastic, vertical or horizontal). Make the step between the frame racks smaller, about 50 cm - then the reliability will be higher, and the strength of the entire structure will be "like a glove".

Step 4: Mounting hardware

Plastic fittings are nailed to the main racks and perimeter rails. Its corners are cut with a sharp knife at an angle of 45˚, with the calculation of an exact articulation from the visible side. Due to the elasticity of the plastic panels, the entire fitting is mounted, in all corners and turns. The step between the nails is the same 30-35 cm. If the rail lags behind the wall, then plastic scraps are squeezed tightly into the slot, and only then the nail is hammered. A separate topic is mounting nails. They should have wide and flat hats. If you could not find such nails, buy any 20-25 mm long and cut 1x1 cm spacers from PET bottles. They will attract the plastic to the tree and will not damage it. The last blows with a hammer should not be performed directly on the nail, but on an auxiliary nozzle such as a bolt, so as not to damage the corners or the panel itself.

Installation of PVC panels in the toilet - according to the finished frame, it's quick and easy

When the frame with fittings nailed to it is completely ready, the installation of PVC panels is easy and pleasant. Each part is sawn off with a hacksaw with fine teeth, about 1-1.5 cm less than the seat (the lack of size is compensated by the hardware shelves), inserted into the grooves, slightly fed back and nailed to the rails. All subsequent plastic elements are pushed all the way into the previous panel and fastened in the same way - with nails, with plastic washers, with a guarantee that the plastic will not be hit by a hammer.

The last PVC panels will need to be cut to length, this must be done with great accuracy. The cut panel is brought into the corner until it stops and gently pushed into the lock of the previous one with a thin screwdriver. Therefore, the size of the locks is always less than the seats in the fittings - the last panel must have contact with their surface. It cannot be fixed with nails, so the completion of the wall decoration must be done in the most inaccessible place for movement.

Do-it-yourself repair of the toilet with plastic panels is completed. Do not forget to leave mounting marks on the new plastic, on which shelves, a toilet paper holder, an exhaust hood, etc. will subsequently be attached. - the search for plastic-covered rails is not included in our installation plans.

A bathroom is a very important room in any apartment, which is why many people are concerned about the question of how to finish the toilet. What is this room? As a rule, we are talking about a small, separate room for sanitary purposes, however, someone loves to retire here in order to be alone, just to read. That is why it is very important that the bathroom is distinguished not only by convenience, but also by cosiness, comfort, beauty.

Finishing steps

How to finish the toilet in the apartment? The scheme is something like this:

  • First work with the walls;
  • Then they make the ceiling;
  • After the floor covering is equipped.

A fairly common question is how to decorate a toilet other than tiles. In fact, the choice of finishing materials is great, but when working, it is important to take into account the fact that the level of humidity in this room is very high.

Like it or not, the main finishing material for bathrooms is still ceramic tiles. The tile is used for wall cladding, it is also chosen to cover the floors.

It is not difficult to explain such popularity - the tile responds perfectly to moisture, as well as open water, therefore, this is a very big plus. If you want to use some other option, you should pay attention to the plastic panels for finishing the toilet, but we will talk about this a little later.

Wall covering

Before talking about how to decorate a toilet other than tiles, let's talk about trends in this area. Bathrooms that look bright, beautiful, and tasteful are considered a good tone in our time. Tiling - this option can be called aesthetic, practical. However, if you pay attention to the cost, such a solution will not be cheap, the work will be quite time-consuming. It is important to remember when choosing toilet tiles that the room is not too spacious, therefore, it is worth abandoning dark colors - in order to prevent visual reduction of space. The ideal way: buying light-colored tiles - the dimensions will increase visually, as if “opening up” towards visitors.

What is also good, in our time, manufacturers make tiles of various characteristics - the choice is rich both in terms of texture and in shades, there are many decorative elements for tiles. To make the bathroom look cozier, it is recommended to select some combined options - to look bright, but not too catchy.

It is important to remember that the tile in the toilet often comes into contact with certain chemicals, therefore, the material must have moisture resistance, acid resistance.

An excellent option, for example, is a tile with high chemical resistance. A simpler solution, at the same time the most optimal and cheapest, is to decorate the toilet with plastic panels. To do this work, you do not need any serious skills. Let's talk about how to panel the toilet, what work needs to be done for this.

Wall decoration with plastic panels

How to finish the toilet with plastic panels? This is not difficult - first they make a crate: wooden blocks are attached to the walls of the bathroom, they should be 0.2 by 0.3 cm or so.

When the crate is completed, plastic panels are installed on it. For fastening, they usually choose a construction stapler - in this case, it turns out to work very conveniently and quickly.

Special transitional plastic corners are installed at the corners. You can choose plastic panels both by pattern and color, but the main advantage of this material is its excellent resistance to moisture. Of course, there are other finishing options - you can, for example, choose MDF lining: in this case, the bathroom will be decorated "under the wood."

The fact is that repair is a rather acute, painful topic for any modern person. It becomes especially disturbing in the soul when the repair will be carried out in the toilet or bathroom. If you choose traditional tiling, you will need a large amount of money - it is unlikely that the budget of an ordinary family will cope with such a “damage”.

If finances are limited, it's time to finish the toilet with PVC panels - this method is being chosen more and more often today when the question arises of how to finish the toilet other than tiles.

What are the advantages of PVC

In recent years, this finishing material has gained great popularity, but what is most interesting is that not every person knows about all its advantages.

  1. For example, the panels will not rot - even after a few years the material will not change its properties.
  2. Also, the panels are very beautiful, especially in modern design. You can hardly find anything better for the same price.
  3. Fast installation work: it does not take a lot of time to finish the toilet with PVC panels.

If the bathroom has a standard shape, and you have all the necessary materials and tools at hand, you can finish the cladding, if desired, in one day (of course, this does not include finishing). What can I say - efficiency today is a priority for many works, all the more you can forget about cement, tiles, and other tedious procedures.

What you need to work with PVC panels

First, select the panels themselves. Here everything can be done in accordance with your own tastes - the choice of color schemes is rich today, so everyone will find something interesting for themselves. It should also be remembered that it is imperative to purchase the necessary consumables, the necessary tools - without all this, it will hardly be possible to sheathe the walls of the toilet with plastic panels. What do you need to buy for cladding?

  • A quality utility knife: you need to make sure that it can cut panels optimally, without any effort. Thinking of using a kitchen knife for this job? It is possible and so, but at your own peril and risk - plastic, as a rule, quickly blunts metal, cut lines will also turn out to be crooked.
  • Self-tapping screws, screwdriver: during work, you will have to fasten panels to the crate. Dowels may also be required.
  • You need bars with a cross section of 3 by 10 cm, or you can choose an aluminum profile, the main thing is that it has a similar configuration.
  • If you plan to throw panels directly on the wall, you need to get liquid nails, a gun for their application, mounting foam.
  • Repair work should not be started without a tape measure, a building level, decorative skirting boards and profile corners.

Choice of paneling method

If the decision is made, it's time to find out how to panel the toilet. To begin with, it is worth understanding which method of fixing the panels on the walls to use. There are two possible ways:

  1. On a crate made of wood or a metal profile;
  2. With foam.

If the second option is chosen, it is worth buying cylinders on which the expiration date is “fresh”. In this case, the foam output will be much greater. Which method should you personally choose? If the bathroom in the apartment is spacious enough, there are even brick or concrete walls, it makes no sense to work on the crate. Plastic panels are best attached to liquid nails.

Be sure to keep in mind - in the process of work you will have to be patient, in a matter of seconds PVC does not stick. Moreover, you will need to either hold the panels yourself, or install spacers between the walls.

Gluing panels on liquid nails is nothing complicated in such work, so let's talk about how to work with the crate correctly.

Preparing for paneling

Before starting work, the toilet needs to be prepared - all trim elements that may interfere are removed, sockets and lighting devices are removed. If the work can be complicated by hoses or pipes, in an ideal situation it is better to dismantle it all, otherwise it will be much more difficult to finish the toilet with PVC panels.

There is another relevant remark - you can often stumble upon messages on the net, as if timber is not the best material for lathing. They write that it can deform, swell - because of this, the wall will immediately begin to look not very attractive. If indeed the humidity level in the room rises regularly, it is worth considering such statements: there is some common sense in them. But there is also a way out - just before sheathing the toilet with plastic panels, the timber is carefully processed: any antiseptic for wood is suitable for this. If the humidity level is normal, there is no reason to worry at all.

Starting work on finishing the bathroom with PVC panels

First, the crate is attached. Since almost always the panels will be located from top to bottom, it is necessary to fix the bars perpendicular to the floor. To do this job, dowels are usually used. Since something will also need to be done with the ceiling, the crate is also attached to it.

It is recommended to maintain a distance of up to 400-500 mm between individual bars. The correctness of fixing the bars is constantly monitored - this is done using the building level.

Before sheathing the toilet with plastic panels, you need to fix decorative profiles in the corners - the very ones where the corner panels will then be inserted.

Get to work from the corner. One edge of the PVC panel is inserted into the profile, after which the second side is attached to the screws.

The screw must be screwed into the lock, which is flexible and large.

How to cut plastic panels– many people ask this question. In fact, there is nothing complicated here: the panels are turned over with the wrong side out, laid on some solid base, then an incision is made with a clerical knife. It turns out a line, the panel breaks along it, the thin layer of plastic that remains is cut off with the same knife.

Already with the next panel, everything will be easier: it must be inserted until a distinct click occurs. Then re-attach with screws. You can finish the ceiling in the PVC toilet in the same way (if these works are in the plans, a profile should be installed on its surface). Further, you can take on decorative linings and skirting boards, with which you can easily hide defects, various technological gaps.

Something like this, everyone can finish the toilet with plastic panels. There are no special, insoluble difficulties in the work. The main thing in the process of execution is to carefully fasten the panels to each other - so that there are no gaps. It is better to put ceiling plinths on glue - they are needed only for decoration.

Finishing MDF panels (lining)

We have analyzed in detail how to panel a toilet, now a few words about MDF panels. These are very thin, light panels, the facing layer of which imitates expensive wood species. Often this finishing option is chosen for large toilets, or for those cases when you want to get a room decorated in a classic style.

What is good lining? The panels are moisture resistant, perfectly tolerate the effects of various microorganisms, harmful fungi - thanks to all this, MDF panels can be called hygienic, safe for domestic use.

Yes, this option in terms of cost will cost more than tile, but there is significant savings when compared with natural wood. In general, the walls in the bathroom can be whatever you want - the most important thing is that they are water resistant and smooth.

Wallpapering bathroom walls

If we consider the decoration of the walls of the toilet with wallpaper, we can say that this is the cheapest, fastest way to decorate the room. The main basic condition for such work is even, smooth walls. But there is one drawback - many wallpapers are very susceptible to a wet wall. If you choose wallpaper for finishing the toilet, then only moisture resistant or vinyl.

How to finish the ceiling of the toilet

Facing the ceiling of the bathroom is the second stage of repair work in this room. Everyone knows that the toilet is the place where you need to regularly perform wet cleaning. That is, the ideal solution for the top is a moisture-resistant ceiling. There are several options for finishing this place:

  • Moisture resistant drywall;
  • Plastic plates;
  • Suspended structures made of aluminium.

Today, stretch ceilings are often chosen. This tool is very attractive. What is most interesting, spotlights can be installed in a similar design. This is a big plus for small spaces - the fact is that light from the lamps is reflected on shiny surfaces, thanks to which the space can be optically expanded.

An alternative solution that will tell you how to finish the toilet is to equip the ceiling with foam plastic decorative plates. However, you can just paint the surface in some pretty color. Shelves in the bathroom, made of PVC panels - a really good, practical solution.

Floor cladding

Processing the floor begins at the final stage of repair in the toilet. Of course, the best suggestion is to tile the floor in the bathroom. This method looks great, it is very easy to clean if you use certain cleaning products. On the floor, the tiles are selected taking into account some requirements, for example, it should be well combined with the coating that is on the walls. The design, which was carefully chosen for laying tiles on the floor surface, will make the toilet more voluminous visually.

The floor in the toilet is often exposed to temperature changes, and high humidity is also observed here. In the toilet (when compared with the bathroom), only waterproofing can be performed - it is usually applied not only to the floor, but also to the surface of the walls - at least 20 cm.

The ideal solution is tiles in the toilet, both for the floor and for the walls. But there are also more economical, practical options, for example, linoleum. To carry out the laying of this material, special skills are not needed; these floors are easy to equip on their own. If you want the toilet to have a film underfloor heating, you should definitely implement it - it will be very comfortable in the room. At the end of laying the floor, skirting boards are installed. What is also interesting is that various communications usually lie in the toilet: sewer, water pipes, and so on. It is important to make the finish so that all these elements are hidden from view. But access to them should always be - if necessary, special doors are mounted so that you can quickly get to one or another communication node. Boxes are often made of plastic or moisture-resistant drywall, it is also finished - usually the same material is chosen as for wall cladding. This is the only way to achieve the ultimate goal - a practical, comfortable, comfortable bathroom in the apartment.

Video: toilet finishing

We bring to your attention an excellent video - how to decorate the toilet with your own hands. After viewing, everyone will understand that such works are not too complicated, so it is not so important to seek help from specialists.