Make a craft out of tires. Crafts from tires: beautiful ideas for decorating and decorating playgrounds, gardens and gardens. Simple flower bed

It is always nice to make something useful out of a junk item, and if the craft turns out to be beautiful as well, the pleasure is double. One example is tire crafts. They make decorations for a country or garden plot, various flowerpots and flower girls, build children's attractions and even make country furniture - tables and chairs.

Flowerbeds and flower beds from tires

Let's start with the most, perhaps, simple flower beds and flower beds. Do you think it is difficult to make a multi-tiered one? Maybe, but not from tires. Take several pieces of different sizes, paint them in bright colors and fold them in a slide - one on top of the other. To prevent your slide from falling apart, fasten the tires from the inside with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Two per connection will suffice. Inside you fill up the soil, plant the plants. So that the soil does not spill out, you can lay the tire inside with a piece. It will remove excess water, but will not allow the earth to get enough sleep. A beautiful tiered flower garden is ready.

If you like flower beds of the correct form, you can make these. For example, folding a flower bed in the form of a camomile out of tires. First, lay out and fasten the tires together in the lower tier. Fill the middle of the tires with earth, as well as the free space inside the circle. There, for better drainage, you can lay broken bricks or other construction debris, sprinkle a little earth on top and tamp. On the prepared surface, stepping back from the edge by more than half the diameter of the tire, lay out the second tier. They are also fastened together, the middle is covered with soil, and the core is erected on top. At the very top, you can plant tall flowers, and on the lower tiers - curb or undersized.

Another option for flowerbeds of tires in the form of chamomile is in one tier. To do this, you will have to cut the tires.

How to cut tires

In general, when making crafts from tires, they often need to be cut. This is far from easy. It is more or less easy to cut off the side surface from the tread. People with strong hands and good knives do it by hand. Good, by the way, training for the hands and the entire shoulder girdle. If you already cut with a knife, lubricate the blade with grease: rubber constantly “jams” the metal, and the blade coated with grease slips well.

You can also cut off the sidewall with a jigsaw or grinder. Cutting with a grinder is relatively fast, but the stench is wild. Therefore, the grinder, even if there is one, only makes the first cut, so that you can introduce a jigsaw file. Further work with this tool. For cutting rubber, a blade with a reverse tooth made of good steel is taken.

If you have to cut the tread, it is useless to do it with a jigsaw or even more so with a knife. At least with an ordinary knife. Blades made of special steel can even cut iron cord, but hardly anyone wants to disfigure such a tool on an old tire. Therefore, most often they work as a grinder. To avoid trouble, the protector is fixed: always think about safety. If the sidewalls are already cut off, the tread band is quite elastic and can be compressed with a clamp. Cut, it does not spring.

Flowerpot from the wheel: turn out the tires

If there is a tire with an old rim, you can make a flowerpot on a leg out of it.

To do this, cut one sidewall along the tread. And they turn out. This is not an easy task: it requires considerable physical strength and perseverance. The rubber is elastic and it is impossible to turn it out the first time. If not at all, notches are made on the outside across the tread. They should be quite deep, but not through. It will also help if you make cuts along the edge with a depth of at least 5-7 centimeters. They will look like fringes on an inverted tire.

Why turn out? The inner surface is smoother, and the shape can turn out to be more interesting, especially if the edge is not linear, but jagged. You will get a gracefully bent decoration.

For details on how to turn a tire, see the video.

Similarly, you can turn out a tire without a rim. The sequence of actions is the same. First, one of the sidewalls is cut off - straight or in a zigzag. In order for the "petals" to be even, it is desirable to mark them. It is convenient to do this with chalk. According to the mark, they are then cut with an electric jigsaw or a knife (if the cord is synthetic).

They twist it like this: they step on the inside of the tire, take the edge with their hands and pull it up and towards themselves. It is important to achieve the first result: when at least some part is arched. If the tire looks like the photo below, this is already a success. It is developed by consistently turning the edge inside out and standing on the part that has already been turned out so that it does not turn back out.

Watch the process again in the video. This time, the tire is turned out without a wheel (by the way, they cut it with a knife).

Even by itself, such an inside-out tire looks good. If you paint it, it gets even better. If desired, they can be combined - different colors, sizes, installed in different ways: on a tire or on legs.

A high flower bed always looks beautiful. Especially with ampelous plants. It can also be made from tires, and there are several possibilities. In the photo below, there are two ways to fix the cut tires at different levels. The first is to use stumps for this, to which flowerpots are attached with nails or self-tapping screws. The second is to use reinforcement - three or four rods, on which to put rubber. Having set the tier at the right level, it needs to be fixed; on metal, this can only be done with the help of clamps.

It is not always possible to put a flowerpot on the ground: some areas are so developed that it is problematic to single out even one square meter. In this case, people came up with various hanging flowerpots, and also from old tires. Only a small part of the whole tire remains, so there is a lot of cutting ... please be patient. For example, you can make hanging planters in the form of a dolphin, parrot, rooster and other outlandish birds. For a few ideas, see photos.

Tire planter - parrot, rooster and dolphin

All these tire crafts. Only a small part of them - the heads - are often made of dense foam. Having cut and polished the part of the desired shape, it is fixed with self-tapping screws smeared with glue (this is a secret, remember), and then painted. How to make a parrot from a tire, see the video.

Below are step-by-step photos that capture the main stages of creating a table or ottoman from a tire. You will need two more circles of plywood or fiberboard of a suitable diameter, a hemp rope is used for finishing. Of the materials at hand, you will need glue and a glue gun, as well as varnish and a brush for applying it. To connect the circles with the tire, you will also need self-tapping screws - 8-10 pieces on each side.

Next, we take a glue gun and warm up the glue, apply it to the sidewall. If there is no such luxury in the household, take glue, which is in a larger tube, such as "liquid nails". It is easier to work with a mounting gun. Apply the strip on the sidewall, glue the hemp rope. Yes, all the way to the top.

Using the same technology, we decorate the cover of the table (ottoman). You need to start laying from the middle: apply glue, lay the rope.

Finishing work - applying varnish. We do slowly, soaking well. Here is what should be the result. If you made a table, you can put glass on top - a rope, even varnished, is not the best cover for a table, although it is beautiful ...

Variety can be achieved through a cover. It can be sewn from a vending dense material.

Cute puff…

You can knit - large knitting looks interesting.

Large knitted knitted cover - looks interesting

If you don’t feel like sewing and knitting, you can use old knitwear cut into strips. They are cut into long strips 3-5 cm thick, wound into balls and then wrapped around an ottoman. It turns out interesting, especially if several colors are combined.

If you need a taller ottoman, twist the two tires together with self-tapping screws, and work on them in this form.

See the video for another option.

Tires are not a material that can be easily processed. It is a rigid product made from a range of elastic yet durable elements. Processing must be treated carefully, carefully, observing safety precautions. It is advisable to involve children in the work only at the final stage of creating crafts.

For work you will need:

  • electric drill, a set of drills;
  • jigsaw, grinder;
  • paints, brushes, solvent;
  • self-tapping screws, sets of nuts, bolts, washers.

Tires can be crafted into various items. Can be used for:

  • economic needs;
  • creating a decor of the territory;
  • play area equipment.

Household crafts

Most often used for caring for animals, gardens. When breeding poultry, they are used as drinkers, feeders. For arrangement, they are cut into two halves, put on the walking area. Drinking bowls, feeders, it is desirable to install on stands. Tires can be used as perches. Manufacturing is elementary, it will not cause difficulties during creation. It is enough to put a few tires, fill with straw, hay.

Bed arrangement

Of these, it is convenient to equip beds for vegetables grown in the bush way. To make the base of the beds, the middle is cut out on both sides of the tire. The resulting side is installed at a certain place in the garden. Filled with earth and fertilizers. Plants are planted in the created bed.

For growing cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, car tires are preferable. Lettuce, parsley, celery should preferably be planted in beds equipped with truck tires.

Furniture manufacturing

Furniture is a necessary household element. Tables, ottomans, chairs are always in demand. Manufacturing is not difficult, but the process is longer and requires decoration.

Materials, accessories:

  • thick plywood, chipboard;
  • jigsaw, drill;
  • self-tapping screws, a set of furniture bolts with nuts;
  • foam rubber;
  • glue for plastic, foam rubber;
  • the cloth;
  • furniture stapler;
  • enamel paint.

Process of creation

To make a table, you will need three tires. For the manufacture of a pouffe two. We fasten the autoshines with the help of self-tapping screws or bolts to each other. From plywood, chipboard we cut out the countertop, pouffe seats. We glue foam rubber on the seats, we cover it with a cloth, we pin it with a stapler to the seat. We fix the countertop with screws and bolts. We paint the details of the table, pouffe. Leisure area furniture is ready.

Territory decoration

A neat view of the territory near a residential building always pleases people. Landscaping is a necessary, pleasant activity. Beauty, originality of lawns, paths cause a feeling of respect, add pleasant impressions. Most often, flower beds and planters are equipped to create decor.

Required details:

  • tires;
  • plywood, chipboard;
  • dye.

Manufacturing procedure

A circle covering the bottom of the tire is cut out of plywood, screwed to the base with screws. The manufactured container is painted. After drying, it is exposed on the land. It is covered with earth, fertilized, planted with flowers. Such flower beds will ennoble the entire territory of the site.

A flower bed made up of several tires looks impressive. A flower bed can consist of several rows. The easiest option is two-row in the form of a flower. In the central part, flowers are planted, which are the basis of the plan. Flowers are planted at the bottom, grass creating a general background.

We make pots

For manufacturing you will need:

  • specified tools;
  • tire;
  • rope;

Creation order

On the tire with chalk, draw a straight line along the upper edge of the inner rim. Cut off the remaining sidewall with a jigsaw. We turn over to the other side, we carry out the same manipulations. It turns out a rubber basket. We paint, after drying we hang out in the allotted place. We fall asleep the earth, we plant flowers.

These are the simplest elements. Complex elements include animal figurines, cartoon characters and fairy tales. But they are also craftable. Fantasy, patience, desire will help to accomplish any task.

Equipping the playground

The children's playground is a special place. It should be equipped with various gaming places, please the eye with an interior, ensure the safety of forwarding. The use of tires will ensure that these conditions are met.

From tires are made: trees, sandboxes, labyrinths, swings, tunnels. On sports grounds, they are used as airbags when equipping jump zones. For the entourage, we decorate the site with figures of our favorite cartoon characters, animals.

To create a swing you need:

  • tire;
  • chains, rope;
  • 4 staples;
  • drill.

Manufacturing procedure

We paint the tire with a bright color. On its upper part we drill holes equidistant from each other. In the holes we fasten the brackets with bolts. We hook chains to the brackets or tie ropes. We hang it on the crossbar, a branchy tree.

The second version of the swing. Used:

  • one tire;
  • wooden beam;
  • board;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • door handles.

Manufacturing procedure

Cut the tire into two equal halves. On the cut line, we install a beam equal to the diameter of the tire, attach it with self-tapping screws. We paint the outer, inner surfaces. After drying, we attach a polished, painted board to the beam. On both sides of the board, at an equal distance, we fasten the door handles. The swing is ready, we install it on the platform.

Craft "Cheburashka"

One of the favorite children's characters is Cheburashka. This cartoon character is always happy to be present.

For arrangement you will need:

  • 3 tires;
  • paints;
  • plywood sheet;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • small pieces of furniture.

Figurine production

Tires of cars are used for creation. We insert plywood into two tires, which we attach with self-tapping screws. Paint the base dark brown. We paint the plywood inside the tires with a lighter color scheme. Tires with inserts are fastened together. We install vertically on the tire laid horizontally. We cut out the ears from plywood, fasten the figures on the head with staples. We apply the elements of Cheburashka's face with paints.

There are many photos of tire crafts on the Internet. They will help you make decisions when making crafts. This activity will bring benefit to the family, joy. Inspire new creativity.

Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about reducing the amount of garbage. Not the last role in this is played by the reuse of various end-of-life items, especially in the country. This is not only environmentally friendly, but also saves the family budget, and also allows you to show your creative abilities. One of the most accessible materials for making country crafts is old tires, which can be taken for free at any car service or tire fitting. Tires are used to make furniture, flower beds, warm beds and various crafts that make the summer cottage unlike the neighboring ones and decorate it.

Do-it-yourself tire crafts in the country: everything from preparing a tire to choosing a location

Starting any work, it is necessary to select the material and tools.

Cooking tires

The thinnest European-made tires are considered the most convenient for cutting and arching. And also experienced craftsmen advise using winter tires - they are softer than summer ones.

Before starting the creative process, tires must:

What tools will be needed

May be useful:

Cutting a tire is a rather laborious process. It is not always possible to choose a knife of the required strength; not every summer resident has a jigsaw. Those who have preserved old sickles in their household, which are now rarely used for their intended purpose, can use their “antiques” to cut the tire.

Video: an interesting way to cut a tire with a sickle

Step by step instructions for making a flower basket

Such a basket can be used for low flowers, since there will not be much land in it. The airy design will look good on the terrace or near the porch of the house.


  1. We prepare the tire as described above.
  2. We cut out a template from cardboard, put it on the tire, circle it.

    You can not use a template for drawing a simple pattern if the master has a good eye

  3. Cut out the pattern with a jigsaw on both sides.

    It is easier and faster to cut a pattern on a tire with an electric jigsaw than with a knife

  4. We put the tire vertically, mark the middle on its upper edge and saw the surface in half.
  5. We turn the tire.
  6. We twist the long ends and fasten with self-tapping screws.

    To twist the tight ends, you will need physical strength, sometimes it is better to do it together

  7. We drill drainage holes in the bottom of the basket.

Video: a master class on making a flower basket from a tire

Collections of figurines from tires to decorate a summer cottage

Human imagination is limitless: flowerbeds, garden figurines, decor items and even furniture are made from old tires. Characters from fairy tales and exotic animals can live on the site. In cloudy weather, a cheerful sun from a tire will cheer you up, and rustic-style utensils painted in polka dots or flowers can compete with flower beds.

Tire animal figurines

Animals, birds, fish and insects made from used tires can be placed near the playground, if it is available in a summer cottage, or in a recreation area. Be sure to paint them in bright colors, then they will delight both adults and children.

Photo gallery: animal figurines in a summer cottage from old tires

A red-yellow crab will look good next to a red brick house. To make a funny bee, you will need three tires, wire and plastic for the wings. A green-yellow turtle is in no hurry. with experience A proud peacock will decorate any flower bed A bright red puppy can be placed on a playground The most traditional tire craft is a swan figure A bright butterfly can serve as a decoration and basis for a flower bed

Fairy tale characters from tires

In summer, many summer cottages are home to parents with children or grandchildren with grandparents. An excellent gift for the beginning of the holidays will be figurines of characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons.

Photo gallery: figurines of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters from old tires

It is very easy to make a mischievous octopus from a cartoon about an octopus dad and his children. A donkey with a cart is a whole artistic composition from oriental tales. To make a funny hare, you will need several tires of different sizes. it's not boring to wash Cheburashka's muzzle and ears are carved from the bottom of large plastic bottles Mikhailo Potapych from Russian folk tales guards the site Even a child can make such a frog princess from three tires: you will need a tourist rug, old hoses and plastic buckets The head of the famous Wolf from the series “Well, wait a minute!" can be made from waterproof OSB or thick iron sheet

Other Tire Figures

Crafts from tires can serve as elements of the decor of the site. Bright figures are often used as flower beds. And if you glue the bottom, also cut out of the tire, you can make an original water container from a cup or teapot. Rubber retains heat well, and this water is suitable for irrigating greenhouse plantings.

One of the simplest figurines is a sun made of tires and plastic bottles. It is done like this:

  1. We paint the tires with yellow or orange acrylic paint.

    To paint the tire, you can use a special paint for rubber, which is sold in spray cans.

  2. Pour the same paint into the bottles and shake well. After the paint has evenly covered the walls of the bottles from the inside, remove the corks and put them to dry.
  3. We put the tire, which will be the sun, on another tire-stand (we also pre-paint it) or dig it into the ground.
  4. We cut out a circle from plywood (10 mm) or thick metal (up to 5 mm) and attach it to the tire using self-tapping screws.

Crafts from tires and tires are widely used to decorate the site of a kindergarten, a summer residence.

It is difficult to find cheaper material for decorating a playground, old wheels from cars. After viewing the photos and reading the instructions and master classes in our thematic section, you can see that tires in skillful hands can turn not only into original home-made garden decorations, decorative sculptures, but also often perform special functional tasks. They make excellent flowerpots, flower beds and flower beds from tires with their own hands. Tires dug into the ground are used as zoning of the territory or decoration of the playground. The wheels can be used as a sandbox, pond or pool.

Tire crafts

Contained in sections:
  • Registration of kindergarten plots, landscaping

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« Changing tires is not the most pleasant experience. Especially when you didn’t plan to do it and wanted to hold out on the old one for another season!" my husband says. But unforeseen circumstances happen and buying new tires doesn't mean you have to. get rid of old tires! And this was proved by our neighbors in the country, who used the tires properly.

Aunt Zina somehow took some old tires from her husband's garage and started experimenting. And this process fascinated her so much that a month later, acquaintances began to flock to their garden to look at this miracle.

Garden Tire Crafts

And indeed, decorate the yard or a courtyard near the house can be ordinary old tires. Many craftsmen make real masterpieces out of them!

In addition, in our country, recycling of used tires is not yet at a high level, and we can observe blockages from tires thrown directly into the street. But you can also combine business with pleasure and create decorations for your summer cottage, garden, vegetable garden with your own hands, these crafts will be both functional and beautiful.

Editorial "So simple!" prepared 15 ideas for you, how to recycle old tires to decorate the garden and home.

Tire crafts

  1. The simplest idea is to create a small flower bed using tires.

    To do this, leave the tire as it is, just paint it brightly and fill it with earth. Nothing complicated. Even an elderly woman or a child can handle this, and such a flower garden will look great.

  2. And you can put the tires on top of each other and make seats and armrests from the scraps of the upper part of the tire.

  3. Stylish and unusual decoration for the garden!

  4. Original place for outdoor recreation.

  5. Flower beds from old tires in the form of various objects are made as follows: the tire is cut into two unequal parts and the larger one is turned inside out.

    It is worth noting that the edges of the tires can be made in various shapes, it's all about imagination and sleight of hand. In this technique, flower beds are made in the form of a mug, flower, vase. A huge rubber cup made of tires looks very funny. And some craftsmen in this way build a whole tea set on their site.

  6. Or you can turn old and unnecessary tires into a wonderful space for children's games!

  7. Another idea - figures of animals from old car tires. They will create a mood in the garden or in the garden.

  8. What can you say about this original sink?

  9. Do not doubt: everything that is done for children is the most important thing. In the simplest version, you need to pour sand inside a large wheel - and you get a sandbox. A painted wheel, and even with a pattern, will decorate the site.

    And by placing an umbrella in the sand, we get an option for little VIPs. For them, we put a heater for water pipes on the inner rim of the tire so that the kids do not get scratched.

  10. Tires make great chairs!

  11. An unusual idea for a fence - tires stacked on top of each other, sprinkled with earth with planted weaving plants.

  12. Children will be indescribably delighted with such a wonderful swing.

  13. The original staircase to the house.

  14. You can also make shoe soles out of old tires!

  15. I really like this low glass coffee table. Simple and stylish, right?

old car tires- a headache for environmentalists. According to statistics, 76% of tires are not recycled or disposed of. And if you have worn-out tires lying around in your garage, do not rush to throw it in a landfill, do not litter the environment. After all, tires are an excellent material for creativity. Show your imagination, make a little effort, and the old tires will still