Vinyl wallpaper for painting. Vinyl wallpaper for painting: features of the material and its application. Disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper intended for painting

Having spent time and money on one repair, you can save on subsequent ones if you purchase vinyl wallpaper for painting on a non-woven base for pasting the walls. Wallpaper of this type allows you to experiment with color and give the interior an original respectable look.

Benefits of paintable vinyl wallpaper with non-woven backing

Paintable vinyl wallpaper with non-woven backing have several characteristic features:

Disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper intended for painting

Non-woven vinyl wallpapers have minor drawbacks:

upon completion of finishing work, an unpleasant odor may remain in the room, this is especially true when finishing with cheap low-quality wallpaper, but the odor problem can be eliminated by prolonged ventilation after the wallpaper has completely dried, as well as after applying acrylic materials for priming and painting;

vinyl wallpapers have a relief surface, so dust can accumulate on them from time to time, you can remove it with a vacuum cleaner or a dry brush;

Structural wallpaper on a non-woven base, as a rule, is not cheap, and besides, you will have to buy additional paint.

Features of vinyl wallpaper for painting on non-woven base

Before pasting the walls with vinyl wallpaper, you need to remove bright or dark spots and patterns, because they will be visible through a transparent and even painted surface. Despite the fact that this material is quite dense and can hide minor flaws on the wall surface, large depressions, cracks, chips or pits must be puttied.

When working with vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, intended for repeated painting, an adhesive for heavy types of wallpaper is used, which in addition has antimicrobial properties, which, during long-term operation, under the painted layer, prevents the formation of mold.

The choice of color and paint for non-woven vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base for painting is made in very discreet colors, as a rule, it is pure white, beige or other colors that have light shades. Oil paint is not suitable for working with such material, because it will spread over the entire surface without being absorbed into the wallpaper. The ideal option is latex-based acrylic paint, dispersion and water-based paints are also suitable. Vinyl wallpaper should be painted at least twice. For large rooms, it is best to choose matte colors, and for small or poorly lit rooms, glossy ones, in turn, semi-matte shades are more suitable for bedrooms.

Often vinyl coatings have a rather complex texture, so it seems that they cannot be painted. This feature somewhat complicates the process of work, but at the same time significantly enhances the aesthetic perception of the final result.

It is possible to repaint non-woven vinyl wallpaper several times, but as soon as their surface is smoothed out and the holding properties of the adhesive are weakened, the wallpaper needs to be changed.

Such a finishing material is often painted on both sides, creating a play of shades; not only bright paint, but also various patterns and artistic details look very elegant on vinyl wallpaper. You can apply them using special stencils for wallpaper.

Features in the process of painting vinyl wallpaper with non-woven base

It is better to paint vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base not with a brush, but with a paint roller with a long mohair or woolen pile, which will make it easy to cover all the recesses in the pattern, leaving behind a uniform and uniform strip. For the convenience of painting, you need to purchase a special tray for squeezing paint, the size of which matches the width of the roller so that the tool does not absorb excess paint.

At the junction of the wallpaper with the ceiling and baseboard, it is better to use a flat-shaped paint brush.

On the same wall, you can combine different colors, now a very fashionable trend. To do this, the border zone is sealed with masking tape and individual sections are painted. Continue to work after the coating is completely dry.

It is necessary to start painting non-woven vinyl wallpaper approximately 12 hours after pasting. Before this, the canvas must be degreased with a detergent, at the same time removing possible dirt and dust. Since it has a relief surface, a primer is applied to the wallpaper before painting.

Paintable wallpaper is a great option for those who like to experiment with the interior and often change the design. To change the color scheme, you do not need to dismantle the old coatings and glue new ones, and the cost of paint is much lower than the price of wallpaper. Can all coatings be dyed, which dyes are better to use, a variety of staining techniques - the answers can be found in this article.

The choice of wallpaper for painting

Probably, every owner knows that only non-woven and vinyl wallpapers can be painted (paper ones are completely unsuitable for this purpose). With non-woven fabrics, everything is clear - any kind of them can be dyed (options in the photo).

Vinyl, on the other hand, is two-layer in structure and can be:

  • paper-based;
  • non-woven base.

If the question arose: "How to paint vinyl wallpaper?" - First of all, you need to figure out what they consist of.

Important! Paper-based coatings cannot be painted in principle. The paper is too thin and prone to swelling.

The paint applied to such a surface will penetrate the substrate and wet it, then seep further and dissolve the glue - the wallpaper will not only deform, but also peel off from the wall.

There are wallpapers on a non-woven base - although such a substrate is hygroscopic, moisture does not lead to its deformation and destruction. Flizelin accumulates pigment, providing uniform and durable coloring.

Assortment of vinyl wallpapers

All vinyl materials are made up of the same bases and yet have different characteristics. Their upper, decorative layer differs. It can be:

  • washable wallpaper for bathroom and kitchen;
  • foamed polyvinyl chloride with three-dimensional patterns and various textures;
  • embossed material with satin effect or silk-screen printing.

Attention! For painting, you can only use wallpaper with a foamed top layer - they are specifically designed for this.

The remaining two types have a too thin and smooth top layer, their structures and colors are interesting in themselves - it is possible to paint such coatings, but this is not advisable.

Foamed non-woven PVC is produced as a finished material; such walls may not be painted. If the coating is initially bought for painting, it is better to choose a material of a plain light shade. You also need to consider that the more corrugated the surface, the more difficult it will be to paint. For the first painting experience, you can choose vinyl wallpaper for painting with a simple pattern that has small protrusions and depressions (for example, as in the photo).

What color wallpaper

Paint for vinyl wallpaper is a separate issue. Not all dyes are suitable for such purposes. Firstly, the substance must be non-toxic, because the work is carried out inside the house. The second factor is the solvent. Only water-based paints are suitable for painting vinyl, aggressive substances can destroy the structure of the material.

The list of suitable dyes looks like this:

  • water-based paint;
  • acrylic dyes;
  • latex formulations.

The most suitable paint can be selected taking into account the desired effect:

  1. Water-based paint is better for bedrooms and children's rooms - it gives soft colors and provides a matte effect. Handprints do not remain on the walls with such a coating, but it is impossible to wash the walls painted with water-based paint.
  2. Acrylic water-based dye dries very quickly - in 5 hours. It is convenient to use in complex techniques where staining with several colors is needed. The surface is semi-gloss, the walls can be washed even with soapy water.
  3. Latex dye repels water and provides long-lasting gloss. It is often used in kitchens, bathrooms and hallways.
    The paint can be applied with a roller and a brush. It is convenient to use stencils and rollers with applied patterns in work (shown in the photo).

Staining techniques

The sequence of work when painting walls depends on several factors:

  • the number of previous layers of paint;
  • the chosen staining technique;
  • type of vinyl flooring.

To finally decide on the method of staining, you can see photos of the work performed.

Standard procedure for painting new wallpaper

First of all, freshly bought vinyl wallpaper for painting must be glued to the walls. You can only use special glue for vinyl wallpaper - this composition contains antifungal additives. Since PVC does not allow air to pass through, mold can grow under it. It is even better to additionally treat the walls with antibacterial primer.

The glued walls should dry well, it will take 2-4 days. Now you can start painting non-woven wallpaper. The selected dye is stirred and poured into a wide container. It is more convenient to work with a roller, small details are drawn with a brush.

You can apply a few test strokes on the section of the wall that will subsequently cover the furniture, or practice on scraps of wallpaper. The paint is applied in two layers, after the first painting the walls must dry completely. The photo below shows what the end result should look like.

Repainting old wallpaper

Any non-paper-based wallpaper can be tried to be painted. However, you need to prepare for a possible failure - the paint may roll, drain or lie down unevenly.

If the old wallpaper is non-woven foam vinyl, there is nothing to worry about. Their coloring will pass without surprises. First of all, you need to clean the surface of accumulated dust, dirt and grease. The wallpaper is washed with soapy water, thereby degreasing them.

After the coating has dried, you can proceed to staining. The further process is no different from the standard method - the paint is applied in two layers. The only caveat is the original color of the wallpaper.

If the old wallpaper was with a pattern or a dark shade, it is unlikely that it will be possible to qualitatively repaint them in a light tone - it is better to choose a more saturated dark shade and paint not with water-based paint, but with a denser one (acrylic or latex). The photo shows the result.

Alternative staining techniques

Non-woven-based wallpapers are interesting in that they have a heterogeneous structure. Their top layer is dense vinyl with virtually no pores. The paint does not penetrate into such material immediately, it takes time to soak into it. But, having penetrated into the vinyl, the pigment is firmly fixed there, it can no longer be washed off and wiped off.

Interlining is cellulose, that is, paper. The base quickly absorbs moisture, evenly distributing the pigment over the entire surface.

Based on these qualities of the base and the decorative layer, the experts came up with several interesting staining techniques:

  1. Backside painting. The wallpaper is not glued to the walls, but cut into the necessary parts and laid out on an oilcloth-lined floor with the front side inward. Apply paint evenly with a roller or wide brush. Now you need to wait for the wallpaper to dry completely and you can start sticking them.
  2. Partial staining is based on the different absorbent properties of interlining and vinyl. Walls pasted over with wallpaper are painted with a roller. Until the paint is dry, wipe it off the PVC with a damp sponge. So, the base remains colored, but the outer layer is not. It turns out a deep, voluminous effect, the color substrate “shines through” through the texture of the coating.
  3. The most difficult way is a combination of several shades. The work is performed in the same sequence as in the second option. After the main paint has dried, wallpaper patterns are painted with a contrasting color. In this technique, you can use two or more colors - it all depends on the skill of the painter.

General rules

Regardless of the technique chosen, several rules for painting vinyl wallpaper should be followed:

  • choose only types of coatings intended for painting;
  • use water-based dyes;
  • to get interesting shades, it is better to purchase a white base and tint it with colors;
  • for a uniform color, it is necessary to immediately tint the entire volume of paint;
  • paint can be applied more evenly with a spray gun or spray gun;
  • draw small details with a thin brush;
  • the exact color can only be seen on the fourth day after staining, so it is better to test the shade in advance on a piece of wallpaper.

You can think for a long time how to paint vinyl wallpaper, but it’s better to take it and try to do it! The process is simple, it does not require special skills or expensive tools. Numerous photos confirm that in a short time with minimal cost, you can get an updated room and radically change its design.

Choosing wallpaper for your home is not so easy, there are a huge number of manufacturers who produce collections of wallpapers in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

Paper and vinyl wallpapers in various colors

The quality of the wallpaper is also very different, and it is not immediately clear how long the life of one or another option is. It is very easy to get lost in this variety, especially if you have not decided on the quality of the wallpaper.

However, there is an alternative option, choose wallpaper for painting and choose the desired color, in harmony with the overall interior. But with this approach, a number of questions arise: how to glue wallpaper for painting, what paint to choose for them, how to paint them, how many times it is permissible to repaint them later.

The multifaceted texture of the vinyl sheet

Let's look at all these issues in order, delving into the nuances of working with wallpapers of this type.

Wallpaper for painting

What is attractive about this type of wallpaper? There are several main advantages here: the ability to choose their appearance yourself, change it with minimal effort and finances, ease of gluing, painting and a long service life. The complex of these advantages determines the acceptable quality of the finishing material.

If we consider the use of ordinary wallpaper, then sticking and dismantling them is a very laborious process that must be repeated when completely replacing the wallpaper on the walls, while it is enough to update the wallpaper for painting with a fresh layer of paint.

Repainting smooth, wallpapered walls is not difficult

In the long run, it will save you a sufficient amount of time, effort and money. In addition, the replacement of wallpaper is easy to compare with a small repair, which is best done by professionals.

We categorically do not recommend painting ordinary vinyl wallpapers, because in this case you will damage their texture, and the paint will simply drain from them. This is due to the water-repellent properties of the wallpaper material, which will not allow the paint to gain a foothold on the decorative layer.

Conventionally, we divide the wallpaper for painting into four types:

  • paper,
  • vinyl,
  • non-woven,
  • glass wall papers.

Paper wallpapers for painting consist of two layers of paper, one is responsible for attaching them to the wall, the other for absorbing paint. Practice shows that this is not the best type of wallpaper for painting, since their structure is not very strong. Excess moisture can completely saturate the wallpaper, in this form the seams will open, and the pieces themselves will move away from the wall.

Heavier and stronger wallpaper for painting is vinyl, more precisely vinyl on non-woven base. In this case, the substrate is made of non-woven fabric, which securely holds the wallpaper on the wall, and the decorative layer on top is made of PVC or vinyl in the usual sense. Vinyl wallpaper for painting is very, able to withstand several layers of paint, they have a textured look.

The texture of vinyl wallpaper for painting in full size

The deep texture somewhat complicates the process of painting the wallpaper, since it is necessary to pour the coloring matter into all the recesses and crevices, but as the next layer of paint is applied, the texture decreases.

It is worth noting that you can repaint vinyl wallpaper for painting up to 15 times, a larger number of layers will create a danger of falling wallpaper from the walls. Some craftsmen prime the wallpaper before painting, by and large this is extra work, since the material is already prepared for painting.

A separate type of wallpaper for painting is non-woven. In this case, non-woven fabric plays the role of not only a substrate, but also a decorative side. Non-woven wallpaper for painting is textured, but thin, the texture is lost after several stains. In a roll of non-woven wallpaper for painting, there are 25 meters of canvas, and it is most often a meter and six centimeters wide.

A roll of non-woven wallpaper for painting and a box from it

Steloooboi are similar in functionality to non-woven ones, they are made of woven fiberglass. Such wallpapers are used in industrial facilities, in public places. When gluing and painting them, safety rules must be observed so as not to inhale dust from fiberglass. In our case, they are not very suitable for home use.

Wallpaper paint

Currently, manufacturers of paints and varnishes can offer us various options for water-based paints.

Water-dispersion paint consists of water and a coloring pigment, in its standard form it has a white color. Such paint does not smell and can be applied in any room of the house. It dries for about an hour, and the next layer is applied after two hours of drying.

It is worth noting that the vast majority of water-dispersion paints are matte, not glossy, like acrylic or enamels.

Acrylic paint is also white, but acrylic material has been added to increase its strength. Distinguish matte and glossy acrylic paint. In appearance after staining, it resembles enamel, but unlike it, it has absolutely no smell and dries for about an hour. Acrylic paint is recommended for use not only in the house, but also outside it.

Girls are better at painting walls neatly

The last, worst option for wallpaper, is ordinary alkyd enamel. The enamel lays down in a thick layer, smells strongly and dries for about a day, besides, your wallpaper can hardly withstand more than 5 layers of such a paintwork.

The standard paint is white, but this does not mean that you need to paint the walls white. Using color, you can create absolutely any color or shade.

Paint tinting is carried out in hardware stores using special equipment, but for this you need to accurately calculate its amount. Another option would be manual tinting, which is done by hand, for which special color cans are used. In this case, you need to clearly measure the proportions to create the same shades.

Smooth painted walls in the living room, wallpaper with minimal texture

By gluing non-woven vinyl wallpaper for painting and applying a couple of layers of dye to them, you will see how they transform your room. To create a monophonic and calm interior, the use of this type of wallpaper is very reasonable.

The use of wallpaper for painting allows you to create a practical and beautiful interior. The practicality lies in the fact that you can paint the wallpaper a large number of times, changing the color and hiding the dirt and coating defects that have appeared.

Family choice of wall color in the living room

There are a variety of wallpaper canvases on which you need to apply paint and varnish material: paper, vinyl, glass. In this case, we will talk about non-woven vinyl wallpaper, created for painting.

General methodology

To create a good interior using paintable vinyl wallpaper, the first step is to go to a hardware store. Here we will face the first choice, to buy paper-based vinyl wallpaper or non-woven wallpaper.

Practice shows that wide, meter-long non-woven vinyl canvases are easier to glue and stick to the wall better than wallpaper with a paper base. Therefore, to simplify the work of gluing, it is better to purchase wallpaper with a non-woven base.

The wallpaper has some relief, which will be visible after painting, it will add color to the walls, and will disappear only after repeated painting. With this in mind, choose an interesting and attractive ornament.

Unpretentious relief of wallpaper

Additionally, do not forget to purchase a tool for working with paint, brushes, rollers, trays, masking tape and, of course, water-based or acrylic paint itself.

Now you are fully armed, and the rest of the actions are clear and understandable for you:

  • it is necessary to prepare the walls for wallpapering, tear off old canvases, carefully prime the surface;
  • make a neat gluing of wallpaper for painting on the walls,;
  • at the end of the work, evenly paint the walls in one color, or use interesting combinations.

Although the list of works looks modest, in fact it is a laborious and lengthy process. After all, before, you need to wait until they dry.

By the way, you can apply an arbitrary pattern to the wallpaper with a brush and paints. Draw a beautiful landscape or portrait. But if you doubt your talents as an artist, try decorating the wall first in the corner, and only then move on to noticeable places.

Drawing an arbitrary pattern on the wallpaper


By the way, you can apply paint on the pasted wallpaper on the wall, or you can paint the inside of them before sticking to emphasize the relief of the canvas.

The easiest and most understandable way to apply paint on wallpaper. After gluing, you simply paint the wallpaper, but do it carefully and calmly. Carefully paint over the relief of the wallpaper.

Use for work fur roller

The second way is somewhat more difficult. We need to paint the inside of the wallpaper with paint, and then, after drying, stick it on the wall. The paint will adhere better to the non-woven base than to the vinyl decorative side, so you can quickly paint the canvases. The main thing here is to wait for the paint to dry completely before sticking the wallpaper on the wall.

W Note that with the second method of painting, the finished version of the walls will be somewhat lighter than the painted canvases, so it is necessary to make the color more saturated.

However, if the result of the work did not suit you, you can always paint the vinyl wallpaper again on top.

It is best to paint the walls right away, without being distracted or stopping, then you are guaranteed that they will be the same color. In addition, the paint will not thicken with constant work and will easily lie on the wall.

Clearly, the painting of the wall was a success.

Use masking tape to create even margins and protect other items from paint materials. It leaves no residue behind and is easy to stick and peel off.

The wallpaper painting technology is understandable, we take a roller and paint, but the selection of paints is a more difficult task, and we would like to talk about this process in more detail.


In fact, there are not as many types of paints as it might seem at first glance, just a huge number of suppliers offer similar options.

Classic selection of colors in a large store

First of all, it is worth saying that oil and alkyd paints are not suitable for us. Firstly, they are too thick and heavy, secondly, they are harmful, and thirdly, they do not have a wide choice of colors.

Alkyd universal paints (enamels) for interior and exterior use are marked PF-115.

Water-based and acrylic paints are suitable for us, because they are odorless, and we can make any color ourselves with the help of a color scheme.

Water-based paints are based on water. Usually in the store there are several varieties of such a paint and varnish material, for example:

  • for ceilings - the paint slightly grinds after drying;
  • moisture resistant or washable - used in the kitchen and in the bathroom, such paints are not washed off with water;
  • interior - simple white paints for painting walls or wallpaper.

If it seems to you that the paint is too thick, it can be slightly diluted with water, but not more than 5% of the total mass. Although in the experience of the masters this happens extremely rarely.

Good Russian paint made using Finnish technology

It is worth noting that water-based paints have a matte color and are not glossy. If you need a glossy sheen, then you should choose acrylic paints.

Acrylic paints are odorless and dry very quickly. Their cost is an order of magnitude higher than water-based ones, but this order is proportional to the quality. There are special acrylic paints designed for painting walls in a children's room.

Regular acrylic paint for indoor use

With such paints, you can perfectly paint non-woven vinyl wallpaper. However, if you use a water-based emulsion composition, you will have to paint the wall in a couple of layers.

After carrying out all the procedures, your walls will acquire a neat appearance. Modern paint does not fade in the sun, so it can take a long time before the next painting.

The use of wallpaper for painting requires a certain patience and accuracy, since you need not only to paste the wallpaper on the wall, but also to paint it afterwards, and do everything carefully. Our compatriots do not particularly like such difficulties, so most often they buy ready-made wallpapers. Indeed, the easiest way is to glue once and forget about repairs for a long time.

How to paint non-woven wallpaper? Non-woven wallpaper is not a very cheap finishing material, but a number of undeniable advantages make it quite popular. In addition, special non-woven wallpaper is produced that can be painted and wallpaper with a pattern. They can also be painted, but in this case there are subtleties.

The article will tell you what paint to paint non-woven wallpaper and how to do it right.

Features and types of non-woven wallpaper

Interlining is a natural non-woven material made on the basis of cellulose, and a polymer is taken to fasten its fibers. Non-woven wallpaper is an improved version of paper.

Their advantages:

  • They can "breathe".
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Durable.
  • Do not get wet from moisture.
  • Not subject to mechanical damage.

Such wallpapers can be of two types:

  • Fully non-woven. They consist of two layers of interlining:
  1. lower - main;
  2. upper - with a relief pattern.

Materials are made for painting. In this case, the canvases have a white or soft pastel tone:

  1. beige;
  2. blue;
  3. cream;
  4. light green.

Under not painting material has color drawings.

  • Wallpaper made on a non-woven basis. In this case, a top layer made of a different material is applied to the substrate. It can be:
  1. foamed polyvinyl chloride, then the canvases are called vinyl;
  2. textile wallpaper with non-woven base.