Fipronil: sanitary and agricultural insecticide. Fipronil from cockroaches: a description of the active substance and reviews of drugs The use of fipronil in agriculture

The scale of the terrible crime committed in countries that are considered models of Western democracy, in Holland and Belgium, is only growing. , these are almost all EU members, Canada, 18 states in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Millions of chickens are destroyed, but fipronil will remind of itself for a long time to come. After all, egg powder (melange), as well as egg white and yolk, are very widely used by the food industry (see infographic). And many use them in home cooking.

The well-known food safety specialist, adviser to Rosselkhoznadzor Alexey Alekseenko:

The presence of fipronil in eggs came as a surprise to us and to our EU colleagues. After all, its use is generally prohibited in animals used for food. This is a direct violation of the law, it shows how weak control over the production of products exists in Europe. And this is a serious violation, because fipronil is a broad-spectrum insecticide, that is, an insecticide. In Russia, preparations with fipronil for dogs and cats are allowed as a remedy for ticks, fleas, lice and other insects. It is important that the product is applied to the withers so that the animal cannot lick it off. This was done because of the danger of fipronil - it blocks the most important mediator of the nervous system GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), that is, it affects the conduction of impulses in the central nervous system. It is also toxic to the liver and kidneys. And scientists from the United States in an animal experiment showed that it also causes thyroid cancer.

Investigation is underway…

Naturally, everyone is very concerned that such a substance ended up in human food - fipronil is found in millions of eggs. There is it not only in eggs, but also in egg powder, which means in confectionery, mayonnaise and other products where it or other egg products are added. Moreover, this excites specialists even more than eggs - they are practically not supplied to Russia. But the batch of contaminated egg powder has already been identified and detained.

For me, as a food safety expert, this is a very worrying situation for many reasons, - says Alexey Alekseenko. - First of all, pollution is not limited to eggs. Chicken manure also contains fipronil. Since it is used as a fertilizer, it can get into food and fodder plants. In this case, there may be pollution of both drinking water and reservoirs. The latter is very dangerous for fish - fipronil is extremely toxic to it.

Violations were revealed at very large enterprises in Holland and Belgium. During the investigation, documents were found that the companies purchased 3,000 kg of fipronil and made an additional order for 15,000 kg. Imagine how many chickens could get this drug! All this suggests that there may be other equally dangerous violations in the cultivation of animals and the production of products by other companies. This means that control in the EU does not work well.

Holland. Coming everywhere

As the investigation shows, there are two versions of this violation - fipronil was added in Holland due to an outbreak of red ticks in chickens, or simply for prevention. Either way, this is a serious crime.

But that's not all. The Dutch regulatory authorities have identified this earlier and have already eliminated this violation. However, they hid it. And only then, by some miracle, fipronil was discovered in Germany. It is a miracle because no one checks it in eggs - after all, it is forbidden to use it in poultry farming and it simply should not be there.

I recall the recent horse meat scandal in Ireland. Horse meat is not used in the EU in food production. However, after conducting a study on the presence of drugs in products, experts discovered a rare painkiller that is used only in horse breeding. Conducting an investigation, they found out that it was introduced along with horse meat.

But what is the purpose of adding it? After all, edible horse meat is more expensive than usual. In reality, it was cheap non-edible horse meat from an unknown source. Now they are inclined to the version that she is from the USA. It is forbidden to slaughter horses there and there are companies for the care of old horses. Often they are located in Mexico, and it is possible that the meat of these animals ended up in Europe. This means that new scandals and upheavals can await us in agriculture and food production.

1. Pyrethrin The most widely used flea and tick treatments have been in use for over 100 years. Pyrethrins are natural water-soluble extracts from chrysanthemum flowers and some other plants of the Compositae family. The possibility of poisoning in animals is quite low, but possible. Symptoms are drooling, trembling and vomiting. To a certain extent, atropine and antioxidants (emicidin, mexidol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, etc.) serve as an antidote.

I did not find any remedies for pyrethrins. If anyone knows, we unsubscribe.

2. Pyrethroids (Permethrin, Fenotrin, Etofenprox, Flumetrin, Deltamethrin) Synthetic analogues of natural pyrethrins act more slowly and weakly, but have a longer effect. Permethrin should not be used on cats for which products containing etofenprox are marketed.(the packaging should indicate the possibility of use for cats). Pyrethroids are more toxic than natural pyrethrins. Symptoms of poisoning and antidotes are similar to pyrethrins.

Advantix (Permethrin), Scalibor Collar (Deltamethrin), Hartz® UltraGuard Drops (Phenotrin)

3. Phenylpyrazoles (Fipronil, Piriprol) Pretty new group. Leads to paralysis and death of bloodsuckers. Moderately toxic to warm-blooded animals Applicable to both dogs and cats! They can cause excitation and increased motor activity, up to intense central convulsions. It should be used with caution in any form of convulsive seizures, because. is a GABA antagonist. There is no specific antidote! Symptomatic antidote are high doses of GABAergic drugs (picamilon in the form of injections) and anticonvulsants, with the possible exception of carbamazepine (finlepsin, tegretol), due to the fact that it is a sodium channel blocker and can increase the effects of poisoning.

Frontline Spot On (fipronil), Bars (fipronil), RolfClub Spray (fipronil), Prac-tic drops (pyriprol - praised for allergy sufferers). Only Frontline is allowed to be used by pregnant bitches, puppies and debilitated dogs.

4. Formamidins (Amitraz) A brand new poison. Moderately dangerous to warm-blooded animals not recommended for puppies, small breed dogs and cats. May cause lethargy and depression, muscle weakness and ataxia, slow heart rate and lower blood pressure, diarrhea and vomiting. Antidote are adrenoblockers (atipamezole, also known as antisedan, dihydroergotoxin and other derivatives of ergot alkaloids, nicergoline, also known as sermion), antioxidants (mainly ascorbic acid).

ProMeris Duo (powerful new contraption)

5. Avermectins(Ivomectin, Ivomek, Abamectin, Doramectin, Ivermek, Selamiktin, domestic preparations of the Aversectin series) Avermectins act on fleas, ticks, including indestructible Demodex and many helminths, including those that live in the bloodstream (Dirofillaria and their larvae - microfilariae, opisthorchiasis ). Almost the only group about which it is said that these poisons enter the blood. Breed groups that simply do not tolerate the action of any avermectins on their body: collie, sheltie, chow-chow, shar-pei. Symptoms of poisoning are primary muscular excitation, which is quickly replaced by depression and paralysis, and cardiac activity and respiration are also inhibited. There are no specific antidotes, drugs that relieve symptoms are used.

Lawyer (ivomek)

6. FOS (Thiophos, Karbofos, Methylmercaptophos, Dichlorvos, Methylcarbamate, Propoxur) FOS and carbomic acid derivatives are very effective for the destruction of all arthropod reptiles, but, unfortunately, highly toxic to dogs and cats(and a person should not use these compounds instead of snacks for beer). It is strictly forbidden to use for cats! Propoxur is able to accumulate in the body, so it is prohibited for use in farm animals. If you have been using drugs based on propoxur for some time, it is advisable to periodically switch to protection products based on other active ingredients. Symptoms of poisoning include excessive salivation, constriction of the pupils, muscle tremors and convulsions followed by muscle weakness and paralysis, which can also cause respiratory arrest. A specific antidote is atropine and acetylcholinesterase reactivators (diethixime, dipiroxime).

Bolfo spray, Kiltix collar (both propoxur)

7. Repellent esters. Essential oils can be very dangerous too, be careful!! Geranium, clove, lemon and mint oils are effective. Do not use more than 3 drops per 20-40 kg dog. Dilute in a small amount of alcohol/vodka or base oil. Apply evenly throughout the coat. Only REAL oils are effective, dear. In pharmacies, 90% are synthetic, they are of no use. Can only be used as an additional measure. More details about broadcasts on page 3 of the topic.

II. Application, combination, cats
It is known that ticks are hellish creatures and adapt to everything. Therefore, in "tick-active" areas, they no longer rely on one thing. For example, in Moscow Bars and Frontline terribly break through. We are fine for now.
So, if you want to play it safe, then use several means, but ALWAYS FROM DIFFERENT GROUPS! The use of two drugs from the same group leads to severe intoxication. DO NOT COMBINE THE TIME TO START THE USE OF TWO DRUGS For example, they dripped, after a week they put on the collar.
You can always speak on the topic of the harm of using several different drugs, but the treatment for piroplasmosis is a form of killing the liver. And everyone decides for himself how to poison his dog.

Cats suffer the most from sprays such as Bolfo and collars with substances that are dangerous to them. Drops can be used in fact any, just keep the cat out on the first day. Fipronil (Frontline, Bars) is absolutely safe for cats.

III. Water resistance
Bathing is not reflected in the drops. This only applies to collars and sprays.
We swim with a RolfClub collar. Kiltix and Bolfo on propoxure, it is slightly soluble in water, but still I would not risk it, given that it brings down fish in a pond. We also remove before bathing in the bathroom.
Conclusion - we re-treat with a spray after bathing, we remove the collar for the duration of the bath, except for those on fipronil. Drops are not scary.

IV. How to handle spray and drops
When treating a dog with a spray, it is necessary to apply it to the entire coat, along the entire length. If the coat is long, comb through. The expense will be large, but otherwise there is no sense. Also make sure that God forbid the dog does not lick this muck!
Distribute on the skin along the spine to the end of the tail. Do not pour the entire pipette only at the withers!!! Make sure the drops are on the skin and not on the coat.

V. Penetration
Firstly, the fact that you found a tick on a dog does not mean anything. There are practically no deterrents. Basically, they act in the first stage of sucking the tick, and he dies without infecting the dog. That is, it “breaks through” - this is if the treated dog fell ill with piric. Secondly, funds are effective one year, the next is not. Frontline and Bars in Moscow make their way terribly often, we don't have it yet. The most impenetrable according to statistics in general are Advantix, Frontline Skalibor, Bars, Promeris Duo, Bolfo Spray, Kiltix, but this is not one by one. Combine different groups.

VI. Start and end of action
Don't rely on the numbers on the packaging. Avoid forest walks 5 days after the first treatment, do not bathe this time after the treatment with drops. And don't wait for the maximum expiration date (4 weeks). It is better to play it safe and repeat the treatment a few days earlier.

VII. We buy a special twister, we don’t pull it out with our hands !!!

VIII. Examine the dog every half hour to an hour. Hairy and dark dogs are combed The tick does not suck immediately, but looks for a softer place. Ticks most of all love the muzzle, ears, groin.

And finally, I will quote a post from one forum "At the moment we have Advantix on the withers, Scalibor on the neck and Bolfo-spray before leaving for the fields. PPC !!! In tick-borne places - I took 20 pieces, every hour or half an hour. In different there were no sucking stages, but there were heads that were screwed in. In tick-free (practically without grass) - 5-6 pcs per walk. background is subjected to detailed study.When detected, the reptile is clamped with tweezers, and, with tremendous pleasure for me, is martyred in the flame of a lighter.
In the process of parties, earlier, they used the Hartz collar, drops and sprays Bars and Bars-forte. The result is the same. Null. There was no piroplasmosis, but this is a plus for me, and not for the means.

Fipronil is a chem. active substance of pesticides (phenylpyrazole), used in agriculture., in honey. and household processing, veterinary medicine in pest control.


In its pure form, it is a transparent crystallized powder with a moldy smell. Does not react to thermal influence. Able to slowly decompose under the influence of light.

Fipronil refers to drugs with a wide spectrum of action - contact and intestinal poison. It has moderate systemic properties and high residual activity when processing leaves. They can process seeds.

The agent acts as a blocker of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is responsible for regulating the passage of nerve impulses, due to which the nervous system is disturbed. When excitation is transmitted through cells, acid plays the role of a mediator. Due to the peculiarity of fur. Actions This substance can actively fight many types of insects that are resistant to other poisonous compounds.

The insect dies from paralysis within 8-10 hours after exposure to the insecticide.

The drug acts as a "protector" for two weeks.


The presence of resistance to the substance in various species of insects suggests that it cannot be used on an ongoing basis. This poison is recommended to be used alternately with other insecticides. It can also be used as food bait.

  • wheat (ground beetle, bug, larvae);
  • barley (piavitsa);
  • potatoes (col. beetle);
  • plots, pastures (locust).

Effective against orthoptera, beetles and soil-dwelling insects.

Fipronil treats vegetative parts of plants and soil. The drug has a high toxicity.


Abroad, the drug is used to destroy leaf-dwelling and insects living in the soil. A successful result was noted in the fight against locusts (migratory and desert). It is the main drug used in locust persecution.

2. Used in honey. and household for pest control:

  • synanthropic cockroaches;
  • ants.

Due to the fact that the product has a high level of toxicity to warm-blooded animals, its use in the form of bait stations or gels is allowed for pest control.

Due to the systemic actions of the island, they are poisoned by ticks and fleas.

Toxicological characteristics

The agent belongs to phenylpyrazoles, which have long-term insecticidal toxicity. Absorbed by plants from soil and seeds. Since it decomposes very slowly under the influence of sunlight, after processing it acts for a very long time. In water, plants and soil, this substance is oxidized to fipronil sulfone.

It moves along the soil very slowly, to a depth of up to 30 cm. One of the most important properties of the preparation is its resistance to rain. According to some reports, the product can be retained on the leaves while maintaining its activity by 75%, even if it rained half an hour after spraying.

Poison action

Poisonous for rats, dermo-active for rabbits. Does not irritate the skin, but is a mild irritant to the eyes.

In animals, it is slowly metabolized, but the substance itself can be detected even a week after the treatment.

Signs of poisoning

Poisoning in an acute degree can manifest itself in severe irritability, lethargy and convulsions. After the drug stops its action, all symptoms disappear.

Preparations based on fipronil are classified as 1 and 3 classes of toxicity for bees, to 2 and 3 for humans.

Fipronil is prohibited to use:

  • for kittens and puppies under 2 months of age;
  • for dogs weighing up to 2 kg;
  • the animals ill inf. diseases or with a weakened immune system;
  • with increased individual sensitivity to the drug.

It is forbidden to use auricularly with ear scabies or eardrum defects.

What to look out for when using fipronil

1. You can not bathe the animal in water bodies for two days after treatment;

2. The skin of the animal should not be wet;

3. With a large overdose, it is necessary to carry out manipulations to remove the drug from the body;

Personal prevention

  • when working with poisons you can not smoke, eat or drink;
  • after finishing work, wash your hands with warm soapy water;
  • during the day after treatment, the animal should not be touched by hands, you need to protect small children from it.

Fipronil is an active insecticidal substance with which you can quickly and effectively get rid of cockroaches in residential areas. The product is available in the form of granules or emulsions - in its pure form it is not used for processing. Fipronil is used in combination with other active ingredients that make up gels, baits and sprays.

What effect does the insecticide have on cockroaches

Fipronil is a poisonous component and acts deadly on cockroaches

This substance is a slow-acting poison used in various pest baits. If the cockroach eats the bait or simply comes into contact with it (even if it just runs its antennae over the poison), it is exposed to the action of the insecticide and dies after a few hours. The drug has a strong effect on the nervous system of cockroaches, causing nerve spasms. As a result, the muscles of the insect are paralyzed, which leads to death.

The complete extinction of the entire population of cockroaches occurs after 2 days. During this period of time, infected pests return to their places of establishment and infect others. The dead Prussians are eaten by healthy ones, and thus the poison spreads among the entire colony. One of the main advantages of the drug is a long residual effect that lasts up to 30-35 days.

Today, the chemical industry produces a huge number of modern drugs intended for. After all, these insects are not only unwanted neighbors, but also the cause of food spoilage by their waste products. And given the fact that pests can still either provoke a phobia - it becomes clear that it is necessary to deal with insects in a timely manner. That's just the question of choice puzzles many consumers. Fipronil from cockroaches has gained great popularity among well-known pesticides.


Fipronil from cockroaches, the reviews confirm this, is a very effective insecticide that has a nerve-paralytic effect on pests. The principle of its action is to block the access of receptors of nerve channels to gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses. The consequence of such an action is a disruption of the nervous system, the development of paralysis and the onset of death.

Fipronil is a colorless crystalline powder with a musty odor. You can buy the product in the form of aerosols or baits. The insecticide is part of the preparations of the following brands:

  • Frontline;
  • Adonis;
  • Executioner;
  • Maxforce Gold;
  • Anti-cockroach;
  • Eslanadez.

Fipronil penetrates into the body of cockroaches by the contact-intestinal method when eating or touching the agent. The insecticidal substance begins to act gradually, and after 8 hours the infected individual dies. This time is quite enough for the pest to spread the poison between its relatives, thereby dooming the population to death. The tool has an equally detrimental effect on both.

On a note!

The advantage of the insecticide Fipronil is its long-term residual effect, the effect of which can persist for 30 days.

Application rules

Fipronil-based products are used for disinfection of industrial, children's, medical, food and residential premises. Before using this or that product, you must read the instructions (instructions for use are attached to each package). When using Fipronil, precautions should be taken, as even short-term contact can cause irritation.

To clean an apartment or house from cockroaches, it is preferable to use insecticidal gels based on Fipronil. They are more effective and much safer than aerosol products. When using the gel, it is not necessary to evacuate people and animals living in the house. In addition, drugs of this type do not have a specific smell. Having squeezed out small (up to 5 mm) drops of the product, they are applied where cockroaches are most often found. The gap between drops should not exceed 2 cm.

When treating an apartment with aerosol preparations based on Fipronil, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment. The agent is sprayed, which can be:

  • skirting boards;
  • doorways;
  • window sills;
  • back walls of furniture;
  • ventilation holes;
  • water and sewer pipes.