Purpose, forms and types of control in organizations. Finished product control. Big encyclopedia of oil and gas

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The control finished products, carried out by controllers - employees of the technical control department, differs from the control performed by any other departments of the plant, in that it is decisive: products accepted by the technical control department are considered good, not accepted - subject to processing, depending on the degree of non-compliance with specifications or rejection. The decisions of the technical control department on the issue of the suitability or unsuitability of the finished product are final and cannot be canceled.

Control of finished products is the final stage in technical control. This type employs about 25% of the employees of the control service.

The control of finished products is carried out as follows: the OTC sampler takes a sample, writes down the basic data in the journal and issues a passport for the finished product. Together with the sample, the passport is sent to the quality control laboratory, where the analysis is carried out. The issued document is sent to the workshop and to the sales department. Only after that, the products can be sent to another enterprise. This technology of paperwork is carried out at enterprises that produce products in mass quantities.

Control of finished products is carried out by the quality control department of the plant.

After the control of the finished product - carrying out all types of tests for a given grade of steel (alloy) - the certificate is approved by the responsible employee of the technical control department.

The finished product control group conducts sampling, checks the quality of packaging, labeling and storage conditions of products in the warehouses of the enterprise before they are sent.

When inspecting finished products, it is necessary to unambiguously determine such data as the sample size, test time and acceptance (or rejection) number, sufficient to obtain information about the reliability of the entire batch. The totality of these data constitutes a control plan, for the formation of which, as a rule, special tables and graphs are used. When planning tests, either only the interests of customers are taken into account, or the interests of the supplier and the customer. Planning for a guaranteed level of reliability (for example, for minimum value the probability of failure-free operation PZ) is used internally by industrial suppliers to confirm the production reliability of products to customer requirements. In this case, only the interests of the customer are taken into account, which is guaranteed with a confidence probability P - p that in the accepted batch the reliability of products is not worse than the rejection level.

When controlling finished products by quantitative characteristics, one or more quantitative parameters are determined for each tested product. The control result depends on statistical characteristics distribution of these parameters.

Acceptance control - control of finished products, based on the results of which a decision is made on its suitability for delivery and use.

Acceptance control - control of finished products after the completion of all technological operations, based on the results of which a decision is made on the suitability of products for delivery or use.

Acceptance control is the control of finished products, based on the results of which a decision is made on its suitability for delivery and use. In conditions of mass production, acceptance control is assigned to the most qualified QCD inspectors, who check the most important parameters of the finished product and enter the control results into the passport of each finished product.

ACCEPTANCE CONTROL - control of finished products, carried out by the acceptance authorities.

Controlling the quality of finished products means a lot. After all, the food that we eat should not only be tasty and outwardly attractive, but also safe for life and health. And ideally also useful. The organization of product quality control at any enterprise should be put on the list of priority tasks. Whether it is an enterprise for the production of finished products for technical use. Be it a service provider. Be it a catering company. Doesn't matter. The main properties of the finished product should be the safety of use, quality characteristics, the need for the consumer. Testing and quality control of products can be carried out both at the enterprise and in laboratories that have licenses and permits for these actions.

Methods of product quality control are different and each of them can be used in the overall system, both individually and in combination. What is the input control at the enterprise? What types of product quality assessment are used throughout the entire process of manufacturing finished products? How and who conducts random checks? Who issues permits for laboratory tests? Can there be a regular laboratory at the enterprise? What technical equipment should be at the enterprise in order to organize a full assessment of products in the process of their manufacture? You can find answers to these and many other questions by reading this article to the end. Either . Or by contacting an on-duty specialist for advice.

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Why do you need a control system in the enterprise? Obviously, in order to be able to identify the presence of defects and defects on early stages production of finished products. The raw materials from which the goods are manufactured, as well as each detail in complex structures must be checked and technically tested for strength. Raw materials entering production are checked by incoming control. We will talk about it a little later. As we have already said, a conformity check system must be organized at each stage of the manufacture of goods. Ultimately, the released product or product must comply with the established technical specifications. For some types of goods, the manufacturer establishes a warranty period. Defective products will invariably bring losses to the enterprise (refunds to the buyer, payment of penalties, reduced demand, etc.).

The enterprises should have a control group, whose responsibilities include:

  • definition of quality indicators;
  • determining the causes of marriage;
  • development of a system of work to reduce the number of defects;
  • application of the necessary methods to determine the level of safety of the manufactured goods;
  • carrying out the necessary research and technical tests;
  • interaction with all other departments, workshops, etc. on issues of quality improvement, etc.

Product quality control methods can be broadly divided into two subcategories.

So, the types of quality checks in any manufacturing organization:

  • independent control of finished products, voluntary testing and inspection;
  • implementation of quality control from the outside (audit) - a mandatory audit, carried out by third-party authorized organizations.

If you have any additional questions on the above information, please contact the consultants of our site.


A well-established quality control system allows you to correct defects in the production and operation of finished products at an early stage. This avoids the mass production of defective goods. Quality control is:

  • input - checking for compliance with quality standards of semi-finished products, materials and raw materials from which the final product will be made;
  • production - refers to the control of each operation in the process of manufacturing finished products;
  • systematic - implies a periodic check of the operability of the equipment used in production, tools, equipment, working conditions, storage, transportation, etc .;
  • checking the quality of samples made as trial models;
  • checking for compliance with the norms and standards of the finished product (including its parts, if necessary);
  • continuous - this type of control is most often used in the organization of input control, when all products, materials, raw materials, etc., received for production from the supplier and used for repair, use and manufacture of finished products are checked;
  • selective - can be carried out at all stages of production by sampling and testing. To do this, several samples are taken from one batch of goods.

The quality control system will be effective in case of obtaining reliable and, most importantly, timely information about the state of the object under study and comparing the information received with established production and consumer standards.


Input control It is an integral part common system monitoring the quality of the company. Its essence lies in the verification of products, goods, raw materials, etc., which come from the supplier and are subsequently used for repair, use or production of finished products. Input control performs the following tasks:

  • obtaining reliable information about the products received by the enterprise, intended for further use;
  • comparison of methods for assessing the properties of goods by the supplier and the customer;
  • comparison of the results obtained from the verification of the customer and the information provided by the supplier;
  • rejection of low-quality goods received for further use;
  • establishing the conformity of incoming goods established standards and data from the technical (accompanying) documentation;
  • prevention of the use of low-quality raw materials and materials in the production processes of the enterprise.

In one sentence about the tasks and functions imposed on the input control, one can say this - preventing the production of defective products at the first stage.

The main task of the final control is to check and evaluate the properties of the finished product, which enters the sales market, and then to the consumer. Input and output control practically duplicate each other.

Large enterprises have their own laboratories and a staff of qualified employees for research and testing of goods at all stages of production. If there are doubts about the quality of the incoming raw materials and / or in order to avoid conflicts with suppliers on the issues of determining the consumer properties of the incoming materials, a representative of the supplier may be present at the time of sampling and examination.

Input control can be presented in the following forms:

  • periodically check the system for maintaining optimal properties of goods from the supplier;
  • oblige the supplier to be present during shipment;
  • require the supplier to check the quality and carry out all necessary examinations;
  • conduct random checks with the supplier;
  • involvement of independent experts in inspections, etc.

The organization of the input control system is of paramount importance for the entire production as a whole.


The sampling system is also called statistical control. This type of quality control is carried out at all stages of the enterprise. Sampling is used in situations where it is impractical or simply impossible to conduct a complete check. Sometimes the application of control methods can partially or completely destroy the test specimen.

For example, when testing an electric light bulb for duration of operation, it is impossible to save it for further use by the consumer. To check the entire batch of products (including those that have just arrived from the supplier for further processing), a sample is made from it to assess the quality and performance properties. From the tests, analyzes, tests of the selected copies, an average statistical estimate of the entire volume of goods is derived. The result of the sample can be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • quantitative - for this, an acceptance number is set, if the presence of defective goods is less than or equal to this number, then the batch is considered accepted, but if it is more, the entire batch is rejected;
  • alternative - used when the presence of marriage in the entire batch is unacceptable. In this case, even if one defective specimen is found, the entire batch is considered rejected.

Let's consider sequential analysis as a kind of spot check. In this case, the number of selected instances is not predetermined. The check is carried out until the members of the quality control commission form a definite opinion regarding the entire batch. You can find out more about random quality checks during the production process through the form feedback site consultants.

Generalization by types and methods

Depending on the stage of production at which quality control is carried out, it can be:

  • input - we have already considered this type of control above;
  • operational - carried out directly by the performer or master at each stage of production;
  • acceptance - quality control of finished products is carried out.

By the number of products checked from one batch, quality control can be:

  • selective - we have already considered this type of control above;
  • solid - when the entire number of products / products from the batch is checked without exception.

According to the time frame, quality control happens:

  • volatile - carried out at the places of manufacture, storage or repair of goods. The time for volatile control is not determined - surprise is its main condition. They are used in small-scale production and for small batches of goods;
  • continuous - carried out using automatic controls for the stability of production technologies;
  • periodic - most often this type of control is resorted to when the production process and technologies are already stable.

Depending on the means that are used to conduct product quality control, quality control of this product can be:

  • measuring - with the help of special equipment are installed exact specifications products and compared with the original data (for example, the correspondence between the actual weight and that indicated in the documents or other establishing documentation;
  • registration - includes the process of registering certain features of the object under study;
  • according to the sample - checking the compliance of the object under study with the sample, the state of which corresponds to the established standards;
  • visual - from the name it is clear that this type of product evaluation is carried out only with the eyes, that is, it is evaluated appearance the object under study;
  • organoleptic - this type of product evaluation is described in detail in;
  • inspection - this type of assessment is carried out after the products have been accepted by the quality control department. It has a revision purpose.

After reading this article, you can at least roughly cover the system for evaluating any product in production for compliance with established standards. For more detailed information on this topic, please contact the consultants of the site.

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Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation

Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education

federal state budgetary educational institution higher education

"Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University"

Institute: Food production

Department: Technology of conservation and food biotechnology.

on the production practice at the enterprise "Momental" LLC


Olyunin I.V

Accepted Associate Professor

Rechkina E.A.

Krasnoyarsk 2016


1. Characteristics of the enterprise

2. Product range

3. Finished product control methods



After completing the 3rd year, in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, students are sent for practical training at food and processing industries.

For the internship, I chose the Momental meat processing plant, which is located in ZATO Zheleznogorsk and produces high-quality sausage and deli products that are in high demand among the population. The plant's products are supplied to grocery stores and pavilions in Zheleznogorsk, Sosnovoborsk, Krasnoyarsk and the settlements adjacent to these cities.

1. Enterprise characteristics

The main activity of the Momental Meat Processing Plant (hereinafter referred to as Momental LLC) is the production of ready-to-eat food products.

The Momental LLC enterprise is located in a separate standing one-story non-residential building, with an actual production capacity of 10 tons of products per day (with a design capacity of 40 tons), located at the address: 662977, Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Zheleznogorsk, Yuzhnaya street, house 18 "E". The legal address of the LLC "Momental" enterprise: 660010, Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk, Vavilov street, house 7.

The enterprise provides the following set of warehouse, production, utility, sanitary and administrative premises: assortment technological control quality

- Warehouses:

Room for unloading and weighing incoming raw materials and materials;

Room for weighing and shipment of finished products;

Low-temperature refrigerating chamber for storage of raw materials received at the plant (-16°C, -18°C) - 1 pc.,

Low-temperature refrigerating chamber for storage of finished products (frozen semi-finished products) (-12°C, - 14°C) - 1 pc.,

Low-temperature refrigerating chamber for storing chopped raw materials (-8°С, -10°С) - 2 pcs.,

Medium-temperature refrigerating chamber for storage of finished products (+2°С, +6°С) - 3 pcs.,

Storage room for packaging, films.

- P production premises :

Sausage and deli shop (with zones for the production of sausages and deli products),

Cutlet shop (with zones for the production of cutlets, dumplings and dumplings),

Room for cooking and smoking products (thermal and smoking chambers),

Packing and packaging department

Room for washing containers and working equipment.

- With sanitary, utility and administrative premises:

Dressing rooms: men's and women's,

Shower rooms: male and female,

Toilets: male and female,

Area for storing detergents and disinfectants,

Canteen for employees of the enterprise,

locksmith workshop,

Office rooms (8 rooms).

The production facilities are equipped with the necessary technological equipment for the production and packaging of sausage and deli products, as well as meat semi-finished products:

Name of equipment

brand, model


Grinding minced meat for sausages

Mechanical deboning separator

Making minced chicken from whole chicken

Stuffing minced meat into a casing

Grinding lumpy meat through a grate of a certain diameter

Meat mixer


Mixing minced meat for sausages

block cutter

Slicing frozen meat blocks


Injection and tenderization of meat on the bone or without the bone

ice maker

Production flake ice for minced meat

Cutlet line

Production of cutlets

Spiral quick freezer (shock freezing)

Cooling and freezing of semi-finished products from 0°С to minus 35°С

dumpling machine

Yekaterinburg city

Making dumplings and dumplings

Thermal chamber

Cooking, smoking sausage and deli products

Vacuum packaging line

Finished product packaging

2. Assortmentproducedproducts

The range of manufactured products at the LLC "Momental" enterprise is very wide: boiled and semi-smoked sausages, hams, sausages, sausages, sausages, deli products, semi-finished products - about 100 types of items in total.

Table 1 - range of finished products

Chilled boiled sausages: Doctor's boiled sausage; Sausage boiled Dairy; Boiled sausage Amateur; Veal boiled sausage; Sausages Amateur; Dairy sausages; Russian sausages.

GOST R 52196-2011

Sausage "Krakowska" of the highest grade.

GOST R 31785-2012

GOST R 55455-2013

Sausages and Semi-smoked sausages: sausages - Odessa; Armavir; Balykovskaya; hunting sausages.

TU 9213-004-54780900-2006

Boiled products: Capital beef; Pork classic;

Cooked-smoked products: Russian carbonate; The brisket is tender; Brisket is spicy;

Smoked and boiled products: Spicy pork ribs;

Smoked-baked product: Salo.


Products from bacon: Hungarian bacon; The bacon is salty; Belorussian salo.

GOST R 55485-2013

Semi-finished product of small-sized boneless beef, category A: Goulash.

TU 9214-005-54780900-2008

Semi-finished products meat and meat-containing, chilled and frozen: semi-finished product small-sized meat, category B - Minced meat at home; semi-finished meat product in a casing, category B - Sausages for frying; semi-finished minced meat products, category G - Village cutlet; Homemade meatballs;

TU 9214-368-01597945-2005

Semi-finished products in dough with minced meat: Pelmeni "Domashniye"; Meat dumplings "Courage".

TU 9214-025-79036538-2013

Poultry delicacy products "Bird Baron" smoked and boiled (chickens, hens, turkeys, turkey poults): Poultry roll; Legs; Fillet (with and without bone).

TU 9213-007-042855891-2001

Chilled meat product in jelly: Homemade jelly.

TU 9213-254-01597945-2003

Semi-smoked sausage Rustic.

TU 9213-005-49736787-2005

Pates, chilled liver sausages: Liver pate; Liver sausage "Peasant".

TU 9213-011-71257889-2008

Cooked sausage products: Boiled sausage "Doctor's as before" first grade; Sausage boiled for breakfast of the second grade.

TU 9213-021-54780900-2010

Sausage boiled-smoked "Viennese".

TU 9213-011-40155161-2002

Cooked sausage product: Sausages "Creamy"; Meat bread "Special".

TU 9213-004-89077610-2010

Boiled sausage product: Sausages "Favorite"; Spikachki "Dobrynskie", Sausages "Appetizing"; Sausages "Bavarian".

TU 9213-001-49736787-2005

Boiled ham products: Ham "Hunting", Ham "Gentle"; Ham "Preobrazhenskaya"; Ham "Picnic".

TU 9213-244-01597945-2003

Products fried from poultry meat, pork, beef, lamb, chilled and frozen: products fried from poultry meat - half carcasses, legs, thighs, drumsticks, wings, "chicken tobacco", Kiev cutlet, natural poultry cutlet, poultry meat fillet breaded, chicken cutlets, nuggets "Tidbit", schnitzel "Cordon-bleu "holiday". Products fried from pork, beef, lamb - meat cutlets, cutlets "Vkusnye", kebab "Gourmet".

TU 9214-218-23476484-2005

Chilled and frozen semi-finished product from poultry meat: Poultry meat chop.

TU 9214-007-54780900-2008

Frozen dumplings (semi-finished products): Vareniki with potatoes; Vareniki with potatoes and mushrooms; Vareniki with meat and cabbage.


3 . Finished product control methods

Production control over the quality and safety of finished food products is provided by the technologist and (or) an authorized official of the Momental LLC enterprise, both visually and by laboratory studies (tests).

Visual quality control of finished products includes:

1) Monitoring compliance with the manufacture of products - recipes, technology of its production, specified in the regulatory and technical documents - constantly, each batch;

2) Control of organoleptic indicators of manufactured products in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for each manufactured type of product - daily, each batch;

3) Control of temperature and humidity conditions for storage of finished products (it is not allowed to store chilled products in uncooled rooms before loading into vehicle and (or) container - daily, each batch;

4) Control of the shelf life of food products from the end of the technological process in accordance with the established hygiene requirements and the requirements of technical documents - daily, each batch;

5) Control of the presence of products with an expired shelf life in warehouse finished products (products that pose a danger to public health, that do not meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements and the requirements of technical regulation are not allowed for sale) - daily.

Production laboratory quality control of sausages, meatx products (from meat and poultry meat)

Table 2 - Finished product control methods

Scope of research

Multiplicity of control


Accounting documentation

Organoleptic indicators

Each batch

Enterprise Specialist

physical and chemical indicators

Nutritional Values

Accredited laboratory

Test reports

S aureus Sulfate-reducing clostridia

Listeria monocytogenes

Accredited laboratory

Test reports



Benz(a)pyrene (for sausages, smoked meat products) Nitrosamines (for sausages, smoked meat products). Dioxins (poultry and poultry products)

Accredited laboratory

Test reports

Production laboratory quality control of meat and oil-containing semi-finished products (small-sized, chopped, and dough - dumplings, dumplings), including from poultry meat

Scope of research

Multiplicity of control


Accounting documentation

Organoleptic indicators

Each batch

Enterprise Specialist

Journal of organoleptic evaluation of finished products

physical and chemical indicators

Nutritional Values

1 time per year (10% of all products)

1 time per year (50% of the product range)

Accredited laboratory

Test reports

Safety indicators: microbiological: -KMAFAnM,

BGKP (coli-forms), pathogenic microorganisms incl.


Molds (p / f in chopped dough)

Yeast (p / f chopped in the dough)

Listeria monocytogenes

1 time per quarter (10% of all products)

Accredited laboratory

Test reports

Antibiotics: levomycetin, letracycline group, grisin, bacitracin.


Toxic elements: mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic.


HCCH (alpha, beta, gamma isomers) DDT and its


1 time per year (15% of all products)

Accredited laboratory

Test reports

Production laboratory quality control of finished culinary fried products from pork, beef, lamb, poultry meat; gelled meat product - jelly

Scope of research

Multiplicity of control


Accounting documentation

Organoleptic indicators

Each batch

Enterprise Specialist

Journal of organoleptic evaluation of finished products

physical and chemical indicators

Nutritional Values

1 time per year (10% of all products)

1 time per year (50% of the product range)

Accredited laboratory

Test reports

Safety indicators: microbiological: -KMAFAnM (for boiled sausages, meat products),

BGKP (coli-forms), pathogenic microorganisms incl. - salmonella

Sulfate-reducing clostridia (fried products)

Proteus (fried products)

E coli (jelly)

Enterococcus (fried products

Listeria monocytogenes

1 time per quarter (10% of all products)

Accredited laboratory

Test reports

Antibiotics: levomycetin, letracycline group, grisin, bacitracin.

Toxic elements: mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic.


HCCH (alpha, beta, gamma isomers) DDT and its metabolites.

1 time per year (15% of all products)

Accredited laboratory

Test reports


I believe that work experience is important for every student. It has a specific goal of laying the foundations for the future of students, a deeper assimilation of theoretical knowledge, teaching professional skills, and mastering production technologies.

The knowledge gained as a result of internship is great importance in the further production activity of a young specialist. They help to understand what the specific work of a process engineer is, to determine the requirements for him, and the responsibility for the result of his work.

A process engineer is responsible for the quality of products, and for this he needs to be very demanding of himself and his subordinates.

When passing practice, the validity of theoretical knowledge can be verified experimentally. Without consolidating theoretical knowledge in practice, it is impossible to further assimilate and accumulate production skills.


1. Zharinov A.I. production of sausages and meat delicacies / A.I. Zharinov, I.A. Rogov. - M.: Profizdat, 2003. 144s

2. Zabashta, A.G. Handbook for the production of stuffed and boiled sausages, sausages, sausages and meat loaves / A.G. Zabashta, I.A. Milkmen. - M.: Profizdat, 2005. -702 s.

3. Zayas Yu.F. The quality of meat and meat products / Yu.F. Zayas. - M.: Easy and food industry, 2003 - 480s.

4. Program production control enterprises LLC "Momental".

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Quality control of products at enterprises is carried out by the technical control department (QCD).

Product quality control is divided into three types: input, interoperational and output (acceptance).

Input control- checking the quality of raw materials and auxiliary materials entering production. Constant analysis of the quality of supplied raw materials and materials allows you to influence the production of supplier enterprises, achieving quality improvement.

Interoperational control covers the entire technological process. This control is sometimes called technological, or current. The purpose of interoperational control is to verify compliance with technological regimes, rules for storage and packaging of products between operations.

Output (acceptance) control- quality control of finished products. The purpose of the final control is to establish the conformity of the quality of finished products with the requirements of standards or specifications, detection possible defects. If all conditions are met, delivery of products is allowed.

QCD also checks the quality of packaging and the correct labeling of finished products.

Input, interoperational and output control can be selective, continuous and statistical.

Selective- control of a part of the product, the results of the verification of which apply to the entire batch.

continuous All products are subjected to control (with an undeveloped technological regime).

Statistical control is preventive. It is carried out throughout the technological process in order to prevent the occurrence of marriage.

A conditional measure of the quality of goods is their grade.

Variety- this is a qualitative gradation of goods according to one or more indicators established by regulatory documentation.

During acceptance quality control, products are divided into grades indicated by numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) or words (highest, selected, extra, etc.). Some goods (complex-technical, furniture, plastic products, etc.) are not divided into grades, but are distinguished as suitable and unsuitable.

Gradation of goods by varieties is carried out according to defects appearance, less often by deviations from other properties. All appearance defects are divided into acceptable and unacceptable. Products with unacceptable defects are rejected.

Defects that determine the grade of the product are divided according to the following criteria: origin, size and location, the possibility of detection, the possibility of correction, and the degree of significance.

By origin - defects in raw materials, technological, arising during storage and transportation.

By size and location - defects are small, large; local, common.

If possible, defects are visible (obvious) and hidden.

If possible, corrections - defects are correctable and irreparable.

According to the degree of significance - defects are critical, significant and insignificant.

If there are critical defects, the use of goods is impossible or unacceptable.

The degree of deterioration in the quality of the goods depends on the significance, size, location and number of defects.

The number, size and location of permissible defects are specified in the standards.

Determination of a grade is carried out on points and restrictive systems. The product type is set to industrial enterprise OTK controllers. The higher the grade, the higher the quality of the product.

With a point system, each defect or deviation from the nominal value of the property indicator is evaluated with a certain number of points, taking into account their significance and size. The grade is determined by the sum of points.

With a restrictive system, for each variety, a list of permissible defects, their number, size, location is established.

In case of discrepancy with the standards for a given grade by type, quantity and location of defects, the goods are transferred to a lower grade or marriage.

Non-compliance of the goods with the standards for at least one defect or deviation gives grounds for transferring it to a lower grade or marriage.

Quality Assurance in Product Inspection and Testing

The purpose of establishing quality protection systems is to protect the consumer from the inadvertent receipt of non-conforming products and to avoid unnecessary costs associated with the rework of such products. Actions on nonconforming products should be identified and documented.

The control- an activity involving the measurement, examination, testing or evaluation of one or more characteristics of an object and comparing the results obtained with specified requirements to determine whether compliance has been achieved for each of these characteristics.

An important role for the production of high-quality goods and quality management is the quality control of goods.

Goods quality control is a procedure for checking the compliance of their quality indicators with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and supply contracts. The main task of quality control is to identify product defects, which include each individual non-compliance of the goods with the established requirements. At the same time, product defects can be detected both during organoleptic and measurement control; and can only be detected during operation.

Depending on the ability to detect defects can be obvious and hidden.

Manifest product defect- defect, for the detection of which in normative documentation mandatory for this type of control, there are appropriate rules, methods and means. Many obvious defects are already detected during visual inspection of products.

Hidden product defect- a defect, for the detection of which the relevant rules, methods and means are not provided in the regulatory documentation, mandatory for this type of control. Hidden defects are discovered during the operation of the product (product).

By origin, defects can be manufacturing and non-manufacturing.

Manufacturing defect arises in the course of production of the goods, because of infringement of a technological mode of production of a product.

Non-manufacturing defect occurs after the completion of the production process of goods - during transportation, storage, sale, operation or. consumption.

If possible, defects are divided into removable and unrecoverable.

Removable Defects- Defects, the elimination of which is technically possible and economically feasible.

Fatal Defects- defects, the elimination of which is technically impossible and (or) economically inexpedient.

When studying defects, it is necessary to determine its significance - a relative value determined by the type, size, location of the defect and characterized by the degree of its influence on the quality level of the goods in comparison with other defects. Depending on the degree of impact on quality, defects can be: critical, significant, insignificant.

Critical Defect- a defect, in the presence of which the use of the goods for its intended purpose is practically impossible or unacceptable.

Major product defects significantly affect the possibility of using the product for its intended purpose, its quality and duration of operation.

Minor (minor) defects do not significantly affect the use of the product for its intended purpose and its durability.

In the process of continuous or selective quality control of products, good products and defects are detected.

Yearly production- a product that meets all the established requirements.

Marriage- products, the transfer of which to the consumer is not allowed due to the presence of defects that are unacceptable normative documents.

It must be remembered that for some groups and types of products it is provided sort division. It depends on the presence of defects and deviations in some indicators of consumer properties.

The procedure for establishing varieties:

1) varieties are set according to a point or restrictive system. The most common is the scoring system, in which the regulatory documents for each from varieties limit the type of defects, their number, size, location on the product;

2) with a scoring system, deviations from the norm of the standard in terms of controlled indicators and defect parameters are evaluated in conventional units - points;

3) by comparing the sum of points acquired by the product during the control, with regulatory requirements standards that provide for each grade the allowable amount of points, the goods are assigned to one or another grade.

But in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the number of varieties or even to refuse to divide goods into varieties.

There is the following classification of types of control:

For control purposes:

■ product control;

■ process control.

According to the stage of the production process:

■ input control;

■ control of transportation;

■ operational control;

■ acceptance control (control of finished products);

■ storage control.

The nature:

■ supervisory control;

■ flying control.

Decisions made:

■ active control;

■ passive control.

By product coverage:

■ complete control;

■ selective control.

If possible, further use of products:

■ destructive control;

unbrakable control.

By means of control:

■ visual control;

■ organoleptic control;

■ instrumental control.

In general, quality control should confirm the fulfillment of specified product requirements. It includes:

■ input control. It is used to ensure the quality of purchased materials, components and assemblies that enter the manufacturing enterprise. Input control depends on the information coming from the subcontractor and their impact on costs.

■ intermediate (operational) control. It is carried out at certain points in the production process to confirm compliance. The locations of the reviews and their frequency depend on the significance of the characteristics and the convenience of the verification during the implementation of the process. There are the following types of checks: automatic control or automatic tests; checking the installation

(and the first sample; control checks or tests carried out by the machine operator; control at established points of the technological process at certain intervals; periodic control of specific operations carried out by special controllers.

acceptance control. Such control is the final step summing up the entire production process. It can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the quality system in place at the enterprise. It is he who has the most complete information to improve the quality management system at the enterprise. In this case, two forms of verification of finished products can be used, which can be used both together and separately:

a) acceptance control or acceptance tests to confirm the conformity of the finished product to the established requirements. Reference can be made to the purchase order to verify that the type and quantity of the item being delivered matches. These include continuous control of all units of goods, random control of batches of goods and continuous selective control;

b) checking the quality of the goods, carried out on sample units representative of completed lots, on a continuous or periodic basis.

In general, acceptance control and product quality testing can be used to provide operational feedback for corrective action on products, a process, or a quality system. Goods that do not meet the established requirements must be recorded and analyzed, imported or analyzed, repaired, accepted with or without a permit for derogation from the requirements, altered, re-sorted or scrapped. Repaired and/or remanufactured goods must be re-inspected or re-tested.

product shipping authorization, inspection and test reports (data logging). Products can only be shipped after all work specified in the quality program or documented procedures has been successfully completed and the relevant information and documentation has been received and formally approved.

Management of control and measuring equipment. To achieve confidence in the correctness of the decisions made or actions based on the results of measurements, it is required to maintain continuous control of all measurement systems used in the development, production, installation and maintenance of products. Measuring instruments, sensors, special test equipment and the necessary software for testing. Also, it is recommended, as necessary, to extend control procedures to technological equipment, various fixtures, which can affect the specified characteristics of the product or process. Need to develop documented procedures to manage and maintain the measurement process itself in a state of statistical regulation, including equipment, methodology and vocational training operators. Documented procedures require the use of appropriate instrumentation and test equipment, including test software, to ensure that accurate measurement uncertainty data is obtained, which must be consistent with the required measurement capabilities. Appropriate measures must be taken when the accuracy of the equipment does not allow adequate measurement of process and product characteristics.

In doing so, attention should be paid to the following points:

■ set parameters for range, accuracy, convergence, and stability under given environmental conditions;

■ conduct an initial test prior to initial use to assess the required accuracy;

■ provide periodic returns for adjustment, repair and re-verification, taking into account

the manufacturer's technical requirements, the results of the previous verification, the order and intensity of use in order to ensure the necessary accuracy during operation; “to carry out documentary confirmation of the unambiguity of the designation of measuring instruments, the frequency of re-verification, the state of affairs with the verification and the procedure for recall, transportation, conservation and storage, adjustment, repair, verification, installation and operation;

■ ensure that measuring instruments are linked to reference standards of known accuracy and stability, preferably nationally and internationally recognized standards. international level; in the absence of such standards, it is necessary to document the basis for verification.

■ evaluate the software and control procedures for automated test equipment.

Verification of measuring instruments is a set of operations performed by the bodies of the State Metrological Service or other accredited organizations in order to determine and confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with established technical requirements.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" introduced the term "calibration of measuring instruments". Calibration of measuring instruments is a set of operations performed to determine and confirm the actual values ​​of metrological characteristics and (or) suitability for use of a measuring instrument that is not subject to state metrological control and supervision. Only those measuring instruments that are not subject to state metrological control and supervision, i.e. verification, are subject to calibration. Verification is a mandatory operation that is performed by the bodies of the state metrological service, and calibration is performed by any metrological service or individual who have all the necessary conditions for the implementation of this activity. Calibration is an additional function that is performed either by the metrological service of the enterprise, or at its request by any other organization capable of performing the work.

Management of nonconforming products. Such activities are carried out in order to protect the consumer from the inadvertent receipt of products that do not meet specified requirements, and to avoid unnecessary costs associated with the rework of such products. Dealing with nonconforming products should be defined and documented in procedures. These actions typically include:

■ Identification. This is a process whereby units or batches of products suspected of non-compliance with specified requirements must be immediately identified and their occurrence recorded. Where necessary, facilities should be provided for

inspection or re-examination of previous batches.

isolation. The process by which non-conforming products are isolated from conforming products and appropriately identified to avoid further unintended use before a decision is made to dispose of them.

Product return. Sometimes it may be necessary to return finished products that are in the finished goods warehouse, on their way to distribution organizations, in warehouses or already in operation. Return decisions are based on safety considerations, product legal liability and consumer satisfaction. But, having ended with the disposal of identified non-conforming products, the quality management process would look, at least, incomplete. All identified discrepancies, after systematization and careful analysis, should become a solid information base for developing measures to reduce the level of defective products to a minimum. Therefore, the development of corrective and preventive measures is an essential element of quality management.

Survey. Nonconforming product shall be examined by specially designated personnel to determine whether it can be accepted with or without repair, if a waiver is granted, whether it is worth repairing, reworking or rejecting it. Surveyors should be competent enough to evaluate the impact of decisions made on interchangeability, downstream processing, performance, reliability, safety and aesthetic properties.

Taking various measures. Typically, this includes measures to prevent the misuse or installation of nonconforming products. Such measures may include the examination of other products designed or processed according to the same procedures as the product found non-conforming and/or previous batches of the same product.

For work in progress, corrective action should be taken as soon as practicable to save on repair, rework or scrap costs. Repaired, remanufactured and/or modified products are subject to re-inspection or re-testing to verify conformity with specified requirements.

Disposal. Disposal of nonconforming products must be carried out as soon as it becomes necessary. The decision to accept such products should be documented (along with the rationale) in the authorized waivers, with appropriate precautions.

Corrective action. Implementation of corrective actions begins with the identification of quality problems. Corrective actions involve the repair, rework, return or rejection of unsatisfactory products. The need for action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities may be determined by the following factors:

a) customer requirements;

b) information about the operation of products;

c) reviews by management;

d) process nonconformity reports;

e) audits (internal and/or external);

Measures to eliminate the causes of existing or potential nonconformities include:

An assessment of the importance of an existing problem affecting quality. Such an assessment should take place in terms of the potential impact of the problem on aspects such as quality costs, raw material processing and manufacturing costs, performance, reliability, safety and customer satisfaction.

Study of possible causes contributing to the problem. At the same time, it is recommended to determine the important parameters that affect the ability of the process to satisfy established requirements. It is necessary to establish the relationship between cause and effect, taking into account all possible causes. The results of the study must be documented.

Problem analysis. In this case, it is necessary to establish the root cause of the problem. Very often, the root cause is not obvious, requiring a thorough analysis of product specifications and all related processes, operations, quality records, service reports and customer opinions. Problem analysis can be used statistical methods. At the same time, it is recommended to create a file of inconsistencies, from which general problems, individual problems, as well as ways to solve them would be indicated.

Eliminate the causes of actual or potential nonconformities. Identification of the cause or potential causes may result in changes to product specifications and/or revisions to the quality system, as well as to manufacturing, packaging, handling, transportation or storage processes. When eliminating the causes, it is necessary to do everything possible to prevent them reappearance further.

Process management. Appropriate steps should be taken to manage processes and procedures to avoid reoccurrence of problems. If a corrective action is taken, its consequences must be monitored to ensure that the objectives are met.

Changes being made. Changes made as a result of corrective actions should be recorded in work instructions, production process documentation, product specifications and/or quality system documentation.

Quality requirements for industrial products: organoleptic properties

Product quality is formed at the stage of product development and is accompanied by regulatory and technical documentation. Product quality must be ensured at all stages of production and maintained at the stages of storage, transportation and sale.

The planned provision of quality levels depends on many factors:

· From a clear formulation in the normative and technical documentation of the requirements for product quality;

On the quality of raw materials or semi-finished products;

· Perfection of a compounding and technology;

· Compliance with technological processes;

Level technical equipment production;

· Qualification level of personnel;

Organization of production and service;

Compliance with product quality control at all stages of its production;

· Interest in the production of high-quality products.

For example: if the recipe is incorrect, and the technological process is not worked out, then even with good quality raw materials and highly qualified personnel, it is impossible to develop high-quality products.

The process of ensuring product quality consists of interdependent stages and operations: from the acceptance of raw materials (or semi-finished products) to the storage and sale of finished products. For example, even one poorly performed operation in the technological process of manufacturing products can spoil the previously performed high-quality work and, as a result, products of a given quality will not work. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the technological discipline prescribed in the regulatory and technical documentation, to strictly control the quality of performance of not only individual operations, but the entire technological process. To ensure the release of products High Quality it is necessary to increase the level of technical equipment of enterprises, to automate technological processes and improve the mechanism of product quality management.

Organoleptic properties of industrial products. The quality of raw materials and semi-finished products is evaluated by the main organoleptic properties: appearance (including color), texture, smell, taste. For some groups of products there are their own indicators: transparency (tea, jelly, brine), sectional view (meat, fish, stuffed products, muffins, cakes), the state of the crumb (confectionery and bakery products).

When raw materials or semi-finished products arrive at the enterprise, the first thing they look at is their appearance. Are there any cracks, dents on the surface, is the shape of the product correct, is the packaging not broken, is the date of manufacture correct. Sometimes suitability is determined by smell. Smell is a sensation that occurs when the olfactory receptors are excited. When applied to food raw materials and semi-finished products, such concepts as aroma are distinguished - a natural attractive smell characteristic of the initial raw materials (fruits, vegetables, spices, milk, fresh fish and meat) and bouquet - a smell that is formed in the process of technological processing of products under the influence of complex chemical transformations (zrazy, cutlets, cabbage rolls, muffins). Odors not characteristic of the product are the result of a violation of the preparation technology or spoilage during storage.

One of the main indicators of the quality of raw materials and semi-finished products is their consistency. The very concept of consistency includes a characteristic of the state of aggregation (solid, liquid), degree of homogeneity (curdled, flaky, lumpy, homogeneous), mechanical properties (brittle, elastic, plastic, elastic, brittle).

The consistency is determined visually (foamy, liquid) and with the help of the tactile organs. For example, with your fingertips you can determine the degree of elasticity, hardness, plasticity of various raw materials and semi-finished products. In the oral cavity there are such tactile sensations as juiciness, friability, uniformity, astringency. Juiciness - the sensation caused by the juices of the product when chewed, and is expressed quantitatively (the product is very juicy, little juicy or dry). Friability and crumbling are determined by the resistance that the product exerts when chewing (products from shortcrust pastry). Uniformity - the impression excited by the particles of the product when distributed on the surface of the tongue and oral cavity (homogeneity of sauce, cream). Fibrousness - product fibers that resist chewing (coarse-fiber meat). Astringency is a sensation that occurs in the oral cavity when the inner surface of the mouth tightens (wrinkles) and is accompanied by the appearance of dryness in the mouth.

The consistency of various product groups is usually characterized by several definitions: the consistency of fried meat is soft, juicy; mashed potatoes - loose, fluffy, homogeneous.

Also an indicator of quality is TASTE - a sensation that occurs when the taste buds are excited and is determined qualitatively (sweet, salty, sour, bitter) and quantitatively (taste intensity). Taste sensations caused food products, are the result of the impact of two or more basic tastes on the taste buds. Trying this or that dish, we experience not only taste sensations, but also a number of others that give an idea of ​​the product as a whole. Therefore, the indicator that defines how taste is a combination of taste, tactile sensations and smell, perceived during tasting.

Organoleptic evaluation of raw materials and semi-finished products can give accurate results, provided that the rules for its implementation and compliance with the rules are observed. The amount of raw materials and semi-finished products should be small, because under the influence of fatigue, the susceptibility of the senses quickly decreases, and they also get used to a certain stimulus.

The room where the organoleptic evaluation of raw materials and semi-finished products is carried out must be well and evenly lit. Lighting should be natural, as artificial color can change the natural color of the product, which is very important when detecting differences in color shades that appear in meat and fish products during storage and packaging. Extraneous odors that may affect the assessment of the quality of products should not penetrate into the room.

With organoleptic evaluation, the accuracy of the results directly depends on the professional skills of the workers, knowledge of the methodology and the thoroughness of its implementation. Therefore, workers who constantly monitor the quality of food products must develop a pronounced sensitivity to taste, smell, color, etc.

2. Rules for sampling from a batch of products Catering sent for implementation

When checking the work of the enterprise, employees of sanitary and food laboratories and other controlling organizations carry out an organoleptic assessment (branding) of all ready-made dishes and products and determine their average weight.

Piece and portion products are selected from different (or one) trays and trays and weighed in 10 pieces. on the scales. If the total weight of the weighed items is below the norm, another 10 items are weighed. Then the products are weighed individually.

To determine the average weight of dishes (products) selected for distribution, 3 portions are weighed separately, their weight is summed up and divided by 3.

To check the correctness of the release of products portioned with the help of measurers or spoons (sour cream, sugar, butter), 10 ... 20 portions of the product are selected with a measurer, weighed and the average mass is determined.

The average mass of dishes (products) should not deviate from the norm of output of a dish (product) according to the recipe. The mass of one dish (product) can deviate from the norm by no more than + 3%.

The results of the organoleptic evaluation are recorded in the company's rejection log, and in the case of sending to the laboratory - in the sampling report, the weighing results are reflected in the sampling report.

In production, laboratory workers conduct the simplest qualitative and quantitative analyzes (reaction to the presence of filler in natural minced meat products, determine the mass of the dense part of the components), which allow you to quickly detect violations of recipes or cooking technology. Dishes and products rated "unsatisfactory" are removed from the sale.

Products are selected for laboratory analysis with a “satisfactory” rating, as well as if they doubt the freshness or compliance with the recipe. All this is recorded in the act of sampling.

The laboratory worker conducts sampling during the distribution of portions prepared for vacation (at self-service enterprises), or when fulfilling an order (when serving by waiters). Representatives of other controlling organizations may conduct sampling by means of a test purchase.

In addition to servings of the first or sweet dish from among those prepared for the holiday, one serving of the dish of the same name is also taken from the boilers for distribution. When selecting milk soups and hot drinks with milk, a sample of the milk used for preparation is taken. Dishes taken from the cauldrons are controls and are examined separately. When selecting the first courses, the contents of the boiler are well mixed, poured into at least 5 portions into a separate clean pan, poured into plates and one portion is taken. A control sample of the soup is taken without sour cream and meat. If a violation of the recipe or cooking technology is revealed, the analysis of control samples will determine who committed the violation: the cook who prepared the dish, or the distributor of dishes.

Products from meat, poultry, fish, rabbit, the organoleptic parameters of which correspond to the norm, are not selected for analysis. If the mass of products is below the standard, their appearance indicates that the culinary processing was carried out incorrectly (overcooked), or there is a suspicion of poor quality, the whole dish is selected for analysis. Additionally, garnish and sauce are taken from the boilers during distribution, with which this dish is released. A sample of the garnish is taken from the center of the boiler, retreating 2-3 cm from the wall, after thoroughly mixing its contents. The sauce is also mixed with a slotted spoon before sampling, moving it up and down at least 8-10 times. After mixing, the sauce is taken with a pouring spoon.

When selecting for analysis dishes from minced meat, fish, poultry, rabbit with filler, in addition to garnish and sauce, control basic products (cutlets, meatballs) or semi-finished products for them are additionally selected.

Samples for analysis are carefully, without loss, transferred to weighed dishes (jars, vessels). Most of the culinary products are heterogeneous in composition, so you need to carefully and carefully transfer them to the dishes. Dense particles of soup adhering to the plate are scraped off with a spoon and attached to the sample. When transferring meat or fish second courses, they are divided into component parts: the main product is transferred to one vessel, and the side dish with sauce or fat is transferred to another. In this case, it is important to transfer first of all that part of the side dish that is covered with fat, and wipe off the remaining sauce or fat on the plate with the rest.

Dishes with samples are tightly closed with lids, jars are wrapped in paper and tied with twine. The dishes with samples are sealed. The selection of ready meals is documented.

6.Accounting for payroll.

Wages are one of the most important and perhaps even decisive elements in the formation of a good climate in the enterprise. It is part of the GNP, which is reflected in the cost of production and is distributed in a market economy between sectors of the national economy, enterprises and individual workers based on the quantity and quality of labor expended, as well as the supply and demand of goods.

Every worker deserves to be paid for his work. After all, from the size wages depends on his living conditions, the degree of satisfaction of his daily needs, the possibility of maintaining working capacity. In a market economy, wages express the main and immediate interest of employees, employers and the state as a whole. Finding a mutually beneficial mechanism for the implementation and observance of the interests of this tripartite partnership is one of the main conditions for the development of production and is the subject of the function of labor and wage management.

In the system of labor incentives, wages take a leading place. It is the main source of improving the well-being of workers, since it accounts for three-quarters of their income. The wages of workers and employees of enterprises and organizations represent their share in the individual consumption fund of the national income in monetary terms. As the basic form of the necessary product, it is distributed according to the quantity and quality of labor expended and its individual and collective results.

The growth of labor productivity is influenced by the system of remuneration that exists at any given time, since payment is a stimulating factor for the growth of labor qualifications and an increase in the technical level of the work performed.

The labor force, as interpreted in the course of economics, is the totality of the physical and mental abilities of a person, his ability to work. In the conditions of market relations, "ability to work" makes labor power a commodity. But this is no ordinary product. Its difference from other goods lies in the fact that, firstly, it creates value more than it costs itself, secondly, without its involvement it is impossible to carry out any production, thirdly, the degree (efficiency) of the use of basic and working capital assets.

So how do you get your workforce to work most efficiently? The answer to this question lies at the heart of any personnel policy. And in the first place in importance among the factors affecting the efficiency of use work force, worth the wage system. It is wages, and often only wages, that is the reason that brings the worker to his workplace. Therefore, the importance of this problem cannot be overestimated.

Wages are the price of labor power, corresponding to the cost of commodities and services that ensure the reproduction of labor power, satisfying the material and spiritual needs of the worker and his family members.

The purpose of this course work is to identify the essence of wages and its improvement