Profiled flooring thickness. The dimensions of the profiled sheet for the roof - the technical characteristics of the sheet. Consider the use of this algorithm on an example

As with any rolled metal, the dimensions of the profiled sheet are one of its most important characteristics. And if the choice for the intended purpose is primarily influenced by the height of the sheet profile, as well as the length of the latter, then the amount of this material required for certain works mainly depends on the width, and often only on it. This parameter for the profiled sheet of each size has two values, and you should know the differences between them and operate them correctly.

1 Overall and working width of profiled sheet - what's the difference?

The actual sheet width is the total. That is, along with the height of the profile (wave) of the product and the length of the latter, this is one of the overall dimensions. If the profiled sheet is of standard length (2.4–12 m), then the total width is measured along the narrow side. But the product can be cut into pieces that are significantly shorter than the minimum 2.4 m. In this case, the width is always measured across the corrugations (profiles) of the sheet, even if this side is longer. Moreover, this applies to both the total and the working width, the definition of which and the purpose will be discussed below.

Technologically produced with an overlap. One wave of the profile of the next product is superimposed on one of the previous ones in the order of installation. As a result, there is a partial "absorption" of the width, and the actual consumption of sheets increases. For this profiled sheet size, an additional characteristic has been introduced. They called it working or useful width. It just exactly corresponds to the length of the gap, which 1 profiled sheet will actually cover after overlapping.

Manufacturers of profiled sheets usually, in any case according to GOST, are obliged to indicate exactly the working width in the designation of their products, and in mm.

This allows the end user and distributors to immediately draw a conclusion from the name of a particular product about one of its performance characteristics - what area it can actually cover during installation. Based on this, it is already possible to calculate the required number of profiled sheets for certain works.

Take, for example, a product for wall installation C10-1000-0.6:

  • C means that it is a wall material;
  • 10 – sheet profile height in mm;
  • 1000 - working width in mm;
  • 0.6 - sheet thickness in mm.

Moreover, the total width of this product, according to GOST 24045, is 1022 mm. It is easy to calculate that the difference from the working one is 22 mm. For each type and specific size of the profiled sheet, the total and working width differ by their specific distance. The difference can reach 60 mm. It depends on the height, size and geometry of the profiles, as well as on their number on the sheet.

2 How to independently determine the useful width of the profiled sheet?

When purchasing a profiled sheet at any outlet, you may encounter cases where sellers indicate not the working, but the total width. It is very easy to identify this - just measure the product. If the width indicated in the store coincides with the total actual width, then it was the latter that the seller entered in the name of the sheet. In such a situation, you will have to determine the performance of the material yourself. It's easy to do.

You should take 2 professional sheets and find a place right on the floor where you can put them. First, we put the first sheet, and then on it with an overlap in 1 profile (wave) - the second. This must be done as if they had already been installed. The sheets should fit snugly against each other, their edges should be trimmed mutually. After that, we measure on the 2nd product the distance from its free-lying edge to the side of the first covered by it. We do this from the side, along the edges of the profile products. This will be the working width of the selected sheets.

3 How to calculate the amount of material per working width?

This can be done both along the length of the covered or, and along its area. In the first case, it is necessary to divide the value of the length, for example, of a fence, which must be mounted from vertically installed sheets, by the working width of the latter. If the length of the object is 50 m, and the material, as in the example above, is C10-1000-0.6, then 50/1 = 50.

You will need 50 sheets. If it's a non-integer number, round it up. In addition, in each case, you should take it with a margin, and if for a fence, then one sheet for each corner or turn. The area calculation is more difficult. It is usually performed for walls, roofs and sometimes for fences. In a word, whenever during installation the profiled sheet overlaps not only in width, but also in length.

In this case, you should first subtract from the length of the material the amount of its mutual overlap along the vertical during installation. We multiply the resulting value by the working width - this will be the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheets. We divide by it the area of ​​the object covered by the material. The resulting value is rounded up. Then we add a little to it in reserve, if the width of the object in some place is greater than the total working integer number of sheets stacked there, or its surface has complex geometry, and the like. In each case, it is necessary to look individually, estimating in advance where and how the material will fall.

4 An example of calculating the number of sheets by area

Let's take the same C10-1000-0.6 for mounting on a wall section with an area of ​​​​83.5 m 2 and a height of 3.5 m. Let's say that the profiled sheet was purchased 1.5 m long. Overlap in height (sheet length), suppose should be 10 cm.

  • And now - the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheets: 1.4 * 1 \u003d 1.4 m 2.
  • We determine the useful length of the material: 1.5 - 0.1 \u003d 1.4 m.
  • We calculate the amount of material: 83.5 / 1.4 \u003d 59.64. Round up to 60.
  • Now we find out with what margin it is necessary to purchase a profiled sheet. To do this, first calculate the length of the wall section: 83.5 / 3.5 = 23.86 m.
  • We determine in how many rows the material will lie at a given height of the wall section of 3.5 m: 3.5 / 1.4 \u003d 2.5, where 1.4 m is the useful length of our C10 products.
  • The resulting value is rounded up to 3 rows. The length of each is 23.86 m, and the working width of the sheets is 1 m, which means that their number in one is: 23.86 / 1 \u003d 23.86 pcs.
  • We round up to 24. And the total required number of sheets is determined by multiplying this value by the number of rows: 24 * 3 \u003d 72 pieces, and 60 was first calculated.
  • Material with an area approximately equal to 12 sheets in total will go to waste (waste), since, laid in rows, it will be higher than the required 3.5 m.

This example clearly shows that before starting the calculation of the required number of sheets, it is necessary to determine the main characteristics of not only the material (working dimensions), but also the surface it covers - length and width. Then, having approximately estimated the ratio of the latter to the summed parameters of the products used, you can choose the method of calculation - by length, width, rows or area.

After completing the calculation, you should still check with another method and, if necessary, add some more in reserve. The best way to reduce waste is to first select a profiled sheet with dimensions that will allow it to be best placed on the area to be covered, and only then calculate the required amount of material.

Roof decking is a steel profiled sheet with a wave height of 35 to 57 mm, which is designated by the abbreviation PK or, according to the current GOST 24045-2016, NK. But that's in theory.

In practice, to cover the roof, not only roofing profiled sheet is used, but also bearing, less often - wall. And this is not a violation of building codes. To explain why this happens and how to choose roofing corrugated board, this article was written.

Roofing corrugated board - photo of the brand with a capillary groove for moisture removal

Roofing, wall, load-bearing profiled sheet: what is the difference

The main difference between brands of profiled sheet from each other - in their bearing capacity. Or, more simply, in the weight that the material can withstand per unit area. , in turn, determines the height of the profile wave - the larger it is, the higher the maximum allowable load of the profiled sheet.

The difference in bearing capacity between types of corrugated board

Buildings are lined with wall profiled sheets, fences and small outbuildings are built from it: sheds, warehouses, utility blocks. Therefore, its bearing capacity is minimal. To cover the roof, you can use wall metal profile grades with a wave height of 18 mm or more, only if three conditions are met:

  • the load on the roof is calculated not approximately, but according to all the rules;
  • roof slopes are not very gentle;
  • snow and wind load at the construction site is small.

Roofing profiled sheet has a large wave height - usually from 21 mm - therefore, the bearing capacity is higher. This is the first difference between wall and roof corrugated board. Although it is impossible to call this a strict rule. There are no uniform standards for roofing profiled sheets - each manufacturer sets the dimensions of the profile for himself within the framework of demand and based on climatic conditions in a particular region.

For example,

In the southern part of Russia you can buy with a wave height of 18 mm, which is more than enough to cover pitched roofs with a large slope in a mild climate and rare light snowfalls.

Therefore, the height of the wave is not the main thing that distinguishes roofing corrugated board - dimensions are important, but there are load-bearing and wall grades of corrugated board with the same profiling depth. The main feature of these grades of metal profiles is that they have there is a capillary groove. It is pressed along the edge of the sheet, and moisture flows down it, which gets inside the longitudinal joint during snow melting, rainfall or condensation during temperature changes.

Roofing profiled sheet - photo of a section with a capillary groove

The capillary groove makes the roofing corrugated sheet more reliable, reducing the possibility of roof leakage. But compared to wall or load-bearing grades, the difference is small - the wave height and the length of the roofing corrugated board, as well as the roof slope and the correct installation of the sheets, are much more important.

Do you want to make a roof from a profiled sheet? Then read this article. From it you will learn how to properly raise, lay, fix the profiled sheet on the roof, as well as the intricacies of working with this material. Detailed instructions.

Therefore, if you cannot find a roofing, load-bearing corrugated board, it is a more than adequate replacement. In addition to the absence of a capillary groove, the carrier profiled sheet differs only in additional profiling along the top of the wave for greater rigidity. Of course, there are special types of bearing metal profiles with embossed stamping, but such sheets are used as formwork when pouring concrete floors, and they are not suitable for laying on the roof.

The higher the wave height of the profiled sheet, the more expensive it is. Therefore, try to choose as low-profile roofing corrugated board as possible - the price for a PK-20 sheet with a steel thickness of 0.5 mm is from 330 rubles, while PK-35 with the same thickness already costs from 380 rubles.

Types of roofing corrugated board

The assortment of roofing profiled sheet includes not only grades of PC metal profiles with a groove for moisture removal, but also a number of load-bearing, wall, load-bearing-wall profiles with a wave height suitable for covering the roof. The main of these brands with technical characteristics are shown in the table below.

Roofing corrugated board: characteristics and description
Brand External
Weight 1 m²,
(0.5 mm),
Roofing profiled:
sheet dimensions

4,9 1100 1140 Formally refers to the wall
type, but apply it to all
activities other than manufacturing
concrete floors. One
of the few types of metal profiles,
labeling does not match
actual profile height (18 mm,
not 20 mm). Suitable for overlay
steep roofs in regions with little
snow load. If needed
roofing sheeting, marking
must include the letter R - if
it is, so the sheet is provided
capillary groove.

5,4 1000 1065 As well as from the S-20 corrugated board,
cladding is made from S-21 metal profile
buildings, fences and roofs. Due
greater wave height - 21 mm - with
thickness 0.6 mm can withstand up to 253 kg
weight per 1 m², but still
fits only in comparison
steep roof slopes in the regions
with little snow load.

5 1100 1140 Roofing profiled sheet, technical
whose characteristics correspond
brand S-20. The main difference is
that profiled sheet C-20
available both with capillary
grooves, and without them, and
PC-20 always has a groove.

4,5 1070 1120 Roofing corrugated board for the roof
with a slight to medium slope.
Suitable for more than just roofs
private houses, but also for industrial
buildings. High bearing capacity
allows it to be used in regions
with heavy snow load.
Does not require frequent installation
crates and is ideal if
on the roof of a private house
install solar panels.

5,4 1000 1060 Bearing-wall profiled sheet
with additional profiling
in the center of the shoulder. For industrial
buildings are often used as roofing
corrugated board: grade NS-35 withstands
up to 550 kg per 1 m² (depending
from the scheme and frequency of the location of the supports),
which is more than enough
for serviced flat roof
in regions with low and medium
snow load.

The marking of the roofing profiled sheet using the example of C21R-1000-0.5 is deciphered as follows:

  • letters at the beginning - type (C - wall, H - load-bearing, NS - load-bearing-wall, PK - roofing metal profile);
  • 21 - wave height (except for C20, MP20 and PK20);
  • R - if available, then a sheet with a capillary groove (everywhere, except for PC brands, which always have a capillary groove);
  • 1000 - useful width of a sheet of roofing corrugated board;
  • 0.5 - steel thickness.

Therefore, PK35-1070-0.5 corrugated board is a roofing profiled sheet with a wave height of 35 mm, a capillary groove, a useful width of 1070 mm and a steel thickness of 0.5 mm. The full width of the roofing corrugated board is not indicated in the marking.

Choosing a brand of profiled sheet for the roof

The correct choice of a profiled sheet for covering the roof is impossible "by eye" or "by experience". The result of this approach is either an unreliable roof, which sooner or later will not withstand the load, or a strong overpayment for an excess margin of safety. Therefore, even for small outbuildings, it is necessary to do at least a basic calculation of the roof. Moreover, it is not difficult.

There are two ways to calculate.

In the first case, the roofing profiled sheet, the thickness and type of insulation, the rest of the composition of the roof pie, the step of the crate, the dimensions of the beam or board are first selected. Then the snow and wind load at the construction site is determined and summed up with the mass of the roof itself, including the weight of the roofing corrugated board. Based on the total load obtained, the minimum slope of the roof is considered. If it is too large, they reduce the step of the crate or take a brand of profiled sheet with a higher wave height. If it is very small, then the margin of safety at the roof is excessive and it can be “weakened” by taking a cheaper corrugated sheet.

Details on choosing a brand of profiled sheet for roofing through the calculation of the minimum roof slope with an example. Rules for calculating snow and wind load with maps of its intensity by region. The dependence of the step of the crate on the slope of the roof.

Second calculation method- the reverse of the first. In this case, the house is built strictly according to the project, so the angle of inclination of the roof is already known and the profile roofing sheet is selected for it. According to the known slope and roof structure, the minimum bearing capacity of the corrugated sheet is calculated, then a brand is selected based on it. At first, the calculation turns out to be approximate, since it is not known how much the roofing corrugated board will actually weigh - the technical characteristics of the profile can only be taken into account after the grade of the profiled sheet for roof covering has already been selected. Therefore, in order to obtain the exact load on the roof, the calculation is repeated at least once.

Margin of safety - required

When calculating the load on the roof, lay a margin at least 10-15% especially if it's serviceable. Otherwise, unusually strong winds or snowfall can lead to deformation of the sheets or even partial collapse of the roof.

Sheet protective coatings

The profiled sheet for the roof according to the type of protective coating is of five types.

Profiled roofing galvanized- the cheapest, but also the most short-lived type of corrugated sheet. Its expected service life is only 15 years, and this is for sheets with normal galvanized thickness. GOST for roofing corrugated board sets this value at a level of 258 g per 1 m² (clause 5.1.1 in GOST 24045-2016 and clause 4.1.1 in GOST 24045-94; first class according to GOST 14918-80 - from 258 to 570 g per 1 m² of double-sided zinc coating). And there is also an extra-budgetary galvanized roofing corrugated board, the price per sheet of which starts from only 170-180 rubles. The thickness of the protective layer of such a profiled sheet is less than 140 g per 1 m², and service life does not exceed 10 years.

Profiled sheet with polyester coating made of polyester, which is inexpensive, practically does not fade in the sun and well protects steel from corrosion. It is applied in a very thin layer - only 25 microns - and is easily scratched, so special care is required during installation. Expected service life 20-25 years.

Pural Coated Profiled Sheet- composition based on polyurethane, very durable and resistant to mechanical damage. As a roofing material, corrugated board, protected by a layer of pural, is very good - it serves up to 50 years, easily tolerates the effects of acids and alkalis, does not change its properties with significant temperature changes, and is practically not damaged when snow and snow-ice masses leave the roof. But there is also a drawback - the price. The cost of corrugated roofing with a pural coating is approximately two times higher than the price of a corrugated sheet of the same brand with a polyester protective layer.

Roof decking with matt polyester coating

Plastisol coated profiled sheet— a material that is particularly resistant to mechanical damage and chemical influences due to its thickness: it is applied in a layer up to 200 microns. But plastisol fades and does not tolerate heat well, so this corrugated roofing sheet is used mainly in the north, where there is a large snow load, and to cover industrial buildings. Service life from 30 to 50 years.

Metal profile coated with PVDF- a composition of polyvinyl chloride and acrylic, which well protects steel from all types of non-mechanical influences, does not fade in the sun and easily tolerates heating up to a temperature of 100 ° C. Therefore, such a profiled sheet is well suited for covering the roofs of houses in hot southern regions and can last up to 40 years.

In most cases, for the roof of private houses, they choose a professional sheet coated with polyester or pural and practically do not use galvanized roofing corrugated board - the price of this material does not play a special role with a small roof area. But for industrial buildings, a simple galvanized profiled sheet is often used, especially for prefabricated buildings that are not designed for long-term operation.

A detailed description of the main types of polymer coatings for profiled sheets with their technical characteristics. Simple tips on how to make sure that the polymer coating is of high quality, and how to keep it intact during installation.

Choosing the length of the profiled sheet for the roof

When choosing the length of a metal profile for a roof, follow one very simple rule: the fewer joints - the more reliable the roof. Ideally, you need to choose a professional roofing sheet in such a way that the dimensions of the sheet in length completely overlap the slope from the cornice overhang to the ridge.

For the roof of a private house, this is more than possible: the maximum sheet length is 12 m, the minimum is 0.5-1 m, depending on the manufacturer, and it is cut in 0.5 m increments. You just need to “lay out” the sheets along the slopes in advance and order the received set at the factory. This can be done in the "Roof Roofing" program, which has a convenient tool for visually calculating slopes. Details about working with it with examples.

An example of the layout of sheets of a roofing profiled sheet in the Roofing Profi program

During the construction of industrial buildings, transverse joints between sheets are almost inevitable. But, unlike private construction, their number can be easily minimized, since the longest sheets can be delivered to such sites without any problems or even mobile lines can be brought in, on which roofing corrugated board can be produced right on the spot.

Consider dimensions

When choosing a length, do not forget that the profiled sheet must not only be laid on the roof with a minimum of joints, but also deliver to the construction site. Not every site can be approached by a 20-ton eurotent capable of transporting sheets 12 m long, and even an ordinary 10-ton truck into which you can load corrugated board 8 m long. Therefore, the standard dimensions of a roofing profiled sheet are up to 6 m in length. They are easy to bring to the construction site, unload and lay without bending and damage to the roof.

The thickness of the roofing metal profile

Profiled sheet is made of steel thickness from 0.35 mm to 1.2 mm.

A metal profile with a thickness of less than 0.5 mm is not intended for laying on the roof, it is needed for cladding, the manufacture of the inside of sandwich panels, the construction of temporary fences and the construction of small buildings that are not planned to be used for longer than 4-5 years: warehouses and sheds for storing building materials on the site, change houses, hozbloki.

Two factors influence the choice of corrugated board thickness:

  • Sheet bearing capacity. The greater the thickness of the steel, the more weight the corrugated board can withstand.
  • Life time. The corrosion rate is the same for steel sheet with a thickness of 0.35 mm and 1.2 mm. Only a thick sheet of rust will corrode much longer. This factor is much less significant than the previous one, especially if the corrugated board is coated with a polymer coating, but keep it in mind.

With the thickness of the metal, the cost of the sheet increases almost proportionally. If we compare thin (0.5 mm) and thick (0.8 mm) profiled roofing sheets, the price per m² in the first case will be at least 35% lower.

Roofing sheet colors

The roofing professional flooring painted most often comes in three colors:

For example, let's take five grades: S-20, S-21, PK-20, PK-35, N-35, each of them in three types of coating and two thicknesses. This is the most common roofing profiled sheet, the price of which will help you evaluate the difference and understand which material will be optimal for you in terms of quality and cost.

Roofing metal profile - prices per m2 (average market)
Brand Coating Thickness, mm price, rub.
S-20 Galvanization 0,5 253
0,7 356
Polyester 0,5 325
0,7 432
Pural 0,5 512
0,7 648
S-21 Galvanization 0,5 276
0,7 391
Polyester 0,5 355
0,7 472
Pural 0,5 557
0,7 681
PC-20 Galvanization 0,5 358
0,7 461
Polyester 0,5 433
0,7 542
Pural 0,5 616
0,7 769
PK-35 Galvanization 0,5 360
0,7 433
Polyester 0,5 428
0,7 491
Pural 0,5 609
0,7 687
H-35 Galvanization 0,5 285
0,7 396
Polyester 0,5 363
0,7 478
Pural 0,5 563
0,7 692


The table shows indicative prices calculated as averages for several of the largest manufacturers in the central regions of Russia. These prices are useful for estimating the total cost of the roofing material, but do not constitute an offer and cannot be considered as an offer.

It can be seen from the table that with the same sheet dimensions, the price of roofing corrugated board of the S-20, S-21 and H-35 grades increases by 10-15% with an increase in wave height. With small volumes required to cover the roof of a private house, such a difference is usually insignificant. The thickness already affects the price more significantly, but most of all the cost of a roofing profiled sheet depends on the coating - here the difference can be twofold.

Therefore, despite the fact that in terms of service life it is better to buy a roofing sheet with a pural coating, polyester will be the best choice for most developers. Then, in comparison with galvanizing, the final price of a corrugated roof will not increase so dramatically, and its service life will be quite long.

Avoid intermediaries

If you want to save money without losing quality, follow the universal building rule: do not work with intermediaries. Buy roofing corrugated board from the manufacturer - the price of the material in this case will be minimal. You can buy it cheaper only in large retail chains during the sale of leftovers or illiquid assets, but such a profiled sheet is hardly suitable for a roof.

The PC brand is noticeably more expensive than its counterparts. Considering that its only advantage is a capillary groove, it makes sense to use such a profiled sheet only when laying on a roof with a minimum slope. In all other cases, it is rational to choose ordinary wall or load-bearing grades.

What is the result

Roofing corrugated board is a separate class of profiled sheet, which is denoted by the abbreviation PK. In addition to it, to cover the roof, a wall, load-bearing wall, load-bearing profiled sheet with a suitable wave height is used.

The difference between the PC brand and other brands of corrugated board with a similar wave height is only in the groove for removing moisture along the edge of the sheet. It increases the tightness of the roof, but only slightly: the correct choice of the slope and installation of the profile on the roof is much more significant. But the difference in price is significant: it is 60-70%, so it makes sense to buy a professional PC sheet only if the roof has a minimum slope.

The brand and thickness of the profiled sheet are chosen, first of all, according to its bearing capacity. To do this, you need to make an appropriate calculation. The coating is selected after, based on the desired life of the roof and the budget. The length of the profiled sheet is calculated according to the scheme of its laying on the roof, and it may differ several times depending on the position of a particular sheet in this scheme.

Galvanized roofing profiled sheet will be the cheapest: the price of the S-20 brand is from 253 rubles per m², and H-35 - from 285 rubles per m². The most expensive is corrugated board with a protective and decorative polymer coating made of pural - its price starts from 512 and 563 rubles per m², respectively.

When preparing a series of articles dedicated to modern building materials, we could not deprive the attention of corrugated board as an extremely popular facing wall or roofing metal sheet. Despite the deceptive simplicity, with regards to the characteristics and features of the profiled sheet, many questions arise even among those who work with it professionally. Let's finally take a closer look at the brainchild of the English engineer Henry Palmer, who is credited with the invention of the profiled sheet back in 1820.

Kinds. What is it made of and where is it used?

The profiled sheet is made from rolled sheet steel with different corrugation heights, thickness, width and length of the sheet. Profiling of the steel base provides rigidity to the profiled sheet without increasing the weight, and galvanic treatment - an attractive appearance and protection against corrosion.

Structure. Find out what's inside

The profiled sheet, like all composite materials, in the context is a puff cake. At the base is a steel sheet that can be coated with:


    Density of drawing 275 gr/sq.m. Thickness from 90 µm according to DIN EN 10143. Guarantee for galvanizing 5 years. Service life - up to 20 years.

    Aluzinc coating

    Corrosion resistance is 2 times higher than that of standard galvanized steel. It has a 10 year warranty. The estimated service life is up to 30 years.

    Polymer coatings

    Warranty 10 to 20 years. The service life declared by the manufacturer reaches 50 years

Sample sheet structure:

Marking. Learning to read characters correctly

Designation of corrugated board (for example, С25-0.60-700-11 000) contains all the information on its main characteristics.

The letter indicates the scope:

    H- bearing, roofing sheet.

    With- wall for walls and fences.

    NS- load-bearing wall material of universal application.

The figure is the height of the profile in millimeters.

Next is the thickness of the metal, which was used to stamp the sheet, in mm. GOST 24045-2010 this product is thin galvanized steel GOST 14918.

The third means the mounting width of the profiled sheet, mm.

Decryption examples

Example 1: C 21-1000-0.7

C - wall profiled sheet with a profile trapezoid height of 21 mm, a working width of 1000 mm and a metal thickness of the initial workpiece from galvanized steel coils of 0.7 mm

Example 2: C 21-0.55-750-12000

C - for wall railings with a profile trapezoid height of 21 mm, made of metal 0.55 mm, with dimensions: 750 x 12000 mm

Today, you can still find markings in accordance with the previous GOST (more on regulatory documents below). In the obsolete standard, coated sheets contained additional designations:

    aluminum zinc ( AC);

    aluminized and aluminosilicon ( A and AK);

    electrolytic zinc ( EOCP).


Profiled sheet is used for:

    Roof erection;

    Installation of ceilings (including steel-reinforced concrete);

    Construction of wall fences.

Table. Scope of some common types

Facing works Roofing works Installation of load-bearing structures Installation of permanent formwork Installation of fences + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Profile marking Where is used
MP18 (type A)
MP18 (type B)
MP20 (A, B)
MP20 (R)
C21 (type A)
C21 (type B)
HC35 (A)
HC35 (B)
MP35 (A)
MP35 (B)
MP40 (A)
C44 (A)
C44 (B)
H60 (A)
H60 (B)
H75 (A, B)
H114 (A, B)

Current GOST

The current regulatory document for steel profiles is GOST 24045. Over time, changes are made to the standards and there are the following common versions of this document:

GOST 24045-86, status: replaced;

GOST 24045-94, status: replaced;

GOST 24045-2010, status: valid.

According to the material of the initial workpiece, steel profiles according to GOST 24045-2010 have one category: thin-sheet galvanized steel according to GOST 14918.

According to the previous version of GOST, the galvanized sheet contained the following number of subcategories:

    sheets of galvanized steel GOST 14918;

    rolled sheets with aluminium-zinc coating (designated as АЦ) according to TU 14-11-247-88;

    sheets of aluminized rolled products and rolled products with aluminosilicon coating (denoted A and AK) according to TU 14-11-236-88;

    rolled sheets with electrolytic zinc coating (designation EOCP) according to TU 14-1-4695-89.

The main dimensions of the metal profile

For roofing

For a roof type, the wave height is 2 and more cm. Moreover, the profile can be of complex shape, which provides additional rigidity to the product.

According to sales statistics of construction hypermarkets, the choice of the consumer is C 44 and H57 750. The latter was taken as a basis in GOST 24045-94 when calculating the bearing capacity of the roof.

The length of the sheets can be any. Roofing material brand H57 the width is 75 cm, H60 - 84.5 cm, H75 - 85 cm. For load-bearing and roofing sheets, the corrugation height is 3.5 - 4.4 cm. Product thickness brand "N" is equal to 0.6 - 0.9 mm.

For fence

As can be seen from the table above, almost every type is suitable for the installation of fences and the key selection criterion is usually the economic considerations of the owner.

The fence type has a small ridge height and thickness. Sheet C10 equal in width 90 - 100 cm, C18, C21 and C44 - 100 cm. For wall finishing sheets, the width is from 1.3 cm. Then the height of the corrugation of each subsequent type will increase by 3.25±0.25mm. Grade "C" sheet is the lightest and thinnest - 0.5 - 0.7 mm.

How much does it weigh

The type of sheet greatly affects its weight. With the growth of the “wave” of the profile and the thickness of the sheet, the mass increases. Weight is the main advantage of this product. On average it 1 m2 weighs 7 - 11kg. If this area is covered with tiles, then it will be needed 43 kg. The weight 1 m2 stamp sheet "WITH" equals 5.5 - 7.5 kg.

There are special tables in which, as a function of the brand, thickness and width of the sheet, the mass is shown 1p. m.. or 1 m2 material. To calculate the weight of the flooring, you can also use one of the weight calculators that can be easily found on the Internet.

Patterns and texture of decorative profiled sheet

The drawing on the sheet is printed on a polymer material and sintered with the metal under the influence of temperature, forming a shell that protects the metal and the image.

Drawings are panoramic and solid. Such material is used, in addition to fences, for finishing the basement or the entire building (profiled sheet under stone, wood, brick, etc.).

An example of a decorative wood effect

An example of a decorative stone effect

An example of a decorative coating under a brick

New technologies protect images from fading in the sun and the environment. According to the manufacturers, the pattern will not fade 15 years.

Coloring of profiled sheet

Of course, works of art like this delight the eye and evoke a sense of beauty, but the cold mind mercilessly attacks the song's throat and demands to resolve the issue in the style of Tom Sawyer, and most likely "already yesterday".

Like other leaf parameters, its color is normalized. The most famous color standard is the scale RAL.

Today it includes 213 colors and each has a 4-digit numeric code. This makes it easier to match the color of products regardless of the manufacturer.

In a profiled sheet, usually only the front side is painted. But under the order they are also produced with double-sided coloring.

Colors according to RAL scale

The photo shows an example of painting a fence according to colors according to the RAL scale

It is very convenient to order the material of the desired color without a visit to the construction base. We poke a finger in the color we like, call the manager and call the unique code from the table. Then it remains only to meet the Gazelle with the material on its site.

What you need to know if you do it yourself

How to cut

The material is perfectly cut with ordinary metal scissors, electric or manual jigsaw, hacksaw, grinder.

Hole Punch Tool

You can always make something with a hammer and improvised devices. But the one who at least once held a specialized tool in his hands is unlikely to refuse it. To your attention special pliers punching holes Ø 10.5 mm in sheet thickness up to 1.2 mm under brackets for ventilation, drainage, etc.

This easy-to-use tool facilitates installation thanks to its wide opening and adjustable gripping depth. Usually pliers have a set of interchangeable punches.

Profiled sheet seals

They are made of wood-polymer composite, polyethylene foam and polyurethane foam. They copy the wave of the sheet and prevent moisture, dust and insects from getting into the cracks.

Since the sealant has a porous structure, it does not interfere with air circulation and the removal of moisture from under the roof, as well as the settling of condensate from the bottom of the coating.

Seals are distinguished:

    self-adhesive universal (soft) - suitable for all types of products with a wave up to 20 mm;

    special views used for this type of sheet.

What is the best way to mount?

self-tapping screws

To fasten the sheets to the crate, use a pneumatic or electric drill. Self-tapping screws are tightened observing the tightening torque. Their average consumption for the installation of flooring - 5 - 6 pcs/m2.


As can be seen from the comparison picture, riveting with a construction gun looks more aesthetically pleasing.

The flooring is fastened with special rivets for these products, since the use of other rivets leads to poor-quality fastening and reduces the service life.

Rivet diameter ( 3.2 - 6.5 mm) is selected according to the thickness of the sheet. For the manufacture of this fastener is a special aluminum and galvanized steel.

For profiled sheet construction, where design is important, colored fasteners can be used.


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For the first time, a profiled sheet appeared on the building materials market at the beginning of the 19th century in Great Britain and immediately gained popularity. It immediately began to be used in the decoration of walls and roofs. Subsequently, they began to put up fences from a profiled sheet.

Types of corrugated board

This building material is primarily divided by the type of coating applied.

A standard material is produced with a zinc coating, the thickness of which is 20-30 microns. It is used in the construction of ceilings and canopies. The cost of such material is 40% lower than other plates used in construction.

A layer of a coating made on the basis of synthetic resins is applied to the surface of the metal profile. Such products are protected from corrosion, the addition of coloring pigments gives a wide range of colors. The coating thickness reaches 200 microns.

There are products on the market, on the surface of which images of other building materials are imitated - natural stone, brick and wood.

What sheet size to choose

The selection of material for the construction of the fence is made on the basis of operating conditions. Note that there are no special requirements for tightness to cover the fence. For fences, parts with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm with a small corrugation are used. These are products of the C8, C10, C20 brands. When choosing a material for a fence installed in a territory with a high wind load, it is worth remembering that in such conditions the use of a C8 brand product is impractical.

Despite the small thickness, parts of the C20 or C21 brand are considered a reasonable material for the manufacture of fences. They are reliable, durable and well extinguish extraneous sounds.

Like any products manufactured by the metallurgical industry, products of this type are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST.


The width of the part is determined by the brand. When choosing a suitable material, they are guided by the useful and full width of the product.

For example, for sheet C20, often used for fences:
  • useful - 1100 mm;
  • full - 1150 mm.

The useful width is the distance between the central axes of the extreme profiles. Fasteners are installed along the axes when connecting the profiled material.

The full width of the product is called the dimension, it is measured from edge to edge of the sheet.


Manufacturers that produce profile materials, by default, produce parts with a length of 2 m.

The height of the fence is 2 m. However, the length may be different, this is due to the fact that the corrugated board is made of rolled steel. Manufacturers cut it with a multiplicity of 200 or 300. That is, the height of the structure is determined by the consumer.


For the production of flooring, a sheet of steel with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm is used. By the way, the thickness is indicated without taking into account the coating.

What to consider when installing

From a professional flooring perform temporary and permanent fences. To minimize construction costs, it is advisable to install plates with a large width. For a reliable fence, it is recommended to use parts of a smaller width. This design increases the rigidity of the fence.

For the manufacture of gates, it is permissible to use a durable sheet, but the gate and gate are reinforced with a rectangular metal profile. The section size is 40 * 20 mm, and the wall thickness is at least 2 mm. To strengthen the structure, additional stiffeners are installed in the form of scarves or jumpers.

How to choose a metal profile

The parameters of the metal coated with zinc are defined in GOST 24045-2010, the requirements for the material are set out in GOST 14918-80. GOST 30246-94 defines the quality requirements for polymer-coated plates.


The marking is a set of letters and numbers, they encode the characteristics of the part.


The metallurgical industry offers consumers the following types of corrugated board:

  • H - carrier sheet, which is used for floors and roofing structures.
  • C - wall type, these sheets have found application in the manufacture of fences and wall structures of building objects.
  • HC is a universal material that is used when the use of a profiled product is required.
  • In addition to the indicated letter designations, two more letters A and R are used. For fences, only brand A products are allowed. They are not equipped with a water seal and are painted on only one side.


The numerical values ​​that are indicated in the marking of the profiled flooring indicate the height of the corrugation.


Standard sizes andProduct C21: useful width 1000 mm, full width 1050 mm, corrugation height on the sheet 21 mm. The height dimension of the corrugated board is two meters.

Calculation of the number of sheets

When mounting a fence from corrugated board, the required number of parts, the number of metal profiles, and the amount of fasteners are carefully calculated.

The calculation of the amount of materials is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Determine the perimeter of the land allotment, indicating the location of the gate and gate.
  • Having received the dimensions of the perimeter, calculate the length. Gate and wicket dimensions do not include.
  • Determination of the number of supports required to install the corrugated fence.
  • From the resulting number associated with the length of the perimeter, subtract the sum of the width of the columns. After that, the number of products required for the construction of the fence will be obtained.

Consider the use of this algorithm with an example:

  • The perimeter size is 100 m. This number must be divided by the useful width of the selected product - 1.1 m. The result will be 90.9, this number is rounded to the nearest whole value. For the construction of the fence, 91 profile sheets are required, building materials are purchased with a small margin. Therefore, 92 profile sheets are required.
  • To determine the number of supports, the perimeter value is divided by the width of the section, the result will be the required number of supports for the fence. The length of the pole is equal to the height of the fence and the underground section, as a rule, it is 0.7 - 1 m, i.e. for the construction of such a fence, it will be necessary to purchase 40 poles measuring 2.7 m in length.
  • Decking is attached to the frame. To create a rectangular metal profile with a section size of 40 * 20 and a wall thickness of 2 - 2.5 mm is used.
  • When installing a fence two meters high, two horizontally located logs are installed. This will require 200 linear meters of the profile.
  • To attach the corrugated board to the logs, self-tapping screws with a drill are used; 8 self-tapping screws will be required per square meter.

The use of corrugated board allows builders to create durable reliable fences, which are affordable for most owners of country houses and summer cottages.

One of the most popular building materials is profiled sheet. It is quite practical, inexpensive, climate-resistant. It is used both in individual and industrial construction. In order to profile the steel sheet, it is subjected to the cold deformation method. There are various brands of it, which are mainly designated depending on its geometric dimensions.

Characteristics and appearance

It is a roofing material that must be galvanized using the cold pressing method. An initially smooth sheet acquires a wavy shape due to the impact of a press on it. As a result, stiffeners appear on it, which contribute to an increase in the mechanical strength and rigidity of this material. To protect the metal profile from corrosion, a special paint or polymer coating is applied to it.

The main standardization document for the material in question is GOST 24045–2010.

Consider what happens professional flooring.

Depending on the performance characteristics and scope of use, it is divided into the following categories:

In addition, corrugated board is subdivided according to its coverage into the following types:

All manufacturers take into account certain geometric parameters of the profiled sheet during the production process.

The standard size of the profiled sheet is: height - up to 2 m, length - 2/3/6 m.

Material marking

It reflects the geometric dimensions of a given material, as well as its type. Currently, manufacturers produce the following types: H, C, HC, M.P.

The first three designations show the classification unit of the profile according to the first classification feature: H - bearing, C - wall, HC - universal. MP is a metal polymer that serves as a material for roofing over an attic.

The first number following the letter indicates the height of the sheet (mm), the next - the thickness of the steel that serves as the basis for stamping the sheet (mm), the next - the width of the sheet (mm), the last - the maximum length (mm).

On profiled sheets with an aluminium-zinc coating, the letter designation AC has been added to the marking.

There is also a profiled sheet manufactured by cold deformation with a radial machine. In this case, the letter "P" is present in its brand.

The most common is the profiled sheet brand P20. It has a working width of 1150 mm, a metal thickness of 0.4 to 0.8 mm, a profile width of 67.5 mm. It is characterized by high corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength and low weight.