Big encyclopedia of oil and gas. Development of documentation, production and testing of prototypes

January 27, 2014 08:45 AM

"And here we are, you know, all indulging in buns ..."
from the cartoon "Carlson is back"

Acceptance information system, of course, the apotheosis of the entire project of creating an information system. Don't let the quote at the beginning of the article fool you, this is an important and serious event. I think that this is a holiday for both sides, but, as you know, in order for the holiday to go well, you need to prepare well for it.

It is worth starting with the format for conducting acceptance tests, although, most likely, it has long been defined, for example, in a contract or terms of reference. Nevertheless, I would single out two options for holding this event and call them conditionally: acceptance of the system “according to concepts” and acceptance of the system “according to science”. With the first, everything is clear enough, but it is impossible to describe such a procedure. It can be a complete formality - fun gatherings with invigorating drinks or a real bacchanalia, where the mention of a technical task is something indecent and even offensive. But I would like to dwell on the second option in more detail, perhaps this article will slightly open to novice specialists, and I'm afraid that to some old warriors, the curtain of the sacrament of acceptance tests. I will also try to give some tips so that the tests are more productive.

A little about the standards. In ancient times, as a student, I, like many young people of my generation, was skeptical about the various standards and guidelines of the USSR, while not even delving into their essence. But quite a bit of time passed and common sense took over, I not only apply GOSTs myself, but also recommend them to others for use. Of course, there are obvious atavisms in the GOSTs of the 80-90s, nevertheless, I compare them with the charter of the armed forces, they are called “written on blood” and believe me, there are a lot of sensible thoughts. Specialists who know GOSTs, as well as documents drawn up in accordance with GOST and RD, can be seen from afar and they differ clearly for the better.

Acceptance tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 34.603-92 " Information technology. Types of testing of automated systems". This type final tests after preliminary tests and trial operation. The purpose of these tests is to check the compliance of the automated system with the requirements of the Terms of Reference and to make a conclusion about the readiness of the System for putting into permanent operation.

Tests are carried out according to the document Program and the method of acceptance tests (TMI). PMI is developed using RD 50-34.698-90 “Automated systems. Requirements for the content of documents. First of all, thanks to this document, acceptance tests "by concepts" turn into acceptance tests "by science". The PMI describes all the requirements (functional and non-functional) of the Terms of Reference and the expected results of the audit.

Council number 1. PMI is the last chance for the Customer to influence the characteristics of the received information system. Especially if in the course of the project a Terms of Reference was developed, which in the classical sense says “what to do” (goals and objectives, General requirements, requirements for software, hardware and documentation, requirements for personnel, etc.) and the Technical Design was not developed, which says “how to do it” (specific technical solutions for the implementation of specific requirements of the Terms of Reference). Allow sufficient time to develop and agree on the Program and Acceptance Test Methodology. If you like, this will be your acceptance test charter.

In addition to agreeing on the PMI, the customer should not forget to issue an order on the composition of the acceptance committee, and familiarize each of its members with the PMI against signature. Whom to include in the commission is a personal matter of the Customer. I recommend that it must have:

  • Functional customers
  • Representatives of departments - key users of the System
  • Representatives of the technical departments that will continue to service the System

And also were not (applies to both parties):

  • Weak and unbalanced employees
  • Employees who do not listen and express themselves poorly
  • Freelancers representing competitor companies

Council number 2. Do you want everything to be “in an adult way” during the acceptance tests of an automated system? In addition to checking the functional requirements, do:

  • Deployment software Systems from scratch
  • Verification of the declared time indicators of full and partial restoration of the System
  • Checking the performance of the System by measuring the execution time of key functions, albeit in exclusive mode. Of course, these indicators must be initially described in the Terms of Reference, or the parties will be doomed to argue that there is a “comfortable time” for performing this or that operation. My subjective opinion has remained the same for many years - up to 3 seconds. to perform basic simple operations, then you need to proceed from specific situation
  • Checking the stability and reliability of the System. Even such an elementary test will be quite enough - open the interface form for entering data, pull out power cord or disconnect the Wi-Fi connection, try to save the data, get an adequate message, restore the connection and try to save again. If this web application is recommended to check the correctness of reloading pages, that is, after opening a particular form / page, after executing the command to save data, etc., force the refresh command (in browsers, this is usually the F5 key)
  • Checking the completeness and quality of documentation. It is better to complete this part before the start of the test, because. it takes quite a lot of time. Directly on the tests themselves, announce the results of this test

In general, start by checking the compliance of system-wide software (operating systems, office suites, database management systems, etc.) and technical support Systems (servers, client stations, communication channels, etc.) to the stated requirements in the Terms of Reference. Discrepancies in these paragraphs can become a justified reason for the failure of the System's characteristics to the declared indicators and even the complete failure of individual functions of the System.

Council number 3. Acceptance tests are carried out on a control data set. The System must be loaded with data at least comparable to the planned volume of data for the first year of operation. Let it be automatically generated information, the quality of the content is not in the first place here. If the required amount of data has already been generated during the trial operation, great.

Council number 4. Often in the Terms of Reference the phrase "The system must ensure the simultaneous operation of N users" is written. The contractor primarily ensures the availability required amount competitive licenses (if such a licensing policy is provided). Do not hesitate to ask how organizationally or technically the implementation was ensured this requirement. If load tests have been carried out (in automated and/or manual mode), ask for a protocol and a program for carrying out. If these tests are launched directly on the tests, honor and praise to the Contractor.

Based on the results of the acceptance tests, a protocol (report) on the test results is drawn up, it may include an appendix describing the identified comments and the timing of their elimination (do not forget about this), as well as an act technical condition System and readiness for its acceptance into commercial operation. The content of these documents is also described in RD 50-34.698-90 “Automated systems. Requirements for the content of documents.

After successful tests, according to the old Russian tradition, the newborn System needs to be “washed”, although I did not find this in any GOST.

(4.44 - rated by 9 people)

No, not like that. It's just that the time is different and the work we have is different.

Previously, there was a customer represented by the state, there was a performer (for example, some kind of research institute), there was a beneficiary - some kind of plant. The customer, of course, wanted that what the performer did corresponded to the initial requirements of the beneficiary. Otherwise, corruption, misappropriation of funds and all that.

Here is a new contract system, which is replacing the 94th Federal Law, and also wants to control the outcome of the work at the output. There, probably, "acceptance tests" will be required specifically for the customer. For this, the standards will be updated over time (in the legislation customs union this already exists for equipment and machines). And the customer himself will pay for it, i.e. state.

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Acceptance tests are carried out in accordance with the specified program and methodology upon presentation of the terms of reference for the creation of the AU, work logs, acts of acceptance and completion of trial operation. During these tests, the NPP functioning is checked under the conditions specified in the ToR, autonomously and as part of a complex, as well as checking the means of restoring the NPP operability after failures and the possibility of practically implementing all the recommended procedures. The test protocols for the program are summarized in a single protocol, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the system's compliance with the requirements of the TOR and the possibility of issuing an act of acceptance of the NPP for permanent operation.

Acceptance tests should be carried out 2 times: primary within 3 months.

Acceptance tests are carried out by testing organizations and departments included in the system government organizations for state tests, or other organizations and enterprises involved by the parent organization to conduct acceptance tests in the prescribed manner with the participation of the manufacturer and developer.

Acceptance tests are carried out to determine the feasibility and feasibility of manufacturing products. Experimental or prototype samples (batches) of products certified by the commission are subjected to tests using certified test equipment.

Acceptance tests are carried out to determine the feasibility and feasibility of putting products into production. Acceptance tests of single-piece production products are carried out to resolve the issue of the feasibility of transferring these products into operation. Experimental or prototype samples (batches) of products are subjected to tests. When delivering a family, range or size range of products to production, a typical representative is selected based on the condition of the possibility of extending the results of its tests to the entire set of products. Acceptance tests are carried out by certified test departments using certified test equipment. The products assigned to the parent testing organizations are checked by these organizations.

Acceptance tests must be carried out on a prototype electrical machine, so the scope of these tests is quite large. So, for DC machines, the acceptance test program contains 17 items, for synchronous machines - 22 items, for induction motors- 16 points.

Acceptance tests cannot detect the described software corruption, since it does not affect the design in any way, and the simulator program can detect it only in rare cases, since the range of malicious actions is too large for it to be advisable to implement all possible dangerous situations in the simulator.

Acceptance tests are carried out by departmental, interdepartmental or state commissions after the successful completion of preliminary tests. In addition to the scope of preliminary tests during acceptance tests, the oil consumption or lubrication of cylinders, seals, bearings and the crank mechanism is determined.

Acceptance tests are carried out according to the most detailed programs established by standards or specifications for this type of machine. Their goal is to check the compliance of manufactured machines with all technical requirements. Acceptance tests are subjected to prototypes - the first industrial samples of machines of this type, produced by the enterprise. The number of samples that must be taken for acceptance testing is established in the standards or specifications for given type machines. All subsequent machines must be produced by the enterprise without changing the design, technology or materials used for the manufacture.

Acceptance tests are carried out in order to determine the actual operating characteristics machine, as well as establishing the correct operation of components (gears, bearings, brakes, etc. Acceptance tests are carried out on a test site in conditions close to operational ones. Test results are recorded in the machine passport. If defects are found during testing, they are recorded in a defective sheet and then eliminate.

Acceptance tests are carried out to verify the performance guaranteed by the equipment supplier. The program of these tests usually provides for a series of balance experiments of increased accuracy under conditions that are subject to verification in accordance with the supplier's warranty data.

Acceptance tests are official tests in the presence of a commission, based on the results of which it is concluded that it is expedient to start mass production, and for pumps individual production- commissioning. At the same time, parametric indicators and characteristics of the pump obtained during testing are determined and included in the documentation. In the future, according to these indicators and characteristics, taking into account the permissible deviations, the quality control of serial pumps is carried out.

Acceptance tests establish the compliance of the actual operational characteristics of the machine with the specifications and are carried out on special stands in conditions that are as close as possible to operational ones.

Acceptance testing of machine tools in accordance with the general specifications for their manufacture and acceptance are produced on Idling to check the operation of mechanisms and under load to determine the performance, accuracy and cleanliness of processing. During the test, all switching on, switching and transmission of controls are checked to determine the correctness of their action, interlocking, reliability of fixation and the absence of spontaneous displacements, the absence of jamming, cranking, etc.

Acceptance testing is one of the milestones building a new car. Their goal is: a comprehensive check operational properties prototypes in a variety of road and climatic conditions in accordance with the terms of reference for development (including in a hot and cold climatic region); definition actual values all the most important parameters; identification of the reliability of the car as a whole, as well as its main components, assemblies and systems; establishing the degree of compliance of the created car with the intended purpose and determining the feasibility of putting a new model into production. On average, two to four samples are submitted for acceptance tests. The tests include a significant number of laboratory and laboratory road works to determine technical and operational indicators and vehicle mileage in all characteristic conditions their intended use.

The development of design documentation and TD, and, if necessary, program documentation, is carried out according to the rules established by the standards unified system design documentation (ESKD), the Unified System of Technological Documentation (ESTD) and the Unified System of Program Documentation (ESPD).

Design management must meet the requirements of 4.4 GOST R ISO 9001. If the first model is implemented, then in accordance with NPB 180-99, at the request of the GUGPS, the developer (manufacturer) develops a technical design (the requirements for the technical design are set out in GOST 2.120-73 ESKD. Technical design) , which coordinates with GUGPS and VNIIPO. When implementing the second and third models, the decision on the need to develop technical project accepted by the customer or developer.

Regardless of the implemented model, the rights to the developed DD are determined by an agreement between the customer and the developer (manufacturer and manufacturer). The solution of the issue of the rights to the design documentation is one of the key in the development and production fire fighting equipment. When implementing the first and second models, it is more profitable to leave the right to a CA to the customer (SBS structures). This allows the customer (SBS structures) to make a decision on issuing or revoking a license for the manufacture of PA, create competition when transferring design documentation to a new manufacturer, thereby influencing the manufacturer or manufacturer. If the rights to the design documentation belong to the State Fire Service, then this allows placing orders for the manufacture of already developed PAs at enterprises that meet the requirements of the State Fire Service. Otherwise, when changing the manufacturer, it is necessary to re-develop the design documentation, which takes a lot of time and is associated with significant material costs. A similar situation has already arisen in the history of the production of fire equipment in Russia: during the separation of Ukraine, it was necessary to re-organize production, and therefore, design documentation and TD for PA, similar to those PA that were produced at the plant in the village. Frankincense Pryluky district of Chernihiv region.

To confirm the compliance of the developed design documentation with the TOR, an experimental or prototype PA is made: an experimental one for serial production; head - for non-serial. When creating a single PA, the main sample, as a rule, is subject to sale to the customer. A prototype or prototype PA is subjected to control and testing procedures in accordance with the requirements of 4.10 - 4.12 GOST R ISO 9001. The scope and content of the tests necessary to prevent the production of unused, non-compliant products are determined by the developer, taking into account novelty, complexity, features production and application of PA, as well as customer requirements. At the same time, tests must be carried out for compliance with all requirements of standards and normative documents bodies exercising supervision over compliance with safety requirements (SSBT standards) and nature protection.

In accordance with GOST 15.201-2000 and NPB 180-99, an experimental or prototype PA is subjected to the following types tests: preliminary (factory), acceptance, operational.

Preliminary (factory) tests are organized by the R&D contractor in order to preliminary evaluation compliance of the prototype or prototype PA with the requirements of the TOR, as well as to determine the readiness of the prototype or prototype PA for acceptance tests. Tests must be carried out by the manufacturer (manufacturer) of the PA or specialized organization licensed to carry out this type of testing. The composition of the commission of preliminary tests is formed by the manufacturer of the PA on the basis of an order issued by him. The commission should include representatives of the manufacturer (developer and manufacturer) and the State Fire Service. The program and test methodology are developed by the manufacturer and coordinated with the GUGPS and VNIIPO. Preliminary tests should include combat deployments in order to determine the timing of their implementation. Schemes of combat deployments are selected in accordance with the Manual on fire drill.

Materials of preliminary (factory) tests as part of the TOR, draft specifications, test programs and methods, act of preliminary (factory) tests are sent to the customer for consideration to resolve the issue of organizing acceptance tests. When implementing the first model in accordance with the requirement of NPB 180-99, the listed materials are sent to the GUGPS and VNIIPO.

When creating PA according to the first model, state acceptance tests are organized and carried out, according to the second and third models - acceptance tests with the participation of the relevant state supervision bodies and other interested organizations. State acceptance tests in accordance with GOST 15.201-2000 are organized by the state customer, unless otherwise stipulated by the agreement (contract). The peculiarity of the state acceptance tests of the PA is that, according to NPB 180-99, the composition of the commission for the acceptance of the PA is formed by the manufacturer (manufacturer) in agreement with the GUGPS, which issues the appropriate order for the organization. A representative of the GUGPS is appointed as the chairman of the commission, in agreement with which the place and time of the acceptance tests are appointed.

Acceptance testing of PA prototypes according to the second and third R&D models in accordance with GOST 15.201-2000 is organized by the PA developer. When implementing the second model, the composition of the commission is formed by the customer together with the developer, the chairman of the commission is a representative of the customer, unless otherwise stipulated by the agreement (contract). In the case of R&D in case of initiative development (without a specific customer), acceptance tests are organized by the developer, and the acceptance committee, as a rule, is formed from representatives of potential PA consumers, State Border Service structures, state and supervisory authorities.

Regardless of the implemented model, the responsibility for conducting acceptance tests lies with their organizer. According to GOST 15.201-2000, with the consent of the interested parties, it is allowed to conduct acceptance tests without appointing a commission, but with the assignment of its functions and duties to the relevant services of the organization conducting the tests, which should be reflected in the TOR and (or) agreement (contract) for R&D implementation. In carrying out acceptance tests, regardless of the place of their conduct, the manufacturer and state supervision authorities (OGN) have the right to take part, which must be informed about the upcoming tests one month before they begin. All GGN defined by the current legislation for this product either participate in acceptance tests or give conclusions based on the test results. In the absence of a representative of the OGN or his opinion, they consider that the OGN agrees to accept the products or is not interested in it.

The acceptance committee for NPB 180-99 is presented with: a prototype PA, completed in accordance with the statement of work; technical task; test program and methodology; act of preliminary (factory) tests with test reports; design documentation(letters "O").

The test program is developed on the basis of the requirements of the TOR, design documentation using standard programs, standard (standardized) methods set forth in prescriptive documents. The test program includes: test object (experimental or prototype PA); the purpose of the tests; scope of tests; conditions and procedure for testing; logistics of testing; metrological support of tests; test reporting. The program and methodology for acceptance testing should include checking the quality of the working design documentation and operational documentation in order to make a decision on the suitability of the documentation for industrial production.

The test methodology includes: evaluated characteristics (properties, indicators) of PA; conditions and procedure for testing; methods of processing, analysis and evaluation of test results; used means of testing, control and measurement; reporting. If non-standardized methods are used, then they should be consistent with the relevant GGN.

Based on the results of the acceptance tests and consideration of the submitted materials, the commission draws up an act in which:

1. Establishes compliance of the sample of the developed (manufactured) PA with the requirements of the TOR.

2. Gives an assessment of the technical level and competitiveness of the PA, including in the patent and legal aspect.

3. Evaluates the developed technical documentation (including the draft specifications).

6. Makes comments and makes suggestions to improve the PA and documentation.

According to GOST 15.201-2000, the act of the acceptance committee is approved by the customer. Approval of the act of the acceptance committee, containing a positive assessment, means the end of the development; termination of the TK; approval of the submitted specifications, technical documentation. According to NPB 180-99, the certificate of acceptance of a prototype PA, containing a positive or negative assessment of the development results, is approved by the chairman of the commission. Moreover, if there are comments that require additional tests, finalizing the prototype, making changes to the documentation, the chairman of the commission has the right to decide on the approval of the act after the comments have been eliminated. At the same time, members of the commission who do not agree with the general assessment of the development indicate in the act a dissenting opinion with its justification.

Operational tests of a prototype or prototype PA are carried out in the State Fire Service department in accordance with the Manual on technical service. Training of personnel to work on the PA is carried out by the manufacturer (manufacturer) of the PA. Based on the test results, the State Fire Service specialists prepare a conclusion in which they indicate: data on the operation of the PA for the period of operational tests (an extract from the register of the presence, operation and movement of motor vehicles); information about PA malfunctions (extract from the maintenance log); assessment of the completeness and convenience of the placement of fire extinguishers, as well as a proposal for additional equipment PA PTV and changing the placement of PTV; schemes and conditions for conducting combat deployment and the time of their implementation; assessment of the running properties of the PA
(see chapter 6 of the textbook); compliance with the performance characteristics of the PA for the combat missions being performed; the effectiveness of the use of PA in the performance of combat missions.


A set of standards for automated systems

This standard applies to automated systems (AS) used in various types activities (research, design, management, etc.), including their combinations created in organizations, associations and enterprises (hereinafter - organizations).

The standard establishes the types of NPP tests and general requirements for their implementation.

The terms used in this standard and their definitions are in accordance with GOST 34.003.

The requirements of this standard, except for clauses 2.2.4, 4.4, 4.5, are mandatory, the requirements of clauses 2.2.4, 4.4, 4.5 are recommended.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. NPP tests are carried out at the stage of "Commissioning" in accordance with GOST 34.601 in order to verify the compliance of the created NPP with the requirements of the terms of reference (TOR).

1.2. NPP testing is a process of checking the performance of the specified functions of the system, determining and verifying compliance with the requirements of the TOR of the quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics of the system, identifying and eliminating shortcomings in the system's actions, in the developed documentation.

1.3. For the AU, the following main types of tests are established: 1) preliminary; 2) trial operation; 3) acceptance.


1. It is allowed to additionally conduct other types of tests of the AU and their parts.

2. It is allowed to classify acceptance tests depending on the status of the acceptance committee (the composition of the members of the committee and the level of its approval).

3. The types of tests and the status of the acceptance committee are established in the contract and (or) TOR.

1.4. Depending on the interconnections of the objects tested in the NPP, tests can be autonomous or complex.

Autonomous tests cover parts of the AU. They are carried out as parts of the NPP are ready for commissioning for trial operation.

Comprehensive tests are carried out for groups, interconnected parts of the AU or for the AU as a whole.

1.5. To plan all types of tests, a document "Program and test methods" is developed. The developer of the document is established in the contract or TK.

1.6. The test program and methodology should establish the necessary and sufficient scope of tests to ensure the specified reliability of the results obtained.

1.7. The test program and methodology can be developed for the AC as a whole, for a part of the AC. Tests (test cases) may be included as an application.

1.8. Preliminary tests of the AU are carried out to determine its performance and to decide whether it is possible to accept the AC for trial operation.

1.9. Preliminary testing should be performed after the developer has debugged and tested the supplied software and technical means systems and submitting to them the relevant documents on their readiness for testing, as well as after familiarization of the NPP personnel with the operational documentation.

1.10. Trial operation of the NPP is carried out in order to determine the actual values ​​of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the NPP and the readiness of personnel to work in the conditions of the operation of the NPP, determine the actual efficiency of the NPP, and correct (if necessary) documentation.

1.11. Acceptance tests of the NPP are carried out to determine the compliance of the NPP with the terms of reference, assess the quality of trial operation and decide on the possibility of accepting the NPP for permanent operation.

1.12. Acceptance tests of the AU should be preceded by its trial operation at the facility.

1.13. Depending on the type of requirements for the AU for testing, verification or certification, it is subjected to: 1) a set of software and hardware; 2) personnel; 3) operational documentation regulating the activities of personnel during the operation of the NPP; 4) AS in general.

1.14. When testing the AU, they check: 1) the quality of performance by a set of software and hardware automatic functions in all modes of operation of the NPP in accordance with the TOR for the creation of the NPP; 2) knowledge of the operational documentation by the personnel and the availability of skills necessary to perform the established functions in all modes of operation of the NPP, in accordance with the TOR for the creation of the NPP; 3) the completeness of the instructions contained in the operational documentation for the personnel to perform their functions in all modes of operation of the NPP in accordance with the TOR for the creation of the NPP; 4) quantitative and (or) quality characteristics performance of automatic and automated functions of the AU in accordance with the statement of work; 5) other properties of the AU, which it must comply with according to the TOR.

1.15. AU tests should be carried out at the customer's site. As agreed between the customer and the developer, preliminary tests and acceptance software tools The AU is allowed to be carried out on the technical means of the developer when creating conditions for obtaining reliable test results.

1.16. Allowed consistent conduct testing and commissioning of parts of the NPP for trial and permanent operation, subject to the order of putting the NPP into operation established in the ToR.

2. Preliminary tests.

2.1. Preliminary tests of the AU can be: 1) autonomous; 2) complex.

2.2. Autonomous tests

2.2.1. Autonomous tests of the AU should be carried out in accordance with the program and methodology of autonomous tests developed for each part of the AU.

2.2.2. The program of autonomous tests indicates: 1) a list of functions to be tested; 2) description of the relationship of the test object with other parts of the NPP; 3) conditions, procedure and methods for conducting tests and processing results; 4) acceptance criteria for parts based on test results.

An offline test schedule should be attached to the offline test program.

2.2.3. Prepared and coordinated tests (test cases) at the stage of autonomous testing should provide: 1) full verification of functions and procedures according to the list agreed with the customer; 2) the required accuracy of calculations, established in the TOR; 3) verification of the main temporal characteristics of the functioning of software (in cases where this is significant); 4) checking the reliability and stability of the functioning of software and hardware.

2.2.4. As initial information for the test, it is recommended to use a fragment of real information of the customer organization in an amount sufficient to ensure the necessary reliability of the tests.

2.2.5 The results of autonomous testing of parts of the AU should be recorded in the test reports. The protocol must contain a conclusion on the possibility (impossibility) of admitting a part of the NPP to complex tests.

2.2.6. In the event that the autonomous tests carried out are found to be insufficient, or a violation of the requirements of the regulatory documents on the composition or content of the documentation is revealed, the specified part of the AU can be returned for revision and a new test period is assigned.

2.3. Complex tests

2.3.1. Comprehensive testing of the AU is carried out by performing complex tests. The test results are reflected in the protocol. The work is completed with the execution of the acceptance certificate for trial operation.

2.3.2. The program of integrated testing of the NPP or parts of the NPP indicates: 1) a list of test objects; 2) the composition of the submitted documentation; 3) a description of the relationships being tested between the test items; 4) the sequence of tests of NPP parts; 5) the procedure and methods of testing, including the composition of software and equipment necessary for testing, including special stands and test sites.

2.3.3. To conduct complex tests, the following must be submitted: 1) a program of complex tests; 2) conclusion on autonomous testing of the relevant parts of the AU and elimination of errors and comments identified during autonomous testing; 3) complex tests; 4) software and hardware and related operational documentation.

2.3.4. In complex tests, it is allowed to use as initial information obtained from autonomous tests of parts of the NPP.

2.3.5. A comprehensive test should: 1) be logically linked; 2) to ensure the verification of the performance of the functions of the NPP parts in all modes of operation established in the ToR for the NPP, including all connections between them; 3) provide a check of the system's response to incorrect information and emergency situations.

2.3.6. The integrated test protocol should contain a conclusion on the possibility (impossibility) of accepting the NPP for trial operation, as well as a list of necessary improvements and recommended deadlines for their implementation.

After elimination of shortcomings, repeated complex tests are carried out in required amount.

3. Trial operation.

3.1. Trial operation is carried out in accordance with the program, which indicates: 1) the conditions and procedure for the functioning of parts of the NPP and the NPP as a whole; 2) the duration of trial operation, sufficient to verify the correct functioning of the NPP when performing each function of the system and the readiness of personnel to work in the conditions of operation of the NPP; 3) the procedure for eliminating deficiencies identified during trial operation.

3.2. During the trial operation of the AU, a working log is kept, in which information is entered on the duration of the AU operation, failures, failures, emergencies, changes in the parameters of the automation object, ongoing adjustments to the documentation and software, adjustment, and technical means. Information is recorded in the journal with the date and responsible person. The journal may include comments from personnel on the ease of operation of the AU.

3.3. Based on the results of trial operation, a decision is made on the possibility (or impossibility) of presenting parts of the NPP and the system as a whole for acceptance tests.

The work ends with the execution of an act on the completion of trial operation and the admission of the system to acceptance tests.

4. Acceptance tests

4.1. Acceptance tests are carried out in accordance with the program, which indicates: 1) a list of objects allocated in the system for testing and a list of requirements that the objects must comply with (with reference to the points of the TOR); 2) acceptance criteria for the system and its parts; 3) conditions and terms of testing; 4) means for testing; 5) names of persons responsible for conducting tests; 6) test methodology and processing of their results; 7) a list of documentation to be drawn up.

4.2. To conduct acceptance tests, the following documentation must be presented: 1) terms of reference for the creation of the AU; 2) act of acceptance for trial operation; 3) work logs of trial operation; 4) act of completion of trial operation and admission of the NPP to acceptance tests; 5) program and test methodology.

Acceptance testing should be carried out at a functioning facility.

4.3. Acceptance tests, first of all, should include verification of: 1) completeness and quality of the implementation of functions at standard, limiting, critical values ​​of the parameters of the automation object and in other operating conditions of the NPP specified in the ToR; 2) fulfillment of each requirement related to the system interface; 3) the work of personnel in an interactive mode; 4) means and methods for restoring the operability of the AU after failures; 5) completeness and quality of operational documentation.

4.4. Verification of the completeness and quality of the performance of the functions of the AU is recommended to be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, individual functions (tasks, task complexes) are tested. At the same time, they check the fulfillment of the requirements of the TOR for functions (tasks, task complexes). At the second stage, the interaction of tasks in the system and the fulfillment of the requirements of the TOR for the system as a whole are checked.

4.5. By agreement with the customer, the verification of tasks, depending on their specifics, can be carried out autonomously or as part of a complex. It is advisable to combine tasks when checking in complexes, taking into account the commonality of the information used and internal connections.

4.6. Checking the work of personnel in an interactive mode is carried out taking into account the completeness and quality of the performance of the functions of the system as a whole.

The following is subject to verification: 1) the completeness of messages, directives, requests available to the operator and their sufficiency for the operation of the system; 2) the complexity of the dialogue procedures, the ability of staff to work without special training; 3) the reaction of the system and its parts to operator errors, service facilities.

4.7. Checking the means of restoring the operability of the AU after computer failures should include: 1) checking the presence in the operational documentation of recommendations for restoring operability and the completeness of their description; 2) the feasibility of the recommended procedures; 3) operability of automatic recovery tools, functions (if any).

4.8. Verification of the completeness and quality of operational documentation should be carried out by analyzing the documentation for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents in the TOR.

4.9. The test results of the objects provided for by the program are recorded in the protocols containing the following sections: 1) the purpose of the tests and the number of the section of the requirements of the TOR for the NPP, according to which the test is carried out; 2) the composition of the hardware and software used in the tests; 3) an indication of the methods in accordance with which the tests were carried out, processing and evaluation of the results; 4) test conditions and characteristics of the initial data; 5) storage facilities and access conditions to the final, testing program; 6) generalized test results; 7) conclusions about the test results and the compliance of the created system or its parts with a certain section of the requirements of the TOR for the NPP.

4.10. Test reports of objects throughout the program are summarized in a single protocol, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the compliance of the system with the requirements of the technical specification for NPPs and the possibility of issuing an act of acceptance of NPPs for permanent operation.

The work is completed by the execution of the act of acceptance of the NPP into permanent operation.