Door dpv g l. GOST on plastic doors - requirements for standards and performance. Special technical and operational characteristics and requirements

Sections of the article:

Door structures made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are quite popular and occupy one of the main positions in terms of sales among all doors. The increased demand for products is due to the lightness and simplicity of design, the ability to effectively withstand moisture and temperature changes, combined with significant reliability. High-quality doors made of PVC must necessarily comply with the requirements set forth in GOST.

Classification of doors according to GOST

In the process of manufacturing PVC door structures, manufacturers are guided by the GOST 30970-2002 adopted and approved in 2002. This document prescribes the dimensional grid of the door structure and the permissible deviations. In addition, GOST strictly defines the main characteristics of all structural elements, including the profiles used on PVC doors, as well as the devices used. The necessary product labeling system, as well as guarantees and acceptable packaging, are mandatory.

The development of GOST 30970 was carried out specifically for hinged PVC door structures with a frame. The requirements do not cover canvases for special purposes, as well as door mechanisms installed on balconies.

According to the derived standard and based on the principle of the main purpose of the leaf, PVC doors are conventionally divided into the following types:

  • Entrance, outdoor placement;
  • Tambour;
  • Interroom and inter-apartment, as well as located in the inner parts of common areas.

In addition, door leafs are divided into types according to the principle of filling:

  • deaf;
  • decorative;
  • glazed;
  • Light.

The door that transmits light is conditionally divided into 2 sectors: a transparent top and an opaque bottom. Glass used for installation in PVC doors can be multi-layered, reinforced, or made using additional decorative elements in the form of various patterns.

During the manufacture of solid door structures, an opaque canvas is used. Also, based on the structure of the structure, the doors are divided into single-leaf and consisting of two canvases. Designs with one canvas, based on the opening side, can be left or right. Doors with various figured inserts are decorative.

Based on the type of exterior finish used, door structures can be:

  • White;
  • Painted;
  • Laminated;
  • Covered with a layer of varnish.

When choosing and purchasing PVC products, please note that the type of material used for the door, the presence of decorative elements, as well as the mandatory designation of the exact parameters of the product will be indicated in the sales contract without fail.

The manufacturing procedure itself is necessarily carried out in a strictly defined sequence of actions. During assembly, the frame structure is necessarily reinforced with steel elements. The greatest attention in the process of strengthening the structure should be given to the corner sections. If there is a threshold, metal is used for its manufacture.

Requirements according to GOST

The regulatory document contains a clear description of the structure of products and the drawings used for their manufacture. In addition, the installation steps are described in detail. So doors made of PVC panels, according to GOST 30970 of 2002, must have dimensions not exceeding 6 sq.m. At the same time, each opened one cannot have an area of ​​​​more than 2.5 sq.m. The weight of the door structure should not exceed 80 kg. If the allowable limits are exceeded, the strength calculation of the manufacturer's structure must necessarily be confirmed by a number of additional laboratory studies.

In the case of an anti-vandal type door, in addition to additional strengthening of the corners, to increase security, it can be equipped with special anti-removable parts, as well as locking and hinge mechanisms.

The standard also prescribes the installation method for PVC door blocks. Among other things, one of the very important aspects is the presence of a ventilation hole for the internal cavities of the canvas. Their required number was initially determined and prescribed in the list of standards.

The load on the door structure should also not exceed the norm. The maximum allowable difference in the size of the canvas is also determined by GOST and with a door area of ​​1.5 sq.m. cannot exceed 2 mm. If the dimensions of the canvas are larger, then the error in length-width should not be more than 3 mm. The dimensions of the grooves are also mandatory indicated in the regulatory document.

Main characteristics of doors

The mandatory level of sound insulation of the product must be 26 dB, and the permeability of air flows must be at least 3.5 cubic meters per hour, provided that Dp=10Pa. External PVC doors, according to GOST, must withstand a minimum number of openings and closings equal to 500,000 times.

Also, door structures are divided into groups based on the ability to withstand static loads:

  • A) must withstand a drop of a load weighing 20 kg from a distance of 0.8 m;
  • B) must maintain the integrity of the canvas when a load of 20 kg falls from a maximum distance of 0.5 m;
  • C) withstands a drop of a load of 10 kg from a distance of no more than 0.4 m.

If it is necessary to withstand a blow with a soft object, the indicators will be as follows:

  • Group A is capable of withstanding a 450 kg drop from a distance of no more than 1.5 m;
  • Group B can withstand the impact of a load of 300 kg of weight falling from a distance of no more than 1 m;
  • Group B must withstand a fall of 60 kg, but the height cannot exceed 0.5 m.

In addition, the GOST standards spell out the requirements for the door regarding the efforts made to open and close the canvas. Thus, internal PVC doors must be opened with a human effort of 75 N. At the same time, closing requires an applied force of 120 N.

The difference in color shades on the surface of the structure under normal lighting is unacceptable. In places where welding work is carried out, it is not false to observe color differences with the main part of the canvas. Seams of quality products cannot contain cracks.

To increase the protection of technical products, their surface is glued with a special protective film. Each of the elements used in the design must be tested and certified in a special laboratory.

Based on the personal wishes of the customer, it is permissible to use different colors when designing the outer part of the product. In addition, each of the structures must be equipped with special protection against exposure to UV rays.

Interior fittings

All steel structural elements are treated with protective materials for high-quality resistance to corrosive phenomena. When using aluminum, its nominal strength must correspond to the required parameters of the door block. The liner is necessarily fixed with a pair of screws or self-tapping screws. The fastening pitch cannot exceed 40 cm. When using colored profiles, this distance is reduced to 30 cm. The installation of amplifiers does not require the use of special tools. Inserts are installed manually.

In the manufacture of blocks without transparent inserts, a three-layer filling with foamed PVC is used. It is acceptable to use various finishing materials.

In the case of supplementing the structure with glass inserts, an anti-shatter coating is mandatory. The manufacture of the glass itself is carried out by bonding it in several layers.

Door to balcony

Balcony doors made of PVC, according to the requirements of GOST, may contain non-replaceable elements. However, this option is acceptable only if they are sufficiently durable, the service life must be at least the designated warranty period.

The internal filling of the balcony block should provide high-quality vapor barrier.

During installation work, the gap between the balcony window and the opening must be closed with a window sill. It is also acceptable to use a layer of plaster or slopes. Permitted fasteners are dowels, self-tapping screws or special adjustable supports.

The gaps between the doorway and the structural elements should not exceed 1 - 1.2 cm. The vertical posts are fixed in at least 3 places, and the distance between the fasteners should be no more than 0.7 m.


PVC profile doors are used everywhere: they can be found in shops, houses, apartments, offices, various public and industrial establishments. Such popularity is due to several reasons: affordable cost, ease of installation, durability, high tightness.

What are plastic doors?

- these are structures made of plastic; for rigidity, aluminum inserts are placed inside. The customer can adjust the size and shape of the structure, which allows it to be used universally for any type of premises.

For the material, there are GOST requirements that have been valid since 2003. The standard divides structures according to the following classification:

  • Appointment.
  • Profile features.
  • Design features.
  • Type of filling.
  • Finishing.

The standard for PVC exterior doors has been developed for door manufacturers. The information contained in GOST will help the buyer to obtain reliable information about what quality products should be. This knowledge will help you choose a quality product.

Purpose of blocks

Can be used both indoors and outdoors. External doors include doors bordering the street or located in the vestibule. Internal blocks are called structures installed in rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, that is, located directly inside the building.

The design of the door blocks may vary. Most often you can find two of its varieties:

  • Single-sided: it is able to open to the right, to the left, has the appropriate fittings, in other words, it is similar to the usual door.
  • The double-sided model can open in both directions, and this requires the installation of a shulp system. Most often, these doors are used in rooms with high traffic.
  • The threshold may or may not be present.
  • The transom of the door can be on the side or on top.

Varieties of door blocks by purpose

Door leaf filling type, differences and features

Like internal ones, they may differ in the type of filling. They can be of the following types:

  • The plastic deaf door has no glass, there is a heater inside it.
  • Glazed construction, which includes a double-glazed window.
  • Light glazing: in this case, the top is made of double-glazed windows, and the lower part of the door is blind. Most often, this design is used for balconies.

Door leaf options by filling type

The door itself can differ significantly in the number of cameras (from one to three or more) , profile finish. There are the following types:

  • Standard white or color. This profile is considered colored.
  • Painted with paint or varnish.
  • Laminated.

The concept of the technical significance of the profile

GOST has clearly defined requirements that apply to products whose total area is less than 6 meters. The size of the opening part of the door is specified: it should not exceed 2.5 meters. The plastic door block should not be heavier than 80 kg.

The buyer can order a product that is large in size, but in this case the manufacturer must test it for strength and give a guarantee of the reliability of the door.

What do the letters on plastic structures mean?

When buying a finished door, you can pay attention that it is marked with a certain set of numbers and letters. It is worth knowing the following about this data:

  • The letters DPV mean that you have doors for indoor use. DPN - respectively, external doors made of PVC .
  • If the letters are complemented by M, then the door should be used as an interior door.
  • The space is followed by symbols, thanks to which you can find out how the canvas is filled. For example, the letter G means that the door is plastic deaf .
  • The presence of the letter B indicates the absence of a threshold in the structure.
  • L - single-field design. In addition, the direction of movement of the web must be indicated.
  • Dv - the designation of a two-field design.
  • Below you can see the numbers. They mean the dimensions of the door, its height and width.

Most residential premises have a standard doorway, this size is dictated by generally accepted building codes, so its height can vary between 2170 - 2419 mm. The width of the opening can also vary between 70 - 910 mm.

The entrance opening corresponding to GOST should not be less than 91 cm. The maximum possible dimensions of the door leaf can be regulated by the technical conditions developed for the product; each door will be different.

Are there requirements for the operation of doors?

Companies produce a variety of doors, the technical characteristics of which differ significantly from each other. If you use the door as a balcony or entrance door, an important condition is the ability of the product to isolate heat and noise. A good door should be durable, withstand a large number of openings, and also have a ventilation mode.

GOST regulates the amount of heat transfer. It depends on the thickness of the product. For example, if the width of the layer of panels is from 16 to 24 mm, the door should resist within: 0.8-1.2 m2S/W. The sound insulation of this design does not exceed 26 dBA. There are also requirements for air permeability - they are 35 m2 / (h m2).

If the product is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST, it must withstand at least half a million opening cycles.

Service life of the structure

The standard provides for different service life for different structural elements. For example, a high-quality profile should last at least 40 years, a double-glazed window - at least 25 years, a sealant is the most short-lived: its service life is only 10 years. However, these are only approximate requirements, the quality of products of some manufacturers may exceed them.

PVC can have different strengths depending on the class to which they belong. Products of categories A, B and C differ. A-class is the most durable and high-quality product, the wall width is 3 mm. If the sheets are welded, the width of the walls will exceed 600 mm. Usually such a structure needs to be reinforced with metal inserts in order to make it more rigid.

Burglary protection

In order to make the door secure from intruders, you can use the following methods:

  • Install additional locking mechanisms that will make it more difficult for a criminal to enter the premises.
  • can be equipped with glass 10 mm thick. Not only will this make it durable, but it will greatly increase its ability to insulate noise and retain heat. There are other ways to increase the strength of glass. To do this, you will need to install a double-glazed window with tempered or armored glass. Breaking such glass is extremely difficult or impossible at all. Such a design will not only prevent the criminal from entering the house, but will also last for many years, since it is practically not subject to mechanical stress.
  • On sale there are special anti-removable devices that are installed on PVC door blocks . This will prevent the criminal from removing the door and entering.
  • Reinforced not only resist burglary, but also increase the life of the structure as a whole.

Fire safety

By themselves, plastic doors do not burn. They can melt at very high temperatures, but will not allow the fire to spread throughout the room. If you are afraid of fire or are going to install a door in a room with a high fire hazard, then it makes sense to purchase it from a PVC profile .

This profile differs from the usual one in that it has a higher coefficient of refractoriness. In case of fire, such a door will provide decent resistance, survive and prevent the flame from spreading. It is important to note that when exposed to high temperatures, plastic will not emit harmful volatile substances that can be poisonous.

Features of doors designed for balconies

The balcony door differs from the usual one in that it is often produced in the same block as the window. When choosing such a design, it is important to pay attention to the following features:

  • When closing, the canvas should be pressed tightly against the frame, no gaps should form.
  • The material must be well tolerated by temperature changes and the difference between the temperature in the street and in the room.
  • Doors made of PVC profile should isolate heat well and not let cold air into the room.

During construction or production, the established norms and standards are always taken into account, which allow you to create safe, durable and strong products. This also applies to PVC doors, namely their manufacture and installation. Recommendations differ depending on the type of product, but GOST contains all the necessary information, taking into account the design features.

What are GOST requirements for?

The set of rules and regulations relating to various construction, production and installation works is called GOST. This list includes many items, each of which contains recommendations for the manufacture or implementation of certain actions.

GOST also contains information on the production and installation of PVC doors. The norms include safety rules, optimal parameters and manufacturing methods, recommended installation techniques and a list of standards that quality products must meet. If PVC doors were produced in accordance with established rules, then they are distinguished by safety, long service life, and comfortable operation. Thus, the requirements of GOST are mandatory, as they are aimed at creating products of the best quality.

In the manufacture and installation of PVC doors, the requirements of GOST are taken into account

Before installing, building or manufacturing PVC structures, you should familiarize yourself with these rules. It is impossible to know the entire set of quality requirements, so it is best to study only the necessary paragraph. To do this, all sections of GOST are indicated by a set of letters and numbers, and also have a designation in the form of a name.

Video: installation features of PVC structures in accordance with GOST

Plastic doors: manufacturing and installation according to GOST

GOST 30970 contains the basic requirements that are taken into account in the manufacture of PVC doors. This standard was approved in 2014 and includes standards for swing, sliding and other types of structures. The requirements apply to all frame-type models, but not fire, bulletproof and other special-purpose options.

GOST takes into account the features of all frame doors

The collection of standard requirements classifies PVC doors according to five criteria:

  1. Appointment. Plastic structures belong to group "B", which includes all canvases that are installed inside different rooms.
  2. Fill type. Doors can be with glass or a deaf plastic insert, and there are also combined models.
  3. Opening method. According to the design, the canvases can be swing, sliding, single or double-sided, double-leaf different-field.
  4. Decorative finishing of profiles - color, pattern may be different.
  5. Mechanism and direction of opening. Doors can be left or right, sliding, moving in any direction.

GOST contains all the terms that allow you to clearly define the purpose of a particular part of the PVC door system. Standards apply to each major element of a product.

Requirements for door blocks

According to GOST, door systems are created from profiles made of polyvinyl chloride and supplemented with steel liners. This also applies to corner joints. At the same time, the area of ​​​​the complex from the box and the door should not be more than 6 m 2, and the maximum allowable area of ​​\u200b\u200beach leaf is 2.5 m 2. If structures are being manufactured, the parameters of which exceed these standards, then their strength characteristics must be confirmed by tests, calculations, taking into account current standards.

Entrance PVC doors are in great demand and are used everywhere.

The main requirements for the manufacturing process and quality of plastic door systems are expressed as follows:

  1. The maximum allowable deviations of the parameters of the door blocks are not more than +2.0 or -1.0 mm. The static load, which is carried out on the upper right angle of the folded sheets of folding products, is not more than 1,000 N.
  2. Seams in the welding area must not be defective, untested areas or cracks. Change of a shade of PVC in places of seams is not allowed.
  3. All reinforcing elements and liners are fixed to the inside of the frame with two self-tapping screws. The distance between the fasteners is no more than 400 mm. This figure for outdoor systems is 300 mm.
  4. Door panels can be filled with high-strength glass. Multi-layer panels are also applicable.
  5. Door seal gaskets must be resistant to atmospheric changes, mechanical influences and chemicals. They allow you to provide a snug fit, which can be adjusted by adjusting the fittings.

There are a large number of requirements, taking into account which the manufacture of high-quality plastic doors for internal use is carried out. At the same time, attention is also paid to the installation of systems, and the relevant rules are specified in GOST 30971–2012.

The comfortable operation of the PVC door depends on the correct installation.

The PVC door installation standard was developed based on the analysis of the results of the operation of the units over many years. Therefore, the code of practice contains all the necessary information regarding this process. The main points are as follows:

  • materials used during installation must ensure tightness, absence of local or other freezing, resistance to operational loads, long service life;
  • defective places of doorways must be necessarily puttied, and all edges must have smooth edges, while if the walls have voids, they are compacted with rigid foam insulation;
  • materials must be environmentally friendly and safe for human health and the environment, waste disposal is carried out through industrial processing;
  • the equipped layers of the assembly seam are evaluated by a visual method with an illumination of at least 300 lux at a distance of 40 - 60 cm.

Such installation requirements allow you to control the quality of the manipulations of the plastic door installers. These standards apply to the installation of PVH doors and windows of any design.

GOST for PVC interior doors

The standards for the installation of internal and external plastic doors are different, since each type of system must meet the conditions of use. For internal structures, requirements are imposed that ensure the safety, ease of operation and aesthetic appearance of PVC products. Interroom systems are designated by the symbol "B".

PVC interior doors are less demanding than exterior doors.

GOST 30971–2012 contains the main norms regarding PVC interior and exterior doors. There is no separate section for each type of structure, but the points for installation and manufacture have such requirements for WPV as:

  • an internal type door can be equipped with a threshold or not, and if such an element is present, then it must have a solid contour in the lower horizontal section, and its fixation is carried out by mechanically connecting the parts;
  • the canvas in the assembled door block, equipped with a threshold, should not sag by more than 1.5 mm;
  • internal burglar-resistant doors must withstand static loads on the leaf area from 1300 N, applied to open the product can be more than 100 N;
  • reinforcing inserts should not be joined or torn along the length; tiled or rolled, panel structures are used as panels for plastic doors;
  • installation is carried out only in a smooth, clean opening with solid walls without chips, potholes and dust, carried out in stages in accordance with the technical map developed depending on the time of year, climatic features and the necessary operations to fix the door block;
  • deviations on each side of the opening can be no more than 4 mm, the check is carried out by a hydraulic level, by measuring the diagonals of the opening, as well as by a laser-type plane builder.

Internal structures made of polyvinyl chloride are mounted in a pre-prepared opening. The work is carried out by professional craftsmen, and acceptance takes place taking into account quality, evenness and the absence of large gaps.

External PVC doors according to GOST

The requirements for the manufacture and installation of external doors are observed as accurately as possible, because they are the protection of the premises from dust, noise, cold, unauthorized entry.

Entrance plastic doors are distinguished by better heat and sound insulation than internal ones.

One of the mandatory requirements that high-quality exterior doors must meet is a multi-point locking system. This is especially true for products characterized as burglar-resistant structures. In this case, the distance between the locks should not be more than 750 mm.

Entrance canvases are equipped with closers that provide easy movement of the canvas and allow people with disabilities to move around. Particular attention should be paid to the threshold, which is made of aluminum with an anti-corrosion coating and is equipped with drainage holes. This allows you to make the doors easy to use and protected from moisture.

Entrance doors can be of any color and design

The main requirements for the manufacture and installation of external PVC systems are expressed as follows:

  • the recommended threshold height is 20 mm, if the parameter value is different, then this part of the structure should not become an obstacle to the movement of people;
  • doors installed on escape routes from the premises must open outward, they can be single or double leaf;
  • it is allowed to use burglary-resistant structures of groups A and B, for which corner reinforcement parts and a multi-bar locking system with locks of the 4th class are used;
  • leafs of external doors should be equipped with a system of holes for drying the gap between the panels and other parts, two holes are provided in the lower and upper profile during manufacture;
  • when installing outdoor sheets, materials that are resistant to atmospheric changes are used, the assembly seam cannot cause the penetration of cold into the room.

External sheets must have a particularly strong filling, as well as a high degree of thermal insulation, tightness. These properties are present due to the use of high-quality materials for the manufacture of doors, careful installation and compliance with GOST.

GOST requirements for filling door panels

External burglary-resistant or internal plastic doors consist of profiles, fittings and have a filling presented in the form of panels. These inserts can be made of glass or plastic.

PVC doors can be of any color and equipped with glass

GOST assumes the following features of high-quality filling:

  • three-layer filling is represented by panels consisting of aluminum and plastic facing sheets;
  • single-layer filling is performed in the form of foamed rigid polyvinyl chloride;
  • the thickness of the sheets is at least 15 mm;
  • installation and design of filling fixation units is carried out in such a way that the possibility of breaking the canvas from the outside is not allowed;
  • glasses with a height of more than 1250 mm, a width of more than 650 mm, and a thickness of less than 4 mm are not used.

If the filling of the door meets the basic requirements of GOST, then the design will be as reliable and durable as possible. And the quality of installation and manufacturing affects sound insulation, which is important for doors installed in private residential buildings.

GOST and marking of PVC doors

Each type of plastic doors and its features are indicated by a certain marking corresponding to GOST. For example, the symbol "A" marks the entrance external canvases, "B" - the entrance internal doors from the landings, "C" - interior or simple internal systems installed to separate rooms.

External doors made of plastic are in demand because they are distinguished by high performance.

According to GOST, PVC doors are also marked taking into account the purpose of the product and the filling of the canvas:

  • DNP - external doors with PVC profile;
  • DPV - internal with a profile;
  • DPM - interior doors;
  • filling is indicated: G - deaf, O - glazed, Km - combined, D - decorative;
  • design: P - doors with a threshold, Bpr - without a threshold, F - with a transom, Kz - with a closed box, Op - single-floor systems, Dp - double-floor, L or P - left or right, respectively, and burglar-resistant designate Dvz;
  • sliding - Rz, hinged - R, folding - Sk.

Door leaf labeling is presented as a set of symbols, including designation of the construction type, purpose, opening option and door filling structure.

Plastic doors are diverse, but their manufacture and installation are always carried out by specialists who know all the requirements and established GOST standards. As a result of compliance with the set of rules, safe, beautiful and durable structures are obtained.

During construction or production, the established norms and standards are always taken into account, which allow you to create safe, durable and strong products. This also applies to PVC doors, namely their manufacture and installation. Recommendations differ depending on the type of product, but GOST contains all the necessary information, taking into account the design features.

What are GOST requirements for?

The set of rules and regulations relating to various construction, production and installation works is called GOST. This list includes many items, each of which contains recommendations for the manufacture or implementation of certain actions.

GOST also contains information on the production and installation of PVC doors. The norms include safety rules, optimal parameters and manufacturing methods, recommended installation techniques and a list of standards that quality products must meet. If PVC doors were produced in accordance with established rules, then they are distinguished by safety, long service life, and comfortable operation. Thus, the requirements of GOST are mandatory, as they are aimed at creating products of the best quality.

In the manufacture and installation of PVC doors, the requirements of GOST are taken into account

Before installing, building or manufacturing PVC structures, you should familiarize yourself with these rules. It is impossible to know the entire set of quality requirements, so it is best to study only the necessary paragraph. To do this, all sections of GOST are indicated by a set of letters and numbers, and also have a designation in the form of a name.

Video: installation features of PVC structures in accordance with GOST

Plastic doors: manufacturing and installation according to GOST

GOST 30970 contains the basic requirements that are taken into account in the manufacture of PVC doors. This standard was approved in 2014 and includes standards for swing, sliding and other types of structures. The requirements apply to all frame-type models, but not fire, bulletproof and other special-purpose options.

GOST takes into account the features of all frame doors

The collection of standard requirements classifies PVC doors according to five criteria:

  1. Appointment. Plastic structures belong to group "B", which includes all canvases that are installed inside different rooms.
  2. Fill type. Doors can be with glass or a deaf plastic insert, and there are also combined models.
  3. Opening method. According to the design, the canvases can be swing, sliding, single or double-sided, double-leaf different-field.
  4. Decorative finishing of profiles - color, pattern may be different.
  5. Mechanism and direction of opening. Doors can be left or right, sliding, moving in any direction.

GOST contains all the terms that allow you to clearly define the purpose of a particular part of the PVC door system. Standards apply to each major element of a product.

Requirements for door blocks

According to GOST, door systems are created from profiles made of polyvinyl chloride and supplemented with steel liners. This also applies to corner joints. At the same time, the area of ​​​​the complex from the box and the door should not be more than 6 m 2, and the maximum allowable area of ​​\u200b\u200beach leaf is 2.5 m 2. If structures are being manufactured, the parameters of which exceed these standards, then their strength characteristics must be confirmed by tests, calculations, taking into account current standards.

Entrance PVC doors are in great demand and are used everywhere.

The main requirements for the manufacturing process and quality of plastic door systems are expressed as follows:

  1. The maximum allowable deviations of the parameters of the door blocks are not more than +2.0 or -1.0 mm. The static load, which is carried out on the upper right angle of the folded sheets of folding products, is not more than 1,000 N.
  2. Seams in the welding area must not be defective, untested areas or cracks. Change of a shade of PVC in places of seams is not allowed.
  3. All reinforcing elements and liners are fixed to the inside of the frame with two self-tapping screws. The distance between the fasteners is no more than 400 mm. This figure for outdoor systems is 300 mm.
  4. Door panels can be filled with high-strength glass. Multi-layer panels are also applicable.
  5. Door seal gaskets must be resistant to atmospheric changes, mechanical influences and chemicals. They allow you to provide a snug fit, which can be adjusted by adjusting the fittings.

There are a large number of requirements, taking into account which the manufacture of high-quality plastic doors for internal use is carried out. At the same time, attention is also paid to the installation of systems, and the relevant rules are specified in GOST 30971–2012.

The comfortable operation of the PVC door depends on the correct installation.

The PVC door installation standard was developed based on the analysis of the results of the operation of the units over many years. Therefore, the code of practice contains all the necessary information regarding this process. The main points are as follows:

  • materials used during installation must ensure tightness, absence of local or other freezing, resistance to operational loads, long service life;
  • defective places of doorways must be necessarily puttied, and all edges must have smooth edges, while if the walls have voids, they are compacted with rigid foam insulation;
  • materials must be environmentally friendly and safe for human health and the environment, waste disposal is carried out through industrial processing;
  • the equipped layers of the assembly seam are evaluated by a visual method with an illumination of at least 300 lux at a distance of 40 - 60 cm.

Such installation requirements allow you to control the quality of the manipulations of the plastic door installers. These standards apply to the installation of PVH doors and windows of any design.

GOST for PVC interior doors

The standards for the installation of internal and external plastic doors are different, since each type of system must meet the conditions of use. For internal structures, requirements are imposed that ensure the safety, ease of operation and aesthetic appearance of PVC products. Interroom systems are designated by the symbol "B".

PVC interior doors are less demanding than exterior doors.

GOST 30971–2012 contains the main norms regarding PVC interior and exterior doors. There is no separate section for each type of structure, but the points for installation and manufacture have such requirements for WPV as:

  • an internal type door can be equipped with a threshold or not, and if such an element is present, then it must have a solid contour in the lower horizontal section, and its fixation is carried out by mechanically connecting the parts;
  • the canvas in the assembled door block, equipped with a threshold, should not sag by more than 1.5 mm;
  • internal burglar-resistant doors must withstand static loads on the leaf area from 1300 N, applied to open the product can be more than 100 N;
  • reinforcing inserts should not be joined or torn along the length; tiled or rolled, panel structures are used as panels for plastic doors;
  • installation is carried out only in a smooth, clean opening with solid walls without chips, potholes and dust, carried out in stages in accordance with the technical map developed depending on the time of year, climatic features and the necessary operations to fix the door block;
  • deviations on each side of the opening can be no more than 4 mm, the check is carried out by a hydraulic level, by measuring the diagonals of the opening, as well as by a laser-type plane builder.

Internal structures made of polyvinyl chloride are mounted in a pre-prepared opening. The work is carried out by professional craftsmen, and acceptance takes place taking into account quality, evenness and the absence of large gaps.

External PVC doors according to GOST

The requirements for the manufacture and installation of external doors are observed as accurately as possible, because they are the protection of the premises from dust, noise, cold, unauthorized entry.

Entrance plastic doors are distinguished by better heat and sound insulation than internal ones.

One of the mandatory requirements that high-quality exterior doors must meet is a multi-point locking system. This is especially true for products characterized as burglar-resistant structures. In this case, the distance between the locks should not be more than 750 mm.

Entrance canvases are equipped with closers that provide easy movement of the canvas and allow people with disabilities to move around. Particular attention should be paid to the threshold, which is made of aluminum with an anti-corrosion coating and is equipped with drainage holes. This allows you to make the doors easy to use and protected from moisture.

Entrance doors can be of any color and design

The main requirements for the manufacture and installation of external PVC systems are expressed as follows:

  • the recommended threshold height is 20 mm, if the parameter value is different, then this part of the structure should not become an obstacle to the movement of people;
  • doors installed on escape routes from the premises must open outward, they can be single or double leaf;
  • it is allowed to use burglary-resistant structures of groups A and B, for which corner reinforcement parts and a multi-bar locking system with locks of the 4th class are used;
  • leafs of external doors should be equipped with a system of holes for drying the gap between the panels and other parts, two holes are provided in the lower and upper profile during manufacture;
  • when installing outdoor sheets, materials that are resistant to atmospheric changes are used, the assembly seam cannot cause the penetration of cold into the room.

External sheets must have a particularly strong filling, as well as a high degree of thermal insulation, tightness. These properties are present due to the use of high-quality materials for the manufacture of doors, careful installation and compliance with GOST.

GOST requirements for filling door panels

External burglary-resistant or internal plastic doors consist of profiles, fittings and have a filling presented in the form of panels. These inserts can be made of glass or plastic.

PVC doors can be of any color and equipped with glass

GOST assumes the following features of high-quality filling:

  • three-layer filling is represented by panels consisting of aluminum and plastic facing sheets;
  • single-layer filling is performed in the form of foamed rigid polyvinyl chloride;
  • the thickness of the sheets is at least 15 mm;
  • installation and design of filling fixation units is carried out in such a way that the possibility of breaking the canvas from the outside is not allowed;
  • glasses with a height of more than 1250 mm, a width of more than 650 mm, and a thickness of less than 4 mm are not used.

If the filling of the door meets the basic requirements of GOST, then the design will be as reliable and durable as possible. And the quality of installation and manufacturing affects sound insulation, which is important for doors installed in private residential buildings.

GOST and marking of PVC doors

Each type of plastic doors and its features are indicated by a certain marking corresponding to GOST. For example, the symbol "A" marks the entrance external canvases, "B" - the entrance internal doors from the landings, "C" - interior or simple internal systems installed to separate rooms.

External doors made of plastic are in demand because they are distinguished by high performance.

According to GOST, PVC doors are also marked taking into account the purpose of the product and the filling of the canvas:

  • DNP - external doors with PVC profile;
  • DPV - internal with a profile;
  • DPM - interior doors;
  • filling is indicated: G - deaf, O - glazed, Km - combined, D - decorative;
  • design: P - doors with a threshold, Bpr - without a threshold, F - with a transom, Kz - with a closed box, Op - single-floor systems, Dp - double-floor, L or P - left or right, respectively, and burglar-resistant designate Dvz;
  • sliding - Rz, hinged - R, folding - Sk.

Door leaf labeling is presented as a set of symbols, including designation of the construction type, purpose, opening option and door filling structure.

Plastic doors are diverse, but their manufacture and installation are always carried out by specialists who know all the requirements and established GOST standards. As a result of compliance with the set of rules, safe, beautiful and durable structures are obtained.