Block individual heating points production. Block individual thermal points (bitp). An example of using BTP in the ITP layout

A block-modular individual heating point is an installation used to transfer thermal energy from an external heating network to various systems consumer heat supply.

An individual heating point allows you to connect objects under reconstruction or newly built to heating networks in the most short time. BITP has an automatic control system that allows making weather compensation, setting day or night operation, holidays and weekends. Each BITP is equipped with a set of means for remote data transmission via a switched line, via GSM communication or the Internet and provides the ability to output to a single control room information from the metering unit and the heating and hot water supply controller. At the same time, a mnemonic diagram of the parameters of the heating point in the current mode is displayed on the dispatcher's monitor.


BITP consists of a heating module, hot water supply and a heat consumption metering unit. Usage modular design allows you to reduce the time spent on the manufacture and installation of a heat point. In addition to plate heat exchangers, the heat point includes:

  • Automatic electronic control system for heating circuits
  • Circulating and booster pumps heating and hot water circuits
  • Instrumentation
  • Shut-off and control valves
  • Thermal energy metering unit
  • Magnetic mesh filters and magnetic water treatment devices
  • System automatic control and dispatching

Based on practical experience introduction of energy-saving equipment, CJSC "Teploeffect" offers more than 40 ready-made unified standard circuit solutions for constructive manufacturing of modular BITP. A ready-made design solution allows you to perform work on the design and manufacture of equipment in the shortest possible time, as well as reduce the cost of manufacturing an automated heat point.


The use of BITP instead of boiler rooms makes it possible to reduce the construction volume of the premises for placing a heat point, to reduce the length of pipelines by 2 times, to reduce capital expenditures for the construction of equipment and thermal insulation materials, reduce electricity consumption compared to the energy-intensive equipment of the central heating station, optimize the energy accounting system. BITP are fully automated, which allows to reduce operating costs by 40-50%. Due to the use of an automatic control system, the consumption of thermal energy at facilities is reduced to 30%, as a result, the economic efficiency of using BITP is from 10 to 25%, the payback period of equipment is 1-2.4 years.

The terms of installation of heat points are reduced by 4-5 times due to the use of prefabricated mounting blocks.

The economic effect of implementation is due

Increasing reliability, reducing the cost of Maintenance, simplifying and reducing the cost of piping schemes and fittings within the heat points.

Reducing thermal energy losses by reducing the area and temperature of the outer surface of the heat exchangers.

Reducing thermal energy losses by increasing the heat transfer coefficient of heat exchangers, reducing the required temperature difference and the flow rate of the coolant for heating water.

Reducing the consumption of thermal energy in the heating system through the introduction of efficient automatic system per-facade regulation of fuel consumption by outdoor temperature.

Cabinet heating point

The substation is delivered assembled in a container made of metal corrugated board with insulation and does not require additional construction and installation work. The outlets of the pipeline are located outside the container.


CJSC "Teploeffect", a subsidiary of JSC "Izhevsk Motozavod "Aksion-Holding", which manufactures energy-saving equipment for the needs of housing and communal services - plate heat exchangers, block individual heating points, stop valves(flanged steel ball valves, semi-collapsible), magnetic mesh filters - took part in the energy saving program of public sector institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan. As a result of the installation of five TIZh heat exchangers, the savings of Tatarstan's budget for energy consumption for the month amounted to 227 thousand rubles. When implemented in the Volgograd region in heating and hot water supply systems plate heat exchangers instead of shell-and-tube get an annual economical effect from the introduction of one plate heat exchanger 290 thousand rubles. by reducing the consumption of fuel and thermal energy in heating and hot water systems.

The introduction of new plate heat exchangers instead of shell-and-tube heat exchangers in the heating points of the city of Izhevsk gave a certain economic effect. This is due to an increase in reliability, a reduction in maintenance costs, a simplification and reduction in the cost of piping schemes and fittings within heating points. With the volume of implementation of 20 devices, the economic effect amounted to 4 million 176 thousand rubles. in year.

Block individual heating point (BITP) - in its composition is designed to combine many products manufactured by our and other enterprises of our Republic, incl. lamellar heat exchangers, shutoff valves, automatic control and dispatching systems, etc. BITP is a factory-ready heat distribution equipment unit for connecting a consumer to a heating network.

The main components of the substation are heat exchangers for heating, hot water supply (DHW) and, if necessary, ventilation. The specialists of our enterprise have developed 12 variants of typical circuit solutions for the BITP device for various loads. Since the heating point is a unit ready for connection and operation, it includes, in addition to heat exchangers, the following main equipment:

  • automatic electronic control system for heating and hot water circuits;
  • circulation pumps for heating and hot water circuits;
  • thermometers and manometers;
  • shut-off valves;
  • heat metering unit;
  • mud filters.

Advantages of using individual heating points:

  1. The total length of pipelines of the heating network is halved.
  2. Investment in heating network, as well as the cost of construction and thermal insulation materials are reduced by 20-25%.
  3. Electricity consumption for pumping coolant is reduced by 20-40%.
  4. By automating the regulation of heat supply to a specific subscriber (task), up to 30% of heat is saved for heating.
  5. Heat loss during transport hot water are reduced by half.
  6. The accident rate of networks is significantly reduced, especially due to the exclusion of hot water pipelines from the heating network.
  7. Since automated heat points operate “on lock”, the need for qualified personnel is significantly reduced.
  8. Automatically supported comfortable conditions residence by monitoring the parameters of heat carriers: temperature and pressure of network water, heating system water and tap water; air temperature in heated rooms (at control points) and outside air.
  9. A significant reduction in water and heat consumption is ensured through the use of metering devices.
  10. It becomes possible to significantly reduce the cost of in-house heating systems by switching to pipes of smaller diameter, the use of non-metallic materials, and façade-separated systems.
  11. In some cases, the allocation of land for the construction of central heating stations is excluded.
  12. Provides heat savings per 1 MW of installed total thermal power up to 650-750 GJ / year, the cost of installation work are reduced by 10-20% due to full factory execution. Thermal energy savings range from 15 to 35%.
  13. The consumption of electricity is reduced by four times in relation to the energy-intensive equipment of the central heating station.
  14. With the use of BITP, the quality of heat supply increases dramatically, there is no need for regular expensive repairs hot water networks. It is possible to submit thermal energy in children's and medical institutions depending on weather conditions at any time of the year.

Consider the economic efficiency of the use of BITP on one of the objects of the city.

An example of calculating the expected economic efficiency modernization of the heating substation administrative building(with replacement of shell-and-tube heat exchangers with plate heat exchangers)

Implementation benefits:

  1. Reducing thermal energy losses by reducing the area and temperature of the outer surface of the heat exchangers.
  2. Reducing thermal energy losses by increasing the heat transfer coefficient of heat exchangers, reducing the required temperature difference and the flow rate of the heat carrier for heating water.
  3. Reducing energy consumption for pumping the coolant due to optimal circulation of hot water, ensured by the use of efficient circulation pumps and program control of pumps and hot water temperature.
  4. Reducing the consumption of thermal energy in the heating system due to the introduction of an effective automatic system for façade regulation of the fuel consumption according to the outside air temperature.

Initial data for calculation:

  • Dimensions of dismantled heat exchangers:
    • number of sections - 9/10;
    • section diameter — 0.114/0.159 m;
    • section length (with kalach) - 5.3 m;
    • insulation thickness - 0.06 m.
  • Dimensions of installed heat exchangers:
    • number of blocks - 1/2;
    • length - 1.08 / 1.236 m;
    • width - 0.466 m;
    • height - 1.165 m;
  • The surface temperature of the K/T heat exchanger insulation is 45/55°C.
  • The surface temperature of the installed heat exchanger is 36/40°С.
  • The air temperature in the central heating center is 18°C.
  • Daytime DHW temperature- 55°С.
  • Night DHW temperature - 40 ° C.
  • The heat transfer coefficient from the surface of the dismantled heat exchanger is 10.5 W/(m2⋅°C).
  • The heat transfer coefficient from the surface of the installed heat exchanger is 8.5 W/(m2⋅°C).
  • The duration of the hot water supply with heating is 203 days.
  • The duration of DHW operation without heating is 147 days.
  • Consumption in the circulation of hot water after modernization - 3.8 t / h.
  • The operating time of the system before upgrading per day is 24 hours.
  • The operating time of the DHW system after modernization per day is 13 hours.
  • unevenness DHW consumption winter - 0.62.
  • The irregularity of hot water consumption in summer is 0.76.
  • Temperature loss in the circulation circuit - 12°C.
  • Average savings due to regulation in hot water supply - 5.6%.
  • Average savings due to regulation in heating - 14%.
  • The average hourly energy consumption in heating is 0.448 Gcal/h.
  • Annual consumption energy in hot water supply - 2704 Gcal.
  • Annual energy consumption in heating is 2185 Gcal.
  • Specific consumption fuel for heat generation — 0.176 tce/Gcal.
  • The power of the existing pumps is 1.1/5.5 kW.
  • Average power of pumps after reconstruction is 0.31/1.275 kW.
  • Specific consumption c.t. per 1 kWh of electricity supplied by JSC Udmurtenergo concern 0.28 -3 tce/(kWh).
  • Estimated cost of 1 tce for JSC "Udmurtenergo" 3,353 thousand rubles.
  • Costs for modernization from the investment fund 987.0 thousand rubles.
  • Calculation

    1. Radiation surface area of ​​the dismantled DHW heat exchanger: F1 = 3.14 × (0.114 + 2 × 0.06) × 5.3 × 9 = 35.07 m2.
    2. Radiation surface area of ​​dismantled heating heat exchangers: F2 = 3.14 × (0.159 + 2 × 0.06) × 5.3 × 10 = 46.45 m2.
    3. Radiation surface area of ​​the installed DHW heat exchanger: F3 = 2 × (1.08 × 0.466 + 1.08 × 1.165 + + 0.466 × 1.165) = 4.61 m2.
    4. The radiation surface area of ​​the installed heating exchangers: F4 = 2 × 2 × (1.236 × 0.466 + + 1.236 × 1.165 + 0.466 × 1.165) = = 20.47 m2.
    5. Heat loss through the surface of the dismantled DHW heat exchanger: Q1 = 35.07 × 10.5 × 0.86 × (45 - 18) × 24 × 350 × 10-6 = 71.81 Gcal.
    6. Heat loss through the surface of dismantled heating heat exchangers: Q2 = 46.45 × 10.5 × 0.86 × (55 - 18) × × 24 × 203 × 10-6 = 75.62 Gcal.
    7. Heat loss through the surface of the installed DHW heat exchanger: Q3 = 4.61 × 8.5 × 0.86 × (36 - 18) × 13 × 350 × 10-6 = 2.76 Gcal.
    8. Heat loss through the surface of the installed heating exchangers: Q4 = 20.47 × 8.5 × 0.86 × (40 - 18) × 24 × 203 × 10-6 = 16.04 Gcal.
    9. Reducing the consumption of thermal energy due to a nightly decrease in circulation: Q5 = 350 × 10-3 × (24 - 13) × × 3.8 = 175.56 Gcal.
    10. Reducing the consumption of thermal energy by reducing the consumption of heat carrier for heating hot water: Q6 = 2704 × 5.6/100 = 151.43 Gcal.
    11. Reducing heat energy consumption by reducing the hot water temperature at night: Q7 = 0.380/55 × (55 - 40) × (203 × (24 - 13) × 0.62 + + 147 × (24 - 13) × 0 .76) = 270.4 Gcal.
    12. Saving thermal energy in DHW system: Q8 = 175.56 + 270.4 + + 151.43 = 666.45 Gcal.
    13. Saving thermal energy in the heating system: Q9 = 305.57 + 16.04 = 365.15 Gcal.
    14. Annual thermal energy savings due to all factors: Qtot = 666.45 + 365.15 = 1031.60 Gcal.
    15. Energy savings through power reduction and program control circulation pumps Qe = 1.1 × 24 × 350 + 5.5 × 24 × 203 - - 0.31 × 13 × 350 - 1.275 × 24 × 203 = = 28414 kWh.
    16. Annual fuel savings: E = Qsum × 0.176 + Qe × 0.28 × 10-3 = 1031.6 × 0.176 + 28414 × 0.28 × 10-3 = = 189.52 t.e.f.
    17. Total annual economic effect, thousand rubles: Eg = E × C = 189.5 × 3.353 = = 635.5 thousand rubles.
    18. Payback period of the innovation fund, not more than: T = 987/635.5 = 1.55 years.

    From the point of view of minimizing energy consumption in networks central heating, regulation of consumption and accounting of heat, it is advisable to carry out in individual heating points, for each consumer separately. Application ITP systems has a number of advantages in comparison with TsTP. It allows you to take into account individual characteristics each consumer, which reduces the consumption of thermal energy and creates the most comfortable conditions for the consumer.

      commercial metering of thermal energy consumption (heat flows and coolant);

      transformation of the type of coolant, transformation of its parameters;

      automatic regulation and control of the temperature regime of hot water according to the requirements sanitary norms;

      accumulation and uniform distribution of heat throughout the systems;

      protection of heat consumption systems from emergencies;

      filling, replenishing and shutting down systems;

      preparation of water for the hot water supply system.

    The use of a block individual heating point allows for the analysis and optimization of energy consumption, as well as minimizing operating and capital costs. The transition to modular ITP will help to effectively solve the issue of expedient and economical consumption of energy resources.

    The equipment that is equipped with a block ITP is installed on a frame and tied with pipelines or in a block container, which is a structure made of metal frame and partition walls made of sandwich panels. Each block-module is equipped with lighting, heating and ventilation systems. It is possible to equip the unit with a dispatching point with automatic output of information and a fire alarm.

    Schematic diagram of ITP

    The most commonly used scheme for connecting a consumer to a heating network is an independent scheme for connecting a heating circuit and open system hot water supply.

    The supply pipeline of the heat network supplies the heat carrier to the heat exchangers of heating and hot water supply systems, in which heat energy is transferred from the heat carrier of the heat network to the heat carrier of the heating system and hot water supply. After that, the coolant enters the return pipeline, from where it returns to reuse to a heat generating enterprise (boiler house or CHPP) via main networks.

    The heating circuit is closed system. The circulation of the heat carrier along the heating circuit is carried out by circulation pumps. During the operation (functioning) of the system, a coolant leakage may occur, which is compensated by the make-up line.

    tap water, passing through the cold water supply pumps, is divided into 2 parts: one is sent to consumers, the other is fed into the circulation circuit of the hot water supply system after heating in the DHW first stage heater. In this circuit, water moves in a circle, the specified level of its temperature is maintained in the heaters of the second stage of hot water supply.

    Let me remind you what a block heat point is and how it differs from a conventional ITP. ITP or full name individual heating point This is a set of equipment and devices that allows you to receive, take into account, regulate, distribute and deliver heat end users, i.e. to us and to our apartments. It is usually located in basement at the entrance to the residential apartment house.

    The heating point is manufactured according to the drawings developed by the design organization, is consistent with all interested parties and, first of all, the heat supply organization, since the technical specifications serve as the basis for the design ( specifications) issued by that organization.

    The installation of a heat point is usually carried out in the same basement, one might say in a handicraft way, right on the knee, of course, if the same heat point is made in the factory, its quality will be an order of magnitude higher, and meanwhile, despite all the recommendations and regulations of our legislation use of block heating points so far not widespread.

    A fair question - why block heat points do not receive proper use?

    As the saying goes .

    There are several such reasons, let's try to analyze each.

    Reason 1- project does not want to agree heat supply organization or as we usually call it - thermal networks.

    Why? The thing is that the designers go on their own easy way. Wanting to reduce the cost project documentation(in order to win the auction), they simply send a request for the manufacture of a block heating unit to the manufacturer, and put the drawings of the commercial offer into the project under the proud name - ITP.
    The manufacturer also issues standard documentation, without proper reference to local conditions and loads. It is not possible to make one product for all occasions. As a result, such a project is not agreed upon by the energy supplying organization or is agreed under pressure from government or money.

    Reason 2- in most houses old building(and in new ones too) a block heat point cannot be installed due to its size and weight. Without disassembly, you can’t drag it into the basement. Of course, no one will disassemble and re-mount it either, only weight and connection are taken into account in the installation price. So a "parody" of a block ITP is being made right on the spot, from completely different equipment (by the way, this is allowed by the rules of the auction and, moreover, prescribed for an alternative). As a result, we only get a discredit of the idea of ​​creating a heat point in an industrial environment.

    Reason 3– see who is the manufacturer of block heat points.
    Manufacturer of plate heat exchangers, its purpose is to market its products.
    The manufacturer of heat meters - the goal is also clear and the manufacturer of automation equipment for thermal processes, the goal is also clear and this is by no means a concern for our heat savings, but only for the sale of our products.
    Where do you ask such conclusions, from the analysis commercial offers. In the block heat points offered for sale, there is always a surplus of the supplier's products.

    Considering that block ITP require mandatory fixed costs for electricity and major maintenance, while access to individual elements for repair is almost always difficult, it is clear that the introduction of block ITPs, despite all their advantages, is being held back.

    What to do, how to achieve the introduction of the advanced idea of ​​installing modern block heat points that save heat in our homes.

    Everything is quite simple, for this you need:

    • Stop saving on project documentation, the designer should prepare a schematic diagram of the ITP, link it to the loads and temperature conditions, coordinate with the power supply organization and only after that place an order with the manufacturer.
    • The same should apply, namely, the draft metering unit developed in accordance with all the rules (meaning the rules for commercial heat metering) and agreed with the heat supplier is necessary transfer the manufacturer of block heat points .
    • Suppliers of block heat substations must supply their products strictly according to the circuit diagrams ITP, with a set of working documentation, according to which it was made.
    • When preparing estimates for installation or overhaul it is necessary to take into account local conditions, if the block heating point cannot be installed without dismantling, then it must be disassembled and reassembled, taking this into account in the installation price, and for this it will come in handy working documentation manufacturer.
    • Exclude from the auction requirements permission to use alternative materials, if the project is developed, change design solutions prohibited without the consent of the designers.
    • Restore architectural supervision over the implementation of projects.
    • Before concluding contracts, pay attention not only to the membership of the applicant in the SRO, but also to the certification of direct executors in the technical supervision bodies, since block heat points are not internal engineering networks residential buildings, but to the device of thermal networks.

    The measures listed above will help real, and not on paper, the introduction of block heat points in our homes, which in turn will improve

    An individual heating point (ITP) is a ready-made set of equipment that can be used to receive, account, regulate, distribute and deliver heat to end consumers. It can be used to organize the most efficient and comfort heating and hot water supply of various objects: residential apartment buildings, office, industrial and administrative buildings.

    An important feature of an individual heat point is block construction. It consists of several nodes assembled into a single complex. This solution simplifies installation work and makes it possible to flexibly change the ITP in accordance with the tasks facing the building owner. Repairs and upgrades are also faster and easier.

    Advantages of individual heating points

    The advantages of a block ITP include:

      reduction of time spent on design, installation and commissioning;

      hardware separation of metering and automation;

      autonomy of heating, hot water supply and metering modules;


      possibility remote control and management of heat consumption modes;

      ease of maintenance - all elements are easily accessible for inspection and replacement, and heat exchanger easy to clean;

      lower maintenance costs, Maintenance and prevention.

    Separately, it should be noted that an individual heating point provides the building with independence from district heating and hot water supply. This means that you can, if required, turn on the heat supply even in summer, set the operating mode according to the time of day, set special operating modes for weekends and public holidays. All this not only contributes to savings, but also increases the level of comfort in the building, which is especially important if an individual heating point is installed in an apartment building.

    The main nodes of an individual heating point

    The structure of such a complex includes the following components:

      coolant preparation unit - responsible for connecting to the heating network, cleaning the coolant and measuring the main technological parameters;

      a water preparation unit for a hot water supply system - supports standard temperature water and provides water supply to the consumer;

      heat supply control unit - in automatic mode in accordance with the schedule or information coming from the sensors, provides a comfortable microclimate at the facility, and we are talking not only about raising the temperature, but, if necessary, lowering it;

      a heat and coolant metering unit is a system that controls heat consumption and the consumption of water and electricity.

    The work of an individual heat point is automated. It can be equipped with devices that allow you to remotely receive information about the parameters of the supplied heat and, if necessary, adjust the operating mode.

    The company "LAiN Technologies" offers individual heating points, which include reliable equipment, metering devices and automated systems management. it turnkey solutions which can be changed according to the needs of the customer. We guarantee fast delivery and prompt installation, carry out commissioning, carry out service maintenance. If you have any questions - contact us! Our experts will provide the necessary advice and help you make the right choice, taking into account such parameters as the area of ​​​​the room, installation options, the object's need for heat, etc.