Decryption of hot water supply in the receipt. What is hot water in a receipt. Heat in DHW: volume of consumption and cost payable

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2013 No. 406 “On state regulation of tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation”, with a centralized hot water supply system in a closed system, a two-component tariff for hot water is set, consisting of “ cold water component "(rub. / m 3) and" component for thermal energy ” (rubles / Gcal). The resource supplying organization supplying hot water makes settlements with the utility service provider (management company, HOA) for 2 resources: cold water - at the tariff for the “cold water component”; thermal energy - at the tariff on the "thermal energy component". The value of the component for cold water is calculated by the tariff regulator based on the tariff for cold water. The value of the component for thermal energy is determined by the tariff regulator in accordance with the guidelines based on the following components: for the maintenance of centralized hot water supply systems in the area from the central heating points (inclusive), where hot water is prepared, to the point on the border of the operational responsibility of the subscriber and the regulated organization, if such costs are not included in the tariff for thermal energy; the cost of heat energy losses in pipelines in the section from the facilities where hot water is prepared, including from central heating points, including the maintenance of central heating points, to a point on the border of the operational responsibility of the subscriber and the regulated organization, if such losses are not taken into account when setting tariffs for thermal energy; costs associated with the transportation of hot water. Utility service providers in accordance with the "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), calculate the amount of payment for the utility service for hot water supply for the volume of hot water consumed in cubic meters. In accordance with the Rules, the amount of payment (P i) for the utility service for hot water supply, in a room equipped with an individual device study that hot water is determined by the formula: P i \u003d V i n * T to p (1), where: V i n is the volume (quantity) of the communal resource consumed during the billing period in the i-th residential or non-residential premises, determined by the readings of an individual device accounting;T to p - the tariff for the utility resource. Since the tariff for the utility resource "hot water" is set in the form of two components, the utility service provider with hot water consumers calculates for the components: cold water and thermal energy for the needs of hot water supply. The amount of thermal energy (Gcal / m 3) for the needs of hot water supply per 1 m 3, as a rule, the contractor of public services is determined on the basis of common house (collective) readings of hot water meters and thermal energy in hot water. It should be noted that the utility service provider makes settlements with the resource supplying organization based on the readings of the same house-wide (collective) meters for hot water and thermal energy in hot water. The amount of thermal energy consumed in hot water in the i-room (Gcal) is determined by multiplying the amount hot water according to an individual meter (m 3) by the specific consumption of thermal energy in hot water (Gcal / m 3). The volume of hot water determined by an individual meter (m 3) is multiplied by the tariff "component for cold water" (rub ./m 3) - this is the payment for cold water as part of hot water. water. In accordance with the information letter of the FTS of Russia dated November 18, 2014 No. СЗ-12713/5 “On the regulation of tariffs for hot water in a closed hot water supply system for 2015”, states that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of prices (tariffs) entitled to decide on the establishment of tariffs for hot water in a closed hot water supply system per 1 cu. m. At the same time, the calculation of the tariff for hot water (T hot water) per 1 m 3 is carried out according to the formula: T hot water \u003d T cold water * (1 + K pv) + US central heating + T t / e * Q t / e (2), where : T hvs - tariff for cold energy (rubles / m3); T t / e - tariff for thermal energy (rubles / Gcal); K pv - coefficient taking into account water losses in closed heat supply systems from central heating points to the point connections; US tst - specific costs for the maintenance of hot water supply systems from central heating points to the boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of consumers (excluding losses) if such costs are not included in the tariffs for thermal energy (capacity), per 1 cubic meter. m; Q t / e - the amount of heat required for the preparation of one cubic meter of hot water (Gcal / m3). At the same time, the amount of heat for the preparation of one cubic meter of hot water (Q t / e) is determined by calculation, taking into account heat capacity, pressure, temperature, water density, heat losses in risers and heated towel rails. Thus, the charge on the receipt for hot water depends on the form in which the regulatory body sets the tariff for hot water: for two components (cold water and heat energy ) or per cubic meter. In question charges for 2 components (cold water and heat energy) are given, but the municipality and tariffs for the components are not indicated. If we assume that the consumption of hot water was 10 m 3, then the tariff for the “cold water component” is 331 rubles. / 10 m 3 \u003d 33.10 rubles / m 3. If we assume that the tariff for the “thermal energy” component is 1800 rubles / Gcal, the amount of consumed thermal energy is: 1100 rubles. / 1800 rubles / Gcal \u003d 0.611 Gcal, respectively, for heating 1 m 3 of hot water, the consumption of thermal energy was 0.611 Gcal / 10 m 3 \u003d 0.0611 Gcal / m 3. Chief Economist of Yurenergo Group of Companies Isaeva T.V.

Every homeowner must know how to calculate hot water for its subsequent payment. The fact is that the provision of this service occurs in quantitative terms, and if the consumption of hot water is calculated incorrectly, this can result in a fairly large amount of overpayment or debt.

In addition, if, as a result of such an error, you do not pay for the hot water delivered to you on time, this may lead to its shutdown.

If you do not pay for the hot water delivered to you on time, this may lead to its shutdown.

Payment for services for the supply of hot water to the population is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354. According to it, it should include 2 components:

  1. Providing hot water directly to residential or non-residential premises.
  2. Provision of hot water supply for general house needs or for the needs of the land plot, as well as auxiliary buildings located on it.

Typically, centralized hot water systems are used in cities to supply such water to apartments, communal apartments and rooms in multi-apartment residential buildings. At the same time, tariffs for hot water are set by the Federal Tariff Service, as well as its subdivisions in the regions, so if you do not know how to calculate the tariff for hot water, you can refer to the website of this body. In addition, an example of such a calculation can be provided to you at a local resource supply organization.

Hot water tariffs are set by the Federal Tariff Service

In any case, it is worth knowing that the formula for calculating the cost of hot water includes not only the tariff itself, but also other indicators. For example, if your utility company has set a two-part rate, then you will pay:

  • payment for the consumption of one cubic meter of hot water;
  • payment for the maintenance of the hot water system at the rate of one gigocalorie.

With a one-component tariff, only consumed cubic meters are paid, which include expenses for other needs. In addition, the approved methodology, which answers the question of how to calculate and how much a cube of hot water costs, also takes into account which category of consumers you belong to. It can be industry, public institutions or the population.

A device for general house metering of hot water is used, which is installed on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of residential premises

If for other categories of consumers all issues on utility bills are solved by special employees who are on the staff of a legal entity, then the population considers and pays for the consumption of hot water on its own. At the same time, it is also entrusted with the obligation to pay the expenses for general house needs. For this purpose, a device for general house metering of hot water is used, which is installed on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of residential premises.

According to a separate scheme, hot water supply is calculated if an individual boiler room is installed in the house. So, in the payments there is no line “hot water supply”, and instead of it there are 2 positions: water heating and cold water supply for hot water supply. This subtlety will need to be taken into account by all homeowners in such houses.

Payment for hot water for the population

  • by counter;
  • according to the general standard.

The first option is the most beneficial for the owner of the dwelling, as it allows you to pay only for the amount of hot water that he actually consumed. At the same time, every month he will need to transfer the readings of the meter to the local resource supply company. Usually it is called "Vodokanal" or "Teploenergo" and is in municipal ownership.

Payment for hot water by meter

In the second case, you have to pay based on the general standard established by the Government, taking into account the number of residents registered in a particular housing area. Usually the standard is applied when the meter is not installed in the apartment or it is broken. At the same time, as a measure to encourage the population to install metering devices, since 2015, the Government has been gradually increasing the standards by 1.6 times by 2017.

As for specific figures, for 2016 in Moscow the norm for hot water consumption was set at 166 liters per day per person. It may be different in other regions. In any case, it will be more profitable to pay on the meter, so it makes sense to install it indoors as early as possible.

Important! In addition to the standard and meter readings, the cost of hot water is also calculated taking into account the readings of a common house meter.

You can find out how to calculate one for hot water by contacting the company that provides management services for your apartment building. Generally speaking, the readings of apartment meters are subtracted from the readings of the general house metering device, and the resulting balance, based on a special formula, is divided into all tenants registered in the house.

Hot water receipts

Directly residents of apartment buildings are usually not involved in the calculation of one. Since this is the responsibility of the local housing department or HOA, a line with this indicator is specially allocated for them in the payment receipt, which will need to be paid as part of the general receipt. In the event that the amount of one, in your opinion, will be overestimated, this may be the reason for your request to recalculate it. This must be done by the management company within ten days. If this does not happen, you have the right to appeal the company's actions to the Housing Inspectorate or the court.

It should also be borne in mind that modern technologies allow you to pay utility bills remotely or on a special schedule. This will be especially convenient if you leave your region of residence for a while or are very busy. To make payments according to the schedule, you will need to write a statement about this at the local branch of your bank or set up your personal account on the website of your bank accordingly.

In any case, try to pay the cost of hot water in full and on time.

Further, the necessary payment amounts will be withdrawn from your account at the right time, which will allow you not to become a debtor for utility bills. In any case, try to pay the cost of hot water in full and on time.

Transfer of meter readings

As you already understood, the easiest way to calculate the consumption of hot water is to take readings from a meter installed in a residential area. This procedure must be carried out once a month. To do this, it will be necessary to write off the first 5 digits of the readings from the meter.

Calculation of hot water consumption

Based on them, you can independently calculate the consumption of hot water for yourself. To do this, subtract new readings from last month's readings. The difference you get will be your monthly expense.

If you are wondering how to calculate hot water on a receipt, then you can do this by multiplying the readings obtained using the meter by the tariff in force in your region. Such a calculation may come in handy when you have questions about the numbers indicated on the payment receipt. With claims on this account, you can often contact the resource supply company, where you are required to recalculate the hot water you consumed.

Unscheduled water meter check

After you take the readings of the hot water meter, they will need to be transferred to the resource supply organization. This can be done in several ways, for example:

  • using the website of such an organization or management company;
  • using special forms;
  • in the office of the organization supplying you with burning water.

After transferring the readings of an individual hot water meter, you will only have to wait until you receive a receipt for its payment. If you have figured out how to calculate hot water before this time, you can double-check the amount set for you in order to avoid mistakes. At the same time, if several water meters are installed in your apartment, you will have to transfer readings from all of them.

By the way, you will need not only knowing how to count hot water, but also how to check the accuracy of the meter reading. To do this, the readings of the three red numbers available on its scale are recorded, after which approximately 30 liters of water are drained from the tap using a ten-liter bucket. In the event that a larger or smaller number is reflected on the meter, this may be a sign that the water meter requires an unscheduled check.

Internet bank for hot water payment

After an invoice is issued based on the testimony you have submitted, you can pay it in several ways, for example, at the Russian Post, through an Internet bank, and also using an ATM. In the event that you delay payment for more than 3 months, you may be charged a penalty fee, and hot water may be turned off. After six months, public utilities will already be able to go to court to evict you from the occupied premises.

Disputes between managing and resource-supplying organizations about the procedure for calculating fees for provided communal resources are a frequent occurrence. They happen because each side interprets the law in such a way as to get the maximum benefit for itself.

Today we will talk about the dispute between the UO and RSO on how to correctly calculate the amount of thermal energy used to heat hot water.


The managing and resource-supplying organizations entered into a heat supply agreement. The RSO undertook to supply thermal energy and hot water to the MA, while the MA had to pay for these services and the heat carrier that was not returned to the heating network of the heat supply organization. It seems nothing unusual, in every subject of the Russian Federation, thousands of MAs conclude similar agreements with the RSO.

But in our case, the reason for disagreement was the disagreement of the managing organization with how the RSO calculates the amount of thermal energy used to heat water. The MA believed that it was necessary to calculate according to the standard. The heat supply organization, on the other hand, was sure that it was necessary to calculate the amount of the fee according to the readings of metering devices.

Disagreements led to the fact that the MA did not pay for the supplied communal resources, accumulated debts to the RSO, and the heat supply organization had to go to court with a claim to recover the debt for the delivered communal resource.

Opinions of the Arbitration and Appeal Courts

The first court to consider the case was the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region. RSO insisted that the managing organization should pay for the supplied resource according to the readings of metering devices. In response, the MA provided a counter-calculation of the debt, based on the application of the calculation of the payment for thermal energy used for heating water, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354. The figures that the RSO required were more than those calculated by the MA.

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region decided to partially satisfy the claims of the RNO and recover from the managing organization a large part of the amount claimed by the plaintiff as a debt, fines and payment of the state fee for legal expenses. He explained that the heat supply organization calculates the fee incorrectly, so the MA must return the amount that will be obtained if correct calculations are made.

Although the requirements of the RSO were satisfied, it turned out that the court sided with the managing organization, because it did not refuse to pay at all, but wanted to get a correct calculation.

The heat supply organization was dissatisfied with this decision and filed an appeal with the Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal, which overturned the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.

The Court of Appeal relied on Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 190-FZ of July 27, 2010 and proceeded from the need to determine the volume of thermal energy supplied for heating water in the disputed period according to the readings of a serviceable meter previously installed to the subscriber, and not on the basis of the standard for heating.

This time, the management organization did not agree with the decision. She was confident that she was right and decided to appeal the case to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District. But this court came to the defense of the RSO and refused to satisfy the requirements of the managing organization, leaving the decision of the previous court in force.

The MA decided not to give up and filed a cassation appeal with the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. In it, the MA referred not to the incorrect application of the law and asked to cancel the said decisions of the courts of appeal and the district, leaving in force the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.

Representatives of the resource-supplying organization objected to the satisfaction of the complaint, referring to the legality and validity of the contested decisions.

Arguments and decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

The Judicial Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation checked the materials of the case, discussed the arguments set forth in the cassation appeal, and decided to satisfy the complaint of the managing organization, noting that the previous courts did not take into account several provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The organization of the supply of heat energy and hot water to the managing organization through the connected network is carried out in order to provide public services to citizens living in the MKD. Such relationships are subject to s. 10 p. 10 art. 4 ZhK RF.

The amount of payment for utilities is calculated based on the amount of consumed utility resources. This volume is determined by the readings of metering devices. If there is no PU, the amount of payment for utilities is calculated based on the consumption standards approved by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The specified procedure does not contradict paragraph 1 of Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the determination of the volume of consumed KU according to the readings of metering devices, and only in their absence, allowing the application of KU consumption standards. The whole catch is that thermal energy is not among the consumed utilities.

In the city where the participants in the proceedings were located, the standard for the consumption of thermal energy for heating hot water supply was established by a decree of the head of the city of Podolsk dated December 21, 2004 No. 2707-p.

The heat supply organization did not provide evidence of recognizing the standard as invalid or invalid, therefore, the courts of appeal and the district had no grounds to be guided by the testimony of the ODPU when determining the amount of thermal energy used to heat water in order to provide hot water services.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation noted that the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region made a lawful and reasoned decision, correctly interpreting the legislation. Therefore, his decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation decided to uphold, and cancel the decisions of the Tenth Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District.

Decree of the Committee for Tariffs and Prices of the Moscow Region dated 13.12.2014 No. 149-R “On setting tariffs for hot water for 2015” approved a two-component tariff for hot water on the basis of Decree of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2013 No. 406 “On state regulation of tariffs in in the field of water supply and sanitation. The procedure for calculating and paying utility bills is defined in the Rules for the Provision of Utility Services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354. Accordingly, the procedure for calculating payment for hot water has been changed. Now the fee for 1 cubic meter of hot water consists of two components:

First- fee for 1 cubic meter of cold water.

Second- payment for thermal energy, which was spent on heating 1 cubic meter of cold water.

The component for cold water is the volume of cold water (CWS) for the needs of hot water supply. In the presence of individual metering devices (meters), this component is determined - according to the readings of the hot water metering device (DHW), in the absence of an individual metering device - according to the standard, i.e. 3.5 cubic meters per 1 person. per month.

From January 01, 2015, residents of apartment buildings in the city of Lyubertsy, which are equipped with common house metering devices, are charged for hot water at a two-component tariff: a cold water component for DHW and a thermal energy component for DHW.

Payment for hot water for residents of the house should also be made at a two-component tariff. The house is equipped with common house DHW meters. Payment for hot water from 07/01/2015 should be charged at the current two-component tariff: the cold water component for hot water supply (at the rate of 33.28 rubles / m3) and the heat energy component (TE) for domestic hot water at the rate of 2141.46 rubles ./Gcal.

In receipts for payment for housing and communal services from July 01, 2015, “Hot water supply” is indicated in two lines:

Cold water for hot water - the volume of cold water (HWS) for the needs of hot water supply;

TE for DHW - thermal energy spent on heating 1 cubic meter of cold water.

The indications of the common house metering device - the amount of hot water for the current month and the amount of thermal energy consumed in the current month for circulation and heating of the specified amount of water are given on the back of the receipt, for example, the following:

1089.079 cu. m. - FV for hot water supply (physical water for hot water supply);

110.732 Gcal. - TE for GVS (thermal energy for hot water supply).

The actual amount of heat energy spent on heating 1 cubic meter of cold water for a house is determined based on the total amount of heat energy to the total amount of hot water for the current month, which is:

= FC for DHW / FI for DHW = 110.732 Gcal. / 1089.079 cu. m. = 0.1017 Gcal / m3

then, the actual cost of thermal energy spent on heating 1 cubic meter of water in the current month will be:

0.1017 Gcal/cu.m x RUB 2141.46 for 1 Gcal. = 217.79 rubles.

Please note that the amount of heat energy spent on heating 1 cubic meter of cold water in each billing month may differ, because is a calculated value and depends on the amount (volume) of hot water consumed by the house in the current month and the amount of thermal energy spent on circulation and heating of this volume. Monthly, these readings are taken from the general house heat energy meter and transferred to the heat supply organization and are simultaneously recorded on the back of the receipt for each current month.