GOST 11086 76 sodium hypochlorite specifications. Sodium hypochlorite grade A: characteristics, application. Grades and specifications


1. General requirements labor protection

1.1. This instruction establishes the requirements for the organization of the safe conduct of hot work in buildings, premises at explosive installations, fire hazardous industries.

1. 2. Before starting work, the administration is obliged to familiarize workers involved in hot work with this instruction, check knowledge and constantly monitor compliance with its requirements, as well as provide workers with overalls, safety shoes and personal protective equipment in accordance with applicable standards and nature work performed

1.3. Hot work includes production operations associated with the use of open fire, sparking and heating to temperatures that can cause ignition of materials and structures (electric and gas welding, soldering, petrol cutting).

Hot work sites are divided into;

  • permanent - organized in workshops or open areas.
  • temporary, when work is carried out in warehouse, industrial premises.

1.4. Each enterprise must draw up a list of industries, workshops, departments, sites, where temporary hot work must be carried out in full accordance with this instruction, which must be approved by the chief engineer

1.5. When carrying out hot work, one should be guided by the Rules fire safety for enterprises, Safety regulations for welding.

1.6. Temporary hot work is carried out only in the daytime from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

1.7. Hot work is allowed for employees who have undergone training and testing of knowledge on labor protection and fire safety in accordance with the established procedure, who have received a special certificate. ticket

1.8. A responsible person is appointed to organize hot work at the enterprise, including when work is carried out by a contractor.

1.9. Before starting hot work on the territory of the tank farm, it is necessary to check the tightness of the covers of the sewerage wells, the presence of a layer of sand on these covers, the tightness of flange connections, and clean the work site from combustible materials within a radius of 20 m.

1.10. When carrying out hot work at the workplace, the necessary primary fire extinguishing equipment should be provided, and the performers should be provided with PPE.

1.11 For carrying out repair work in tanks, in addition to the work permit, an act is drawn up on the readiness of the repair of the tank to conduct hot work, carried out after the mandatory taking of air control tests along with the work with the issuance of certificates based on the results of the analyzes.

1.12. The team of workers must be equipped with a first aid kit.

1.13. Workers must have serviceable tools and equipment necessary for work, safety signals and devices, protective devices. It is forbidden to work with faulty tools and equipment.

1.14. By order of the enterprise, a responsible person for carrying out hot work should be appointed from among the engineers.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Premises in which hot work will be carried out, including sites, must be cleared of combustible products. At the same time, the area adjacent to the hot work site within a radius of 10 m should be carefully cleaned.

2.2. Equipment and communications on which welding work is to be carried out must be freed from the product and thoroughly cleaned from inside and outside of dust.

2.3. Immediately before hot work, a complete stop of the operation of all equipment must be ensured, the starting equipment designed to turn on machines and mechanisms must be turned off and de-energized, and measures should be taken to exclude the possibility of their start-up during hot work.

2.4. Hot work can be carried out only after all preparatory measures have been taken to ensure complete safety of work. At the place of hot work, measures must be taken to prevent the possibility of sparks flying beyond the wet burlap flooring, especially into openings. floors.

2.5. Contractors have the right to start work after a personal check of the implementation of all safety measures specified in the work permit for hot work, and only in the presence of the head responsible for carrying out these works.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. During the period of hot work, the responsible person for carrying out hot work should establish systematic control over the observance by the performers of hot work of explosion safety measures and safety precautions.

3.2. Permission for the entire period of welding work must be constantly with the direct performer of hot work.

3.3. When carrying out hot work on equipment and communications passing through the ceilings, on the floor below, directly under the place of the specified work, there must be a person with a fire extinguisher and a bucket of water.

3.4. When carrying out hot work, it is prohibited:

  • use overalls with traces of oil, gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids;
  • allow students and personnel who do not have a certificate to do hot work;
  • work with faulty equipment;
  • production of welding, cutting of freshly painted structures;
  • contact electrical wires with cylinders with compressed gases;
  • production of welding apparatuses filled with combustible gases;
  • application bare wires or with poor insulation;
  • use as a return wire of the grounding or neutral network metal structures buildings;
  • power supply of the electric arc directly from the distribution network;
  • enabling and disabling welding machines welders in the power grid;
  • carrying to the place of welding of cylinders on the shoulders;
  • to subject cylinders filled with oxygen to blows and to allow them to fall;
  • installation and permanent location of welding equipment in production facilities.

3.5. Hot work must be carried out during the daytime. In emergency situations and with the permission of the management of the enterprise, hot work is allowed to be carried out at night with good lighting.

3.6. On the welding electrodes should be a certificate.

3.7. The transformer must be connected to the mains only by means of a closed-type switch.

3.8. When using ladders, they should be installed at an angle of 70-75 degrees. to the horizontal plane.

3.9. Ladders it is allowed to use only on working platforms and for transition between tiers of scaffolding.

3.10. Electric welding work at height must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12. 3.003.

3 11. Places of production electric welding works in this section, as well as on the lower tiers (in the absence of fireproof flooring) must be freed from combustible materials within a radius of at least 5 m, and from explosive materials and installations (including gas cylinders and gas generators) - 10 m

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. When performing mounting at a height, it is not allowed to perform them in open places at a wind speed of work at a wind speed of more than 15 m / s, with icy conditions, thunderstorms, fog, excluding visibility within the work front.

4.2. In order to avoid accidental fall of the tool, fasteners, electrodes from a height, it is forbidden to put them on the mounted scaffold structures.

4.3. Provide medical first aid to victims of injury, sudden illness and inform the foreman or work manager.

4.4. In the event of a fire, immediately call the fire brigade, remove personnel to safe place and proceed to eliminate the fire with improvised fire extinguishing means, inform the work manager.

5. Labor protection requirements at the end of work

4.1. The worker must:

  • remove tools and foreign objects from the workplace;
  • return the tool and individual means protection in a certain place.
  • report to the head of work about all the problems with their comments.
  • take a shower.

Read and write useful

This standard instruction contains information regarding organizational measures relating to the safe conduct of hot work at objects related to fire and explosion hazard. The instruction was developed by Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation together with other ministries and departments. It contains normative and legal acts relating to the field of fire safety, with established basic requirements and other regulatory and legal acts. In addition, this document defines the main organizational and technical requirements that should be taken into account and carried out in the course of preparatory work, as well as direct hot work at the facilities. In addition, the instruction defines a list of duties and responsibilities that the engineering and technical personnel of enterprises or workshops must comply with, on the territory of which hot work is supposed to be carried out.

Hot work should include a number of production operations, within which open fire, sparking and heating to temperatures that can lead to ignition of the material or structure used, for example, this may apply to electric welding, gas welding, petrol-kerosene cutting, soldering, machining of metals during which sparks can form. Carrying out hot work directly at the facility is carried out only in extreme cases, if it is impossible to implement them in a place specially designated for these works, for example, at a welding post. Employees after special professional training may be allowed to carry out fire work activities. A permit to perform hot work can be issued to an electric welder, gas welder, solderer, gas cutter and other specialists who have passed vocational training or retraining, with knowledge testing, briefings, certifications, as well as having the appropriate qualification certificate and a certificate that they have passed the fire-technical minimum.

How to get trained

To sign documents

Based on the application, we will prepare a contract

Pay bill

After signing the contract, we will issue an invoice for payment

Get trained

Complete training, Obtain a certificate of the established form.

Full text of the article

Conducting hot work is usually carried out in stages, in the form of preparatory and main, which includes the direct conduct of fire activities. When fire activities are carried out, for example, it concerns the fire heating of bitumen, gas and electric cutting works, gasoline and kerosene cutting works, soldering works, metal cutting with a mechanized tool, at a temporary place, a person is appointed who is responsible for fire safety. There is a requirement to issue a work permit for the implementation of fire activities according to the attached forms, in addition, the work must be approved by the chief engineer or director of the enterprise. With regard to personal responsibility for the proper execution of work permits for the implementation of fire measures, it is borne by the official responsible for fire safety, who, within the framework of his professional activity controls these activities.

In order to start carrying out hot work, which also applies to emergency cases, a written permit or work permit is required. In addition, a person should be appointed who will be personally responsible for the process of preparing and conducting fire events. The expected volume and essence of the preparatory work should also be determined, which directly concerns the sequence of its implementation, measures to ensure the safety of fire events, in addition, the air environment and protective equipment should be controlled. To issue an admission order should be in two copies, in addition, they must be transferred to the person responsible for preparations and directly - the implementation of fire measures for their implementation. The work permit must include all performers of hot work who are members of the brigade. In addition, the work permit must include the result of the briefing by the working personnel. If necessary, the work permit must be agreed with the related service or workshop. The first copy of the work permit is received by the person responsible for the implementation of fire activities, and the second is received by the person in charge of the structural unit where fire activities are supposed to be carried out, which should be recorded in the appropriate journal, where records of work permits and orders are entered. Hot work may only be started after the relevant permit has been issued by the person who is authorized to carry out hot work. The requirement to issue a work permit is provided for all types of fire activities. In the event that hot work should be continued beyond the established period, the person in charge of the structural unit where the implementation of fire measures is supposed to be carried out is obliged to extend the work permit. Before the implementation of fire measures at an enterprise or structural unit, it is necessary to develop instructions that will help organize the safe implementation of fire measures.

Before fire activities start, a person must be appointed who will be responsible for the implementation of these activities. The responsible person can be appointed from those who are familiar with the rules aimed at the safe conduct of fire activities at the facility, who, moreover, have completed a fire-technical minimum training course. Before starting the implementation of fire measures, it is necessary to make sure that there are no explosive and explosive substances in the air in the air. In addition, as part of the implementation of fire measures, it is expected to take appropriate measures aimed at preventing the release into the air of substances and compounds that are considered explosive and explosive. Immediately prior to commencement of fire measures, the person responsible for the safety and efficiency of their implementation must without fail conduct a safety briefing for the implementation of fire measures at the facility, with a team of workers. If in the course of conducting fire measures deviations from the rules of this instruction were found, violations of the technical safety rules, which are provided for in the work permit, immediate termination of the implementation of fire measures is provided. In the event of a break in work or the end work shift, it is provided for the shutdown of welding equipment, with disconnection of hoses and release from combustible mixtures of liquid and gas, in addition, with respect to blowtorches full pressure relief is provided.


GUPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR

Central Committee of the Trade Union of Oil, Chemical and Gas Workers

Ministry of Chemical Industry

Ministry oil industry

Ministry of Medical Industry

Ministry of Pulp and Paper Industry

Ministry gas industry

Ministry of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry of the USSR

USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

Ministry of non-ferrous metallurgy of the USSR

USSR Ministry of Geology

Ministry Food Industry USSR

USSR Ministry of Light Industry

Main Directorate of the Microbiological Industry under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

Ministry of local industry of the RSFSR

Standard instructions for the organization of the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and explosive objects were developed by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor jointly with the Ministry of the Chemical Industry and the Ministry of the Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry of the USSR.

The Instruction defines the main organizational and technical requirements for the preparation and conduct of hot work at the facility, as well as the duties of the engineering and technical personnel of the enterprise and the workshop in which hot work will be carried out.


1.1. This Standard Instruction provides for the basic requirements for organizing the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and explosive fire hazardous facilities (manufacturing, workshops, departments, installations, warehouses, etc.) enterprises controlled by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor: the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the Ministry of the Oil Industry, the Ministry of Medical Industry, Ministry of Pulp and Paper Industry, Ministry of Gas Industry, Ministry of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry of the USSR, Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR, Ministry of Nonferrous Metallurgy of the USSR, Ministry of Geology of the USSR, Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR, Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR, Main Directorate of Microbiological Industry under the Council of Ministers USSR, Ministry of Local Industry of the RSFSR.

1.2. Responsibility for organizing measures to ensure safety during hot work is assigned to the heads of enterprises.

1.3. With the entry into force of this Standard Instruction, the “Standard Regulations for the Organization of Hot Work in Explosive and Fire Hazardous Production of the Chemical and Metallurgical Industry”, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of the RSFSR on August 16, 1963, as well as standard instructions for the organization and safe conduct hot work at fire and explosive facilities, approved by the state technical supervision of the Union republics.

1.4. Hot work includes production operations associated with the use of open fire, sparking and heating to temperatures that can cause ignition of materials and structures (electric welding, gas welding, gasoline-kerosene cutting, soldering, mechanical restoration metal with sparks, etc.).

1.5. Hot work at existing explosive and explosive fire hazardous facilities is allowed in exceptional cases when these works cannot be carried out in permanent places specially designated for this purpose.

Each enterprise must draw up a list of industries, workshops, departments, areas where hot work must be carried out in full accordance with this instruction.

The list of such facilities must be agreed with the safety engineering service, gas rescue service and approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

1.6. Hot work at explosive and explosive fire hazardous objects should be carried out only in the daytime (with the exception of emergency cases).

1.7. On the basis of this Standard Instruction, enterprises should develop instructions for organizing the safe conduct of hot work, taking into account the specifics of production and local conditions. These instructions should not contradict this Standard Instruction and should not reduce its requirements, as well as the requirements set forth in the "Fire Safety Rules for Welding and Other Hot Works at Facilities National economy”, approved by the GUPO of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs on December 29, 1972 and agreed with the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

1.8. The requirements of this Standard Instruction apply both to work performed by the enterprise's divisions and to work performed by third parties.

1.9. Performers of hot work (electric welder, gas welder, gas cutter, gas cutter, solderer, etc.) can only be persons who have passed special training passed the exams and received the certificate.

1.10. Hot work is divided into two stages: preparatory and direct hot work.

1.11. Hot work can be carried out only if there is a Permit signed by the chief engineer of the enterprise or the deputy chief engineer for production or the head of production.

In emergency cases, the Permit to conduct hot work may be issued by the head of the workshop or a person replacing him. In this case, hot work must be carried out under the direct supervision of the person who issued the Permit for their conduct, with the notification of the management of the enterprise and the safety service.


2.1. Preparatory work includes all types of work related to the preparation of equipment, communications, structures for hot work.

2.2. Preparation of the facility for conducting hot work on it is carried out by the operational personnel of the workshop under the guidance of a specially designated responsible person.

2.3. Responsible for the implementation of preparatory work can only be assigned to engineering and technical workers of this facility. The list of officials responsible for the implementation of the preparatory work must be specified in the factory instructions.

2.4. When preparing for hot work, the head of the workshop (the head of the installation with a non-shop structure), together with those responsible for the preparation and conduct of these works, determines the danger zone, the boundaries of which are clearly marked with warning signs and inscriptions.

2.5. Places for welding, cutting, heating, etc. marked with chalk, paint, a tag or other clearly visible identification marks.

2.6. Apparatus, machines, tanks, pipelines and other equipment on which hot work will be carried out must be stopped, freed from explosive, explosive, fire hazardous, fire hazardous and toxic products, disconnected with plugs from operating apparatus and communications (which should be recorded in plugging and removal log) and are prepared for hot work, in accordance with the requirements of industry safety rules and instructions for preparing equipment for repair work. Starting equipment designed to turn on machines and mechanisms must be turned off and measures taken to prevent sudden start-up of machines and mechanisms.

2.7. Platforms, metal structures, structural elements buildings that are located in the hot work area must be cleaned of explosive, explosive and flammable and fire hazardous products (dust, tar, etc.).

Drain funnels, outlets from trays and other devices associated with sewage, which may contain flammable gases and vapors, must be blocked. At the place of hot work, measures must be taken to prevent the spread of sparks.

2.8. The place of hot work must be provided with the necessary primary fire extinguishing equipment.


3.1. To carry out hot work, including in emergency cases, a written Permit must be issued according to the attached form.

3.2. The head of the workshop (deputy head of production) appoints persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work, and also determines the scope and content of the preparatory work, the sequence of their implementation, safety measures when performing hot work, the control procedure air environment and means of protection, which is confirmed by his signature in paragraph Permission.

3.3. The Permit is drawn up in two copies and submitted to the persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work to carry out the activities specified in the Permit.

3.4. After completing all the activities provided for in the Permit, the persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work put their signatures, respectively, in paragraphs. , , after which the head of the workshop (deputy head of production) checks the completeness of the implementation of measures, signs the Permit and submits it for approval to the chief engineer of the enterprise or the deputy chief engineer for production or the head of production.

3.5. The composition of the brigade and the mark on the passage of the briefing are entered in the Permission clause.

3.6. The permit is agreed with the fire department of the enterprise in terms of ensuring fire safety measures and the availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment at the site of hot work in the manner established by the “Fire Safety Rules for Welding and Other Hot Work at National Economy Facilities”.

3.7. The procedure for coordinating the Permit with the safety engineering service and other services of the enterprise, as well as the need to monitor the implementation of safety measures during hot work by the safety engineering service, are determined in the instructions developed at the enterprises.

3.8. One copy of the Permit remains with the person responsible for carrying out hot work, the second copy is transferred to the fire department of the enterprise.

In cases where the enterprise does not have a fire brigade, the manager who approved the Permit to conduct hot work must allocate a special person from among the engineering and technical employees of the enterprise to carry out measures to control fire safety during hot work.

3.9. Contractors may start hot work only with the permission of the person responsible for hot work.

3.10. The permit is issued separately for each type of hot work and is valid for one day shift. If these works are not completed in set time, then the Permit can be extended by the head of the shop (deputy head of production), but not more than one shift.

3.11. When carrying out major repairs and works on the reconstruction of workshops with a complete stop of production, the Permit is issued in accordance with this standard instruction within the time frame specified in the schedule overhauls and reconstruction works.

3.12. When performing hot work by the repair shops of the enterprise or third-party organizations, the Permit for hot work must also be issued in accordance with this Standard Instruction.

3.13. When issuing a Permit to conduct hot work inside tanks, apparatuses, wells, collectors, trenches, etc. all safety measures provided for in this Model Instruction and instructions for working in closed vessels (tanks, apparatus, collectors, trenches, etc.) must be taken into account.


4.1. To carry out hot work, a responsible person should be appointed from among the engineering and technical workers of the workshop who are not currently engaged in conducting technological process and knowing the rules for the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and explosive objects.

4.2. During hot work, control over the state of the air environment in the apparatus, communications on which the specified work is carried out, and in the danger zone should be carried out.

4.4. In the event of an increase in the content of combustible substances in danger zone, inside the apparatus or pipeline, hot work must be immediately stopped. These works can be resumed only after the causes of gas contamination are identified and eliminated and the normal air environment is restored.

4.5. During the hot work, the technological personnel of the shop must take measures to exclude the possibility of releasing explosive, explosive and flammable substances into the air.

It is forbidden to open hatches and covers of apparatuses, unload, reload and drain products, load through open hatches, as well as other operations that can lead to fires and explosions due to gas contamination and dustiness of places where hot work is carried out.

4.7. The admission to hot work is carried out by the person responsible for hot work after acceptance of the equipment from the person responsible for preparing for hot work and in a satisfactory condition of the air environment in accordance with the requirements of paragraph .

4.8. Hot work must be immediately stopped upon detection of deviations from the requirements of this Standard Instruction, non-compliance with the safety measures provided for in the Permit, as well as the occurrence dangerous situation.


5.1. The responsible person who approved the Permit to conduct hot work is obliged to organize the implementation of activities in accordance with this Standard Instruction.

5.2. The head of the workshop (deputy head of production) is obliged to:

a) develop measures for the safe conduct of hot work and ensure their implementation;

b) appoint responsible persons for the preparation and conduct of hot work from among engineering and technical workers, knowing the conditions preparation and rules for carrying out hot work at explosive and explosive and fire hazardous objects;

c) before starting hot work, check the implementation of the developed measures provided for in the Permit;

d) during the period of hot work, ensure control over compliance with the requirements of this Standard Instruction;

e) organize control over the state of the air environment at the site of hot work and in the danger zone and establish the frequency of sampling;

c) ensure the coordination of the Permit to conduct hot work with the fire department.

5.3. The person responsible for the preparation of equipment and communications for hot work is obliged to:

a) organize the implementation of the activities specified in the Permit;

b) check the completeness and quality of the implementation of the measures provided for by the Permit;

c) ensure timely analysis of the air environment at the site of hot work and in the danger zone.

5.4. The person responsible for carrying out hot work is obliged to:

a) organize the implementation of measures for the safe conduct of hot work;

b) conduct a briefing for executive fireworks, provided for in clause;

c) check the availability of certificates from the performers of hot work (welders, carvers), serviceability of tools and means for carrying out hot work;

d) provide the place for hot work with primary fire extinguishing equipment, and performers with personal protective equipment (gas masks, life belts, ropes, etc.);

e) be at the site of hot work, supervise the work of performers;

f) know the state of the air environment at the place of hot work and, if necessary, stop hot work;

g) when hot work is resumed after a break, check the condition of the hot work site and equipment and allow work to be carried out only after receiving a satisfactory analysis of the air in the room and apparatus;

h) after the completion of hot work, check workplace for the absence of possible sources of fire.

5.5. The shift supervisor (shift leader) must:

a) notify the shift personnel about the conduct of hot work at the facility;

b) ensure that the technological process is carried out in such a way that the possibility of a fire, explosion and injury to workers during hot work is excluded;

c) record in the log of the acceptance and delivery of shifts on the conduct of hot work at the facility;

d) upon completion of hot work, check, together with the person responsible for carrying out hot work, the place where hot work was carried out in order to exclude the possibility of fire and ensure that shift personnel observe the place of the most probable fire source for 3 hours.

5.6. Hot work performers are required to:

a) to carry a qualification certificate;

b) receive instruction on the safe conduct of hot work and sign the Permit, and the performers of the contracting (outside) organization - additionally receive instruction on safety precautions when carrying out hot work in this shop;

c) get acquainted with the scope of work at the place of the upcoming hot work;

d) start hot work only at the direction of the person responsible for hot work;

e) perform only the work specified in the Permit;

f) comply with the security measures provided for in the Permit;

g) be able to use fire extinguishing equipment and, in the event of a fire, immediately take measures to call the fire department and proceed to extinguish the fire;

h) after completion of hot work, carefully inspect the place of these works and eliminate the identified violations that could lead to a fire, injuries and accidents;

i) to stop hot work in the event of a dangerous situation.

The person who approved the Permit to conduct hot work, the head of the workshop (deputy head of production), the shift supervisor, the persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work, the performers are responsible for the fulfillment of their duties.


I approve:



"__" ______________ 197 __

for carrying out hot work in explosive and explosive fire hazardous objects

1. Workshop, object, department, installation, site _______________________________

2. Place of work ________________________________________________________

(device, communication, etc.)

4. Responsible for preparation for hot work __________________________


(position, full name)

5. Responsible for carrying out hot work ______________________________


a) during preparatory work _____________________________________________



b) when carrying out hot work __________________________________________





Signatures of the instructed about passing the briefing

Instructor's signature

9. Air analysis results _____________________________________________


(date, time, sampling site, concentration)


(date, signature of the person responsible for the preparation of hot work)

12. I authorize the production of hot work __________________________________


(date, signature of the head of the workshop, deputy head of production)

from _____ hour. until _______ hour.

13. Agreed: Representative fire brigade ___________________________

(date, signature)

14. Permit extended for "__" _____________ 19 __

from _____ hour. until _______ hour.

Responsible for preparing for

carrying out hot work _______________________________________________


Responsible for conducting

hot work ________________________________________________________________


Head of department (Deputy

head of production) ________________________________________________

Safety of carrying out fire, gas hazardous and

other works heightened danger

at explosive and fire hazardous facilities.

To fire works include production operations associated with the use of open fire, sparking and heating to temperatures that can cause ignition of materials and structures (electric welding, electric cutting, gas cutting, gas welding, gas cutting, the use of explosive technologies, soldering, abrasive cleaning, mechanical processing of metal with the release of sparks , heating of bitumen and resins, high-voltage tests in hazardous areas, thermite welding, etc.).

To gas hazardous includes work related to inspection, maintenance, repair, depressurization of process equipment, communications, incl. work inside containers (devices, tanks, tanks, as well as collectors, tunnels, wells, pits and other similar places), during which there is or is not excluded the possibility of explosive and flammable or harmful vapors, gases and other substances entering the place of work capable of causing an explosion, fire, harmful effects on the human body, as well as work with insufficient oxygen content (volume fraction below 20%).

Back to work heightened danger includes works in the course of which, regardless of the work performed, hazardous production factors act or may occur at the work sites (hydrotests, pneumatic tests, climbing works, earthworks, repair work on existing heating mains, water pipelines, foam pipelines laid across the territory of the enterprise).

Organization of the safe conduct of fire, gas hazardous

and other high-risk work

To organize the safe conduct of work, orders for the enterprise appoint responsible persons and persons replacing them from among the managers and engineering and technical workers (ITR) of the enterprise and structural divisions 2 who have passed industrial safety certification with the participation of a representative of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and tested knowledge of the rules and regulations labor protection and safe work.

Based on the regulatory and technical documents at the enterprise, the following instructions should be developed and approved by the chief engineer:

    Instructions for organizing the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and fire hazardous objects.

    Instructions for organizing the safe conduct of gas hazardous work at explosive and fire hazardous facilities.

    Instructions for the organization of safe work of increased danger at facilities.

    Instructions for organizing the control of the air environment at explosive and fire hazardous objects.

At the enterprise, taking into account specific production conditions, the “List of explosive and fire hazardous and fire hazardous objects (gas hazardous places), fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk works” should be developed and approved by the chief engineer.

Carrying out fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work at explosive and fire hazardous facilities, including in emergency cases, it is allowed only after the clearance.

The work permit is a written permit for the performance of fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work, is issued in typewritten text separately for each type of work and place of their implementation, is valid for the period specified in the work permit.

Works of increased danger, as a rule, are allowed to be carried out only during daylight hours, under normal weather conditions.

Attire - admission is issued in two copies. Write the text in pencil, corrections are not allowed. When issuing a work permit, all lines of the form are filled in.

If there is no need to fill in the line, an entry should be made - “not required”.

If it is necessary to change the type, place, conditions of work or the composition of the team of performers, a new outfit is issued - admission.

The place of storage of closed work permits is determined by the order of the head structural unit.

It is the responsibility of the head of the structural unit or a person replacing him to issue a work permit, to prepare the facility for work and to allow work to be carried out. Upon completion of the work, he signs (closes) the work permit .

Work permit is agreed for gas hazardous work with a gas rescue service, for hot work with a fire department. It can also be coordinated with the health and safety service, related departments, etc. The list of necessary approvals is regulated by the enterprise in a special document.

Chief engineer of the enterprise or a person replacing him assigned by order must approve work permits.

Hazardous work is divided into two stages:

    preparatory (preparation of the object for carrying out works of increased danger);

    stage of carrying out directly hazardous work.

Person responsible for preparing for work appoints the head of the structural unit from among the engineers of this unit in the direction of activity. The person responsible for the preparation is responsible for the correct and reliable shutdown and isolation of the work area. Preparation of the facility for hazardous work is carried out by the operational personnel of the workshop.

Person responsible for carrying out hazardous work appoints the head of the structural unit from among the engineers who have a special permit. The person responsible for carrying out hazardous work is responsible for the correctness and completeness of the safety measures taken, for the sufficient qualifications of the persons appointed by the performers of the work, for the completeness and quality of their instruction, for the technical management of the work and for the observance of safety measures by the workers. The person responsible for the work is obliged to suspend the work, cancel (cancel) the work permit, remove people from the place of work and notify the operator of the process unit and the person who issued the work permit in the following cases:

    The emergence of a threat to life and health, in the event of an accident associated with the production of work performed under a work permit, as well as in an emergency.

    With automatic activation of the fire extinguishing system.

    When issuing automatic installation fire alarm light and sound signal.

    When turned on warning systems, signaling the creation of a dangerous situation or warning, established by the signals responsible for the work (strike against a suspended metal object, fire truck sirens).

    If violations of the conditions stipulated by the work permit are detected, which can lead to injury to workers or to an emergency.

    Prohibition of work by regulatory and supervisory authorities.

Work can be resumed only after identifying and eliminating the causes of their occurrence and issuing a new work permit.

The appointed responsible persons must be at the place of work for the entire period of their implementation and coordinate the actions of the performers.

It is not allowed to appoint one engineer as a person responsible for the preparation or conduct of work performed simultaneously on different work orders, as well as the performance of other duties not related to the performance of work on the work permit. It is prohibited to appoint a person responsible for preparation for work from among the engineers of another structural unit or contractor.

When carrying out hazardous work, they are also appointed by the head of the structural unit persons obliged to analyze the air environment from among the engineers and workers who have undergone special training, passed the certification exam with the participation of a representative of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and received permission to carry out this type of work.


Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
dated 06/23/2000 No. 38



1.1. This Standard Instruction establishes the basic requirements for organizing the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and fire hazardous facilities (manufacturing, workshops, departments, installations, warehouses, etc.) controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, enterprises, organizations of all organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, regardless from their departmental affiliation.

1.2. With the entry into force of this Standard Instruction, the previously existing "Standard Instruction for the Organization of the Safe Conduct of Hot Works at Explosive and Explosive and Fire Hazardous Facilities", approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on May 7, 1974, is not applied on the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Responsibility for the development and implementation of measures to ensure safety during hot work at enterprises rests with the heads of enterprises, as well as with persons duly appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety.

1.4. Hot work includes production operations associated with the use of open fire, sparking and heating to a temperature that can cause ignition of materials and structures (electric welding, gas welding, gasoline-kerosene cutting, soldering, mechanical processing of metal with the formation of sparks, etc.).

1.5. Hot work at existing explosive and fire-explosive facilities is allowed in exceptional cases when these works cannot be carried out in permanent places specially designated for this purpose.

1.6. Hot work at explosive and explosive objects should be carried out only in the daytime (with the exception of emergency cases).

1.7. On the basis of this Model Instruction and taking into account the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-93 *), approved by the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on 10/16/93, the enterprises should develop instructions for the safe conduct of hot work, taking into account the specifics of production and local conditions . These instructions must not contradict this Model Instruction, and their requirements must not be lower than those established by this Model Instruction.

1.8. The requirements of this Standard Instruction apply both to work performed by the enterprise's divisions and to work performed by third parties.

1.9. Persons (electric welder, gas welder, gas cutter, gas cutter, solderer, etc.) who have undergone special training and have a qualification certificate and a fire safety coupon are allowed to carry out hot work.

1.10. Hot work is divided into two stages: preparatory and main, i.e. stage of direct hot work.

1.11. Hot work can only be carried out if there is a work permit signed by the head of the department where hot work is carried out and approved by the technical head of the enterprise (chief engineer) or his deputy for production or head of production.

In emergency cases, a work permit for conducting hot work may be issued by the head of the unit where hot work is to be performed, or by a person replacing him. In this case, hot work is carried out under the direct supervision of the person who issued the work permit with the obligatory notification of the technical manager (chief engineer) of the enterprise.


2.1. To carry out hot work, including in emergency cases, a work permit must be issued in writing according to the attached form.

2.2. The head of the unit where hot work is carried out, or a person replacing him, appoints persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work, and also determines the scope and content of the preparatory work, the sequence of their implementation, safety measures during hot work, the procedure for controlling the air environment and means of protection, which is confirmed by his signature in the work permit.

2.3. The work permit is drawn up in two copies and handed over to the persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work to carry out the activities specified in it.

2.4. After completing all the measures provided for in the work permit, the persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work put their signatures respectively in, after which the head of the unit where hot work is carried out, or the person replacing him, checks the completeness of the implementation of the measures, coordinates with fire service (if necessary, with other services of the enterprise), signs the work permit and submits it for approval to the technical manager (chief engineer) of the enterprise or his deputy for production or production manager.

2.5. The composition of the team of hot work performers and a mark on the passage of the briefing are entered in the work permit.

2.6. The work permit is agreed with the fire service of the enterprise in terms of ensuring fire safety measures and the availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment at the site of hot work.

2.7. The procedure for coordinating the work permit with the safety engineering service and other services of the enterprise (SCS, energy, etc.), as well as with the heads of an interconnected workshop, section (depending on the type of work), if necessary, is determined by the instructions developed at the enterprise. In the work permit, an agreement must be drawn up or an entry “not required” is made.

2.8. One copy of the work permit remains with the person responsible for conducting hot work, the other is transferred to those responsible for preparing hot work fire service enterprises, which is recorded in the journal.

If the enterprise does not have a fire service, the manager who approved the work permit for conducting hot work must allocate a responsible person from among the specialists of the enterprise to verify the implementation of measures to ensure fire safety during hot work. AT this case the work permit is registered in the journal and kept by the above person.

2.9. Contractors may start performing hot work only with the permission of the person responsible for hot work.

2.10. The work permit is issued separately for each type of hot work and is valid for one day shift. If these works are not completed within the established period, then the work permit may be extended by the head of the unit where hot work is carried out, or by the person replacing him, but not more than for one shift.

2.11. When carrying out major repairs and works on the reconstruction of workshops with a complete stop of production, the work permit is issued for the period provided for by the schedule of major repairs and reconstruction works.

2.12. When hot work is performed by the repair shops of the enterprise or third-party organizations, a work permit for hot work must also be issued in accordance with this Standard Instruction.

2.13. When issuing a work permit for conducting hot work inside tanks, apparatuses, wells, collectors, trenches, etc. all safety measures provided for by this Standard Instruction and the Standard Instruction for the Organization and Safe Carrying out of Gas Hazardous Works, approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on February 20, 1985, must be taken into account.


3.1. Preparatory work includes all types of work related to the preparation of equipment, communications, structures for hot work.

3.2. Preparation of the facility for conducting hot work on it is carried out by the operational personnel of the workshop under the guidance of a specially designated responsible person, including when work is performed at the facility by a third-party organization.

3.3. Responsible for the implementation of preparatory work can be assigned only to specialists of this facility. The list of officials responsible for the implementation of the preparatory work must be determined by the instructions of the enterprise, organization.

3.4. When preparing for hot work, the head of the structural subdivision where hot work is carried out, or the person replacing him, together with those responsible for the preparation and conduct of these works, determine the danger zone, the boundaries of which are clearly marked with warning signs and inscriptions.

3.5. Places for welding, cutting, heating, etc. marked with chalk, paint, a tag or other clearly visible identification marks.

3.6. Devices, machines, containers, pipelines and other equipment on which hot work will be carried out must be stopped, freed from explosive, explosive, fire hazardous and toxic products, disconnected with plugs from operating devices and communications (which should be recorded in the installation log and removing plugs) and prepared for hot work in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-93 *), industry safety rules and instructions for preparing equipment for repair work. Starting equipment designed to turn on machines and mechanisms must be de-energized and measures taken to prevent sudden start-up of machines and mechanisms.

3.7. Sites, metal structures, structural elements of buildings located in the hot work area must be cleared of explosive, explosive and fire hazardous products (dust, tar, flammable liquids and materials, etc.).

Drain funnels, outlets from trays and other devices associated with sewage, which may contain flammable gases and vapors, must be blocked. At the place of hot work, measures must be taken to prevent the spread of sparks.

3.8. The place of hot work must be provided with the necessary primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguisher, box with sand and a shovel, etc.).


4.1. To carry out hot work, a responsible person must be appointed from among the engineering and technical workers of the workshop who are not currently engaged in the conduct of the technological process and who know the rules for the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and fire-explosive objects.

4.2. Hot work is allowed to start in the absence of explosive and explosive substances in the air or their presence is not higher than the maximum permissible concentration according to current sanitary standards.

4.4. In the event of an increase in the content of explosive and flammable substances in the hazardous area, inside the apparatus or pipeline, hot work must be immediately stopped and resumed only after the causes of gas pollution have been identified and eliminated and the normal air environment has been restored.

4.5. During the hot work, the technological personnel of the shop must take measures to exclude the possibility of the release of explosive, explosive and flammable substances into the air.

It is forbidden to open hatches and covers of apparatuses, unload, reload and drain products, load through open hatches, as well as other operations that can lead to fires and explosions due to gas contamination and dustiness of places where hot work is carried out.

4.6. Before the start of hot work, the person responsible for hot work conducts a briefing with the performers on compliance with safety measures when performing hot work at this facility. The briefing is recorded in the work permit by the signatures of the performers and the person responsible for conducting hot work.

4.7. The admission to the performance of hot work is carried out by the person responsible for conducting hot work, after acceptance of the equipment from the person responsible for preparing for hot work, and in a satisfactory condition of the air environment in accordance with the requirements.

4.8. Hot work must be immediately stopped upon detection of deviations from the requirements of this Standard Instruction, non-compliance with the safety measures provided for by the work permit, as well as in the event of a dangerous situation.


5.1. The responsible person who approved the work permit for conducting hot work is obliged to organize the implementation of activities in accordance with this Standard Instruction.

5.2. The head of the structural unit where hot work is carried out, or the person replacing him, is obliged:

develop measures for the safe conduct of hot work and ensure their implementation;

appoint persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work from among engineering and technical workers who know the conditions for the preparation and the rules for conducting hot work at explosive and fire-explosive objects;

before starting hot work, check the implementation of the developed measures provided for by the work permit;

during the period of hot work, ensure control over compliance with the requirements of this Standard Instruction;

organize control over the state of the air environment at the site of hot work and in the danger zone and establish the frequency of air sampling;

ensure coordination of the work permit for conducting hot work with the fire service and, if necessary, with other services of the enterprise and the heads of the interconnected workshop, section.

5.3. The person responsible for the preparation of equipment and communications for hot work is obliged to:

organize the implementation of the activities specified in the work permit;

check the completeness and quality of the implementation of the measures provided for by the work permit;

ensure timely analysis of the air environment at the site of hot work and in the danger zone;

notify the head of an adjacent (technologically connected) unit about the time of conducting hot work, about disconnecting communication lines, etc.

5.4. The person responsible for carrying out hot work is obliged to:

organize the implementation of measures for the safe conduct of hot work;

to instruct the performers of hot work, provided for in the work permit;

check the availability of qualification certificates and fire safety coupons for hot work performers (welders, cutters), the serviceability and completeness of the tools and means for their implementation, as well as the availability and compliance of overalls, safety shoes, protective shields with the conditions of work;

provide the place of hot work with primary fire extinguishing equipment, and performers with additional personal protective equipment (gas masks, life belts, ropes, etc.) and control their correct use;

be at the site of hot work, supervise the work of performers;

know the state of the air environment at the place of hot work and, if necessary, stop them;

when hot work is resumed after a break, check the condition of the site and equipment;

allow work to be carried out only after receiving a satisfactory analysis of the air in the room and apparatus;

after the completion of hot work, check the place of their conduct for the absence of possible sources of fire.

5.5. The shift supervisor (shift leader) must:

notify the shift personnel about the conduct of hot work at the facility;

ensure that the technological process is carried out in such a way that the possibility of a fire, explosion and injury to workers during hot work is excluded;

record in the log of the acceptance and delivery of shifts on the conduct of hot work at the facility;

upon completion of hot work, check, together with the person responsible for carrying out hot work, the place where hot work was carried out in order to exclude the possibility of fire and ensure that the shift personnel observe the place of the most probable fire source for 3 hours.

5.6. Hot work performers are required to:

have a qualification certificate and a fire safety ticket with you;

receive instructions on the safe conduct of hot work and sign the work permit, and the performers of the contracting (third-party) organization - additionally receive safety instructions when conducting hot work in this workshop;

get acquainted with the scope of work at the site of the upcoming hot work;

start hot work only at the direction of the person responsible for hot work;

perform only the work specified in the work permit;

comply with the security measures provided for in the work permit;

use the correct tool for the job;

work in overalls and safety shoes;

be able to use protective equipment and, if necessary, apply them in a timely manner;

be able to use fire extinguishing equipment and, in the event of a fire, immediately take measures to call the fire department and proceed to eliminate the fire;

after completion of hot work, carefully inspect the place where they are carried out and eliminate the identified violations that can lead to a fire, injuries and accidents;

stop hot work in the event of a dangerous situation.

The person who approved the work permit for conducting hot work, the head of the structural unit where hot work is performed, or the person replacing him, the shift supervisor, the persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work, performers are liable for failure to fulfill their duties in accordance with with current legislation.


Organization "APPROVED"


Workshop (position, full name)



"___" ____________ 200_

to perform hot work at explosive and explosive objects

1. Structural unit where hot work is carried out (workshop, production, installation) _________________________________________________________________

2. Place of work _________________________________________________

(department, section, apparatus, communication)

4. Responsible for preparatory work ________________________________


(position, full name, date)

5. Responsible for carrying out hot work ________________________________


(position, full name, date)

6. Planned time of work:

start ______________ time _____________ date

end ___________ time ______ date

7. Organizational and technical security measures taken during the preparation of the object for hot work, during their conduct, means of collective and individual protection, mode of operation:

a) at preparatory work ___________________________________________


b) when carrying out hot work ____________________________________________


8. Head of the structural unit where hot work is carried out, or a person replacing him _________________________________________________________


9. The composition of the brigade of performers (with a large number of performers, its composition and the required information are given in the attached list with a note about this in this paragraph)

FULL NAME. brigade members

Executable function


Familiarized with the working conditions, received instructions

Conducted briefing, position, full name, signature

10. Air environment analysis results

Date and time of sampling

Sampling location

Air analysis results

Signature of the person who performed the analysis

11. Organizational and technical security measures in the preparation of the facility for hot work in accordance with clause 6 of the work permit were completed by ________________


Responsible for preparatory Responsible for conducting

hot work

(last name, signature, date, time) (last name, signature, date, time)

12. I authorize the production of hot work ____________________________________


(date, signature of the head of the unit where hot work should be carried out, or the person replacing him)

13. Agreed:

with the fire department _____________________________________________________________


(surname of the representative of the fire service, signature, date)

with services: GSS, safety engineering, etc. (if necessary) _____________


(name of service, name of representative, signature, date)

with interconnected workshops, sections (if necessary) ___________________


(workshop, section, name of the head, signature, date)

14. Validity of work permit extended

Date and time of work

The result of the analysis of the air environment

I confirm the possibility of performing work

Responsible for the preparation of work

Responsible for the work

fire service representative

The head of the structural unit where hot work is carried out, or a person replacing him

15. The work was completed in full, the workplaces were put in order, the tools and materials were removed, people were taken out, the work permit was closed _____________


(responsible for the work, signature, date, time)


(shift manager, last name, signature, date, time)