How to grow cherry tomatoes. Caring for cherry tomatoes outdoors. Choice of location and soil

Now it has become very fashionable to grow outlandish vegetables. Cherry tomatoes have become one of these curiosities in our gardens. They are especially loved by those who are engaged in home spinning, and thanks to their size they will fit perfectly into any dish. Now, of course, it will not be difficult to get these tomatoes, just go to the store, but still many of us prefer to grow them ourselves. After all, a tomato grown on its own is many times tastier. And in order to enjoy your own harvest, you need to know what the correct cultivation of Cherry tomato should be like.

Useful properties of cherry tomato

These little tomatoes have many useful properties:

  1. Positive effect on the circulatory system.
  2. Stabilize metabolism.
  3. They contain a large amount of vitamins B, C, amino acids and antioxidants.

Growing methods

The tomato has a small size, resembles a cherry, hence the name of the variety. There are rules, the observance of which will help to grow a rich harvest:

  1. Selection of seeds, planting methods.
  2. Preparation of planting materials.
  3. Create conditions for the development of plants.
  4. Collection of products at the required time.

Depending on the method of cultivation, choose varieties of seeds. A vegetable can grow in a greenhouse, outdoors, in hanging baskets, on a balcony loggia.

In greenhouse conditions, the following seed names are chosen:

  • "Bead";
  • "Marishka";
  • "Yellow Cherry"

The fruits are tall and ripe. The species is considered thermophilic, so the greenhouse is the best place for a rich harvest.

For open ground suitable:

  • "Cherry black";
  • "White currant";
  • "Honey drop".

Fruits under open sunlight are obtained as useful as possible in terms of the content of vitamins and microelements.

In the apartment, on the balcony you can plant:

  • "Bonsai";
  • "Red Riding Hood".

There are many varieties for greenhouses and open ground, for different tastes.

Important! Seed selection should be made only from trusted breeders.

Before sowing, future seedlings are sorted out, they look at the integrity and density of the seed. Then they are washed with potassium permanganate, put in a damp gauze rag for several days. Sprouted seeds are transferred to the prepared soil, after adding humus and peat to it. Also, a manganese solution of 70 ° C is added to it. After a while, when the soil has settled, you can begin work.

A container for seedlings is used with sides 15 cm high. Seedlings are watered as the earthen substrate dries. The amount of light given for the growth of healthy shoots is also important.

Plants love a well-lit room. The air temperature should be around 20°C. But it is important to harden the plant, it is taken out to a cool place, increasing the residence time. After the appearance of the leaves, they make equipment, cutting off the root system by one third, thereby helping the root to become stronger. Then the seedlings are transferred to the main soil, depending on the place of cultivation.

Watch a video review of different varieties of cherry tomatoes:

Growing Cherry Tomato

Below we will tell you how to grow Cherry tomatoes in the open field, in a greenhouse and at home.

  • The age of seedlings before planting in the ground should be 60 days. Mass planting of seedlings occurs in late April early May.
  • However, before it can be planted, it must be hardened. To do this, when the air temperature is set at plus 15 - 18 ° C, containers with seedlings are placed in fresh air for 15 days. First, the seedlings are taken out for 1 hour, subsequently, the time the seedlings stay in the open air increases to one full daylight hours.
  • After the seedlings are ready for planting, holes in the ground are prepared. To do this, it is necessary to loosen the earth well, remove all the roots, make holes 10-15 cm deep, into which it is desirable to add a little compost, ash and sand to make the soil more airy and soft. The distance between them should be at least half a meter. And the distance between the rows should be about a meter. This distance is necessary for the good development of the bush.
  • Then the seedlings are carefully, together with an earthen clod, placed in these holes, watered and covered with earth. It must be remembered that the composition of the soil in the soil should be different from the soil in which the seedlings were before planting in the ground.

For the construction of the greenhouse choose glass or polycarbonate. They carry out a heating system, you can harvest all year round. The earth is loosened, small grooves are created, 10 cm deep. The distance between the stems is 50 cm. The larger the gap between plants, the more fruitful the bush. As the seedlings grow, new soil needs to be added. Here, strengthened, grown plants are transferred to a new irrigation regime. Three times a week, the soil is allowed to be saturated with water. At the same time, do not forget to fertilize with minerals and organic solutions. The main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizers, as the growth of leaves does not allow fruits to form.

  • Planting a tomato is carried out at the end of winter, in the last days of February. Seeds of the selected variety are best germinated. To do this, they are placed in a thick solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, then placed in a nutrient mixture for twelve hours, after which they can be planted in the soil.
  • First you need to prepare the soil and the container in which the seedlings will be grown. After all, the quality of seedlings, and subsequently the harvest, will depend on this. The container should have sufficient depth so that the roots of the seedlings can freely develop. Loose earth mixed with humus is best suited. Also, it will not be superfluous to treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then it should settle for 2-3 days, after which you can plant the seeds. A small depression is made in the ground, where seeds are placed at a distance of about 2-3 cm.
  • The container with planted seeds is covered with glass or a transparent film and kept in a bright, warm place. Direct sunlight is highly undesirable, young seedlings can simply “cook” from it. The most optimal temperature for seed germination is 32°C. When the seeds germinate, the temperature should be lowered and be no more than 24 ° C.
  • After the seedlings grow up and get stronger, you need to pick. This mandatory step in growing a cherry tomato is carried out when there are 5 true leaves. Thanks to this procedure, the roots of young plants will become stronger, the seedlings will not stretch and the trunk will be strong and durable. In parallel, all this time the seedlings need good watering. It is better to use settled and rain water. Also every ten days, mineral and organic top dressing is carried out.

Cherry Tomato Care

  • Cherry tomatoes need a support to which the stem is tied. If this is not done, then the bushes will simply fall under the weight of the tomato and break.
  • Also, if a lot of side shoots grow, they need to be removed. This process is called pinching. And for some varieties, it is simply necessary. It is also worth pinching the bushes.
  • Tomatoes of this species love good watering and do not tolerate drought - this is fraught with crop loss. You need to water moderately every day, preferably in the evening, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the root system will rot or the fruits will begin to crack and rot. By the way, insufficient watering can also cause cracking of the tomato. Watering is also done with warm settled water.
  • Tomatoes need to be fed regularly. It is better to purchase the necessary fertilizers in specialized stores. But manure or chicken droppings are also good. Top dressing is done once every seven days and is combined with watering.
  • The earth under the bushes needs to be loosened, sprinkled with straw or sawdust. This will prevent the fruit from coming into contact with the soil, keep the soil moist longer, and keep it from overheating.
  • To protect tomatoes from all kinds of pests, it is necessary to treat them with special preparations for prevention. But you can use folk. For example, garlic infusion, which repels pests well.

Each variety of Cherry tomato has its own ripening period, but most begin to bear fruit three months after planting in the ground. You can harvest a good harvest until the end of September, and some varieties bear fruit until the air temperature drops to plus seven degrees.

The indisputable advantage of Cherry tomato is that almost all of them begin to sing at the same time. It is best to pluck tomato tassels when all the fruits are already ripe.

Since tomatoes bear fruit until the very cold weather, do not forget that fogs appear with the advent of cold weather, and they do not like tomatoes very much. If he nevertheless got into the fog, then it is better to pick them unripe and place them in boxes for ripening, otherwise they will subsequently begin to taste bitter and simply rot.

When the cold comes, many gardeners want to prolong the enjoyment of the Cherry tomato crop, so they dig them out of the ground, plant them in large buckets or pots, bring them to a warm place, and enjoy fresh Cherries for a long time.

From the resulting crop, you can get seeds for the next planting. To do this, well-ripened fruits are collected from the lower brushes, seeds are collected from them in a small container, placed in a warm dark place so that fermentation occurs. After that, they are washed with water and set to dry. Then they are put away for storage.

Previously, cherry tomatoes were undoubtedly a curiosity and a rarity. Now, without much difficulty, such a "rarity" can be grown at home, you just need to follow the basic rules for growing these tomatoes.

Useful video

This video tells all the secrets of growing cherry tomatoes:

Restaurants were the first to use cherry tomatoes to decorate dishes.

Small firm fruits that do not need to be cut, keep well fresh, are exceptionally tasty in salads and just like that.

An important advantage was that they could be combined in one dish, combining fruits of different colors: greenish-yellow, bright yellow, orange, dark orange, pink, raspberry, dark red of different shades, brown-purple and even almost black. and in stripes.
Such diversity will not leave anyone indifferent.


This type of tomato got its name from the English word "cherry" - cherry due to the fact that the appearance of its fruits resembles this berry. The smallest fruits weigh about 10 g. The maximum weight of the cherry fruit can reach only 25 - 30 g. And its taste can be ordinary - tomato, only sweeter and richer, or it can taste like melon, raspberry, blueberry or other berry .

Through seedlings in open ground

The technology of growing such tomatoes in open ground is practically no different from growing large-fruited tomato varieties.

In our regions, it makes no sense to sow them directly into open ground, since it becomes warm enough only at the end of May - beginning of June. So late sown tomatoes simply do not have time to bear fruit.

To enjoy early tomatoes, it is better to sow seeds in March, the latest date is April, and of course, for seedlings.

  1. We bring the pre-prepared soil to a warm place where it can thaw. Then we spill it with an EM preparation to “revive” useful soil inhabitants. If you are a beginner gardener and have not prepared the soil mixture in advance, you can purchase a universal soil in the store.
  2. In March - April, we begin to sow the seeds. We take a convenient form, pour soil into it. Then we make grooves with a pencil, into which we put the cherry seeds in a strip. In such a simple way, it will be possible to sow seeds of different varieties in one form and sign each of them.
  3. We sprinkle the seeds with soil no more than 2 - 4 mm thick and pour abundantly with warm water.
  4. For seed germination, it is necessary to create optimal conditions: a temperature of + 25 ° C + 28 ° C and daylight hours of 10 - 12 hours. Therefore, we put the forms on the windowsill on the east or south side of the house above the heating radiators.
  5. Seedlings should appear after 5 to 10 days. After the appearance of friendly seedlings, the forms can be rearranged to a slightly cooler place, but not colder than + 20 ° C.
  6. Water the seedlings regularly, paying attention to the intensity of the drying of the soil. Cherry tomatoes do not like soil droughts, but also too much water. Therefore, there are no clear recommendations - look at the situation.
  7. When 3 - 4 true leaves appear, we dive the seedlings in cups of 250 - 500 ml. We use the same soil, slightly deepen the stem to form additional roots. We put the glasses in a warm, bright place. If it is already warm enough on the balcony or loggia (+ 16 ° C), we take them out there. If it's still cold, then put it on the windowsills. If there is not enough space, we move the table to the window.
  8. Cherry tomatoes can be planted in the ground only after all frosts have ended.
    Last year, I planted tomato seedlings at the end of April, the rest - at the beginning of May, the plants took well, did not get sick and developed quickly. It is possible that there is still snow in your area in April. So be guided by specific conditions. The deadline for planting tomato seedlings is the second decade of June. Minimum temperature + 10 °С. Even if some plants began to bloom - it's okay, as practice has shown, they take root well and begin to bear fruit early.
  9. Before planting seedlings in the ground, it must be hardened. If possible, then a week before hour X, take out the seedlings to the street or an open balcony for a day. If night frosts are foreseen, then bring it back for the night.
  10. Stop watering the day before planting. Of course, if the soil is catastrophically dry, and the plant is already on its last legs, then there will be no harm from watering. But it is better not to bring it to such a state.
  11. We prepare a bed for planting in advance: we loosen it to a depth of 5 cm, we sow green manure, if desired.
  12. We transport seedlings to the country. We dig holes with a depth of 7 - 15 cm, take the seedlings out of the cup, put them in the hole and fill it with water. When the water is absorbed, we fall asleep the hole, slightly compacting around the stem. Pour out another cup of water.
  13. The distance between plants should be from 70 cm to 1 m, depending on the size of the future bush. Low-growing bushes require more free space, tall ones - less if you plan to stepchild them.
  14. When the plants take root and grow up to 30 - 40 cm in height, next to them we install a support in the form of a trellis or wooden / metal rods. As we grow, we tie the bush to the support.

Important! Absolutely all varieties of cherry tomatoes require a garter: both undersized and tall.

After 80 - 90 days from the emergence of seedlings, the bushes begin to bear fruit. Branches with + -20 fruits grow from the stem, which ripen almost simultaneously. You can collect them both individually, and immediately with a twig-brush, depending on the characteristics of the variety.
Preferably - fully ripe, so they are tastier and healthier.

Cherry tomatoes continue to bear fruit in the open field until the temperature drops to +8 +10 ° C, then development stops.
If desired, undersized bushes can be carefully dug up and transplanted into pots of 10 - 20 liters. Transport to the apartment and continue to enjoy fresh tomatoes until frost. At the same time, their productivity will decrease somewhat, but there will be something to please yourself.

in the greenhouse

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse allows you to get earlier harvests and even in winter. To do this, the greenhouse must be fully heated.

Cherry tomatoes can be planted in an unheated greenhouse only in a seedling state in early April or late March, if the climate allows.
In this case, the distance between plants should be from 40 to 70 cm. The greenhouse should be well ventilated to avoid late blight.

It is necessary to water so as not to allow the soil to dry out, to loosen the surface of the soil. If there is not enough daylight, it is necessary to illuminate with special lamps.

Growing cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse during the winter can be a good business. This will require a polycarbonate greenhouse, with vents and heating. With additional illumination, tomatoes can bear fruit all winter.

Important! In the greenhouse, tomatoes also need to be tied up if you are not going to transplant them.

Planting cherry seedlings in a thermos greenhouse allows you to grow this type of tomato even in the coldest regions. When stable heat sets in, the greenhouse can be opened by removing the protective cover, or the plants can be transplanted into the open ground.

Important! Fruit ripened in open sunlight is much healthier and tastier. Only from the sun they get all the necessary useful trace elements, saturating themselves. Greenhouse tomatoes are not only less tasty, but also more useless.

In an apartment on a balcony or loggia

In apartment conditions, for example, on a balcony or loggia, only low-growing cherry varieties, specially designed for this, can be grown - they have a less developed root system.

Seedlings can be sown in the standard way, as already described above.

Then it is transplanted into pots from 4 to 20 liters with a capacity. With the volume of pots, you need to experiment on your own. The fact is that some argue that 8-10 liters will be optimal, while others are successfully grown in 4 liters.
Let's agree that small pots are suitable for hanging baskets, and large ones are suitable for pots standing on the floor.

The temperature required for fruit set is at least 16°C. Light day - 12-16 hours. This can be ensured by placing the pots on a balcony or loggia on the east or south side.

Try not to let the soil dry out, water the plants on time. Tie them to the supports. For prevention, treat against pests and diseases so as not to infect indoor plants.

Important! The room with tomatoes must be ventilated.

In hanging baskets

For growing these tomatoes in hanging baskets, only ampel varieties tomatoes.

Basic requirements for choosing a variety:

  • The bush should branch well and not require pinching.
  • The branches should be flexible and not brittle, so as not to break under the weight of the fruit.
  • Small-fruited varieties, so as not to weigh down the branches.

Best options: determinant varieties with a height of 40 - 100 cm.

You can plant seedlings in hanging baskets hanging on an open balcony in early May. If a cold snap is planned, then bring it into the house for a while.
At first, the bush will be vertical and will not want to branch and fall out of the basket. All this is just before the start of abundant fruit set. Under the weight of the fruits of the liana - the branches of cherry tomatoes will go down and will decorate your balcony no worse than ornamental plants.

Features of caring for cherry tomatoes

Among the care features for cherry tomatoes, I would like to highlight the following:

  • They do not tolerate dry soil, so they need to be watered every day.
  • The distance between plants should be large enough to ensure even distribution of sunlight and air, the more the better - about 1m.
  • If there is not enough moisture, the tomatoes become covered with brown cracks. If there is too much moisture, on the contrary, the fruits become watery and crack.
  • Definitely require garters. It is advisable to mulch the soil so that the fruits do not get dirty, and the soil does not overheat.
  • You need to harvest when the fruits are fully ripe. Otherwise, they won't taste good.

Cherry tomatoes suffer from the same diseases and suffer from the same pests as ordinary tomatoes. So be sure to treat the beds for the prevention and treatment of "Mikosan", "Fitosporin" and "Aktofit".


Despite the fact that the homeland of cherry tomatoes is famous for its hot climate, and it is not possible to create such conditions in the CIS, you should not despair. Because our compatriot breeders have bred and continue to bred cherry varieties and hybrids adapted to a particular region and conditions. Now they can be grown in the open ground of most areas, and in an apartment, and in a heated greenhouse anywhere.

Important! Please note that there are varieties that have fairly stable characteristics and hybrids labeled F1 on the packaging. Hybrids do not retain their properties. If you collect their seeds, next season you will get a lush variety of varieties and cultivars - everything but what you need.

Seeds of varietal or hybrid cherry tomatoes can be purchased at stores, from breeders or avid gardeners. At the same time, it is extremely important to choose exactly the variety or hybrid that suits your specific growing conditions.

According to the height of the formed bush, all cherry tomatoes are divided into three types:

  1. determinant;
  2. indeterminate;
  3. Semi-determinant.

I myself do not like such abstruse words, so I will explain what's what, in simple language.

Determinant varieties

They have a limited bush height, which is indicated on the package with seeds. Most of the time they are undersized. They are easy to grow at home and in baskets. Although they will also look good on the beds, they will have to be tied to a support in any case so that the fruits do not come into contact with the ground.

Indeterminate varieties

Not limited in height (can reach 1.5 - 2 m). As a rule, these are tall varieties, sometimes liana-like. They are recommended to be formed into one or two stems and tied to a high support. Such varieties are ideal for growing in open ground and a large greenhouse, but at home they will not like it.


As the name implies, they are a cross between the first two.

All varieties of cherry tomatoes are early ripening.

When choosing varieties for cultivation, pay attention to its characteristics, whether they are suitable for your climate, conditions, and buy with a margin of 15 - 30%. The fact is that sometimes not all seeds germinate, so it would be useful to play it safe and buy a little more and several varieties.

Varieties for open ground

white currant- the fruits are round, cream color, brushes with up to 10 fruits weighing up to 20 g, very tasty. Good for fresh consumption, in salads and for preservation.

Beads- tall variety, very productive, bright red fruits with a diameter of 1 cm, grow in tassels, very sweet.

Cherry black- a rare decorative and tasty variety of tomato, tall, many consider it a fruit, not a vegetable. Black-brown fragrant tomatoes about 2.5 cm in diameter, with a sweet juicy taste.

cherry red and cherry yellow- early ripe tall varieties, grown in film greenhouses or in open ground with a garter to a support. A feature is the formation of a brush with 20 - 40 fruits.

honey drop- fruits are yellow, pear-shaped, weighing 15 g, the bush is tall, forms numerous stepchildren and brushes with 7 - 9 fruits.

cherry- fruits are round dark red, weighing 25 g, up to 20 fruits on each brush, tall.

Varieties for growing on the balcony

Minibel- unpretentious low-growing variety (30 - 40 cm), hung with fruits weighing 15-25 g. The plant can also be grown in the garden, in compact plantings.

balcony miracle- a compact bush, stops growing very quickly, the fruits are red and very tasty.

F1 Cherry Lycopa- plum-shaped, dark red fruits, with a thin skin. Of particular value is the increased content of the antioxidant lycopene.

F1 Cherry Lisa- yellow-orange elongated fruits, tasty, for indoor cultivation.

F1 Cherry Kira- orange fruits of a round shape 30 g, 15 - 20 pieces on a brush, have a fruity taste and aroma.

F1 Cherry Mio- red round fruits, 25 - 35 g, tomato flavor.

In hanging baskets

garden gem- an early low-growing variety, pink fruits, does not require pinching.

Citizen FV- a powerful undersized variety, fruits 40 - 50 g, very tasty. Few branches, can produce one shoot 80 cm.

Cherripalchiki- forms a bush with branches up to 50 cm, does not require pinching, elongated red fruits with juicy pulp.

Cascade Red F1 and Cascade Elo F1- compact bushes, stem height up to 40 cm, fruits are red and yellow, respectively.

To date, there are a lot of varieties of cherry tomatoes, here are just a few of them of different types. For more information about varieties and hybrids, contact seed companies or breeders.

Beneficial features

Eating fresh cherry tomatoes is good for your health. The beneficial properties of these tomatoes are beyond doubt.

Also "cherries" are rich in Vitamins C, E and group B, organic acids and antioxidants, lycopene. Maintaining health, slowing down the aging process and normalizing metabolism is the least that can be done by eating these healthy little tomatoes.

Cherry is eaten mostly fresh, without even cutting it, in salads, both vegetable and meat dishes. They can be frozen, dried and dried. They are also suitable for conservation (pickling and salting), but due to their too small size, it is not possible to make many blanks. A beautiful and intricate solution would be to preserve assorted tomatoes of different sizes, shapes and colors, with the addition of other vegetables.

Cherry tomatoes are worthy of the attention and excitement that has arisen around them. They are unpretentious, resistant to diseases, unusual, tasty, beautiful with a lot of useful properties. The only restriction on their use is peptic ulcer and serious metabolic disorders.

These little tomatoes got their name from the English word "cherry", which means "cherry". The name attached to them due to the fact that their appearance is very reminiscent of this berry.

Chernozem, to which a little sand is added, is best suited for growing this crop. The acidity of the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic.

Recently, cherry tomatoes have become more and more popular. They go well with many products and can perfectly complement almost any dish, not only as an ingredient, but also as a decoration.

In the variety of cherry tomatoes to choose from, there are varieties that are different in color (red, yellow, raspberry, green, orange) and in shape (round, oval).

Unlike ordinary tomatoes, Cherry's taste is more pronounced. They are sweeter, contain antioxidants and many vitamins. And, of course, they are much more like children. And the opportunity to grow them not only in a greenhouse, but also on their windowsill made them favorites of both summer residents and city dwellers.

Caring for them is not difficult. Most of the varieties are early maturing and tall. They are over a meter high. About 20 fruits ripen on one brush. There are also undersized tomatoes of this variety. The average height is 30-40 cm (Bonsai), but there are also lower ones (Mikron-NK). The smallest fruits weigh no more than 10 g. The largest weight does not exceed 30 g.

Growing Cherry Tomatoes

Saltpeter, for example, contributes to an increase in the mass of fruits, and on the other hand, delays their ripening.

There are several ways:

  • planting seedlings in open ground;

For our climate, this is the best option.

It makes no sense to sow seeds immediately in open ground, since the weather is warm enough for this only at the very end of May. And this is too late for all the tomatoes to bear fruit. And taking care of them will be more labor intensive. At night, it will be necessary to additionally cover the crops with a special film so that they do not freeze out. It is better to sow seeds for seedlings from mid-March to mid-April.

So, we take a suitable form and pour the soil into it. It can be bought already prepared in the store.

We make grooves, spill them with warm water, sow seeds, sprinkle with soil on top, no more than 4 mm high, and pour with warm water. The key to a good harvest is good sowing care. Pay attention to the quality of the seeds. Discard empty seeds immediately.

It is better to put the forms on the windowsill. Tomato seeds love the sun. Seedlings should appear in about 5 days. Seedlings need to be watered from time to time. Tomatoes love moisture, but you don’t need to fill them either. Sometimes it is worth loosening the earth so that the roots of the plant receive more oxygen. When 3-5 leaves appear on the seedlings, it will need to be planted in separate cups. It is better to take containers from 200 ml and use the same primer.

Plant the stem and roots of the plant a little deeper so that they can form new roots. If the balcony is more than 15 degrees, you can take them out there. If less, then again on the windowsill. Plant care remains the same: it is daily watering and sometimes loosening the soil.

The best place for plants is sunny. It provides the conditions for the proper development of the tomato.

Cherry can not stepchild. But if you notice that the bushes have become too branchy, you can safely cut off unnecessary branches. What are stepchildren? These are the same leaves that grow between the trunk and the main leaves of the plant. Do not confuse with the main ones!

It is possible to plant seedlings in the ground only after the threat of frost has been eliminated. Cherry tomatoes should be hardened before planting. 7-10 days before planting, take the seedlings out for a day to an open balcony or street.

The day before transplanting, you need to stop watering the plants. The bed should be prepared in advance, remove all weeds from it and loosen it.

The depth of the holes is about 10 cm. We take seedlings from a cup and put them in the hole together with the ground, pour water over it and then sprinkle it with earth. From above it needs to be watered a little more. The distance between the tomatoes is approximately 1 m. A support will need to be installed next to each plant. It can be either a metal rod or a wooden one. Hazel branches are perfect. As the tomatoes grow, they need to be tied to this support. After 2.5-3 months, the bushes begin to bear fruit. You can collect fruits both individually and in branches. In the open field, cherry tomatoes will bear fruit until the temperature outside drops below 8 degrees.

  • planting seedlings in a greenhouse;

It is better to plant Cherry tomato seedlings in an unheated greenhouse no earlier than in early April. The distance between tomatoes is about 50 cm. You need to grow them in a greenhouse in the same way as in open ground. Care also consists in daily airing so that no microorganisms start on the leaves of tomatoes. You can grow tomatoes in a heated greenhouse all year round.

  • planting seedlings in an apartment;

In order to grow Cherry tomatoes in an apartment, you need to give preference to low-growing varieties, such as, for example, Micron-NK tomato, Bonsai. Seedlings are sown in the same way as for open ground or greenhouses. Then it is transplanted into pots with a volume of at least 5 liters.

  • planting tomatoes in hanging baskets;

The best option for growing Cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets is varieties 50-100 cm high. At first, the bush will stand upright. As soon as fruit ovaries begin to appear abundantly, it will go down and its falling branches will become a wonderful decoration for your balcony.

You have probably seen more than once in stores cherry tomatoes. They usually lie in a small basket and look just fine. Such vegetables can decorate many dishes and add a spicy touch to them. These tomatoes, which are quite small in size, have a very pleasant sweetish taste with a slight sourness. Having tried them once, you will certainly have a desire to grow such vegetables on your own, and this is quite possible to do. These tomatoes can be grown at home on your windowsill., but in order for the harvest to be good, you should know a few nuances.

In order for your cherry tomatoes to grow without causing any special problems, and bring a good harvest, several nuances should be considered:

  1. To get started you need choose the right pot for this plant. They should have a cylindrical shape for better filling with the root system. It is not advisable to use pots, the shape of which resembles a rectangle or square. And after the containers are selected, it is necessary to fill them with nutrient soil.
  2. For placement, the southern or eastern window sill is perfect, since the plant loves light.
  3. Tomatoes will also need illumination, because otherwise they start to throw off the buds. To do this, it is desirable to use a source of short-wave blue-red color.
  4. Seeding of seeds is carried out in pallets, after which they are covered with a film of polyethylene (glass). They are kept in a place where it is dark and quite warm, ranging from 25 to 30 degrees. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and after 2 true leaves grow, the plants must be dived into pots, where they will grow.
  5. When you transplant tomatoes to a permanent place, they must be properly cared for, which is very similar to that used for simple outdoor tomatoes. Plants need timely watering, pasynkovanie, prevention and treatment of diseases, fertilization, garter to support.
  6. If there is a desire and experience, then these plants can be grown on.

Optimal Humidity

Cherry tomatoes, of course, love moisture, but it should be noted that its excess can lead to a rapid build-up of stepchildren and green mass in the plant. When the weather is cloudy, these plants should be watered 2 times less than usual. In tomatoes of this type, the pistils are spliced ​​with stamens (because of this, they are self-pollinating), however, if the soil moisture is very high and the air temperature is kept at 30 degrees, then the ovaries form extremely poorly. You can improve the situation with a brush. She just needs to walk through the flowers, which will significantly increase the number of ovaries.

The stems and cuttings of this plant take root very simply and easily. Therefore, it is not necessary to grow cherry tomatoes from seeds. You can easily move them from your garden. And you can also root shoots or stepchildren.

In order for the stepchildren to take root, as quickly as possible, it is necessary to add quite a bit of fertilizer for flowers to the water poured into a glass. And if they are provided with good room conditions, then their rooting will occur after only 7 days. So, just great seedlings in the spring are obtained from plants that you rooted in the fall. And this seedling can be obtained in just half a month. Plus, this type of seedling begins to bear fruit after just a month, and that's all, because they are part of an adult well-developed plant.

Also, another advantage of this type of plant propagation and planting them in open ground is that they manage to produce a crop long before late blight begins to actively spread.

A few tricks

There are several tricks to growing cherry tomatoes:

  1. So, you can plant newly rooted shoots in June for the 2nd time, and they will actively bear fruit until mid-autumn.
  2. German gardeners know one trick that allows them to avoid pulling out seedlings if they do not have enough light. And this is very easy to do. You will need a soft brush, which needs to be lightly brushed over the leaves and tops of the shoots from time to time. As a result, the hairs are slightly damaged. located on their surface, due to which the seedlings begin to grow much more slowly and bush.
  3. Some gardeners also grow cherry tomatoes in buckets made of iron. Such plants are not planted in open ground. The fact is that thanks to such an unusual capacity, tomatoes are not infected with phytophthora. And this is because iron can significantly inhibit the growth and development of this fungus.

Hybrids and varieties for the windowsill, as well as loggias

The choice of soil mixture and features of top dressing

Surely, for a large number of people who decide to grow cherry tomatoes on their windowsill, it is very difficult to resist the bright packages of fertilizers that are available in literally every store. After all, it seems to them that without them the plant simply cannot grow normally and bring a good harvest. But here it is worth considering that abundant feeding of plants can cause them very great harm.

And you should also know that the substances contained in fertilizers can accumulate in fruits, as a result of which they become poisonous. And in order for cherry tomatoes to grow well, it will be enough to choose the right planting soil and feed them with any WMD once every 2 weeks, or use simple herbal tinctures for these purposes.

Earth mix is ​​easy to prepare. To do this, you need to mix sand, compost, peat, garden, as well as turf soil. It is also recommended to add a little charcoal.

According to many experts, conventional mechanical mixing of the earth is less effective than that which is carried out with layer spraying. Due to this, the soil is restructured, and as a result, when watering, the liquid will be more evenly distributed over the substrate.

Using the above tips, you will certainly be able to grow strong and healthy cherry tomatoes that will delight you with their harvest for a long time.