Sociological professiogram of a finisher of wood products. Finisher of wood products Features of professional activity

Finishing wood products is the creation of a protective decorative coating on their surface to improve the appearance of products and protect them from environmental influences (air, moisture, light, etc.). There are the following types of finishes for wood products: transparent, opaque and special. With a transparent finish, a protective decorative transparent film is applied to the wood; at the same time, the texture and color of the wood are preserved, and in many cases even become even more expressive. For this type of finish, glossy or matte varnishes, synthetic films, etc. are used.

Rice. 123. Interior decoration of residential premises with decorative painting

Rice. 124. Paint brushes

With an opaque finish, the protective film is opaque and completely covers the texture and color of the wood. An opaque finish is carried out with pigmented paints (oil, enamel, etc.) on wood of low-value species. Gilding, bronzing, burning, painting, carving, etc. belong to special (decorative) finishes. Special types of finishes are used in small-scale productions with an artistic bias. Paints and varnishes are applied to the surface manually with brushes (Fig. 124), and mechanized - by spraying, pouring, immersing the product.

For all types of exterior finishes, the wood surface must be well prepared. Preparation consists in the final leveling and cleaning of the surface. First, it is sanded along the fibers with sandpaper No. 100 using sanding. Grinding helps to eliminate small irregularities on the surface of the workpiece. The final cleaning is carried out with fine-grained sandpaper No. 140 ... 160.

Rice. 125. Techniques for applying paintwork: a - application directions; b - the position of the brush during varnishing (staining); c - the position of the hand when varnishing (coloring) with a brush

Rice. 126. Types of painting: a - Petrikovskaya; b - Yavorivskaya; c - Hutsul

Paints and varnishes are applied with brushes to the surface two or three times, depending on the required quality of finish. Techniques for applying paint and varnish coatings are shown in Figure 125. First, the paintwork is applied across, and then leveled along the fibers. After each applied layer, the paint film is dried and sanded with a fine-grained sandpaper. The last layer is not sanded. The entire surface of the product after varnishing (coloring) must have the same even gloss.


For friends!


A woodworker is a specialist in the woodworking industry. The woodworking industry is a branch of the forest industry that carries out mechanical and chemical-mechanical processing and processing of wood and uses various timber products as raw materials for its production.

Description of activity

The activity of a wood product finisher is the production of lumber, sleepers, plywood, wood board, beams; products for the needs of construction; draft blanks and finished parts for car, auto, aircraft and shipbuilding, as well as agricultural engineering; matches, furniture, wooden containers; devices for textile production (prods, spools, coils), shoe lasts; cases and housings for devices.

Job responsibilities

A wood finisher deresin and bleaches wooden surfaces with various compositions. Moistens products to give pile before varnishing. Carries out varnishing or bronzing by electrostatic spraying, pouring or dipping on installations, lines, machines or manually. Levels the lacquer film and dries the wooden surface in installations of various designs. Performs wet or dry sanding of lacquer coatings. Carries out artistic finishing under the background by airbrushing, photomask or manually. Applies mastic, wax, stain, primer, filler and putty for opaque surface finishes by spraying, dipping or by hand. Eliminates defects in finishing, repairs polished surfaces of products, furniture. Performs equipment adjustments.

Features of career growth

The career progression of a woodworking finisher depends on professional development (grade range 1-6).



One of the final operations in the process of manufacturing furniture, household items made of wood, interior details is their finishing.

Wood finishing is the final, final operation in the process of manufacturing wooden products, which, with all their positive properties - beauty, hygiene, durability - have a big drawback, they are all exposed to external physical conditions - temperature, humidity, sunlight. To protect wood products from the influence of these factors, their finishing is used. In addition, it should protect the material from pests and give the item a beautiful appearance. The purpose of finishing is to make the surface of the product as even and smooth as possible.

Many types of wood finishing (carving, burning, inlay, gilding), previously used for finishing products, have lost their industrial significance and have been preserved only in arts and crafts, as well as in interior decoration.

In the modern sense, wood finishing is understood as the creation of decorative and protective coatings on its surface with the help of paintwork, film and sheet materials.

The profession "finisher of wood products" is included in the profession "master of carpentry and furniture production" and is a working profession.

This profession is creative, interesting, connected with wooden architecture. A highly skilled finisher creates works that have as much impact on consumers as a painting. Wood products: polished or matte furniture, interior elements, souvenirs and much more delight the eye with precisely the skillfully finished, skillfully crafted wood structure.

The craftsman feels the material (wood) finely, he can finish interiors, various household items made from it.

The process of finishing wood products is very complex and has several stages, so the profession of a finisher includes a wide variety of skills and abilities. First, the wood surface finisher deresin and bleaches with various compounds. Then it removes dust in a brush machine. Before varnishing, it wets products to raise the pile. Varnishing is carried out by electrostatic spraying, pouring or dipping on plants, lines, machines or manually. Then the worker levels the lacquer film and dries it in installations of various designs. To ensure that the surface of the wooden product is perfectly smooth, after priming it performs wet or dry grinding and polishing.

He also sprays, dips or manually applies mastic, wax, dye, primer, filler and filler for opaque surface finish of parts and products. Eliminates defects in finishing, repairs polished surfaces of products, furniture, adjusts the necessary machines and equipment.

The profession of a woodworker, according to the respondents, is creative, it is a craftsman's profession. “Of the many woodworking professions, this is perhaps the most interesting. People sometimes do not realize how much work is invested in a particular piece of furniture. They just come to the store, see beautiful natural wood kitchen furniture and buy it. And our task is to make this furniture beautiful,” says the professional.

Professional identity

All interviewed finishers are focused on a specific type of activity aimed at practical work. By profession, all respondents consider themselves woodworkers. "The profession of a finisher is my life's work." “We work as finishers at a carpentry factory. The work is interesting and varied.

Reasons for choosing a profession

The interviewed workers came to the profession in different ways. Some were advised by their parents, others were helped by professional tests. “My father was a carpenter. Since childhood, I have been cutting and sawing something. After graduating from school, he entered PU No. 8, learned to be a carpenter. I worked at a furniture factory, when the enterprise was liquidated, I moved to the carpentry shop at the LDK, where I have been working for more than 10 years.” “I am a machinist by trade. I chose the profession of a machine operator because at school I liked working with wood during labor lessons. Currently, I am engaged in finishing window and door blocks, which is very profitable financially.”

All respondents noted that they made the right choice of profession.

Ways of acquiring professional education

The required level of education is primary vocational.

Most finishers of wood products have an initial professional education in the profession of a machine operator in woodworking, a carpenter. All of them are sure that vocational education is necessary.

The heads of woodworking enterprises noted that “in production, I would like to see a worker (machine operator, in extreme cases, a carpenter) as a finisher who could work on any woodworking machines.”

To successfully master the profession, a finisher must know: the technological process and modes of operations performed; the principle of operation and rules for the operation of the equipment used; basic physical and mechanical properties of wood; type, properties of finishing materials and requirements for them.

1. Preparation of a finisher of wood products is carried out in the account

decisions of primary vocational education.

2. The profession of a finisher of wood products can be obtained directly at the factory, there is no training in training centers.

Persons with primary vocational or secondary (complete) general education (11 classes) who have reached the age of 18 are hired.

Prospects for professional growth and career: increase in rank (the profession has 1-6 digits), wages, complexity of work performed, expansion of professional skills by increasing the types of work performed, retraining for related professions. To do this, it is necessary to continuously improve qualifications, learn the features of the organization of production, technological and labor processes, get acquainted in detail with the requirements for the quality of products and work performed.

The higher the level of the finisher, the more complex types of work he can perform. So, a finisher of the 2nd category can finish window and door blocks, plinths, and a finisher of the 5th-6th category - especially complex work on polishing, grinding and varnishing furniture products.

In order to work as a technologist, engineer, you must enter a technical school or institute.

Related professions: woodworking machine operator, joiner, carpenter.

Features of professionals and professional activities

Features of professionals

The profession of a finisher of wood products imposes certain requirements on the psychological, psychophysiological characteristics of a person, as well as on his state of health.

Experienced machine operators noted that for work it is necessary to have good health and endurance. The finisher also needs a certain physical strength to, for example, secure the workpiece.

The work of a finisher is a whole art that requires great attention and aesthetic taste, dexterous, skillful hands and a significant amount of special knowledge and skills. For example, a finisher needs good coordination of movements when operating machines, since they have to perform different movements at the same time.

In work, he is also helped by high visual, auditory and tactile sensitivity. Good eyesight and hearing are required when troubleshooting a machine. To control the mode of operation of the machine and the state of the surface of the parts, the accuracy of auditory perceptions and a developed sense of touch are needed.

The finisher takes a significant amount of time to control the quality and accuracy of the workpiece and product, so he needs a well-developed linear and volumetric eye. Color perception helps to determine the readiness of the product by changing the color of the workpiece.

The finisher needs to constantly keep a working machine in sight, so he needs to be extremely attentive and careful.

Long-term memory allows you to less frequently refer to the drawing and the technological process (which gives a gain in time), as well as to memorize with great accuracy a large number of colors (colorful compositions that differ in color) and the features of their preparation.

The machine operator must be able to read drawings, calculate the modes of processing parts from various materials, using reference materials, adjust and adjust machine tools, process wood parts, and verify the dimensions of parts using measuring tools. Therefore, he must have good technical thinking and spatial imagination.

For the successful performance of production functions, certain personal qualities are of great importance: caution, attentiveness, accuracy, conscientiousness. Invaluable assistance in work is also provided by such personality traits as diligence, activity, responsibility, and initiative.

Medical restrictions: work is not recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, visual impairment, hearing impairment, neuropsychiatric diseases, disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

Features of professional activity.

Woodworkers are skilled workers in the woodworking and furniture industry.

Interviewed finishers describe their activities as follows: “The traditional material for the manufacture of window frames and doors has long been wood, which can be easily processed. First, we prepare the wood for finishing. To do this, we level the surface (we close up cracks, dents, fallen knots). We close large, deep cracks, crevices and voids with wooden inserts on glue, small ones with putty. Having leveled the wooden surface, we grind it manually or on a grinding machine, then we apply mastic and a primer. “The work of a finisher is very responsible. Coniferous wood, from which doors and windows are made, is first tarred. With a rag or brush dipped in a solution of acetone with water, we wipe the surface of the wood, dry it. Only then we prime the product with drying oil or wax mastic. It is recommended for finishing window frames and door blocks. If the product is small, we do not carry out priming, but cover the surface with a thin layer of very liquid wood glue and grind it.

The workplace of a finisher is a machine or several machines.

The finisher uses hand tools, mechanical equipment (gesso, grinders, brushing and priming machines).

Usually finishers work in pairs - a finisher with a higher qualification and an assistant worker with a lower qualification.

As a rule, a finisher working in woodworking has a normalized working day: from 8-00 to 17-00 with an hour break for lunch. However, depending on the enterprise and the work plan, machine operators may work in shifts.

The result of the work of finishers is the production of a finished wooden product: window and door blocks, platbands, window sills, plinths.

The problems, according to the respondents, are the same in woodworking - "old, worn-out equipment."

All interviewed finishers like the work. “In wood products, the attitude of the master to work is clearly visible. We process wood according to orders. We are trying to find a way of finishing, in which the product, while retaining its original appearance, leaves a feeling of the living natural beauty of wood.” “You feel real satisfaction when you see finished, skillfully finished wooden furniture and understand that you took a direct part in its creation.”

Working conditions. Finishers work at woodworking enterprises, in specially equipped premises. The main working posture is the standing position. Harmful factors are dusty air, the smell of varnish and paint.

During work, the finisher has to use physical force, so men work in the profession.

The amount of wages depends on qualifications, category and company. Professionals are relatively satisfied with their pay. Many would like to be paid more. The salary, according to the respondents, is from 15 thousand rubles a month.

Labor market.

According to the respondents, the profession of a wood product finisher will always be in demand, as “wood products are in demand: they are environmentally friendly, preserve the natural beauty of the natural material.”

Due to the nature of the work, the demand for the profession is limited. A representative of this profession can find a job in any sector of the economy where it is necessary to carry out wood processing work. The range of activities is wide; work at home, individual labor activity is possible. Workers can work in integrated teams with carpenters, carpenters, plasterers.

Professional risks: the work of a finisher is associated with machines and mechanisms, varnish and paints, so there is always a risk of a health hazard.

§ 30. Finisher of wood products 3rd category

Characteristics of works. Application of lacquer, gesso layers on baguette bars of a simple configuration, units and furniture items by hand or by dipping. Application of mastic, wax, dye, primer, filler and putty for an opaque finish on large surfaces of parts, assemblies and products manually, by dipping and spraying. Bringing the gesso mass to the required consistency, according to the sequence of applied layers. Preparation of templates for simple baguette profiles. Sanding of surfaces after priming, puttying, filling and intermediate sanding of the varnish film manually or on machines of different models. Dedusting the surfaces of the plates in a brush machine before finishing them. Servicing the automatic plate loading device for the brushing machine. Adjustment of brush rollers for workpiece thickness. Imitation of precious wood species using a photomask method. Surface deresining before finishing. Putty on priming machines for pencils with wood defects. Installation of parts, assemblies and products on devices for drying a varnish film and monitoring the progress of the process in natural conditions.
Must know: technological process and modes of performed operations; the principle of operation, the rules for the operation of the equipment and devices used; basic physical and mechanical properties of finishing materials and requirements for them; permissible dimensions of baguette bars of a simple configuration; formulation of gesso mass; modes of drying gesso layers; methods for determining the readiness of the gesso mass.
Work examples
1. Barrels - enameling of the inner surface.
2. Bars of a baguette of a simple profile - applying gesso layers and bronzing.
3. Fingerboards, buttons, string holders of bowed musical instruments - grinding.
4. Details of wheelchairs, skittles, stocks, stocks and oval linings for training small arms, skis, seats and backs of chairs - varnished.
5. Panel furniture parts - filling on machines.
6. Details of panel and squared kitchen and children's furniture - puttying under an opaque finish in a spray booth.
7. Details panel and furniture products - intermediate grinding of a varnish film.
8. Shoe lasts - wax finish.
9. Cases of violins, violas, cellos - varnishing.
10. Cases of TVs, receivers, radios - glossing of all surfaces.
11. Stocks, butts of repaired small arms - polishing to the required color of the old color with the preparation of a polishing composition.
12. Sheath checkers - puttying and varnishing.
13. Benches furniture products - dyeing.

From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards if the qualification requirements that an employee needs to perform a certain job function are established by the Labor Code, federal laws or other regulatory legal acts (Federal Law of May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ).
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Part No. 1 of issue No. 40 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 10.01.1985 N 7 / 2-13

Finisher of wood products

§ 28. Finisher of wood products of the 1st category

Job Description. Lifting and pouring into the bunker of the gesso machine, cleaning and washing the gesso machine.

Must know: techniques for pouring gesso mass into the bunker of the machine.

§ 29. Finisher of wood products of the 2nd category

Job Description. Application of paint, mastic, wax, primer and filler on small surfaces of parts, assemblies and products manually or by dipping. Wetting of lined parts, assemblies and products to raise the pile before varnishing by electrostatic spraying. Puttying of defective places in baguette bars. Intermediate manual grinding of baguette blanks after applying gesso. Acceptance of baguette bars from the machine; sorting and stacking on racks for drying.

Must know: wood species, its defects and basic properties; used finishing materials, their composition and concentration; technological modes of processing.

Work examples

1. Barrels - painting of the outer surface.

2. Baguette bars - processing.

3. Construction details (3D building elements) - painting.

4. Parts and assemblies for auto and wagon construction, window and door blocks - priming, puttying, polishing and painting.

5. Wooden toys - painting by dipping or spraying with a spray gun.

6. Heels - rubbing the putty mass manually, priming, enameling or varnishing.

7. Legs of furniture products - priming, application of dyes by dipping.

8. Skirting boards and layouts - priming, applying mastic, painting.

9. Resonators, fretted bars of reed musical instruments - varnishing.

10. Chairs, drawer walls, lined panel and bar furniture parts - moistening.

11. Clock pendulum rods - application of mastic by dipping.

12. Piano bottom shields - priming the inner surface.

§ 30. Finisher of wood products of the 3rd category

Job Description. Application of lacquer, gesso layers on baguette bars of a simple configuration, units and furniture items by hand or by dipping. Application of mastic, wax, dye, primer, filler and putty for an opaque finish on large surfaces of parts, assemblies and products manually, by dipping and spraying. Bringing the gesso mass to the required consistency, according to the sequence of applied layers. Preparation of templates for simple baguette profiles. Sanding of surfaces after priming, puttying, filling and intermediate sanding of the varnish film manually or on machines of different models. Dedusting the surfaces of the plates in a brush machine before finishing them. Servicing the automatic plate loading device for the brushing machine. Adjustment of brush rollers for workpiece thickness. Imitation of precious wood species using a photomask method. Surface deresining before finishing. Putty on priming machines for pencils with wood defects. Installation of parts, assemblies and products on devices for drying a varnish film and monitoring the progress of the process in natural conditions.

Must know: technological process and modes of performed operations; the principle of operation, the rules for the operation of the equipment and devices used; basic physical and mechanical properties of finishing materials and requirements for them; permissible dimensions of baguette bars of a simple configuration; formulation of gesso mass; modes of drying gesso layers; methods for determining the readiness of the gesso mass.

Work examples

1. Barrels - enameling of the inner surface.

2. Bars of a baguette of a simple profile - applying gesso layers and bronzing.

3. Fingerboards, buttons, string holders of bowed musical instruments - grinding.

4. Details of wheelchairs, skittles, stocks, stocks and oval linings for training small arms, skis, seats and backs of chairs - varnished.

5. Panel furniture parts - filling on machines.

6. Details of panel and squared kitchen and children's furniture - puttying under an opaque finish in a spray booth.

7. Details panel and furniture products - intermediate grinding of a varnish film.

8. Shoe lasts - wax finish.

9. Cases of violins, violas, cellos - varnishing.

10. Cases of TVs, receivers, radios - glossing of all surfaces.

11. Stocks, butts of repaired small arms - polishing to the required color of the old color with the preparation of a polishing composition.

12. Sheath checkers - puttying and varnishing.

13. Benches furniture products - dyeing.

§ 31. Finisher of wood products of the 4th category

Job Description. Leveling of lacquer film in parts, assemblies and furniture products, parts and baguette products on machines and manually. Polishing and bronzing of details and products of a baguette of a complex profile. Application of gesso layers on baguette bars of complex configuration. Dry and wet grinding by hand or machine of varnish and enamel coatings. Imitation of precious wood species by airbrushing. Dyeing parts, assemblies and products with mordant solutions in tones imitating valuable wood species, manually, by dipping and spraying. Whitening of surfaces with various compositions. Refreshing, elimination of defects in finishing in lacquered units and products. Adjustment of the gesso machine and elimination of minor problems in its operation. Preparation of templates for complex baguette profiles.

Must know: state standards and specifications for finishing materials; arrangement and purpose of finishing equipment, gesso machines, recording and regulating instruments and measuring finishing tools; finishing defects and ways to eliminate them; rules for setting up gesso machines and fixtures.

Work examples

1. Bars of a baguette of a complex profile - bronzing and polishing.

3. Details of pianos and grand pianos - varnishing.

4. Furniture parts, TV and radio panel housings - wet grinding of nitro-lacquer coatings and dry grinding of polyester coatings on machine tools.

5. Panel parts, units and furniture items, decorative elements of furniture - applying varnish by spraying.

6. Covers of tables, TV cases - imitation of the texture of various types of wood by airbrushing.

7. Stocks, new stocks and handguards for small arms - varnishing and polishing.

§ 32. Finisher of wood products of the 5th category

Job Description. Conducting the process of applying varnish to parts, assemblies and products by pouring on different equipment with maintaining the drying process in installations of various designs. Grinding lacquer, enamel coatings and putty surfaces on wide belt machines of various models. Polishing parts and products by hand on installations, lines and machines of various models. Refreshing the polished surface and removing oil from it. Repair of polished surfaces of furniture products. Preparation of mordants, paints and colors. Artistic drawing on the details under the background and imitation of the texture of valuable wood species by hand.

Must know: device, technical characteristics and operating rules of wide-belt sanders, coating equipment and applied installations, grinding materials and their main properties.

Work examples

1. Furniture details - polishing.

2. Details of plucked musical instruments - varnishing.

3. Details of panel furniture - polishing of lacquer coatings on wide-belt machines.

4. Details of panel furniture - artistic tinting of the wood structure.

5. Wood fiber boards - grinding of enamel and putty coatings after drying.

§ 33. Finisher of wood products of the 6th category

Job Description. Conducting the process of varnishing parts, assemblies and products by electrostatic spraying on installations and lines. Polishing units and products manually, on installations, lines, machines of various models according to category I of furniture finishing. Artistic drawing on knots and products under the background and imitation of the texture of valuable wood species by hand. Adjustment and participation in the current repair of equipment.

Must know: device and rules for setting up serviced equipment; polishing materials and their properties.

Work examples

1. Chairs - varnished by electrostatic spraying.

2. Knots and furniture items - polishing.

3. Knots and furniture items - artistic drawing.