Dangerous situations in the bathroom. It turns out that your bathroom can be dangerous for a child. Why and where does dampness come from


If you do not resemble Schwarzenegger in size, try not to get between the bus and the crowd waiting for it. This is especially dangerous in icy conditions, when the ground at the stop is covered with a slippery crust of ice. You can be dropped and slightly trampled on, squeezed against the side of an approaching transport, or, most dangerously, pushed off the stop curb under its wheels when approaching.

Do not shove your arms, legs, and bags into closing doors in the hope that you can pull everything in behind them. You just might get stuck in the door.

Now other tips related to movement in public transport.

Do not enter or exit the vehicle until it has come to a complete stop.

Do not lean against the doors, do not put your head and hands out the windows.

Inside a tram, trolley bus and especially a more mobile bus, try to hold on to the handrails in case of emergency braking or stopping. The best fulcrum is the handrail above your head.

It is better to stand facing the direction of movement in order to be able to see the danger in advance and have time to react to it.

Umbrellas, canes, etc. pose a certain threat in the event of sudden stops and braking. objects with sharp and protruding edges.

In the event of a collision and the inability to stay upright, try to group in the fall and cover your head with your hands, and ideally, see the landing site.

Any public transport, including electric, is a fire hazard. For this reason, after a traffic accident, it is desirable to leave the salon as soon as possible and move 10-15 meters to the side.

If the exit doors are jammed or the resulting traffic jam, use the emergency exits, do not wait until the situation becomes critical. Break windows, for which use any improvised heavy objects.

In urban electric transport, burning electrical wiring is dangerous during a fire. Therefore, it is better not to touch the walls and metal parts of the case once again.

In case of an accident, in the event that a current-carrying wire is damaged, the safest places in a tram or trolleybus are seated. At the same time, it is better to tear off your legs from the floor, and do not lean on the walls and handrails.

To get out of the electric transport, one should jump, simultaneously with two feet forward, without touching the handrails and other parts of the body, so as not to close the electrical circuit with one's body. The specified technique - jumping out - should be used even in cases where there is no visible damage to the structure of the trolleybus or tram and the power line.

Railway transport

Of the many modes of transport, we feel safest in trains. Unlike airplanes, they don't crash or skid on icy roads. Meanwhile, this is self-deception. According to statistics, many more people die in railway accidents around the world than in aviation accidents.

Here are some well-known rules to follow when traveling by train.

The safest places in the car are the compartment shelves located in the direction of movement. In case of emergency braking or a collision of trains, you are only pressed against the wall, while passengers from opposite shelves fly to the floor. The last person to fall after a complete stop is a person lying on the top shelf in the direction of travel.

The greatest threat to passengers is the first and last cars of the train. The first is crushed and thrown off the path in a head-on collision. With the latter, the same thing happens in a collision from behind, only on an even more catastrophic scale, since, unlike the first, it is not buffered by a locomotive and a baggage car.

Do not overload the upper shelves with things or secure them so that you do not become a victim of your own suitcases and boxes during hard braking.

Quickly opening windows in the third and sixth compartments from the side of the transverse shelves serve as an emergency exit from the cars.

A fire on a train is no safer than a plane crashing from a height of 10,000 meters.

If there is a real threat, immediately leave the car through the vestibule doors and emergency exits. In extreme cases, knock out window panes with improvised items - ladders, stepladders, hard briefcases-diplomats.

In case of strong smoke in the car, cover your nose and mouth with a rag moistened with water - a towel, a pillowcase, a sheet, a piece of torn clothing. In half-empty cars, you can move on your knees, since there is less smoke near the floor.

In crashes involving collisions and emergency braking, most injuries are caused by falls from shelves. To avoid them, or at least soften the blow, in addition to securing luggage, unsafe bottles, glasses in glass holders with spoons sticking out of them like daggers, etc. should be removed from the tables.

Don't stick your head out of open windows. A stone thrown at a train flies at a speed at least equal to the speed of the train. Imagine what a stone flying at a speed of 60-100 km / h can do to your face. When going to bed on the lower bunk against the train, it is better to turn your head towards the aisle and be sure to close the window. Better such, albeit not the most reliable protection against cobblestones and glass fragments, than none.

Food. And what's with the train? And despite the fact that passengers sometimes go there for several days, there are no refrigerators in the compartment, but heat, on the contrary, is in abundance. Under such prerequisites, poisoning yourself with stale food is a couple of trifles. And, by the way, there are only two places for suffering about this in the car, and the conductors usually close one for themselves.

Soap, towel, glasses, etc. toiletries and cutlery is better to use your own. It is advisable to sleep in tights or pajamas. In general, the less contact you have with the environment, the less you itch afterwards.

Tea, more precisely, hot tea, even more precisely, freshly boiled. If you do not want to cause trouble for yourself and other passengers, take boiling water only in parking lots or on flat sections of the tracks, when the car does not shake or throw from side to side, and be sure to pour glasses and mugs no more than two-thirds of the volume, but rather use special deep jars wrapped with a rag so as not to burn your fingers.

Departure from the train. The only advice - do not try to compete with the composition in a race and jump from a place into a moving car. Very many in these competitions lose their legs, arms and lives. The railway provides assistance measures for passengers who have fallen behind the train. You only need to contact the station attendant or the station master. They will help you - and they will put you on the train, and the cargo will be delivered to the right place. So do not rush to jump on the platforms. Life is not leaving you - just a train.

And try to look after the children on the platforms.


Thunderstorms are a real danger to humans. In addition, it can become a source of emergency situations.

Thunderstorms often go against the wind. The distance to an approaching thunderstorm can be determined by counting the seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of the first roll of thunder. A second pause means that a thunderstorm is at a distance of 300-400 m, a two-second pause means 600-800 m, a three-second pause means 1 km, etc.

When a storm front approaches, you need to stop in advance, find a safe place. Just before the start of a thunderstorm, there is usually a calm or the wind changes direction, sharp squalls fly in, after which it starts to rain. However, the greatest danger is represented by "dry", i.e. thunderstorms not accompanied by precipitation.

In the forest, during a thunderstorm, one should not stop near lonely trees and trees protruding with their peaks above the level of the forest. You should hide among low trees with dense crowns. At the same time, it must be remembered that most often lightning strikes oaks, poplars, chestnuts, less often - spruce, pine. And very rarely - in birches, maples. It is dangerous to be near watercourses, since during a thunderstorm even small cracks filled with water become a conductor for electricity to drain.

In the thunderstorm zone, you can not run, make ill-conceived, fussy movements. It is dangerous to move in a dense group.

Wet body and clothing increase the risk of being struck by lightning.

A person on a watercraft (boat, raft), when a thunderstorm approaches, must immediately land on the shore. If this is not possible, drain the boat, cover with polyethylene in such a way that rainwater flows overboard, and not into the boat, but the polyethylene should not come into contact with the mast, propellers and water. During a thunderstorm, fishing should be stopped.

During a thunderstorm:

hide in the forest among low trees with dense crowns;

in an open area, hide in a dry hole, ditch, ravine;

on the water - lower the mast or ground it on the water through the keel or oar.

During a thunderstorm, do not:

lean or touch when moving in a thunderstorm against rocks and sheer walls;

stop at the edges of the forest, large clearings;

stop or go in places where water flows or near water bodies;

move in a tight group;

stop on hills;

take cover near lone trees or trees protruding above nearby ones.


1. V.M. Lapin "Safety of human life". Textbook. - Lvov, 1998. - pp. 5 - 42.

2. Zheliba E.P. "Safety. Life activity". Textbook - Kyiv, 2001. - pp. 54-71, 142-151, 204-207, 227-230.

3. N.A. Kasyanov "Life safety". Lecture notes. - Lugansk: VNU, 1998.

4. Rusak O.N. "Life safety". - S. - Petersburg, 2001. - pp. 150-151, 168-173.


No one usually thinks about any danger when soaking in a hot bath.

In fact, your bathroom sometimes hides quite serious (and in some cases even fatal) health hazards.

In the United States in 2007, home injuries were the fifth leading cause of death, according to the Household Safety Council.

The most dangerous places in the house are bathrooms, kitchens and stairs. What is the danger?

1. Water everywhere

The biggest danger in the bathroom can be nothing more than water - it's everywhere: in the shower, tub, sink. Many are injured, sometimes fatal, due to falls. The problem is that sometimes water can be where it shouldn't be. It's easy to slip on a wet floor if, for example, you don't draw the curtains properly while showering and water seeps onto the floor.

Advice: Ideally, the shower room should be equipped with an unbreakable glass or plastic door, and not just be pulled over by a curtain. To reduce the risk, make sure that water does not seep onto the floor when you take a bath. For example, you can install the curtain so that it goes inside the bathroom instead of hanging outside. To prevent the floor from being too slippery, even if water gets on it, install tiles with an uneven surface.

There are also non-slip mats that can be placed near the shower or bath. Ordinary rugs can also be dangerous, so you should choose those that absorb moisture well and do not slip on the floor surface. If you decide to make repairs, it would still be better to take care of a special tile on the floor.

2. Slippery bath or shower

While taking a shower or bath, we usually use various products. The problem is that shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, scrubs, shaving creams and bubble baths settle on the surface and make it very slippery.

Advice: Baths and showers should be cleaned regularly after use. This will help get rid of detergent buildup on the walls and reduce the risk of slipping next time. The slippery surface is especially dangerous for the elderly or those with balance problems, so for such people it is especially recommended to use special mats inside the bath or shower.

3. Dazzling bathroom shine

Clean, sparkling bathrooms look great, but the combination of light, white surfaces, and reflective objects (mirrors and chrome) can be disorienting. For people with poor eyesight, glitter in the bathroom can cause serious harm, especially for older people. Also, with a blinding shine, you can easily miss the water on the floor and slip.

Advice: If you matt ordinary bright light bulbs, you can reduce the shine in the bathroom. When decorating a bathroom, you can combine tiles with wallpapers that do not reflect light so much. You can also paint the walls in contrasting colors if one of the tenants has poor vision and orientation problems.

4. Electric heaters in the bathroom

People who want to heat the bathroom for the elderly, children, or those who are sensitive to cold temperatures often use electric heaters. Like other electrical appliances (hair dryers or razors) that are used in a bathroom where there is a lot of water, heaters are very dangerous and can give you an electric shock.

Another danger is that someone could slip, fall on the appliance and get burned. Any towel, rug or piece of toilet paper near the appliance can start a fire.

Advice: If keeping the bathroom warm is a must, install heating systems specifically for bathrooms. Or you can turn on the hot water and heat it up with steam before the bath is used by an elderly person or a child.

5. Broken shower door

Glass shower doors gained popularity in the 1980s as an alternative to vinyl curtains. Basically, of course, they are useful. But sometimes they tend to break when installed incorrectly. They also break easily if you slip and hit them.

Most doors are made of tempered glass, so they break into very small pieces. Even small pieces are easy to cut, especially for children and the elderly.

Advice: You don't have to change the glass door if you have already installed it in your shower room. Some glass doors have towel racks, so to reduce pressure on it, ask your family not to hang towels on these racks. Instead, install a hanger on the wall in the shower room.

Check these doors regularly to make sure they don't develop small cracks. Be careful not to scratch the door. Some masters claim that frosted glasses are more fragile than transparent ones, but there are no exact indicators of harmlessness yet. If the glass door or bathroom mirror does break, place a towel on the floor to avoid stepping on the pieces, then carefully clean and vacuum the bathroom when everything is dry.

Most people are accustomed to looking at their bathroom as a secluded place from the whole world. They never, even for one second, thought that sometimes this place can be extremely unsafe. Recent research has shown that one of the biggest omissions in most home security plans has been the bathroom.

Look at the bathroom itself. When you are in the bathroom, you are surrounded by slippery tiles and hard ceramic surfaces. They are most likely to cause injury and bruising if you slip and fall on them. Believe it or not, it's quite likely that an accident happens more often in your bathroom than in any other room in your house.

Any person who has ever slipped in his soul will certainly confirm this fact. The general lack of safety awareness in most homes means that most bathrooms are just waiting for an accident to happen.

Your bathroom is filled with water - it's everywhere - from the drain to the tub or shower. Walking barefoot in the bathroom increases the risk of injury by 100%. It's amazing how many people don't use special shower mats or flip flops when walking on tile covered in soapy water. Most modern bathtubs and showers come with special etched floors that are designed to prevent slipping. Also, the presence of rugs in the bathroom or shower room will not hurt you. If you do not follow the safety precautions, you are even more at risk of injury. Sadly, people die in bathroom falls every single day. Follow security measures to avoid getting into this group.

It's time to take a closer look at the floor in the bathroom. What kind of coverage are they? If the bathroom has tiles on the floor, then make sure that they are not slippery tiles or that their surface is such that it is impossible to slip and fall on it. If you can't find anything to cover them, then you need to use rubber-coated bath rugs to cover the main floor area - especially around the sink and the tub itself. There is always the option of re-covering the bathroom floor with hard industrial carpet (it's not very attractive, but you'll never slip on it) or replacing slippery tiles with another type of tile that's made specifically for bathrooms. Most people use ordinary wall tiles for bathroom floors - this is very dangerous.

Now, finally, look at the various fixtures and fittings that are found in the bathroom. Shelves, cabinets, nozzles, faucets and pieces of furniture hang everywhere in the bathroom. Basically all bathrooms are designed for good looks and aesthetics as opposed to functionality and safety.

You may find faucets with sharp edges, mirrors with no bezels or unbreakable finishes, and so on. Bathroom fixtures like this are most likely to put you at risk of injury and therefore the first thing you should think about when moving to a new apartment/house is the safety of the bathroom.

Why neglect safety in your bathroom when you never thought about neglecting it in any other room? It is only when you turn your attention to the possible dangers that they really become clear. Hopefully, all of the above tips have given you something to think about in this regard.

Let's start with the most important rule: never leave your baby in the bath unattended, even for half a minute! Even if the baby is already sitting confidently and it seems to you that you will have time to run to the kitchen and check if the milk is boiling there, or quickly answer the phone. Very young children are still quite helpless, and being under water for them is a matter of seconds. And older peanuts can try to get out of the bath on their own in your absence. These dangerous attempts often end in serious injury. Try to get rid of household chores for the time of bathing - they will wait. And if for some reason it doesn’t work out, get the baby out of the water, wrap it in a large towel and take it with you ...

Be very careful with hot water. Always follow a simple rule: when opening the water, first open the cold one and only then the hot one! Close the water should be vice versa: first hot, then cold.

Before lowering the baby into a bath or a large bath, first check the temperature of the water in it. It can be measured with a thermometer. The maximum water temperature when bathing a baby should be no more than 50 ° C. But the quickest and easiest way is to dip your elbow into the water. If the water is too hot, you will immediately feel it. Never pour hot water into the tub while the baby is in it. Hot water will not mix with cold instantly and can burn the baby. If you need to add water, take the baby out of the bath, add water, mix, check the temperature, and only then return the little bather to his place. This simple rule will help you avoid serious trouble! It would also be nice to put special protective nozzles on the taps: then, while playing in the bathroom, the baby will not hit his head on them.

Everything is in place!

Usually in the bathroom there are all kinds of shelves and cabinets for shampoos, washcloths and other bath accessories, creams, cosmetics. Carefully check how securely they are fixed and whether the bottles and vials are stable on them. Otherwise, accidentally hooking one of the shelves while bathing, you can dump a bottle of shower gel or an aerosol with shaving foam on a little bather. It is better that there is nothing at all above the bathing baby that can fall on him.

Household chemicals in the bathroom require special care: washing powders, bleaches, cleaning products, etc. They must be securely hidden in lockers. After all, sometimes it happens like this: an open bag of washing powder is on the washing machine. As soon as mom turned away for a second, the baby, sitting in the bath, reached for the powder, grabbed it with a tenacious hand and - once - the powder is already in the bath! That is why all household chemicals should be kept away from these tenacious little hands and a curious nose. If your lockers do not close, provide them with special locks. Or even remove all objects dangerous for the child from the bathroom.

If you have a shared bathroom, do not forget to put blockers on the toilet lid so that the baby is not tempted to study everything there thoroughly or buy his favorite toy in the toilet. And in no case do not put hooks, latches and other locks on the bathroom doors that are easy to latch from the inside and cannot be opened from the outside. Otherwise, it may happen that you have to break the door, releasing the crumbs that have closed there.

Dangerous electricity

Even from the school physics course, we remember that electricity and water are very dangerous neighbors. Water and even just moisture in the bathroom as much as you like. Electricity is also present: there is light, and a socket, and all sorts of electrical appliances, from a washing machine to a hairdryer. From this we can conclude that compliance with the rules for the safe handling of electricity in the bathroom is as important as in any other room.

So, all the wiring in the bathroom must be in perfect condition. Electrical outlets must be covered with special protective plugs for the bathroom so that moisture does not get into them.

Never leave electrical appliances plugged into the socket in the bathroom - a hairdryer, curling irons, a razor, etc. Remember that they can accidentally fall into the water where the baby is. Train yourself to turn them off and put them away immediately after use. The same goes for the washing machine: always keep it closed and unplugged. In no case do not bathe the baby when the washing machine is running in the bathroom. If you use a water heater, do not forget to turn it off while bathing. Negligence in this matter can cost lives ...

Cleanliness is the key to health

The bathroom is usually small and enclosed. Therefore, all extraneous odors stay here for quite a long time. It is very important that the hood in the bathroom works flawlessly. But, in any case, it is better not to use chemicals with a strong smell to wash and clean the bathroom. The microparticles of the detergent will “hang” in the room for a long time, and the bathing baby will be forced to breathe them. Arrange cleaning in the bathroom in advance and ventilate the room well before bathing the crumbs. Remember to thoroughly rinse the cleaning products from the surface of the bathtub, washbasin and baby bath using plenty of running water. Many household cleaners are very aggressive, and even a small amount of them, getting on the baby's skin, can lead to burns, irritation, and an allergic reaction.

Due to the high humidity and high temperature in the bathroom, all kinds of bacteria and molds multiply rapidly. This is especially due to poor ventilation and leaking pipes. If black plaque spoils the appearance - this is not so bad. Much more dangerous is that mold spores get into the air, and then into the human respiratory tract. This can lead to various allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma. Neighborhood with molds is especially unfavorable for allergic children. If you are planning to renovate your bathroom, it makes sense to treat the tiles with a special composition that will not allow mold to multiply. If repairs are not planned in the near future, wash the walls in the bathroom with a hot strong solution of soda and washing powder - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powder or a pack of soda in a bucket of water. "Vegetation" does not tolerate the alkaline environment created by the solution, and dies. It is desirable to carry out such treatment once every 1–2 months or at the first sign of mold. On sale you can also find special washing antifungal agents.

Useful things

For bathing very young children, it is convenient to use baby baths, on the bottom of which special bathing stands or “slides” are placed. They support the baby during bathing and reduce the risk that the baby will accidentally slip off your hands and his head will fall below the water level.

If you are bathing a baby in a large bathtub, you may need a device that allows the little bather to sit in the bathtub. It is a large, durable ring on four legs with suction cups. Suction cups securely attach the "seat" to the bottom of the bath, the back provides a comfortable and safe position for the baby, and the handles remain free for playing. For older children, provide the bottom of the bathtub with a special mat with suction cups that prevents slipping. It will not be superfluous and a pen-holder on the wall. This will prevent the child from slipping and falling if he decides to stand up while bathing.

By the way, the bathroom floor must also be covered with an anti-slip mat. On a wet, soapy floor, it is easy to slip and fall or hit your head on the hard ceramic surface of the washbasin or bathtub itself. Many serious household injuries people get for this reason. Such slipping is dangerous even for adults. And what can we say about tiny, awkward little men who have just learned to walk and still do not know how to properly balance.

If we treat the arrangement of our bathroom with attention, if we do not forget about simple safety rules, bathing a baby will be pleasant, useful, fun and, most importantly, a safe procedure!

General cleaning of the bathroom, maintenance of cleanliness and external shine of tiles and faience, but have we taken everything into account, and is there a danger hidden from the eye behind the gloss? Let's look at all the items in detail and eliminate possible blunders that can cost the health of all households.

  1. Toilet
    The toilet is probably the most dangerous thing in the house in terms of bacteria content. Under its rim, there is a multi-billion army of microbes that are ready to get on our skin and clothes at any moment, and for this they do not have to wait until you look there, because at the moment of flushing, the bacteria scatter two meters within the radius of the toilet bowl and fall on you without direct contact . In cases of a shared bathroom, these bacteria also get on your hygiene products, soap, towels and toothbrush. What we advise you, besides regularly cleaning the toilet with detergents, is to close the lid before flushing and not allow bacteria to leave their environment. Also, do not forget to change the toilet brush for the toilet bowl, there is nothing in its bristles, douse it periodically with boiling water and leave it overnight in a soapy solution.
  2. Toothbrushes.
    We do not expect any trouble from our toothbrushes, because we change them regularly and keep them clean. True, this purity is deceptive, after the very first brushing of the teeth, bacteria settle on the brush and multiply in wet bristles, the brushes stand side by side, in one cup and generously share bacteria with each other, touching each other. It is quite clear that we can’t buy a new brush every time, we can’t brush our teeth and throw them away, but we can isolate them from one another, put them not in a cup, but in separate nests, we can scald the bristles with boiling water before use, and we can also place our brush with villi down into the mouthwash.
  3. shower cabin.
    A very convenient and economical construction, the glass doors and the pallet shine, everything seems to be normal and there is no danger until we look into the wet joints where the booth is in contact with the wall, especially the corner with pipes. That's where the expanse for the formation of black mold and fungus, all the conditions, and moisture, and heat, and not before our eyes. We advise you to pay special attention to this place, even if you do not see the fungus, do not forget to treat the joints with antifungal and antibacterial agents. Keep away soaps and shampoos, anything you rub into your skin afterwards, and don't let fungus spores get into your makeup.
  4. Tiles and seams.
    Bathrooms and toilets are characterized by high humidity and poor ventilation, therefore, to preserve the walls and ease of processing, they are often decorated in smooth tiles. On a clean-looking tile, damp from fumes, harmful bacteria settle, we do not see them, but they can provoke bronchial asthma in us, especially if there is no sufficient air duct. There is only one way out, the same disinfection, but most importantly, do not forget to process the seams between the tiles, go through them with a brush with a solution, because for the loose, porous structure of the tile mixture, it is not enough just to walk with a cloth, and more careful care is required.
  5. Overtreatment with detergents.
    Paradoxical as it may seem, but our love for cleanliness and the use of cleaning products can also harm us, for example, we simply inhale chemical vapors when cleaning, even using gloves, we do not guarantee that strong products will not get on the skin and, which is especially dangerous, of poor quality rinsing baths, sinks, tiles and toilets. If you didn’t wash off all the detergent, and it remained on the walls, then when taking a bath, you will get a stab in the back from the “friends of moidodyrs”, because they have bacteria, that you are the same, they act on destruction and you are guaranteed an allergic reaction.