Metal canopies. Metal canopy: design, materials, manufacturing instructions

Does your car still freeze in the dog cold, rust and become covered with a crust of ice when frost sets in? Then we go to you! Now we will look at how to make a metal canopy for your car and protect it from the effects of precipitation, ultraviolet light, branches and anything else that can fall from the sky.

Is it expensive? The materials will take only a couple of thousand rubles, but as a result you get a neat canopy on a metal frame that will last for decades and, if necessary, can be easily dismantled and moved around the yard. We bring to your attention step-by-step instructions, using which you can independently build a canopy quickly and quite successfully, even if you do not have special building skills.

Preparatory work for the installation of a shed metal canopy

We could also consider gable structures, but the purpose of this particular article is to make an extremely practical, simple and cheap canopy with a metal frame, so we chose a single-slope structure. Make it 2 times faster, since there is no need for bent trusses, joining the roofing material in the center and materials will go 30% less. Consider the entire instruction step by step and start with the preparatory work.

STEP 1 : choose a place for a shed canopy. You can build wherever there is space, but it is better to choose a small hill in the yard and a place with shallow clay so that water after rain does not accumulate under a canopy, and you can spend a minimum of money on installing concrete under the supports. Fans of Feng Shui are not welcome here, since the main thing here is practicality.

STEP 2 : choice of materials. We have already chosen it. Our supports will be made of a metal square 40x40 mm, we selected it taking into account the load of the structure and the possible wind load of 4%, we also did not forget the precipitation for the harsh climatic zone. The supports are designed for a metal canopy with a slope of 15-20% and dimensions of 4x4 meters. The roof can be made of polycarbonate, but we still preferred metal corrugated board, as it is inexpensive and easy to work with.

STEP 3: clearing the area . We will use a concrete floor for the car, so the area must be planned and about 10 cm of earth removed to add slag and install a screed at least 5 cm thick. This is a lot, quite enough for a heavy SUV (within reason, up to 2500 kg). If you want to buy a hummer or a tractor in the future, then your screed depth will be at least 12 centimeters.

STEP 4: we count communications . Yes, you heard right, there will be more communications around the canopy. What for? It's simple. Firstly, water will not wash it away, it will not flow under a canopy, and secondly, it just looks cool and is inexpensive. These will be ebbs in the ground and drainage systems. In addition, it is necessary to supply electricity to the shed just in case of a fire (suddenly there will be nowhere to fry a barbecue or you need to warm up the car) and make wire conclusions from under the screed or along the supports in the future.

Metal carports can be of different sizes, you can make it just for a car, or you can create a parking lot for 3-4 places (suddenly the mother-in-law will come to visit or former classmates), it is better to think it over in advance, since the expansion will be problematic. At the very least, you need to pour the foundation and supports immediately to the size of the canopy you have chosen and start manufacturing after the calculations. Look like that's it. Now we have prepared the site, morally gathered and accepted for courage - you can go to build.

We install metal poles for a canopy and crate

Making the frame is the hardest part, because installing the roof and decorating is already a breeze and even a child can handle it. But the frame must be carefully done, do not be lazy to use the level and more often check the correctness of the work. If you install the supports or the screed unevenly, then it will be possible to fix it, of course, but it will take a lot of time and effort, because this is almost completely redoing everything. Consider how to concoct a metal canopy with your own hands according to GOST in detailed instructions.

STEP 1: install supports . There are about dozens of different methods for installing supports, but we will not bother our heads with lower strapping, we just make a 40-50 cm deepening in the ground with a drill or a shovel, put a metal profile in the center and fill it with concrete - the support is ready. Here it is important to install the supports exactly vertically, measure everything with a level so that they are in the same plane. We make a concrete solution 1: 3.

STEP 2: top binding. But at the top it is necessary to tie the supports, since their height will be 270 centimeters above the ground and 240 cm, respectively, on the other side, where the slope will be (we chose just such a height), they may deviate slightly. Therefore, at the top along the perimeter, it is necessary to weld a metal profiled pipe, the length of which will be equal to the length of one side (we took the dimensions of the canopy 4x4 meters as a template).

STEP 3: crate. Since metal sheds with a shed roof do not require bent elements and joints in the middle, making the crate is as easy as shelling pears. It is necessary to weld a metal pipe every 60 centimeters between the sides of the canopy with a height of 270 and 240 cm to form a slope. We will get about 20% slope, even a little less - this is quite enough for the metal frame of the canopy to successfully cope with any amount of precipitation.

Now it remains only to screw the roofing material. The frame will cost only 3,500 rubles, you can still save money by installing jumpers every 80 centimeters, instead of 60 cm as we did, but it’s better to have a margin of safety, you can make the construction easier only if the carport is located in a cozy place in the yard and not exposed to strong winds.

We select and fix the roof on a metal carport

As we said earlier, it is possible to lighten the structure and attach polycarbonate to the roof, but this will not be very rational from the point of view of efficiency. It is best to make a shed metal canopy from corrugated board. In addition, it does not need to be bent, leveled, put tricky washers and it’s not scary to pull a little. Installing it is easier than a steamed turnip, consider the step-by-step instructions:

STEP 1: drilling holes . It is necessary to lift the metal sheet and make holes in it at the level of the metal beam that connects the sides of the canopy. This can be done simply: put the sheet on the beam, mark the bottom with a marker where you need to make holes, remove and drill them. Holes every 35 centimeters.

STEP 2: drilling a metal canopy for a car . Holes can be made both in advance in the marked places, and when the sheet is already applied to the frame and a jumper is drilled through the hole on the corrugated board. It is necessary to use special screws with sealing caps so that the screwing points do not rust. You can use plastic washers to work, it's convenient and cheap.

STEP 3: processing with protective materials. It is better to use deep impregnations for metal and varnishes so that our work will stand for many years. When using varnish, metal canopies for summer cottages last at least 2 times longer, since even high acidity of precipitation does not cause corrosive processes.

We looked at how to make a metal canopy without the help of a specialized team, but we also suggest watching a video on how to properly screw the corrugated board to the metal frame in order to avoid mistakes:

Canopies made of metal profiles, like any other material, can look spectacular if you carry out careful work on the project.

For many, with the phrase "profiled sheds" in the imagination, images of not the most attractive designs appear. In fact, such awnings can be very pretty - for example, as in the photo that was published the very first in this article.


When they talk about a metal profile as a roofing material, they mean exactly a profiled sheet, or corrugated board, as it is called “by the people”. The fact is that the very concept of a metal profile includes a wide variety of products from metal alloys: these are sheets, pipes, and much more. But only sheets made in the appropriate profile are used as roofing (for example, metal tiles can also be attributed to profiled metal).

Profiled sheet coating can be:

  • Polymer (it can be of any color);
  • Galvanized (silver).

These two types of coverage do not differ much in their general characteristics from each other, so the choice of one or another option will depend rather on your design preferences and the overall perception of your object (in this case, a canopy). However, there is a point of view that polymer-coated corrugated board lasts 2-3 times longer than galvanized one.

Book a canopy?

We make canopies from polycarbonate and glass.
At prices there are promotional carports - turnkey carport 3.6 x 6.3 = 63.000 rubles!!!
carport for 2 turnkey cars 5.7 x 6.3 = 128.000 rubles!!!

Market Review

You can buy corrugated board at a price of 142 rubles per 1 square meter. The number of offered colors and profiles allows you to express your architectural idea.

Profile options for corrugated boards allow you to choose an interesting solution for your canopy. And not only for him.

Often, in pursuit of profit, we get defective material instead of quality material. To prevent this from happening, be sure to check all the material upon acceptance. There should be no sheets with coating defects and sheet deformations.

Cheap corrugated board

However, if you really need the cheapest corrugated board (for example, for a temporary canopy or fence), we recommend that you purchase exactly defective material with the following defects:

  1. Damaged coating.
  2. Rough cut lines.
  3. Any deformation of the sheet web.
  4. Wrong sheet size.

Defective sheets of corrugated board are an excellent solution for temporary canopies and fences.

The more and more serious the shortcomings of defective corrugated board, the more discount it will be sold.

How to save on the purchase of any corrugated board:

  1. Buy products from the manufacturer without intermediaries.
  2. You can search for suppliers who have promotions and sales.
  3. Arrange pickup if you or someone you know has a truck.

Advantages and disadvantages

Definitely, the advantages of a profiled sheet include:

  • Availability
  • Light weight
  • Convenient transportation
  • Fast and affordable installation
  • Ability to withstand the pressure of a snow cap
  • moisture resistance
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Doesn't fade in the sun
  • Withstands wind loads
  • fire resistance
  • Wide range of colors
  • Durability

Profiled metal sheet is an excellent, affordable material for a canopy or fence.

The disadvantages of this material include:

  • Noise in the rain (metal - it is metal)
  • Sun heating
  • Incorrect installation and delivery shorten the life of the product

Types of canopies

The corrugated board can be used both as a roof for the roof of your house, and for any type of canopy, for example:

  1. Carport.
  2. Canopy over the entrance.
  3. Canopy for barbecue.
  4. Household canopy (for example, to protect firewood or inventory from rain).
  5. Temporary canopy to protect building material from rain.

You can order any of these canopies from a construction company or make your own.

An extended canopy option: there will be enough space on the site for parking a compact car or for household members and guests to have tea in nature.

How to make a canopy with your own hands

If you properly organize the entire workflow, then you can make a canopy from corrugated board in just a couple of days. So to start:

  1. Clear the area where you will have a canopy from foreign objects.
  2. Make markings for the pillars of the supporting structure.

Material - corrugated board and supporting structure (wood, metal, etc.) - should already be ready.

  1. The pouring of the foundation and the installation of the racks occur simultaneously.
  2. After the cement has hardened and the support posts are fixed, you can proceed with the installation of the canopy itself.
  1. Fastening transverse and longitudinal beams (or trusses).
  2. Sheathing device (if required).
  3. Rigid fastening of sheets of corrugated board.

In this video, our compatriot tells how he made a semicircular canopy of a metal frame and corrugated board for his site. What pipes he used and what exactly he did - you will find out when viewing.

Do-it-yourself metal frame

Now on sale you can find many different elements from which you can independently assemble a metal frame. Even if you do not have a welding machine, you can use the "good old" fastening with rivets or screws. True, not in all cases they can replace welding.


If you are not interested in a profiled metal sheet as a roofing for sheds, we recommend that you look

Owners of country houses and cottages often install metal canopies on their personal plots. To create these complex structures, a metal frame and a polycarbonate roof are used. The design is multifunctional, so it can be used as a parking lot for a car or a warehouse for storing garden supplies. Under the canopy, you can store small technical devices.

Types and functions of metal canopies

Types of canopy structures allow us to divide these structures into 3 groups:

  1. Separate.
  2. Attached.
  3. Embedded.

Installation of individual structures is carried out in open areas located near buildings.

The construction of wall (attached) canopies is carried out directly by joining them with the walls of finished buildings. Such types of structures can be easily dismantled if necessary. Do-it-yourself built-in canopy structures made of metal profiles, the drawings of which are developed during the construction of the building itself, are an integral element of this structure. It can be door canopies with a visor.

If we take into account the mobility of the structure, that is, the possibility of its transfer, then the structures are divided into the following types:

  1. Sliding.
  2. Wall awnings, fixed to the facade of the building, which, if necessary, can move apart, creating a shadow.
  3. Static. Structures that are not subject to quick dismantling, but they can be reassembled, they have the greatest reliability and durability.
  4. Prefabricated-collapsible. Structures that are not intended for permanent use (awnings, tents, tents).

Since a large role in the choice of materials for creating canopies with their own hands is given to the form of the structure, this criterion allows us to divide structures into the following types:

  1. Arched and domed.
  2. Straight single-sided and double-sided.
  3. Decorative structures of complex shapes.

Shed metal structures are attached to the house, fence or other structures. They have a flat or arched roof, where arched elements can be provided. Gable and arched structures are erected as separate structures. They are highly resistant to wind and precipitation. The greatest strength and wind resistance is characteristic of arched structures. You can see the types of canopies in this video:

According to the functional purpose, canopies are divided as follows:

  • for the rest of tourists;
  • for places of rest and food in summer;
  • for a brazier from metal;
  • sheds-garages;
  • for animals and livestock;
  • door awnings, etc.

Canopies for windows made of lightweight materials are called awnings. There are structures equipped with lighting and lighting, for example, door. Sheds for transport and animals are equipped with lanterns, and facilities for dance floors in the evening and at night - with multi-colored garlands and eye-catching lamps.

Materials and dimensions of canopy structures

Sheds made of metal profiles are sold in a wide price range. The highest price is for a canopy with a frame, the size of which is 100x100 mm; polycarbonate sheets for this design have a thickness of 10 mm. The materials used for the construction of metal canopies for summer cottages must have maximum strength and reliability.

Country awnings must be strong and reliable

If you buy a canopy for a summer cottage at a reasonable price, then the size of its supporting pillars will be 80x80 mm, and the thickness of the polycarbonate roof will be 6 mm. With the help of these materials, you can make a canopy with your own hands. The size of such a structure in width will be 3 - 4 m. The popularity of inexpensive structures is due to the great strength and affordability.

Before you make a canopy from a metal profile with your own hands, it is important to choose the right location for the structure and its style. For example, a canopy for a barbecue will differ in design from a structure for relaxing on a sun lounger. Simultaneously with the choice of the installation site of the structure, the future dimensions of the canopy, as well as its purpose, are determined.

The choice of materials for the canopy is wide

For example, a livestock shed should be large. If the structure is planned above a balcony or porch, then it should not be too large in size. You can choose a stationary or mobile type of canopy. The large or small size of the structure depends not only on its purpose, but also on the area that it will have to cover.

The dimensions of most collapsible structures are small, so they can be used for overnight accommodation in the open. A free-standing canopy can have the following types of roof:

  • domed;
  • arc;
  • arched;
  • lean-to;
  • gable.

Canopy supports can be made from the following types of materials:

  • brick;
  • pipes;
  • wood;
  • metal.

The roof of the structure is usually made of corrugated board, natural tiles, polycarbonate, metal tiles, etc. More economical assembly is carried out from corrugated board and metal profiles.

The roof can be made of both polycarbonate and corrugated board and other roofing materials.

For the manufacture of the roof of the canopy, the following types of materials are used:

  • cellular polycarbonate (thickness 8 or 10 mm);
  • metal profile (metal tile);
  • monolithic polycarbonate (6 mm);
  • bituminous tiles (soft roof).

Supports and floors of the frame should be selected depending on the size of the entire structure and the planned load on it.

Creating a functional canopy with your own hands

The canopy provides ventilation of the vehicle, including its chassis and body parts. This helps to prevent the accumulation of moisture on the units of the car and under its hood. If we compare the canopy with the garage, then the latter is a closed room in which there is no forced ventilation.

Evaporation of moisture from the wheels and the bottom of the car occurs inside the space of the room, which is associated with the acceleration of metal corrosion.

If a carport is used to store the car, then this allows you to extend the life of the vehicle. For more information on creating a canopy, see this relevant and useful video:

To create various structures of canopies that differ in the structure of the roof or the placement of the supporting elements of the frame, the following types of tools and materials are used:

  1. Bulgarian or saw for cutting metal.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Building level.
  4. Electric drill with perforator.
  5. Set of drills.
  6. Riveter.
  7. Self-tapping screws for metal (rivets).

To successfully complete the task, it is necessary to draw up an approximate sketch of the future canopy, prepare a tool, purchase consumables and accessories. The calculation of the amount of materials used depends on a clearly drawn up drawing of the metal structure; the canopy must be made taking into account all requirements. Do not forget about safety precautions when working with metal products.

Preparing a site for a canopy

Before erecting a metal structure, you should carefully prepare your construction site. Do not assume that this will require covering the area with paving slabs or asphalt. First of all, the site will need to be cleared and leveled.

Find the best place for a canopy on the site

Having chosen a place that is most suitable for a canopy, it must be conditionally designated. The site should be 1 - 1.5 m larger than the canopy area. To prepare the site, you must perform the following steps:

  • remove garbage;
  • remove items;
  • level the place
  • remove excess soil.

The entire site is leveled in accordance with the sketch, then the earth is compacted. Along the perimeter of the site, holes are dug in 2 rows of 2 - 3 recesses 50 - 100 cm under the supporting pillars of the required height. The shape of the platform for a canopy can be square, rectangular or triangular.

After carrying out all measurements around the perimeter of the site, you will need to drive in pegs that perform the function of cast-offs. Stretching a cord or rope between the pegs, you should mark the boundaries of the area on which the frame will be installed.

After making sure that all measurements are correct, it is necessary to level the site.

This will require a building level and a shovel. It is possible that special equipment will be needed, especially when building a foundation.

  1. Refer to the drawing, where there is a designation of the location of the vertical support pillars.
  2. Take measurements of the site, marking the installation points of the frame pillars.
  3. Dig holes for the foundation, the depth of which is at least 700 mm.
  4. Fill the holes with concrete mortar mixed with crushed stone.
  5. Install the thrust bearings into the recesses strictly vertically in level, while the concrete is still liquid.

After that, we can assume that the entire process of preparing the foundation for the canopy is completed. It will be necessary to strengthen the vertical supports to the concreted bearings. This method of arranging poles is far from the only one.

Installation of vertical supports

The metal profile must be cut taking into account the number of racks, the length of which is 3 m. The method of fastening the supports is determined depending on which type of canopy design is chosen. If the structure is stationary, then the supports should be leveled and concreted. The mobile structure will require additional cutting of metal pipes, the diameter of which is larger than that of the frame rack.

The length of the pipes must correspond to the depth of the foundation. After preparing the metal segments, they should be installed in the prepared pits, and then poured with a cement solution. You will need to insert a profile into each of the pipe cuts. After drilling holes in the pipe and profile, the entire support must be bolted together.

In order to stiffen the supports and prevent their premature destruction, protective “casings” can be used in the process of arranging a stationary structure.

In this case, the profile will need to be welded to a metal pipe, which will be the only difference between a stationary canopy and a mobile one.

After the foundation is ready, proceed to the installation of the canopy frame

After the foundation for the canopy is ready, you can proceed to the installation of the base frame of the structure. It consists of vertical and horizontal racks. It should be borne in mind that certain types of structures may not have racks, since their roof is curved. It should rest on the platform.

Next, the material intended for the pillars should be sawn off and the supports installed vertically in the thrust bearings, and then fixed. Supports are reinforced with bolts, welding or self-tapping screws. It depends on the material of which the supports should consist. After that, the preparation of the site for a canopy made of polycarbonate or other materials is completed. For more information about mounting the frame, see this video:

On the prepared site, it is necessary to create a sand cushion and lay paving slabs on it. After that, the site is lined with a curb. Sand can be replaced with gravel of fine fraction and asphalted. Next, you can proceed to the laying of the support beams, which is carried out perpendicularly on the tops of the pillars. Horizontal supports can be strengthened in various ways, of which there are a sufficient number.

Metal canopy roofing device

In order to properly make a roof frame from polycarbonate or other materials, you will need to take into account all the structural features of the roofing element. A shed canopy from a metal profile is the simplest of all types of structures. To make it, you will not need to use any complex elements, you only need cross beams, roofing material and a run. See the basic rules for fixing polycarbonate in this video:

Other types of roofing for metal structures are installed using more complex frames, which are based on a truss. It is a structure that ensures the reliability of the roof of a canopy made of polycarbonate or another type of material. The impressive appearance of the structure and the complexity of its manufacture make you think about purchasing a finished structure.

If a decision is made to independently undertake the creation of trusses, it will be necessary to determine the parameters of this structural element by making a drawing for it. The trusses are reinforced across the horizontal polycarbonate canopy supports.

The step with which the trusses are laid on horizontal support beams is determined in advance and reflected in the drawing.

Farms are fixed with fasteners or welding. For this, a board or a thin steel tube is taken, and the trusses are interconnected using a run. It must be securely attached to the trusses (by welding, bolts, self-tapping screws). If the design provides for this, supports are placed on vertical supports, which increases the strength of the structure.

If you need to make a crate for a canopy, then it is done using a thin steel profile, board or rail. On this, the manufacture of the frame is considered completed. If there is a desire to decorate the building with decorative elements, you can attach them even before the installation of the roof. The frame must be covered with primer or additionally painted so that the structure serves for a long time.

The creation of the canopy should be completed with the laying of the roofing material. It may seem to a beginner that the installation of the roof is quite easy, but in the process of creating metal structures, the canopy requires laying waterproofing. This complicates the process of making a structure with your own hands. Useful tips in this video:

The installation of roofing material requires compliance with the appropriate instructions, reminiscent of the rules for laying the roof of buildings.

Before manufacturing metal canopies, care should be taken to purchase a waterproofing film that will slow down the process of destruction of the entire object.

This will prevent moisture from settling on the supporting structures.

Experts do not recommend laying roofing materials end-to-end. Sheets must be laid, starting from the bottom corner, with an overlap or joined using a special profile. During the installation of the roof, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of actions:

  • draw up an annex to the drawing, outlining the layout of the roofing material;
  • cut polycarbonate sheets into separate parts of the desired size;
  • process all sections of the material to create a roof to increase their reliability;
  • cut polycarbonate along the honeycombs;
  • fix waterproofing material;
  • mount corrugated board with an overlap, capturing at least 2 edges of the sheet;
  • leave a gap when laying polycarbonate 1.5 mm at least.

The last action should be performed so that the roofing material cannot expand in hot conditions and jump out of the groove provided. If the roof is gable, then at the end of all work it is necessary to install a ridge.

Canopies with a metal frame can be found both in the yards of private houses and in public places. These are covered parking lots, canopies for porches and balconies, shelters for grills, barbecues, woodsheds and much more.

In this article, we will explain why these types of designs are so popular and where they are most often used. You will also learn how to calculate and build a canopy with your own hands from metal.

Metal awnings with polycarbonate coating

The smaller the future building, the easier it is to calculate. An exception is shelters with an area of ​​​​15 m 2 or more - here it is better to entrust the project of a canopy from metal structures to professionals.

Advantages of metal canopies

It is no coincidence that metal is so popular as a material for the manufacture of frames for polycarbonate canopies. Its most important advantage is durability. With the proper quality of installation and maintenance during operation, such a building can stand for several decades. All care consists in treatment with anti-corrosion compounds or paints containing them. In the event of rust stains, it is enough to spot-clean the affected areas and treat them with special preparations.

Canopies from a metal profile: a photo of a structure attached to a house

It should also be noted a wide selection of metal profiles: different wall thicknesses, geometry and cross-sectional diameter. Pipes also differ in metal thickness and diameter. Thanks to this, you can always choose a p corresponding to the purpose and dimensions of the future building. For example, for a small steel canopy over the porch, you will need a profile, rectangular in cross section, with a diameter of 15 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm; the supports of the car park shelter are erected from pipes or a profile with a diameter of 40 - 50 mm, with a wall thickness of 2 mm, etc.

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate canopies from a profile pipe: photo of a cascading roof above the porch

Note:we must not forget about the aesthetic side of the issue. Metal allows you to build beautiful forged canopies. Although it is impossible to make them without special equipment and skills, shelters of this type are usually ordered in workshops specializing in artistic forging.

Types of materials

Sheds are made of stainless steel, as mentioned above, from a metal profile, metal pipe and forged metal. The first option is the most common, as it is presented in stores in a wide range. In addition, square and rectangular profiles are equally conveniently mounted both on self-tapping screws and by welding. For small details or small canopies, a corner of different sizes goes well.

How to make a canopy with your own hands from metal: the video describes the assembly of a visor from a steel pipe.

Less often metal canopies from pipes. In principle, their range in stores is also wide, both in diameter and in wall thickness. But in installation they are a little more complicated, it is more difficult to create right angles with them. Although there are pluses - it’s not difficult to buy old heating pipes from your hands, from which you can assemble a budget building. For example, this is how you can make a canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands for firewood or a country shower cabin. Forged metal is mentioned above.

Different types of profile pipes

What type of awnings are made of metal?

Such shelters can be used for different purposes. For example, do-it-yourself canopies for cars are made of metal very often. This can range from a small roof over a single car park or swimming pool to a huge shelter over 30 m2. All differences will be in the design and technical characteristics of the material used.

From a thin profile or forging, it is very good to make metal canopies over a porch or balcony. In the first case, we get a strong, visually lightweight frame that is easy to assemble with our own hands. Forging is either just a beautiful, openwork canopy, or a whole work of art, made according to an individual project. True, a forged frame will cost, unlike a profile one, as an example.

Note: erected from metal and sheds over woodsheds, although less often. Support posts and a roof frame are usually made here, and the walls are sewn up with wood - these are the features of storing firewood. For these purposes, dismantled pipes of the heating system or profile waste from other construction are usually used. New materials for woodsheds are purchased only in cases where the canopy also has a decorative function, located directly next to the barbecue or barbecue oven.

Wrought iron pool cover

How to calculate a metal canopy

  • We draw a sketch with approximate dimensions and marks regarding the type of profile used.
  • We accurately measure the installation site and, based on the figures obtained, create a drawing of a canopy from a profile pipe.
  • We decide what section the metal profiles or pipes of trusses and battens will be.
  • We enter new data into the drawing and already on them we calculate the amount of required materials. At the same stage, it will become clear how many and what kind of hardware will be required.

We do not take into account the parameters of roofing materials, since the roof area will be small. In the calculation of a truss from a profile pipe for a canopy, do not forget to include the required number of diagonal gratings. If it is a forged metal structure, then we only make a sketch of it with the desired dimensions. The wizard will do the rest for you.

Forged visor drawing

Dimensional buildings like car sheds or adjoining galleries require more careful attention. In addition to performing the above steps, here it is necessary to correctly determine the shape of the roof frame from the profile. The most common option is the arched design. It will resist snow and wind loads well, and installation will not cause any special problems.

Note:in areas with strong winds, it is better to give preference to gable roofs. The slopes of the frame will be oriented to the ground at a large angle, which means there is less risk of damage to them by the wind. In addition, the rain will be less detectable inside the building.

We design a canopy from a metal profile: drawings can be made in special programs and then printed

Self-construction of a metal polycarbonate canopy over the recreation area

Do-it-yourself work on the installation of a canopy for a house from a metal profile will require some physical effort, but you can do it pretty quickly. The most important thing is to approach the matter responsibly.

Foundation pouring and installation of load-bearing supports

The foundation for canopies from a metal profile is made columnar. Pits are dug with a manual or mechanical drill, to a depth of 50 cm. No reinforcement is made, the mortar is mixed from 3 parts of sand and 1 part of cement. It will take three days for the foundation to harden, after which you can proceed to further work.

"Heels" are welded to the lower part of the supporting pillars - mortgages, due to which the entire structure will be attached to the foundation. In the mortgages, we drill holes in the corners and fasten the posts with anchors to the concrete. We carry out this work, referring to the building level.

We make a canopy from a metal profile with our own hands: photo

Canopy roof assembly

The answer to the question - how to weld a truss for a canopy is quite simple. This is done from side profiles and diagonal gratings. Usually the former have a cross section 10 mm larger than the latter, but it can be the same. We start by splicing along the edges, then continuing to move towards the center:

  • Point bait.
  • Check for level and, if necessary, edit with a sledgehammer.
  • Complete welding of elements.

Usually, the side and truss trusses are assembled separately, then they are installed in turn on the supports: first the side trusses, and the trusses on them. However, if lifting equipment is available, the entire roof frame can be assembled on the ground, as shown in the photo below.

Building a metal canopy: photo of the assembled roof frame

We raise the trusses or the finished frame from the profile to the supports - here you will need at least two pairs of working hands. Further standard actions: spot welding, level check, and then permanent welding. After the entire frame structure is assembled, we clean the welding spots from scale and treat them with an anti-corrosion compound. If the metal profile does not have a protective coating over the entire surface, we apply it ourselves. This stage should be treated very carefully, since the duration of the operation of the canopy depends on it.

Canopies from a metal profile: the photo shows the process of mounting roof trusses on supports

Installation of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate sheets are laid on the frame as is, without removing the protective film. Using a drill, holes are drilled on them for the entry of fasteners - 4 cm from the edge. We use not ordinary hardware for metal, but special thermal washers, with sealing rings and plugs. We put a thermal washer on the hole, twist it with a self-tapping screw and close its cap with a plug. The entry of fasteners must be strictly perpendicular to the surface of the polycarbonate. We twist tightly, but do not overtighten, in order to avoid damage to the surface of the material.

The figure shows how to attach polycarbonate to the metal frame of the canopy: we use special thermal washers

Docking of polycarbonate sheets is carried out using a split profile. Its lower part is screwed onto the frame crate even before the roofing material is laid. The cover is “fastened” by means of a toothed lock, the “legs” of which are located on both parts of the profile. The figure shows that the cover is equipped with rubber gaskets, which provide additional insulation of the joints.

split profile

And the last step remains - we close the side sections of polycarbonate sheets with perforated tape, and then with an end profile. So we protect the air channels of the roof from the penetration of moisture and pollution. This completes the construction of the metal canopy, you can proceed to the finishing of the site under it.

End profile processing