Do-it-yourself metal frame stairs calculation. Do-it-yourself staircase on a metal frame: calculations and installation, photos and videos. Metal frame options

Stairs to the second floor made of wood on a metal frame look creative. They combine the strength of metal and the beauty of natural wood. After reading our review, you will be able to choose between buying a finished product and manufacturing ladder construction with your own hands.

Types of metal frames

The metal frame must match the type of wooden staircase. Like interfloor systems, they are:

The next image shows a U-shaped staircase from the Solo series. On request, we can make a design different heights- from 2 to 2.7 m for both 11 and 15 steps.

This is a turntable of the Prestige series. Standard kit that includes metal carcass, fencing and pine steps can be bought for 44,290 rubles.

A compact staircase with a 90-degree turn from the Modern series with beech steps fixed on a high-quality metal frame, also an invention of our designers:

Revolving wooden staircase on a metal frame from the Prestige series with a march width of 0.9 m with pine steps. Its estimated cost is 47,160 rubles.

If you want to save money and lack the skills to work with metal and wood, you can buy or order separate modules from us and assemble a reliable and beautiful staircase on one's own.

Building modules is easy. Parts are made with great precision

Metal frame options

Main Options design metal frame 2:

All the considered structures are open, therefore, high requirements are imposed not only on their reliability, but also on their appearance. A simpler and cheaper option is closed metal frames. They are made from inexpensive corners and channels, not really following the quality of the welds, and then sheathed with finishing material.

In a staircase, there may be combined frame, consisting of both bowstrings and stringers. In this case, the kosour is placed in the center, and the bowstrings are placed on the sides.

Making a metal frame for a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands

If you have ever dealt with welding, then try to make a metal frame with your own hands. But first, decide on the type of staircase system for the second floor. There are 2 options for your attention - support beams for the main structure and for the screw one.

Support beams for straight flight stairs

The ladder can be made on bowstrings and on a stringer. In the first case, prepare the channel and corners, then:

Making a kosour is a more labor-intensive business. As a material, you can use a rectangular pipe 8 x 4 x 0.4 cm. First, it is better to make a template according to pre-calculated dimensions. For this, it is better to adapt big table, laying a sheet of metal on its surface, and weld metal corners on it, as in the photo:

In addition to the installation of a metal frame in this video, it will help you understand some of the nuances:

Metal frame for a spiral staircase

The design for the spiral staircase is more complex and consists of the following parts:

To make the steps the same size you need a template. It can be made from a pipe and wooden slats. The contour of the step is made of wood. Then pipe sections are laid in this conductor, exposing them at the required angle and at the same time welding the steps to the sleeves.

Having cleaned the seams, they begin to assemble the frame itself: they put the sleeves on the central tubular rack, then the structure is placed on the place prepared for the spiral staircase, primed, painted. At the end, steps are set, welded to each other by using small racks.

As you can see, a metal kosour can be made by hand if you are 100% sure that it will turn out to be reliable enough. But there are other ways - to buy ready-made modules and assemble a ladder from them, or to purchase a completely finished structure. Come to our site, see our offers, and then decide how best to proceed.

The use of metal in the manufacture of ladder frames makes it possible to make structures reliable, stable and more durable than ladders made of other materials. But, not knowing what welding is, as well as its nuances and features, you should not take on the metal frame for the stairs with your own hands. This is fraught with unforeseen consequences, including damage to the elements of the stairs, which can lead to subsequent destruction of the structure. In this case, it would be better to buy a ready-made frame or order it from a specialized company.

Stair frames made of metal can have a variety of shapes, ranging from the simplest to the unique. On their basis, direct marching, turning and spiral staircases are made, with stringers or on bowstrings, for which they use:

  • channels;
  • I-beams;
  • corners;
  • metal sheets;
  • profile metal box section;
  • pipes for support of spiral staircases.

There are two types of metal staircase frame:

  • hidden, which is made from cheaper metal profiles and subsequently sheathed with wood, plasterboard or other suitable materials;
  • open, forming a single composition with steps and railings. In the future, it is treated with paints and varnishes.

Marching stairs

The aesthetic side of the hidden frame is not given much attention, since it is completely hidden under the decorative panels. Most often it is mounted from channels, which are inclined bearing supports, connected in pairs in two or more places, depending on the length of the stairs. Corners are attached to them or between them, which serve as the basis for the steps. Instead of profile metal for the frame, you can use sheet metal, but it must be of sufficient thickness, otherwise it will not be safe to operate the ladder. The metal frame, ready and installed in place, is lined with materials selected and prepared in advance.

Open frames are usually made with one or two stringers made of a rectangular metal profile pipe, as well as channels or I-beams. In the first case, the staircase looks more elegant. Stringers are stepped, and then steps are laid on them. In a design with one stringer, metal platforms are attached under the treads, and risers are not installed at all.

When used for open frames of channels or I-beams as load-bearing supports, “kerchiefs” are welded on top of them from the corners, or from their inside horizontally located corners are fixed, to which two more connecting corners are welded, resulting in a frame frame for the steps.

It is worth noting that an open metal frame for stairs with your own hands can only be made if you are completely sure that the welds will be made carefully and they will not spoil the appearance and aesthetics of the structure.

The readiness of the frame consists not only in its assembly, but also in the further cleaning of the welds and the processing of the structure with primers, as well as the application of several layers of varnish or paint.

Spiral stairs

As a frame for a spiral staircase structure, there is a central support made of a metal pipe of medium diameter and one more, slightly larger, designed for fixing degrees. It is cut into sleeves about 26 cm in size strictly perpendicular. According to the shape of the steps, a template is made into which the corners cut to size are inserted, after which they are welded together.

Finished frames for the steps are welded to the sleeves, which are strung on the central rack. It should be noted that the sleeves on the pipe should "sit down" very tightly. Backlashes and distortions are not allowed! In extreme cases, sealing rings from a bar of the required diameter are welded into the sleeves.

After installing the frame and concreting the lower part of the support pipe, the frame frames for the steps are set to the desired position by turning the sleeves around their axis, and welded together using vertical metal strips, providing the stairs with additional strength and rigidity.

The metal frame is primed and painted, steps are laid and, if necessary, sheathed with wood or drywall.

07/14/2014 at 11:07

Manufacture of metal frames of stairs

The most popular and safe are stairs made of metal, based on a high-quality frame. It is possible to buy frameworks of metal ladders in our company for various rooms.

Their relevance is characterized by indisputable advantages. technological process. Our masters provide services production of metal frames of stairs with precise geometry.

Our company is engaged in production of metal frames for stairs, and sells products both at retail and wholesale. The frames of metal stairs, the cost of which will please you, can withstand heavy loads, so they are additionally decorated with all sorts of elements - original handrails, heavy spans.

We do not manufacture all stairs in a row, like most of our competitors.

We specialize in metal frame stairs because we are professionals in this field. Since we manufacture stairs exclusively on a metal frame, all employees are well versed in the range of products that we produce.

Metal stairs - examples of structures and installation technology

This reduces the risk of marriage.

Why is it worth ordering the production of metal frames for stairs from us?

For clients ordering our services, we provide favorable conditions for cooperation:

  • Manufacturing metal stairs to the house required dimensions, taking into account all the wishes of the customer.
  • Assembly, welding and painting activities are carried out in specially equipped workshops.
  • This makes it possible to produce high-quality stairs in a short time.
  • Accuracy of parameters and observance of angles are the guarantee of long-term service of our products.

We carry out production of metal frames for stairs several types:

Price fabrication of metal frame stairs closed type is less than the price of the frame of the open version.

The closed frame does not have certain requirements for appearance, since the components are located under the steps and spans. The production is carried out by highly qualified craftsmen, who carry out welding work as competently as possible. At the same time, the seams are absolutely not visible on the finished product.

Buy metal stairs to the house from the manufacturer - means to complement the interior with a unique attribute that will serve for a long time without losing its original qualities and visual presentability.

Our company not only sells metal stairs to the house, but also provides delivery of metal structures to the address specified by the customer.

We make metal streets with homemade hands

Something to negate the fact that the metal stairs of the street are an important architectural element of almost the entire building, allowing for this more elegant and unique form. Externally, the design of the external steps is practically the same as the structure inside the building, but there are several different requirements, since they are under constant moisture, sunlight, dirt, large temperature changes, etc.

Characteristics of a metal staircase

Metal stairs have many advantages that are uncommon for external stairs made of other materials:

  • long life;
  • the ability to create any type of stairs: screw, hike or other;
  • all details and components can be realized in advance in accordance with the project, which allows you to build a staircase in a short time;
  • easy handling of the material when it is done.

Because of these advantages, stairs are becoming more common.

Metal stairs are different:

  1. according to the form of the structure;
  2. by defining methods;
  3. with a termination method.

Metal stairs with wooden steps

The metal structure of the stairs, even with desire, is not very attractive.

And when you go up or down from it, there are some inconveniences. That's why many people try to sew metal stairs wooden steps. Plus, the metal and wood design will look great and match almost every style in your home.

The necessary materials for all work will be: a metal profile, reinforcing bars, channels, corners, pipes of different diameters.

First of all, you need a welding machine, a saw for metals and wheels, which makes it easy to get rid of vomiting.

The manufacturing process of the most common metal staircase is quite simple. The channels are installed on the edge and the dashboard is welded to them. Fences in most cases are made of steel steel, after which all the roughness and roughness is processed by a bicycle. Of course, without certain skills and knowledge, it is very difficult to create stairs, but if possible, it is possible, if necessary, and properly trained.

Now you can move on to cladding with wood for which the most common types of hardwoods have been selected.

To successfully complete the shoe making process, you will need the following:

  • I forest;
  • various nails, forks and bolts;
  • ruler, water and construction;
  • carpentry and other tools.

I step on a tree, you need to take care of the fence, which is desirable to do yourself, because this is a very difficult and delicate work.

It is better not to overestimate your capabilities and order them from experts.

The first step is to determine the material from which the steps will be made. Often this is oak, ash, beech or pine, so you must understand that the material must be resistant to wear.

The next step is to prepare the skin elements.

The material must be installed in such a way that there is no - or slot - in which all the parts are made of a phase made of wood, which is measured and numbered.

After that, the wooden elements are placed in the exchange. Top part must be fastened with screws, and then hung, firmly resting on the ladder, and also fastened.

So, one by one, along the entire length of the stairs. The back of the stairs is covered with drywall or wood paneling. But all this is done only after all the stages are already covered with wood.

When you're all set, test the power of the project design.

To do this, go through each step, they must be well seated and even to the minimum, they must not undergo minimal baptism. If there are some shortcomings, they should be corrected immediately.

The final touch, the completion of the formwork with the opening of the tree, the painting of all elements of the wooden staircase.

Finishing metal stairs with your own hands

The most common materials for processing stairs, in addition to wood, are stones and tiles. In addition, often the completion of metal stairs does not involve the use of any ready-made materials.

For example, stainless steel polished to shine looks very impressive. There can be the same shape of brass, with a special spray, completely marble.

In a word, everything depends on the imagination and financial resources house owner.

If you have a lot of financial resources, it is advisable to see many photos of the finished product before the final parts. This will give you the opportunity to decide on the choice that you like.

In addition, the variety of staircase options is really impressive.

The best properties of energy are fake diamond as a finishing material.

Do-it-yourself ladder on a metal frame: computer and editing, photography and video

This option is not only very efficient and elegant, but also very durable. Unfortunately, the serious disadvantages are rather high costs.

In addition, stone needs an expert for high-quality gaskets - tiles for their work will be very difficult, to say the least.

That is why it is the most popular and profitable finishing material. ceramic tiles, especially since there is no need for professional skills for cladding. I agree, well, one of us hasn't placed a tile at least once in a lifetime.

When choosing the shape of fences and columns, never forget that everything should be done in the same design style.

Do-it-yourself metal staircase cover

Above were the most common types of finishing metal steps, made by themselves.

But to this day, there are other types of gaskets that are not so rare.

One of them must be dealt with with great interest. This is an indoor rug that is cheap and available to almost all segments of the population of our country.

In this case, it does not need to be cut separately, even the carpet is elastic enough and can fit easily. The carpet is attached with the sides of plastic or special brass rods, which are fastened with special clips.

The problem with this ladder material is that it is short-lived, and outdoors is unlikely to last long.

In some cases, a coating and granite is used, which looks impressive, and is practically non-slip, but not very on ceramic tiles.

If you approach a metal ladder with your wits, you can do it yourself with your hand.

The main thing - I want.

A metal staircase has one important property, it is extremely versatile. Because the metal is bent, cutting, forging and twisting. Thanks to this, unique compositions are created with different twists and complex angles. You can use the stairs to enter the house, upstairs to the second floor, to the basement, and so on.

In addition, the metal ladder is extremely powerful, reliable, reliable and durable.

Metal staircase fabrication and assembly

He can handle heavy weights. However, all these functions that it has are performed by a specialist. If not properly designed, the stairs will be very dangerous. It is worth remembering this. For the construction of stairs, we need pipes of different diameters, channels, fittings and steel sheets.

Then let's see how to make a metal staircase.

Stair types

According to the manufacturing method, metal stairs can be welded and forged. The forging technique is very complex, it needs to be cured over many years. When welding, everything becomes easier. You can easily build metal stairs without too much trouble on your own if you have basic skills in welded hull.

These skills can only be acquired over a few hours of practice.

The most common and simple types steps you can do yourself:

  1. The ladder is on a metal kosher.

It is based on single beams and has special reefs on which stages are fixed.

  1. Metal staircase with screws.

This type of construction is made without a frame and consists of steps that are bolted to the wall.

  1. Ladder on cords.

It is made on several stands, including sliders and scrollers.

  1. Spiral staircase.

This type of ladder is still better for the craftsman.

Or, make them from ready-made parts.

  1. Finished steps.

This type of staircase consists of prefabricated modules. The composition of such a staircase is similar to the composition of the designer.

It is important to know that a ladder can only support a solid base such as a slab.

To improve reliability, you can install additional support under the stair escalation.

Ladder assembly tools

To work, you need to have a set of construction tools:

  • Bulgarian, with a set of discs for 125 mm and 250 mm;
  • electric drill with a power of at least 600 watts.

    A set of drills for metals;

  • welding machine;
  • saw for metal;
  • metal brush;
  • a set of building levels;
  • keys set;
  • a hammer;
  • goggles, gloves and a welding mask.

The tool is better to buy half or professional level of well-known manufacturers. Otherwise, if you break, you will not be able to complete the work and waste time. In addition, cheap tools are extremely dangerous, especially Bulgarians!

The same applies to consumables: grinding discs, drills and the like. A suddenly broken drill or a fragmented disc can cause serious damage to you and others.

We make our own stairs

Think about how to make a metal staircase, technological and production characteristics.

First you need to take measurements and choose the type of stairs. If the ladder is designed for one step, the slope should be approximately 45 degrees.

Our ladder will be made from 8-10mm channel thickness.

If protection is provided sheet metal, it is better that the steel sheet is stepped.

For steps on the outer steps, it is desirable that the embossed steel sheet has anti-slip properties.

The staircase diagram shown in the figure includes the use of the following materials:

  • channel;
  • metal steps with relief;
  • metal "fil";
  • welding sites;
  • brackets for mounting stairs.

The step welding procedure would be as follows:

  1. Take the channel and place it on its side.
  2. Welded reinforcing bars or steel sheets to serve as the design.
  3. We take angle steel for rails.

The fittings are made from a "mare" placed on a beam.

Brackets for fasteners are welded to the "keel" on which the step is attached.

For ladder widths up to 1 meter, two pieces or a cap are sufficient.

If a wider staircase is available, three or more supporters are required. Finally, welding of all elements of the stairs by electric welding.

Support elements for stairs can be rings welded to channels or metal corners welded to beams.

It is very important that the tires are reliable. It is also very important to secure the elements of the stairs. It is advisable to grind sharp corners, remove burrs and grooves on the handle, which can damage it.

Increased attention should be paid to welds, since the destruction of even one of them can lead to the destruction of the entire structure, which will be dangerous only for health, but for life. In the manufacture of stairs, it is best to work with electric welding, which is considered the most reliable.

The metal is extremely durable, but without rust protection. To stand on the stairs for a long time, it must be cleaned and applied with a moisture-resistant coating or paint.

23. 12. 2013 at 11:12

Metal stairs have the widest use. Due to the characteristics of the materials from which they are made, such structures can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Today there are a large number of metal stairs various configurations and types.

When choosing a metal staircase, however, like any other, questions such as dimensions, railing height, elevation angle, etc. always come first. Metal stairs have several advantages over stairs made from other materials. Due to which, in some cases, the ability to use structures from metal materials are not even considered.

Most often, metal stairs are divided into mid-flight and attic.

Marching stairs are designed to enter the building and move between its levels. Such ladders can be made of steel with polymer coated or stainless steel.

Do-it-yourself metal stairs

Also, structures of this type are made from other materials that have only metal railings for stairs. Such stairs can not be fully attributed to the metal.

Attic stairs are designed to provide access to the technical room located between the roof and the upper floor.

Such ladders can have a telescopic, spiral or claw-shaped design.

A metal ladder, which is mounted on the outside of the building from the ground to the roof, is called a fire ladder. It helps to carry out emergency evacuation of residents of the house or personnel working in the building in case of an unforeseen situation. The design of such a staircase can be marching or solid without intermediate platforms.

Also, a metal ladder can be used to provide access to the basement or cellar, be portable or used for the pool.

In the latter case, the metal staircase is made of stainless steel.

Metal stairs are used where wooden or concrete structures for easy vertical movement of people, due to their characteristics, cannot be applied. The metal ladder is functional, durable and can be used in hazardous and hazardous industries.

DIY metal stairs

For most of us, metal structures are associated with real reliability and durability that other materials cannot provide.

Metal is also great for building stairs with your own hands.

What characterizes a metal staircase?

First of all, it is strength. The reliability of the metal structure is not in doubt even if the staircase is located on only 1 central stringer.

The stringers themselves can be assembled from a channel of various sections or corners fastened by welding.

How to make a metal frame stairs with your own hands

Welded stairs are highly practical, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a beautiful product the first time. It is best to start with a simple design, then move on to more complex decisions. If you have been actively working with metal for a long time, then you know how best to process it so that the staircase looks spectacular, beautiful and expensive.

The composition of the metal stairs

The biggest question that arises in front of any home master: “What kind of stairs should I make?” there is a fairly simple answer to this question - the one for which there is enough experience.

The simplest staircase is carried out on welded joint corners or square profiles on a longitudinal channel-bowstring.

More complex options designs allow you to abandon the two guide stringers and leave the stairs on only one. Such stringers are called central and require the construction of an additional support platform under the steps.

It does not make sense to consider spiral steel stairs, since their independent calculation and manufacture usually take more than one month and require good metalworking skills.

How to cook?

The ladder is welded at the corners, measuring the width and height of the step so that the sheathing material is placed on it. It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the step and its width when calculating. Unlike wooden stairs, which are sawn from a single stringer board, metal stairs, on the contrary, are welded from several elements. At the same time, all elements of pipes, channels or corners are pre-measured and cut.

The connection is carried out in a joint, without the use of additional anchor elements.

metal staircase design

Each owner decides for himself which design of the metal staircase to choose.

For some, square boxes of welded corner elements are enough. Someone will want something sophisticated and decorate the stairs with wooden steps. Fixing steps to the stairs is carried out using bolts of various sizes.

It is important to ensure that established steps there was no distortion, otherwise the whole structure may be unstable.

Step by step workflow

  1. Select the type of stairs;
  2. Select the elements from which it needs to be made;
  3. Calculate the width and height of the steps;
  4. Cut the material according to the calculated values;
  5. Perform welding work.

    Most often, welding is done for each element, which are then assembled into single structure also by welding.

  6. finish the stairs with the necessary materials.
  • Materials and tools
  • DIY installation

Diagram of a spiral staircase.

Wood and stairs on a metal frame

The choice of materials for the stairs with your own hands

Folding ladder profile.

Scheme for calculating the step of the stairs.

Materials and tools

  • ready-made modular blocks;
  • plywood;
  • polymer glue;
  • wrenches;
  • spiers for fastening;
  • clamp - 2 pcs.;
  • drill;
  • varnish (for wood);
  • paint (for wood);
  • screwdriver;
  • drill for metal;
  • tree for steps;
  • drywall sheets.

DIY installation

Do-it-yourself installation of wooden stairs on a metal frame is a very real undertaking. Installation and manufacturing will not take much time and effort. At present, several variants of such works have been invented. To make manufacturing as easy as possible, you need to think about installing ready-made frames. These frames are assembled from individual elements. Further, the elements are mounted in whole spans and attached to each other.

It is worth knowing that similarly created stairs should be periodically inspected in the future. Prevention is necessary to avoid the appearance of backlash and stretching of the connecting elements. Stairs from a metal frame, welded using channels, metal corners, are installed during the construction of the house at the finishing stage.

Installation of steps to the stairs on a metal base

The steps are installed sequentially. First you need to decide on the installation additional elements fasteners. In particular, extreme care should be taken when working on turning steps stairs.

Step calculation scheme.

Each step of the frame ladder must have markings. Markings are necessary to indicate the holes of fasteners. The marking is done 20 cm apart, while 2 cm must be retreated from the edge. Ordinary self-tapping screws are taken as fasteners, the holes are drilled flush. Washers must also be used to reduce stress when tightening parts. Do not panic if there are small differences in height between the welded parts, this is normal. Next, lay the underlayment. This will help to lay the steps as tightly as possible to the frame. To fix the substrate, steps and frame, a special glue with a filling effect is taken. When dry, the adhesive forms a durable layer that is not subject to wrinkling. It is best to use plywood as a substrate.

It is necessary to attach wooden linings from below. The tree is fixed on the steps thanks to the clamps. Further, through the previously made holes with the help of self-tapping wood screws, the linings are connected to the frame. When it is impossible to strengthen the lining from below, they are placed on the steps and fixed with clamps. After that, both linings are drilled. To do this, you need a drill for metal, with its help the hole necessary for the hat self-tapping screw is formed.

The lining should be positioned so that the wooden material protrudes slightly behind the metal.

It is worth choosing exclusively solid varieties of wood for these works. Previously, a chamfer is removed from future overlays, and the workpiece is given a rounded shape of the appropriate size. This maneuver will reduce the appearance of chipped steps. The material is carefully examined and rejected in the presence of the slightest cracks. Each step should be numbered for ease of installation.

Scheme of a modular mid-flight ladder.

After the steps have taken their final state, you can proceed to the installation of additional decorative elements. Decorated balusters will come in handy, the main thing is to find correct color and form.

Next, work begins on the selection and installation of the balustrade. It is necessary mainly for the safety of movement. But it plays a significant decorative role. Here you will have to consider the dimensions of the girth of the railing, as they must correspond to the shape of the palm of the owner of the stairs. Next, you should think about the balusters, their shape and arrangement. This element of the stairs is the most important, because it is responsible for safety during the descent and ascent. In the standard arrangement, a step of 9-10 cm is made between the balusters. Options are possible at intervals of both 13 cm and 22 cm. After these maneuvers, the balusters are placed along the edge of the steps along the entire perimeter of the stairs. Having made a control check of the location of the elements, you should fix the balusters with the help of special spiers. After that, the railings themselves are attached to them.

Next, the entire frame is stitched using a wooden panel. This panel must be prepared in advance according to the shape of the protrusions. First, the part of the stairs located on the side is sheathed. Next, it is worth moving on to the sheathing of steps and risers. Having finished with the sheathing, you can start decorating the marches located on the back of the metal structure. For these purposes, drywall sheets are suitable.

Having completed all the work to hide the metal structure, paint is applied to the resulting composition, and, if necessary, fixed with varnish.

Thinking about such an interesting and tempting element of decor, you can significantly change the style of the room. As a result, you can create a real work of art with your own hands, making it the epicenter of everyone's attention and admiration.

Do-it-yourself ladder on a metal frame: installation of steps

Before you install a ladder on a metal frame with your own hands, you need to decide on the installation of the fastener element. Care should be taken when working on the turning steps.

Stairs on a metal frame: it is reliable!

Stairs in a house with more than one floor can be very diverse. It is important to understand this topic in order to build it with your own hands.

The choice of material from which the structure can be made is huge. Optionally, it can be made:

Staircase without finishing

Stairs on a metal frame

For safety, the structure must have a reliable support. This is the metal frame. The construction of such a foundation has two methods:

  • welding;
  • made.

Stairs on welded metal frames

This construction requires welding accuracy and thorough calculation so that at the end of the work all steps are equal to each other. Such structures are of several types:

closed type

If you look at the photo of a side view of a structure of this type, you can easily understand its design. The basis, called the carrier, in most cases is made of channels. They are attached parallel to each other. Each step is 2 channels. Here you need to take into account their number on the landing of the stairs. Then, kerchiefs are made by welding over the base for steps and risers. On them, after completing the base, it will be necessary to fix the finish, which will close the metal frame itself.

open type

This type of construction differs from the previous one in that the supporting base is replaced by a kosour in the center or a pair of kosour on the sides. The photo shows that the side ridges have the same shape as the staircase itself. After finishing it with wood, the building itself will remain open, but the enamel coating will not spoil the appearance, but on the contrary, it will give it a modern style.

Metal frame in the center

Differently given type called monokosour, that is, one kosur is made in the middle. On it, also in the center, scarves are welded, and on top - special support platforms. If you look at the photo, you can see that this type does not have risers.

Products on a prefabricated metal frame

A prefabricated metal frame can also be constructed with your own hands. The photo shows that its components are already ready, and it will only need to be assembled, based on the instructions. Manufacturers often use the two most common methods. This is the collection of a metal frame, when one part enters another, or there is an axis on which spare parts are strung. Stairs of this type look no worse than others.

Construction of structures from a metal frame

The metal frame is divided into types according to the construction:

Most normal view- straight. A structure with a turn can be without a platform and with a platform. The shape of the "screw" can be used during construction if there is little space for the stairs. The type of arc will allow the design to acquire unique features.

Also, stair structures made of metal frame have railings. For each design they are made individually. Railings can be metal, wooden or combined, depending on the type of metal frame.

Facing stairs from a metal frame

When constructing such a product with your own hands, you need to choose the right lining for it. For finishing works suitable materials such as:

Each of them combines differently with metal. A marble staircase, for example, can not be built in every room, but only where it suits the style. Glass and plastic have their own characteristics: beauty, modernity, practicality. But from hard hit such a lining can crack. The most common option is wood. Its biggest advantage is durability. The most commonly used types of wood for a metal frame are:

Stairs from a metal frame, thanks to a huge selection of options for design and cladding, are perfect for any interior.

Do-it-yourself ladder on a metal frame: photo, video

Ladders on a metal frame are open, closed and combined. The metal frame implies the performance of welding work.

Do-it-yourself staircase on a metal frame is created from corners, a channel or profile pipes. For decorative works, alkyd, acrylic paints and enamels are used. Surfaces are filled with wood, concrete and glass. If it is being built outdoor structure, it is necessary to provide for the presence of corrugated steps and non-slip coatings.

Iron steps with wooden filling

Frame installation calculation

If for the first time you have to face the question of how to make a metal frame of stairs with your own hands, it is important to choose the right product configuration and basic parameters. For this, a sketch is created.

The height of the rise is measured to determine the number of steps. The height of the risers is 15 - 18 cm. From this it follows that 12 steps are created for a flight of stairs 240 cm high. It is necessary to add 2 cm to the thickness of the tread. This rule is provided for structures with an angle of inclination of 40 45 gr.

Attention! If you are designing a wooden staircase on a metal frame with your own hands, it is important to remember that the double height and single width of the steps in total provide the length of the average human step (60 cm).

Solid metal steps

Wireframe creation

Parts are created according to pre-prepared templates. Mount steel or cast iron strings, fix them together at the top and bottom.

It is possible to provide for the presence of additional supports in the lower part and fixation to the wall surface. After mounting the load-bearing parts, it is necessary to mark the sections and weld the fasteners.

Steel frame for stairs

Railings, risers and treads are fastened with screws from the underside. At the end, the structure is finished.

Below you can find out in detail, the metal frame of the stairs with your own hands from the video or a small instruction:

Marching staircase on channels

Based on the length, frame base fastened in whole or in sections. This is facilitated rectangular pipes(parameters are determined by the width of the treads), channels, corners and sheet metal. In a conventional design, two channels are used as stringers, concreted in the mass of the floor. The second side is fixed on the interfloor overlap.

Metal frame for wooden stairs

The channels are welded, allowing you to create a "frame" for the steps. Corners-kerchiefs are welded to them. The formed product is welded to the supporting beams. Steps of the specified parameters are cut out of sheet metal, and then welded onto the frame. Burrs are removed with a file. The product is coated with a primer for corrosion resistance.

Two rows of gaps are drilled in the steps with an interval of 15-20 cm. The edge is indented by 2 cm. To fit the panels to the frame, the plywood substrates are fixed using filling glue.

The wooden panel is fixed at the bottom, ensuring the integrity of the structure. The panel is mounted on the frame and fixed through rows of gaps with self-tapping screws with washers. If there is no access in the lower part, then gaps for self-tapping screws are drilled in the panel.

Frame installation for a flight of stairs

On the steps, marking of places for supports is provided - 5-10 cm from the edge in increments of 60 cm. Initially, the first and last balusters are placed.

Pit holes are drilled at the marks - a depth of up to 1.2 cm, a diameter of 1.6 cm. Anchors and racks are placed in the given recesses. A cord is pulled between the first and last baluster, and the rest of the railing posts are fixed at the level of the cord.

Pre-prepared railings are applied to the racks to determine the location of their drilling. After their formation, the handrails are hinged.

If the railings have fillings, then the crossbars are cut into segments with marking of the fixation points. Then drilled holes are created with fixation on the supports.

As a result, the railing "takes" up to 10 cm steps. Alternatively, you can attach a handrail to the end:

  1. Anchor type of fixation. In the end part of the step, 2 gaps are drilled with the insertion of 2 anchors. Anchor clearances are created in the support. During installation, the support is fixed from the side.
  2. The side option is provided by means of anchors. Balusters are fixed in the holder, which is attached to the frame. Handrails are placed in the usual way.

Frame structure for stair installation

screw structure

  • The frame for a spiral installation is made using two pipes - one has a larger size, the second has a smaller section. Channels are also required. It is necessary to stock up on rods to create seal rings or base rings.
  • A pipe of a larger diameter is cut into sleeves corresponding to segments of 23-26 cm. The sleeves form perpendicular structures, which makes it possible to avoid distortions of the steps.
  • Channels are connected by welding into a frame for steps. The frame is welded to the sleeve. The seams are sanded. Sleeves, a sealing ring, a step and again a sealing ring are put on a pipe with a smaller diameter. Seals are welded into the sleeve and polished.
  • The support is installed in the floor (filled with a monolith), the steps are distributed at an angle and fixed with the help of racks or bolts. Solid wood steps are placed on the metal frame and handrails are mounted.

metal steps

Finishing is carried out based on your own preferences. However, on initial stage surface should be primed and deburred. Then paint, varnish is applied and all kinds of decorative inserts are applied. Used as filling concrete mix, wood or metal lattice structure. The cladding is tile, stone and other materials.

Do-it-yourself staircase on a metal frame: calculations and installation, photo and video

Do-it-yourself staircase on a metal frame is created from corners, a channel or profile pipes. For decorative works, alkyd, acrylic paints and enamels are used. Surfaces are filled with wood, concrete and glass. If an external structure is being constructed, it is necessary to provide

Do-it-yourself ladder on a metal frame

Advantages of stairs on a metal frame and 3 types of structures

A ladder on a metal frame is considered the most reliable and heavy-duty. It is possible to make a ladder on a metal frame with your own hands. To build such a metal structure, you will need to make drawings, as well as correctly manufacture the base of the frame. Below we will talk about what nuances will need to be considered.

Advantages of stairs on a metal frame

It is not at all a secret that a metal staircase to the second floor is much stronger than wooden structures.

The finished structure is covered with a primer layer and painted in order to protect it from corrosive processes.

Among the main advantages of stairs on a metal frame are:

  • Durability;
  • No squeaks;
  • Increased strength;
  • Suitability for repair;
  • The ability to fit into absolutely any interior.

Over time, wood not only dries out, but also begins to crack, which causes the product to loosen. Of course, the staircase will not break or crumble, however, the aesthetic appearance will be significantly impaired, squeaks will begin to appear. Despite the fact that wooden stairs can be strengthened through special impregnations and the use of modern technologies erection, they are significantly inferior to metal frames.

Modern metal rolling produces only high-quality metal sheets, thanks to which any staircase, for example, a corner staircase with winder steps, will be durable, wear-resistant and, most importantly, will last for more than one decade. In addition, it will not creak, and will not cause irritation.

With regards to suitability for repairs, there will never be a problem with this. It is quite easy to eliminate one failed element, since the structures are mainly installed in a prefabricated way, in which it is possible to replace the desired part with a new one in a couple of movements. Stairs for a house on an iron frame can be used in any style from modern to hi-tech, and sheathing does not require a lot of effort, time and materials.

Disadvantages of manufacturing stairs on a metal frame

Among negative sides metal stairs, only 3 not very important points can be noted.

Instead of supporting channels in the manufacture, it is quite possible to use profile pipes

  1. When walking on a staircase made of a metal frame, on which there is no sheathing and sound insulation, too much noise can be created. You can eliminate it by using decorative overlays or by installing steps made of wood.
  2. When using a metal ladder, care must be taken to ensure that there are no pockets of corrosion, which can cause rapid rust spread and deterioration of aesthetics. This can be avoided by installing parts for the manufacture of which chrome steel is used.
  3. The cost of such structures is far from small, and it significantly exceeds the price of wood products.

As you can see, there are many more benefits. So the choice is yours.

Which type of metal frame to choose for stairs to the second floor

Installation of metal stairs can be carried out in open space, and they are used almost everywhere.

At right approach to the point you can build a completely aesthetic and robust design capable of lasting for many years

With your own hands, a ladder can be made, but subject to instructions, technology, and most importantly, if meth is used. profile of the highest category of quality and durability. In this case, the spent effort, money and time will be able to fully justify themselves.

Stair metal frames are of three types:

  1. Hidden. It is the most economical. During installation, all parts of the product are hidden under the skin. As a rule, the cheapest materials are used to create the structure, and possibly even second-rate ones. Such structures are not particularly aesthetically pleasing and are most often used for basements or industrial buildings. It is worth noting that a negligent attitude to the choice of material quality may in the future affect the life of the product, as well as its safety.
  2. Open. It installs two stringers or, in other words, load-bearing elements, on which steps are then mounted. These frame stairs are made using a square profile pipe. The finishing of the stringers is carried out by means of a special enamel, which includes a primer composition. The view of such structures is aesthetic, beautiful and refined. The cost is much higher than the first option.
  3. Open frame on one stringer. In this case, one is used bearing beam, on which the platform, steps and corner are mounted. The peculiarity of the stairs is airiness, lightness and transparency.

To deform the steps during subsequent operation, you can additionally install an additional console on the side.

What you need to make a metal staircase frame

The calculation of the dimensions of the stairs can be done using the wizard, independently online or using the appropriate video tutorial. In the manufacture of stairs, you will need to carefully prepare and stock up not only on the material itself, for example, German canvases or Russian production, but also essential tool but only the essentials.

Today, everything that is needed in the work can be purchased at hardware stores.

Namely, you need to prepare:

  • Bulgarian;
  • Drill with a power of more than 600W;
  • Drills for metal;
  • Welding machine;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • File;
  • Level;
  • Square;
  • Wrench;
  • A hammer;
  • Protective suit.

Devices such as a compass and the like are not needed when preparing parts.

What do-it-yourself stairs on a metal frame are made of?

When purchasing or selecting both the tool and the material, it is not worth saving, since everything must be of high quality, and the inventory is best of all professional, and made well-known manufacturers. In this case, it is quite possible to achieve the desired result and create projects that fully comply with both your own expectations and all necessary requirements. In addition, the use of serviceable equipment will eliminate injuries and damage to the material during operation.

When choosing a profile pipe Special attention give pipe square shape with a section of 40x60 mm

With regards to materials, as a rule, for self-manufacturing framework is used:

  • Profile pipe with rectangular section, as it is more rigid;
  • Primer for metal;
  • Enamel;
  • Degreaser;
  • Composition that prevents the formation of rust.

The profile pipe frame has a lot of advantages: reliability, durability, long service life, ease of installation, regardless of whether work is carried out indoors or outdoors, and the possibility of manufacturing stairs of absolutely any type, shape and size.

Economy is another plus. It is the profile pipe that is the most economical material and it is used not only in the independent manufacture of objects, but also in the industrial one.

Another advantage is that absolutely any paint can be used for coloring, but only on a metal surface.

How and how to sheathe a ladder on a metal frame

As a rule, wood is used for sheathing stairs from a metal frame. It looks quite attractive, it is inexpensive and, if desired, it can be painted with a stain in the desired shade.

by the most simple view ennoblement of a metal staircase is the fastening of wooden steps to the frame using self-tapping screws

One has only to decide which type of wood to choose:

  1. Pine is considered the most economical material. It is inexpensive, looks beautiful and has a light shade. Among the advantages can be noted the presence of a pleasant-looking texture. Ecologists believe that the presence of pine wood in the house has a positive effect on the microclimate, since it contains phytoncide, which kills bacteria and prevents their formation. In addition, it exudes a delicate and healthy smell of pine needles.
  2. Larch is a kind of golden mean among oak and pine. Larch belongs to conifers. She has a yellow, beautiful wavy structure. Unlike pine, it has greater hardness, impact resistance and long-term preservation of the presentation even over a long period of time.
  3. Oak is characterized by high strength, as well as shades of gray from light to dark. It has a structure of splendid beauty and is considered the most suitable fabric for the manufacture of stairs, steps in particular. Oak canvases can last a long time and will not bring problems. Some believe that the ability of oak to darken over time can spoil the appearance of products, but this is precisely its aesthetic and distinctive quality. Among the main disadvantages, only the cost can be noted, since it is quite high, but fully meets the stated requirements.
  4. Ash is no less suitable for home stairs. It is also used in public places, with high traffic. It has high strength and strength. To leave a scratch or even a dent on the dacha cover made of ash, you will have to try a lot, since this is unlikely to work out.
  5. Beech grows on the territory North Caucasus and is called the iron tree. The branch can reach almost 15cm in diameter and is considered bulletproof.

According to such data, it is not difficult to guess that beech is especially durable and wear-resistant. It has a light shade, but can be grayish and reddish-yellowish.

How to sheathe a ladder on a metal frame (video)

There are a huge number of options for choosing a material, but the main thing is not to forget about construction technology, especially in public buildings, and about compliance with the norms and safety standards of SNIP.

Design of stairs on a metal frame (photo of interiors)

How to make a ladder on a metal frame?

  • Wood and stairs on a metal frame
  • The choice of materials for the stairs with your own hands
  • Materials and tools
  • DIY installation
  • Installation of steps to the stairs on a metal base

The use of wood in metal stairs is one of the most successful techniques in the arrangement of any home. Due to the fact that the metal frame has the greatest strength, then such a ladder will last for many years. In addition, such designs allow you to enrich the house with a spectacular element of decor. Stairs on a metal frame can be supplemented with a huge number of original details: balusters, forged elements etc. A competent approach to such an interesting and desirable home attribute as a staircase will create an atmosphere of comfort and luxury.

Diagram of a spiral staircase.

But still, it is preferable to supply bare unaesthetic metal frames with wood. It is this material that gives the greatest comfort during ascent and descent. Metal and wood are the best duo that can withstand heavy loads with high aesthetic appeal.

Wood and stairs on a metal frame

Application in stairs on a metal frame wooden parts peculiar exclusively creative people with delicate taste. Complementing metal stairs with wooden steps is the most economical. And if you want to hide the metal frame from prying eyes, you can color everything metal parts wood-like tone of paint. The result is a complete and harmonious wooden staircase.

For designers use wooden elements in metal frame stairs a real pleasure. After all, there is where to roam and come up with another masterpiece. In addition, adding only wood elements will save money, increase the service life and reduce the weight of the manufactured interior item. Metal is more durable than wooden structures, but it is heavier.

The combination of wood and metal allows you to achieve grace, grace.

Scheme for calculating a spiral staircase.

It is preferable to use strong and light metals with a high level of corrosion resistance for the manufacture of stairs on a metal frame with your own hands. Many decide to sheathe the frame of the stairs completely with wood, while others only partially (for example, in steps).

Before you start decorating, you should decide on an estimate. If the amount for such an attribute is calculated considerable, then you can buy a tree valuable breeds(beech, cherry, cedar). These breeds are famous for their aesthetics and durability. If the choice fell on oak, then thanks to this material the staircase will delight its owners for a long time. At the same time, this breed will not visually change even with mechanical damage.

If desired, the stairs on the metal frame can be completely sheathed with wood. This method is much more expensive, but much more environmentally friendly. At the same time, steps, risers, under-stair space are sheathed with wood. In order to bring the manufactured attribute as close as possible to a full-fledged wooden staircase, it is also necessary to decorate the staircase with a wooden braid and bowstring. After these actions, no one will be able to distinguish this masterpiece from a natural wooden staircase.

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The choice of materials for the stairs with your own hands

Folding ladder profile.

The choice of material for facing works- a very difficult and troublesome task. Either you get a world masterpiece, but it will cost like an Eiffel Tower, or a simple decorative element. When choosing, it is worth proceeding only according to the expected infusions into the process of creating the stairs.

First of all, the design is developed - general idea created attribute, the costs are signed. With a modest budget, you can sheathe the frame with only wood elements (either steps or risers) and replace it with less expensive options.

But if the budget has wide reserves, then the owner of the stairs will not remain indifferent if, as finishing materials natural solid wood of valuable species will be used. Nothing but wood can ennoble the interior with warmth and comfort. In addition, the tree has increased sound insulation, helps to save heat and is able to withstand maximum loads and mechanical damage. This material is not only durable, it is also beautiful from the aesthetic side.

Calculation optimal angle slope of the stairs.

Before choosing, it is worth leaving only those types of wood that differ in an acceptable level of humidity. It is this characteristic in maximum degree affects the further operation of the tree in everyday life. If the breed is different excess moisture, then the strength of the wood will drop significantly. Before starting installation work, the wood must be dried to an acceptable level. Otherwise, during operation, the wood may swell, which will lead to distortions, squeaks and, accordingly, damage to parts.

When starting cladding, preference should be given to: walnut, oak, beech, pear, cherry, mahogany.

Oak has a high level of strength and durability. Its surface is rich in colors. The color can vary from pale yellow to reddish-brown. It is worth remembering that oak can darken a little over time, while acquiring a rich noble shade.

Ash is a very durable material. Its texture is pronounced, while the shade of the tree has a noble grayish undertone.

Beech is chosen by elegant and refined natures. Externally, the wood is very attractive, has a uniform texture and a long service life. Often used to recreate mahogany.

Scheme for calculating the step of the stairs.

Often, exotic wood species are used for such purposes: wenge, merbau, teak.

In addition to unreal beauty, stairs made with elements exotic breeds, receive in addition the high level of durability and durability.

Pine is characterized by increased performance characteristics. Due to the fact that pine is a material of minimum density, it is quite unpretentious in processing.

When using this type of wood, the estimate is significantly reduced, since the cost of pine species is much lower than hardwood counterparts.

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Materials and tools

To start construction work, you should stock up on the following attributes:

  • ready-made modular blocks;
  • self-tapping screws, washers self-tapping screws for wood;
  • plywood;
  • polymer glue;
  • wrenches;
  • spiers for fastening;
  • clamp - 2 pcs.;
  • drill;
  • varnish (for wood);
  • paint (for wood);
  • screwdriver;
  • drill for metal;
  • tree for steps;
  • drywall sheets.

One of the most stylish and modern types of interior stairs: it is durable and elegant at the same time. By the way, there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of such a ladder - it is quite possible to do it yourself. Do you want to know how? Read our article.

Do-it-yourself ladder on a metal frame: design calculation

Modular ladder on a metal frame STEREO

This is a ready-made STEREO modular staircase on a stringer with birch steps, manufactured by Moscow Stairs. It is also possible to make such a metal frame for stairs with your own hands, but a little more difficult - for this design, separate segments of a conventional profile are welded.

Materials and tools that will be required to make the frame of a metal staircase with your own hands

To work with an interior staircase on a metal frame, prepare:

Based on the prepared calculations, for making your own hands you will need:

  • 5 sq. meters of pine wood (11,000 rubles);
  • 12 meters of channel 20 (11,000 rubles);
  • 18 meters of metal corner 35x35 (1,500 rubles);
  • 24 meters of a metal profile with a section of 20x20 (900 rubles);
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws or screws) (1,500 rubles);
  • primer-enamel for metal (2,500 rubles);
  • stain and oil for stairs (700 and 1,500 rubles);
  • mounting glue (1,800 rubles);
  • 5 sq. meters of plywood (2,000 rubles).

The total cost of all materials will be 34,400 rubles.

We make a ladder on a metal frame with our own hands

First of all, we will explain how to weld the frame for the stairs. Our metal frame consists of two bowstrings (channels) that will be connected by a base made of metal corners. For precise marking we put both channels on the ground (on the floor) parallel to each other and mark the places where the steps are attached. After that, according to the marking on the edge of the channels, we weld metal corners. It turns out this construction:

Metal frame for stairs

The lower part of the frame is concreted into the floor, the upper part is attached to the beams of the upper floor. The part of the frame that is adjacent to the wall is fixed with anchor bolts. Of course, the do-it-yourself metal staircase frame is quite rough. But it is easy to "decorate" with wooden steps.

From wood (it is most convenient to buy an ordinary furniture board for making steps), steps are cut to size. On the metal bases a substrate (plywood) is attached to the steps. Please note that our steps will have a slight overlap, but the plywood backing must be exactly the size of the metal frame of the steps. Cut plywood with mounting adhesive are mounted to the frame, after which they are additionally fixed with self-tapping screws. And already the steps themselves are installed on the plywood, which are also mounted with the help of screws or self-tapping screws.

Schematic representation of the installation of steps on a metal frame of various types

If you decide to make a staircase with risers, install them in the same way.

In order to make it more convenient to install the steps, put temporary ones on the frame - pieces of an ordinary board, on which you can step, mounting the plywood substrate and the steps themselves.

The location of the steps must be checked with a level. If a distortion is found somewhere during the construction process, it will be easy to fix it. Unevenly lying steps during the operation of the stairs will loosen and creak, and the whole structure will become less reliable. In fact, welding the frame of the stairs is much easier than carefully and correctly installing the steps.

After the staircase itself is completely ready, you can proceed with the installation of the fence. For him, we have prepared a profile pipe - which can be either round or with square section. The pipe is cut to size, taking into account the fact that optimal height the fence is 0.9 m. Depending on the length of the stairs, 3-4 vertical supports are welded to the bowstring, a piece of pipe is placed on them, which will serve as a handrail, and several horizontal strips are laid between them, with which large gaps in the staircase fence are closed. That's all, the railing is ready. It is not so difficult to make a fence and a frame of a metal staircase with your own hands.

And to slightly simplify the work, you can also use ready-made fencing elements: they look very impressive, the cost of which ranges from 1,900 to 6,000 rubles.

Steel rack for stair railings, production Moscow Stairs

Please note that before installing the metal staircase frame with your own hands, all welds, and indeed all parts of the structure, will need to be carefully sanded to remove metal burrs that can be severely cut. The already installed frame must be covered with primer-enamel in several layers. Modern enamel primers not only have good anti-corrosion properties, but also paint the structure in almost any color. With their help, ordinary black metal can be given a spectacular look, and a staircase on a metal frame with your own hands will look great.

Does it even make sense to make a wooden staircase on a metal frame with your own hands?

In general, on metal frames they have become an almost integral element of a modern interior. Thanks to the use of various modifications of metal frames, stair structures began to turn out to be much more stylish and spectacular compared to standard wooden ones and are actively used to decorate apartments and houses made according to individual projects.

Look how exquisite a staircase like the standard DOUBLE ITALIA model with a metal railing and two landings can look. By the way, this type of ladder structures is especially convenient in operation.

Staircase on a double metal frame DOUBLE ITALIA, production Moscow stairs

The use of a lightweight and compact monokosour made it possible to create airy and very small stairs, which became ideal option for small spaces.

Modular staircase MOSLEST-180

Another thing is that making such a frame of a metal staircase with your own hands, as shown in the photographs, is unrealistic on your own - unless, of course, you are a professional carpenter and welder in one person.

You should end up with something simpler:

Staircase on a metal frame, made in a home workshop

Stairs on a metal frame, made independently, do not have a special aesthetic. As for functionality, simple and rough structures of this type are more often used as basement stairs: so that the product contains as little wood as possible, less resistant to adverse conditions environment compared to metal.

Making a metal frame for a staircase with your own hands is an expensive pleasure, for which, in principle, there are no good reasons. For the same money, you can buy a finished wooden staircase in a store. High Quality and more interesting design. However, judge for yourself: below are two real-life stairs sold in the Moscow Stairs hypermarket. They cost - 29,990 rubles. and 29,900 rubles, respectively.

Wooden ladder LS-07M/1

Wooden ladder LS-04U

Finished wooden stairs- quite suitable alternative to a ladder on a metalframework. Of course, they look a little less stylish, but for wooden house fit perfectly. And their low cost makes them the #1 choice for any owner. country house or cottages.

Depending on the characteristics of the building, interior design and the desires of the owners, stairs can be of different types and types, from transformable outdoor stairs to combined stationary ones. About which frame ladder is better to choose, as well as about the features of the installation, read on.

You can divide stairs according to criteria: material, purpose, sound insulation and cladding in buildings, mode of operation, design, and so on. However, one of the most reliable and versatile are frame stairs with an iron frame. This type of stairs provides the buyer with an incredibly large range of frames, as well as the ability to change and create a staircase (for example, a corner one), taking into account absolutely any parameters of the overall interior design.

These are the most popular types of "skeleton" stairs, because:

  1. They are able to withstand high load, temperature changes, air humidity and even natural disasters.
  2. They will not hold together, simple installation with winder steps.
  3. The price is quite acceptable.

Using German fasteners and met. profile, having secured foreign photo and video materials, using the calculation in the Compass program to create drawings, you can create a masterpiece in your own hands, incomparable with anything.

Staircase on a metal frame

Oddly enough, the most common type of frame has only two variations.

  • closed;
  • Open.

Closed - located behind the steps and panels, due to which welding seams are not visible, so cheaper metal elements can be used. Racks is a channel, which also performs the function of fasteners connecting the racks.

The steps are supported by metal corners, and, depending on their thickness, the strength of the steps and, accordingly, the service life of the stairs itself depend.

Open - this type of metal frame is more expensive than the previous one, since the rolled metal is outside here, the work is also quite complicated, since you have to work with a sheet of metal. There is no channel in the open "skeleton" of the stairs, the external support is made in the form of a "ladder".

There is an open frame with one kosour (bearing beam of the structure with combs on the upper part, on which the steps are installed, they can be sheathed with decoration), in it the above element is installed in the center of the steps, which visually gives the stairs lightness and airiness. There are also frames with two stringers, where they are located at the edges of the steps. The base of the stairs is an important part of the whole structure, since steps are attached to it.

Types of stairs on a metal frame

The base is responsible for the strength of the entire staircase structure, and it is necessary to approach its choice thoroughly.

There are several types of base frame stairs:

  • wooden base;
  • Metallic.

AT wooden mount steps to the base takes place on a bowstring, that is, the step is inserted into a special slot and fixed with adhesives, or the step is attached to special cutouts located on the upper part of the stringer.

It is worth noting that the wooden base provides that the steps will also be made of wood. But the fence and elements of external decor can be made of other materials.

Metal, due to the properties of metal, the design is stronger and more durable than wood. There are many options for stairs with, but the most popular are stairs with wooden steps made of oak or beech. In public spaces and in houses with a large number of people, stone steps are installed, as this is the most durable, but expensive material.

Prefabricated metal frame stairs

There are cases when floors have already been installed in the room, and partial finishing has been done, therefore, it is impossible to install ordinary stairs. Then the prefabricated frame is a way out of the situation. It consists of prefabricated parts that are attached to each other.

The most popular options for prefabricated stairs are:

  • On the central stringer, ;
  • Spiral staircase, on two stringers,
  • Prefabricated stairs for the street.

The foundation for the stairs is necessary, due to the large weight of the stairs and due to the heaving of the soil, which can lead to the destruction and deformation of the staircase structure. However, the destruction of the foundation may occur due to undermining of the soil or construction work near the building.

Foundations are often made deep, either below the freezing of the soil, or below just the vegetation layer, or otherwise shallow. For the first type of foundation, thick cast-iron or steel pipes that are inserted into specially made wells. In shallow ones, special fastening systems are used to fix the ladder in a fixed position. However, in winter, the stairs will be deformed from frost heaving. Also, do not forget about the insulation of the wooden parts of the stairs in contact with the foundation, they must be protected with a waterproofing layer.

In conclusion, you can add only one simple rule, the staircase should be, first of all, safe and reliable, and only then - beautiful. If the staircase starts in the center of the hall, it is more advisable to install one directly from the entrance big window before moving to the second floor in a beautiful binding.

The location of the windows depends on the location of the staircase itself, if, for example, it is made in the corner of the house, then, accordingly, it is necessary to make corner windows in the house.

iron frame staircase design

Stairs in private houses, despite their main function, descent and ascent, are distinguished by a variety of designs, both in design and shape, and in appearance. The manufacturing technology of the stairs is selected, depending on the capabilities of the owner of the house. different types stairs is possible, if there is a small building experience, even make it yourself, and do not apply for production to any company for the manufacture of stairs.

To make your own, follow these steps:

  1. You should use the photos of the stairs, then choose the most suitable for you. interesting option, which will most optimally match the design of the whole house. You can make it yourself, using photographs and diagrams.
  2. The design of the stairs can also be done based on photographs and various samples, for example, it can be designed as in classical style design, and decorate, somehow unusual. For example, railings and balusters can be draped with fabric.
  3. Additionally, you can transform the staircase by arranging a small closed wardrobe under it or inside it with a different storage system, and this can be beaten in such a way that this wardrobe will be an element of the decor of the entire staircase.

You can decorate the stairs in a different way, the main thing is that the design style matches the design and decor of the corridor and also the design of the first and second floors.

It is interesting to look at such decor options as the glass railing of the stairs, as well as beautiful metal casting products that serve to decorate the stairs.

Optimal width and production of stairs on a metal frame

In order to determine the optimal dimensions of the stairs, it is necessary to take into account what it will be specifically intended for, whether dimensional things will move along it, how many people live in the house, etc. You should also consider where exactly in the house the stairs will be installed. If, for example, the staircase is installed along the wall, and few people live in the house, then the width of the stairs of 80–90 cm is quite enough. But if the staircase is standard, leading to the second floor, it should be made about 100 cm wide. Well, the maximum the width of the stairs in a private house is 150 cm.

This will allow you to safely transfer, if necessary, oversized cargo along it:

  1. If the staircase is spiral, then its width can vary from 60 cm, provided that it plays an auxiliary role and is used, for example, in the kitchen for descending into the underground for groceries. And if it is located in the house and is used to climb to the second floor, then its width must be at least 80 cm.
  2. If the ladder is used or for descending to the basement and is rarely used, you can get by with a width of such a ladder of 50–60 cm.

To use the stairs in the yard (folding or attached), its width of 55–60 cm is sufficient, the main thing is that it is stable and can withstand the weight of a person, and, if necessary, two.

Such stairs are simple in design and do not require any SNiP standards (Russia and the CIS) for their manufacture. If the owner of the house does not want to make such a staircase himself, he can buy it using the advertisements of individuals or buy it in special stores. It would be better to study the online video tutorial "Do it Yourself Maderm Forester" in order to determine the parameters live.

Making the cladding of the stairs on the metal frame

In order to decorate the staircase somehow unusual and interesting, you should look at a variety of projects, examples, in order to do something of your own based on them or simply copy them. For example, you can use wallpaper or different kinds applications. You can hang photos along the wall near the stairs.

If you need to make repairs, then after it you can also decorate the stairs in an original and effortless way:

  1. The walls near the stairs can be decorated textured plaster or mosaic, the steps themselves can be decorated with multi-colored applications. You can decorate the staircase railing with fabric, flowers, colored stained-glass windows, etc.
  2. If there is a hitch with the design of the stairs, despite the examples, you should contact the specialists, the decorator will tell you the best option.

Which design options will be the most advantageous, you can only find out after trial and error. But there are certain exceptions in the design of stairs.

How to sheathe a ladder on a metal frame (video)

Frame front stairs, as a rule, do not require any special design, as they themselves are a decoration of the house. And other types of stairs, for example, outdoor ones, on the contrary, require additional design.

Design of stairs on a metal frame (photo examples)