Repair of bathrooms and toilets in Khrushchev. Bathroom design in Khrushchev (real photos). Organization of space in a square-shaped room

From the very beginning, we decided to combine the bathroom and dressing room, breaking the existing between them brick partition. Thickness - half a brick. That is how much the combined bathroom has increased. Knowing dimensions such premises in "Khrushchev" will understand the significance of even such a meager increase in area. On site doorway a blank wall appeared in the former toilet, which also played a role in its increase. One door led to the shared bathroom. We decided to leave the one that led to the bathroom.

Along the demolished partition was a heated towel rail, which had to be moved to another location. These were the tasks before the start of the repair.

On the top photo: toilet and bathroom. You can also see where the partition between them passed. Now it has already been removed.

Here you can already clearly see that this is one room. One can only guess about the partition, since traces of it are visible in the middle of the floor and wall. This room is ready for renovation. Everything that is not needed has already been dismantled and taken out.

By the way, so that when the partition was broken, the tiles were chipped (it was on the walls and on the floor), the dust did not go into the apartment, you had to close the doors tightly, drape them with wet rags, and work in gas masks yourself. It helped that the ventilation worked well. Garbage was taken out into the street in polypropylene bags. The doors were carefully removed after all the dirty work was done. Of course, we did not cover the rest of the apartment 100%, but nevertheless, the precautions taken in this regard helped.

Well, everything old is broken and removed, how the combined bathroom will look like, what and where it will be located is determined. Repair materials and equipment for the room have been purchased.

Work began with the installation of sewerage and water supply. Pipes could be hidden in the floor or in the wall, but then they changed their minds. It turned out that they were almost completely hidden by the bathroom itself and the bedside table under the sink. Therefore, they had to be specially hidden only at the place of wiring, where the main riser passes. The corner was closed using GVL sheets. Knauf. old sewer pipe also changed to plastic. Feel free to close. They last 100 years. The corner is closed. Piping and piping completed.

Next, we make a frame for the wall and doorway. I have already said that instead of the door that used to lead to the toilet, there will be a blank wall. Here is the frame for it we mount. Metal. Along with a doorway that will allow you to enter a single bathroom. This is how it looks in the photo. It remains to sheathe the frame and attach the doors. But that's later.

The next stage of work is to check the surface of the floor and walls with a level (we use both laser and conventional). Set beacons, focusing on which, fill the floor. Rather, first, if necessary, align the walls, and then move on to the floor. By the way, the preparation of the solution and the work associated with it makes it necessary to take additional measures to prevent the spread of dust throughout the apartment.

So, the wiring is done, the walls, the floor are leveled and ready for laying the tiles.

Especially carefully it is necessary to begin the installation of the lower rows of tiles, otherwise a small flaw, unevenness at the beginning will lead to distortions at the end. Tiles are laid using a special tile adhesive. Before that, the walls and floor were coated with a primer. We bought the primer ready for use, and the glue had to be diluted. Although now sold and ready to go.

The photo shows that the bathroom bowl is located almost right next to the wall. Therefore, this edge of the bathtub was simply missed, it was not possible to install tiles. In our case, it goes all the way to the bathtub, as far as possible, and then continued to lay it immediately from the rim up. Looking ahead, I note: when all the work was completed, this is not visible.

Our ceiling was suspended before. This time, they only changed the frame: from wooden to metal, since there were remnants after the installation of the wall and the doorway. Of course they made a new one. electrical wiring. Attached new plastic panels. The number of lamps remained the same - four.

Having completed all these works, we continued further laying the tiles. Already to the ceiling. With grouted seams. The grout was chosen a little lighter than the tile. I think it looks nice.

Basically, that's all repair work finished. We closed the bathroom bowl with a sliding partition, since they are now sold in any size and taste. Some still do deaf brick wall. I think that this is extremely impractical: if necessary, you will have to disassemble it all in order to get under the bath. Why create problems for yourself. Sliding partition allows you to use the space under the bathroom. Which is also important, given the size of our apartment.

This is what the shared bathroom looks like. Pay attention to the following. There used to be a door opposite the toilet. When we combined the toilet and bathroom, we made a blank wall here. This made it possible to put the washing machine, removing it from the kitchen.

One of the most difficult housing issues is the repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev. The main difficulty is created low ceilings and a very small area of ​​​​the room, especially since in most cases the bathroom is combined. On an average area of ​​3.5-4 m², it is quite difficult to place everything that should be in a modern bathroom - a bath or at least a shower, toilet, washbasin, washing machine and a minimum number of cabinets.

Today our repair school will deal with this issue. We will look at how to fit everything you need on a few square meters.


In the bathroom, everything starts with the development of the design of the future room. Apart from color solution, it is worth considering where exactly the plumbing will be placed, and whether redevelopment will be carried out.

Only a small number of Khrushchev houses have a combined bathroom - this is mainly three-room apartments and some houses built in the late 60s. For this reason, the beginning of repairs in almost all Khrushchev houses begins with the demolition of the partition between the bathroom and the toilet.

Together with an unnecessary wall, the following are dismantled from the room:

  • tile;
  • dye;
  • plumbing;
  • lamps;
  • if necessary pipes.

Repair Options

Before proceeding to installation stage, it is necessary to clearly define appearance future bathroom. We would like to bring to your attention, combined with a toilet, total area which is 4.8 m².

Option number 1:

  • the sit-down bathroom is replaced by a shower cabin;
  • the drain tank is hidden in the wall;
  • a hanging cabinet is placed under the sink;
  • a large mirror is hung over the sink;
  • for a visual increase in the center of the room, a white square is placed on the floor.

Option #2:

  • a shower cabin is placed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe former toilet;
  • the toilet and sink are transferred to the bathroom area;
  • the sink is placed on a countertop the length of the entire wall;
  • shelves are installed under the countertop and on the sides of the sink
  • the mirror occupies almost the entire wall.

Rooms larger than 4.8 m² can already accommodate a full bathroom. If a standard bathroom does not fit, we recommend installing a corner one.

Advice! If you want to install both a bathroom and a shower, you can purchase a combined option. With this solution, shelves are not installed above the sink so that they do not interfere with the opening of the cabin door.

Plumbing installation

Before starting the installation of plumbing, it is necessary to make piping and replacement of electrical wiring. These works should be performed independently only if you have the skills and experience. But the installation of plumbing can be carried out even by beginners.

To fix the toilet, you will need a special set of fasteners, which includes 2 dowels, 2 plumbing screws and decorative caps.

Toilet installation

  • close the valve responsible for the supply of cold water;
  • level the surface of the floor and allow it to dry completely;
  • apply the toilet to the place of future placement and mark the location of the holes for the fixing screws;
  • drill holes for screws;
  • install and fix the toilet;
  • the joint with the floor is carefully treated with silicone sealant.

Washbasin installation

  • apply the washbasin to the wall and mark the places of the fasteners;
  • drill holes with a drill with victorious drills;
  • plastic tips are hammered into the holes;
  • dowels are driven in and brackets are fixed;
  • hang the washbasin itself;
  • install a siphon.

Advice! For the most reliable fastening of the washbasin, extra strong black dowels are used. Russian production. Chinese dowels of silver color are significantly inferior to them in quality.

Bathroom installation

  • walls are treated with a moisture barrier;
  • a new bath is placed upside down on cardboard;
  • the supports are tried on for future placement points: the first pair of supports should be located near the drain hole at a distance of 1.5-2.5 cm to the center, the second - closer to the second edge;
  • joint points are degreased;
  • the protective film is removed from the supports, the supports are gently pressed against the placement sites;
  • adjusting studs are hammered into plastic tips;
  • if the bath is steel, apply a "fur coat" of polyurethane foam;
  • the bath is brought into the bathroom sideways (it is held by the edges);
  • after installation, leveling is carried out using a level;
  • seal all seams and joints.

Advice! If you made a mistake in the calculations and purchased too much long bath, cut a horizontal strip in the wall and slide the end of the bath into it.

Simultaneously with the installation of plumbing, it is connected to the sewer and plumbing system.

Space under the bath

Inexpensive bathrooms that the general population can afford usually do not have very beautiful legs, so they prefer to close the space under the bathroom in one of the following ways.

Screen types:

  • with hinged doors;
  • with sliding doors;
  • with shelves or drawers.

Surface finishing

Often in Khrushchev in the bathroom it is provided small window to the kitchen. old frame it is better to replace it with a small metal-plastic window with a folding mechanism for ventilation.

Now you can proceed to the direct finishing of surfaces.

Consider the stages of finishing using the most typical materials:

  • line the walls with reflective tiles (for a visual increase, it is better to take light colors);
  • joints with plumbing are sealed with silicone;
  • a wooden crate is attached to the ceiling;
  • PVC panels are mounted to the crate (having previously drilled holes for the lamps in them);
  • a special plastic corner is fixed around the perimeter of the ceiling;
  • install ceiling lights;
  • do cement screed on the floor;
  • after drying, the floor is tiled;
  • tile joints on the floor are coated with silicone sealant.

Completion of works

The repair of the bathroom in Khrushchev is completed by installing a heated towel rail, shelves, a mirror and other necessary little things. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe new room allows, connect a washing machine. Now it remains to place bath accessories and start operating a new and more spacious bathroom.

Summing up

We hope our article was useful to you. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website contains a detailed photo and video instruction, in which you will find useful information on this issue.

Photo gallery

To make such a restroom comfortable and beautiful, it is important to choose the right finish for the walls, floor and ceiling, as well as rationally arrange the plumbing.

Actually, the repair itself in the houses of the old Soviet construction is also carried out according to certain rules. About how to finish small bathroom Khrushchev, as well as how its design should be, read below.

Bathroom finishing

You can decorate a compact Khrushchev bathroom with absolutely any moisture-resistant materials. Usually the walls are tiled or sheathed. PVC panels. Sometimes green drywall or mosaics are also used.


Important: To make the surfaces even, plastering is carried out according to beacons.

Repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev. Photo of the wall alignment procedure

The tile is glued with preliminary marking. First, the walls are finished, then the ceiling and at the final stage the floor. The adhesive is applied with a notched trowel.

Advice: It is better to lay tiles on the floor diagonally or at an angle of 30 degrees. This will visually expand the room.

It is better to lay tiles on the floor of a small bathroom diagonally

Grouting is done with a matching color paste.

Finishing with plastic panels

The advantage of this material is that the alignment procedure before its installation is not necessary. This reduces repair time and reduces its cost.

Plastic panels - great option for sheathing uneven surfaces bathroom Khrushchev

Repair of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev using PVC panels is done as follows:

Attach PVC panels to usually wooden frame

  • Installed ceiling plinth and corner pieces.
  • The floor plinth is installed.
  • To fix the panels, clamps or clips are used.

Installation method plastic panels on clips

The same technology is used to repair a shared bathroom in Khrushchev.

Advice: The frame can be assembled not from rails, but from a special PVC profile. The risk of deformation of the crate as a result of exposure to moisture during its use will be reduced to zero.

Other materials

Mosaic is mounted in much the same way as tiles. Sticking is made on the leveled surface. GCR is sewn onto the frame. Plastering is done with a spatula in several layers.

The plaster is applied to drywall with a spatula in thin layers.

Arrangement of plumbing

In Khrushchev, it does not allow to turn around in terms of the placement of plumbing fixtures. Arrange them compactly, taking into account the standards of SNiP.

The minimum free space in front of the sink and bathtub is 70 cm, in front of the toilet bowl 60 cm. functional area next to the washing machine - 90 cm. The distance between the plumbing fixtures themselves is at least 25 cm.

Ways to install plumbing in a Khrushchev bathroom

If Khrushchev is located on a short wall, it is customary to install a bathtub or shower stall opposite it. If the entrance is arranged on a long one - a toilet bowl / sink group. Washing machine usually in this case they are placed against the wall adjacent to the door.

Bathroom (design photo in Khrushchev). Opposite the door to the toilet, a sink and toilet are installed

Important: Moving the toilet from the riser is highly discouraged. Even a slight lengthening of the drain pipe will lead to frequent blockages.

The most suitable toilet option for a small Khrushchev bathroom is hanging. Bathtubs and showers are often installed in corners. The towel holder can be hung next to the sink.

Towel holder can be nailed next to the sink

In Khrushchev, separate from the bathroom, it is such that nothing can usually be put inside except for the toilet bowl. However, if the width of the toilet is more than a meter, you can try to hang the sink on the wall.

In the Khrushchev toilet, you can try to place a small sink

What should be the design

In Khrushchev, as well as separate, it is selected taking into account some recommendations. The main thing when choosing a design is to try to make the room as harmonious as possible.

The color scheme for finishing small bathrooms is usually light.

Idea: To keep the restroom from looking faded, you can use brighter colors. For example, orange, pink or blue. Often the bathrooms of Khrushchevs are also decorated with tiles of several different colors.

Photo design of a bathroom in Khrushchev. If desired, a small restroom can be decorated and brighter

It would be a good idea to decorate the interior of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev large quantity mirrors. This will also increase the volume of the room. The lighting is bright.

The use of mirrors allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe small Khrushchev bathroom visually.

Idea: To diversify the interior of a small restroom, you can use plumbing unusual shape or colors. Bathrooms with mosaic or tiled panels on the walls also look very interesting.

You can decorate the Khrushchev bathroom in an original way by installing unusual plumbing or decorating the walls with panels

Most suitable options The design trends for Khrushchev's bathrooms are minimalism and high-tech. If desired, you can arrange a compact toilet in Provence or retro style.

Decoration in the style of minimalism

The characteristic features of this direction are discreet colors (beige, brown, gray) and a minimum decorative elements. For decoration walls fit plain tiles no more than two different shades. Light fixtures of a modest design will look very good.

Divided restroom Khrushchev in the style of minimalism

Hi-tech style

When decorating such a restroom, a lot of mirrors, glass and chrome elements are used. The color scheme is usually not too catchy. Mostly grayscale. A great example of high-tech style restroom design:

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev. High-tech bathroom photo

Destination Provence

Shades in the "French" dressing room are used light, pastel. Walls are best finished with plain tiles, complemented by a border with delicate pattern. Often mirrors and elegant lamps are hung in such bathrooms.

Idea: Put on a shelf under the sink or decorate plumbing "for porcelain". Hang curtains in a box or flower on the window.

Light colors, textiles and elegant decor- characteristic features of Provence style

Retro style

AT color scheme such a restroom is usually dominated by brown, dark gray and white. In this case, the method of contrasts is widely used. For example, you can combine a brown wood-look hanging set with white walls, floors and ceilings. An example of a neat retro-style restroom:

Effective little bathroom. Photo of a combined restroom in Khrushchev in retro style

This method, by the way, is a good answer to the question of how to divide a combined restroom into zones.

Idea: If the set does not fit in the bathroom, you can simply harmoniously combine brown and white in the decoration.

Original retro bathroom decor in brown tones

When in Khrushchev, you should pay maximum attention to the selection of finishes, properly arrange plumbing and try to make the design in the same style. The result is a very beautiful and functional restroom.

To make such a restroom comfortable and beautiful, it is important to choose the right finish for the walls, floor and ceiling, as well as rationally arrange the plumbing.

Actually, the repair itself in the houses of the old Soviet construction is also carried out according to certain rules. Read below how to decorate a small Khrushchev bathroom, as well as how its design should be.

Bathroom finishing

You can decorate a compact Khrushchev bathroom with absolutely any moisture-resistant materials. Usually the walls are tiled or sheathed with PVC panels. Sometimes green drywall or mosaics are also used.


Important: To make the surfaces even, plastering is carried out according to beacons.

Repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev. Photo of the wall alignment procedure

The tile is glued with preliminary marking. First, the walls are finished, then the ceiling and at the final stage the floor. The adhesive is applied with a notched trowel.

Advice: It is better to lay tiles on the floor diagonally or at an angle of 30 degrees. This will visually expand the room.

It is better to lay tiles on the floor of a small bathroom diagonally

Grouting is done with a matching color paste.

Finishing with plastic panels

The advantage of this material is that the alignment procedure before its installation is not necessary. This reduces repair time and reduces its cost.

Plastic panels are a great option for covering uneven surfaces in a Khrushchev bathroom

Repair of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev using PVC panels is done as follows:

  • A frame made of wooden slats 40x20 mm is attached to the walls.

Attach PVC panels to usually wooden frame

  • The ceiling plinth and corner elements are installed.
  • The floor plinth is installed.
  • To fix the panels, clamps or clips are used.

How to install plastic panels on clips

The same technology is used to repair a shared bathroom in Khrushchev.

Advice: The frame can be assembled not from rails, but from a special PVC profile. The risk of deformation of the crate as a result of exposure to moisture during its use will be reduced to zero.

Other materials

Mosaic is mounted in much the same way as tiles. Sticking is made on the leveled surface. GCR is sewn onto the frame. Plastering is done with a spatula in several layers.

The plaster is applied to drywall with a spatula in thin layers.

Arrangement of plumbing

The size of the bathroom in Khrushchev does not allow a particular turn around in terms of the placement of plumbing fixtures. Arrange them compactly, taking into account the standards of SNiP.

The minimum free space in front of the sink and bath is 70 cm, in front of the toilet bowl - 60 cm. The functional area next to the washing machine is 90 cm. The distance between the plumbing fixtures themselves is at least 25 cm.

Ways to install plumbing in a Khrushchev bathroom

If the door to the Khrushchev bathroom is located on a short wall, it is customary to install a bathtub or shower stall opposite it. If the entrance is arranged on a long one - a toilet bowl / sink group. The washing machine is usually placed in this case against the wall adjacent to the door.

Bathroom (design photo in Khrushchev). Opposite the door to the toilet, a sink and toilet are installed

Important: Moving the toilet from the riser is highly discouraged. Even a slight lengthening of the drain pipe will lead to frequent blockages.

The most suitable toilet option for a small Khrushchev bathroom is hanging. Bathtubs and showers are often installed in corners. The towel holder can be hung next to the sink.

Towel holder can be nailed next to the sink

The layout of the bathroom in Khrushchev, separate from the bathroom, is such that usually nothing can be put inside except for the toilet. However, if the width of the toilet is more than a meter, you can try to hang the sink on the wall.

In the Khrushchev toilet, you can try to place a small sink

What should be the design

The design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, as well as a separate one, is selected taking into account some recommendations. The main thing when choosing a design is to try to make the room as harmonious as possible.

The color scheme for finishing small bathrooms is usually light.

Idea: To keep the restroom from looking faded, you can use brighter colors. For example, orange, pink or blue. Often the bathrooms of Khrushchevs are also decorated with tiles of several different colors.

Photo design of a bathroom in Khrushchev. If desired, a small restroom can be decorated and brighter

It would be a good idea to decorate the interior of the combined bathroom in Khrushchev with a large number of mirrors. This will also increase the volume of the room. The lighting is bright.

The use of mirrors allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe small Khrushchev bathroom visually.

Idea: To diversify the interior of a small restroom, you can use plumbing of an unusual shape or color. Bathrooms with mosaic or tiled panels on the walls also look very interesting.

You can decorate the Khrushchev bathroom in an original way by installing unusual plumbing or decorating the walls with panels

The most suitable design options for Khrushchev bathrooms are minimalism and hi-tech. If desired, you can arrange a compact toilet in Provence or retro style.

Decoration in the style of minimalism

The characteristic features of this direction are discreet colors (beige, brown, gray) and a minimum of decorative elements. For wall decoration, plain tiles of no more than two different shades are suitable. Light fixtures of a modest design will look very good.

Divided restroom Khrushchev in the style of minimalism

Hi-tech style

When decorating such a restroom, a lot of mirrors, glass and chrome elements are used. The color scheme is usually not too catchy. Mostly grayscale. A great example of high-tech style restroom design:

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev. High-tech bathroom photo

Destination Provence

Shades in the "French" dressing room are used light, pastel. Walls are best finished with plain tiles, complemented by a border with a delicate pattern. Often mirrors and elegant lamps are hung in such bathrooms.

Idea: Put on a shelf under the sink or decorate plumbing "for porcelain". Hang curtains in a box or flower on the window.

Light colors, textiles and elegant decor are the characteristic features of the Provence style.

Retro style

The colors of such a restroom are usually dominated by brown, dark gray and white. In this case, the method of contrasts is widely used. For example, you can combine a brown wood-look hanging set with white walls, floors and ceilings. An example of a neat retro-style restroom:

Effective little bathroom. Photo of a combined restroom in Khrushchev in retro style

This method, by the way, is a good answer to the question of how to divide a combined restroom into zones.

Idea: If the set does not fit in the bathroom, you can simply harmoniously combine brown and white in the decoration.

Original retro bathroom decor in brown tones

When arranging a bathroom in Khrushchev, you should pay maximum attention to the selection of finishes, arrange the plumbing correctly and try to make the design in the same style. The result is a very beautiful and functional restroom.

Bathroom in Khrushchev, usually small area, which significantly complicates the process of its arrangement. It turns out to place only the most necessary items - a sink and a bathroom. And they should be as compact as possible. Mostly similar bathrooms combined type.

It is difficult to imagine a modern home without amenities, in particular without a bathroom.

Therefore, a toilet is installed in them. Despite many disadvantages rooms, design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev easy to make beautiful. The right approach help you use it wisely square meters. The result is a functional, filled with comfort. interior.

It is in this room that people take water treatments to keep their body clean and just to relax after a busy day.

Proper arrangement bathroom in Khrushchev is the guarantee of its reliable service. It is characterized by difficult conditions and a special microclimate. Get comfortable room help modern technologies and quality finishing materials.

For the full functioning of the bathroom, you need: a sink, a toilet bowl, a bathtub and a closet.

To increase its small size, it is appropriate to redevelop. This can be done in two ways.

  • Replace bathroom with shower. Installation takes up little space, more free space appears.
  • Installation of compact pieces of furniture and plumbing.

Given the small size of the room and the combined toilet with a bath, it is not easy to think over the design of a bathroom in Khrushchev.

These options can be used both independently and together. Each of them has its own merits. They allow you to do bathroom design in Khrushchev comfortable, the view of it is attractive, the atmosphere is cozy.

The bathroom is a place where we go several times a day to wash our hands, wash ourselves, and put ourselves in order.

Engineering communications in similar houses outdated. That's why repair you need to start by replacing them. Pay attention not only to the state plumbers , pipes, but also the ventilation system. The work of the last element plays an important role. If it is performed poorly, then the appearance of dampness and mold in the room can not be avoided. Over time, the finish will deteriorate, it will constantly disturb bad smell charms.

Like any other room, the bathroom should be pleasing to the eye and have special design, even if it is a tiny room in Khrushchev.

Bathroom design in Khrushchev assumes the presence of the following functional areas.

  • Implementation of water procedures. For this, a bath or shower is installed.
  • The toilet bowl is small.
  • Wash basin. Sink and mirror installed.
  • Storage of hygiene products. For these purposes, special furniture is suitable.

As a rule, in a small bathroom, you can change the location of the bath.

Preliminary preparation of the project of the future premises. Paper and pencil will help with this. This method a little outdated and there is a high chance of errors. It is better to use special computer programs and simulate all room . The project will show the location of the main objects: plumbers , objects, materials used, etc. So every meter premises used rationally. This will make it possible to eliminate unnecessary financial expenses.

A shower cabin will also help save space, but if you cannot imagine your life without taking water procedures in the bathroom, then it is better to refuse this offer.

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Accommodation in Khrushchev has a number of its own characteristics. Serious requirements are imposed on the choice of furniture. This is explained by the small area premises. It is necessary to give a choice to such items that do not require a lot of space. Manufacturers plumbing equipment know about it and offer big choice items suitable for this case.

When planning the interior in the Khrushchev bathroom, study the location of the furnishings in the room from the photographs presented on the Internet.

Hanging furniture option - great idea for bathroom design in Khrushchev . It is presented not only in the form of cabinets and shelves, but also a toilet bowl and sinks. The last elements are attached to the wall. Thus, the space will be rationally used, in indoors there is more free space. Suitable use corner bath.

Such a bathroom design in Khrushchev can become a role model and tell you how best to optimize the cost of purchasing plumbing, finishing materials and choose the best option.

Furniture is usually made to order. It takes into account the characteristics of the premises and the requirements of the owners. When taking measurements, it is important to take into account everything to the smallest detail. Finishing materials with which walls and floors are lined have a certain thickness. These centimeters must be taken into account. Otherwise, additional costs will be required, since the furniture is not suitable for installation in the bathroom.

The design of the bathroom and toilet should match the individuality of the owners of the house, be comfortable and, at the same time, multifunctional.

Today, more and more bathrooms with a small area you can find a shower. It is a great alternative to a traditional bath. Occupies less space, more compact. At the same time, it is just as convenient, it is comfortable to perform in it. hygiene procedures. Suitable for use by both adults and children. In the second case, you should choose a shower with a deep tray.

The shower cabin is airtight, you will be able to avoid excess moisture on the floor.

This furniture is presented in huge selection. Models are interesting design and functional set. This allows you to choose the option , which will be optimal for this case.

The water consumption in the shower cabin is significantly less, which will help save money.

Organization of space in a square-shaped room

Space organization bathroom largely depends on its shape. If it is square, then the furniture is placed in the traditional way. Bathtub, toilet and sink are in the corners premises . As a result, the center of the room remains free for movement.

The interior of the bathroom depends on the nature and preferences of its owner.

Suitable for this case corner bath. If it has ergonomic dimensions, it will fit well into the overall picture. interior. The shower cabin is located in the same way. Its presence leaves the center of the room uncluttered, as shown in a photo. As a result, the bathroom visually becomes wider.

Design of a small bathroom combined with a toilet.

The location of items should be convenient for the owners. They can be in different positions: sitting, standing at the mirror, cleaning in room. A niche designed for legs will cope well with this task. She has small size, allows you to approach the bathroom at the required distance. Similar design arranged during the installation of screens.

Principles of placement of plumbing and furniture

Renovation of a combined bathroom is not an easy task. It provides for the observance of certain principles. They are mainly related to placement. plumbing equipment and pieces of furniture. Between them there should be such gaps that the owners in the room was comfortable.

In terms of space utilization, a combined bathroom with a toilet greatly benefits.

The area of ​​​​free space should be at least one hundred centimeters. This makes it easy to access room. The hanger, designed for storing towels, is mounted at a height so that it is easy to reach by hand. However, she did not interfere with the movement. The toilet is installed at a distance of 20 centimeters from walls and furniture. There should be free space in front of it, the width of which is 40 centimeters.

The interior of a small bathroom combined with a toilet.

The sink is located twenty centimeters from walls, which is on the side. From the toilet, it is equal to twenty-five centimeters. Be sure to stay in front of the sink free place. Its size is up to 80 cm.

Carrying out repairs in a combined bathroom Don't forget about communications. Access to them must be free. Otherwise, when it fails, the appearance will be spoiled. interior. Additional funding will be needed to restore it.

When equipping a bathroom, you need to take into account every detail. This is the key to its convenience.

Rectangular and narrow room shape

For rectangular bathroom it is worth using a different arrangement of objects. A small font looks good. It is installed at the end premises. There is a washbasin in front of the entrance, and a toilet bowl to the side, as shown in a photo. The last element should not be conspicuous.

Also, you must take into account the presence of a knee, wiring water pipes and ventilation, which it is desirable to hide from the eyes.

A narrow bathroom is not the most convenient form in terms of arrangement. But there are ways to improve its quality. It will be comfortable, visually increase its size. If the choice is on the bathroom, then it should be located along the wall that is opposite the entrance, as shown in a photo.

The bathroom is a limited space with everything you need.

A washing machine is an essential attribute of modern housing. It is extremely difficult to do without it. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom allows, then it is installed on its square meters. Bathroom in Khrushchev does not possess large sizes. Therefore, with the installation household appliances problems arise. Models designed to be located under the washbasin will help to solve them. Also have options

By the way, even if you have a small bathroom, you can visually expand the space with the help of mirrors.

Finishing Features

Interior design options for a small bathroom , a sufficient amount. If you show imagination and think design, then the room will have beautiful view, comfortable, every thing is in its place.

If you want to create a fresh atmosphere in the bathroom, use light-colored tiles when decorating the walls.

When finishing such a room, you must choose light colors. They dominate the overall picture interior as shown in the photo. Expand the room can be partitioned with a high degree of light transmission.

As finishing material you should use tiles. Looks good tiles with a glossy surface. It reflects light, which visually expands the boundaries of the room. Do not forget about the presence of mirrors. There may be several of them, which will also create a positive effect.

Lighting is an important part of the interior. A lot of light bulbs are installed, this will make the room bright and spacious.

Arranging a small bathroom, it is worth listening to the advice of experts. They tested in practice different ways and determine the one that will be optimal. Take into account the features small area.

Such a bathroom, subject to the stylish and high-quality design of all surfaces, will delight.

Designers are advised to pay attention to the following points.

Designer Tips Characteristic
Follow the laws of ergonomics Items should be multifunctional and roomy. They choose built-in lockers, a sink, a shower room are hidden in cabinets.
Use mirrors, glass, light and gloss A mirror is an indispensable element of the interior. The ceiling is shown as tensile structure with glossy surface. A spotlight is mounted in it. You should not use one chandelier, as it will visually reduce the area.
Pastel and contrast The color scheme is pastel. It can be supplemented bright accents. You can place red mosaic inserts on a light background.
The number of small things should be minimal Little things take up space. Therefore, bottles and other personal hygiene products should be in sight, as little as possible. It is better to hide them in a locker that can be closed.
Choose your style wisely Equipping a bathroom, you can recreate interesting style. At the same time, the functionality of the interior should be preserved. High-tech direction is perfect. It will make the room ergonomic. Classics and the Japanese direction will give the room a conservative character.

In order for the design of the bathroom to turn out beautiful, it is necessary to take into account different points.

It is important to correctly not only arrange furniture and plumbing equipment and finishing. The latter should be light, the materials used are of high quality. Perfect fit ceramic tile for cladding walls, floors. As a result, in a small bathroom elegant will be created interior. It is comfortable to wash and pleasant to be in.

VIDEO: Design of a bathroom combined with a toilet.

50 design ideas for a small bathtub combined with a toilet: