Curtains in a wooden house. Choosing curtains for windows: photos, tips, nuances Curtains in a small bedroom a small window

The interior design of the bedroom will be incomplete if you do not pay due attention to such an important issue as window decoration. The problem of choosing curtains for many continues to be relevant. After all, it is this accessory that can visually expand the space or make it smaller, add sunlight or darkness and gloom.

Features of choice

Choosing curtains for a small bedroom is not too difficult, but there are certain rules that limit the choice.

Rules for choosing curtains:

  • For a small room, choose a plain curtain without colorful ornament or other image.
  • It is better not to make folds on the curtains, which will visually reduce the room,
  • The only suitable drawing is horizontal stripes.
  • When choosing curtains for a small bedroom, designers advise using textiles with a dense weave of threads, not transmitting light and creating comfort in a small bedroom;

  • hang a long cornice on a narrow window, then the opening will appear larger;
  • in the case of two windows on the same wall the cornice should be chosen the length of the entire wall;
  • a set of curtains should be of a simple form with a minimum of wrinkles;
  • the bedroom will be brighter if used blinds with transparent curtains. Roman or roll designs are also suitable.
  • Perfect option - lightly draped tulle.

When making a window in a small bedroom, you need to be very careful about choosing textiles for curtains. It must match certain criteria:

  • plain fabrics, without print, pattern or ornament. Any image will attract attention by focusing on the window, and this should not be allowed;
  • simple forms. Complex draperies are voluminous and tend to absorb space;
  • visually expand a narrow and long room horizontal stripe fabric as a drawing.
  • In a small room with low ceilings, the right choice would be ceiling cornice.
  • With a monophonic design of the walls of a small bedroom choose curtains from bright textiles;
  • Plain curtains suitable if the wallpaper on the walls with a pattern;
  • White curtains always look solemn, they will help create a feeling of spaciousness in a small bedroom.

Several taboo for small bedroom curtains:

  • textiles with large ornaments or other patterns- he will attract all the attention to himself, taking all the free space;
  • drapes and pleats on curtains small windows will make it even smaller; similarly, you can’t use lambrequins, as well as other complex curtains that visually reduce the room.

You can apply ready-made design solutions and properly decorate a window opening in a small bedroom. A narrow window will make a long baguette wider from one wall to another.

If you decide to equip a small bedroom with stretch ceilings, the cornice will very conveniently hide in a niche behind the ceiling frame, then the fabrics will effectively fall directly from the ceiling.

Color solutions

Color has a great influence on the formation of space. Window decoration in a small bedroom should not stand out from the overall color scheme. Furniture changes a little less often than wallpaper, so consider its shades when choosing the color of curtains. This will help you save money.

Bright original curtains of different colors are suitable for a white bedroom: green, yellow, orange.

  • If your bedroom walls are in rich colors, the choice should be stopped on light-colored curtains, ideally white for a pink interior.
  • Huge popularity with all shades of beige and brown, they are extremely appropriate in the bedroom, soothe and give the impression of comfort.

  • Brown will be a great solution for a miniature room, it visually expands it, in addition, it combines well with a large number of colors: blue, green, golden.
  • The simplest task is to choose curtains in the bedroom, decorated in all tones of beige. You can always buy curtains in pastel warm shades, presented on the market in a rich assortment. Green and its shades will also suit any interior. This is the color of harmony, which is well perceived by the eye.
  • It is not recommended to use too bright colors in the recreation area, what is the bedroom.

  • Not a very good solution black curtains that visually narrow the space and create the illusion of darkness. But if you complement black with a combination of different shades, with good lighting, the bedroom can give an elegant look.
  • Blue with golden or white makes the interior strict. Joyful orange and yellow shades of curtains will decorate the children's bedroom, while black is contraindicated for her.
  • Of all the types of curtains, the most correct solution for a small bedroom is Roman blinds, as well as blinds on the windows. Both of these options do not take up space, but at the same time protect from sunlight.
  • To accentuate the window opening, you can use bright plain fabrics or a two-color stripe, and a print in a small bedroom is contraindicated. Original contrasting combinations, such as black and gray, turquoise and gold, will make the accent brighter.

  • Black and white bedroom interior can be softened with any other shade.
  • Curtains should not be the same color as the wallpaper, let them be a little darker or lighter.
  • The interior of a small bedroom can be monochrome: burgundy curtains will suit pink shades of the bedroom interior, and purple shades of curtains will harmonize with wallpaper in lilac tones.
  • If the room has colorful interior, the best option would be light curtains in brown tones.


The choice of curtain model directly depends on the design style of a small bedroom.

  • The style of Hi-tech, Modern French and English curtains are contraindicated. Art Nouveau is characterized by pastel shades and smooth lines. Hi-tech is characterized by clear lines and glossy surfaces in accessories.
  • Classic uses the volume and layering of curtains. French curtains - on the wave of popularity. They frame the window with a semi-oval of folds and, unlike multi-layer ones, they can be used in a small bedroom.

Minimalism- A great choice for a small bedroom. The complete absence of layering, contrasting prints, bright colors. These are laconic short curtains with slats or Japanese ones.

  • For rustic styles like Country and provence, curtains are very close to the level of the window sill in beautiful pastel colors. This option is good for a small room. It has many advantages:
  1. gives access to the window;
  2. easy to care for;
  3. economical consumption of fabric when sewing;
  4. curtains do not block the radiators under the window, so do not interfere with the free flow of warm air into the room. This model is good for a miniature window, and also if it is in a niche or if any piece of furniture is installed under the window.

Material selection

Great importance is given to the choice of material for curtains in a small bedroom.

  • In sleeping rooms, the use of polymers is limited. The best option would be natural fabrics: silk, linen, cotton. The environmentally friendly component is of great importance in the choice of textiles for the bedroom, healthy sleep depends on it.
  • Linen curtains practical, retain color for a long time, do not shrink after washing. Of the shortcomings - easily crumpled. Cotton fades quickly in the sun. To prevent this from happening, a small percentage of polyester is added to its composition.
  • To prevent rapid fading of silk curtains from it can be supplemented with synthetic lining. But it's worth it: they look rich in any interior.

  • Most common curtain materialviscose. It gives different folds, making the interior airy. Synthetic curtains are practical and inexpensive.
  • If you opted for blinds, it is desirable that they are also natural, for example, from bamboo. Many models are designed for use in a sunny bedroom with south-facing windows.

Roller blind designs made of translucent material can let in a certain amount of light, which will not make a small bedroom dark.

Each person experiences pleasant feelings when being in a beautiful cozy room, where the good taste of the owners and their individual style are immediately felt. In the design of the house, all the details play a significant role - the shade of the walls, furniture, window textiles. If all the elements of the interior are chosen correctly, then it is very difficult to allocate a special central place to a particular object. But if you chose the wrong curtains for a small window, then it will be noticeable immediately.

Window textiles for small frames

As a rule, window openings in most rooms have a standard size and shape, and all the rules for selecting curtains are mainly focused on them. But if your house has non-standard small windows, then this size should be beaten. Do not be afraid to experiment with different shapes and types, use the possibility of colors and textures. After all, well-chosen curtains can increase the space and adjust the size of window openings.

Curtains are one of the most important details in creating comfort and style in a room.

Basic selection rules

Now our taste preferences, in any case, interior design is very dependent on modern trends and new products. Therefore, when choosing curtains, you still need to consider a few basic rules. After all, curtains can both give the room individuality and complement the overall style, and disrupt the harmony of the entire interior.
If even ten years ago designers tried to surprise everyone with unusual colors and ornaments, now it is preferable to give a central role to the form of curtains. In this case, you need to pay attention to the shape, size and height of the frame. If the windows in the room are small and the size of the room is also small, you need to be extremely careful with the choice.

In the photo you can see how with the help of curtains you can increase the space of the room

If there is enough space, it will be much easier to make a choice. For such window openings, the curtains should be light. No need to use massive draperies and large drawings. After all, any illustration attracts a lot of attention and tends to visually reduce the space of the room.

The decor of non-standard window frames requires knowledge of the basic techniques for visually changing the space based on the choice of color, shape, model and method of attachment. Properly selected combinations will help turn the lack of planning into the main highlight of the interior.

How to visually enlarge a narrow window frame?

There are a number of nuances:

  • The installation of curtains takes place in such a way that the canvases do not overlap the frame. If you ignore this nuance, then the already narrow frame will become even narrower.
  • If you can't refuse the pattern on the curtains, then choose a small print on a light background.
  • In the event that light tulle is placed vertically, then it is better to combine it with curtains. This technique helps to visually lengthen the window opening.
  • The use of light colors and light airy materials will also help to add some space. This rule works as follows: with light shades of walls and curtains, the transition will not be so noticeable, visually creating a smooth transition. In general, if a room needs additional space, designers recommend giving preference to light shades, because dark saturated colors will burden and reduce the interior. The same applies to forms, massive forms with bright contrasting outlines will completely spoil the room.
  • Also for windows of non-standard size, the rule of soft transitions applies. In order for the curtains to be combined and harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, the shade must be selected without a sharp contrast with other design details.
  • Another nuance that is important to observe is the right choice of eaves. It should be wide, so by hanging curtains on the sides, you can visually expand the frame by a couple of tens of centimeters.

How to visually enlarge a low window frame?

Some buildings are designed so that the window sill is high from the floor and the top of the frame is close to the ceiling. This visually creates a disproportionate effect.

  • To adjust this shape, you need to choose long curtains and fix the cornice as high as possible. The best option would be a cornice with eyelets. Eyelets are special fasteners in the form of rings. They allow you to create such folds on the curtains that visually stretch the window opening.

Using these tips from designers, you can achieve a good effect and correct all the shortcomings of architectural construction.

The photo shows how, with the help of a simple design solution, you can beat the small frame sizes.

Curtains for rooms for different purposes

Often small window openings are found in the kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom. The best option, of course, is the kitchen. However, difficulties also arise here, because in order to increase the space it is recommended to hang curtains long to the floor, and in rooms where the working surface is close, this option is not at all safe. Therefore, in such cases, give preference to shortened curtains in light colors and always made of airy light fabric. You need to hang them as close to the ceiling as possible, and with the help of various draperies, give weightlessness and airiness. Drawstring curtains will help add volume to the kitchen.

Curtains with a small print on a light background give the room volume

If small windows are present in the bedroom, then you have to work a little. After all, space and light are very important for such rooms. Therefore, in the bedroom, you should select pastel-colored curtains of simple shapes. Also limit yourself to choosing curtains with patterns. The maximum that allowed for small window openings in the bedroom is a combination of several light contrasting colors, but the transition between them should be smooth. It is worth remembering that clean lines, bright colors and complex asymmetrical styles steal space.
The best option would be to combine light tulle with curtains in invited tones. This combination will perfectly fit into almost any style decision.

This option of using porters will make it easy to increase the width of the window frame.

Independent production of curtains

Basically, curtains are sewn in standard sizes and sometimes it is very difficult to find a suitable model designed for small window openings. And if you find it, you will probably have to go to shorten it in the studio. And this is additional waste. Although you can shorten it with your own hands at home, it is still better to immediately select the right size.
The most economical way is to sew curtains with your own hands. After all, curtains for small window openings are, in fact, also smaller than standard ones. Fabrics for their manufacture will also require much less, but for some reason the cost is the same as for curtains of standard sizes.

To sew a curtain with your own hands, it is enough to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow a sewing machine sews and how to cut the material. All this can be found on the Internet where step-by-step instructions are written in detail under each photo.

Along with wide panoramic glazing in apartments and cottages, there are also small windows. Sometimes we are talking about two or more narrow windows with a wall. Sometimes - about a single-leaf window in a small room. Sometimes the miniature size of the window is dictated by space savings, but often it is a sign of an elegant architectural solution. In any case, the choice of curtains becomes a non-trivial task. But completely solvable!

If you are looking for ideas for decorating small window openings, this photo selection of stylish interior solutions will help you. Any window can be made a highlight of the interior, if you approach the choice of curtains correctly - and with inspiration.

Design Secrets for Small Windows

Using design tricks and skillfully playing with the geometry of space, it is quite possible to visually correct the impression created by a small window opening. For example, it can be visually enlarged! For this, the following method is used. Above the opening is a wide cornice that extends beyond the window. The glazing area is draped with ethereal tulle. Thick curtains are hung on the sides. An important nuance: they only slightly touch the borders of the window opening! The main part of the fabric covers the walls. As a result, it seems that the window is much wider than it actually is. The unity of the composition is provided by a gang or lambrequin.

You can also use this option if small windows are separated by wide walls. Each of them becomes a separate architectural element.

If the walls are narrow, then they can be completely draped with strips of fabric. The result is an imitation of a wide glazing line, where part of the sashes are covered with curtains.

In compact rooms, it is better to use solutions that preserve the sense of space. We refuse lush curtains and lambrequins, we make a choice in favor of conciseness. Roller blinds or roman blinds are ideal. Vietnamese will look cute. Translucent Austrian ones will look great.

There is no categorical ban on lambrequins, but it should be remembered that this decorative element in most cases “eats up” space. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to the laconic line of a straight lambrequin, which will not distract the eye, but will become a stylish finishing touch in the window composition.

In a small room with a small window, you can use the asymmetry method. Decorative accent falls on only one side of the window opening. The second side remains free, which visually expands the glazing area.

Finally, you can emphasize the small size of the window by choosing classic short curtains. Yes, just emphasize! After all, a small window, decorated with light curtains, looks very cozy.

How to choose fabric for curtains

A small window should not be draped with heavy and dark materials. Firstly, it is important to provide light access to the room - which means that thin, translucent and translucent fabrics have an advantage. Secondly, it is desirable to visually push the boundaries of the window itself and visually enlarge the space of the room - therefore, we give preference to light shades.

If you are going to hang roller blinds or Roman blinds, pay attention to models made of translucent material. Blackout fabrics are practically not used in the drapery of small windows - except in cases where the room is located on the south side and the summer turned out to be very sunny and hot. To solve this problem, you can get an additional set of curtains designed specifically for the height of summer.

If your house has small windows, then we advise you to take advantage of this and show all your imagination and creativity when decorating it with curtains, so you can transform not only the window itself, but the whole room. Curtains for small windows can be completely different, and in this article we outlined in detail all the possible options for decorating a non-standard opening, and also supplemented the article with an excellent selection of photos.

The most suitable types of curtains

Curtains for a small window can be very diverse. Below we have listed the most popular design options for a miniature opening.

Roman- suitable for any room. Ease of installation and use, compact size are the main advantages of Roman products. If you do not want to focus on a small window, then choose curtains a tone lighter than the walls. For a bright spot, use the same bright fabrics. For the kitchen, Roman curtains made of special water-repellent fabric are suitable; it is preferable to choose natural materials for the bedroom.

Rolled- a simpler option than the Roman ones. They are attached to the plastic frame with adhesive tape. Roller blinds are suitable for the kitchen, bedroom and even the bathroom. Special impregnations allow the fabric to be in a humid room and accumulate dust.

Austrian- sewn from a light flowing fabric that transmits light. They will add tenderness and romance to the interior, and small windows will not remain invisible.

English- another type of lifting models of curtains. For a small window, English curtains will be good, provided that they are made of light fabrics, otherwise the goal of increasing the opening and leaving the window as if invisible will not be achieved. It is customary to sew such curtains from dense heavy fabrics, since the main highlight of the product is the beautiful graceful folds that form when lifting.

Classic- curtains made of light transparent fabric are always and everywhere welcome. Above a small window, hang a cornice a little longer than the opening, and decorate the window with an ruffled chiffon canvas. Elegant lambrequins are always welcome from above, and as a blackout element, use thicker curtains in addition, or as an alternative, roll or Roman models.

Classic curtains - a win-win option for all times and for all windows

Curtains "Cafe"- an indispensable option for curtains for small windows in the kitchen. Such original curtains are reminiscent of childhood spent in the grandmother's village house, they fill the room with extraordinary warmth and comfort, and are conducive to spiritual communication. Curtains "Cafe" consist of two parts: the upper narrow lambrequin, fixed on a regular cornice; and the lower part, which is broadcast on a stretched string or fishing line in the middle of the opening.

Hourglass- static view of the curtains. More often, such curtains are used for cabinet doors, but then they switched to windows. The hourglass is a sheet of cloth stretched taut and fixed at the top and bottom of a small window. In the middle, assemble the curtain with a pickup using a tape or clip. Such curtains are suitable for the kitchen, bedroom, bath and even on the veranda, where there is a small window, you can hang such a product.

The nuances of choosing textiles

We always strive to enlarge a small bedroom or living room with the help of textiles and wallpaper, visually expand the existing boundaries of the room, and a small window also often confuses us and we want to enlarge it. Properly selected curtains will help with this. We have already talked about specific models, it's time to discuss the details, and specifically the choice of color for curtains for a non-standard size window.

Of course, if we strive to visually expand the window opening, then it is wise to use light fabrics of light texture. Natural fibers always win with their simplicity and elegance. In the event that you love patterned fabrics, or they are so necessary for the interior, then choose small floral patterns, or geometric and monogram patterns. A small window should not fill the entire space, it is better for it to remain barely visible if you do not want to overload the interior.

Horizontal stripes on Roman or English blinds are another way to visually expand the window frame. But remember: dark colors thicken, while light colors expand.

Bright floor-length models will focus on a non-standard window and emphasize an unpresentable size. If you do not want such unpleasant, then for long curtains on a small window, choose plain fabrics. Leave bright colors for roller blinds.

How to arrange a small window in different rooms

Living room
In the living room, as in other rooms, the harmonious combination of curtains with the rest of the interior is very important. Against the background of light walls and the classic interior design of the living room, the same light Roman models will harmoniously look. They do not have to be installed inside the window opening. To enlarge a modest window, hang a lifting model on the wall above the window.

A classic curtain made of a light veil in a duet with thick curtains to match the furniture will add sophistication to the hall and a narrow window will visually appear wider.

The design of curtains for the bedroom is always of particular importance, because they must perform not only an aesthetic, but also a protective function. For curtains in the bedroom for a small window, the following types of curtains are suitable: Roman, English, roller and classic. Double curtains are usually hung in the bedroom - transparent during the day and dense at night. As blackouts, you can choose functional Roman and roll curtains, and choose a light transparent tulle for them. Also for night curtains with a classic cut to the floor, pay attention to dense material.

When a small kitchen window is above a work surface or sink, roller blinds or Roman blinds are an excellent option for decorating the opening. It is convenient to raise and lower them, and thanks to the optimal length, they will not interfere with the cooking process.

Curtains for the kitchen of a classic cut to the floor or to the window sill in Provence or country colors will beautifully beat a modest window and give the kitchen a special style. Provided that there is a gas stove next to the window, such curtains can interfere and even be dangerous, but there is a way out. Picking up on one side of the stove will save the curtain from damage and thus the curtain will not interfere with the hostess.

Rarely, but there are small windows in the bathroom. This is very convenient for high-quality ventilation of the room, and for monitoring children bathing on their own. Nevertheless, the need for curtains in this room is the same as everywhere else. In the bathroom, the humidity is always increased, which means that the textiles here will be moisture resistant. Roller blinds made of impregnated fabric, Roman models, plastic blinds are great ways to make an elegant piece of decor out of a small inconspicuous window.

Now you know how to competently decorate a small window and turn it into a real asset of your interior.

Rustic curtains are a step towards timeless tradition, allowing you to take a break from the constant pursuit of popular destinations.

Simple curtains made of natural materials create the atmosphere of the desired idyll in the room, even if the apartment is located in the very center of a bustling city.

Curtains in a rural theme are designed to give their owners a feeling of homeliness and comfort.

This is an easy way to look at modern life from a different angle and enjoy folk traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.

Textile plays an important role: it is thanks to it that a coherent and harmonious interior in a rustic style is created.

Such curtains can hardly be called curtains in the usual sense of the word. They are airy and often decorated with bright, expressive ornaments.

Curtains in a rustic style attract with their conciseness and naturalness. From them breathes wonderful landscapes, where the warm rays of the sun touch the lush grass. The feeling of unity with nature fills the rooms with a special positive energy.

Short curtains combined with tulle

Nowadays, you can still see windows half-curtained in some places. The open upper part lets the gentle rays of the sun into the house, and the lower one hides the room from prying eyes.

Stretch a line or wire across the window. A slightly assembled curtain is placed on it.

Rustic short curtains look harmonious with light tulle and lace stripes at the top of the window opening.

In the old days, curtains were decorated with their own hands using embroidery and knitted details. Such decorations coped with their task, making the room much more comfortable. Short curtains look great in the interior of the kitchen or veranda.

Short curtains combined with a pelmet

Connoisseurs of rustic style often choose practical curtains up to the windowsill. In the upper part, they must necessarily contain a simple or tie lambrequin.

In place of luxury and austerity, characteristic of the curtains of many modern styles, in this case comes airiness and natural simplicity.

Lush lambrequins, which seem weightless, give the curtains a note of charming carelessness. A similar design of rustic curtains can be used in the kitchen.

long curtains

Long country-style curtains are not as common as their short "relatives", but they have a right to exist. Usually they are used to decorate windows in the hall or nursery. On hot summers they bring coolness into the room, and on windy days they bring warmth.

Long curtains are ideal for those cases when flower pots or vases are located on the windowsill.

What fabric is best?

Rustic curtains are best sewn from natural fabrics. Which of them is better to choose?

  • Linen curtains for small rustic windows are incredibly practical and beautiful. Their only drawback is the high price.
  • Durable and easy to use, chintz curtains are easy to wash, but may lose their brightness from prolonged exposure to the sun. Products made from this material should not be washed in too hot water, as they tend to become shorter. Inexpensive chintz is preferred by lovers of bright colors and colorful patterns.
  • Satin is a fabric made from twisted cotton threads that looks like silk. Dense and slightly shiny material has a significant advantage - it almost does not wrinkle.
  • Taffeta curtains are no less beautiful. Delicate, thin white fabric makes the curtains truly elegant and light.

Coloring and ornament

If the material for curtains can be varied, then the motifs of the drawings are not so simple. The photo of rustic curtains is dominated by ornaments depicting plants and animals, chickens, village houses and garden fruits. Checkered and striped curtains are very popular.

It is allowed to combine bright colors, among which preference is given to yellow, red, green and blue tones. White and cream curtains should be decorated with patterns. A tablecloth or napkins made of the same material will harmoniously complement the overall picture.

The play of colors on the window improves mood and provides positive emotions. From bright curtains with a colorful pattern, sincere rustic fun emanates, which is often lacking in modern man.

Patchwork in the design of curtains

Complex styles are not used in the manufacture of rustic curtains. You should also forget about catchy accessories.

In this case, the emphasis on the curtains can be made in a more original way, using the current patchwork technique, that is, creating curtains from multi-colored pieces of fabric.

Such a mosaic will effectively highlight rustic curtains in the interior.

Country style: popular destinations

Rural style is quite a multifaceted phenomenon. A lot of directions are united by similarity with a village dwelling. Which one exactly? It can be either a Russian hut or an American ranch. Everyone chooses the style that is closest to him.

American country style involves the use of striped and checkered curtains. In the southwestern "branch" the use of Indian motifs and patchwork is allowed.

Off-white, sometimes patterned, curtains are common in English rustic style.

In the French style, the emphasis is on light fabrics and pastel colors.

Scandinavian allows the use of light curtains decorated with ruffles. The priority is soft tones, a small pattern is possible.

Curtains in a traditional rustic style are a great opportunity to hide from the bustle of the city in your own cozy corner and relax your soul. Rural curtains are the comfort, lightness and simplicity necessary for every person.

Photo of rustic curtains