Patios in landscape design. Courtyard of a private house: planning and creation of functional areas (115 photos). Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos and examples

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Sometimes people longingly look at photographs of fabulously beautiful green-flowering designs of private house properties and believe that they may not have enough money for such beauty. This is only partly true: if you create a landscape design for the courtyard of a private house (we will definitely show the photo) systematically, then you can create an equally beautiful piece of paradise. It’s just that not everyone knows where to start, and a good adviser online magazine site will tell you and show you how you can and should create your own little Eden.

A harmoniously designed and properly decorated house territory will have a calming effect. This is a single ensemble of wildlife and human creations.

When a lot of fantasies and ideas wander in the head, in which the yard becomes a fairy tale, it is very difficult to draw up a plan of action. The biggest mistake is not to think over the design of the territory as a whole, but to act chaotically, arranging everything “piece by piece”. In this case, individual zones can turn out beautiful, but the impression that pictures of chic mansions in magazines make will never be achieved.

Usually in articles you can find recommendations on zoning. This is true, but private home ownership is sometimes such that you first need to decide on the function of the front yard, backyard and recreation area. At the planning and design stage, you need to clearly realize for yourself: all buildings and green spaces require maintenance. It is not enough to plant a tree or break a flower bed, regular planting care is needed. Therefore, if there is not enough time for something from the word “completely”, you should not include such an object in the plan if you do not want to see the yard in an unsightly desolation.

front yard

Based on the size of the site, they plan the placement of various functional and aesthetic buildings. The arrangement of the adjacent territory of a private house includes a garage, flower beds, a playground in front of the house, a path to the guest house and to the backyard, decorative trees. The front yard is the front of the house, and the photos confirm this.

Must be beautiful both outside and inside. This is such an architectural form that serves as a distant background for the entire site.

Path leading to a country house can wind between green spaces or be straight, creating an alley. If the courtyard is small, then the winding path will be inappropriate.

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Outbuildings, a swimming pool, a bathhouse, a garden, a sports ground, and a children's recreation area are usually located in the backyard. The backyard in a private house is easy to make cozy with your own hands. Why a bath should not be combined with a house? After all, for many it is very convenient. Well, no one has canceled the fire safety rules, and it is better to place such a fire-hazardous structure away from home. In addition, a separate building is a completely different atmosphere of privacy and comfort.

Gradually, acting according to the planned plan, the yard will be ennobled and acquire the desired look. If you develop all the stages as detailed as possible, right down to where to buy what material and at what time of the year, the result will be impressive. Of course, you need to understand that the art of landscape design is not a one-day process. Plants planted along the fence will not amaze with their majestic beauty in the very first year; perennial vines also take time, like tree forms. In any case, you should put the yard of your dreams on paper and sort out point by point what to do in what order and how.

patio area

The patio area is a relaxation area where you can have a good time with a glass of juice in good company or with a book.

You can exclude the recreation area, but it's the same as depriving your own soul of recharging.

Design of the courtyard of a private house with a photo of the functional areas of modern courtyards

Everyone loves order in the house and understand why it is needed. With the territory of the yard, everything is the same: each zone performs its own function.

Summer kitchen and dining room

The summer home kitchen was once a very popular and necessary building in the countryside. But even today it has not lost its meaning:

Improvement of a recreation area in the courtyard of a private house

The recreation area includes benches, upholstered furniture, swings, gazebos, open areas.

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Arbors in the courtyard of a private house with photo examples

The gazebo is chosen in accordance with preferences: some do not like open buildings, while others are cramped indoors.

Advice! If there are always a lot of guests, or the family is very large, then the gazebo is made taking into account the number of seats needed.

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From a variety of materials you can make elegant. The photos that you will find in this review demonstrate the best ideas and design solutions.

open areas

Open areas do not imply the presence of a canopy or roof, they are placed either in the shade of trees or in the bright sun.

Play area and swimming pool

The word "play area" is usually associated with the word "child", but not everyone has children. This is not only about the children's play area - adults also love ball games, tennis, sports equipment. If space permits, why not set aside a corner for physical relaxation?

The pool can be quite small, as long as there is a water drain system and a cover that protects the water from blooming in the sun.


Not everyone has the desire to set up a garden: caring for seedlings, spraying trees, pruning, treating, harvesting and processing it takes time and effort. But is it bad when bulk apples, pears are at hand, bright orange sea buckthorn hangs in juicy clusters, a beautiful dogwood with its fire-berries decorates the site? There are many different shrubs and trees, which, in addition to bearing fruits in summer and autumn, decorate the garden with wonderful flowers in spring.

The garden of grandparents remains in the past: why exhaust yourself by weeding paths if they can be cultivated once and for all?

Recommendation! It is not necessary to pave the paths between the beds, the lawn will exclude any weed.

Arrangement of the courtyard of a private house, depending on the stylistic direction I

Many people like to look at photos of beautiful courtyards of a private house, hoping to create a miracle with their own hands with their own plot. Well, it's absolutely real. If you do not try to equip the territory in one style, you will get something colorful, devoid of a single design. Such a yard will not be called special. When there is a desire to create something aesthetic, cultivated, beautiful, they do not act according to the principle “I blinded him from what was”.

The issue of choosing a style is the second most important item after zoning. All materials, decor elements should be selected in accordance with the chosen style of the garden. Among the styles in which you can equip the yard, Mediterranean, English and Japanese stand out. They do not meet all the time and amaze with novelty, originality and culture.

mediterranean style

How to decorate the courtyard of a private house in a Mediterranean style? For the northern courtyards, this is quite problematic due to the characteristics of the local flora. In general, the style reflects the shores of the southern seas: an abundance of processed and unprocessed stone, rounded pebbles, terraces, ladders, shading from the sun. In the northern gardens, it is not worth shading the garden at all, but terracing allows you to grow more heat-loving plants in the summer.

The abundance of stone eliminates excess vegetation, but people whose garden is located in the steppe zone should take into account that the stone heats up well, and not every plant will be happy about this, because the climate is by no means marine!

English style

If there is a desire to improve the courtyard in a private house, as in the photo showing decorous English gardens, then you should immediately understand that it will not be possible to create an ideal option everywhere. Many plants in the English garden will feel better in the harsh conditions of Siberia than in the sultry steppe lands. But if you wish, you can create an oasis in the desert, right?

The English style is characterized by naturalness in everything except a neatly trimmed lawn. Juicy greenery here is separated by winding paths, flower beds have an irregular shape, the trees look uncut, but in fact, each leaf is at the behest of the gardener in its place.

Japanese style

The refined taste of the Japanese, their special sense of beauty and the ability to find beauty in those things that other people pass by - everything is reflected in the Japanese style in the garden.

If the main features of the owner of the house are patience, diligence, the ability to contemplate, then such a garden will become the embodiment of the mystery of the soul for a person.

Do-it-yourself courtyard design of a private house with photo examples

Today, there are many ready-made landscape design projects for the courtyard of a private house with photos and instructions for creating. They come not only from desires, but also from financial possibilities. Often people try to decorate the garden with everything that comes to hand: yes, tire parrots look funny, but where can you find wheels in a Japanese or English garden? It must be remembered that the main thing is to adhere to the chosen style, and not to break loose on everything that has been found on the Internet.

How to decorate the yard with flower beds and flower beds with your own hands

Breaking flower beds is easy. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Take into account the layering of plants.
  2. In the flower bed should be plants that bloom at different times.
  3. Plants are selected strictly according to the climatic zone.
  4. The soil must meet the requirements of crops.

How to ennoble the courtyard of a private house with curly trimmed bushes with a photo of ideas for a haircut

Decorating the courtyard of a private house with curly trimmed bushes with your own hands involves the ability to work with garden shears and pruners. If there are no such skills, then you should study all the nuances of the work before giving the plants a hairdressing execution.

Do-it-yourself decoration of the courtyard of a private house in the winter with photo options

And how to decorate the area near the house in winter? In this, photos of examples of winter summer cottages will serve as a hint.

Ideas to do something inside or outside the house with your own hands have changed dramatically recently. Creativity and online video tutorials give homeowners the opportunity to renovate or transform their modest interiors into luxurious ones, even on a tight budget. We offer you some examples of affordable and low-budget backyard design options that all the neighbors will envy.

Even if someone is not familiar with the principles of using solar energy, this technology makes it possible to organize ecological lighting in the exterior of your home. First you need to change all the light bulbs to those that accumulate solar energy. To protect from moisture, you need to place them in shades or in a special case if you want to hang them on a tree or on the wall of the house. In the case of using wooden frames, you need to make sure that they are safe to use.

Mirrors can visually enlarge the space. You can use the mirrors themselves or products with reflective elements. You can, for example, install old frames with inserted mirrors instead of glass on the wall of the house, all this can create the illusion of expanded space.

All with the same goal of expanding the space, you can place a number of objects with a mirror surface of different sizes or shapes on the lawn near the house.

Another simple idea. Take some ropes, knock down the base of the boards and create a functional swing. The base can be made from old doors. It must be remembered that the swing must be strong and safe.

Even if you are not an avid gardener, you can install several flowerpots of different sizes in the yard. In order for them to acquire the ability to glow in the dark, you need to paint them with a special paint.

A hammock is a good idea for decorating a recreation area in the summer. It can be easily made with your own hands using wooden pegs and base material. 4 pegs are driven into the ground. For the base of the hammock, an old bedspread (or other strong material) is used, which is attached to pegs.

If the garden has a children's slide, then you need to ensure the safety of landing during the descent. To do this, you can simply organize a water path to slide from a tarp and a water sprinkler. If there is no sprinkler, the same effect can be obtained by using running water and a hose.

Long summer evenings can be entertained by playing fun, interactive and imaginative games in the yard. To do this, a high wooden or metal pole is installed in the yard, on which fluorescent rings must be thrown.

It's nice to walk barefoot around the yard, but it's not worth going into the house with dirty feet. After playing or gardening, they can not be washed right in the yard. The wooden frame is knocked down, covered with a moisture-resistant sealant, filled with smooth stones and installed next to the front door. Now you can wash your feet and hands and at the same time have a relaxing massage.

Today, landscape design is not complete without massive stones of different sizes, but their smooth surface is ideal for painting it. This will make it possible to decorate the garden with interesting and unusual objects, colors and shades. You can use one color or a combination of them and cute ornaments.

Many people in the yard have one or more garden chairs that suffer from natural phenomena or just from time to time. They can be brought back to life, painted.

Growing colorful plants and flowers remains the most successful way to decorate your yard and garden, but it can be labor intensive. For planting small seeds, use toilet paper.

If you had to cut down a tree, then you can make an original decoration for the yard from the trunk. For example, you can make a table or flowerpot for summer flowers by decorating it with moss.

Cement patio tiles often look dull and ugly. This can be fixed by using latex floor paint. In this way, it will be possible to add bright colors and protect the surface of the tiles. It is better to take matte paint.

15. Light border of the yard

To lightly define the border of the garden, you can use an LED garland, it is better to set an automatic timer to turn on such a backlight. In the same way, you can highlight the border of the reservoir in the yard.

If you are interested in functional solutions, then it is worth considering the idea of ​​​​arranging a place to cool beer right in the middle of the garden table. This is easy to do if it is made of such a massive material as oak. You can simply use tools to cut rectangular sections into the table surface and place the cooler there. Then add ice and store the beer here for the duration of the picnic.

If you want to equip an active play area in your yard, then you need to start by installing a shower, using a hose attached to a tree and a ladder as a hanger for things.

It is not necessary to purchase expensive and high-quality material to build a tent in the yard in the summer. Its function is to protect from wind and rain, but these are completely useless functions for a tent in the yard next to the house. Therefore, you can limit yourself to colored plain fabrics, such as sheets.

Using the former locker, you can build a mini bar with drinks and a set of glasses. It is better to install a lowering door, which is fixed with two ropes. So you can get an impromptu table.

20. Board for drawing with crayons in the yard

Bird houses will look pretty in the garden, especially if different materials and colors are used in their construction.

You need to take a clean empty bottle of wine, insert a wick, as in a kerosene lamp, add kerosene and, using a special fixture, install it on the fence throughout the garden. You can mask the mounts with flowers or moss.

Everyone has moved or changed locks at some time, so there are definitely a few keys in the house that you don't need. With their help, you can create garden bells. All keys are painted in the desired colors, hung on ropes nearby on a tree branch and bells are obtained.

Everyone knows that the sound of running and murmuring water has a relaxing effect on the psyche. Such a stream can be organized in the yard using ingenuity and imagination.
And what kind of garden can be without a seating area with soft sofas, armchairs and even a fireplace? It is very simple to equip it, you just need to follow and then an amazing corner will appear in the yard, from where you will not want to leave until the winter.

Decorating the courtyard of a private house is a creative matter and quite feasible on your own from available materials. The scope of improvement depends on the area of ​​​​the territory and its functionality. The design examples covered will help you find an idea that you might want to bring to life.

Ideas for decorating the courtyard of a private house with a photo

For the improvement of the yard, it is not always necessary to resort to the services of landscape designers. Territory design elements can be decorative items, green spaces, boulder stones, lanterns, garden furniture, and so on. There are many options, choose the most interesting for yourself and boldly implement them.

Flower garden in a decorative cart

A flower bed in the yard can be a wooden decorative cart, which can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself.

A cart with flowers placed on the lawn does not take up much space, but it adequately decorates the landscape

The cart can be of any size - large specimens are appropriate in a large flower bed or a spacious lawn, and a mini version will decorate a small plot of land.

If the space of the yard is limited, you can decorate it with a small decorative element.

When making a cart, the most difficult thing is to make a wheel. You will need to mark the circle into 8 parts, make the spokes and parts of the rim. An axis is fixed in the center of the circle, and the rim is turned, giving it a rounded shape:

A wheel with a round rim is more difficult to make than an octagonal one.

The body of the cart can be made in the form of tiers in which flowering plants are placed. This option does not take up much space and looks unusual.

A portable florist is convenient in that it is easy to put it in a utility room for the winter period and leave it there until spring.

The composition decorating the yard looks more attractive if all its elements are made in the same style and from the same materials.

The beauty of a flower cart made of natural wood will be emphasized by additional elements located in the yard: benches, a windmill or a miniature wooden well

Placing a decorative cart on your farmstead, you not only draw attention to it with the brightness of flowering plants, but also add an atmosphere of a fairy tale.

Not every site has the opportunity to build a stream, but you can make its imitation. This technique of landscape design is good because it does not require the purchase of equipment for water supply.

A stream of stones intricately winds through the territory of the courtyard and unites various zonal spaces

To make a dry stream, you need to make a shallow trench, compact it with sand and cover it with geotextile, which will prevent grass from growing through stones, and place plants along the banks of the channel.

You can create an artificial river bed on your own, the amount of work depends on the size of your site

A dry stream imitates a dried-up water channel, along the banks of which plants grow, and the bottom is lined with river pebbles.

From a mound of large stones, you can make an imitation of islands located in the center or along the edges of the stream channel

Flowers are placed along the banks of a dry stream. Undersized plants planted in groups look appropriate and harmonious here.

An artificial stream can turn into a small reservoir where water will be collected after rain

A dry stream can additionally be decorated with a wooden bridge, put a bench for rest or a garden swing near it.

garden arch

A decorative arch can become part of the entrance gate to your courtyard, or a swing is placed in it, a flower garden is organized.

A garden arch used instead of a gate will become an unusual and multifunctional decoration of the yard

For the manufacture of the arch, metal, wood, polypropylene are used. The dimensions of the structure are chosen at least 2 m in height and 1.5 m in width.

A light and openwork arch made of a metal bar is not only a decoration for a flower garden, but also a support for plants

You can assemble the arch from combined materials - metal rods and wooden bars. At the base of the structure, a mesh with stones is installed, which is necessary for the resistance of the arch to wind loads.

Photo: how to assemble a combined arch with your own hands

Wooden arch - drawing with dimensions Assembly of the arch structure Mesh with stones to strengthen the structure

From the arch they build a corner for solitude and relaxation. The design can be decorated with light curtains or grow a hedge nearby.

A three-dimensional arch made of metal can act as a gazebo if a bench is placed next to its supports.

The garden arch acts as a flower garden if the appropriate plants are planted next to it: clematis, climbing rose, bindweed.

With the help of an arched structure, the territory of the courtyard can be divided into functional zones

Decorative arch attracts attention at any time of the year. With it, your yard will look in its own original way.

garden sculptures

Garden sculptures are used to emphasize the beauty of green spaces or a flower garden. It is important that this decorative element is in harmony with the overall design concept of the house and the adjoining territory to be decorated.

Among short-growing plants, miniature garden sculptures will look appropriate.

Garden decorations are made of plaster, marble, wood, metal. Their size is chosen based on the conditions of the surrounding landscape.

Tall sculptures emphasize the beauty of the flower garden and look harmoniously next to trees, arches, shrubs

A special atmosphere of comfort is created by decorative ornaments made of natural wood.

With skillful handling, an old sawn tree can be turned into a work of landscape art.

Sculptural elements can become the basis for creating a flower garden. Plants for him are selected appropriate in color and size.

If there is no stream or fountain on your site, a sculptural composition with flowers can replace it

Garden decorations enliven the territory of the courtyard, adding a peculiar accent to the overall picture of green spaces.

An alpine slide can become an adornment of the local area. This landscape structure involves planting plants in tiers among stones of various shapes and sizes.

For the rock garden, plants that are compatible with each other are selected according to the need for sunlight, soil composition, and watering.

A flower garden on stones is complemented with lamps, a fountain, garden sculpture or other decorative elements.

The illumination of the rock garden with LED flashlights in the evening gives the whole composition a special appeal.

For the rock garden, they first mark the place and prepare materials: natural stones, crushed stone, sand.

Before laying out the stones, it is determined where and what plants will be planted

An alpine hill is made in the form of an inclined slope or a rocky lawn. A fountain or a sculpture can become a flower garden decoration.

The rock garden looks realistic, where plants are selected that grow in nature on mountain slopes

Basalt, limestone, granite, sandstone are used to equip the flower garden. Stones that bear traces of exposure to water and wind look attractive.

Swing in the yard

A garden swing will become a comfortable place to relax and decorate the courtyard. Their design is made of wood or metal, and installed directly on the lawn in front of the house or in a shady corner of the yard.

A swing combined with a garden arch can become a real romantic decoration of the yard - this cozy corner attracts with its beauty

Swings woven from rattan look unusual. The design is compact and lightweight, it can be rearranged to any place convenient for rest.

Lightweight portable swings are installed directly on the grass or make a platform for them from paving slabs

If you have a large and strong tree growing in your yard, you can attach a hanging swing made by yourself to it.

Depending on the strength of the supports, garden swings are made single or double.

For a swing, a seat is constructed from wooden blocks. You can fix the structure on the pillars of the supports using ropes or steel chains.

A schematic representation of the stages of making a swing will help you bring this idea to life.

A stylish decoration of the yard will be a hammock swing, which can be fixed both on its own support and using garden trees.

Such a swing can be installed both indoors and under a canopy that covers them from the rain.

Style solutions for decorating the local area with the help of a swing can be different. Choose the appropriate option based on the availability of free space and personal preferences.

decorative fountain

On a summer day, it is nice to sit in the courtyard of the house, enjoying the beauty of your fountain. You can build it yourself, without large financial costs.

The fountain, by its presence in the yard, not only creates a feeling of tranquility, but also contributes to a pleasant stay.

It is not necessary to erect capital structures on your site - even a small fountain will decorate your yard.

Decorative street fountains are attractive not only in the daytime, but also at dusk, thanks to the backlight

To build a fountain, you will need to dig a small depression in the soil for placing a water tank, install a submersible pump and fix decorative elements.

When installing the fountain, you can use a voluminous plastic basin or a cast-iron bathtub as a water reservoir

Live plants, natural stones, sculptures will decorate the street fountain. In a bowl of water, you can make a miniature summer aquarium with fish.

Photo: fountain decoration options

Option 1
Option 2 Option 3

The fountain creates a special microclimate on the site - it moistens the air and the soil around it. A place for it is chosen half a meter from the walls of the house, since high humidity can provoke mold.


A garden using large stones is called a rockery. It simplifies the care of the local area and lawn, can look attractive all year round.

The rock garden in its minimalism creates a sense of natural harmony, which is combined with modern household items.

Rockery is appropriate to place in any corner of the yard: in the recreation area, near the fence, next to the barbecue, in the center of the local area, along the facade of the house.

The idea of ​​rockeries allows you to emphasize the beauty of stones and plants that organically complement each other.

Organizing rockeries is a little easier than an alpine slide, as the stones are laid on a horizontal surface.

A rock garden looks most impressive if materials of various breeds are used in its creation.

The work is carried out in the following order: the turf is removed, the surface is covered with geotextiles, a drainage layer is made of gravel, a layer of sand is laid out and the site is compacted. Next, stones are placed and soil is poured for planting.

Miniature rockery can be created from several large stones and small pebbles

Evergreens emphasize the beauty of rockeries all year round, but you need to choose specimens that do not grow more than 0.5–1 meter.

When planting plants, they leave gaps filled with gravel - as they grow, green spaces fill these voids

A rock and gravel garden is good because it can be placed anywhere in the yard, even if there is little sunlight during the day.

How else can you decorate the courtyard of a private house

A blooming flower bed can become a decoration of the courtyard, where you place bright flowers that delight the eye throughout the summer season. As a decorative element, you can use an elegant bench for relaxing or a set of wicker chairs. An interesting design solution can be a breakdown of decorative garden paths throughout your property, decorated with tiles, mosaics or made of natural stone. Perhaps you will like some of the ideas listed above and want to combine them, making your yard unique and distinctive.

The beauty and convenience of a homestead is one of the important tasks that most owners of private property face. A yard decorated with your own hands is a source of pride and your calling card. Being engaged in the improvement of the adjacent territory on your own, you invest in it not only labor, but also part of your soul. May these efforts bring you only joy and pleasure!

The beauty and functionality of a private yard is one of the priorities of a good owner. Creating a comfortable space on an allotted plot of land, sometimes you have to make an effort comparable to those required for arranging a home interior. However, this process is not only for a professional designer.

The yard of this private house is provided for recreation

Clarify the purpose of our yard

First of all, you should think about what functions the plot of land will perform. Some owners of private houses cannot imagine their vacation without a shady garden, while others certainly need an artificial pond with decorative fish, and in winter - a skating rink for children. All this requires additional space, which should be immediately taken into account in the site improvement project. On the allocated territory, it is necessary to correctly place facilities for economic needs. To facilitate the task, we have compiled a list from which you can choose what is difficult to do without:

  • bath and summer shower;
  • garage;
  • various outbuildings;
  • swimming pool or decorative pond;
  • summer kitchen, in which it is possible to provide a brazier;
  • dog house;
  • playground for children;
  • fruit trees and shrubs;
  • garden;
  • paths and green spaces.

Having made your own list, it is worth expressing on paper all the ideas for landscaping the territory so that the necessary facilities fit on the site - from the kitchen to the garage. This process allows you to consider the shortcomings of the scheme, as well as to realize everything, considering the composition from above. It is important to consider how convenient it will be to move around the territory, as well as how the allotment will look from different viewpoints.

When planning a site, it is necessary to think over in detail all the necessary buildings and plantings.

We divide the yard into sections according to functions

To increase the functionality of a personal plot, it makes sense to consider dividing it into zones. This technique allows you to allocate a place to relax, make a children's corner, and also separate beds with vegetables from the main territory. To designate clear boundaries, you can use several options for fences:

  1. To separate a sports, children's corner or relaxation zone, a low picket fence is suitable.
  2. Sometimes you need to build a cozy corner that will not be visible from the street. In this situation, trellises or modern garden trellises are suitable.
  3. The partition can be built conditionally - for example, with the help of forged arches braided with roses or other climbing plants. Such fences will serve as the basis for landscaping the site, they are easy to make with your own hands.
  4. Some types of partitions made of natural material - bamboo, wicker, rattan are in perfect harmony with any structures in the yard, and also serve as a wonderful decor element.
  5. Mats as fences will help in creating an oriental style of a private courtyard. In this case, it is recommended to plant plants that love the sun in flower beds.
  6. The garden can be separated using a fence made of bricks, stones fastened with cement mortar, and other improvised means.

The yard is divided by a trellis into a recreation area and an economic area

Walkways for movement and decoration

Paths are a necessary functional element of any yard. If you pay enough attention to them, they will become a real decoration of the territory. We will note several options for arranging tracks:

  1. For the improvement of the central part of the yard, it is best to build paths made of stone, paving stones or concrete tiles. To make them unusual and spectacular, the gaps between the plates can be filled with small pebbles or glass granules. Or plant grass and other low-growing plants in these gaps. It is important that the plantings are not too demanding to care for.
  2. The yard will be decorated with paths made of wooden saw cuts. They are fixed as close as possible to each other, and sawdust or bark is poured into the gaps between the round elements. Such paths are appropriate anywhere in the courtyard - they look good both in the center and between the trees.
  3. Modern landscape designers often suggest using wooden boards as the basis for paths. In this case, each element must be carefully adjusted to each other in order to obtain the most even surface. After the construction of such tracks, they need to be painted or varnished to increase their service life.
  4. The simplest paths can be built in the garden - just sprinkle them with gravel.

Easy and pleasant to move along a beautiful path

Plantings and decor

Landscape gardening of a land plot is an important component of its appearance. With the help of thoughtful and well-made flower beds, properly selected shrubs and trees, a simple and unremarkable courtyard can be easily turned into a cozy garden.

A house immersed in greenery

If the walls of the house have lost their original appearance, they can be hidden behind climbing plants. Do-it-yourself vertical gardening is quite simple. You should choose the most unpretentious specimens of plants: hops, ivy, grapes or wisteria are suitable. It is desirable to plant them under the wall that faces the sun. All that is needed for this is a strip of land under the house, or long container boxes with soil.

The second option for vertical gardening is simpler. You need to start by fixing identical containers with earth on the wall or fence, in which flowers and greens should be planted. You can use plastic bottles, milk canisters and other unnecessary material.

Vertical gardening at home has its own characteristics. It is worth remembering that the walls of the house, entwined with greenery, keep cool better, as thick foliage traps the sun's rays. Probably, this method of gardening is not suitable for those whose house is located in the shady part of the yard.

The garden is made of stones

It is not difficult to arrange a rock garden on your site, besides, such decor will cost quite inexpensively. Landscaping in general and gardening of the site, in particular, will become more original if it is emphasized with a stone composition. Note that such a solution has many advantages, the main of which is simple maintenance.

With a competent approach to the issue, a rock garden will be the highlight of any private area. For its construction, large boulders will be needed, which should be placed on the allocated area. It is better to choose stones of different colors and textures, harmoniously combining them with each other.

Stone sellers have already thought of a stone garden

Gabions emphasize the stylish design of the site

Many summer residents successfully use unexpected materials, the purpose of which may be different. In the improvement of the site, landscape design experts suggest using gabions. These are metal frame meshes that are designed to create retaining walls. Such elements in the design of the site will not only give it a modern look, but also serve as a support.

Gabions can be filled with crushed stone, stone and even bottles. With their help, it is easy to equip a place to relax with a barbecue, make a fence near the pond, build a small table. They are used to create fences, fences for high beds or beds, and also as the basis for a long garden bench. As you can see, with a certain level of imagination, it is easy to come up with your own application for such designs.

Gabions can perform a variety of functions.

Expanded clay concrete for garden decoration

Perhaps, after construction, you still have unused blocks of expanded clay concrete. You do not need to throw them away, it is better to use them for arranging the site. Due to its hollow construction, this material is excellent for small flower beds, it is also used for fencing beds. In addition, expanded clay concrete blocks can be used to create a brazier, on the sides of which it is proposed to store firewood. An interesting example in the photo.

To build a brazier, even one block can be enough, on which you can cook vegetable mini skewers

We create comfort from unnecessary things

Those who decide to design a garden from improvised materials can successfully use unnecessary pieces of furniture, things, as well as any household utensils for decoration. Read also: Here are some simple ideas:

  1. Do-it-yourself vertical gardening of a patio is much easier to do on a ready-made basis. So, on a stepladder, you can comfortably place flower boxes, and old chairs and a chest of drawers will serve as the basis for creating a flower bed.
  2. Tin kettles, galvanized buckets, watering cans can do a good job for a zealous owner. All these junk materials that can no longer be used for their intended purpose can revive the design of the courtyard. It is enough just to pour earth into each of them and plant your favorite plants.
  3. If you paint an old bike bright yellow, white, or orange, you can hang it under the roof of your shed or garage. This decor looks very unusual and stylish.
  4. You can also use wooden boxes in which apples and potatoes are stored. It is desirable to paint the boxes, strengthen the open side parts, pour soil into them and plant bright, unpretentious plants. All this will help create a special atmosphere - rustic comfort, naturalness and closeness to nature.

It is very easy to use an old umbrella, converting it into a bright and unique flower bed


Any site will be decorated with a decorative windmill. It seems to us that such decor of a private courtyard surprisingly combines popularity and originality. Decorative windmill equally pleases both adults and children. It can be easily and simply made by hand from a variety of materials. Just do not overdo it with the size: too large will seem out of place.

A simple windmill enriches the landscape

Everyone's bored tree trunk

It happens that in the yard there is an obsolete tree. The first impulse of the owner is to turn it into firewood for barbecue, so that it does not spoil the appearance of the garden. Landscape designers advise not to rush to get rid of this tree, but to try to create an element of garden decor from it with your own hands.

For example, if you cut down the branches and the top, the tree can be used as the basis for a decorative house or castle. It is enough to build a roof from old boards, attach doors, windows - and the elf's house is ready. It is even easier to make a flower bed out of a stump, or arrange a flower garden in a hollowed out trunk, laying it on the ground. The photo shows an interesting option for decorating a dried tree.

From a stump you can build an unusual flower bed, just gouge the necessary hole in it, fill it with earth and plant flowers

Flower monument to the car

It happens that the owners keep the old grandfather's car for decades, which has not been running for a long time. Designers suggest using its body for a decorative flower bed. Some craftsmen plant climbing plants in such a way that they completely cover the body of the car, leaving only windows. Landscaping also offers another option for landscaping - filling the space under the hood and in the trunk with earth in which plants can be planted. The body itself should be painted with bright paint.

For such a flower bed, the brand of the car does not matter

Necessity and charm of lighting and backlighting

One of the key features of a beautiful courtyard is the presence of lighting. Today there are many ways to illuminate the area. Illumination will help in the improvement of any land. It will allow you to highlight accents, enhance the perception of a particular element of decor. In addition, lighting will help you navigate a large area and spend evenings in comfort.

Pleasant to watch, comfortable to move around with the right lighting
  1. Landscape designers recommend paying special attention to highlighting sculptures, fountains, paths, as well as beautiful plants.
  2. Not too budgetary, but LED elements mounted in tiled tracks look incredibly impressive. With the help of illuminated dots, you can create a star panorama right on the track. The project of such a composition can be completed without the help of a professional.
  3. Water lily lamps are designed to illuminate a pond or other artificial reservoir. They float freely, reflected from the surface of the water, which creates the effect of double light. It turns out to be a rather elegant sight.
  4. Poles with lanterns are the most practical solution. With the help of vertical lighting it is easy to find the way from the gate to the house. It is also important to illuminate the porch - here you can fix a decorative lantern in a medieval style.
  5. Site lighting is a necessary element of decoration of celebrations. If you are planning a wedding or an anniversary, it is simply necessary to illuminate the local area well. Not only stationary lamps will cope with the task of creating a festive mood, but also garlands with which you can decorate trees, partitions, and hedges.

We have demonstrated affordable and popular ways to decorate the site. Our article is intended to give inspiration to those who dream of turning their garden into a designer creation. If you are a beginner in this business, you should not restrain yourself, fearing a lack of experience. Practically, any of us can realize the most extraordinary and bold decisions. In fact, in order to improve your property, it is important to have a burning desire and make a little effort.

Before you start designing, you need to consider a plan of action. To begin with, we determine how you want to see your yard. Is it a picturesque garden or a place to spend time with friends? Or maybe you like to climb into a secluded corner to read your favorite books?

Landscaping the courtyard of a private house begins with planning. A good start would be to make a sketch on paper with a rough plan for the location of the main areas of the territory. Roughly, you can note:

  • the house itself;
  • other large buildings;
  • places where pipes run;
  • large trees you plan to keep;
  • places of shade and sun.

If there is, you can put on the map places with difficult areas (high humidity, large stones, etc.).

This will begin a rough idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat can be successfully implemented on your site. It will be more convenient to think over the location of zones, plants and decor elements. Taking into account the sunny and shady sides and soil moisture, we select suitable plants.

The principles of planning the yard near a private house

Of course, there are no rules for planning your site. But for convenience, it is better to think about the correct distribution of zones. Usually the house occupies only 10% of the site, if it is large, but for small areas, the parameters change to a third of the territory.

Even owners of small plots of about 6 acres should think about zoning the space. To ensure that the style of the entire yard is harmonious and echoes, use similar forms of structures. These zones can be divided:

  • decorative elements;
  • light;
  • plants.

For the convenience of the owners and guests, gazebos are placed not far from the entrance to the site - so as not to wade deeper every time you want to stay there.

Activities for children are located closer to home to be able to look after the little ones.

For those who like to grow food in the garden, it will be successful to prefer straight lines and paths. If you are an aesthete and only intend to admire the view, then the exquisite and unusual forms of both buildings and paths are for you.

How to effectively arrange recreation areas

To feel comfortable and quickly manage the household, it is better to have nearby zones that are close to their intended purpose.

It is also convenient to combine zones for their subsequent use for their actual purpose. For example, combine a terrace and a gazebo or a dining room with a kitchen. This is a good tip for owners of small areas.

Seating area in the front yard

As mentioned above, the front yard is well suited for placing a gazebo. We also add plants and landscape composition here and get a beautiful view.

If space allows, you can add large decorative elements:

  • pond;
  • waterfall;
  • the fountain.

Water has a positive effect on the atmosphere of the recreation area. Just imagine how pleasant it will be to drink morning tea or meet guests in such an environment.

If you like solitude, then you will feel most comfortable without prying eyes while drinking tea or reading a book on a bench or in a hammock. Therefore, many people prefer to build a high fence around their site. But for some, frequent communication with neighbors is by no means a hindrance.

How to furnish a backyard

The adjoining territory of a private house suggests the location of a recreation area with secluded places. If you make a canopy, then even rain will not be terrible for the lover to spend a lot of time outdoors near the garden.

The backyard often has a barbecue, sports fields or swings. This area is also decorated with plants. Tall trees look good in this part of the territory.

Paths and paving

Before building roads on the site, you need to properly consider their location. It is best, as before, to take a sheet of paper and draw a plan. You can also use special programs on your computer. To begin with, we determine the main passages and after that we look for the most convenient location for additional ones.

You can not lay out all the roads with expensive natural stone, but use crushed stone for auxiliary passages.

Well-thought-out moves will be a real salvation when moving around the territory after rain.

Covering the area with a hard material helps keep the area clean. Tiles for sidewalks lay out most of the territory:

  • paths leading from one zone to another;
  • the main area around the house.

It is more comfortable to walk on large tiles, on which the foot becomes completely, if you lay out a path with a distance between the elements (which looks very nice).

Paving stones are suitable for decorating sites. Decking is also used - a material that imitates wood. Often the paths are done like this: they put a curb and pour small gravel. This option is pretty easy to do. It will take a little longer to pave the necessary sections of the yard.

Don't forget about route lighting. Also, to make it more comfortable to move around the site, take into account the location of the pipes so as not to step over them every time. We also recommend paying attention to the following details:

  1. Site relief. A slight slope is created on the paths so that water does not collect if it passes through a lowland.
  2. If deciduous trees are supposed to be located above the path, then it is better to abandon bulk gravel or crushed stone paths, as falling leaves will clog the path and spoil the view.
  3. Do not make sharp turns or frequent bends in the trail, as a shorter route is usually cut across your lawn, which will subsequently be trampled in such places.
  4. The width of the road should be enough to pass freely and carry the necessary household items.
  5. Consider the overall landscaping of your yard when choosing your path design to match the overall style of the yard.

Pre-calculate how much building material will be needed in order to understand how much money will be required to invest. count everything together with the curb and keep in mind that not only the width of the paths is important, but also the depth when it comes to bulk design options.

Plants in the yard

For planting plants with their favorable development and the convenience of the territory itself, it is better to follow some rules.

It will not be the best to place any coniferous tree, even a small one, in the front yard. They look beautiful, but the needles will spoil the view, falling to the ground, which will add extra work.

The same applies to deciduous plants near water bodies - fallen leaves will spoil the view and clog the pond.

In general, in order not to complicate your care of plants, unless of course you set yourself the goal of growing unusual species, it is better to choose the most unpretentious trees and shrubs.

A hedge always looks good. Not too low for privacy and not too high for regular trims.

With minimal design skills, you can create a picturesque view from flowerbeds and lighting.

For small areas, vertical gardening is suitable. This option will visually expand the space and emphasize the improvement of the territory of a private house.


The design of the garden suggests that the flower beds of bulbous plants will be the brightest in your yard. They will flood the entire yard with spring colors and create a festive atmosphere. Lilies, daffodils or tulips are often used.

They do not bloom for a long time, but you can compose a composition so that the flowers bloom in turn for almost the entire spring.

coniferous plants

Planting coniferous plants on the site is a rather elegant solution. The tall trees behind the house look good. Spruces, arborvitae, junipers and pines will decorate the site for years. And owners of small territories can decorate the site with dwarf plants of the species without compromising space.

ornamental shrubs

Shrubs can turn a boring fence into a work of art. They serve rather as a background for other bright plantings. But, for example, lilac will delight with aroma every season and at the same time hide households. building or garage.


These plants are good for decorating the yard. Flexible clematis will beautifully braid the gazebo or arch, become the highlight of the fence and add comfort to the overall picture of the site. It is very convenient to create green screens with liana-like plants to delimit zones. In addition to clematis, climbing roses are popular. These plants look very elegant and bloom for a long time decorating the yards of private houses.

Country house lighting

We often see the country house as the place where we go to relax after the fast pace of the polluted city. Therefore, here I want to see the complete opposite of the usual environment. Maximum silence, tranquility and unity with nature.

In addition to planning, zoning and plant selection, lighting affects the beauty of the site.

When we look at ready-made examples of design using lighting techniques, we admire the creative solutions of the authors. Proper lighting is an art. No matter how well the house and yard is decorated, the light often determines the originality of the whole style. You can give the house a mystery or a touch of medieval style.

A particularly interesting technique in lighting is accents. So you can select a specific object or composition (statues, columns, etc.).

Even the color of the object is easy to change with the help of light filters and give them a completely different look in the dark.

Popular types of lighting:

  1. Contour lighting. Created using LEDs and cords. Well emphasizes the contours of buildings or elements, looks quite impressive.
  2. Hidden lighting will illuminate the elements of the building and create the effect of volume and solemnity.

Designing with light is quite a challenge. It can be ordered from specialized companies or you can understand the intricacies of this creative and interesting process and make lighting with your own hands.

Features of the landscape of the yard

Not always the size of the site determines the area of ​​the courtyard. The owners can leave a lot of free space if they are going to garden. If rest is a priority, then all the free space near the house can be used for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe courtyard and for zones with decorations.

small yard design

When the plot is very small (6 acres or less), then it is, of course, difficult to enlarge the yard. But on the other hand, it can be increased by visual effects due to the deception of perception, and the landscape design of a small courtyard will sparkle with new colors:

  1. Often, for such purposes, a small elongated pond is created. It diverts attention from the rest and captivates guests.
  2. Also a good reception would be a fountain on a dais.
  3. Flowers are planted in narrow stripes and do not interfere with the passage, while decorating the territory.
  4. You can plant flowers behind the fence, visually expanding the territory and moving the road away from the house.
  5. The garage is located in the corner of the territory, while parking usually remains behind the fence.
  6. The recreation area is organized behind the house and often the wall of the house is also the main one for the gazebo in order to save space.

These little tricks will help create coziness and place all the zones on your site and create a beautiful courtyard in a small area.

Yard design on a plot of 10 acres

Usually in such a plot 3 acres is occupied by a house. According to the classics, we have houses closer to the rear border, with a porch to the fence gate. So there is free space for arranging the yard. Not only a recreation area will fit here - there will still be enough space for classic decorations (alpine slide or roses) or creative author's solutions.

Since the garage is usually part of the site and the location plays a role in daily convenience, it is installed as close to the gate as possible. On a plot of 10 acres, you can place a parking space between the garage and the gate. Behind the garage, you can make a cozy seating area, as it will be hidden from views from the street. And so that the beautiful courtyard of a private house does not spoil the appearance of such buildings, they are decorated with plants.

Yard design on a plot of 15 acres

Important decorative elements will be flower beds that will lead along the edges of the path. Do not overload the general view with the color of the flower beds too much - this tires the eye.

The abundance of space will allow you to delimit the flower beds with hedges of low height.

A composition of stones will look good, especially on uneven terrain. Some even make artificial drops in the area if it is initially flat.

Also, a pond will undoubtedly add beauty. It can be a pond or a stream, decorated with decorative elements to match the general style of the courtyard.

Paths for private houses are best made of natural stone - this way they will last a long time and look expensive and beautiful. Tiles or pebbles also work well.

For the outdoor dining area, furniture made of lightweight materials will be used, which will be easy to remove if necessary under a canopy (during rain) or bring it into the house for the winter. Of course, in addition to materials, you need to consider the design of furniture for a country house. A harmoniously designed recreation area will create a comfortable atmosphere and charge the owners with optimism for a long time.

You can also add a barbecue or barbecue area. Beautifully arrange seating near the fire and choose the appropriate lighting that will accompany warm friendly gatherings in the evenings, from which the landscaping of the yard in a private house will only benefit.

For new ideas and inspiration, see the landscape design photo below, as well as a video on landscaping the courtyard of a private house.