Modern design options for a country interior: photos, styles and ideas. Interesting ideas for a country house and garden How to decorate a country house with your own hands

As you know, in order to fully relax, the interior of the room should contribute to this. As for the interior of the country house inside, the photo of which can be found below, it can be the most diverse, depending on the preferences of the owners.

If we take into account the modern pace of life, for many people, rest becomes a huge luxury, and a full-fledged one is completely unattainable. People solve this problem in different ways. Someone likes to spend time for entertainment in the city, while someone prefers to relax outside the city. Many people have a dacha where they can hide from the bustle of the city at any time of the day or night.

Camping in your own country house can be just fabulous. To enhance these magical sensations, it is worth approaching the design of the house and the local area correctly. These moments are very important, since a sloppy yard and an unpleasant interior of a country house will interfere with stress relief and only spoil your mood. Even in a small house, you can create the most favorable atmosphere for relaxation and make the atmosphere cozy.

Design experts know many ways to create a welcoming environment in a country house that will allow you to get rid of the stress caused by city life. At the same time, when it comes to giving, it is not at all necessary to invest large sums in the design of the house. A simple rustic style is quite suitable here, which you can work on with your own hands.

Experts advise to abandon modern and high-tech styles when working with country houses, rustic country with its numerous wooden accessories, rocking chair and wicker furniture will look great here.

In addition, Provence style, that is, French country, feels great in such a house. In this case, a lot of wood painted with white paint is used. A feature of the interior of a country house inside in the Provence style, the photo of which is presented, is that to create it it is not at all necessary to purchase special furniture and make expensive repairs. Often it’s enough just to tidy up an old grandmother’s closet, make a couple of wooden tables, take a floor lamp that is more than a dozen years old and purchase an impressive light sofa. There can be a lot of directions for decorating a country house, but it is the rustic options that look the most harmonious.

When building a country house, it is worth using natural wood. This will save you from solving many problems with interior design. Natural wood, which was correctly laid during the construction of the walls, will not require additional processing. It can simply be impregnated with special substances to extend the service life, and then varnished. Wooden houses are not only easy to design, but also very warm, and this is a huge plus for those who are going to relax in the country in the winter.

As for the overall color scheme for a country house, then it is worth using mostly light colors. This applies not only to the interior inside a small country house (see photo), where it is necessary to visually expand the space, but also to large rooms. If you wish, you can dilute the general light background with dark blotches, but you can’t make the whole room gloomy, since the dacha is a place to relax.

The interior of a wooden country house inside should be, as in the photo example, diluted with fresh flowers. This is especially true for the Provence style, where living plants on a small white table are an essential attribute.

How to choose a style?

As mentioned above, a country house is the place where a person rests in body and soul. Here everything should contribute to relaxation and tune in the right way. A rustic-style house will fit perfectly into the local landscape, unlike a high-tech building or a Victorian palace. The last two look very nice, but relaxing in nature in such a house is not very comfortable and cozy.

A country house should be conducive to ensuring that a person can reunite with nature as much as possible. Country houses that are decorated in a rustic style will look much more relevant in a natural environment. Moreover, country and Provence styles also have one indisputable advantage, namely the ability not to spend much on decorating and purchasing furniture. It is the rustic style that is ideal for creating an economy class interior inside a country house, and the presented photo demonstrates this perfectly.

Provence and country

Those people who gravitate towards a beautiful and simple rustic style should pay attention to one of these directions. For a country house, you can hardly think of something better.

In both cases, a maximum of natural materials are used, and all colors should be natural and natural. Furniture is better to choose simple and wooden. Old cabinets, tables and chairs that can be restored and installed in the living room and bedroom are well suited.

As additional accessories, you can take multi-colored pillows in natural colors. In a rustic style, patchwork and other types of needlework are welcome.

DIY decorative accessories can decorate any room of a country house.

Scandinavian style

If decorative ruffles and numerous souvenirs made from natural materials are not to the taste of the owner, you can opt for another calm style, namely the Scandinavian interior design inside the country house, the photo of which is presented below. Restraint is welcome here, which is manifested literally in everything. Often, when decorating a room in a Scandinavian style, even curtains are not used, but this is already an amateur.

In this case, all furniture and a few accessories should be restrained in forms and soft colors. The result is a rather pleasant and as calm environment as possible, and for a country house - this is just what you need.

How to decorate a country house with your own hands?

If the owner of a country house has artistic talent, it can be used when decorating a room. In this way, it will turn out to create an excellent interior inside the country house with your own hands, look at the photo, and perhaps it will inspire you to create something of your own, exclusive.

Using ordinary paint, for example, acrylic, you can create an ornament that will decorate the living room or bedroom. If the house is made of timber or sheathed with wooden panels inside, it is worth drawing on the wooden sheets, and then attach them to the wall in the right place.

In addition to the walls, a creative person can independently process old furniture. For example, a restored wardrobe can be covered with patterns and a layer of varnish, after which it will become not just a place to store clothes, but also an interior decoration for a country house.

As for the rooms, even in a small country house there should be rooms such as a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. It is not at all necessary that they be huge, but it is still necessary to share a place for receiving guests and drinking tea, a room where the owners of the house will sleep, and a room for cooking.

In the living room you can often find such an important thing for a country house as a fireplace. You can lay it out yourself, but for this you need to know the principle of operation of such systems. Otherwise, improper use of the fireplace can lead to tragedy.

If there is no desire to heat the fireplace with firewood, you can take a closer look at this type of decorative elements. They look no worse than an ordinary fireplace, but are absolutely safe and work from the mains. At the same time, such fireplaces are able to give the interior more comfort and are even able to heat the air in the cold season.

There can be a lot of options for decorating a summer house, and most of them do not require serious expenses. The main thing here is that the owners of the country house themselves feel comfortable and cozy, so ostentatious luxury in this case is absolutely useless.

Space planning in a small country house

Families often prefer small country houses for recreation: it is practical, does not require large expenditures of energy, and it usually looks much cleaner and tidy than a huge dwelling, which is difficult to keep track of. However, in such conditions, the problem of cluttering up the space often arises. The following simple and effective tips will help you solve it:

  1. The biggest troubles regarding planning the interior of a country house usually arise in the kitchen: for the convenience of cooking, you need a large amount of equipment: a stove, microwave, oven, not to mention the numerous cabinets with dishes and kitchen appliances! Measure the square meters for this equipment in advance and, if necessary, purchase custom-made furniture - it is better to spend money once than to put up with inconvenience all the subsequent time.
  2. In the living room in a small country house, put the minimum amount of furniture, and leave empty space in the center - this will visually enlarge the room.
  3. It is not recommended to lay thick carpets in the rooms: it’s not even about clutter or beauty, but about the health of the residents. In summer, during the holidays, the floors are usually warm, so the practical use of carpets is no longer. But the dust accumulates in them so much that in a small room there is absolutely nothing to breathe!
  4. When arranging a country house, give preference to folding furniture: in the daytime, it can be easily removed, freeing up space.
  5. In conditions of limited footage, focus primarily on the practicality of the interior of a country house: curtains for zoning a room, shelves instead of massive cabinets, folding tables for work and study - all this will help you effectively save space.
  6. The color of the walls of a country house plays a huge role: dark tones narrow the room, make it smaller, while light shades, combined with competent lighting and mirrors, can visually expand the space.

The right decor of a country estate is the key to a pleasant stay in your favorite place. Please yourself and your loved ones with a bright and individual interior of a country house, and the photo below will tell you some interesting design solutions:

I like

When developing country house interior you can choose from a huge number of styles, select furniture, finishes and accessories from hundreds of options, but what you should not do exactly is to turn it into a jumble of old things that are not needed in a city apartment.

After all, you spend a sufficient amount of time in the country, many families even live outdoors all summer long, so you should feel comfortable in the environment there. Let the beauty of not only nature outside the windows surround you, but also the beauty of decoration and furnishing inside a cozy country house.

Country house interior

Of course, there is no universal country house interior, which would suit everyone without exception and could be safely recommended to any owner.

Firstly, each residential building is individual, with its own layout, number of rooms, ceiling height, the presence of a second floor, a garage, and so on.

Secondly, everyone has different tastes, someone wants to repeat the features of modern style in their city apartment, while someone, on the contrary, wants to completely change the situation, be closer to nature, to natural materials and shades.

In addition, for most residents of large cities to develop do-it-yourself interior of a country house- it means to realize all your old dreams, for example, to make a large wood-burning fireplace inside for gatherings with the whole family, or a wide, bright veranda with huge windows, on which it will be so pleasant to drink tea in the evenings and admire what has been done.

In addition, the house can provide a small infrared sauna, a workshop-garage, a large pantry for storing food supplies and much more, which is only enough for your imagination.

That is why we say that there is no universal content, there are only noteworthy examples that demonstrate interior of a country house, photo we will consider them in more detail in order to learn a lot of useful things for ourselves.

You can often see examples of interiors of country houses inside, photo which are located above. This applies to the smallest garden buildings in terms of area, which were previously not customary in our tradition.

The fashion for small-sized buildings came to us from Europe, and it turned out that literally on twenty square meters, if you correctly approach the space planning process, use the height to create additional tiers and buy folding, multifunctional furniture, then in just a few months you will become the owner of a comfortable home with a beautiful interior.

Having studied in detail interior of a country house inside, photo economy- the version of which you see, you can note the methods of saving space.

First, you need to carry out a clear zoning, but not create walls and physical partitions.

Secondly, you need to use all the space in height, a bedroom area can fit under the ceiling, where the mattress is laid on the floor, without a bed, and below there is a kitchen and a small living room or dining room, depending on the needs of the living family and the number of people in it.

The examples are quite different, but pay attention to an interesting feature - only light shades (milky, white, light gray) are used for decoration, and the furniture is mostly light, without any special bright accents. It is this color scheme that will make you feel comfortable and spacious in a small room.

Also similar country house interior design must necessarily involve high ceilings, much higher than the standard and familiar to us 2-2.5 meters.

This is necessary so that the sleeping place on the second level is comfortable for sleeping, there is enough air and space above your head. It is imperative to make the thermal insulation of the roof so that it does not heat up from the inside, otherwise it will be quite uncomfortable to sleep after a hot summer day. Also provide windows at the top for air circulation and ventilation.

However, there are also enough classical buildings with a large area and many want to rebuild and change them or the living room. An important room for each such dwelling is the room on the ground floor, in which the maximum amount of time is spent.

It can be solved as a classic kitchen or, conversely, the kitchen is moved outside, for example, into the garden, into the gazebo, as a separate building, and the living room comes to the fore in the cottage.

Designers advise for interior of a country house inside, photo examples of which you can see above, use a classic style or a bit of country touches. Details such as a cage, floral wallpaper, a large number of house plants, soft, comfortable furniture - all this creates a real atmosphere of comfort.

And here's where you can really turn around with planning country house inside - interior bedrooms on the second floor. Let there be a lot of light, a lot of fresh air. But at the same time, such cute details as a bedside rug, a lot of wooden details, wall decoration with wood paneling, and so on.

Judging by the examples that we have shown you, you can conclude that the most popular among country house interior styles remains a cozy and cute country style in its various national interpretations.

Country house interior ideas

There are many house interior ideas that are worth paying attention to. We have already talked about the importance of saving space, so why not work with the stairs leading to the second floor. It's not so much about, but about the usable space that is under the steps.

In the photo you see only a couple of examples, in fact there are many more. Under the stairs there may be a dressing room, a workplace, a wine cellar, a rack with plants, and so on.

Besides, in do-it-yourself country house interiors, interesting ideas, you see examples of wallpaper that will look good on the walls of a country cottage. Although today there are many proposals with imitation of stone, brick, concrete, walls simply painted in one tone, nevertheless, floral ornaments, birds, palm leaves remain an excellent choice for summer residents.

Country house interior: inside. TOP - 100 ideas

As a rule, household plots are not pleasing with their large size, therefore, in order to save as much free space as possible, compact ones are erected on it. Houses of this size are not always able to provide comfortable and convenient living. When creating a project for the internal layout of 6x6 country houses, you need to carefully consider even the most insignificant nuances in order to ensure comfort and coziness for all residents.

Where to start planning

Planning a country house of small size is an activity in which you need to show patience, accuracy of calculations and balanced decisions. The most important thing is to clearly determine for yourself how much money you are willing to spend on the future design of the house, and whether you have enough strength and knowledge to properly plan the interior space.

It is very important to be able to see the situation in perspective. Indeed, in a few years the size of the family may change, children or grandchildren will appear, and in order not to subject the house to global alterations in the future, it is better to foresee possible planning options.

The layout of a 6x6 country house, as a rule, involves taking into account the following criteria:

  • the maximum possible area of ​​​​the future home;
  • the number of people living in the house;
  • having small children.

It is also worth deciding in advance whether the country house will become a temporary haven for summer holidays, or life in it will flow all year round.

Choice of layout

When planning rooms in a private house, it is very important to clearly calculate each square meter so that all the space in the house is used and endowed with functional features.

The algorithm of actions for planning rooms in a private house can be represented as follows:

  1. We determine the number of floors of the future building.
  2. We select high-quality building materials that can help realize the planned project.
  3. We draw the layout of rooms inside the house.
  4. We choose the most convenient design of the porch.
  5. We determine the configuration of the roof and the type of roofing material for future construction.

Determining the layout of a one-story building is much easier. Traditionally, the interior space of such a dacha contains a central room combined with a kitchen, several bedrooms and a combined bathroom and toilet. If the area of ​​​​the cottage allows, then the bathroom is made separate, and perhaps there is an opportunity for arranging a bath or sauna.

For a cottage that has an attic, there are much more options for internal planning. As a rule, the attic room is equipped as a full-fledged second floor and is used to locate guest bedrooms, a gym, a library, an office, game rooms and much more.

The interior layout of a small two-story cottage can be supplemented with spacious terraces. You can also plan additional rooms for a bathroom or wardrobe.

As practice shows, with proper planning, even a small building measuring 6 * 6 m can accommodate at least three rooms: a spacious living room, bedroom and kitchen, as well as a bathroom and toilet.

Living room - the central room in the house

Traditionally, a living room for a summer residence is not just a place to relax. It can serve as an additional bedroom for guests, a dining room, a playroom for children. Furniture for such a room is better to choose functional and compact, so that nothing clutters up the already small space of the room.

A convenient option would be transformer sofas, folding chairs and tables, built-in furniture. Each of these elements is designed to solve the problem of a small space, but at the same time, an attractive appearance makes the room cozy and stylish. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and the design features of the building allow, a fireplace can become the central element for the living room.

We plan the location of the kitchen

In a country house, the entrance to the kitchen from the street will be very convenient. Thus, you can shorten the path that you have to overcome when setting the table on the street in the summer.

When calculating the required area for the kitchen, it is very important to take into account the parameters of the household appliances used. A stove, a refrigerator, a sink, a desktop - all this should be located freely enough over the entire area so that the cooking process is convenient.

It is also worth considering the presence of sufficient natural and artificial lighting.

We plan the location of the bedroom

Bedrooms in a country house are best planned small. This approach will significantly save on heating in the winter. You don't need much for a good rest. It is enough to equip a full-fledged sleeping place, and arrange a small wardrobe.

If the layout of the cottage provides for the presence of an attic, then it is on its area that it is most convenient to have cozy bedrooms. Despite the fact that the ceiling in such a bedroom will have an inclined shape, the attic area allows you to place all the necessary furniture items.

We place a toilet and a bathroom

For comfortable placement of a bathtub, a toilet bowl and a washbasin, a room of 4m2 is enough. The walls of the bathroom are covered with tiles. It is hygienic, beautiful and easy to clean. The ceiling can be made stretch. As a cheaper option, they consider a ceiling sheathed with plastic clapboard.

To be able to sit comfortably in such a small bathroom, the door should open outward. In order to save space, instead of a standard bath, you can install a compact shower.

Using such simple secrets of the correct layout of a bathroom in a private house, even in a small area, you can equip a comfortable and convenient space. There may be room for a washing machine.

In the case when the area of ​​​​the bathroom is about 3 m2, most likely, you will have to abandon the shower of the washing machine, leaving only a washing tap and a toilet.

We plan the location of the stairs

For a compact country house, the stairs to the second floor are best placed from the outside. Thus, you can save the interior space of the house.

If the area of ​​​​the cottage allows, then the flight of stairs is located in the central room, compactly placing places for rest around it.

The space under the stairs should also not be overlooked. Built-in wardrobes for a variety of clothes and household items will perfectly fit under it. Also, as an option, you can consider the location of the working corner under the flight of stairs.

Design features of a country house

The style in which the interior design is planned in a country house largely determines the taste of the owners. We advise you to abandon the habit of dragging to the dacha all unnecessary and obsolete pieces of furniture and interior. So you will never be able to achieve a harmonious and cozy design. The best option would be minimalism in the interior. Simple functional furniture made of natural wood, a lot of light, as well as bright ones were made in the form of textiles, paintings, carpets. It is they who create the mood and give comfort to the rooms.

Vintage things look harmonious in a retro interior. Choosing this style in the design of the cottage, focus on furniture and interior items, leaving the walls and ceiling white, and cover the floor with a simple wooden board.

A good decoration for the living room and bedrooms of the dacha will be fresh flowers, figurines dear to the heart, paintings, hand embroidery or knitted napkins. As a rule, such things become superfluous in stylish designer city apartments. In the country, by combining such decorative elements together, you can create a unique, cozy and very comfortable interior for relaxation.

Country house with stove

When planning a country house, special attention should be paid to the location of a stove or fireplace in it. Such an element in the layout of a 6x6 country house with a stove will not only decorate the room, but can also be used to heat the room and cook.

The oven is built from hardened red bricks. It is better to entrust the laying of the furnace to the masters - professionals.

If for some reason it is not possible to equip a brick oven, you can use ready-made structures made of metal, they are also suitable for planning a 7x7 country house with a stove.

How to properly position the oven

In small country houses with an area of ​​​​6x6 m, it is most practical to place stoves or fireplaces in the center of the living room, in this way several problems can be solved: zoning the room and achieving uniform heating of the entire room.

The classic location of the fireplace in the corner of the room or along one wall also takes place, but in this case, you need to remember that heating will occur only in one half of the room.

By placing the kitchen stove along one wall, you can heat not only the kitchen area, but also the adjacent room.


The small size of a country house is not a reason to turn it into a temporary shelter, depriving it of any comfort or coziness. By competently considering the layout of the interior space of the cottage, you can ensure that even in a small house you can have a good time with friends, relax and enjoy communicating with the surrounding nature.

After the layout of the house is chosen, you can prepare for the construction of the furnace. How to install a stove and a chimney in a country house, we will find out in the next video