How long does it take to renovate a bathroom? Bathroom and toilet renovation with materials. Are rough and finishing materials included in the price?

Everyone wants to improve their standard of living, create comfort and coziness in their house or apartment, make them neat and visually attractive.. Turnkey bathroom renovationwith materials will transform the most important room in a well-maintained house, give it a new look, and MOSSANTEKHSTROY will be happy to help you with it!

Why is it profitable to work with us?

· Our specialists are true professionals in their field. They have over 10 years of experience behind them.Repair of a turnkey bathroom in Khrushchevbecame their daily work, in which they understand all the subtleties and nuances. They boldly give good advice, which is worth listening to.

· High level of service. We work for clients - therefore, the company's employees are always polite, friendly, tidy and ready to help at any time.

· It's cheap with us. Thanks to a special supply department, we provide the opportunity to purchase building materials directly from warehouses with home delivery. This saves you a lot of time and budget. How much does it cost to renovate a bathroom and toilet at MOSSANTEKHSTROY, you can find out by calling our call -center or by looking at examples of work with a detailed indication of the cost of services.

· We provide a full range of services in the field of construction, electrical installation, as well as work with plumbing and sewerage. You don't have to call the masters from different companies - one call to us, and a diverse team of our employees is already transforming your bathroom into a piece of paradise.

Creating a unique bathroom: bathroom design

Nowadays, conveyor production wants to have a piece of inimitable and unique beauty. Why not turn a bathroom or toilet into such a piece? These rooms are the most popular in the house, any guest who comes will definitely visit there and appreciate the appearance of the room.

Repair of a small bathroom and toilet in Moscow in our company takes place in full interaction with customers. To begin with, our masters come to you for free and measure the rooms. Further, the customer, together with the designers, develop a further plan of action. All requirements, wishes are taken into account, the style of the room is chosen.

Before we startturnkey bathroom renovation in Moscow, the client views the interior created by designers with the help of various technological achievements: it can be a simulated 3 D room, panorama taken from a three-dimensional model, or layout on paper. It all depends on the wishes of the client.

Services MOSSANTEHSTROY:bathroom installation and much more

The activity of the company is not limited to repair only. Replacing and installing plumbing equipment is no less routine work for our craftsmen. They are ready to advise you on high-quality plumbing, even more - they can go to the store themselves, find the right equipment for you and bring it right to your doorstep!

Plumbing replacement services provided:

Mixer installation . This service is very popular due to the fragility of the equipment. If installed incorrectly, even the best faucet models will live up to 5 years, but our craftsmen know how to extend their life. They will replace weak gaskets with reinforced ones, all seams will be carefully processed and sealed. A new, properly installed faucet will delight you with its work for many years.

Sink installation . She always adds coziness and viability to the decoration of the room. Shelves, cabinets and mirrors are harmoniously combined with them. Our designers will be able to fit them into the interior of even the smallest bathroom.

· Bathroom installation. This is not one of those with which you can take risks, it is better to immediately entrust the complex work to professionals. Due to the large dimensions, it is easy to damage both the bath itself andturnkey bathroom renovation. Here you need a lot of experience in working with sewer pipes. The volumes of water passing through it, if installed incorrectly, can cause a flood.

· Installing a toilet. This work, perhaps, requires even greater responsibility. The slightest mistake and a serious accident can not be avoided. MOSSANTEHSTROY specialists will prepare a platform for placing a toilet bowl, select the appropriate pipe diameter and carefully seal the seams. The whole procedure will not last more than one day and will not cause severe inconvenience.

Additional bonuses when ordering the service "turnkey bathroom renovation in Moscow»

Regular customers of our company really appreciate us for additional services and a guarantee of quality repairs. Many of our services are aimed at saving time and money for customers, we really appreciate our customers and are ready to provide them with the best. Here are some of our most requested services:

· Removal of the remaining construction debris. Renovation in the bathroom combined with a toilet this is certainly good, but the garbage after all the work remains unmeasured. Instead of overshadowing your pleasant repair experience with long and tedious cleaning, our masters will clean up and take out the garbage for you! All the time saved can be put to good use relaxing in warm water in a new comfortable bath.

· Purchase of building materials. Before starting repairs, you also do not have to spend precious hours of your time going through the markets and looking for the right parts and materials. The supply service of the company, which cooperates with many global brands, will provide you with all the necessary building materials at low purchase prices. with us evenlaying sewer pipescan fit into a modest budget.

· Customer quality and safety assurance. Of course, the main guarantor of our security has been and remains the law of our country. We understand this and before providing services we conclude a special contract, in which you can make your own adjustments. The contract also includes an estimate for repairs - it contains the entire list of services provided and their cost. It will guarantee:toilet renovation will pass with the same value. After the contract is drawn up, it is legally certified and work begins.

Order a turnkey bathroom renovation of an economy class, inexpensive and high quality in Moscow

Contact MOSSANTEHSTROY , and your bath or toilet will become the pride of the whole apartment. We saved our most important advantage for last - toilet renovation comes with a 5 year extended warranty! We are confident in the quality of our service and the high professionalism of the masters. In the event that any damage occurs during this time, we will promptly arrive and fix everything free of charge.

We are renovating a bathroom combined with a toilet. A photo made by our masters, you can find in the gallery on the site. There is a full description of the work done with their cost.

Always remember, it's not scary to ask - it's scary not to ask and regret. Our consultants and the masters themselves are always ready to help you with advice and provide advice. Call the phone numbers listed on the site and see for yourself their professionalism!

Departure of masters to all districts of Moscow and Moscow region for taking measurements and consultation is free of charge. We are waiting for you in the ranks of our satisfied regular customers!

6 Don't Forget Shipping Costs

In the final price, we also did not include the price for the delivery and lifting of the material, because the location, the number of floors in the house, the presence or absence of a freight elevator, and also, for example, the presence of your own roomy car - all this affects the price and does not allow you to calculate the average. But, if the toilet can still be brought on your own passenger car, then a cast-iron bathtub is definitely not. And you can’t even lift yourself to the first floor either. On average, within the Moscow Ring Road, door-to-door delivery can cost from 700 rubles or more, depending on the distance of your home from the store of purchase. Take this into account in your own budget.

7 And about installation

If you can really do the finishing work yourself, then most likely you will need the work of a specialist to connect the bath and toilet. For example, an average toilet installation will cost you 2,000 rubles, and baths - 2,500 rubles. Again, if you have friends or relatives, this job may be much cheaper for you. Don't forget to think about it.

8 Summing up

In our final table, we have included prices for finishing materials, plumbing and furniture. We did the calculation of the tiles online, using a calculator. And the calculation of materials, based on the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging. Look what we got.

This is the most difficult part of all the work carried out and includes a very wide range of finishes. First of all, this, of course, is the dismantling of the box itself. Why? Yes, because almost all bathrooms have such a design feature and houses were built back in the Soviet Union, where all the features for finishing this room were not taken into account, I mean, decoration and equipment, which should meet the modern requirements of residents.

So, in order for the bath and toilet to meet all the requirements and wishes of the tenants, I, as a rule, break the bathroom, after which I bring this room up to modern standards.

Bathroom and toilet renovations

All preparation takes place as soon as possible. Dismantling of old plumbing and coatings is carried out quickly enough. The duration of each stage of finishing, cladding and installation of equipment is calculated based on technological standards.

The terms of repair are prescribed under the contract and cannot be increased for non-objective reasons. Incredibly, after 25-30 days you will be able to use the new bathroom and toilet, only remembering the old environment.

The repair period can be extended if the client prefers to independently develop a design project for his bathroom. This is a fairly common type of service that helps to see in advance all the shortcomings of the future interior and eliminate them in time. It often turns out that the time spent on drafting helps save time spent on repairs.

Call the number on this site, agree on an inspection of the premises, and together with me outline reasonable and realistic terms for repairs. They will depend on the size of the room, on all the wishes for functionality and design. And for each type of work you will receive a clear time regulation.

How not to pay twice

For example, by typing in any search engine the phrase, "renovation of a bathroom and toilet", you will first of all be provided with the websites of firms and companies. And everything would be fine, but 95% of requests from the customer to correct errors, improvements and the like, oddly enough, come after contacting them.

If you are faced with a firm where various problems began:

  • The initial stage - do not start on time.
  • The final cost is constantly changing, although it was originally agreed in the contract.
  • Not the coordination of masters in various finishing works, but, as a rule, there are several performers in the company: tiler, plumber, electrician, etc.

That decision to turn to a private master is the right choice!

True, there is one but, namely: I do not finish what has been started for someone and do not correct the mistakes of negligent masters, but I can only take a problematic object after a thorough study, give my opinion and offer my own version. Yes, you will lose some money, but you will get the end result of proper quality. After all, we, private traders, write on various forums for you, and not for ourselves.

On a note

Take note that many construction companies are engaged in repairs - mediocre. That is, thinking that when repairing an apartment, you can cope with the repair of a bathroom with the same methods, but this is far from the case.

A master who specializes in apartment renovation cannot always cope with the repair of a bathroom and toilet, and vice versa: - if a specialist works with bathrooms, then finishing an apartment with any materials is up to him, because all the work that is carried out during the repair of a bathroom, present in the repair of the apartment, but not vice versa!

In other words, I chose this direction because of its complexity and variety of options. It is more interesting for me in terms of design ideas, combination of materials, combination of different equipment and of course, the finished look of the renovated bathroom and toilet inspires me more than any, albeit well and professionally renovated apartment.


In addition to the above, I want to add the following: - Even in an apartment where there was no overhaul, but the bathroom and toilet are pleasing to the eye of any visitor, the price, when sold, increases significantly! The observation is based on personal experience and the experience of familiar realtors.

Renovating a bathroom is no easy task. Too troublesome, and too expensive. Therefore, before starting repairs in the bathroom and toilet, you should think through everything to the smallest detail and solve many issues. For example, where to find a good construction team? What building materials to buy? And finally, how much will the entire repair cost and how long will it take?

Standard bathroom in a typical building

Today we will talk about bathrooms in typical apartments. And we will try to figure it out: what problems are associated with the redevelopment of such a bathroom and how much will its cosmetic repairs cost? And most importantly, we will still try to give you the recipe for such redevelopment as accurately and in detail as possible.

What are the options?

Before you start redevelopment, you should know that there are certain restrictions on the location of bathrooms. For example, as we were told "in the authorities", "... in standard city apartments, bathrooms can be located on the territory of the bathroom and toilet itself, as well as on the territory of utility rooms and corridors." And in no case should you transfer the bathroom to the room or to the kitchen.

If in a standard bathroom you install a bathtub not “along”, but “across”, then there will still be enough space where you can put a washing machine

As a rule, redevelopment is done to increase the area in some series of modern houses: KOPE, KOPET, P44, P44T, P44M, P44TM, P3 and P2. At the same time, the most common layout option is when a small bathroom (3.96 sq.m.) and a small toilet (1 sq.m.) are adjacent to the corridor (about 4 sq.m.). In this case, the combination of a bathroom and a toilet with a corridor significantly increases the so-called usable area. As a result, the bathroom is increased to 8.5 sq.m. Now there can easily fit a hot tub, a furniture set ("moydodyr"), a washing machine, a toilet bowl and a bidet. In a word, the set that many would like to have in the bathroom. Moreover, there is still a lot of free space in the bathroom.

However, you can re-plan the bathroom in a different way. In this case, a small area is also released. For example, you can swap the bath and sink, and move or turn the toilet a little (although placing it far from the riser is still not recommended).

There are also options for redevelopment of a bathroom without combining it with a toilet: in a small bathroom (1.5 x 1.4 sq.m.), again, you can swap the bathtub and sink. True, the bath will have to be built into the wall a few centimeters, otherwise it will crawl out into the toilet with one edge. But a small washing machine will fit perfectly under the sink (while it was impossible to do this during the initial planning).

In the same case of redevelopment, you can still save space by using corner plumbing and furniture. So, for example, in the same bathroom, instead of a sink with a washing machine, a corner sink with a small hanging pedestal would fit.

How many days will the repair take?

Specialists of almost all construction companies with whom we managed to communicate agreed on one thing - it will take an average of 3-4 weeks to repair a small (typical) bathroom. Even if you have to break the plumbing. However, no one could specifically say exactly how many days it would take for this or that work.

And yet, in one firm, we were given an "approximate alignment."

So, "our" renovation takes place in a small bathroom (1.7 x 1.7 sq.m.). A team of two people works (more people simply won’t fit here).

It will take 1-2 days to dismantle all plumbing, old tiles and remove garbage.

Another 2-4 days will be required to lay new communications. If redevelopment is done, then the pipes will have to be removed into the wall. So most of this time will be spent on chasing the walls. In addition, after these works, you will have to level the walls so that the tiles lay flat. It will take another 3 days to install the intake fittings and water filters. In total, the entire wiring will take about a week.

Now the tiler can get to work. On average, for 3 days he will plaster and trim the wall, make waterproofing and screed. By the way, in parallel with the tiler, an electrician should start working. After all, there will certainly be a need for several household sockets (for an electric shaver or a washing machine), not to mention spotlights. It will take 5-10 days for tiling.

Suspended ceilings will be installed in 1 day. And it will take 1 more day to install all the plumbing. If we need to break the wall of the bathroom, then it will take 1-2 days to dismantle it, and another 3-4 days will be required to build new partitions.

In total, these works will take from two to three weeks. And in total, repairs in the bathroom last 3-4 weeks.

How much will a bathroom renovation cost?

Representatives of Moscow firms answered this question with great reluctance. Who referred to the commercial secret, who launched into lengthy explanations why, they say, it is impossible to name at least an approximate cost of the work. Like, laying a simple tile will cost less than granite, not to mention marble. But in the end, everyone agreed that even a not very complicated repair of a small bathroom would cost an average of $4,000-6,000.

Of this amount, only 1.5-3 thousand will be spent on construction work and the so-called rough (consumable) material. Another part of the amount will be needed to purchase plumbing. If you do not take into account the cheapest or most expensive plumbing, then this is approximately how it goes.

  • A cast-iron bath by Jacob Delafon (France) or Roca (Spain) costs an average of $200–250.
  • The door will cost $100-200.
  • Faucets of good quality (on which, by the way, everyone advised not to save) - $ 150 each (for a sink and a bathtub).
  • A heated towel rail will cost at least $200.
  • Slatted ceilings (as a rule, they are installed) will cost $ 150-200.
  • As for tiles, here the price range is so wide that it is very difficult to name some average figure. But on average, only laying tiles, for example, will cost from $10 to $21 per 1 sq.m.
  • In addition, if you still want to install plumbing furniture, then you need to consider that a decent "moidodyr" costs at least $500.

    So, in front of you is an almost ready-made recipe for repairs in the bathroom. Attention! In the following issues, we plan to regularly publish such "debriefings". Moreover, we will give repair recipes not only in the bathroom, but we will also offer you a complete "calculation" of the repair of other rooms. And not only in the apartment...

    What to break: a bathroom or just a partition?

    Many believe that when combining a bathroom and a toilet, workers only break the partition between these rooms. In fact, the entire plumbing cabin is destroyed. And this cannot be avoided, because if only the wall is broken, the ceiling will sag. However, this prospect should not scare anyone. Breaking the plumbing cabin completely is not only possible, but sometimes even necessary. The fact is that in our homes the bathroom is made of different materials: gypsum (that is, gypsum), aceite (an asbestos-cement slab 1 cm thick, also called flat slate) or concrete.

    So, the asbestos-concrete slab, due to the presence of asbestos in its composition, is far from being among the most environmentally friendly materials. Simply put, such a plate is a little "phonite". It is for this reason that owners of bathrooms made of aceite are recommended to redevelop the bathroom. But even if the walls of the bathroom are made of plaster, redevelopment (that is, the demolition of the bathroom) will not hurt at all. The fact is that there is a gap between the wall of the bathroom and the wall of the house itself. So after finishing all the finishing work, 5–10 cm are released. Which is not bad at all for a small bathroom.

    bathroom remodel plans

    Standard bathroom in a typical building

    Bath remodeling option

    Redevelopment option, in which a combined bathroom is made from a separate bathroom

    Redevelopment option with a "cut" corridor


    It is best if all plumbing is purchased by the start of construction work. After all, for example, in the process of installing pipes, you need to know exactly the dimensions of the bath or, say, at what height the sink will hang. In this case, a bath (regardless of whether it is simple or hydromassage) must be purchased first. The fact is that when installing a simple cast-iron bath, the bath itself is first put in place, and then the walls are tiled. In the case of a hot tub, everything happens the other way around: it is put in place last.

    But! The model you like is not always in stock. Sometimes it takes weeks, sometimes months. So, in order not to have to suspend repairs, such nuances must be taken into account in advance.

    Usually, the repair of an apartment or a private house begins with the finishing of a bathroom, namely, a bathroom and a toilet, since these rooms play an extremely important role. Taking into account the specifics of such rooms - high humidity and constant evaporation of water, the requirements for finishing materials are high, not to mention the fact that they must be of decent quality. The same applies to the work itself, which is trusted only by experienced craftsmen with extensive experience behind them. In any case, the issue of bathroom renovation should be approached responsibly and carefully, since its durability directly depends on this.

    Repair time is important

    One of the important questions that owners are interested in is how long the renovation takes, since it is difficult to stay without a bath for a long time. It all depends, first of all, on the type of repair, its complexity, the finishing materials used, as well as the task. If it is required to perform cosmetic repairs, which include only the finishing of walls and ceilings, then usually such work takes from 2 to 5 days, but in the case when it comes to major repairs, the time for its implementation is already increased to one or one and a half weeks (depending on complexity).

    As a rule, all issues related to repairs, ranging from cost to time spent, are discussed at the stage of concluding an agreement with a specific company that is going to perform contract work. The responsible company always keeps within the agreed time, however, there is always a risk of force majeure, so in some cases there may be slight delays. The repair time is determined not only by the skill of the performers, but also by the specifics of certain finishing materials, in particular, the curing time of the plaster mortar or adhesive for ceramic tiles.

    The following factors influence the turnkey bathroom repair work:

    • Room area
    • The initial state of the bathroom, the need to level the walls, replace plumbing pipes and appliances, other major repairs
    • Type of repair (ceramic tiles, PVC panels, drywall, wallpaper)
    • The specifics of finishing materials

    If you are going to repair a bathroom or toilet, you can give advice, do not save on finishing materials, and also be sure to replace old steel pipes with new ones - plastic or metal-plastic, which will surely serve their owners for 50 years. In order to order a comprehensive bathroom renovation inexpensively, we advise you to contact our highly specialized company MasterSanuzov from the very beginning. Experienced and qualified professionals will be able to quickly complete the repair of the bathroom