Interior decoration of a wooden house - the right approach is important. Interior decoration of a wooden house: technical features Finishing a log house inside

How to decorate a log house inside? Although the surface of the log walls looks beautiful on its own, most often you have to look for options for its finishing: the tree will quickly darken and lose its original appearance, in addition, the walls, floor and ceiling in the premises need to be protected from moisture.

Log walls look quite monotonous and significantly limit the choice of design solutions. If you want to create a non-standard and at the same time environmentally friendly interior, you can use a variety of options for finishing materials.

What materials can decorate the house

When choosing how to decorate a log house from the inside, you should immediately abandon the use of materials of artificial origin: these are plastic panels, most types of linoleum, cheap laminate, etc. Synthetic materials and all kinds of chemical impregnations and dyes reduce environmental friendliness: they block natural air exchange and deprive a wooden house is one of its main advantages.

The choice of natural finishes is quite wide, so an eco-friendly interior can be created in a variety of ways. What materials should be considered first?

  • Finishing materials of wood origin. These are parquet, parquet and terrace boards for the floor, lining and block house for walls and ceilings, all types of cork coatings can be attributed to the same type. They will allow you to create an interior in natural colors, and if desired, wooden materials can be coated with various water-based paints and varnishes.
  • Plasterboard for walls and ceiling. Such interior decoration in a log house can be used if the building was built a long time ago, and the logs have darkened with time.

Drywall sheets are breathable, they do not contain any harmful components. With their help, you can quickly create a smooth surface of the walls, and use various materials for fine finishing.

  • Plastering is another option for leveling log house walls and preparing them for further painting or tiling. The interior decoration of a log house has its own advantages: it increases the heat and sound insulation qualities of the building, and allows you to choose various options for decorative coatings.

You can purchase modern plaster, which itself can imitate other finishing materials. It is important to remember that plaster cannot be applied directly to log walls, it will be necessary to install a frame from shingles, and this requires both time and money.

In a new log house, finishing a log house inside does not always require completely closing the walls. If you are satisfied with the natural interior of the house, the logs can be treated with transparent glazing compounds to protect against moisture and not covered with any additional cladding. The paint layer will have to be periodically updated, this will allow you to keep the shade of the walls in their original form for a long time.

The main stages of finishing the house

How to finish a log house from the inside? When the construction is completed, and all communications are laid, you can proceed to the decorative finish.

It is usually started from the ceiling so as not to damage any other coatings, the next step is the walls, and the finishing floor is finished last. Finishing a log house from the inside may not take too much time, it is carried out in the following steps:

  • Ceiling covering. The draft ceiling consists of beams and floor boards, this must be repelled during finishing. Beams can be left open, making them an important part of the interior, but more often they are completely hidden under the ceiling.

Insulating material and wiring are placed between the beams, after which they are covered with clapboard or plasterboard sheets. If the height of the room allows, you can use a stretch ceiling of the selected configuration. The simplest option is ceiling boards and paint or whitewash, the most expensive is modern veneered panels with lacquered finish.

  • The interior decoration of the walls of a log house begins with grinding and caulking, it can be replaced by sealing the joints with special silicone-based compounds. If plasterboard sheathing is planned, a metal frame is installed on the walls, to which sheets will be attached.

Important! It is not recommended to carry out insulation from the inside of the house, otherwise the logs will quickly begin to rot. It is better to leave an air gap between the frame and the GKL or panels. A smooth drywall sheet can be pasted over with wallpaper or other materials can be used.

When installing drywall on walls, it is imperative to use sickle tape for gypsum board joints. The sickle tape prevents cracks from appearing at the joints of the sheets.

  • As a floor covering, you can use a massive board, in which case the floor can be painted or varnished. Such a coating will look organically in a wooden interior, the boards are interconnected according to the “thorn-groove” type.
A similar type of flooring is parquet, but it will have a much more complex pattern. Laying parquet is a painstaking job that is best left to professionals.

There are dozens of options on how to decorate a log house inside, and the list of materials suitable for decorating a house is constantly updated. The owner can use the most non-standard solutions to get an interesting interior that will be pleasant for both family members and guests.

It is only important that the design solution does not reduce the environmental friendliness of the building. Then living in a wooden house will be not only pleasant, but also beneficial for health.


Wooden houses are a very popular building in Russia, because our homeland is rich in forest, which is processed into building material. Log houses look beautiful, and are the most durable and reliable. But many owners of private log houses have questions about finishing their homes.

What finishing materials are used?

Owners of log houses should pass by non-natural materials such as plastic panels, linoleum, siding, etc. Synthetic fillers and impregnations reduce the environmental benefits of wood, and this is an important advantage of a wooden house.

It is better to give preference to natural finishing materials. It can be done both in its natural form and with the use of design ideas.

Natural finishing materials:

woody. These include timber imitation, lining, block house, parquet and cork;

drywall. Most often used in ceiling decoration.

The main stages of finishing

Finishing the log house inside begins after all the communication schemes are laid and the construction is completed. Start work from the ceiling, to save other coatings, then finish the walls and lastly the floor.

The ceiling, consisting of beams and boards, is usually completely closed, if this is provided for in the interior idea. For its decoration, a wooden lining "calm" or imitation of a bar is ideal. All this is recommended to cover with a primer and paint in order to leave the original appearance. You can also use drywall, and with a ceiling height of 1.5 m, it is possible to use stretch ceilings.

Ceilings in a house made of logs (imitation of timber) - photo

The walls of wooden houses are polished and then caulked with jute to avoid heat loss and blowing. The seams can also be sealed using a special sealant using the "Warm Seam" technology.

Walls made of logs, for finishing with drywall or gvl, you can immediately put a metal frame, leaving air space between the wall and the sheet.If desired, the walls and ceiling are covered with colored paint, but the tree looks stylish and beautiful anyway, it is enough to go through colorless varnish, oil or wax.

House decoration outside

The walls of a wooden house made of logs do not need sheathing, it is enough to sand, caulk and cover with paint. For hemming roof overhangs, you can use lining, imitation timber or plastic soffits.

In addition to an attractive appearance, finishing a log house from the outside will give:

Increasing heat and sound insulation in the room;

Increase the longevity of the home by eliminating environmental influences;

Beautiful exterior of the room and magnificent design of registration outside;

Rounded log after grinding, caulking and painting - photo

Timber house painting

Painting a house made of logs is carried out in three layers, the first layer is an antiseptic primer, and then two layers of paint.Care should be taken that paints and varnishes have the function of increasing the protective properties of wood.

For many, a log house is associated with a traditional Russian hut. However, the abundance of wood in the interior can create a heavy atmosphere. To prevent this, you can consider interior decoration techniques for buildings of this type.

General provisions

The house made of rounded logs looks original. In some cases, it is not necessary to cover the inner surfaces of wooden walls at all. However, logs do not always look aesthetically pleasing - I want to close them with a more interesting type of sheathing. And here it is important to consider that the technology for installing the coating will differ from the cladding of walls made of concrete or brick. This is due to the properties of wood.

Based on this, the general provisions look like this:

  • finishing of internal surfaces is carried out only after active shrinkage of the house;
  • the process of caulking before finishing work is required;
  • in order to avoid the appearance of mold, it is necessary to use materials with throughput for finishing;
  • when using sealed raw materials, forced ventilation is performed;
  • it is important to use lightweight materials so as not to create additional stress on the foundation and walls;
  • if there is an attic, then they carefully consider the type of finishing raw materials, taking into account convenient installation on the walls of the roof, which is also the walls of the house.

If the building has already been erected, then the condition of the floors is assessed before finishing. If necessary, pay attention to places that differ in color, density and texture. For example, crumbling speaks of the destruction of the array by beetles. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the damage and treat the tree with special impregnations.

When can you start?

Immediately after the construction of the house, the sealing of the joints of the building begins under the influence of the weight of logs, roofs and windows. The structure becomes stronger, voids between logs or timber are reduced. It is impossible to start finishing at this time: at best, the lining will tear (wallpaper), at worst, it will begin to chip off from the bases of the floors. If it is a floor or wall tile, it will be difficult to replace it, since the adhesive will also have to be removed.

The log house is shrinking all the time. Wherein shrinkage is divided into active and permanent. The active period lasts the first few months after the construction of the building. The term depends on the type of wood, its thickness, type and season of construction.

Usually, during the active phase, a house 3 m high shrinks by 10 cm in half a year. If glued beams were used in the work, then active shrinkage will take 3-4 months. When the building is made of ordinary logs or timber, it is possible to start finishing inside only after a year. The end of active shrinkage is determined with a tape measure: if the height of the walls does not change within 2-3 months, you can start the internal lining.

Preparatory activities

Caulk the walls, eliminating the gaps between the bars. This is the stage of warming the building and protecting it from moisture. Such a process is carried out regardless of whether interventional insulation was used or not at the stage of building a house box. In addition to caulking, the building is insulated using the “warm seam” technology.

In the first case, rollers or loops are rolled out of the insulation, then they are driven into the slots. You can roll out the strips and drive them into the slots until they stop, doing the work from the bottom up. The second technology is used by fans of modern know-how and synthetic materials. In this case, special acrylic or rubber sealants are used. It is impossible to do without carrying out protective measures during preparation - this will increase the service life of a log house and protect it from rapid destruction.

The tree attracts the attention of insects and rots if the climate in the region is rainy. In this case, it is treated with special impregnations. In addition, the array has to be sanded and primers used to strengthen the structure, and sometimes painted with special compounds. Since wood burns, it is treated with flame retardant impregnations.

Materials used

Usually in such buildings they try to use coatings that are easy to replace if necessary, with the exception of tiles and stone.

  • For sealing jute cord is used, as well as tow, felt, moss, linen, sisal. Of these, jute is considered the best raw material - it does not rot, is durable and does not attract insects, although the craftsmen believe that this is more of a decorative rope than a heater. Sisal is good, but more expensive than analogues. Compaction is carried out twice. To avoid distortion, the crown is processed on both sides.
  • For interior decoration walls, you can use lining, wall panels, slats, drywall. For finishing a fireplace or wall ledges, imitation brick or torn stone is suitable. It is undesirable to decorate floors with natural stone due to its large weight.
  • For ceiling Stretch film, ceiling tiles and interlock panels can be used. For the floor, you can use laminate, parquet, grooved board, cork. Linoleum, carpet and tiles are used less frequently.

The fastening of finishing materials on the frame is carried out with a gap - this is necessary in case of deformation of the structure and its seasonal movements. So that rodents or insects do not start in the voids, the space is filled with glass wool. Electrical wiring is protected by metal pipes. They are saved from ants with a fine mesh, which is packed into the first crown of the log house.

Interior: how to decorate?

So that the house does not seem like a wooden box from the inside, you need to limit the amount of the array. The wood will look expressive, and the furniture against the background of the floors will look beautiful. However, lining around the entire perimeter of the rooms will not be in harmony with the overall interior. You need to choose one style for the whole house, but the materials for sheathing should be different.

For example, for a hallway or attic, you can choose slats from a chamber drying lining. Such material will not shrink over time. For the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen, you can choose wall panels, which will relieve wall ceilings from boredom and allow you to arrange the elements of the arrangement more harmoniously. At the same time, the texture of wall panels can be different - it depends on the possibility of simulating various materials.

For example, you can decorate the living room wall with imitation brick or stone masonry. The bathroom will look good marble or tile, as well as mosaic on the grid.

If there is natural ventilation, then panels made from wood derivatives, as well as bamboo and leather slabs, can be used for cladding. Moisture-resistant drywall will also look beautiful. It can be painted, wallpapered, combined with a stretch film.


In a wooden house it is difficult to create an atmosphere of modernity with an emphasis on technological advances in each material used. However, the possibilities of such a structure allow you to choose different directions of style, including some modern design trends. A log house is an excellent basis for the styles of the French hinterland. Provence, country - the best solutions for such buildings.

In addition, you can decorate the interior in the spirit of an Alpine chalet. The hunting lodge is one of the trendy trends today. In addition, such houses are a good basis for the implementation of environmental trends in style. If you start from the landscape, then you can perform various design projects. A boho-style arrangement will look good.

Classics with its craving for palace solemnity, columns, golden decor and stucco work cannot be created here, but art deco and modern are quite possible. The house can look elegant with the right approach to wall, floor and ceiling cladding. For example, a tree looks beautiful with an imitation of stone with metal. This allows you to decorate the interior of a wooden structure inside in the spirit of hi-tech, minimalism.

In addition, ethnic directions can be taken as a basis. For example, inside the house you can recreate the atmosphere of the English style by installing a fireplace in the living room. Walls can be sheathed with materials with a realistic imitation of natural materials.

The Scandinavian style will also look good with its desire for space and lightness, which is achieved by light colors in the design of the planes and a minimum of furniture elements.

Design Options

The first thing you should pay attention to is the severity of the floors. If logs are visible inside the house, then this can eventually cause internal discomfort. From the inside, there should not be the impression of an unfinished house - comfort is especially important for every household member.

The ceiling, walls, floor and furniture together should not visually press. Of course, you can leave some surfaces of the logs. However, it is better to combine them with other skins.

For example, wooden walls will look better if they are covered with light paint. The design of the ceiling with beams can be beaten with a contrast technique: use white or light color for the base, mark the beams with dark paint and choose a lamp of the same shade. In this case, you should not buy massive chandeliers with candles and pendants - laconic forms will look better and more harmonious here.

It is worth mixing woody tones with white. White plumbing and furniture are well suited for wooden wall decoration. You can choose ensembles with colored modules (for example, a white kitchen set with olive details). The right accessories will bring harmony to the interior. It can be a small panel, a picture, a photo in a frame.

The metal glossy hood looks beautiful in the kitchen. In this case, the furniture can be decorated with leather inserts. In some cases, forging in furniture and lamps also looks appropriate. It would be useful to make a kitchen apron in contrast to the wall material. However, moderation must be observed here:

  • if the walls are even and plain, then you can tile with a patchwork design;
  • with relief and the presence in the design of masonry under stone or brick, the apron can only be the same.

For the bathroom, on the contrary, panels are needed. Wall materials are thicker than ceiling analogues, they have two installation systems: seam and seamless. The difference is visually different in the width of the seam: in a seamless one, it is neater and smaller. With log walls, the design of the ceiling with wood-like material is undesirable. In other words, for a variety of design, you will have to reduce the number of logs inside the dwelling - it will be easier to choose any decor for floors and room furnishings.

The residential building, made of logs, looks very natural and has a special charm. When choosing this construction option, it is usually assumed that the interior decoration of log houses will be minimal. A noble tree does not require any special decorations, and therefore, when decorating this type of country houses inside, the owners should choose mostly natural, environmentally friendly materials, avoiding modern “synthetics”. It is beneficial to emphasize the attractiveness of wood finishes - this is the most important thing you have to do.

It is best to start finishing not earlier than 12 months from the moment the construction of the log house is completed - during this time the main shrinkage of the house will occur.

Finishing a house from rounded logs is a responsible and multi-stage process. It is extremely important from the very beginning to decide how you want to see the interiors of your suburban housing in the end. It is hardly worth decorating the premises in a log house with a huge number of non-wooden structures - wooden buildings are built primarily in order to subsequently enjoy a special microclimate, to be closer to nature. This means that our attention should be directed, first of all, to finishing materials made of natural wood.

Events for the arrangement of interiors in a log house can be divided into several stages. It is important to follow the specified sequence of actions in order to carry out all the necessary work in the shortest possible time and avoid possible problems.

Decorative finishing of a log house: preparatory work

How to start finishing work inside a building made of logs? It is based on numerous preparatory works, including:

  • Sanding log walls. This work is carried out with the help of a grinder using sandpaper of different grains. This will make it possible to remove the top layer of wood and make the walls more even;
  • Treatment of the surfaces of walls and ceilings with special antiseptic compounds that give the tree reliable protection against bark beetles and other harmful insects, as well as from a variety of fungi and microorganisms. A high-quality antiseptic quickly penetrates into the surface of a tree, while not worsening the environmental characteristics of this building material;
  • Treatment of walls, floors and ceilings with flame retardants. These are special compounds that significantly improve the ability of a tree to withstand open fire. Please note: it is extremely important to treat all wooden surfaces with such means, since, as you know, this material is very flammable.

Grinding technology is presented in the video:

Installation of communications

Before starting interior work in a house that was built from logs, it is very important to think over and install all the communication systems you need. First of all, make the wiring for the sewerage and water supply building, and also equip the heating system. Subsequently, the pipes can be perfectly masked with wall finishing materials.

Particular emphasis is placed on the laying of electrical networks. It must be technically competent, this condition applies to any house, but in a wooden building, where the risk of fire is extremely high, this is especially important.

Floor arrangement

After laying the communications, it's time to tackle the floor of your log home. The floor is being arranged with careful thermal insulation, as well as waterproofing.

In a building made of logs, the floors are usually arranged on logs. This work is quite difficult and laborious. Even at the stage of construction of a residential log house for the installation of such a floor, before laying the crowns, you should take care of the installation of beams. Along the crown of the house in the logs, in the places where the beams will be installed, grooves are made using a chainsaw. Next, the beams are treated with an antiseptic to avoid the appearance of rot and tightly set in place. Further, a draft floor is laid along the beams: it can be made from boards or plywood. After that, you can continue building the walls of the house.

As for decorative materials for decorating the floor surface, it is worth using natural materials in log buildings - wooden parquet is preferred, but laminate can be chosen as a budget option. In wet rooms, a screed is made on the subfloor, on which special floor ceramic tiles are subsequently laid.

wall decoration

An ideal option for decorating the internal walls of a building built from logs is lining. This is quite popular today, environmentally friendly material that does not violate the special microclimate of a wooden building. In addition, the lining is practical and very easy to install. Such a finishing material is installed on a special frame, which is quite possible to make from wooden blocks with your own hands. You can fasten the lining to the walls with nails, followed by masking with decorative rails or using special fastening material - kleimers. Pay attention to several important points:

  • before installation, the lining must be varnished;
  • the material must be treated with antiseptics for long-term effective protection against destruction, fungi, etc.;
  • insulating material can be installed in the frame for lining - especially often, mineral (stone) wool is used to insulate rooms from the inside.

To decorate the walls of a hallway or a hall in a house made of logs, you can use no less popular material today - mdf panels. For their installation, it is also required to equip a frame made of wooden bars, in which insulation should be laid. If you want to paste wallpaper or paint the walls, drywall comes to the rescue. It, unlike lining or MDF panels, is mounted on a metal frame. The convenience of drywall also lies in the fact that this material can be used to create various arches, unusually shaped openings, illuminated niches and other interesting decorative elements. Moisture-resistant drywall is recommended for bathrooms: ceramic tiles can be laid quickly and easily on it. But cheap, but far from the definition of "natural and environmentally friendly" plastic panels in a wooden house should not be used - they will certainly violate the existing microclimate.

Finishing ceilings in log buildings

When decorating the ceiling in a house made of logs, you must also follow the rule: the more natural the finish, the better. A logical option for interiors where wood is preferred would be ceilings made from this natural material. The most popular solution is lining. Such material is attached to a pre-prepared frame made of wooden bars, insulation can be placed in the frame, along the perimeter of the ceiling, the attachment points are closed with a wooden plinth. It is also worth paying attention to other ways of "wood" finishing: panels made of veneer or solid wood. Their cost will be higher than the cost of lining, however, the difference is significant in appearance: wooden panels look expensive, soundly. The panels, like the lining, have a locking connection, and a wooden plinth is attached around the perimeter after installation.

Snow-white plasterboard ceilings will help to make the interiors of a log house more "light". Working with this material is simple and convenient, and it is relatively inexpensive. To equip the ceiling of plasterboard, a metal frame is created into which insulation is laid. Then the surface is sewn up with drywall, the joints of the sheets are puttied, and then the entire surface is leveled with putty - and, finally, the ceiling is painted with water-based paint.

The creation of a log house design begins at the planning and construction stage. The house is decorated with special dressings of corners, a five-wall configuration, and the presence of a bay window. As a rule, interior decoration, which helps to keep warm, gives the walls a more attractive look, is required for an old house. If the house is new and the construction work is done according to the rules, and the insulation between the crowns looks neat, it is not necessary to sheathe the walls.

When should finishing work begin?

If we are talking about a new house, it is advisable to start finishing work after shrinkage is over. The shrinkage period depends on the quality and type of building wood material. For example, if you used:

  • glued laminated timber, then it will take about 3-4 months to shrink;
  • log or ordinary timber - at least a year.

The shrinkage rate is influenced by humidity and air temperature.

What work is done inside the house

The interior decoration of a log house includes the following works:

  1. Organization and finishing of the floor.
  2. Installation of double-glazed windows, window sills, finishing of doorways. If necessary, they are painted or varnished.
  3. They erect the base of the ceiling, which is the floor for the upper floor or attic. Next, the ceiling is sheathed with clapboard, panels or drywall, followed by plastering.
  4. Wall decoration with the use of facing materials is carried out last.
Basic Rule– do all the dusty work first, then the finishing work. Decorative elements are installed at the final stage.


Installation of the floor begins after the divorce of communications. Layers of materials are successively laid on the subfloor:

  • waterproofing membrane;
  • mineral wool insulation;
  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • counter-lattice along the lags;
  • board or plywood flooring.

The next step is finishing the floor. In bathrooms and other rooms where tiling is supposed to be done, the screed is made with a thin layer of concrete.

Preparatory work for the walls

First of all, the walls are caulked, this allows you to eliminate drafts, reduces heat dissipation. Caulking is performed in two stages:

  1. The first time - a few weeks after the walls were assembled.
  2. The second - six months later or a couple of months before complete shrinkage.

They use sealing and heat-insulating material, work begins from the bottom of the walls, both outside and inside, around the entire perimeter of the building.

Instead of caulking, it is allowed to seal the seams with special sealants.

In order to protect against decay, fungus and mold, the tree is treated with a special antiseptic. The application of a flame retardant layer can significantly increase its fire resistance.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer home finishing and insulation services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

wall decor ideas

Designers offer several options for finishing the log house inside:

  1. A style that is as close to natural as possible, involving minimal changes in the texture of the walls. In this case, methods are used that hide interventional heaters and at the same time emphasize the beauty and quality factor of the tree.
  2. The walls are sheathed with clapboard or decorative lath. The color of the sheathing should be in harmony with the tone of the tree itself.
  3. A popular option is to use standard gypsum boards, decorative plaster, natural or artificial stone, ceramic tiles and other modern finishing materials.

Often it is the kitchen or bathroom that is finished in a modern style, with materials that can provide comfort and beauty for a long period.

Video description

A selection of photos of interesting embodied ideas for the interior design of a log house - in this video:

Finishing work is simple. They proceed to them without waiting for the shrinkage of the house, it is not necessary to pre-finish the floor and ceiling. Option, the most profitable from an economic point of view.

However, the method does not allow you to hide communications, the coverage will have to be updated every five years.

According to the fire safety rules, in wooden houses the main part of the electrical wiring is laid on the outside of the building, so it will not have to be hidden.

Work order

Wall decoration in a natural style is done as follows:

  1. Logs (outside and inside the house) are ground with a grinder and petal circles of different grain sizes, 36-150 units. Grinding removes mechanical damage, irregularities obtained during the construction of the building. Internal grinding should be carried out in several layers, special polishing agents are used. Often, grinding is carried out at the construction stage.
  2. Next, the tree is impregnated with a special agent. The impregnating agent can be colorless or tinted to a specific color. After impregnation, the surface becomes more even, matte.
  3. Coating wood with protective varnishes that make the color of the wood more saturated and the texture contrast. Apply at least 2-3 layers

Wood treated in this way looks very impressive, while it almost does not absorb moisture and dust.

Application of jute rope

Often, a jute decorative rope is used for the interior decoration of a log house assembled from rounded timber.

The sequence of work when laying a decorative rope:

  1. Cut the rope to the desired length.
  2. The edges of the rope are wrapped with thread, varnished or glued by dipping.
  3. The rope is impregnated with water-repellent agents.
  4. Thermal glue is squeezed out into the interventional joints with a gun.
  5. A jute rope is laid, while nails 15-20 cm long are driven into it.
  6. Coated with varnish.

The rope is not expensive, it allows you to hide defects between the joints, additionally protects against drafts, and gives the wall a more sophisticated appearance. But finishing with a rope becomes a more time-consuming process.

Finishing a log house with clapboard has a number of features, they should be taken into account when choosing a material. There are several methods for laying lining:

  • vertical, more suitable for small houses, with a wall height of not more than 2.5 m;
  • horizontal.

The lining is made from different types of wood, up to 220 mm wide. According to the configuration of the transverse profile is divided into:

  • standard,
  • block house,
  • softline,
  • land house,
  • American.

Before installation, the lining is treated with agents that enhance the fire-resistant characteristics, as well as the level of protection against fungi and insects.

Frame organization

Experts recommend attaching the lining to the frame. In this case, the result is as even as possible, in addition, the gap between the lining and the wall allows you to close the wires and communications, lay a layer of insulation, ensure air circulation and dry the walls.

The frame is erected from wooden bars or a metal profile, the guides are placed horizontally every 0.5 m, along the entire perimeter of the wall.

In a house made of profiled or glued beams, the walls are already quite even, and a frame for attaching the lining is not necessary.

Ways of fastening lining

Installation clapboard start from the corner. The thorn-groove grip ensures that the boards fit snugly against each other. The wooden lining is fixed to the crate in several ways:

  • special clamp - kleimer;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • galvanized nail.

The nail is inserted into the groove and hammered at an angle of 45 0. For a self-tapping screw, a hole is made to a depth of up to half the thickness of the board. The self-tapping screw is screwed in and closed with a pin, the surface of which is compared with a board by grinding.

The assembly of wooden lining is simple, it is an environmentally friendly, natural material. The lining, which has passed chamber drying, is distinguished by quality, but also by a higher price.

Putty finishing

Sometimes putty is chosen for the interior decoration of a wooden frame. The work is simple, does not require experience, is performed in two stages:

  1. A special mesh is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.
  2. Apply putty.

The main advantages of putty:

  1. Allows you to level the unevenness of the timber.
  2. Low cost of materials.
  3. Wide choice of color shades.

It is better to choose putty based on mineral or acrylic components. It protects the tree from moisture and destruction by insects. After about five years, the coating is renewed.

Modern, aesthetic material, loved by many designers. Popular types of panels:

  • wooden;
  • bamboo;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • leather.

Finishing an old wooden house

Finishing work inside an old wooden house must be approached especially carefully. Previously, with a knife or a screwdriver, the walls are checked for strength, evaluated in a tree:

  • darker and lighter places;
  • parts that differ in texture, density.

If the wood is susceptible to destruction, you should contact a specialist who will determine the amount of restoration work.

When choosing a material for sheathing a log house from the inside, they take into account not only its external attractiveness, but also study performance characteristics and assembly technology. It is advisable to use natural, breathable materials, otherwise it makes no sense to build a house from a wooden beam.

Do not forget about the foundation, the tape version is not designed for heavy structures. Installing a fireplace will require strengthening the support under it, the installation of a vertical chimney through the ceiling is carried out taking into account the beams.


Interior decoration, done correctly, prolongs the life of the house, provides comfortable living. A variety of modern materials allows you to realize the most original design wishes of the owners of the house.