Installation of pvc panels on the ceiling: instructions for use. Do-it-yourself pvc panel ceiling PVC suspended ceiling installation technology

It is difficult to do without updating the ceiling surface when it comes to a full-fledged repair. And although there are a dime a dozen worthy alternatives in the niche market, installing PVC panels on the ceiling is still one of the most popular options. In many ways, due to the ease and accessibility of the work itself, as well as the absence of serious requirements for the selection of improvised tools. How to install pvc panels on the ceiling with your own hands will be discussed in our detailed article-instruction. All the necessary photo and video materials will help you.

Material selection

Before the direct installation of pvc panels on the ceiling surface, it’s still like before the moon, until you decide on the color, texture and size of the material. Each hardware store will immediately offer you a wide range of plastic panels, so not choosing the right option for yourself is a must. However, here are a few tips to help you make the right purchase:

  • for small rooms, select panels with a width of no more than 25 centimeters, for large rooms - more than 25 centimeters, respectively;
  • pay attention to the product specification: ceiling panels, despite the visual similarity, differ from wall panels in their lighter weight;
  • ordinary white panels are most often used for finishing public and home bathrooms, for other options it is best to choose colored or textured options - visually they can support even the most interesting and non-trivial interior;
  • if the task is to visually enlarge the room, which cannot boast of a decent area, the ideal choice would be panels with a glossy surface, which significantly work to create volume and depth;
  • choose panels with a hidden seam - this way your ceiling will look more monolithic, but if you are going to use a whole cascade of built-in lamps, then it is quite possible to allow the purchase of material with a highlighted seam, the main thing is to correctly fit it into the interior composition.

What is needed for installation?

Everything you need for installation is listed below in an easy-to-view list:

  1. self-tapping screws;
  2. anchor bolts;
  3. dowel;
  4. bars (for a wooden frame);
  5. ceiling plinth;
  6. CD and UD profiles;
  7. crab hangers.

Tool preparation

Make sure you have all the necessary tools at your fingertips. So, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • pencil, marker;
  • level;
  • paint cord;
  • corner;
  • metal scissors;
  • jigsaw;
  • perforator (drill);
  • screwdriver

Foundation preparation

  1. remove all fixtures and chandeliers mounted earlier;
  2. mark the wiring points with a marker;
  3. remove all dirt and dust from the concrete base of the ceiling surface.


  • determine with the help of the level the lowest point of the base of the ceiling;
  • step back 5 cm and mark a point that will serve as the level of your future ceiling;
  • draw a line around the entire perimeter of the premises using a paint cord or a hydraulic level;
  • your markup for making a frame for pvc panels is ready.

Frame preparation

The frame for the subsequent installation of PVC panels can be made of wooden bars, plastic or metal profiles. The decision on this issue is made only by you, but it is impossible not to cancel the generally recognized fact: in rooms with high humidity, it is best to use metal profiles (read more about the technology for installing PVC panel ceilings in the bathroom), which are not as afraid of moisture as ordinary bars .

Frame made of wooden beams it will cost you about two times cheaper than metal, and it will assemble a little faster. True, you need to pick up bars with a cross section of at least 3 by 3 cm.

The nuance that you need to pay attention to: the price of perfectly even bars is equal to the price of finished metal profiles.

How much do you value your time spent on finishing the curved bars?

However, if you still successfully coped with uneven bars, then your next step is to fix them to the ceiling with self-tapping screws. Observe step 60 cm, and if you want to bring the plane perfectly into level, then prudently drive in the extreme strips and pull the nylon cords from them into the center and along the edges. Already in accordance with the stretched cords, drive in the rest of the bars in the same way, observing the minimum required step 50 cm.

Lathing of plastic U-shaped profiles will cost you about the same amount as metal, but it is far from universal: if later you want to change the pvc panels to some other material, you will have to prepare the frame again.

Here's how it looks in the picture.

And here's how it is in reality.

The principle of fastening to the base is the same as that of the frame on wooden beams, with the only difference being that fixing should be done using fixing screws through pre-mounted wedges. The advantage of this option is the amazing convenience of direct installation of PVC panels, which are easily driven into the groove. Well, we have already mentioned the disadvantages above.

The most common frame design is from metal profiles.

Here we will not reveal anything new to you:

  1. the longitudinal CD profile is inserted into the opposite grooves of the guide UD profile;
  2. with the help of crab hangers, the longitudinal CD profile is additionally fixed to the ceiling with anchor bolts;
  3. step for installing suspensions - from 60 to 80 centimeters;
  4. step for fixing profiles - 50-60 centimeters.

Installation of plastic panels

  1. we fasten to the frame around the entire perimeter a ceiling plinth with a mounting groove using self-tapping screws;
  2. we insert the first panel with a spike inside the starting profile and fix it on the guide bar with a self-tapping screw, bracket or kleimer - depending on which type of construction you have chosen;
  3. the installation of the next panel does not bring anything new: it is inserted into the groove of the previous one with a spike, pressed against the guides and fixed at the back;
  4. the last panel is the most difficult, and in order to accurately install it, you need to cut it in length and then cut it in width according to your measurements, and then carry out direct installation;
  5. in the case where the last panel is not included, it is always easy to get rid of excess material using a clerical knife.

Despite the variety of varieties of suspended ceilings, such as plasterboard, stretch or armstrong, plastic panel ceilings have not lost their popularity to this day, due to their low cost and ease of installation.

Basically, plastic panels are used for mounting plastic ceilings in bathrooms, kitchens, balconies or loggias, gas stations, but also for wall panels and sheathing of communication systems, sewer and water pipes, leaving an inspection hatch for monitoring taps and water meters. The use of panels for large ceilings is not very advisable, since such a ceiling does not look aesthetically pleasing due to the limited panel length of 3 meters, there are also 6 meters, but it is not always possible to bring them into the room. Because of this, it is necessary to add a docking H-profile, which does not completely match the color of the panels and stands out strongly against the general background.

Do-it-yourself installation of panels begins with the assembly of the frame to which they will be attached, the frame can be made of wood or metal profiles that are used in the installation of drywall. It is better to use metal profiles, as they are more even, unlike a board or a bar.

Frame assembly materials:

  • profile UD;
  • CD profile;
  • suspensions;
  • dowel with a diameter of 6 mm;
  • self-tapping screws for metal with a press washer 4.2x13 mm "fleas".

Minimum set of tools for installation on a concrete ceiling:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • water level;
  • drill bit 6 mm.

You may also need an upholstery cord and a 2.5-3 mm drill, a drywall crown, a miter box, silicone.

Step-by-step instructions for installing plastic panels

If there is no hidden wiring on the ceiling, it must be placed in corrugated pipes to prevent possible ignition.

Before installing the profiles, it is necessary to mark the ceiling to which the ceiling will be lowered, taking into account the height of the UD profile of 45 mm and the height of the starting profile of 8-10 mm, this is especially important for balconies, since the final height of the false ceiling overhang will block access to opening balcony windows.

I set the marks in the next step, you need to transfer them with the help of a ruler from bottom to top by 8-10 mm, depending on the height of the starting Elk profile.

After marking, the installation of UD profiles is carried out. The profile must be leaned against the wall so that its lower part is at the mark, then using a puncher equipped with a drill bit, we drill the profile together with the wall to the length of the dowel with a margin of 10 mm. After drilling the first hole, you can hammer in the dowel, which is convenient if you work alone.

The next step is the installation of suspensions, in order to determine their location, you need to put marks on the UD profile, since in the future a CD profile is attached to the suspensions, then the marks are applied based on its location. The CD profile is mounted perpendicular to the length of the plastic panels. Having determined the direction of the plastic panels, we make a mark on the UD profile perpendicularly every 50 cm.

Next, we insert the CD profiles cut to the required length into the UD profile and fasten the suspensions to the ceiling with dowels, then we connect the suspension with the CD profile with self-tapping screws, if the profile span is large, then we check the level or pull the cord so that the frame is on the same level. At the end, we connect UD and CD with self-tapping screws.

If a wooden frame will be used, it is advisable to treat it with an antifungal agent.

When the frame is ready, we fix the starting Elku profile or the fillet ceiling plinth or F-profile.

Professionals advise first fixing 3 guide profiles, and glue the last one after joining all the panels. You can mount 4 “Elks” at once, but then, due to poor pressure, a small gap may form between the last and previous panel, the advantage of this method is quick installation without the use of liquid nails.

Depending on your choice, whether this is a starting profile or a fillet, the sequence of further work depends.

If the starting profile is selected, then the first 3 are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the last one is fastened with liquid nails, otherwise all 4 are fastened with self-tapping screws.

If this is a fillet, then all 4 or more can be fixed on liquid nails, and the latter is attached at the end, taking into account that its “tongue” is cut off, see the video for more details.

The same can be applied to the F-profile.

I would like to note that no matter which version of the guide you choose, it can be fixed in any way convenient for you, with self-tapping screws or liquid nails, staples or nails on wood.

Laying the first row

We cut the PVC panel 5 mm less than required to facilitate installation.

We put one edge of the panel into the PVC guide. To start the second edge, you need to slightly bend the panel down.

We fasten the panel to the profile with a “flea” self-tapping screw. On a wooden frame, you can use an ordinary drywall screw.

We insert the second panel and press down so that the lock snaps into place.

Installation of the last plastic panel on the ceiling

There are several ways to pin the last panel:

1. The easiest way is to cut the panel 5-7 mm less in width, first insert it into the guide, and then push it in the opposite direction until the lock clicks into place.

2. Glue the last panel to the profiles on liquid nails together with the L or F profile, or in the case of a fillet, the panel is glued first, and the fillet with the “tongue” cut off on it. For more information about the last option, see the video.

Fixtures for PVC

We make holes for recessed fixtures or ventilation using a drywall crown dressed on a screwdriver or drill.

How to make corners?

It is not necessary to cut corners on the L or F profile, they are not very noticeable. But for fillets you need a miter box and strong nerves if you are a beginner. After the installation is completed, we cover the gaps with silicone, watch the video.

In order not to resort to buying a miter box, you can purchase corners for PFC fillets, they are shown in the photo below.

Any start of repair and construction work requires proper and careful planning. This is especially true in the case when the installation of PVC panels is carried out independently.

Most often, this material is used for finishing rooms with high humidity, for example, in a kitchen, a bathroom or in a corridor.

They are presented on the construction market in a wide range of colors, so they can be used to finish the ceiling in other rooms.

To perform the work, you will need to purchase or rent the following tools:

  • hammer drill or powerful impact drill;
  • electric jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • measuring instruments;
  • a hammer;
  • laser or water level;
  • building level;
  • miter box and square;
  • metal scissors;
  • stapler.

In addition to the tool, it will be necessary to purchase all the necessary materials and only then proceed to the installation work.

Panel fixing methods

There are several ways, while among themselves they will differ in the type of base on which the installation is performed.

  • Metal carcass.

In this case, the crate is made of a metal profile. It has high strength and durability. The only drawback of this option is that the height of the room is reduced by 5-7 cm, so it is not recommended to use it in a room with low ceilings. After mounting the frame, the panels are fixed using self-tapping screws with wide caps.

Two-level metal frame

  • Frame made of wooden elements.

You can make a crate of wooden beams. The advantages of this option are that it is easier and faster to work with a tree, the cost of such elements will be lower. If we talk about the shortcomings of a wooden frame, then it is afraid of moisture, and even after treatment with antiseptics, its service life will be less than that of metal profiles.

If you buy perfectly even bars, then their cost will not be lower than that of galvanized ones, and cheap material has bumps, so you will have to work hard during work to get a smooth surface. In damp rooms, the use of a wooden frame is not recommended.

It can be fastened to a wooden crate using self-tapping screws, but installation is much easier and faster with a stapler and staples.

Wooden frame

  • Plastic crate.

The plastic crate has a long service life, light weight and is easy to work with. The cost of such elements is not cheaper than galvanized ones, but nothing can be installed on them, except for PVC panels. Over time, drywall, MDF boards or other materials can be mounted on a metal crate.

The panels are attached to the crate with special clamps, which makes it easy to install them, and when necessary, you can quickly dismantle the entire structure and install it in another place.

Finishing with plastic on a wooden crate

  • Fixing PVC panels directly to the ceiling surface.

In modern apartments, the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete slabs, if the joints are well sealed, then the surface is perfectly flat. In such situations, they do without a supporting frame and mount the panels directly to the ceiling, doing this with the help of “Liquid Nails”.

To simplify the work, you first need to apply glue to the panel and leave it for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the glue will grab a little, after which the element is pressed tightly against the ceiling and it is securely fixed. To ensure maximum structural strength, it is recommended to apply two layers of primer to the ceiling surface and only then mount the panels.

No matter what material is used to create the frame, the supporting profiles, in any case, must be perpendicular to the panels to be mounted.

Installation steps

Installation of PVC panels on the ceiling is divided into several stages:

  • purchase of necessary materials;
  • preparing a set of tools;
  • surface marking;
  • installation of the crate;
  • laying electrical wiring for connecting lighting;
  • panel installation;
  • installation of lamps.

Preparation for work

At this stage, the surface of the ceiling is inspected and its condition is determined. If it is perfectly even, then you should not purchase materials for the crate, since the panels can be fixed directly to the ceiling with glue.

If the ceiling is uneven or it is planned to lay communication under the ceiling space, then you will have to make a crate. In this case, markings are made on the walls to install the starting profile (receive 5-6 cm from the ceiling), to mount the supporting frame materials (the distance between them is 60 cm).

Installation of a wooden frame

Before starting work, all wooden products are treated with an antiseptic. Wooden slats are attached to the wall according to the markings, which will serve as an emphasis for the planks. The distance from the ceiling to the rail is about 5-6 cm, it all depends on the section used for the frame of the wooden beam.

Plastic ceilings in the bathroom can also be mounted on wood

According to the markings on the ceiling, wooden beams are installed, their fastening to the surface is carried out using dowels. In the presence of irregularities, the installation of the supporting structure on suspensions can be performed, while the ceiling level will decrease by a few more centimeters.

Installation of a metal frame

Instead of a wooden frame, a galvanized profile structure can be used, it has higher reliability and a longer service life.

According to the markings on the walls, a wall profile having a U-shape is fixed along the perimeter of the room. If the ceiling is even, then according to the pre-made markup, the supporting profiles can be fixed directly to it. If there are irregularities on the ceiling, the profiles are mounted on metal hangers.

Metal crate

After installing the wall profile, take the bar of the supporting element, insert it into the grooves of the wall profiles located on opposite walls and fix it on hangers using self-tapping screws. Using a level, set the bar parallel to the floor.

The starting strip and the ceiling plinth are made in such a way that their supporting part is slightly wider, this is necessary so that the screws or brackets that fasten the strip are screwed into the specified extension.

Lighting installation

After creating the frame, it is necessary to lay the wiring. Usually it is carried out in special corrugated pipes, which are attached to the suspensions, and the wire is already laid in them. The ends of the cable are brought out in those places where the installation of fixtures is planned, and having connected to the network, they check the performance of all lighting elements. If this is not done, then later, in case of breakdowns, you will have to disassemble the PVC panels.

Panel fixing

When the installation of the frame is completed and the wiring is laid, you can proceed to fixing the panels.

In the presence of a wooden or metal frame, they are fixed in the same way, just in the first case, it is easier to do it with brackets, and in the second, with the help of self-tapping screws.

If the crate is plastic, then the panels are fixed to the clamps.

To cut the panels, it is necessary to use a blade with fine teeth, usually a hacksaw is used.

First, the first panel is installed close to the wall, leveled, and then fixed to each carrier profile. The next panel is inserted into its groove, pressed well so that the minimum gap remains and fixed again, thus mounting all the trim elements.

The last panel may not fully enter, then you will have to carefully cut it in width. The fixation of this element is usually carried out not at the joint, but through the top. Then the screw head or bracket will hide behind the ceiling plinth.

It remains to install the fixtures, the ceiling plinth and the ceiling is ready.

The technology for performing these works is not complex and laborious. PVC panels are available in a wide range of colors, which allows them to be matched to any interior, and the affordable cost and high material characteristics make PVC ceiling panels the most popular and simple option.

Related video

More and more people prefer to improve the interior with a false ceiling. GKL overlapping is best done in rooms with a low percentage of humidity. Moisture-resistant material is used for sheathing the false ceiling in the bathroom and kitchen. For such purposes, plastic is best suited, since a suspended ceiling made of PVC panels is characterized by a number of positive properties compared to other finishes.

Advantages of PVC panels

Plastic is a common material used directly in the arrangement. This trend is not surprising, since plastic has such positive properties:

  • PVC panel is inexpensive compared to other building materials.
  • Relatively simple installation.
  • High moisture resistance. Plastic does not absorb moisture.
  • The material retains its properties when using cleaning agents.
  • Plastic is resistant to chemicals and does not lose its properties.
  • Sheathing a false ceiling with PVC panels allows you to hide the details of the ceiling, improving the appearance of the room.
  • Good soundproofing.
  • Easy installation, which allows you to do the work yourself.
  • An extensive color palette makes it possible to choose the best option for a suspended ceiling.


Like any building material, along with the advantages of plastic, there are also negative qualities. The main disadvantages are:

  • Specific smell. After installing the false ceiling, the smell of plastic remains for some time.
  • There is a possibility of deformation with a sharp temperature drop.
  • The impact can damage the plastic.
  • Plastic does not belong to the category of natural materials, so this kind of material is not recommended to be mounted on the ceiling in residential premises.

Important! Plastic is no longer as prestigious as it was when it was introduced to the market, as there are many better materials out there.

Varieties of material

According to the characteristics of plastic, there are three types.

  • White. This type includes unpainted material.
  • Color.
  • textured. A feature of this type is that a special texture is applied to the surface, giving the material a natural effect. Such plastic is much more expensive. The ceiling covering, trimmed with textured plastic, looks presentable and expensive.

Assembly tools

To install the ceiling, you need to prepare materials and tools.

You will need:

  • Profile or bars for the future frame.
  • Plinth. Its direct purpose is to fasten the panels.
  • Dowels, self-tapping screws.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hacksaw.
  • corners.

Preparatory work

Before installation, you need to perform preparatory work. Without them, the following situations are possible:

  • If a beginner in the construction business does not check the surface, extra materials may be purchased.
  • If the ceiling covering is uneven and there has been no preparation, it is unlikely that the ceiling will be installed correctly.

Important! It is necessary to follow the rules of preparatory work in order to avoid additional expenses and in order to save time and effort.

Frame installation

Stages of installation work:

  • Install the frame (wooden or metal).
  • Attach the PVC skirting board to the crate.
  • Install the panels in the plinth and fix them.

Important! If a collapsible plinth is chosen, then the decorative part of the baguette must be fixed last, after attaching the panel.

"skeleton" device

Sheathing of the floor is impossible without fixing the frame. The best option is a metal frame. For the design, it is best to take the ud and cd profile. Such profiles help to quickly create a frame and align it.

To mount the "skeleton", metal is used, since wood is not as durable as metal. The tree is deformed by temperature changes. When choosing a material for the frame, the selection rules are followed, since the durability of the structure depends on the material chosen.

Before installing the suspended frame on the ceiling, markings are made. For these purposes, a level is used. Marks are placed on the wall under the ceiling, along which the guide profile is installed.

You need to fix it with dowels or self-tapping screws, depending on the material of the walls. (Mounting pitch - 400 mm).

The next step is the installation of stiffeners. To carry out such manipulations, the following steps are followed:

  • The stiffeners are laid in the guide profile. Subsequently, panels will be attached to them. Create a frame perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels.

Important! In advance, you need to determine the direction of laying the panels. To make the seams less visible, follow the installation rules (begin laying the panel along the wall with the window).

  • The carrier profile is cut, focusing on the dimensions of the room. The installation step of such a profile is 500-700 mm.
  • It is impossible to perfectly sheathe the ceiling with PVC panels if the frame is not stiffened.
  • After the frame is assembled, it is fixed. If a metal profile is used, then the first element is installed at a distance of 350 mm from the wall. You must strictly follow this rule, since such an important nuance allows you to give the frame stability.

Panel mounting

The correct design device depends on the direct installation of the first sheet of plastic panel. Before direct installation of the panel on the frame of the suspended structure, all parameters are carefully checked to avoid errors. Fasten the panel with staples or self-tapping screws. All subsequent panels must be fixed parallel to the first.

Fixing the PVC panel with screws

Installation of plastic plinth, pros and cons

Scrupulous work is the installation of a plastic plinth around the entire circumference of the room. Sometimes there is a detachable plinth. Its peculiarity is that the decorative edging and the part into which the panel is inserted are supplied separately. At the end of the installation of the plinth, these parts are connected by a latch. If you follow the installation rules, then installing the skirting board will not take much time and effort.

Important! If there is no experience in installing the plinth, in this case it is worth choosing detachable models.

Plastic ceiling plinth

One of the most inexpensive ways to finish the base floor is the installation of PVC ceiling panels. This design option is distinguished by its ease of installation and low cost, not only in terms of money, but also in time.

What is PVC panels?

The characteristics of ceilings created using PVC panels determine the properties of the materials that are used in the process of their production. Plates for mounting on the ceiling are made of plastic, usually polyvinyl chloride. in shape they are very reminiscent of lining, on one of the faces along the length they have a spike, and on the opposite side there is a gutter. Thanks to this design, the installation of ceiling panels is carried out quickly and the result is a solid continuous docking of surface elements.

In appearance and characteristics, PVC panels for ceilings are:

  • white. Their cost is low. These products are made from unpainted polyvinyl chloride and are installed mainly in bathrooms;
  • colored - such PVC products are dyed in bulk. At a price they are more expensive than white tiles, but are available to all consumers;
  • textured. These plates have an individual surface texture that imitates wood or other natural materials.

If you plan to install panels on the ceiling in residential premises, experts recommend using colored or textured products, since a completely white surface, such as in the photo, looks uninteresting.

Finishing the ceiling with wall panels is undesirable, since they are much stiffer and heavier.

Advantages of PVC ceilings

Professionals know how to make panels on the ceiling so that it looks perfect. But since the work on is not difficult, each owner can do it if desired.

Mounting panels on the ceiling, according to the masters, has the following significant advantages:

Mounting the frame for PVC panels

Before you install the panels on the ceiling with your own hands, you need to prepare tools and materials for work:

  • building level more than one meter long;
  • hammer drill - it can be replaced with an impact drill, if the material from which the ceiling and walls are made allows;
  • screwdriver for ;
  • square;
  • electric jigsaw or saw with small teeth;
  • galvanized profile to create the basis of the structure (sometimes wooden beams are used);
  • fasteners - 6 mm dowels with a plastic sleeve and self-tapping screws for assembling the frame;
  • metal hangers.

When all of the above is prepared, you can begin fixing the panels to the ceiling. First of all, build a frame. To do this, mark the ceiling and walls in the room. This work must be done with high quality, since it depends on the strictly horizontal arrangement of the frame how good the surface of the future structure will look.

For this:

  • the height of the room is measured in all corners and the smallest of the values ​​\u200b\u200bis chosen. On the wall, which has a lower height, 5 centimeters are laid down from the ceiling covering. At the same time, when planning the installation of built-in lamps, the indentation is made in the size of 10 - 15 centimeters;
  • a level is set according to the marked mark and, according to it, a horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the room. According to it, the ceiling structure will be mounted;
  • a starting profile (28 mm ID) is applied to the drawn line and holes are drilled through it using a 6 mm drill;
  • plastic dowels are inserted into the prepared recesses to fix the profile around the perimeter, keeping its horizontal position under control;
  • hangers are mounted on the ceiling, and the main LED profile is fixed to them with self-tapping screws. You need to know how to fix the panels to the ceiling correctly, first of all, for this you should ensure the distance between the profiles to create the frame, it should be 60-70 centimeters. In large rooms, the longitudinal profiles must be connected by transverse elements using special fasteners - “crabs”. Otherwise, the ceiling structure will not have the necessary rigidity and will begin to "walk".

Similarly, the frame is mounted using wooden beams. Sometimes a wooden base is preferable because it is easier to attach plastic panels to it.

Installation of plastic panels on the ceiling, see the video:

There is a way to glue panels to the ceiling, for this they use an adhesive composition, which is called "liquid nails". When joining the elements, it is necessary to leave small gaps, allowing the coating to easily withstand temperature changes and not deform.