Board game tower of bars. Tower (with a square section of bars). When is the best time to play?

The rules of the game "Jenga" are so simple that they can be explained to any person in a minute. The set includes wooden blocks with rectangular section, each of which differs slightly from the other in size. All of them are made from natural hypoallergenic materials, therefore they are safe for children and people prone to allergic reactions. Before starting the game, you need to assemble a tower from these parts, laying them out perpendicular to each other in three pieces. The task of the players is to take one block at a time from any floor of the tower and move it up.

Features of the game and the reason for its popularity

The rules of the game "Jenga" seem very simple, but this process of rearranging the details is very exciting. Each wood detail due to the rough surface, it fits snugly enough to the neighboring ones, so it can be difficult to remove it. But due to the difference in size, some bars are taken out easier than their neighbors. You can only find out if the selected bar is mobile enough by trying to push it out. The most important thing is to prevent the building from collapsing during the player's action.

Jenga is one of many balance games. But it is one of the most popular thanks to the maximum simple rules and versatility. You can safely take it with you to nature or to gatherings with friends, without worrying that the parts will break or be lost. There are many competitions in the game "Jenga". Players practice a lot to reach heights in pulling bars from the lower floors. Some people use special clicks to do this, knocking out the bottom bars so quickly that the tower remains practically motionless.

Additional rules of the board game "Jenga"

There is an additional rule in the game: after selecting a part and touching it, the player has no right to change his mind. It doesn’t matter if the piece of wood “sits” tightly, it needs to be removed. But if the tower collapses during this time, the player will be declared defeated. The rules of the Jenga board game are sometimes changed by the players themselves. For example, bars can be numbered, painted in different colors and come up with some kind of prize for the fact that the player pulls out a bar of a certain color.

Varieties of board games for balance

On sale you can find similar balance games: "Leaning Tower", Tower and "Bullshie" are almost identical in appearance to "Jenga". "Villa Paletti", "Bausak", "Pack donkey", "Crash" are created on the same principle, but differ in the shape and number of bars. The parts that make up the tower can be square section which makes the pulling process easier. But because of appearance the number of bars in each of the versions is very different. Within the Jenga line of games itself, there are many varieties. One of the most popular is Jenga Boom. The composition is all the same wooden blocks, but in addition, the set has a special stand with a timer, which greatly speeds up the process and makes the players nervous, distracting them with loud ticking. The rules of the game "Jenga Boom" are not much more complicated: if the player does not have time to make his move before the "bomb" goes off, the base starts to vibrate and destroys the tower. The one on whose turn this happened is considered the loser.

There is a version of the game "Jenga" with plastic parts in the form of "Tetris" figures. Playing such a “tower” is much more difficult, since the configuration of the details is not visible inside it, and by pulling the stick, you can pull out, for example, a zigzag figure and bring down the building. The rules of the game "Jenga" with numbers and dice are a little more complicated than in the standard version: players need to roll four dice and get a part from the tower with a number that is the sum of all the dots that fell on their faces. In this version, all faces will be numbered.

What is useful game for adults and children

The rules of the game "Jenga" with dice can be changed at your discretion. Although the process of building a tower and destroying it seems simple, it is very captivating for players of all ages, allowing adults and children to compete on equal terms. In addition, the process of extracting parts from the design develops fine motor skills, attentiveness and accuracy, and the version of "Jenga Boom" will be an excellent stress resistance simulator and teach fast response in a critical situation, when "time is running out." Perhaps it will be even more interesting for young players to play with wooden blocks, if you combine the rules of the game "Jenga" with numbers and dice and the presence of a timer. Or apply to the details various colors, taking an additional die with multi-colored faces, which will further complicate the game.

The leaning tower, or as this game is also called Jenga, is a popular and interesting board game for the company. It doesn't look like the usual games. There are no chips and cards in it, but there are bars made of natural unpainted wood (birch).

From the bars, fold an even tower using a special corner included in the game kit. There should be three bars in each row, each subsequent row is folded in the direction transverse to the previous one. You will get 18 such rows! Turn over the corner and remove it. On the table will be a tall, eighteen-story impregnable tower. Players can now attack.

There can be as many participants in the battle as there are friends in your company. Each player chooses to attack any level and pulls out one of the bars with one hand! This bar, which is in the hands of the player, is placed on the new, upper, floor of the structure. All actions are performed by the participant so that the tower of bars does not collapse! The culprit of the disaster is considered the loser! It can be subject to sanctions that the players consider fair, with this rule the game will be more intense and longer. If you play without it, the game will be more dynamic. Choose the option that suits you. And if dexterous, attentive and smart participants have gathered in your company, the height of your tower can grow by 2 times!

In the end, if you get tired of playing, the blocks can be used as a set of cubes for a small builder, as they do not contain varnishes, dyes and stains, but are made of environmentally friendly Vyatka birch.


  • 54 bars;
  • rules of the game.
  • Reviews for the board game Leaning Tower


    Quality is bad. Chips on the sidewalls since opening the package (((

    Answer: You may have received a defective game or it was damaged during transportation. We will definitely help you resolve the issue.

  • Be the last player to place a block without knocking down the tower.

    Game progress

  • Using the cardboard corner, build a tower by placing rows of 3 wooden blocks at right angles to each other.
  • Carefully place the cardboard corner vertically, then fold it away so that the tower can stand on its own.
  • Start the game with the toga of the player who built the tower. Take turns removing one block at a time from anywhere in the tower but below the top floor, and place them on top of the tower at right angles to the blocks directly below them. You can only use one hand.
  • Continue the game clockwise, removing one block each time. Always complete a full 3-block floor before proceeding with the next one.
  • Winner

    The last player to remove a block from the tower structure without knocking it down wins. The player who knocked down the tower builds it for the next game!
  • 54 wooden block
  • 1 cardboard corner
  • Game Description

    Video review of the board game Tower (Tower) from Igroveda!

    Reviews and comments (31 )

      Feedback | IGROKRAD | 23.02.2019

      Stealing the Jenga game by slightly changing the parameters of the blocks ("significant design differences") and replacing the name with a native Russian is a worthy response to Obama from a thousand-year-old superpower.

      Feedback | tatiana, togliatti | 22.03.2017

      About cubes. In our game, there are also 4 cubes and there are numbers on the blocks. So, in order for all the bars to be involved, we agreed to arrange them in random order and pull out the bar not only with the number of the amount from the bones, but with any combination that fell out on the bones.

      Feedback | Anna, Orenburg | 07.02.2016

      There are 4 bones in the set, even if the number 6 falls out in each throw, then there will be 24. There are 54 blocks, that is maximum number block, which can fall 24, and the rest remain unused, as it should be?

      Answer from the store Igroved: Anna, hello. We assume you have a version of the game with numbers. It is probably meant that the lower floors with the bars remain stationary during the game.

      Feedback | Anna, Orenburg | 02/06/2016

      How to control the bones there are 4 of them, and there are 54 blocks.

      Answer from the store Igroved: Anna, good afternoon. Please clarify your question.

      Feedback | Sergey, Orenburg | 29.11.2015

      I saw the same one with my friends, only with a cube and a color one, you have the same color one, but there are 3 bars in a row, and I saw exactly 4 in a row of 6 colors and with a cube, I would like just such

      Answer from the store Igroved: Sergey, hello. AT this moment in our assortment there is only one version of the color game Jenga.

      Feedback | Anastasia, Moscow | 20.11.2015

      Please tell me the size of the bars and their number, for a tower of 3 bars per floor.
      Thanks to!

      Answer from the store Igroved: Anastasia, hello! In our assortment there is a game Tower (with a rectangular section of bars) - beech, in which you need to build 3 bars per floor. It consists of 54 bars, the size of one is 7.5 cm x 2.4 cm x 1.5 cm.

      Feedback | Dima, Sverdlovsk | 15.05.2015

    Today I want to talk about interesting game for two or big company - Tower. Other names - "Tower", "Jenga", "Jenga", "Tip". We bought this game a year ago and have never regretted it, it brought us a lot of fun minutes (as well as funny photos).

    Rules of the game Tower (Tower, Jenga)

    Tower consists of 54 wooden blocks, they are laid out 3 on top of each other closely (you need to lay layers perpendicular) and form a high beautiful tower in 18 floors. Now the players take turns taking one block from any place in the tower (except the top two, it's too easy) and put them on the top floor of the tower. Important note: You only need to get the block with one hand, the second hand lies quietly and does not help to hold the tower, insure, etc. And here is your one playing hand can do what she wants - poke at all the blocks to check which of them is loose, correct the protruding pieces of the tower and whatever she wants. It is allowed to stop halfway through getting the bar if you feel this threatens the destruction of the turret.

    Who lost?

    The game is over tower fall, the one who was the culprit of this lost, that is, he tried to get his bar, and this led to destruction.

    In this case, even a situation in which only one block fell, with the exception of the one that they tried to get, is considered a loss. True it is a rarity. In 95% of cases, the entire tower collapses epically and with a crash.

    When is the best time to play?

    It becomes interesting when the tower specifically grows - or maybe it has grown in height and three times. Then it is held literally by a thread and each player feels great tension during his turn and great joy if he managed to fish out the bar without consequences. Also, when the opponent moves, we usually have a cheerful encouragement: "Come on, come on, destroy it already!" and inside there is such a hope that the move will not reach you. After all, the situation is only getting worse with each move.

    How to increase interest

    Play on desire! How many domestic issues we have solved in the process of this game! And I washed the floors, and the dishes, and cleaned the apartment :))) But without tears and resentment against my husband, because everything was decided in a fair fight. No, of course, in fact, he laughed at me and went to help. In a big company, we really like to play, who will wash the dishes after our gathering, then everyone play with passion, at least not to lose, because this is at stake! And when all these options get boring and you don’t know what else to think of, then you can apply a number and make a sheet with transcripts, and at least even take a task for forfeits. At the time of the destruction of the tower, they look at the block with which number was left in the hands, the task under this number will have to be completed.

    From what age

    Our two-year-old son loves to play this game very much, it has already become quite good. I think from three - it will already be a full-fledged player. The most a big problem- the second pen constantly strives to help, but we, of course, allow :)

    How else to use

    When we saw this game on sale, the question was not even to take or not to take, because we had long wanted for a child wooden constructor, and compared to a constructor similar in volume, the tower came out twice cheaper! In the end, we took the tower and it turned out two in one. The son almost every day asks to get the tower and uses it in all games. He builds roads, houses, barriers and simply carries them in a truck, loading them with a tractor with a bucket.

    Watch the video on how to play wooden Jenga Tower

    How much does the Tower cost?

    Now there are varieties of this game, for example, a very gambling version of Jenga Boom, where the tension only increases. You can get acquainted with the prices for the game Tower and make a purchase decision in the table below.

    Where to buy Jenga Tower
    The shops What sets Price
    Classic Jenga, Jenga BOOM 970 -1400 rub