The sacrament of unction: what is it, essence, unction at home. How to Prepare for Unction: Simple Rules

Unction is included in the list of the Great Sacraments that are performed in Orthodox churches. There is an opinion that the Unction is performed by a priest over a dying person, but this is not true. The sacrament helps to heal the soul of any Orthodox person who believes in the Lord. After its implementation, many people also get rid of bodily diseases. The most important thing is to know everything about the Sacrament and properly prepare for it.

How is the Assembly going?

Unction takes place in the church, and is held by the priest at home if a person is very sick and cannot reach the temple. The sacrament was founded by Jesus Christ. He healed the sick from mental and bodily ailments and taught the apostles this. According to the rules, the Sacrament is performed by seven priests, but in small churches, fewer priests can conduct it. The meeting is held as follows:

  • in the center of the church, an lectern is installed, the Gospel is placed on it;
  • there is a table near the lectern. On it stands a saucer of wheat, and on the saucer is a vessel of oil. 7 burning candles and the same number of tassels are placed in the wheat to anoint the believers;
  • the participants of the Unction stand with lighted candles in their hands. They are evidence that the Lord is the light of human life;
  • priests read preparatory prayers and canons, passages from the New Testament;
  • during prayer, the priests list the names of all those assembled;
  • the priest pours Cahors into a vessel with oil and prays for its consecration;
  • chants are heard and seven passages from the Gospel are read. After reading each passage from the Bible, the priests anoint the participants in the Sacrament. The priest applies the consecrated oil on the forehead, nostrils, lips, cheeks and on both hands;
  • The Sacrament ends with the laying of the Bible on the heads of the participants in the service. Priests pray for the forgiveness of all human sins.

Getting Ready for the Assembly

Most people turn to the Sacrament in Lent before Easter. But you can do it any other time you feel the need. It is not necessary to fast before the Unction. You will need strength to endure a service that lasts two hours or more. It all depends on the number of participants.

The preparation for the Sacrament is as follows:

  • find out when such a service will be performed. Sign up for the Sacrament in the temple in advance, find out exactly the time;
  • buy a bottle of herbal or olive oil and paper napkins to wipe the remains of oil from the body. Bring them to the temple. After the service, burn the napkins;
  • buy a candle in the church shop before the start of the service.

You can bring wine (cahors) to the temple for the Sacrament, but this is an optional condition. Be sure to take a small jar or other vessel with you to take home the oil left over from the service. Lubricate them during illnesses or add to food. Dress before going to the temple outerwear with an open neck so that the priest can anoint you without any problems upper part chest. It is advisable to wear clothes that you don’t feel sorry for, because oil can get on it, and it will be difficult to wash it off.

Prepare your soul before the Unction

Receive a blessing from the priest at the Unction. It is advisable to confess before important event in your life. Purification of the soul contributes to a deeper repentance and perception of the Sacrament. At confession, the expressed sins will be cleansed, and Unction cleanses you from inadvertently forgotten sins. But if you didn’t succeed in confessing, it doesn’t matter. This must be done after the Unction, do not forget to take communion later.

On the eve of the day of Unction, read prayers, the Bible. Think about your faith and the role of this important event in your life.

To whom is Unction available?

The sacrament is available to any baptized person Orthodox faith. But for children under the age of seven, Unction is not held. During menstruation, women are not allowed to attend the Sacrament. Usually a person takes it no more than once a year.

Unction will certainly help in the cure of mental and bodily ailments to a person who sincerely believes in the Lord and repents of his sins. He will be forgiven even involuntarily forgotten sins. Regularly address all the Church Sacraments, think about actions in your life and hope for the mercy of the Lord. This will give hope for well-being and the salvation of the soul.

So you have dealt with all the questions concerning the essence and necessity of Unction; realized that all idle conjectures about this sacrament do not make sense and mortal danger for you, it does not represent, but somewhere even quite the opposite - it will help recovery: if not bodily, then spiritual for sure.

Because a bodily ailment, if you approach this action correctly, will be perceived from a completely different angle. And you decided: great post- it's time to get together! And now we need to find out the purely practical issues of preparation for the Sacrament of the Unction.

Is it necessary to fast, take communion and confess before the unction?

Absolutely healthy people almost do not exist. BUT sickness, as we know, is the result of our sinful lives. And before you get ready to celebrate the Unction, first of all, you need to take care not so much of whether it is possible to eat before it, but to seriously think about what you have sinned in life and be cleansed of sins.

BUT purification occurs through the Sacrament of Penance, during which the committed sinful deeds are remembered and named, in which it is necessary to repent with contrition of the heart. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to go to confession.

It will not be a big violation if confession takes place after the Unction. The main thing is that it takes place.

It is known that the Anointing of the Unction is able to forgive a person some sins, but not those that he, hoping for this, simply concealed, say, because of shame. Only sins that are completely forgotten or committed unconsciously are forgiven.

The same applies to the Sacrament of Communion: if possible, it is good to take communion before the Unction. But most often this happens after him, at the next Divine Liturgy.

A few words about spiritual preparation

Most of the diseases are recognized in Christianity as a consequence of sin. The more consciously and seriously, with attention and diligence, a person treats the upcoming event, the more correctly he tunes inwardly, the better the result will be achieved.

What needs to be done in order for the sacrament to be performed to bring maximum benefit?

In addition to repentance for the sins that burden the soul, one must also reconcile with people- and with those whom you offended, and with those who offended you.

Even if a person is seriously ill, it is necessary to find for him the possibility of reconciliation - according to the prayer read before Communion: “... first be reconciled to those who grieve,” which are very appropriate in the case of Unction.

In the Gospel of Matthew, the following words of Jesus Christ are quoted: “If you forgive people their sins, then your Heavenly Father will forgive you, but if you do not forgive people their sins, then your Father will not forgive you your sins.”

Therefore, if we expect the remission of our sins from the Unction of the Unction, then it is worth forgiving our neighbor in his delusions.

Before such an important event, the soul asks for prayers. How to prepare in this sense? There is no special prayer rule before Unction. But this does not prevent you from praying and preparing at your own discretion. There are some general recommendations:

  • on the eve of the sacrament or on the day it is performed, you can read the Penitential Canon;
  • it is quite appropriate to choose and read akathists to Jesus the Sweetest, or to the Most Holy Theotokos, or to saints who have acquired the gift of healing the sick (for example, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon, Luke of Crimea, or anyone else to whom the “soul lies” especially);
  • simple sincere prayers can also create the necessary repentant attitude.

Can I eat before the sacrament?

It is not necessary to fast before the Sacrament. People who often partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ know that this sacrament is performed purely on an empty stomach.

Does this apply to the Unction? It all depends on the person himself, his well-being. Sometimes the Consecration of the Unction can be scheduled for the afternoon or evening: you can endure and not eat - no one forbids. As no one forbids refreshment.

And the “food” fast on the eve of the Unction is also not provided: there is no need to fast on purpose. It is enough that the sacrament for those who wish is performed in churches during the period of many days of fasting - Great or Christmas. And since fasting, which concerns any Christian, then food should be eaten appropriately, excluding meat, dairy, and egg products.

The peculiarity of the Unction in Great Lent is that it takes place in churches at the same time for a large number lay people who wish to receive healing of soul and body as God's grace.

For sick people who are at home or being treated in the hospital, the priest comes as needed on any agreed day of the year.

What to take with you?

Don't forget to bring oil with you. You must arrive at the Unction on time, and even better - a little earlier.

If you have not signed up for candle box first, you should put your name on the list, according to which the priest will pray seven times for each of those present. You need to buy a candle - you will hold it in your hand during the sacrament.

What do you need to bring for unction with you? Usually they bring vegetable oil - in a bottle or a jar, whichever is more convenient for you. Dishes with oil, having opened it, are placed on a table, and at the end of the sacrament, the priest adds consecrated oil left after anointing to each container with oil.

Handkerchiefs or absorbent wipes will not be superfluous. During the anointing of the face, chest and hands, excess oil is formed, which from time to time must be rubbed into the skin or blotted with a cloth so that clothes do not get dirty.

It is known that going to Orthodox church, women cover their heads.

  1. A headscarf or scarf must be tied in such a way that the forehead is open(he will be anointed) and so that the hair does not get out from under the scarf and is not oiled.
  2. Clothing should be so comfortable that it makes it possible to anoint the neck and chest.
  3. It is not recommended to leave jewelry or jewelry on the neck, fingers, hands: so as not to interfere, and not to be oiled.

It is human nature to expect a miracle. And it is right. However, one should not demand it from the Creator. It is not given to us to know what is “encoded” by Him in our bodily infirmities: maybe they are much more useful for correcting our souls than 100% health. After all, the cause of our troubles is something within us. And, going to the Unction, we must clearly understand that for our healing it is much more important to humbly ask the Lord for healing and preservation of the immortal soul, and only then - the body.

In this article, we will learn what unction is and when it should be applied.

It is believed by the people that only seriously ill people need to take unction. After such a sacrament, a person will die or recover. What do we know about congregation? When deeply religious people resort to it? Let's find out in this article.

What is unction in Orthodoxy, why is it necessary to be unction?

Unction in the church

Unction, or also called unction, is a sacrament. AT Orthodox Church There are 7 sacraments, a believer tries to keep them. These sacraments were established and observed by Christ himself with his disciples, and he commanded us. These are the mysteries:

  • Sacrament of Baptism. We encounter it in infancy or as adults when a person is baptized in the church. It looks like immersion in water or pouring water on a baby 3 times with a prayer.
  • Sacrament of Chrismation. The priest in the church anoints with a brush with church oil in the form of a cross - the forehead, chest, arms, legs of a newly baptized person, mostly a baby.
  • Sacrament of Marriage. We can observe him at the wedding in the church of the newlyweds, and the laying of crowns on the heads of the bride and groom.
  • Sacrament of Communion. Holy Communion in the form of the Body and Blood of Christ, the priest gives us the words of prayer in the church after we confess our sins. As a sign of forgiveness of sins, we receive a spoonful of Holy Communion, then drink it down with water.
  • Sacrament of Unction. If it is God's will, then after the unction, a seriously ill person can be healed. During this sacrament, seven prayers are usually read by several clergy. After each prayer, the priest mentions the name of the sick person and smears his forehead, chest and hands with consecrated oil, and after the last prayer, the priest puts the Gospel on the head of the sick person and asks God for forgiveness of his sins.
  • Sacrament of Repentance. We come to church to the priest and want to confess our sins to him. In response, the priest appoints us to keep a short fast (do not eat meat, eggs and dairy), not to sin, and to read prayers every day. Through certain time we again come to church, tell the priest about the sins we have committed, deeply regretting it. If the priest undertakes to forgive your sins, he reads 2 prayers, reconciling and asking for mercy on you before God.
  • Sacrament of the Priesthood. This Sacrament is intended for those who have decided to consecrate themselves to God - the clergy upon receiving the rank.

According to the ministers of the church during the unction, a person is forgiven those sins that he does not realize that these are sins or have forgotten about them, and does not mention them at confession. It is possible to gather both seriously ill people lying at home, and sick people who can come to church. The clergy refuse unction only to people who are unconscious and violent patients with mental illness.

When does the unction take place in the church?

Unction in the church is appointed by the priest, mainly in Great Lent

Unction is of 2 types:

  • At home for a sick person
  • In the church - for everyone who wants to take unction and can come to church

In the church, the priest can appoint an unction in Great Lent (before Easter) or in Christmas (before Christmas). You can get together once a year if a person feels a great need to purify the soul or is seriously ill. Before the unction, it is desirable to confess the sins committed.

The unction must be conducted by 7 priests, but if there are not so many, and even one, if he conducts the unction, it is considered effective.

How to prepare for Unction: is it necessary to fast, is it possible to eat, have intimate relations with a husband before the unction?

If an unction is scheduled in the church for Great Lent, believers who go or went to church before, keep fasting, eat only lenten food, and do not enter into intimate relationships during fasting, can come to it.

If a seriously ill person wants to take unction, and he cannot come to the temple, then his relative or friend should contact the priest and invite the priest to the house. The church allows sick people not to fast - this is not considered a sin.

What prayers to read before the unction and communion?

Before the unction, you need to read daily prayers and canons

Before receiving Holy Communion and the unction, one must undergo the Sacrament of Penance. If at this time fasting, then it must be observed. In addition to the morning prayer, you need to read the canons every day.

How unction is held in the church, how to behave: rules

During unction, the table should have large vessel with grain, on it is a small one - with oil, and 7 candles are lit

Can gather believers who turned 16 years old but you can come to the unction since 8 years, and for small children up to 7 years old, God forgives all sins even without unction.

There are different opinions among the people about the unction: some believe that such a sacrament will certainly help to recover, and after being a little sick, they go to church to be unction. Other people, even when seriously ill, are afraid of the sacrament of unction and refuse it. But you should not be afraid, because priests conduct unction not for death, but for life.

On the day when a general unction is appointed in the church, a table with a cross and the Gospel is set up, as well as a vessel with wheat, on which is another smaller vessel with oil and wine. 7 sticks with cotton wool are planted in wheat - for anointing. On the same table 7 candles are lit. Believers are standing around, wishing to take unction with lit candles in their hands, carefully listen to the words of the prayer, and wait for the anointing 7 times. Between anointings, priests read prayers. The anointing is performed in the form of a cross on the following parts of the body (they must be freed from clothing):

  • Nostrils on both sides
  • Both cheeks
  • Both hands
  • Small area below the neck

After the seventh anointing on the heads of the gathering people, the priests lower the Gospel text down, saying a prayer ending with the words "Lord have mercy." After that, those who gather together kiss the Gospel, and deeply believe that all sins are forgiven by God, and you can continue to live with renewed vigor.

If you are late for unction due to reasons beyond your control, and if at least one anointing has stood still, the sacrament is considered effective, but you still need to try to arrive on time.

Unction in the church: what you need to take with you?

You should have a candle, 2 handkerchiefs with you, your head must be covered with a scarf or something else

A few days before the unction, priests advise to undergo the Sacrament of Confession.
If, when you are about to go to the unction, you do not know what to take with you, then here are the tips of people who have passed the unction. Need the following:

  • Take money to buy a candle and leave a donation for the temple
  • Take 2 new handkerchiefs: one to hold a candle, the other to blot your face, hands and neck from oil (you can’t throw away a handkerchief, you need to burn it at home or wash it)
  • No need to wear a sweater with a standing collar, the neck should be free (in the place of the hollow, the priest smears with oil)
  • Timely come to the church for the service, and defend it
  • Unction
  • And take Holy Communion

Unction in the church: how long does it take?

Unction lasts a long time, from 2 to 6 hours

Unction lasts for a long time, from 2 hours, provided that 1-2 people will be unction, but if there are a lot of people who want to be unction, then more time is needed. During the passage of this Sacrament, the priests read the following prayers:

  • preparatory
  • Canon
  • 7 excerpts from the Gospel and the Apostle, New Testament
  • Litany (appeal to God in prayer)
  • Oil blessing and prayer
  • Anointing with oil on the forehead, hands and chest, and prayer

If the consecrated oil (vegetable oil) remains, it can be taken home by those who gathered, and then used for anointing, added to food. Oil is also used for the burial of a deceased person (before closing the coffin lid, oil is poured into the coffin, and then closed).

Is it possible to take unction during menstruation, without communion?

During menstruation, women can neither take unction nor take communion

When menstruating, a woman is forbidden to enter the temple, which means that one cannot participate in any Sacraments (marriage, unction, repentance, communion).

Why is unction in fasting necessary?

In the Russian Orthodox Church there is such a tradition: to conduct the Sacrament of Unction during Great Lent over everyone who wishes. Usually these are people who have some serious physical or mental illness (despair, grief, despondency).

Unction for the seriously ill at home: how to prepare for it?

Unction can be ordered at home

Unction is necessary for a person if he is lying in bed and it is difficult for him to get up. By this Sacrament, a person will get rid of unconscious sins. If a priest comes to your home, a seriously ill person can, along with unction, repent of their sins and take communion. Other members of the family can also gather together with the patient, if they see the need for it.

A sick person does not particularly need to prepare for unction, it is important to repent of the sins that he committed earlier and read prayers as best you can (you can in bed).

Someone from the family should prepare for the arrival of the priest for the unction of the sick:

  • Clean and empty table
  • Olive oil
  • Full kettle of boiling water

How much does conciliation cost?

Unction is worth little money so donate to the temple

If the unction takes place in a church, there are prices for each Sacrament, you can find out about this in the church or the church shop, usually they are in churches now.

If the unction takes place at home, and you do not know how much money to give for holding the unction, repentance and communion, then you can ask the priest. Each family has its own opportunities, and the priest sees this.

If unction is necessary, and a sick person wants to be unction, but he does not have money, then you need to immediately say this, and the priest will conduct the Sacrament of Unction for free.

Why is it necessary to confess, take communion after the unction?

Before the unction, it is desirable to confess your sins

The clergy say that, ideally, you first need to confess your sins and repent, then get unction so that God forgives unconscious sins that you do not know about, and then partake of the Holy Gifts.

After unction, they gave oil and rice, candles: how to apply them, use them correctly?

Usually, after the unction, oil and grain are not handed out, but remain in the temple, and then burned. But if one of those who took unction really wants to take something home, then they give it out, but only on such a condition that sore spots will be smeared with oil, and if you don’t know where to apply the consecrated (oil, grain, candles), but simply throw it away, it is better not to take it from the temple.

What does it mean if during the unction it became bad?

After unction, it can become bad for various reasons.

The question of why it could be bad after the unction was asked by believers to a minister of one Orthodox church. He replied that there could be several reasons:

  • The physical state of human health, not related to unction
  • Feelings about congregation
  • For a person who has not repented of his sins, unction can bring not relief, but, on the contrary, suffering

Also, in the practice of clergy and believers, there were cases when a person does not adhere to one faith, but rushes into one faith, then into another, and returning back to the former faith, he becomes ill in the temple.

Whose life has changed after unction: reviews

There are many cases of healing the sick after unction

There are cases when, after unction, it became easier or all the sores disappeared.

Here is one of them. Tells priest Sergiy Kruglov, Minusinsk. In March, I had to work at a construction site in a neighboring village. I walked home, the snow was melting, there were puddles all around, my feet got wet. And after a while, the doctors discovered bilateral pneumonia in me. Then I lay in a local hospital for a long time, but they discharged me with not very good results: lung damage in the form of black dots, and constant monitoring by a phthisiatrician. In the fall, I took unction, and after a while I visited according to the doctor's plan, with fluorography. The doctor turned my picture in her hands for a long time, and said in surprise that there was no illness, everything had passed.

Nina Aleksandrovna, who lives near the monastery of Optina Pustyn. We moved with a sick son and an old mother from Moscow to a village house, not far from Optina Pustyn. There is a lot of work in the village, but I did everything alone, and I broke my back. The hospital said that an operation was needed, but how could I leave my houses alone. I told the elder from the monastery about my troubles, and he advised me to take unction. I barely made it to the temple, and there the newly-made hieromonks served for six hours. By the end of the unction, she began to doze, but she survived. I left the temple, went home, fatigue and pain, as if removed by hand. At home, she began to water the garden with buckets, sat down to rest, and then only remembered that my back hurt before.

So, from this article, we learned that unction can help to endure physical and mental pain more easily.

Video: What is unction and how to prepare for it?

Unction is a sacrament that heals the soul and body. It refers to the seven Sacraments in the Christian church and is performed to save the believer from spiritual and bodily diseases. Unction allows you to forgive sins that the person himself forgot or committed due to a misunderstanding, that is, “involuntary”. AT holy books this sacrament is usually called the anointing of the unction.

Since the sacrament often performs a "council" - several priests, the name "unction" is used in Orthodoxy. What it is and why it is carried out, every believer should know.

Several priests perform the sacrament, usually seven, but more and more often one priest conducts the consecration.

Unction is held in certain cases. Here is how the church rules explain who needs to take unction and when it can be done:

  • in case of illness (at any time);
  • before death (also throughout the year);
  • before the Great and Christmas

Who can congregate

The essence of the sacrament explains why it is necessary to take unction - this is the complete healing of the believer from sins, sorrows and illnesses. Wherein bodily recovery becomes the result of spiritual healing after repentance and a sincere promise to lead a life in accordance with God after the forgiveness of all sins. Requests for this are repeatedly repeated in the prayers that are read during the unction.

Therefore, first of all, people who are spiritually ill, those who are in grief or depression, who have lost their faith, and who also have bodily diseases, undergo unction. If the illness is severe, prolonged, then the sacrament can be performed until the patient recovers. According to those on whom it was carried out, relief in most cases came immediately after the ceremony. Often, the sick were even healed completely after the unction. Moreover, we are talking not only about bodily diseases, but also about mental ailments, severe grief, loss of faith in God and in ourselves, and other spiritual sorrows that do not go away after confession.

The unction of a dying Christian, along with the last confession, prepares the soul for departure into afterworld.

To go through this rite, you need to know who can be unction. For this you need:

  • be a baptized believing Christian older than 7 years;
  • to be conscious (not to be in agony, coma, clouding of mind, alcohol intoxication).

Women are not unction during menstruation.

There is no consensus on whether it is possible to unction healthy people. However, it is believed that in modern life it is difficult to avoid spiritual illnesses - lack of faith, worldly sorrows, sins, etc. Therefore, the church recommends taking unction during the Nativity Fast or Great.

Preparation for the sacrament

You need to prepare for the sacrament of unction and know how the unction goes. It is not carried out spontaneously, therefore it is necessary make an appointment in advance to a ceremony in a church or invite priests home (especially when it comes to a seriously ill or dying Christian).

There is no special need to fast before the unction, if it is not performed on the days of the Great or Christmas Lent, when observing the restrictions of the fast is self-evident for a true believing Christian.

At the unction, you need to ask for a blessing from the clergyman. Before the event, it is desirable to confess. But you can go to confession after the sacrament. Also, after the unction, you need to take communion.

How does the ritual take place?

Anointing is done with oil - consecrated in the church vegetable oil, preferably olive. This oil is the oldest christian symbol, since ancient times, it was not only eaten, but also considered a medicinal and even cosmetic product, and was also used in lamps.

If there was a lot of oil, it was perceived as God's blessing. Before serving and reigning, they anointed priests, prophets, and kings. It is known that the holy apostles used oil in prayers for their healing. Oil Abundance taken as a sign God's blessings. They rubbed the body with oil, anointed the hair. Oil was anointed for the ministry of prophets, priests and kings.

The rite of unction itself begins with the blessing of the priest. At present, in the Orthodox Church, the sacrament is most often performed by one priest, several (seven) are invited, including at home, to special occasions, for example, to the dying.

After that, the canon (prayer hymn) and litany (prayer petition) are read. During the priestly prayer, the consecration of oil takes place.

Then the priest reads seven passages from the Gospel and the Apostle. After each of them, a litany is read and secret prayer, during the reading of which there is a cruciform anointing with oil dissolved in wine, parts of the body of the congregation:

  • nostrils;
  • cheeks;
  • lips;
  • breast;
  • arms.

The whole rite is repeated seven times.

After the last anointing, the clergyman places the Gospel on the head of the unction, reads a permissive prayer, thereby receiving from God the power to forgive the believer's forgotten and involuntary sins when the unction is held.

AT catholic church the unction is also performed, which has slight differences from the Orthodox rite.

Of course, unction does not guarantee complete healing if the person himself does not believe or sincerely repents of his sins. Prayers for Healing begin with a request for the forgiveness of sins, which comes from the heart. If the sins are too serious, and these include, for example:

  • fornication, adultery;
  • rejection of faith, including turning to the occult sciences and other religions;
  • murder, etc.

First, it is necessary to resort to the sacrament of repentance. A true believer knows what unction is and how it is carried out, therefore has no right“forget” some sins in time, in the expectation that they will be forgiven through the rite of unction. Repentance for one's sins must be sincere, come from the heart, then a Christian can be healed by the will of God.

History of Unction

The sacrament of unction is mentioned in the apostolic epistles, which speak of the sick who can no longer come to the temple. But since the 4th century, the practice of unction began not in the house of a Christian, but in the church. In the tenth century it became customary to make the rite is not only over the sick, but also over his household and even the house. Such a general unction penetrated into Russia from the Greek Church in the 17th century. Initially, it was performed on Maundy Thursday and Holy Saturday.

Sacrament cost

As for the cost of the sacrament, one must remember the ancient truth that the church is not a market. But we must also remember that labor, including that of a clergyman, must be paid, because it requires not only physical, but also moral costs. Usually the temple itself establishes, how much unction costs, but in most churches it is customary to take a fee that is affordable, how much a person can pay. If the believer is in extreme need or in another exceptional situation, then the priest may decide to perform an unction without payment, to the glory of God. Be that as it may, the question of price can always be discussed with the priest of your church.

Unction (unction) is one of the seven sacraments of the Church. Several priests participate in the Consecration of the Unction, which is why this Sacrament is called unction - from the word "cathedral". I heard from my friend that everyone Orthodox Christian it is necessary to undergo unction, and this is very important. But she couldn't tell me why. In the article I will tell you what unction is in the church, why this Sacrament is performed, what it gives a person. We will find out the rules for preparing for the ceremony, a list recited prayers and dangerous superstitions. I personally heard how people were afraid to undergo the rite of unction because of the fear of death.

The meaning of unction

Let's take a look at why the Orthodox need the Consecration of the Sick. During the Sacrament, the priest sanctifies the forehead with consecrated oil, as a result of which the believer receives God's grace and spiritual healing. Along with spiritual healing, a person also acquires bodily healing, since the source of any disease is sin. We can find an example of the first Unction of the Unction in the gospel. When a paralyzed (relaxed) man was brought to Jesus, he forgave him of his sins and said:

Of course, not all bodily ailments are the result of sins, but most of them come from this. Therefore, the Church conducts the Sacrament of Unction to forgive sins and help in the healing of diseases.

The Sacrament of Unction does not replace or cancel the Sacrament of Confession.

The question arises, does confession not forgive our sins? To this, the Church Fathers explain that a person does not always know all the sins that he has committed. There are also unconscious sins that are hidden from understanding. It is precisely because of this that a person is not able to produce true repentance. During the Mystery of the Unction, a council of priests asks for a person, intercedes with the Lord for mercy.

What sins are forgiven at unction:

  • old forgotten sins;
  • committed in ignorance;
  • sins unknown to man.

The listed sins are released to a person during the Sacrament of Unction. If a person is in a serious condition due to illness and cannot repent, unction removes all sins from him. Unction is always carried out in case of a severe, deadly illness, so that a person does not die without repentance. This is a very important church rite, which has a deep spiritual meaning.

Unction is the total healing of a person.

At the end of the Sacrament, one should partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. After the ceremony, a person has consecrated oil that can be used at home. Oil anoint the sore spots crosswise. If there is no sore spot, lubricate with oil:

  • cheeks;
  • region of the heart;
  • brushes and palms;
  • shins.

It can also be added little by little to food.

Is unction a guarantee of recovery? It depends entirely on the will of God. The purpose of the Sacrament is to change a person's perception of suffering and illness, to change thinking and life values. Sacrament should not be confused with magical rite or a medical procedure is, first of all, repentance and correction of the soul. Some faint-hearted Christians may even lose interest in faith without receiving the long-awaited healing.

Why does a person not always receive healing after unction? Because it is a gift of God, and this gift does not depend on the actions of the clergy or any actions. Therefore, one should not expect a miracle, but one should simply strengthen one's faith and try to live according to God's commandments.

Dangerous superstitions

Many have heard that unction is carried out just before death, so they are afraid of this rite. Cowardly Christians believe that the anointing of the Unction will inevitably hasten their death. But these are just prejudices that make no sense. Unction removes unrepentant sins, and does not prepare a person for death.

Life and death are in the hands of God and do not depend on the performance of the Sacrament of Unction.

There are also other superstitions associated with the Unction:

  • you can not eat meat;
  • you need to fast three times a week;
  • it is impossible to fulfill marital duty;
  • it is forbidden to take medicines and bathe in the bath.

These superstitions are extremely dangerous and undermine faith in receiving God's grace. If a seriously ill person has recovered after the unction, he can lead an ordinary righteous life without additional prohibitions.

Conducting the ceremony

How to prepare for the unction? First of all, the priest must bless the unction. Then you need to buy a candle in a candle shop and sign up for participation in the ceremony. Before the Unction, you should confess the sins that you remember in order to remove an extra burden from your soul. It is possible not to confess, but the priests recommend doing this.

When is the assembly held? On the eve of Easter, the Sacrament of Unction is performed several times in a row, however, this ceremony can be performed at any other time if necessary. For example, for a bedridden patient, you can invite priests home.

How often can you get together? This Sacrament is performed only once a year. If a person suddenly becomes ill, the unction is repeated.

Does preparation for Unction involve fasting? There is no need to fast before the Sacrament, because seriously ill people need a special nutritional regimen. However, healthy Christians who wish to receive unction on the eve of Easter are required to observe the rules of Great Lent.

Who can take part in the ceremony? Any person baptized in the Orthodox Church over the age of 7 has this right. Babies are not unified. Forget that unction is performed only with a dying person. This covenant was established by the apostles of the first church:

Relatives of seriously ill people are interested in Is it possible to unction a person in a coma? This needs to be discussed in detail with the priest. If a person previously took part in church life, was a conscious Christian, the clergy will certainly meet the requests of relatives.

Who needs unction? Not only physical ailments are caused by unrepentant sin, but also mental ones. A person who is in despondency and despair is considered spiritually weak, therefore, he needs the remission of sins.

Sometimes the Anointing of the Sick is confused with Chrismation. These are two different rituals. Confirmation is performed after a person's baptism; it contains the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The consecration of the oil is carried out according to the commandment of the Apostle James. who taught to heal the sick by repentance.