Psychics about the other world. Russian scientists have revealed the secret of the underworld

Does life continue beyond death? Probably every person asks this question sooner or later. Faith and the feeling of the presence of an immortal soul within us again and again lead many to serious reflection. In search of answers to such questions, mankind has always resorted to the help of people with extrasensory abilities. But the opinions of psychics are often diametrically opposed.

Natalia Vorotnikova. Visions of an agonizing mind.

Natalya Vorotnikova, a participant in the TV show "Battle of Psychics", an astrologer of one of the popular Russian magazines, believes that the answer to the age-old question lies in the religious preferences of a person. That is, in fact, it is determined by the interpretation adopted in a particular religious movement. As a rule, this is a clear division into the worlds of good and evil, into heaven and hell, etc.

Natalya herself is not inclined to believe stories about the afterlife from people who survived after clinical death. In most cases, we are talking only about cardiac arrest, while the brain of the “dead” was still functioning. And if so, then it is impossible to talk about the fact of death. The astrologer explains the visions of such people with an adrenaline rush and hallucinations of an agonizing consciousness. Death, according to the psychic, is an irreversible process.

In most cases, when we talk about the afterlife, examples of clinical deaths are given. It turns out that death is a kind of door through which, if desired, the dying person can return back. Natalia believes that, most likely, this is not so. In addition, the psychic is sure that existence itself afterlife under a big question, and all the stories about the immortality of the soul, perhaps, are just a trick to help a person avoid fear of the inevitable.

Robert Monroe and Bruce Robert. There is life there.

According to Robert Monroe, a well-known psychic and researcher who lived in the 20th century, the soul of a person after physical death ends up in a kind of Garden. A mysterious and beautiful place where kindred spirits meet for further development. After preparation there, the soul moves into a new body.

Bruce Robert, a man with a huge practice of out-of-body travel. The experience of communicating with the souls of the dead, in his words, unambiguously confirms the existence of the afterlife. Bruce claims that the soul of a deceased person stays with us for some time. True, without the possibility of influencing anything. After the physical energy runs out, the soul follows further and ends up in the so-called "hospital". Here the souls, just like according to Monroe's version, are cleansed, recover, develop and move into a new body. The healing process is controlled by certain teachers or "elder" souls.


Grade 5

What awaits a person after he falls asleep forever? Does the underworld exist? Where does the soul of the deceased go? What is astral travel and how to experience it? These questions have been of interest to people since very ancient times. But, unfortunately, no one can give exact answers. 1 Is there life after death? 2 How to learn to enter the astral plane3 ..

Summary 5.0 excellent

What awaits a person after he falls asleep forever? Does the underworld exist? Where does the soul of the deceased go? What is astral travel and how to experience it? These questions have been of interest to people since very ancient times. But, unfortunately, no one can give exact answers.

Is there life after death?

Each person has his own idea of ​​whether there is life after death or not. This notion is certainly very strongly influenced by the person's religion in the first place. Most religions say that after the death of a person, his soul falls into new world, to an ideal world. As a rule, in this new, ideal world, there is a clear division between good and evil, that is, hell and heaven. This world determines where the righteous and the sinners go.

“No one knows what happens there, beyond death. Nobody will ever know this.

But there is an old, very old legend. And it says that the body is finite, but the soul is eternal. If the body dies, the soul goes to a new circle of rebirth, so that after some time it will be born again on earth.

Some people also believe that the number of worlds is infinite, and, having been in one world, the soul can go to another.

And there is also an opinion that if the soul really wants to live, it can take someone else's body, from which the soul of the former owner leaves.

They say it happens too. The soul does not leave, but simply moves.

But this, of course, is just nonsense. After all, no one has ever admitted to such a resettlement ... "Galina Goncharova

You can read about where the soul of a person goes after death in our article "".

Outlining the afterlife and the attitude of psychics towards it, we can say that as many psychics as there are so many opinions. But, despite many disagreements, psychics, seers confidently assert that the soul of a deceased person can do harm, even without wanting it, that is, without evil intentions. It often happens that the soul of the deceased begins to feed on the energy of a living person, and thereby takes away his strength.

But there is also a separate group of psychics who express the opposite opinion about the world of a person after death. It lies in the fact that nothing disappears into nowhere. People after their death are still in the physical world until their physical energy disappears. But in a suspended state, they cannot affect the world around them. It is believed that if during life a person was very kind and good, then his spirit will be powerful and strong, and vice versa, if a person was evil and vindictive, then his spirit will be weak. However, this opinion is also subjective. We believe that the strength of the soul depends only on its energy and the general lethargy of a person. As you know, there are active and passive people. In the same way, there is a passive good that is even worse than evil. This is when a person does not want to do bad things, but is also not going to help. For example, he passes by if he sees that they are offending a child. Passive kind ones can stand at school and watch how their friends are humiliated. These people are shadows in life, because they do not put any intentions into their actions, they do not even commit actions. Therefore, at the end of their lives, the spirit cannot be strong, because the souls in the body of such a person did not develop. The next step after death is to stay in the soul world, where elder souls help newcomers to find peace and purification.

How to learn to enter the astral plane

In order to develop the ability to astral travel, you need to be able to concentrate and have a very strong force will. Psychics, on the other hand, make these journeys with great ease. People who fly in their dreams are predisposed to this ability. For some, flying in a dream does not require heavy expenses, that is, this skill is expressed in a mild degree. A person easily soars above the ground; for take-offs, flight and landing, a person does not spend physical effort. For others, on the contrary, for take-off, for landing, a person spends a lot of physical strength, makes, as it were, strong pushes and jumps. In order to fly, he needs to control his body weight mentally, imagine that he is as light as a feather. In such people, this mega-ability manifests itself very clearly.

Astral travel is the ability of the soul to leave the body and travel the world.

If a person who does not fly even in a dream wants to develop this ability in himself, you need to work hard. To start the first few days to do mental exercises, to create in the head a feeling of walking and mental falls. On the day you need to make several of these "walks", each lasting 6 minutes. You need to try to learn how to evoke the feeling of falling from a high mountain, for example, or into an abyss. Having achieved that this feeling came according to your desire, you can proceed to the next step.

The next exercise is also very important. A person lying on a bed should close his eyes, ears and relax and imagine that he is walking around the room, looking at himself, at the objects around him. Next, you should do the same, only with the whole apartment, house and then the street. These preparatory exercises will help you to make astral journeys, that is, to separate the soul from the body and make journeys.

Imagine that your body relaxes, and from the point of the third eye (between the two visible eyes) your soul flies out, in the form of a light feather. She floats, swaying in the wind. This is a tiny white feather that picks up every breeze. Imagine that you are falling on your own body, feeling its warmth. Now caught in your own breath, soar up to the ceiling and look down on the room.

Practice in this way, clothing your soul in various images, from simple to complex. From a feather to a rabbit, from a rabbit to a chair, from a chair to a model of your own body, which you will use to enter the astral plane. It is much more convenient in your perception, because you will make various activities and for this you may need your arms or legs.

Now that you can easily get out of your body and dance around the room, you are ready to go into the astral.

For astral travel, you should lie on a sofa, bed, close your eyes, ears and concentrate your attention only on yourself. Then feel the tension in all the muscles of your body (3 seconds), then fully feel the relaxation, and experience the feeling of falling into the abyss. When you see your body lying on the bed, do not be afraid.

It should be mentioned that astral travel is not inherently safe. A novice, inexperienced traveler may be frightened when he sees not only himself lying down, but also seeing creatures that an ordinary person is not able to notice. There is also the danger of not returning to your usual state. So a person will remain to exist without a soul, that is, he will fall into a coma, or he will be just a “vegetable” or he will be completely paralyzed.

Psychics and magicians easily travel this way at the speed of thought. It is not difficult for them to fly into space, since the astral body does not need oxygen.

Why do we need astral travel?

What is the purpose of these travels?

Being in the astral state, a person can travel the world, move any objects, be transported from one place to another, meet people whom real world it is impossible to see many other interesting things.

But it is worth considering the fact that under no circumstances should fear and panic seize the mind. Fear takes away all the energy and strength and this will make it difficult to return to your body. To return to your body, you need to concentrate on your body. Imagine your body that you see it, and mentally reach out to it.

Frequent travel made for fun is punishable by encounters with energy hunters. These are creatures that feed on other people's energy. To go on an astral journey, there must be a very good and important reason, this reason will be for the traveler as a shield from ill-wishers. It is worth being careful with this kind of travel, since this part of the world is still not fully understood and is not understood by many scientists.

What happens to a person after death complex issue. Some people find it easier to believe that the human soul goes to another world, especially this theory is expressed in the Orthodox religions and in India. At the same time, if Christians are sure that the soul goes to Heaven or Hell, then Indian teachings say that the soul of a person after death undergoes some kind of processing in order to return to the world again and improve.

“The more you rely on the fact that justice will be restored in the other world, the less you strive to achieve it here. Is not it? In other words, if you are absolutely sure that only this world exists, you will do your best to make it better. And so everything really good people think only of the other world. It's a pity". Alexander Milne

Such a theory is questionable, because we definitely see how the human soul degrades from year to year instead of developing. Developing the consumer goods market, a person forgets that he should also think about moral values, and therefore the world does not strive for rapprochement with the Higher Reason. You can read about what it is in the article "". However, this is the view of only those people who do not know how to look deeper and cannot feel the soul of a deceased person next to them.

Therefore, our psychics are inclined to believe that all souls enter the astral world, which exists in real time, only from a different angle. Some of our psychics regularly use the services of souls from there and visit this space, therefore they can be sure that a person’s life after death ends up there. Unfortunately, not everyone can enter the astral plane, although we talked about exercises on how to do this. Therefore, if you need the help of the deceased, it is better to contact a psychic for an appointment before trying to go into the astral on your own. Some specialists help to learn how to get rid of the body and return to it. (Please note that if you are offered to drink some kind of drug before starting training, this is a charlatan. We wrote about how to recognize a psychic charlatan in).

All parties agree on one thing - after death, a person does not end his existence. His soul does not disappear, it is nearby, and, having some skills, you can turn to it.

And I would like to end the article with the words of one famous sage and writer, who talks about trying to find out what will be beyond: “The afterlife, the afterlife… I decided not to think about such things… No matter how much you think about it, you still won’t know the truth, and even if you find out, you won’t check it in any way. You're just wasting your time." Haruki Murakami

The theories of popular psychics about life after death are different, but all mediums agree in one opinion: the soul of a person does not disappear after death. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga and the winner of the TV show "The Battle of Psychics" Swami Dashi claim that the astral exists. This is a world in which there are no physical bodies, but only human souls that can be contacted by having certain psychic abilities.

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    Vanga's opinion about the afterlife

    The clairvoyant believed that the human soul lives forever and can return to earth several times, taking on new physical forms. The human personality does not disappear, the soul gains experience and wisdom, thanks to many reincarnations. In the afterlife, subtle matter has the same tastes, preferences, and attachments as the deceased. Human nature is born in the womb a few weeks before the birth of a baby. If for some reason this did not happen, the child is born dead. The Bulgarian seer claimed that through a silver thread the soul passes into the physical body of a person. When this thread breaks, death occurs.

      Silver thread proponents: Charles Webster Lebdieter and Carlos Casteneda. Reincarnation does not happen to all souls. Evil and greedy, selfish and cruel, deceitful and sinful and remain toiling between heaven and earth. They are doomed to eternal torment and the inability to find a home.

      Notable psychics

      Swami Dashi explains what happens to a person after physical death: the relocation of the soul to the astral world. The psychic says that there is no need to be afraid of death, this is only the end of earthly life, but not spiritual.

      Ilona Novoselova argued that the soul consists of three main parts:

      • Biomass is a physical body.
      • Ethereal shells (ghost or phantom). They store information about the appearance and character of the human person.
      • The divine body is a soul that moves after death into a new physical body.

      The phantom does not disappear, but remains forever in parallel worlds and there it exists as an eternal memory of a certain person.


Grade 5

Have you thought about what exactly happens to the creature that is commonly called a man after death? As for the physical shell, everything is very clear here: option number 1 - burial, option number 2 - cremation (burning of the body). But after all, the human personality is determined not only by its physical body. Does it fade away after the human body ceases to function? What..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Have you thought about what exactly happens to the creature that is commonly called a man, after death? As for the physical shell, everything is very clear here: option number 1 - burial, option number 2 - cremation (burning of the body). But after all, the human personality is determined not only by its physical body. Does she fade away after human organism stops functioning? What happens after a person's death?

It is to these questions that the answers of the best minds of the planet are collected in our article. However, not only scientists, psychics and philosophers expressed their opinion. Ordinary people also thought about the soul.

Let's look into the past

Psychics about a person it is said that there is an assumption that in ancient times people were interested not only in ways of survival and methods of subsistence. They were also interested in such a thing as the soul. It was these thoughts that became something of a prototype modern religion. Of course, every person who at least once was at a lesson at school And knows that everything that a person could not explain before, he deified. But just what happens after death With his soul, he could only guess. It was the doctrine of the transmigration of souls that was the basis of esotericism. After that, the church took over the explanation of the issue. In the end, it looked very interesting, because the adherents of the faith were forbidden to talk about the origin human soul and what exactly happens to her after death of the physical body. Various church teachings give their explanation for this or that phenomenon, and it is these that are recommended to be taken as a basis and postulates. Probably, such pressure of religion in those dark and distant times was justified. Of course, that a person's life was incredibly complex and death seemed to be a common thing.

Up until the twentieth century, the question of the soul and the human astral body remained shrouded in darkness. The attitude towards the soul changed only after the development of technology and the emergence of more and more new social ideas. It was at that moment that life was proclaimed as the universal value of man. For this reason, people began to wonder what exactly will await a person after death overtakes him.

Change in society

Psychics about death and life say that questions regarding the development of these aspects and, of course, their understanding, will always remain relevant among people. But only the approach to these issues is changing daily, because as society develops and receives more and more information about the world around it.

In the Middle Ages, people thought about death as something terrible, because the priests of that time made them think that all people are sinful and will definitely fall into hell after death. All this was invented specifically to keep people in fear. After all, the church then practically ruled the world. That's how people were held back. Huge masses of people were afraid that someday they will be put in a large frying pan and fried. And if people obey the church and the people who are in power, then they can count on a good future.

Human development

Psychics about the development of mankind they say that not only the technical side of progress, but also culture, and science, and other aspects began to have a huge impact on human consciousness. but there are questions that never leave the brain: are there other sentient beings in the universe or what will happen to soul after death? Moreover, today it is much more difficult to dissuade the people with ordinary legends that “the devils will be burned at the stake” or, for example, that angels will take her to heaven. Man learned many different concepts: astral body, subtle matter, aura, and much, much more. People don't believe in devils anymore. And last words are not something like criticism of religious teachings. This is a statistical fact. It is impossible to get away from him. As a result, church servants run away from reasoning of such a plan, and even more so from the physics of their explanations.

What is a person?

Psychics about the soul they say that before thinking about what will happen to her after death, one should think about what is the essence of human existence, i.e. his life. How is it worth considering a deceased person as a physical body, which is endowed with special abilities used to interact with the outside world, or is it something more?

In fact, there are many such theories. That's just the truth, according to psychics, is that not all people believe in them, namely every single person. In the event that your worldview does not exclude the presence of a soul, then it is recommended to think about what exactly will happen to it after death.

From a physical point of view, the body has ceased to exist. Therefore, there is no longer any reaction to external factors. Therefore, everything is the end! Psychics about death in this case, it is said to be the endpoint and nothing more.

It goes without saying that this theory has its followers and those who think otherwise. But this option cannot explain many phenomena that even conservative sciences do not deny today.

In the event that a person believes that life is not limited only by its physical course and the work of the brain, then it is worth continuing to dig further. After all, after the physical body stops working, some part of the personality continues its activity.

It is this remnant of personality that continues to interact with the world. In this case, we will take into account this particular option, and we will proceed from it. As a result, we pass to the fact that there is something called the soul. That is what does not die and does not disappear. What then happens to her after the disappearance of the human body?

Soul Science

It should immediately be said that scientists around the world consider this issue to be the most difficult. In fact, any modern science very conservative. Yes, and it is not clear for certain what exactly should be called this very soul?

From the point of view of science, the soul is a bunch of energy that can carry some information. This is where the understanding of the human soul from a scientific point of view ends.


But, there were also those people who were able to bypass science and began to look for ways to release this very energy. First of all, psychics ask you to pay attention to weight. Yes, man before death has one mass, and after death its weight is reduced by some mass.

It is these indicators and multiple experiments allowed to voice the presence of the soul. Here is just an answer on what exactly is going on after death, has not yet been given by science.

However, these experiments, according to psychics, cannot be considered one hundred percent scientific confirmation. Not found today authoritative husband whose opinion would take precedence and be considered correct.

Witness's testimonies

It is this point, according to psychics, that is the most interesting. After all, today there are those who were able to return from the other world back to life. After all, today medicine is incredibly developed. On the this moment clinical death doesn't count as anything supernatural. And even more so, it is not a reason for a funeral. As a result, churchmen and saints tear their hair out. Scientists are not far behind. Especially after returned from the other world speak out loud about the tunnels that lead to the light. Other people say that they saw everything that happened from the outside. It turns out that the physical body dies, and soul continues to live. Of course, such a life may not last so long, but still. This proves the existence of life after death.

folk traditions

It should not be surprising that among ordinary people there is also an opinion regarding souls. Indeed, in those rituals that are directly related to the fact of death, there is also great meaning.

So, for example, Orthodox Church requires that on the third, ninth and fortieth day the deceased be given memorial days. What is the reason for this tradition?

According to psychics, however, and priests too, for some time the soul remains in the human body. She does not want to leave her world. For first three days the soul continues to hover directly over the body. After the realization of the inevitable comes, the soul begins to look for a way to the other world. But for forty consecutive days, the soul can still return to the physical body. It is likely that this does not let go of her craving for relatives and friends, and maybe even banal. nostalgia. But only today it is still unknown.

After a year passes, the soul finally leaves the Earth. Yes, of course, religion does not reject this. But what to do next? What then? Where does the soul go, and what exactly awaits it after. According to the Orthodox, the essence of immortality comes down to the fact that the human soul goes to Lord God.

The Almighty conducts judgment and determines where exactly to send the soul: to heaven or to hell. For next year, the relatives of the deceased should pray for him soul. Only in this way can they help a person to purify himself and go to heaven.

This is the answer that a person who turns to this issue for a solution receives. clergy. So a person finds his place after he gets on judgment of God.

Edgar Cayce theory

Edgar Cayce- This is one of the most famous seers and soothsayers. He believed that the world is a very shaky structure, which is constantly in motion and is looking for support for itself. It is for this reason that people who want to find answers to their questions seek help from various psychics, etc.

In my time Edgar Cayce spoke of the time coming when death would not become a mystery to man. The fog will clear, and people will understand its essence. Another great soothsayer said that true immortality awaits a person, only it will manifest itself not in the physical, but in spiritually.

According to him, death is nothing but a transition to a new life. Actually, it shouldn't be a tragedy. This is just another stage of human development. Today, people cannot realize this for the simple reason that they cannot overcome the barrier that separates these very periods. It is likely that the insight came only to a few.

Attention! According to Edgar Cayce, after the death of a person with his soul, communication can be maintained. It was precisely such a supernatural gift that the great seer Vanga.

Esoteric and soul

Psychics about the multidimensionality of space the idea is said to have been around for an incredibly long time. According to esotericists, a human being is able to exist simultaneously in several worlds. But clearly today, due to the reduced threshold of sensitivity, a person can only realize the world of physical manifestation. It was the esotericists who introduced such a concept as subtle body or subtle matter. According to experts in this category, they create this very subtle reality factors such as emotions, feelings and thoughts. Moreover, each person can boast of such a multidimensional space. It is it that is not subject to destruction. Moreover, everything happens in a completely opposite way. How large quantity people is born, the stronger it spreads energy universe. In fact, esotericists represent it as a huge number of transparent spheres that are located in an infinite type of space.

All these neoplasms interact: overlap, collide, form new clusters. While a person leads his physical life, he fills it with emotions, his decisions and thoughts. And as soon as the physical body ceases to function, it immediately enters the world formed from human feelings. It turns out that what a person creates for himself, that will become for him home in the underworld.

It turns out quite a full-fledged idea of ​​human sin and retribution. How more people rejoices in life and prays, the more light will be in his world. And as soon as he starts to get angry, he immediately forms a dark space in his world. It is pain for the soul.

Many people who have not had experience of communicating with representatives of the other world are interested in how psychics see the souls of the dead? Most people are sure that pets and children are able to see the dead. However, is this really so or is it only subject to experienced mediums?

In the article:

How do psychics see the souls of the dead?

Many people believe that cats have supernatural abilities: they can heal people, warn of various events (which is why there are so many signs associated with white, red cats).

Probably, every owner of such a fluffy pet noticed that sometimes the cat freezes, starts looking at one point, in which, in fact, there is nothing interesting, and then begins to perform inadequate actions. For example, the animal may take a defensive stance, or suddenly become very frightened and take flight.

If the animal arches its back, hisses, moving towards a certain point, this may indicate that the cat sees something that is inaccessible to the human eye, and is trying to attack it, protect its owner.

Psychics also insist that these mystical animals, revered since ancient times, are able to see both the souls of dead people and creatures from other other worlds. Indeed, from ancient times, these animals served as guides to the world of the dead or companions of powerful spirits and gods.

Can dogs see the souls of the dead?

Everyone knows that cats have long been considered magical creatures. But what about dogs? In various legends and tales, one can stumble upon the fact that it was dogs who were the guardians of the underworld. For example, the Indians believed that the god of the afterlife, Yama, was accompanied by two four-eyed dogs. In Greek mythology, there were the three-headed dog Cerberus and the two-headed Ortr.

Three-headed dog Cerberus

Quite often, it was the dogs who were the guards guarding the doors to the underworld. In Chinese mythology, the river of sewage, which leads to the underground court, is also guarded by a dog. There is also a legend in Mauritian mythology that the world of the dead is guarded by an evil sharp-toothed dog. In order for the deceased to be able to drive away the guard, a rowan or linden stick was placed in his hands.

As we can see, dogs are closely connected with the afterlife. However, are our sweet and kind pets able to interact with the world of the dead in any way today? Among all dogs, four-eyed dogs are considered special. That is, those who have two whites above their eyes or dark spots. Such spots are not hallmark breeds.

People believe that it is this animal that can feel the appearance of various spirits of dead or evil forces and protect its owner from them. In Tibet, they believe that such dogs never sleep. Even if the animal has 2 ordinary eyes closed, the spots continue to look at everything around. People believed that such an animal could even protect the soul of the deceased from demons.

four-eyed dog

In the myths of Komi there is one legend that says that the devil turned into ordinary person and came to the hut where the hunter lived. He just had a four-eyed dog. The devil ransomed the animal and killed it, as it interfered with it and every night scared away the spirit hunter with its loud barking.

There are many myths associated with four-eyed dogs. For example, they are able to drive the souls of sorcerers away from their masters. If this dog howls for a long time, then this portends the appearance of a dead person.

These animals are able to communicate with each other, understand human language. You cannot step over such a dog - for trouble, after preparing dinner, the first spoon must be given to the dog - respect for its dedicated work.

If you kill this animal, it will take revenge from the other world. Legends about such animals are found in Tibet, among the Mongols, in Indian legends, in the myths of the Komi peoples, among the ancient Scythians, in Tajikistan, among the Buryats and Tuvans, Kalmyks. Zoroastrians also believe that if such a dog is planted next to the deceased, then it drives away evil spirits from the deceased.