Makes us weaker makes us stronger. What makes a person strong. Spirit Formula

When a “black streak” begins in life, many fall into depression, thereby further exacerbating the current situation. Submitting to circumstances, they seem to admit in advance that they have lost. And they don’t even try to find a way out, deciding that there’s nothing to be done anyway. Such thoughts are the first sign of weakness. You need to fight in any case, no matter what trials life has prepared.

You don’t need to set yourself up for bad things, but you also don’t need to expect only gifts from life. Any circumstances should be perceived as an experience that forms an attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Do not count on the help and support of loved ones. Yes, when there are sympathetic people around, it is easier to survive troubles. On the other hand, this is also a step backwards. Support, words of comfort very often give rise to feelings of self-pity. They rarely motivate to take decisive action. The words of loved ones have a calming effect, and there is a desire to come to terms with the situation, and not overcome it. That's why it's often more beneficial to try to figure things out on your own. Of course, don't hesitate to ask for help. But also count on her, accusing others of indifference, too. Perhaps the self-elimination of loved ones from solving your problems is the first step towards the beginning of a new, brighter and richer life, which you will manage yourself.

Don't blame yourself for all problems. Self-digging is the first step to deep depression. It is better to direct energy to find a way out of the current unpleasant situation.

Why life's difficulties make people stronger

Not everyone who has experienced unpleasant events is able to become stronger. Many “break down”, start drinking alcohol to forget. This is the path to the bottom. Intoxication only temporarily relieves problems, makes you stop thinking about them. But it doesn't solve them. Troubles accumulate, “wind up” on each other, and every day it becomes more and more difficult to find a way out. That is why it is necessary to deal with difficult circumstances as soon as they appear. Think about solving problems, look for ways to overcome them, and not hide from them. Only such behavior can turn a person into a strong whole personality. And the sooner this happens, the easier it will be to live on. Minor troubles that previously seemed insoluble will simply cease to be noticed. And major problems will be perceived not as tragedies, but as another way to show their best qualities and get new experience.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about what makes a person strong. Strong people rule the world. Strong people are admired. Strong people cope with many difficulties and achieve goals. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with such statements. And what helps these people to be strong? Is it possible to intentionally become one?

Characteristics of strong people

Let's see what qualities others endow strong people with.

These are often talked about:

  • "He has a strong energy"
  • "He's very tenacious"
  • "Don't break him!"
  • "He's a born leader"
  • "He is brave and determined"
  • "He's got charisma!"

Moreover, these characteristics can be equally attributed to men and women.

Strength is expressed in the inner core of a person, his life principles and beliefs, behavior and relationships with other people. It all starts with a feeling of inner strength. We feel a certain powerful energy impulse that stimulates to action. The desire and readiness to act actively here greatly prevail over fear, doubt and oppression. And constantly taking important decisions and by doing bold deeds, we attract a new charge of energy to ourselves, as if "feeding our strength."

What distinguishes strong people

  • Self confidence. Strong people do not doubt themselves and know how to evaluate their abilities and capabilities. They easily take on the tasks that are important to them.
  • Self-acceptance and self-respect. Strong people are aware of their strengths and weaknesses (yes, even the strong have their weaknesses!) and are able to honestly admit them to themselves. They do not engage in (and, accordingly, do not waste their energy in vain), but either recognize their achievements and feel satisfied with themselves, or work to correct the situation, mistakes and improve themselves.
  • Target. Strong people always know what they want in life. They have goals to achieve and they do it.
  • A responsibility. Strong people always take responsibility for what happens to them. Therefore, soberly assessing their abilities, they themselves will not load themselves with unnecessary things that they cannot perform. And what they have undertaken, they will definitely do. That is their reliability.
  • Strong people are "real". They do not pretend, but behave naturally. They are open and sincere in their feelings and actions, they do not try to build someone out of themselves, copy someone's behavior. It is important for them to preserve their "I" and inner integrity.
  • Ability to make decisions. Therefore, quite often strong people are called decisive.
  • Ability to interact with other people. Understanding the behavior of others and the ability to accept them as they are helps strong people communicate and build relationships successfully. They are flexible to different situations: somewhere they can adapt, somewhere they can show perseverance and competently influence others, somewhere they can provide support. Strong personalities always become good managers. Such people are respected and want to follow them.
  • Willingness and readiness to act. Strong people don't usually sit still. They have a lot of energy and tasks to complete.
  • positive attitude. Optimism always enhances positive energy and allows you to deal with stress more effectively. Therefore, strong people never lose heart.
  • Courage. Strong people know how to overcome their fear in order to move forward, they are not afraid to express their opinion and can stand up for themselves and others. Go on reasonable risk- also them distinguishing feature.

Strong people are less influenced. Their self-sufficiency and self-confidence allow them to soberly assess the situation. Such people are less susceptible to suggestion, the influence of the media, stereotypes, etc.

Why some are strong-willed and others are not: determining factors

  1. Hereditary factors, congenital features, temperament. Many people from childhood show strong character. Certain traits (for example, a strong type nervous system) predispose to it.
  2. Upbringing. Formation of confident behavior in a child, attention to his needs, development of initiative and independence, respect for his personality, education in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere contribute to the fact that the baby will grow up as a strong personality.
  3. Successes and achievements. Each victory inspires new achievements, charges with positive energy. The more successes and victories a person has in his piggy bank, the more confident and stronger he becomes. The main thing is to recognize your achievements, in no case devalue them.
  4. Obstacles and failures. They make us stronger if we learn from them the necessary experience and at the same time do not lose heart. Everyone knows the saying: "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger".
  5. Target. The desire to achieve the goal strengthens willpower, promotes self-organization, and makes you persevere. And every step towards victory inspires and adds self-confidence.
  6. Faith in your strengths and capabilities. Each of us is capable of much. And the more we believe in ourselves, the more others trust us.
  7. Faith in us other people. There is also a way back. Sometimes people close to us begin to believe in us so strongly that we can no longer meet their expectations and begin to act and behave more confidently.
  8. Desire to live and become happier. It is an internal energy that allows you to experience interest in life and move forward.

How to get stronger

  • The first thing to do is to evaluate all the parts of your life that you can influence. Realizing and accepting the fact that it is up to you what happens to you will allow you to begin to better manage your thoughts and behavior.
  • Work on improving your self-confidence and self-esteem. Read: .
  • Say to yourself often: “I will succeed”, “I can handle it”, “I can do it”, “I am on the way to my goal”, “I can, I will achieve” and other life-affirming phrases.
  • Be true to your values ​​and principles! Don't give them up to please someone. Remember important rule: if you want to be a strong person, the opinion of others should interest you to a very small extent .
  • Be yourself. Do not play other people's roles, do not aspire to those companies where you are uncomfortable and there are no people close to you in spirit. The more natural you behave, the less energy you spend on creating your image.
  • If you perceive difficulties not as an insurmountable obstacle, but as a test, then it will be easier to cope with them.
  • Praise yourself even for small accomplishments. You can keep a diary of your progress.
  • Communicate more and meet new people. This helps to develop self-confidence and successfully establish relationships with others.
  • From time to time, force yourself to make quick (within a minute) decisions.
  • If you notice that you are starting to self-flagellate, tell yourself: “Stop!” and, having answered the question: “What do I need to change?”, draw up a plan of action.
  • Finding inner strength often requires the restoration of physical health. If you are exhausted and depressed, first take a good rest and feel at least a small burst of energy. Only then can you begin to act in a new way.

Each person has certain resources of strength. It is important to feel and discover them. Let yourself do it.

Friedrich Nietzsche is an outstanding German thinker, poet, creator of his own teaching, proclaiming a new attitude to existing norms morality and culture. A philologist by education, Nietzsche paid great attention to the style of conducting and presenting his philosophy. His works are particularly aphoristic and metaphorical. This edition contains the most significant and popular works of the philosopher: "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", "Beyond Good and Evil" and "Esce Homo". Philosophical treatises perfectly reflect the author's position and give the reader the opportunity to appreciate Nietzsche's creative heritage, which to this day causes a lot of controversy.

Format: Hard paper, 704 pages

Date and place of death:
Period: 19th century philosophy
Main interests: ,

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche ( Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche; - ) - , representative . He subjected the cutting to his time and developed his own theory. Nietzsche was a literary rather than an academic philosopher, and his writings are of character. Nietzsche's philosophy provided big influence on the formation of and, and also became quite popular in literary and circles. The interpretation of his works is quite difficult and still causes a lot of controversy.



Nietzsche's philosophy is not organized into a system. Nietzsche considered the “will to the system” unscrupulous. His research covers all possible issues of philosophy, religion, ethics, psychology, sociology, etc. Inheriting thought, Nietzsche opposes his philosophy to the classical tradition of rationality, questioning and questioning all the “evidence” of reason. Nietzsche's greatest interest is in questions of morality, "the reassessment of all values." Nietzsche was one of the first to question the unity of the subject, the causality of will, truth as the unified foundation of the world, the possibility of a rational justification of actions. His metaphorical, aphoristic presentation of his views earned him the fame of a great stylist. However, an aphorism for Nietzsche is not just a style, but a philosophical attitude - not to give definitive answers, but to create a tension of thought, to enable the reader himself to "resolve" the paradoxes of thought that arise.

Nietzsche refines Schopenhauer's "will to live" as the "will to power", since life is nothing but the desire to expand one's power. However, Nietzsche criticizes Schopenhauer for his negative attitude towards life. Considering the entire culture of mankind as a way in which a person adapts to life, Nietzsche proceeds from the primacy of the self-affirmation of life, its abundance and fullness. In this sense, any religion and philosophy should glorify life in all its manifestations, and everything that denies life, its self-affirmation, is worthy of death. Nietzsche considered Christianity to be such a great negation of life. Nietzsche was the first to declare that "there are no moral phenomena, there is only a moral interpretation of phenomena", thus exposing all moral propositions. According to Nietzsche, healthy morality should glorify and strengthen life, its will to power. Any other morality is decadent, it is a symptom of illness, decadence. Mankind instinctively uses morality in order to achieve its goal - the goal of expanding its power. The question is not whether morality is true, but whether it serves its purpose. We observe such a “pragmatic” formulation of the question in Nietzsche in relation to philosophy and culture in general. Nietzsche advocates the emergence of such "free minds" who will set themselves conscious goals for the "improvement" of mankind, whose minds will no longer be "drugged" by any morality, by any restrictions. Such a “supermoral”, “beyond good and evil” person Nietzsche calls “superman”.

With regard to knowledge, the “will to truth”, Nietzsche again takes his “pragmatic” approach, asking “why do we need truth?” For the purposes of life, truth is not needed, rather an illusion, self-deception leads humanity to its goal - self-improvement in the sense of expanding the will to power. But "free minds", the elect, must know the truth in order to be able to control this movement. These chosen ones, the immoralists of humanity, the creators of values, must know the reasons for their actions, give an account of their goals and means. Nietzsche devotes many of his works to this "school" of free minds.


The figurativeness and metaphorical nature of Nietzsche's works allows us to single out a certain mythology in him:

  • Nietzsche proceeds from the duality () of culture, where the beginnings and begin to fight. Apollo (Greek god of light) symbolizes order and harmony, and Dionysus (Greek god of winemaking) - darkness, chaos and excess of power. These beginnings are not equal. The dark god is ancient. Strength brings order, Dionysus gives birth to Apollo. The Dionysian will (der Wille - in Germanic languages ​​\u200b\u200bmeans desire) always turns out to be will to power is an interpretation of the ontological basis of being. Nietzsche was similarly influenced. The whole course of evolution and the struggle for survival ( struggle for existence) is nothing but a manifestation of this will to power. The sick and weak must perish, and the strongest must win. Hence Nietzsche: “Push him who is falling!”, which should be understood not in the simplified sense that one should not help one’s neighbors, but in the fact that the most effective help neighbor - to give him the opportunity to reach the extreme, in which it will be possible to rely only on his survival instincts in order to be reborn from there or die. This shows Nietzsche's faith in life, in its possibility of self-rebirth and resistance to everything fatal. "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!"
  • Just as man originated from the ape, so as a result of this struggle, man must evolve into (Übermensch). and all so-called. spiritual values ​​are just a tool to achieve dominance. Therefore, the superman is different from ordinary people above all, an unshakable will. This is more of a genius or a rebel than a ruler or a hero. The true superman is the destroyer of old values ​​and the creator of new ones. He rules not over the herd, but over entire generations. However, the will has no forward movement. Its main enemies are its own manifestations, what Marx called the force of alienation of the spirit. The only shackles strong-willed person are his own promises. By creating new values, the superman generates culture - or Spirit of Gravity, like ice, fettering the river of will. Therefore, a new superman must come -. It does not destroy old values. They have exhausted themselves, for, says Nietzsche, he is dead. The era of the European has come, to overcome which the Antichrist must create new values. He will oppose the humble and envious morality of slaves the morality of the gentlemen. However, then a new Dragon will be born and a new superman will come. So it will be to infinity, for in this is manifested eternal return. One of the basic concepts in Nietzsche's philosophy is decadence ().


'Purpose', 'necessity' quite often turn out to be just a plausible pretext, an additional self-blinding of vanity, which does not want to admit that the ship follows the current in which it hit by accident"

“... As if the values ​​are hidden in things and the whole point is to master them!”

“Oh, how comfortable you are! Do you have the law and evil eye on the one who only in thoughts is turned against the law. We are free - what do you know about the torment of responsibility in relation to yourself!

“Our entire sociology knows no other instinct than the instinct of the herd, i.e. summed zeros - where each zero has "equal rights", where it is considered a virtue to be a zero ... "

“Virtue is refuted if you ask, “why?”…”

“If you want to get high, use your own legs! Do not allow yourself to be carried, do not sit on other people's shoulders and heads!

“If you look into the abyss for a long time, the abyss will begin to peer into you”

“There are two kinds of loneliness. For one, loneliness is the flight of the sick, for the other it is the flight from the sick.

"There are two ways to save you from suffering: quick death and lasting love"

“Every slightest step in the field of free thinking and personally shaped life is always won at the cost of spiritual and physical torment”

"A critique of modern philosophy: the fallacy of the starting point that there are "facts of consciousness" - that there is no place for phenomenalism in the field of self-observation"

“He who is attacked by his time is not yet sufficiently ahead of him - or behind him”

“We are the heirs of the vivisection of conscience and self-crucifixion that took place over two millennia.”

“Alone with ourselves, we imagine everyone more ingenuous than ourselves: in this way we give ourselves rest from our neighbors”

“Nothing is bought for a greater price than a particle of human reason and freedom…”

“Nothing strikes so deeply, nothing destroys as much as “impersonal duty,” as a sacrifice to the moloch of abstraction ...”

"He who knows himself is his own executioner"

“The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he aspires upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots go into the earth, down, into darkness and depth - to evil.

"Death is close enough to not be afraid of life"

“Man has gradually become a fantastic animal, which, more than any other animal, strives to justify the condition of existence: a man must from time to time think that he knows why he exists, his breed is not able to succeed without periodic trust in life, without faith in the reason inherent in life"

“Man prefers to desire non-existence than not to desire at all”

“Humanity is more of a means than an end. Humanity is just experimental material"

“In order for moral values ​​to achieve dominance, they must rely solely on forces and affects of an immoral nature.”

“I don’t run from the proximity of people: just the distance, the eternal distance that lies between man and man, drives me into loneliness”

“... But what convinces does not yet become true: it is only convincing. Note for donkeys."

  • "God is dead" (This phrase is found in the work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra")
  • "God is dead; because of his compassion for people, God died” (“Thus Spoke Zarathustra”, chapter “On the Compassionate”)
  • “God himself cannot exist without wise people“, - said Luther, and with every right; but “God can exist even less without stupid people” - Luther did not say this!
  • “If God wanted to become an object of love, then he should first renounce the position of a judge administering justice: a judge, and even a merciful judge, is not an object of love”
  • “An evil god is needed no less than a good one - after all, you owe your own existence by no means to tolerance and philanthropy ... What is the use of a god who knows no anger, envy, cunning, mockery, revenge and violence?”
  • “Without the dogmas of faith, no one could live even a moment! But these dogmas have by no means been proved by this. Life is not an argument at all; among the conditions of life could be delusion"
  • “The theme for the great poet could be the boredom of the Almighty after the seventh day of Creation”
  • "In every religion, a religious person is an exception"
  • “The supreme thesis: “God forgives the penitent,” the same in translation: He forgives the one who submits to the priest ...”
  • “The dogma of the ‘immaculate conception’?.. Why, they have defiled conception…”
  • "Pure Spirit - Pure Falsehood"
  • “Fanatics are colorful, and it is more pleasant for humanity to see gestures than to listen to arguments”
  • “The word 'Christianity' is based on a misunderstanding; in fact, there was one Christian, and he died on the cross"
  • “The founder of Christianity believed that people did not suffer from anything more than from their sins: this was his delusion, the delusion of one who felt himself without sin, who lacked experience here!”
  • “The teaching and the apostle, who does not see the weakness of his teaching, his religion, etc., blinded by the authority of the teacher and reverence for him, usually has more power than the teacher. Never before has the influence of man and his works proliferated without blind disciples.”
  • "Faith saves, therefore it lies"
  • “Buddhism does not promise, but keeps its word, Christianity promises everything, but does not keep its word”
  • "Martyrs only harmed the truth"
  • “A person forgets his guilt when he confesses it to another, but this latter usually does not forget it”
  • “Blood is the worst witness of truth; they poison the purest teaching with blood to the point of madness and hatred of hearts.
  • “Virtue only gives happiness and a certain bliss to those who firmly believe in their virtue, and not to those more refined souls, whose virtue consists in a deep distrust of themselves and of all virtue. After all, here too “faith makes blessed”! - but not, well note this, virtue!
  • "Moral people feel complacent with remorse"
  • "School of Survival: What Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us Stronger"
  • “Love, perhaps, your neighbor as yourself. But above all, be those who love themselves.”
  • "The Jewish stock trader is the most vile invention of the entire human race." (This phrase was added by Nietzsche's sister, during the years of his madness, Nietzsche himself despised anti-Semites)
  • "You go to a woman - take a whip"
  • "Without music life would be a mistake"
  • "Blessed are those who forget, for they do not remember their own mistakes"


Major works

  • "The Birth of Tragedy, or Hellenism and Pessimism" ( Die Geburt der Tragodie, 1871)
  • "Untimely Reflections" Unzeitgemasse Betrachtungen, 1872-1876)
  1. "David Strauss as Confessor and Writer" ( David Strauss: der Bekenner und der Schriftsteller, 1873)
  2. "On the benefits and harms of history for life" ( Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie für das Leben, 1874)
  3. "Schopenhauer as an educator" ( Schopenhauer als Erzieher, 1874)
  4. "Richard Wagner in Bayreuth" ( Richard Wagner in Bayreuth, 1876)
  • « » ( Menschliches, Allzumenschliches, 1878)
  • "Mixed opinions and sayings" ( Vermischte Meinungen und Sprüche, 1879)
  • "The Wanderer and His Shadow" ( Der Wanderer und sein Schatten, 1879)
  • "Morning Dawn, or Thoughts on Moral Prejudices" ( Morgenrote, 1881)
  • "Merry Science" Die frohliche Wissenschaft, 1882, 1887)
  • « » ( Also sprach Zarathustra, 1883-1887)
  • « » ( Jenseits von Gut und Böse, 1886)
  • “On the genealogy of morality. Polemic essay "( Zur Genealogie der Moral, 1887)
  • "Casus Wagner" ( Der Fall Wagner, 1888)

What can we do to improve our lives in the future? Of course, to create favorable karma in the present. We very often like to judge other people behind their backs, and believe me, we are judged in the same way.

Then why not say only good things about people? Then the same will be said about you. Our Ego is constantly looking for recognition in the eyes of other people, it loves to be praised and lifted up to heaven. But all this does not make us stronger.

On the contrary, we lose personal power, and, as a rule, after praise (when emotions win back), the reverse side begins to appear, in the form of a bunch of abuse addressed to you (what can you do, the law of balance). Therefore, in order to avoid this fate, you need to stay detached, without emotions.

This is easy to do if, during compliments and other ascensions of us on an imaginary pedestal, we hide our hands behind our backs or in our pockets, while showing a fig. This is a very good ancient way.

We earn very good karma for ourselves if we do good to someone disinterestedly. Where did the wise observation come from: “DO NOT DO GOOD, YOU WILL NOT GET EVIL”? From our expectations of praise addressed to you.

The impulse to do good that comes from the Ego is not a selfless act. The ego needs praise. Get in the habit of asking yourself as often as possible: “IS WHAT I DO NOW MAKE ME STRONGER?”.

We will do a very favorable deed for ourselves if we help, without showing off, on the sly - so that no one knows whose help this is. Then, in the future, similar surprises will be attracted to us, it is not clear from whom.

The ego constantly needs energy support, and by feeding it with our energy, we de-energize ourselves, the real ones. When you hear some news, refrain from wanting to tell it, and it will make you stronger.

Indeed, in fact, the one to whom you want to tell this will, after a while, learn it from others. But no, the Ego wants to see the delight of a person, because his desire is to be a messenger of happiness.

Skip the last puff of your cigarette and that will make you stronger too. Just do not engage in self-deception by giving up what, in principle, this moment do not want.

When you set a goal to monitor and evaluate your actions, and practice it, you will enter the mode of conscious actions. And that stops your automatic actions.

In the evening, do a mental, and preferably written, analysis of your actions: what was done consciously and what happened automatically.

At first, you will be amazed at how unconscious you are and how you act like a biorobot. But over time, these moments will be less and less.

I agree, just like that you are unlikely to succeed, here you need support with meditation and a raw food diet. Switching to living food, to my surprise, weakened my passion for habits.

Previously, I could not understand what kind of connection there could be - between live food and habits. But now I am convinced of this, and it has become my knowledge: it does not matter why it happens, it is enough to know that it works.

Now about the most powerful source of energy - sexual energy. Here I would also recommend moderation. And if you have a very big goal - abstinence.
Using this energy without measure weakens us. I used to think: why do many who are seriously engaged in business and have risen well have problems with potency?

Then I realized, or rather, I experienced on myself that the sublimation of energy was taking place (transition to the upper chakras). Hence the fullness of the will chakra (manipura), which gives us the strength to move confidently forward towards the goal.

If a person begins to spend energy on sex, then he will begin to lose money. There is a direct relationship here. After all, what is money really? This is a direct indicator of our energy level.

More energy - more money. A. Levshinov even describes in some book what level of well-being a person will have when each chakra is full.

Why is moderation still needed in sex? Because, according to don Juan, people in a civilized society are the fruits of boring copulation.

This means that in most cases, conception occurs during ordinary, mediocre sex, without great Love and Passion - just the performance of marital duties.

What a conception - such a person. Only the lucky one who is not the fruit of boring copulation (or in his own words, boring fucking, otherwise you can’t call him).

You can have sex as much as you want, without harm to yourself. It's just that we actually managed in a civilized society to pervert everything that previously had a higher, spiritual meaning.

The Art of Love has turned into ordinary sex, a culture of self-knowledge with the help of narcotic substances turned into drug addiction, and the culture of alcohol consumption turned into alcoholism. There is nothing harmful on earth as long as moderation is present.

Chapter from the book "Hedgehog in the Fog or Way to Goal -2". Noel Bukharmetov and Natalia Berilova

Nietzsche was wrong, says a group of American scientists led by Susan Charles from the University of California (USA). Their research suggests that negative experiences have the opposite effect on many of us.

Back in 1995, a psychologist from University of Pennsylvania David Almeida started an experiment in which 1483 people, men and women, took part. different ages. They were asked to take two tests.

The first asked them to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being "never" and 5 being "always") how often during the last 30 days they felt: a) useless/hopeless/nervous/jittery/restless ) how often it seemed to them that everything they do required great effort, c) how often they were so sad that nothing seemed to be able to cheer them up.

Small sources of everyday stress from the past had a long-term impact on the mental health of respondents

In the second test, participants were asked to answer if they experienced any of these types of stress the day before the survey. Types of stress included arguing, situations in which they refrained from brewing disputes, problems at work, problems at home, worries about friends' problems. Finally, respondents were asked if they had had treatment for anxiety, depression, or any other emotional disorder during the previous year.

After 10 years, David Almeida tried again to contact the same respondents. Someone has already died, someone refused to take part in the survey a second time, someone moved.

About half of the participants responded - 711 people from 25 to 74 years old. Almeida asked them to rate, on the same scale, how often they had experienced various negative emotions over the past 30 days. He also asked again if they had had any emotional treatment in the last 12 months.

The results of the two surveys were analyzed by a group of scientists from different American universities. They found that, contrary to Nietzsche's idea, small sources of everyday stress from the past had a long-term impact on the mental health of the respondents.

The more painful we perceive everyday small difficulties, the more vulnerable our mental health will be in the future.

“The more often people felt worthless/hopeless/nervous/twitchy/restless (though they had not yet needed treatment for psychiatric disorders), the more likely they were to develop a psychiatric disorder 10 years later,” the authors conclude.

Of course, the reason may be in personal characteristics, and not in difficult circumstances. Different people react differently to similar unpleasant events. What makes one person feel worthless, another will just give up. Nevertheless, the results of the study show that for some, even small troubles mean Negative consequences- weakening, not strengthening the psyche.

In other words, the more painful we perceive everyday small difficulties, the more vulnerable our mental health will be in the future. So that catchphrase Nitsche if fair, then, alas, not for everyone.