Iron hand with your own hands. Iron man's hand. Practical instructions: how to make an iron man suit, valuable recommendations, simple master classes Iron man make a suit of iron drawings

Well, fellow papercrafters, it's time to make the Iron Man Suit with your own hands.

By popular demand, we are posting the Mark 6 Iron Man suit. I don’t know why, but we decided to start with this model, so get ready for a long and exciting quest to collect all the details together. First of all, we buy a pack of valerian, scalpels there, that's all, and read on about how how to make your own iron man suit.

Well, first of all, we need an Iron Man Mark VI helmet. Actually scan (drawings) I attach. Occupies 14 pages in pepakura. Well, actually, we assemble it like a regular helmet. Even a couple of spacers are included.

Iron Man Helmet Mark 6 -

What in our do-it-yourself iron man suit goes behind the helmet? That's right, Shay! It occupies 7 pages in papacura, it is not difficult to assemble, as always, you will have to toil a little with trinkets.

Next, we will take up the chest ZhCh. Here it would be necessary to measure your chest, or rather the ribs and compare with this scan. This chest model is made for an average adult papercrafter. The girth in the ribs in this drawing is 32 cm at the narrowest point, an average of 35. Perhaps you are starving or, conversely, a noble bodybuilder, so it's better to play it safe.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the iron man suit collar. Two pages and easy to assemble.

This time, the iron man suit will have forearms. Contrary to the expectations of some, the forearm is located between the biceps and the hand. This useful part occupies 10 pages in pepakura. Easy to assemble. Requires mirroring.

And finally, the last part of the hand is actually the palm itself and the fingers of the iron man made of paper. Judging by the sweep of the hand, it smacks of the first difficulties, although it may only seem like it.

So, our do-it-yourself iron man suit is slowly starting to take shape. Now it's time for the abs, or stomach, which makes us a little upset, because it takes up a whole 25 pages, a lot of butts.

It's time for the intimate part - panties ZHCH. These, of course, are not panties, but a codpiece, but whoever likes it better. Takes 8 pages in pepakura, easy to assemble.

Well, here we come to the feet of our iron man suit. The thigh of our hero is located on 15 pages. Don't forget to mirror.

Well, here comes the shin. She also swung something at 21 pages, has both a left and a right part. A couple of spacers are included.

Well, here we come to the end of our miracle costume. Foot fellow papercrafters, foot...

This detail in the Iron Man suit is attached between the forearm and palm. Some call it the carpal plate. But the main thing is that you understand where she should find her refuge.

Well, that's all. There's nothing to do here. I sincerely wish you good luck, because it will be useful to you if you decide to bring all this to mind. Something like this should be obtained after gluing the paper model. It's actually a different brand.

The briefing is over. A brief anatomy lesson is given. Start gluing! GOOD LUCK!

The character of many animated series, cartoons and three wonderful films, is gradually becoming extremely popular among both cosplayers and children. What child does not dream of such a wonderful outfit that will not only make him almost invulnerable, but also allow him to fly? Of course, it is impossible to assemble a real suit for obvious reasons, but children's fantasy compensates for all the shortcomings surprisingly well if the iron man suit becomes his own. Read on to find out how to assemble it yourself!

We collect in parts

In order to make your child an iron man costume that is as similar as possible to the real one, it is enough to show a little imagination and invest a little work and free time into it. It is best to use aluminum for these purposes. It is light, strong, bends well, and you don't need many tools to process it. To give the costume a more realistic appearance, it is recommended to spray-paint parts of the costume with yellow and red paint. Slits for the eyes can be sealed from the inside with glasses from dark glasses. In addition, you will need any yellow turtleneck with a neck and long sleeves.

In general, there are now quite a few professional imitators trying to copy this superhero. Iron Man suits are made from a wide variety of materials. They can be of any shape and color. Lots of Tony Stark cosplay photos and his amazing costume have surfaced! Do not be lazy and give your child a dream, because who among us in childhood did not dream of being a superhero and accomplishing great deeds?

In addition to the obvious attractiveness and charisma Robert Downey Jr as a brilliant billionaire turned superhero - Tony Stark- the Marvel movie has created a great temptation to find out what kind of toys and gadgets are built into the latest version of his high-tech suit. And while innovations such as a suit that unfolds from a suitcase right on your body, or clothes that always follow you when you wear special bracelets, remain in the realm of science fiction, there is still hope. Most of what is built into the suit " iron man”has analogues in our world, albeit not as chic as in the film.

With a strength-enhancing exoskeleton and jet beams, as well as a robot assistant, becoming a real Tony Stark will be difficult enough - and certainly not cheap - but not impossible, anyway.

No matter how cool Tony's toys are, without a power source they'll be nothing more than pretty armor. We need to connect a small arc reactor based on cold fusion.

The fusion reactor technology is the backbone of Stark Industries' business and the Iron Man suit. In our world, there are no analogues of this technology yet (although). suggests that the technological roots of the Comicoid Reactor are rooted in the "tokamak," an experimental Cold War-era fusion reactor developed back in the USSR. Like the arc reactor, the "tokamak" is made in the form of a toroid, includes plasma, magnetic fields and generates a huge amount of energy.

The tokamak is much larger than the arc reactor - even larger than the mock-up at Stark Industries - and still has not gone beyond the scope of the experiment. But given Tony's genius in miniaturization of complex structures, most likely the basis of the fantastic thermonuclear reactor is precisely the tokamak.

According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, the problem with designing a fist-sized power source is not so much generation as it is storage and potential side effects. For better recoil and minimization of burns, DeGrasse Tyson recommends a different type of power source: one based on the controlled annihilation of matter and antimatter. , For example.

Reactive gloves

The Jet Beam Gauntlet is one of Tony Stark's most used weapons, but it can hardly be recreated with high fidelity in the real world. Of course, this option is not suitable for quivering Iron Man fans. One of them, German Patrick Prieb, in one of his breaks in work (on polymer processing) made something that looks like a reactive glove: a laser built into the hand.

A laser powered by lithium-ion batteries may not have the destructive power of Iron Man's gloves, but it does. It emits a beam of 1000 mW, which is 200 times stronger than a laser beam that is legal in most countries for use. In short, if you want to fry your cat, it may well catch fire.

Unsatisfied with the work done, Prieb went further and created what he called "", completing it with a retractable laser.

According to the legend of Iron Man, the hero can fly thanks to powerful jets of energy beating from the soles of his shoes. They move him through the air, without the danger of spontaneous combustion of the legs and without the need to wear high heels that would make the hero look like a representative of glam rock. However, in our world there are no jet boots that will help you take off, but there is something else: a personal jetpack. Jetpack.

Personal jetpacks have been around for a long time. The first sample appeared in 1919 in Russia, its creator was the inventor Alexander Fedorovich Andreev, but only in 1960 the first jetpack was presented to the public. Unfortunately, the high cost and short flight time meant that the hype around the invention quickly faded.

But the dream lives on. New Zealand-based Martin Aircraft has developed the Martin Jetpack, a gasoline-powered personal jetpack that can stay in the air for up to 30 minutes at a time. It is intended for the consumer market. According to some estimates, its price is about $ 1 million, and this is the minimum. But no one argues with the fact that all initiatives are costly for the real Tony Stark.

DARPA (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has been working on exoskeletons that can improve the physical combat capability of American soldiers for more than a decade. In 2010, defense contractor Raytheon unveiled one of the results for the first time: the XOS 2 exoskeleton.

The suit is designed to work in the field of logistics, that is, logistics, greatly increasing the strength of the wearer, allowing him to penetrate a three-inch layer of wood with ease. The built-in hydraulics work independently of the wearer's muscles, thereby giving him the opportunity to work for three. Lightweight materials and construction allow maneuverability that massive military equipment cannot boast.

There is, of course, a problem. Each suit must be plugged into an outlet and also connected to a central control panel. The tethered suits are scheduled for release in 2015, but for now, Raytheon is developing tethered suits for future use.

Exoskeletons are used not only in the military environment, of course. Outside the theater of war, the same technologies could help people relearn how to walk and gain extra muscle. In fact, it is Ekso Bionics, one of the leaders in the development of medical exoskeletons, that has shared its technology with Lockheed Martin for military purposes, and not vice versa.

Like a military exoskeleton, medical devices are designed to help the body to gain extra strength, but they also help the muscles relearn and strengthen them in the process. It may not be possible to lift a row of wooden beams or a rocket, for example, with their help, but thanks to exoskeletons, people who cannot walk or do not have such a precious ability will get it.

Computers controlled by the power of thought

If the fact that Tony Stark controls an entire suit of high-tech armor with the power of his mind seems completely impossible to you, how surprised you are that there are already technologies that can be used to control a computer system with just the power of thought.

The Advanced Technologies Lab and Ruzbeh Jafari, assistant professor of electrical engineering at the University of Texas, have developed an experimental system that allows you to control, for example, a Samsung Galaxy tablet without touch or voice commands. Everything is based on where you look and what you focus on.

Admittedly, technology has not yet reached the stage where it is possible to write a rudimentary message in this manner, let alone control a complex war machine. So far, the user's choice is limited to a meager menu. But this is only the beginning.

Holographic display

While watching the movie "", in the scenes showing Tony Stark inside the armor, we see how screens pop up in front of him, providing him with the necessary information. It looks great. Why don't we have this? In fact, everything will be, and very soon.

In fact, the point is not in glasses that can take pictures, thereby bringing Google Glass closer to Iron Man technologies, but in the very concept of a wearable computer connected to the Internet that can respond to voice commands and show information available only to the carrier. Obviously, miniature glasses for Instagram lovers are the first step towards a full-fledged helmet that will help fight crime.


Smart homes are a tempting idea for fantasy lovers. However, with advances in wireless networking and data analytics and systems like J.A.R.V.I.S. rapidly approaching scientific reality.

According to Diane Cook of the Washington University School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, the key to a smart home will be an omnipresent intelligence capable of searching for and interpreting information, as well as acting autonomously according to algorithms. Some of these systems are already working in your home. Air conditioners can automatically adjust the temperature, refrigerators can automatically defrost. Etc.

While "Jarvis" is an assistant at Stark's lab, Cook's smart home research is focused on something else: she's exploring how fluid intelligence can help retirees live longer without involving outsiders.

If you're still a fan of Tony Stark's technology, we suggest you take a break from the movie and go straight to the comics. One version of the iron suit is equipped with rollers that extend from the bottom of the armored suit.

It begs the question: while the film's tech push has resulted in some exorbitantly powerful elements, why not go ahead and outfit your iron suit with rollers?

Unfortunately, to the question of how to find a reasonable and pretty secretary who will be infinitely devoted to her boss, science does not give an unambiguous answer.

Nowadays, on the screens of cinemas and TVs, you can often see various superheroes who wear colorful and interesting costumes. And it is not surprising that modern children love these characters very much and want to be like them. When various masquerade matinees are arranged, the child always wants to go there in the costume of his favorite comic book character.

But a professional suit costs a lot of money, it is not always possible to purchase one for a child. But do not be upset about this, since such a costume can be made independently at home.

Popularity of Tony Stark

One of the most popular superheroes is Tony Stark., walking around the TV screens in a high-tech and high-tech iron suit, which is not afraid of even tank shots. Of course, an armored suit cannot be made at home, but it is quite possible to create an outfit that is similar in appearance at home.

At such moments, they begin to wonder how to make Iron Man on their own. If you decide to make a costume, then you can choose several ways. And this path will have to be chosen independently, taking into account time, opportunities, as well as the wishes of the child. But it must be remembered that the suit should be made very light so that it is easy for the child to move around in it.

To make a simple version of the costume, you need to purchase regular red pajamas. You can also use a long-sleeved sweater, as well as red sweatpants.

Necessary materials:

  • pajamas or red pants and a T-shirt;
  • brushes;
  • black and yellow paint on fabric;
  • small flashlight (keychain).

Once all the necessary materials are collected, you can proceed to the manufacture of a fancy dress for a child.


The costume is ready. This is also a great New Year's costume option..

The second version of the outfit for the child

This option will be more complex, and it will take longer to tinker with it. To make an Ironman outfit, you will need: yellow and red cardboard, scissors, good glue.

Manufacturing process:

The costume is ready. Gloves can be used in ordinary red, and if desired, there is an option to attach pieces of red cardboard to them.

Suit for an adult

Recently, adults are also fond of making various costumes from films. To do this, you can use a special program called Pepakura. Ironman costume drawings are very easy to find, just enter the required query on the Internet. When the drawings for the program have been downloaded, we open and print all the sheets. If there is no printer at home, then all files can be easily transferred to a USB flash drive, and then printed anywhere with the necessary equipment. But it is worth noting that ordinary paper will not work, you need to use cardboard sheets, which have greater strength.

Necessary materials:

Using the Pepakura technique

Pepakura - modeling various paper figures. In our country, so far this technique is only gaining popularity, but abroad it already has many admirers.

So, let's begin:

  1. When the sheets are printed, we cut out absolutely all the details along the lines. There shouldn't be anything complicated about this. Once the pieces are cut, you need to find the fold lines and draw them with a ballpoint pen so that they bend well. This should not be difficult either, because if you open the Pepakura program with the installed drawings, you can see the places that need to be bent (you can also change the dimensions there). On the printed drawing, they will be indicated by dotted lines. And it’s also very convenient that everything will be numbered there, and you just need to connect all the objects cut in a certain sequence by numbers. To do this, use a good glue.
  2. We connect all the parts of the drawing until the components of the costume are completely glued together. When the parts are ready, it is necessary to use fiberglass or fiberglass, as well as epoxy glue. On the reverse side of the suit, we glue the cardboard very well with glue, and then we apply 1 or 2 layers of fiberglass there. The result should be a very solid piece that will not lose its shape even if accidentally dropped.
  3. This process will be very long, and therefore you should be patient. It is better to do all the work with glue on the balcony or in the open air, since the smell from the epoxy composition will be very unpleasant and cause a lot of trouble for the household. Until the grinding stage has come, it is necessary to try on all the details and correct them for yourself, if necessary.
  4. After strengthening, you need to let the parts dry. Make sure all ingredients are solid. Now we use ordinary plaster or plaster for cars. To begin with, you can use construction, and in the last layer after polishing, apply automotive to give additional strength to the product. Start applying plaster to the parts of the suit in several thin layers. Expect each layer to dry well.
  5. Now we use very fine sandpaper and grind all the components. There should be no ugly corners and bulges. All sanding work is also best done outside, because if you do it inside the house, soon all the furniture and carpets will be covered with dust.
  6. When all the material is sanded, you can take the car putty and apply the final layer with it. Wait for it to dry, then reapply the sandpaper. Make sure all details are even.
  7. You can move on to painting. For this, it is desirable to use red, as well as yellow paint in cans. The color is chosen in such a way that it is similar to the color of Ironman.
  8. Tony Stark's reactor on this suit will be much easier to make than on a child's. To do this, just buy a small strip of LEDs and attach a switch with a battery to it. All this must be attached with glue to the hole, which is specially installed on the bib. From above, we cover the reactor with transparent white plastic, which can be obtained by cutting a large water container. Any hardware store has one.
  9. It's time to assemble the costume. In order to fasten all the elements, you must use special tapes that can be bought on the Internet. They are sold in large rolls. Such ribbons can often be seen on bags that are sold for guys. It is these ribbons that they throw over their shoulders. And you will also need a lot of fastexes. These are the connecting elements that help hold the two parts of the suit together. Fasteks are attached to the ribbons. And the tapes themselves must be fastened between the parts with a good glue. The costume should not turn out to be too heavy, and therefore it is quite possible to put it on glue, and the parts should not come off.

Very often, people involved in pepakura are faced with the question of how to make an iron man arm, or rather, junctions. Everyone wants not ordinary fabric to be visible at the folds. For this, corrugated hoses are used, which are cut and inserted into the right places.

And also many questions arise about how to make an iron man helmet. A model is made of paper, after which all the details can be molded from plaster. But with the radiance of the eyes there are problems. To do this, use LEDs and semi-transparent white plastic from bottles. But the backlight can shine strongly into the eyes, and therefore it is better not to use it for a long time.

Ironman costume, which looks just like in the movies, is ready. You can try it on and go to various fan gatherings, such as comic-con or similar meetings.

Attention, only TODAY!

All children love to transform into fairy-tale characters. They play their first acting roles already in kindergarten. Of course, in the dreams of every girl - to become a wonderful princess, and for a boy - a brave knight. But if for the transformation of the baby it will be enough to buy a beautiful and long dress, then in order to “equip for battle” a warrior, you will need a special suit and accessories. The first and, perhaps, the main attribute of all knightly uniforms is a headdress. So, you want to make an original carnival costume for a little boy in a modern way? Then check out one of the many ways to make an iron man helmet. The instruction is given in the form of a step-by-step guide with comments.

What and how to make an iron man helmet: preparation

Before you get started, you need to decide on a few points:

  • for what purpose is it planned to manufacture a headdress;
  • What will the future product look like?
  • what will be its technological and functional characteristics.

If you plan to make part of the costume, for example, for a New Year's party, you should not complicate the work too much. It makes sense to simplify the functionality of the helmet and its manufacturing technology as much as possible. In the case of designing this main component of a superhero costume (photo 1) for participation, for example, in an exhibition of works by older students, a completely different approach is needed. Here, both the appearance and its manufacturability will be of particular importance. This instruction: "How to make an iron man helmet" is presented in the form of a description of the initial stages. Plan further work depending on the desired result, using various raw materials and technologies.

Necessary materials

To make a pattern, use fairly thick landscape paper or whatman paper. Draw lines with a simple pencil. For cutting, you will need a clerical knife, ordinary scissors and small scissors, such as manicure ones (for neat design of corners and recesses). For a simplified version of the helmet, use corrugated cardboard (a store box for products, cosmetics, etc.). Connect all parts with strong and quick-drying glue (such as "Moment") manually or using a special gun. For external design (covering parts and fastening them), you will need adhesive tape of various colors. The iron man's helmet reamer can also be made from a less dense material. This option is used if it is planned to plaster parts and then connect them to each other, for example, with magnets.

Template Assembly

Photo 2 shows the drawings of the Iron Man helmet. The parts of the pattern will, when connected, be located on the following parts of the head:

  1. ear.
  2. Parietal.
  3. Rear.
  4. Chin-cheek.
  5. Nasal.
  6. Frontal.

Knowing this condition, the parts cut out of paper will be easy to assemble into a single product. Photo 1 of the finished helmet will help to distinguish the details, since almost all zones are colored differently and have clear connecting borders with each other. But still, before joining the product into a single whole, arrange the parts in a wide space and mark the gluing points.

We make an iron man helmet from paper or cardboard

To make this headdress voluminous, you need to skillfully arrange the connecting joints. To do this, especially in places of curved lines, make small cuts that will help to give them a convex shape when gluing. Photo 3 clearly demonstrates this stage of work. After assembling all the parts together, paste over with tape of different colors. You can also use colored paper for decoration, which then needs to be covered with transparent adhesive tape. Give your child the opportunity to dream up, creating a creative creation on a modern theme.

Application of complex technologies

Photo 4 shows how to make an iron man helmet from thick paper (drawing paper). If you cover the assembled product from above with a thin layer of gypsum mixture and let it dry, you can get blanks for a more technological model. In this case, in the process of work, you need to think about how all removable or sliding parts will be connected to each other. The simplest and most suitable option for this technology is the use of magnets fixed inside. You can also install rotating hinges in the cheek and chin area to make the front parts moveable. Outwardly, such a modern helmet can turn out to be especially attractive due to the use of a special luminous emulsion when painting. Well, the final stage of work will be the installation of mini-bulbs inside the crafts in the frontal area to illuminate the eye recesses. That's it, the helmet is ready!

This original craft can serve as the basis for creating similar headdresses for other fairy-tale characters. Create, embodying the most unusual fantasies into reality!