Make a pass. How to make a chimney pass through a metal roof for a square and round pipe. Roofing from corrugated board

The chimney is an important part of the roof structure, through which the gases formed as a result of fuel combustion leave the building. In developing a plan for the construction of a private house, the arrangement of a chimney in a metal tile on the roof becomes a necessary component. The passage of a pipe through a metal tile affects the fire safety of the coating, so it is better to purchase all components in specialized stores. The roof should be protected from possible ignition of the wooden elements of the truss system and the crate.

The design of a chimney for metal tiles, in accordance with state standards, is carried out before construction begins. Sometimes there are unforeseen situations when a pipe passes through the roof in a finished house. This happens in cases where the old heating system is being repaired or a new heating system is being installed, the roof is being reinstalled. The output of the chimney through the metal tile can be done on its own, in difficult cases, the chimney masters are invited.

Before you bring the pipe through the roof of the metal, experts determine the location of the future chimney. When searching for a pipe passage on the roof, the following established rules are followed:

  1. The chimney assembly in a metal tile structure must be completely connected to the roof deck. Sealing the pipe is a prerequisite for a correct and successful installation.
  2. On the surface of the area selected on the roof of the metal tile for the exit of the chimney pipe, snow and other precipitation should not accumulate in significant quantities. Additional water pressure on the roof can compromise the integrity of the deck. In addition, excess moisture can cause leakage into the living compartments of the house.
  3. A chimney through a metal roof is not installed next to the attic windows. With strong gusts of wind, it can be difficult to avoid the backflow of carbon monoxide and smoke into the building.

As practice shows, all these requirements are met by a section on a metal tile roof, located near or on the very ridge of the roof. A warm zone, free from the accumulation of condensate, is used to install the chimney chimney. Installing the longest hood, in turn, reduces the negative impact of external atmospheric factors.

If the roof of the building is flat or the crest of the ridge rises to a distance of less than one and a half meters, the brick pipe exceeds the level in height by 50 cm. The ridge, reaching up to three meters, requires installation at the same level with it. With a significant distance to the ridge exceeding the three-meter mark, specialists draw a conditional line to the horizon at an angle of 10 degrees, determining the lifting point for pipe installation. For the construction of the hood, lumber, brick and insulation, waterproofing films are needed.

The mouth of the chimney is covered with a special umbrella made of roofing material to prevent moisture from precipitation. The chimney connected directly to the boiler room is not covered, as this may impede the exhaust of gases.

The cut for access to the roof in the roof pie can be oval and round, as well as rectangular and square.

Square roof outlet

Let's figure out how to make an exit for a chimney that has a square shape. After the pipe is brought to the roof, it is necessary to complete the structure. The main seal, which ensures adhesion to the metal tile coating, has the form of a special apron mounted on the roof slope using metal corners. The installation of this part begins from the bottom wall of the exhaust system, the strips are fixed with an overlap of 10-15 cm, filling the elements with a sealing compound.

From below, a metal plane is laid, along which water flows either into the valley, or to the very end of the cornice strip. A metal tie is made with folds along the edges.

The metal tile is mounted on top of the inner apron, then they proceed to the construction of a decorative finish called the outer apron, the part consists of adjoining slats. Tightness is provided by an insulating film with self-expansion. In order to avoid cracking, experts wrap the brick with a sheet of iron coated with a polymer composition.

Arrangement of a round exit

The main thing in mounting a pipe with a circular cross section is the use of an additional element - a penetration for the roof. It is a sheet of metal on which a rubber or silicone cap is fixed.

The use of modern technologies has made it possible to obtain a universal part that can reliably serve under extraordinary temperature conditions. Certain types of materials withstand temperatures up to - 70 and + 275 degrees Celsius.

The round pipe passes through the cap on the penetration, which is pulled, choosing the desired part, with the ring hole 20% narrower than the section of the chimney pipe. Then the apron is fixed on the roof structure.

Professional roofers usually do not make rigid fixings, since the pipe can expand and contract due to temperature changes. An elastic collar equipped with an insulating gasket is placed at the junction of the pipe and the apron. In this way, the connection maintains the tightness of the roof, and the chimney and the roof are protected from damage.

The arrangement of the chimney is a responsible job, which is usually entrusted to experienced professionals. The safety of the owners of the house, as well as the performance of the furnace, depends on the quality of its implementation. Many owners decide to do this work on their own. It is quite possible. But for this you will need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for arranging such a system. There are a number of nuances of how to make a chimney pass through the roof, which will be discussed in detail later.

Why is it important to remove the chimney correctly?

Many people decide to equip the chimney passage through the roof on their own. This leads to various negative consequences. If the owners of the house do not know the intricacies of this process, they can turn to specialists. Their work requires additional costs. However, experienced builders will do their job well. Wanting to save money, you need to learn all the nuances of this process.

If you lead the chimney through the roof incorrectly, moisture gets into the leaky joints. As a result, all the materials from which the roof is made get wet. Fungus and mold can appear in load-bearing structures. They destroy ceilings and insulation materials. The microclimate in the house can become unhealthy. To extend the life of the roof, it is necessary to create sealed joints.

Wooden structural elements must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants. In some cases, the chimney may rest against the ridge beam. It will need to make a recess. On both sides, the beam is mounted on racks.

To create a chimney passage through the roof with your own hands, you need to mount a metal apron on the roof. With one edge, it should go onto the surface of the chimney at a level of 30 cm, which protrudes above the level of the roof. The second edge is brought under the roofing material in the place where the cut was made. This option is suitable for those pipes that are at a certain distance from the ridge.

If the chimney exits close to the top beam, then a metal apron will need to be brought under the ridge element. On the pipe itself, the steel sheet must be inserted into the strobe. It is made in advance. It is fixed with straps. Also, the entire system is carefully sealed with special insulating compounds.

If the width of the chimney from the side that is parallel to the ridge beam is more than 80 cm, it will be necessary to make a slope. This situation occurs when pipes from the stove, fireplace, ventilation are combined in one pipe. To protect the joint between the pipe and the roof, it is necessary to make a visor. It will divert water and snow to the sides. It is better to entrust this work to professionals, since in this case the master must have considerable experience.

Finished adapter block

The passage of the chimney through the roof in a bathhouse or other building can be sealed using a special adapter. It is used if the chimney is round and made of ceramic or metal. There are a huge number of ready-made nodes for creating a chimney passage for sale. Forms of such products may be different. On sale you can find nodes of oval, round, square or rectangular configuration.

The choice of design option depends on the material from which the roofing and rafter system are made, as well as the diameter of the chimney, the angle of inclination of the slopes. Also, the height of the attic space affects the choice of a finished node. Take into account the material of the floors in the house.

Manufacturers produce walk-through structures that consist of 2 parts. These are metal rings and flanging. If such products are smelted from ferrous metals, the wall thickness should be from 1 to 3 mm. Rings consist of 2 contours. Each of them is insulated with basalt material. This eliminates the possibility of fire in the presence of a heated pipe.

The metal from which the transition assembly is made is coated with a protective enamel. This avoids the development of corrosion. Enamel withstands high temperatures (up to +600ºС). Sometimes the penetration is made of stainless steel. The cost of such products will be much higher.

The chimney passage assembly through a soft roof or other materials can be universal. It is made from aluminium. The flange has a cone-shaped corrugation made of silicone. Several standard sizes of such products are on sale. This allows you to choose a ready-made adapter for a pipe of the appropriate size. The top of the corrugation can be cut off so that the pipe can pass through its hole. In this case, the flange is treated with a sealant. It is attached to the roof with screws. They are usually supplied as a set.

If the roof is made of embossed materials that do not allow fixing with self-tapping screws, you have to attach the system to the crate. For this, long dowels are used. This, for example, may be required if the crawl is made of reinforced concrete. It should be noted that the type of roofing material to a large extent affects the procedure for arranging the chimney exit.

sandwich chimney

On what material the roof is covered, the features of the arrangement of the passage of the chimney pipe depend. Most often, the owners of the house choose ondulin, metal tiles, corrugated board, etc. for finishing slopes. It is also often necessary to make a chimney pass through a soft roof.

Sandwich chimneys have gained particular popularity today. They are distinguished by ease of installation, high-quality construction, durability and safety in operation. The outer body of such a pipe is made of a sheet of metal. It has a beautiful sheen. Such pipes are almost always round in shape. Therefore, for the passage through the roof of a sandwich chimney, ready-made passage elements are most often chosen. They are of two types. Most often, elastic transitional structures are purchased. If the owners do not like how a shiny pipe is combined with a similar design, they may prefer a metal transition node.

Elastic adapters are made from a flexible polymer that is resistant to elevated temperatures. The flange (lower element) of the structure is made of a flexible material. Therefore, it can be easily installed both on flat roof slopes and on a surface covered with metal tiles with high waves. The passage through the roof of a sandwich chimney will be the easiest to perform correctly using a similar design. The flange is fixed with self-tapping screws or special studs.

The advantage of elastic adapters for sandwich chimneys and other types of pipes is their low cost. At the same time, installation does not cause difficulties. It will be much more difficult to make a mistake in this case. The kit comes with detailed installation instructions.

The joints during installation are lubricated with a special heat-resistant sealant. They process the place where the pipe comes from, as well as the joint between the flange and the roof. When the sealant dries, you will need to screw the adapter with bolts. To do this, pre-drill holes in the lower flange ring.

Soft roof

The creation of a chimney passage through a roof made of flexible tiles is carried out according to a certain technique. First you need to drill a sufficient hole in the roof. A pipe will come out through it. Often the roof does not have powerful beams to fix the system. In this case, you need to purchase a prefabricated passage. It consists of two parts. This reduces the load on the floor.

Two prefabricated parts are attached with self-tapping screws, first from the inside of the roof. Outside, you need to glue a special rubber material with ordinary silicone to create a seal.

Next, you need to mount a non-combustible insulation. To do this, purchase mineral wool in rolls. With the help of basalt or fiberglass, they fill the space between the prefabricated structure and the chimney pipe. During installation, make sure that the mineral wool does not cover the rubber seal.

Roof cutting is supplied with the prefabricated passage. Its fixation occurs with the help of self-tapping screws. This option is ideal when creating a passage through the roof of the chimney from a sandwich pipe. Roof cutting allows you to protect the system from water penetration. There are many varieties of such structures. They differ in the method of execution, material and angle of inclination.

As a rule, the slope of such structures is from 15 to 55º. The choice depends on the angle of the roof. If the material for its decoration is soft rolled varieties of materials, metal cutting can be used. Also, with this method of installation, structures that have self-adhesive tape for high-quality adjoining of the system to the roof are quite suitable.

Tiles and ondulin

The passage of the chimney through the roof can be done independently even if the coating is made of tiles. In this case, the chimney is in most cases lined with bricks. In this case, you will need to perform the work with special diligence. In this case, corrugated, as well as self-adhesive sheet lead or aluminum can be used to finish the chimney.

The listed materials are sold in the form of rolls. On the one hand, they are covered with a special adhesive composition. The reverse side of such a sheet is covered with a foil of the listed metals. This design allows you to protect the chimney from mechanical damage, as well as prevent water from leaking after rain or snowfall into the house.

Another popular option for roofing is ondulin. He has a lot of positive qualities. It is also sometimes called euroslate. It does not contain asbestos. Therefore, it is classified as an environmentally friendly material. However, its disadvantage is insufficient heat resistance. The temperature limit to which this material can be exposed is 110°C. Therefore, the creation of a passage through the roof is approached very responsibly. Making it is quite difficult. However, with certain knowledge, even a novice master can cope with this task.

It is also worth saying that ondulin not only does not withstand high temperatures, but can also ignite. Therefore, for your own safety, you need to know how to properly make a passage in a roof with a similar finish. It will be necessary to cut an opening in the roof much wider than the diameter of the pipe. This increases the likelihood of leaks.

To prevent negative consequences, a metal or silicone passage through the roof for the chimney is used. Be sure to mount the roof cutting. Also in the design there is always a metal apron. The cutting angle is chosen in accordance with the position of the roof slopes. The ends of the cutting during installation are inserted under the nearby sheets of ondulin.


If you want to create a chimney passage through a corrugated roof, most often the owners of the house purchase a sandwich pipe. This is the most reliable, easy-to-install option. The corrugated board is combined with such a design perfectly. To install the chimney, make markings on the roofing.

Next, using a grinder, you will need to cut a hole. It is necessary to retreat from the intended contour a few centimeters deep. The hole in this case will decrease slightly. This circumstance must be taken into account in the design calculations. At the same time, you need to be very careful. There should be no nicks in the material.

When the hole is created, you need to make small cuts in the corners of the hole. Thanks to this action, the material with which the outer side of the ramp is trimmed can be bent up. Further, creating a chimney passage through the corrugated roofing, it will be necessary to cut holes through the ceilings. The hole should be similar to the mark made earlier.

After that, it will be possible to mount a metal box. It additionally protects the roof from overheating. A sandwich pipe is passed through this box. Further, a layer of mineral wool is inserted into the space between the chimney and the roofing material. You can also pour expanded clay. After that, a silicone seal is put on the pipe. It must be carefully glued to the corrugated board.

These manipulations allow you to create an airtight assembly. Water will not seep through it into the house.

metal tile

The passage of the chimney through the roof of metal is created using a standard external cutting. The pipe in this case is often made of brick. First, above the roof slope, you need to equip the inner apron. It must be mounted even before the roof is sheathed with metal tiles. The inner apron will need to be ditched. This structural element is made of galvanized steel. The sheet may or may not be coated.

To make a chimney pass through a metal roof, you will need to attach a steel profile to the pipe wall. It marks the upper edge of the apron. A grinder makes a strobe along the marking line. It is washed with water to remove construction dust.

Installation of the inner apron begins with its lower part. In the right places, the steel profile is cut. This element must be installed in its intended place. Next, it is cut. The apron is installed in the prepared place. It is firmly pressed to the base. In this case, the upper part must exactly match the previously created strobe.

Further, the system is fixed with self-tapping screws. They are screwed through the bottom of the inside of the apron. They must pass through the wooden elements of the roof structure. In the same way, the side and top parts of the apron are mounted. They must be at least 15 cm in size.

Apron sealing

When creating a chimney passage through the roof, which was covered with metal tiles, it is necessary to seal the inner apron. To do this, the edge that was inserted into the strobe is treated with a heat-resistant sealant.

A tie is wound under the bottom edge of the apron. It is a flat sheet designed to drain water. It is directed to the valley or down to the very eaves. You need to make a side along the edge of the tie. This can be done with pliers.

When the inner apron is installed, you can mount the outer protective screen. It is installed on the same principle as the inner apron. Only its upper edge will not sink into the strobe. It should seal the joint. For this, a special composition is used that is not afraid of high heat.

Having considered the features of arranging the passage of the chimney through the roof, you can create a high-quality system with your own hands. Water will not seep through it after snow or rain. The chimney will perform the tasks assigned to it correctly, it will not quickly become covered with soot inside. The operation of stove heating will be safe and efficient.

To achieve a visual expansion of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, designers use a popular technique by creating an additional passage. Each person who is familiar with the technical rules and has building skills can make such an opening in the wall on their own.

Why and how is a doorway made?

In some apartments, redevelopment is done to create free space, which includes:

  • door transfer;
  • window extension;
  • an increase in the archway.

How to make a doorway so that there are no catastrophic consequences? This question worries the owners of their own apartments. The answer is the same. It is necessary to know the technology of construction and have construction experience.

If you make a passage without complying with regulatory requirements, you can destroy both the wall and the house.

Strengthening the passage in the bearing wall

What to look out for

The cost of creating a passage depends on the performer of the work. If you do this work yourself, you can save a lot, but you will have to answer for the wrong actions yourself. You should consider your choice so that you do not regret it later.

Gather complete information before starting work. Learn how to make a hole in the wall. It is necessary to take into account several factors:

  • wall material;
  • opening width;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • cracks;
  • bends;
  • potholes.

You need to find out how the floors are located and what type they are. Such information will be needed to calculate the strengthening of the passage, if for this it was necessary to disassemble the load-bearing wall. The opening made must have reliable jumpers so that the collapse of the building does not happen. A suitable material for this is a steel channel.

Dismantling the wall under the doorway

If the wall is made of bricks

How to make an opening in a brick wall to avoid catastrophic consequences? According to the technology, you must first remove a couple of bricks from the masonry. Before starting the disassembly of a large section, a jumper is first installed that will hold the wall. The thickness of such a reinforcing structure is 12 cm.

If you need to cut a hole above the passage to install the jumper, strobes are made above the ceiling of the future opening with a depth equal to the width of the corner. The length of the strobe is greater than the width of the opening. The calculation is based on the length of one brick.

To obtain a secure fit, the inserted corners must be well secured. Gaps are made in the corner and wall, where fixing bolts are inserted to tie the corner.

Strengthening the opening in a brick wall

How to work with a concrete wall?

When the brick is removed, the corners are fastened together with steel strips welded to the shelves. After that, the fastener is removed. Reinforcement of the vertical is done with the help of channels welded to the jumper, which creates one structure.

You can move a doorway in a brick wall by following the technology described above. It is necessary to follow the sequence of operations and install reinforcing jumpers in advance.

This kind of work takes a lot of time. You can't do everything quickly. Unlike a brick wall, a doorway is cut here without installing lintels. The concrete panel is made in one piece, so it does not require additional support.

When the passage is disassembled, reinforcement is made. According to the thickness of the opening, a channel is selected, which serves as a frame for the upper crossbar. It will support the vertical walls of the opening.

concrete cutting

Working with reinforced concrete wall

Concrete walls are made load-bearing. Therefore, how to make an opening in such a reinforced concrete wall so as not to destroy the building is indicated in the regulatory documents. It is important to make the correct calculation of the reinforcing frame. It is better not to do such work yourself in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Such changes to the supporting structure require special permission. It is necessary to submit a work plan and drawings of the future redevelopment of the premises. Even the smallest nuances are taken into account in the documents. Only in this case, you can count on the approval of the work by the architectural organization. After obtaining permission, work can begin.

First, the marking of the future passage is done. And it should be done on both sides of the wall. To make the lines match, grooves are drilled in the corners of the wall, and, starting from them, marking lines are drawn. Then holes are drilled along the perimeter of the opening, in increments of 30 mm.

For processing concrete walls, it is desirable to have diamond saws. They easily cope with the concrete surface. Without them, such work will require a lot of time and become laborious.

In a broken wall, a strapping of the opening is made. To do this, use a metal channel. You can install corners that are pre-welded to each other.

Channel reinforcement of the opening

Installing a doorway in a new location

It is easier to move the doorway if it is an interior wall. It is not a carrier, so every apartment owner knows how to move a doorway. You can do without complex calculations and carry out dismantling without fear that the integrity of the building will be damaged.

Overlapping is made from a variety of materials:

  • bricks;
  • drywall;
  • concrete.

Making a passage in such a wall is easy. You can cut it out, or you can knock it out.

Before starting work, markup is done. The contours of the opening are drawn on the wall. And it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the door frame. Therefore, the contour must have a few centimeters of margin. In the future, this will help to easily install the door.

To cut an opening, you will need a grinder and a diamond blade. Just do not try to immediately cut the entire opening. Divide the site into several fragments, cut through each one in turn.

You can knock out the opening with a heavy sledgehammer. But before starting work, perforate the wall in increments of 5 cm. The wall will break only along the borders.

Shift doorway

In the case of low material strength, the opening is necessarily reinforced with a jumper. If this is not done, it may collapse. Jumper material can be:

  • wooden beam;
  • metal corner;
  • channel.

To get started, you must first make a gap into which to insert the jumper and fix it. She won't let the wall collapse.

Fill the old opening with bricks. Sometimes a frame is made in this unnecessary passage and sheathed with drywall. The free space is filled with mineral wool. This results in an excellent level of sound isolation.

Remember that a passage in a load-bearing wall cannot be made without the appropriate permission. It is better to invite professionals to perform such work. They will make the necessary calculations and do the job quickly and efficiently.

You can learn about how openings are made in load-bearing walls from the video presented.

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One of the most problematic stages of organizing ventilation or a chimney is their passage through the roof surface. In this matter, there are individual features of the installation of a chimney or ventilation pipe, which depend primarily on the material from which the ceiling and the roof itself are made. We will learn more about how to make ventilation with your own hands and how to properly run a chimney through the roof.

Do-it-yourself ventilation of a private house - characteristics and features

At the stage of designing a private brick house, ventilation is arranged directly in the walls. In this case, the ventilation outlet is carried out through the roof. Thus, there is always fresh air in the room, and there is no fungus and mold on the walls.

If the natural ventilation in the room does not work well enough, then forced exhaust is used to supplement it. However, it will not be required when arranging a competent ventilation hole on the roof. The level of ventilation in the room directly depends on the height of the pipe installed in the house. Incorrectly equipped risers in ventilation shafts above the roof lead to the appearance of such unpleasant situations:

  • since the ventilation ducts are unevenly combined, the smell from the bathroom and kitchen enters the bedroom;
  • insufficiently long pipe leads to a decrease in the performance of the ventilation system;
  • the wrong place for installing the pipe on the roof leads to a reverse and incorrect operation of the hood;
  • the lack of proper insulation of the ventilation pipe leads to freezing of the channels.

Modern types of roofs are characterized by a complex configuration and construction in the form of a roofing pie. Therefore, to conduct a ventilation pipe through the roof, you need to work hard. In case of poor-quality installation work, damage to the rafters and battens may occur. In the place where the cover is installed on the vent, gaps often appear through which rainwater enters the attic. Therefore, in order to maintain the tightness of the roof, during installation work, it is necessary to use special elements of the through passage.

Ventilation outlet by hand: design work on the planning of passages

You need to start working on the ventilation system at home with the preparation of a project or drawing, which describes in detail all the passages of the ventilation shafts. It is recommended that ventilation pipes be removed from all rooms in which hoods are located and connected together. The central pipe brings air outside through the roof. However, in this case, it is necessary to install special valves to prevent back draft. Otherwise, air from the kitchen will enter through the vents into the bedroom.

When installing ventilation ducts on a new roof, it is much easier to install a pipe than on a roof that is already equipped. Ventilation passages are installed on the roof to perform the following functions:

  • for ventilation of rooms inside the house;
  • as sewer pipes;
  • for ventilation of the under-roof space in the attic.

In addition, in some cases, television antennas and chimneys are carried through the roof. The final top element on the air duct system is in the form of a previously constructed section of pipe, which is called a ventilation outlet.

A technologically correctly installed ventilation pipe is the key to a high-quality exit of air from the room to the outside, while water leaks under the roof in this case are unacceptable.

There are ready-made kits for bringing ventilation ducts through the roof. They are particularly sealed. There are two options for such kits in relation to the materials from which the roof is made. They allow you to quickly and efficiently bring the ventilation pipe through the roof, without losing its attractiveness. In addition, these sets have a function to prevent dust and dirt from entering the ventilation duct from the outside.

The dimensions of the ventilation passage are determined strictly individually and depend on the individual characteristics of the house, the number of rooms, the material from which the roof is made, etc. The cross section of the pipes for organizing the hood is either round or rectangular or square.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in a private house scheme

The simplest ventilation passage mechanisms consist of a steel pipe, which is installed in the vent and fixed with a reinforced concrete or metal cup. At the same time, the roofing passage has a valve for closing the hole and a ring inside which condensate collects.

The lower part of the pipe is connected to an outlet type duct, a deflector or a simple protective umbrella is installed on the upper part of the assembly. In some cases, mineral wool is used to insulate pipes, in which case it is necessary to ensure its high-quality waterproofing, since this material is unstable to moisture.

The previous do-it-yourself ventilation arrangement is outdated. State-of-the-art ventilation duct kits are characterized by their versatility, aesthetic appeal and ease of installation. Among the advantages of installing ventilation ducts from the manufacturer, we highlight:

  • for the manufacture of the pipe, two material options are used - galvanized steel inside, and lightweight polypropylene outside;
  • a reliable conductor is used to fix the output elements, exactly repeating the shape of the pipe;

  • the value of the pipe height is determined individually, depending on the optimal length of the ventilation duct;
  • in order to prevent the appearance of ice plugs, heat-insulating material is installed on the pipe;
  • in some cases, an electric fan is mounted on a pipe;
  • the presence of a cap prevents the ingress of debris and moisture into the ventilation pipes.

Some manufacturers do not include inlet elements in the package, they must be purchased separately. Please note that the passage should match the shape of the previously equipped hole for it.

With the help of passage elements, it is possible to quickly install the ventilation pipe. These works are carried out both at the stage of the construction of the roof, and on the finished roof. These elements provide high-quality sealing and stable ventilation of a private house with their own hands. At the same time, ready-made kits speed up installation work at least twice.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the house

In addition to the main ventilation pipe, an additional aerator is installed on the roof. Its main function is to prevent the formation of condensate under the roof in the winter season. This ventilation part is easy to operate. Air naturally moves through it. Through a special hole, air is supplied to the eaves, and the aerator provides its output to the outside. A special cover protects the aerator from snow or rain.

Particular attention in the process of organizing ventilation in a private house with your own hands should be paid to the place where the ventilation pipe is attached to the roof. It is recommended to equip the pipe directly above the riser, so that the ventilation will be most efficient. If there are still bends in the system, then an adapter for their corrugations is used to arrange them. On pitched roofs, it is recommended to install a ventilation duct next to the ridge. This method of pipe installation allows most of the pipe to be installed under the roof, and its short part will easily withstand the wind.

In addition, pay special attention to the ventilation shafts located above the roof. If they are located low in relation to the roof, then this leads to a decrease in traction. The minimum value of the pipe in relation to the roof is half a meter. For a flat roof, this value is tripled.

A properly installed ventilation pipe must be in optimal proportion to the wind load. Otherwise, the wind support will block the ventilation.

Ventilation by hands

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for installing a ventilation duct on a roof trimmed with metal tiles. This technology is also used for other roofing options, however, with some adjustments.

Instructions for arranging ventilation:

1. Decide where to mount the vent. For this, it is recommended to draw up a drawing of the ventilation system in advance.

2. On the top of the roof, make a drawing according to the template that comes with the instructions for the kit. If there is no template, then the diameter of the drawing must exactly match the diameter of the pipe that passes through it.

3. Cutting a hole is done with a chisel or metal shears. The same is done in the lower parts of the roofing cake in the form of heat and waterproofing materials.

4. In relation to the template, you need to drill holes for mounting self-tapping screws. Remove water and dirt from the surface of the metal tile, degrease that part of the roof that is located near the installation of the pipe.

5. Sealant is applied to the bottom of the gasket. The gasket is placed in place of its installation. The passage part of the ventilation system is fixed on the gasket; use self-tapping screws to fix it. Most often, they come with the main set.

6. A pipe is installed inside the passage element, without fail its verticality is checked using a level. Watch the tightness of the installation of the passage element both in the attic and on the roof.

The inlet pipe must be firmly pressed against the gasket so that the sealant is squeezed out of it. To protect the pipe from precipitation and debris, a special protective cover is installed on it.

Do-it-yourself ventilation installation technology in the cellar

The presence of properly organized ventilation in the cellar provides comfortable conditions for storing various food products in it. There are ready-made kits for organizing the ventilation system. However, it is much cheaper to build ventilation with your own hands.

In order to equip the simplest ventilation hood in the basement, you will need two pipes. One of them will perform the function of the hood, and the second - an element for the influx of fresh air. Thus, it is possible to organize optimal natural air exchange.

There are two options for organizing ventilation - forced and natural. The second way is cheaper, but less effective. For forced ventilation, I mount additional fans and hoods on the pipes, which improve air circulation.

In order to ensure high-quality circulation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the cross-section of pipes and determine the place of their installation. The exhaust type pipe is located in the lower part of the room, next to the products. The supply pipe is installed closer to the ceiling of the cellar. In this case, both pipes are brought out. The exhaust pipe needs to be insulated.

To increase the efficiency of the hood, various types of deflectors are used. These devices not only protect the device from precipitation, but also improve their traction. The supply pipe is equipped with a grate that protects it from rodents and insects. As pipes for organizing ventilation, polyethylene or asbestos-cement varieties are used. The first option is distinguished by a long service life, easily tolerates temperature changes and moisture, is quickly installed and has a low weight. Asbestos pipes are used less often, because of their severity, the duration of installation and instability in front of precipitation.

In order to improve ventilation in the cellar, it is especially important for large rooms. Hoods and fans are installed on the pipes. Duct fans are installed directly inside the pipe. Axial fans are mounted on the end of the pipe. The choice of one or another option should be justified by the operational characteristics, power and performance of the devices.