Answer the rules of the game in 5 seconds. Who will be interested

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We in the company love to play board games. Who is also interested in this topic links to other games at the end of the review.

Today I will write board game review answer in 5 seconds.

  1. Appearance.
  2. What to do?
  3. Price?
  4. Where can I buy?

Unfortunately, not all online stores on the games themselves have information on what to do in the toy itself. And often sellers don't know either. And you stand, go online and look for reviews to read what to do. But the reviews are sometimes uninformative, small and with poor photo quality.

When will stores install terminals with information on each game? By the way, now a new type of profession is a content manager - adding information to a site, making a video, but not all companies can afford to have such a creative person.

1. Appearance.

Pretty big box.

Opening the box, inside:

Cards with card box;

playing field;

Funny stopwatch with the sound "peep" (gurgle);

Rules of the game;

For the company;

For family gatherings; True, I have not yet met parents playing with children.

For two; Well, it’s not all the same to arrange romantic evenings))

You can play with two.

The information on the game is not correct, two can also play.

2. What to do?

To put it simply, we take out a card, read it out. Another player at this time turns over the spiral gurgling clock. And you need to give 3 answers to the question. If it fails, then the move moves to another. But you can’t repeat the answers that have been given, but you want to madness.

Who answered, he moves the chip. Or they all stand still.

The card is removed on the back.

There are cards with a yellow background, there are with a red one. There are additional cards, but we play without them. The field seems very small, but it is not. Because it is not always possible to give 3 answers and move forward.

Examples of questions from cards:

Name 3 offensive words; 3 writers? 3 cars with the letter "M"? 3 national flags that have red on them? 3 celebrity kids? 3 types of pepper?

3. Cost.

The board game "answer in 5 seconds" costs about 2000 rubles.

Do you want a free board game "answer in 5 seconds"? Ask your loved ones to buy it for you. You can search a little cheaper on the free classifieds boards, but not everyone plays.

4. Where to buy?

Auchan store; Recently I saw her there, at a price of about 2000 rubles.

Internet shops;


There are videos on the Internet, for example, Sasha Boroda. True, he is burry, but who is not embarrassed by this fact. His rollers are cool.

The game is international, many people know it all over the world.

Sometimes there are different competitions in magazines on the Internet, so I would really like to see such a desktop toy given as a gift.

By the way, you can use it on various shows, in programs, a children's version in programs for children. Because in 5 seconds this can be given out by a person, and a person with humor answers in a funny way.

My husband to the question: name 3 bridges, he answered: cast-iron, wooden, reinforced concrete. Although probably it was necessary to name the famous bridges in the world)))

Card game "Lamp Ilyich"; - review . Do you know what Newton's cradle, Bachmann knot, Venturi tube are? And I know. Because Ilyich's Light Bulb was playing.

Card game "Why meter"? - review. A game for two, for a company. Where to buy cheaper? You get smarter.

Cytometer. The game of someone else's mind. - review . Do you know the phrases of great people? What to play together or with a group? The citometer is the answer.

The game Answer in 5 seconds is popular not only in Russia. Few people know, but the game originally appeared in America. Its original name is 5 second rule.

By the way, this funny game has a lot of various awards and prizes. + answer in five seconds is recognized as one of the most popular games in the world. Perhaps the competition is only. Now 5 second rule is available in many languages ​​of the world, including Russian. So, the game answer in 5 seconds download without registration and SMS.

Game answer in 5 seconds: download cards for free and without registration

I propose to download for free and without registration (not a torrent) colored cards for the game (red cards and yellow cards), detailed rules in Russian, the playing field. The format is zip. The quality is good (scanned, but printed normally). Can be printed on A4 sheets (color printing only). File size: 21 mb. Checked: no viruses.

Answer in five seconds: rules

Each player draws a card. Only 2 types of cards - yellow (questions are simpler) and red (questions are more difficult). After that, you “turn on” a special clock with a spiral. You have exactly 5 seconds to answer 3 questions. Do not worry: everything is very simple, there should be enough time! What questions does the game offer? For example, “your favorite actress”, “your favorite websites”, “3 dishes that you know how to cook”. There are a lot of cards. Therefore, it makes no sense to list all the questions. By the way, each participant has several special cards. If you suddenly cannot answer, you can pass questions to a neighbor or simply replace them.

Game answer in 5 seconds: what is included in the set

  • 385 cards (two-sided);
  • 12 special cards for replacing questions;
  • 12 special cards for the transfer of the question;
  • Chips for playing different colors (6);
  • Box for cards;
  • Special watch with a spiral (make a funny gurgling sound);
  • Large and bright playing field;
  • Game rules in Russian.

Game Answer in 5 seconds price

  • Price in Russia: from 1500 rubles (usually free delivery);
  • Price in Ukraine: from 540 UAH. (excluding shipping costs);
  • Price in Belarus: from 85 rub. (+ delivery);
  • Price in other CIS countries: from 23$ (without delivery).
  • You have a party, and the guests are depressed and sit in the corners? A fun toy "Answer in 5 seconds" will solve this problem!
  • The game will not only make you laugh, but also demonstrate the full power of your erudition;
  • Answer in 5 seconds” is a universal party game for children and adults.

A game "Answer in 5 seconds" fun and unpredictable. It is an ideal option for lovers of companionable and fast games. You have three questions and only five seconds to answer!

Game progress

In order for the participants to get the maximum pleasure from the gameplay and not be distracted by anything, its rules are extremely simplified.

So, the participant, who is on the right side of the active player, takes out a card from the box, reads the question aloud and turns the timer over. The task of the active player is to have time to correctly answer three questions. He has five seconds! The questions in the game are varied. For example, to name three brands of tea, three things that need to be ironed, three works of Pushkin - it can do anything!

The player has the opportunity not to answer the question - in this case, he needs to use a special card ("Transfer" or "Replacement"). If the player does not have time to answer three questions, his chip remains in the same position and the move passes to the next participant. The next player must answer the same question within five seconds. The difficulty lies in the fact that the repetition of the previous answers is unacceptable.

Purpose of the game

The participant "Answer in 5 seconds", whose chip first falls on the "Finish" cell, becomes the winner.

Who is this game for?

The game "Answer in 5 seconds" is intended for a friendly large company. You can easily take the board game with you on the road or to a party.

Questions are of two complexity: simpler - yellow, complex - red. This means that you can play it with children, the whole family.

What are special cards for?

The set contains special cards that provide the opportunity to replace any question (this can be done twice per game) or pass it on to a neighbor.

What is included in the play set?

Inside the game box you will find:

  • Double-sided question cards (385 pieces, that is, 770 questions in total);
  • Question replacement cards (12 pieces);
  • Question transfer cards (12 pieces);
  • Chips of different colors (6 pieces);
  • Box for cards;
  • Gurgling spiral clock;
  • Playing field with danger zone markers (for an incorrect answer, you will have to step back);
  • Russian-language rules of the game.

"Answer in 5 Seconds" is an excellent localization of the well-known game "5 Second Rule" in the USA and Europe. This board can boast of numerous medals and awards. In addition, huge sales around the world testify to much.

Board games that came to us from Europe are increasingly gaining popularity among the Russian population. And this is not surprising, because they are quite affordable, fun and informative way of spending leisure time not only in a close family circle, but also in a friendly company of colleagues, friends and acquaintances.

Board games are quite compact, which allows you to take them with you on a trip. You can not only pass the time on the road with them, but also get to know them at ease and learn more about your fellow travelers in a playful atmosphere.

"Answer in 5 Seconds" is a hit game that is very popular in the US and many European countries.

What is included

Board game set “Answer in 5 seconds”

When you open the box, you will find:

  • a special box for storing game cards
  • 385 question cards printed on both sides. Thus, the game consists of 770 questions relating to various areas of life.
  • 24 special cards: 12 with the possibility of replacing the question and 12 with passing it to another player.
  • 6 multi-colored game chips
  • Playing field with start, finish and danger zones
  • Detailed rules of the game and a spiral clock that counts the time.

The rules of the game are available on the button DOWNLOAD after article

The board game "Answer in 5 Seconds" has some features. For example, special cards: transfer and replacement. Each player for the entire game has 2 opportunities, thanks to these cards, to refuse the question or pass it on to the next participant. Using a special card, she goes to the discard pile.

The timer is presented in the form of an interesting plastic piece, inside which balls roll down like a snake. Each movement is accompanied by a funny sound, and when the balls speed up and there is no time left for a response, you will hear a special sound. Yes, this is done for one purpose - to distract you from the question, to make you nervous and confused in the answers. However, this feature is an excellent training ability to concentrate on important things, and not pay attention to external stimuli.

Here you can give advice: do not watch or listen to the game timer. All that matters to you is the question and the answers to it. Everything else is vanity.

Who will be interested

The maximum number of participants in the game "Answer in 5 seconds" is 6 people. Will you have a big company? It's okay, break into teams. So the gameplay will become even more reckless and exciting.

You can play it with a small family circle, along with children. Such joint leisure will strengthen relationships, and help develop erudition and enrich your child's knowledge base.

Such a board game can be an excellent original gift option for a cheerful, active and positive person.

Bonus: Mosigra has a children's version of this game that contains more appropriate questions for children (ages 3-6).

Video review

Quick simple and very fun quiz

Name three writers! Three cars on "m"! Three freshwater fish. Three brands of tea. Three hobbies. Three works of Pushkin! For each answer, you have exactly 5 seconds - just as many small iron balls roll in a spiral clock. If you manage to give three answers, you move forward across the field. If you don't make it, you stay where you are.

Ouch! Why are the clocks ticking?

Because there is a special thing inside that makes a very funny sound when turned over. And when the balls roll down quickly, they make a special sound. In general, if you look at your watch, you will get excited and will not be able to answer. Therefore, it is better to give an answer without looking at them.

Just say what comes to your mind

Three wishes that you make to a goldfish! Three favorite actresses! Three of your favorite sites! (be careful not to fall asleep). Questions on different areas of knowledge are often interspersed with personal ones - and this way you can learn more about each other in the company.

Can you play with children?

Yes, there are two types of questions - yellow ones are easier on average, red ones are more difficult. We have tested the game at different game libraries and we can say for sure that both families and fun adult companies like it.

What are the special cards in the set?

Any question can be replaced (you have two such opportunities per game) or transferred to a neighbor. That's what special cards are for.

When should you choose "Answer in 5 Seconds"?

  • For a small party or celebration. By the way, if there are more people, it's not scary - you can play in teams of 2 people, it's even more fun.
  • In the family, play with dad and children.
  • Home to play when the guests arrive.
  • On the road (you should take a watch and cards with you, and leave a voluminous field).
  • A gift for a happy person.

How famous is the game in the world?

"Answer in 5 Seconds" is a good localization of the famous "5 Second Rule", a hit game in many European countries and the USA. This board has a lot of awards and medals - and huge sales around the world speak for themselves. In general, we recommend.

What's included?

  • 385 double-sided question cards (770 questions per game).
  • 12 question transfer cards.
  • 12 question replacement cards.
  • 6 player pieces of different colors.
  • Box for cards.
  • A playing field with danger zone markers (where you go back for a wrong answer).
  • Spiral gurgling clock.
  • games in Russian (you already know them).

Turn on subtitles.

English video about how Jennifer Lopez plays Answer in 5 seconds live on TV

Other games in the series:


" Hello! We bought the game for an adult company - for gatherings in the country - we doubted for a long time - in the end, we were very satisfied !!!) We had fun and laughed heartily !!!) I recommend it to everyone! »


"Great game for all ages! We played as adults, with children from 5 to 10 years old, here you can appoint a leader who can monitor the complexity of the questions and select simpler ones for small children, more difficult ones for adults, and this is very convenient and easy! »

I take it with me everywhere, but without a field, only cards and a timer. Played on three continents for sure, a killer thing. The main thing is to play not by the rules, but answered, did not answer, simplifying to the utmost. Good for a birthday, tried several times. Once on the beach, it's perfect. Everywhere is played.

Sergey Abdulmanov, Head of Marketing

Very versatile which is a plus. I've seen seven-year-olds play it with eighty-year-olds. You can play for everyone. When I worked in a store, and there was a line at the checkout, I would invite people to play. And not boring, and many immediately bought it. With this game, you can still start trainings, where there are a lot of squeezed people.

Maxim Polovtsev, developer

One of the most loved games. A versatile party starter. Easy to explain, very simple rules, very difficult to play - when there is little time, the head works in a completely different way.

Dmitry Kibkalo, developer, founder of Mosigra

A very unusual quiz that does not require any knowledge from you. And you can fool everyone. There is a card “Three famous men with a mustache”, you can answer “three musketeers”. It's cool when you can think of breaking the mold a bit and getting others to do the same.

Ivan Maslihin, Moscow coordinator