We choose metal-plastic windows - tips and tricks. Plastic and metal-plastic windows: which ones to choose? Interior doors made of plastic with a metal base

Modern window manufacturers offer customers a wide range of translucent structures with different characteristics, operating parameters and external design features. Buyers are often lost in a variety of options, not knowing by what criteria to compare models, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Windows from are the most popular today, but not all customers know that there are two categories of these structures, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

What is the difference between plastic and metal-plastic windows

Ordinary plastic windows are structures, the frame and sashes of which are made of PVC profile without the addition of additional reinforcing elements. This type of windows has average strength and durability, but is beneficial for the budget due to the ease of manufacture and the relatively low cost of the finished product.

Metal-plastic windows do not outwardly differ from simple PVC products, however, if you look at such a profile in a section, the presence of an important additional detail will open to your eyes - an internal metal liner -. The internal metal framework increases durability and reliability of a design. It is made of steel with an anti-corrosion coating, placed inside the frame and sash chambers around the entire perimeter. The reinforcing frame can be closed - with a sectional shape in the form of a quadrangle or open - with a section resembling the shape of the letters G or P. The thickness of the steel plate, as a rule, is 1.2 -1.5 mm and depends on what load the structure must withstand . The main requirements for the quality of the material and the method of installing the frame are set out in GOST 30674-99, which is valid throughout the Russian Federation.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic and metal-plastic windows

plastic windows

The advantages of plastic windows include their low cost (compared to reinforced counterparts) and low weight. These window systems are available to most consumers and perform their functions well for a certain period of time. The light weight of non-reinforced profile windows allows them to be installed on balconies, producing minimal reinforcement of the parapet.

However, as mentioned above, plastic windows without a reinforcing metal frame are less durable. Most manufacturing plants guarantee 20-30 years of serviceability of such structures when used under normal conditions. A heavy load is constantly placed on the profile: in addition to its own weight, it holds a heavy double-glazed window that can weigh up to 80 kg.

It is worth noting that even the highest quality plastic can be deformed by sharp temperature fluctuations and prolonged exposure to sunlight. For this reason, the service life of plastic windows in regions with an unstable or hot climate will be shorter.

Metal-plastic windows

Reinforcement gives PVC windows additional strength, prolonging their life and increasing their ability to withstand diverse loads. Metal-plastic windows are not afraid of strong winds, temperature extremes, their sashes rarely sag under the weight of a double-glazed window and work even in an ultra-intensive mode. The average service life of metal-plastic windows is 40-50 years. The metal reinforcement of the profile allows manufacturers to create structures of various shapes and not worry about their possible deformation.

Metal-plastic windows also have certain disadvantages that should be considered when buying:

  1. The appearance of "cold bridges". Metal elements, compared to plastic, have a higher thermal conductivity and reduce the thermal insulation characteristics of the entire structure. To minimize the influence of this factor, manufacturers have come up with the following: they reduce the contact area of ​​​​the frame with plastic by installing vertical ribs inside that hold the metal in the desired position.

  2. High price. Any windows made of reinforced profile (naturally, we are talking about high-quality products) are more expensive than similar models made of ordinary plastic. Galvanized steel is a rather expensive material, and therefore the price of structures increases in proportion to the amount of metal used.
When choosing windows with reinforcement, it must be taken into account that, along with an increase in the strength of the window system, the internal metal frame significantly increases its mass. Accordingly, metal-plastic windows are noticeably heavier than conventional plastic counterparts. Due to their severity, such windows are unlikely to be suitable for installation in buildings with dilapidated walls, and the front parapet must be reinforced.


Having studied the main characteristics, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of plastic and metal-plastic windows, you can begin to choose the most suitable option for your premises. Each case is individual, but there are a number of general recommendations of experts that you should listen to:
  • For rooms on the upper floors of "skyscrapers", as well as for installation in houses located in open space (with the maximum likelihood of regular exposure to strong winds), it is worth choosing metal-plastic windows.
  • Apartments in standard high-rise buildings in large cities located in central Russia (and other regions with a temperate climate) can be equipped with simple plastic windows.
  • Ordinary plastic windows are a worthy option for buyers with a limited budget.
  • For installation in buildings with large window openings or it is recommended to use only metal-plastic windows.
  • Windows designed according to individual projects, structures of non-standard shape, original models for designer interiors are made mainly of PVC profiles with reinforcement.
  • Glazing of structures that cannot withstand a significant load, for example, balconies with a fragile fence, should be performed with plastic profile products without a steel liner - they have less weight and minimize the likelihood of damage or destruction.

Reading 6 min.

Modern high-quality windows are one of the conditions for creating a comfortable microclimate in a house or apartment. There are many varieties of double-glazed windows on the market, among which metal-plastic products are becoming increasingly popular.

What it is

Metal-plastic windows are windows made of PVC profile reinforced with a metal frame. Products from a conventional plastic profile can change their geometry as a result of thermal changes. When the seasons change, the expansion and subsequent narrowing of a non-reinforced plastic window can reach 1 cm, depending on the overall dimensions, which leads to a loose fit of the sash to the frame and sagging, the appearance of cracks.

Reinforcement with a metal profile gives additional rigidity to the structure, prevents deformation and significantly reduces the likelihood that the sash will sag and stop closing.

Reinforcing U - shaped profile for rigidity

The metal-plastic window has a standard general design:

  • double-glazed window - a sealed element consisting of several glasses, the distance between which is filled with air or inert gases;
  • frame - a fixed part mounted in a window opening;
  • sash - opening part;
  • - silicone gaskets that perform soundproofing functions; installed along the edges of the double-glazed window;
  • (locks, hinges, handles) - determines the functionality of the window structure and the opening system.

Types of metal-plastic windows

By type of double-glazed windows:

Glass properties:

By type of shutters:

  • Deaf. Fixed structure, it is advisable to install in residential premises in combination with opening doors.
  • Folding. They are used for skylights or safe ventilation with panoramic balcony glazing.
  • Swivel. It opens inwards (rarely - outwards), provides a powerful flow of air into the room, makes it possible to easily wash the outer surface of this and neighboring doors.
  • Swing-out. Combines the advantages of swing and flap doors and is the most convenient design.

In addition to the main parameters, metal-plastic windows differ in shape and color. In addition to the usual rectangular ones, round, trapezoidal, triangular and other exotic shapes can be made to order.

Instead of the standard white color, the profile is painted in more than 10 colors or laminated with a durable film that imitates wood textures.
An original design technique is stained glass, with which you can create a real work of art in a window opening.

Choice factors

The market offers the widest range. To make the right choice, you need to consider several factors.

Room features

Appointment. Single-chamber double-glazed windows do not retain heat well and are suitable for utility and storage rooms, cold balconies. For residential premises in Russian climatic conditions, 2-3-chamber double-glazed windows are required.

Location. For apartments on the first floors, it is recommended to immediately install protective locking fittings and impact-resistant glass. Especially strong armored products are produced for offices and shops.

The degree of illumination. If the window is located on the sunny side and on a high floor, not obstructed by neighboring buildings, it is advisable to provide glass with a special sun protection coating or film.

Humidity. In case of poor ventilation of the room, double-glazed windows with built-in valves are installed, which will allow maintaining an optimal microclimate without frequently opening windows.

Which metal-plastic double-glazed windows are better

Metal-plastic window- a prefabricated structure, each element of which affects the overall quality level of the entire product:

  • Type of reinforcing metal. Ferrous metal is highly susceptible to corrosion and is used in budget models. In high-quality products, a galvanized frame resistant to moisture is used.
  • reinforcement quality. It is important that the sash and frame are reinforced around the entire perimeter, and not in places - then the structure will receive a uniform improved rigidity.
  • The number of glasses. The more of them, the better the heat and sound insulation properties of the window.
  • Hardware quality. Hinges and locking devices directly affect the consumer properties and service life of a metal-plastic window. Trusted brands (Maco, Roto, Vorne) should be preferred.

How to choose

In the production of metal-plastic windows, in addition to using high-quality materials and parts, it is equally important to observe the technology of joints and seams, and the qualifications of installers must be at a high level. Therefore, when choosing windows, you should definitely pay attention to the presence of:

  • decent production capacity at the manufacturer;
  • quality certificates for components (profile, fittings);
  • positive reputation of the dealer-seller;
  • long warranty period.

When ordering you need:

  • Decide on the type and size of sections, depending on the area of ​​​​glazing and the purpose of the room. The number and location of the tilt-and-turn doors should be such as to provide convenient access to all external surfaces of adjacent blind sections.
  • Choose double-glazed windows with the optimal number of chambers - the degree of thermal insulation of the room will depend on this.
  • Provide locking and protective fittings.

The advantages of metal-plastic windows are obvious. Some of their important characteristics (for example, the presence and type of a reinforcing frame) cannot be verified upon purchase, so it is important to choose a trusted and conscientious manufacturer. You should not save on the quality of components and parts - a more expensive purchase will pay off in the future and save owners from additional hassle and costs.

A metal-plastic window is a window made of PVC plastic with a metal profile in the middle to increase the rigidity of the structure.

Construction of a metal-plastic window

A metal-plastic window consists of a frame, sashes, fittings, double-glazed windows and a rubber seal.

The basis of the metal-plastic window is a PVC profile, in the middle of which a reinforcing metal frame is installed, which stiffens the system. Jumpers are placed in the PVC profile, which create compartments for air, the so-called chambers. The more chambers, the warmer the profile. Usually a profile has 3,4,5 or 7 cameras.

The reinforcing profile can be U-shaped, L-shaped or closed. In a conditional section, the reinforcing profile is a rectangle. The metal profile is located in the central, largest chamber.

AT metal-plastic window installation glass is included. A double-glazed window is a window element consisting of two or three glasses separated by an air or gas space. Two glasses with a layer of air or gas (argon) is called a chamber. The double-glazed windows are hermetically sealed.

Seals made on the basis of silicones are responsible for soundproofing the window. They are installed along the edge of the double-glazed window on both sides. Fittings play an important role in energy saving, noise insulation, protection, convenience and durability of the window.

Manufacturers of metal-plastic windows

With the increase in demand for metal-plastic windows, the number of manufacturers has also increased dramatically. Are all windows the same and what to pay attention to, so as not to regret your purchase later.

Metal-plastic window the design is prefabricated, and their quality is determined by the quality of the components from which the window itself was assembled. First of all, the quality of the profile, the thickness of the reinforcement, the quality of the double-glazed window and the quality of the fittings are important. In addition, trust in the manufacturer and its production lines, compliance with all technological parameters and processes is of great importance. The most popular are Rehau profiles, Siegenia-Aubi fittings (Germany).

Metal-plastic window: checking windows before installation

What can you advise buyers when they have already received a window? Note:

  • - on the appearance, i.e. on the integrity of the window, as well as on the fact that there is no difference in color anywhere and the window is really the same color;
  • - so that there are no dents and scratches and other external defects and damage;
  • - on the quality of the seams, i.e. seams must be neat, clean and cleaned;
  • - on the quality of the double-glazed window, i.e. it should not have any scratches and cracks; the double-glazed window must be dry and not fogged in the middle, and also must not contain a drop of moisture;
  • - for the presence of screws with which reinforcement is attached (the presence of screws indicates the presence of reinforcement in your window).

Installation quality control

After plastic window installed, check the quality of the installation, according to the following criteria:

First, check the reliability of the fastening of the frame, the opening window should in no case dangle, deviate or vibrate.

Secondly, check how well the sash adheres to the frame, i.e. it should fit evenly across the entire width and there should not be any deviations, otherwise it will blow from this window and there will be constant drafts.

Thirdly, pay attention to the operation of the fittings: open and close the window several times and check how smoothly and softly your fittings “walk”.

If you have any comments, immediately ask the master on the spot to correct them, adjust and repair your window.

Which window manufacturer to choose and how to do it in practice?

You need to choose a manufacturer who does not pursue crazy capacities, but values ​​his good reputation in the market and is responsible for every window he installs. Such a manufacturer can produce windows from super-expensive (with powerful window systems) to windows of the "economy" series. Responsible manufacturer of plastic windows must be certified in the country and certified once every two years. From each supplier of raw materials (profile, fittings or reinforcement), the manufacturer of metal-plastic windows must be supplied with certificates of conformity and hygienic conclusions. The manufacturer of windows for each window must issue a passport and a warranty card. Those manufacturers who do not have the above documents are sometimes called "garage window manufacturers" and you better not mess with them.

good quality plastic window reduces heating costs in winter by about 25 percent compared to the previous heating period when the wooden window was still installed. Replacing ordinary windows with a metal-plastic window is immediately felt in the room, where it becomes quiet, warm and comfortable.

Caring for a metal-plastic window

  • Do not forget, metal-plastic windows need careful treatment. If you want your window to serve you for a long time, follow these rules:
  • Do not forget to regularly (twice a year) lubricate the fittings, i.e. all movable objects of your window.
  • Use a mild window cleaner (soap solution or a window cleaner available from window cleaners). Never use powder-like products that can damage the surface of your window.
  • When washing windows, also try to carefully wash the rubber seals so that your window is airtight and retains its properties for many years.


And, finally, I would like to note that there are no good or bad building materials, according to experts; what matters is the correct use of them for their intended purpose. Yes, of course, a metal-plastic window in a seventeenth-century house would look out of place. However, high-quality windows will be a good cost-effective solution for a modern apartment, home or office. And as an argument, just look at the number of plastic windows around.

Not everyone knows that when we talk about metal-plastic structures, we are talking about ordinary PVC windows. And they are called so because the plastic contains steel reinforcement. The metal-plastic profile can have various shapes and sizes, that is, it is a universal element that is used in a variety of conditions.

Features of plastic windows

Such designs are much more widespread than wooden or aluminum counterparts. The main material is PVC. This is a type of synthetic polymer known for its high consumer properties. Such products are absolutely harmless to humans, resistant to environmental influences and corrosion.

Inside the plastic profile is a metal frame, which is the basis of the entire structure. From outside the product is trimmed with plastic material. Like other window counterparts, this type has a frame, sashes, double-glazed windows. The kit also includes a metal braid, hinges and locking elements.

Air chambers are located inside the metal-plastic window. Due to the high tightness, these structures are distinguished by a high level of noise and heat insulation. It is safe to say that the plastic profile will protect your house from drafts and reduce heating costs.

Maintenance of such products is practically minimal. If you decide to install plastic windows, then you no longer have to treat the frame with varnishes and paints, as well as glue the sashes to insulate the windows for the winter. The material does not exfoliate and does not need to be repainted, and complete tightness does not let cold air into the room. It is also very easy to regulate such products. The modern window industry offers a wide variety of ventilation options. It is enough to turn the handle at a certain angle to let air into the room.

Why is it even better to put a PVC frame? It is difficult to ignite and does not allow the fire to spread further. That is, such products are fireproof, unlike wooden counterparts. A good profile is quite strong and durable, so it can be installed both in country houses and on the top floors of skyscrapers. Of great importance is the choice of accessories. The ease of use and service life of the entire product depend on these elements. The set of fittings includes handles, hinges and their supports, as well as other accessories. All of them are responsible for adjusting the sashes, so you can’t save on such trifles.

How to install a metal-plastic window?

If you decide to install a double-glazed window yourself, you should understand that choosing a quality design is only 50% of success. The remaining 50% of durability, comfort and warmth depends on proper installation. Therefore, we strongly recommend entrusting such installation in a house or apartment to purely professionals.

To correctly set such a profile, you must clearly follow the instructions, which include a strict sequence of steps:

  1. Aperture lock.
  2. Dismantling of the old product.
  3. Opening preparation.
  4. Fixing the window in the opening.
  5. Work with assembly seams.
  6. Drain device.
  7. Installation of shutters, double-glazed windows.
  8. Installation of slopes.
  9. Checking the tightness of the entire structure and the performance of the fittings.

Why is it undesirable to install metal-plastic windows with your own hands? Errors in measurements, a previously uncleaned surface, improper fastening of the sashes, failure to use a level during installation - all these and other factors will nullify the work, including the installation of a window structure. And only experienced professionals can know about such nuances.

How to properly adjust windows?

As mentioned above, it is worth choosing a plastic window, if only because it does not need to be additionally insulated. But when the season changes, it is necessary to adjust the window for winter or summer by setting one or another sash mode. For this, it is not necessary to contact specialists. It is quite possible to adjust by hand. How to do it? Read on.

Why do you need to adjust the frame?

When winter replaces summer or vice versa, it is important to adjust the sashes to a certain position. Initially, the clamp is in a neutral state. However, leaving it in this form, there may be not too good consequences:

  • drafts even with proper adjustment;
  • heat loss from the apartment in winter, if the summer mode is set;
  • the constant presence of the valves in summer mode due to strong pressure quickly disables the seal;
  • violation of the microclimate in the room.

Moreover, an incorrectly set mode can lead to the need to do repairs yourself or with the help of a wizard. But in any case, this is unnecessary trouble and waste.

In order to put the structure in one mode or another, you must first look at the trunnions (eccentrics) that are located on the side of the sash. If you saw holes for a screwdriver or a hexagon, or an oval-shaped trunnion, then such a double-glazed window can be adjusted to summer or winter mode. But it is better to clarify this nuance in the company that carried out the sale and installation. To activate the desired mode, simply turn the pins on the sash with a tool to a certain position.

How to choose the right plastic windows?

Before purchasing similar designs for your home, it is important to understand that you are making a purchase for decades. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose a high-quality and reliable model by ordering installation from a serious company. What are the best PVC products? It all depends on various factors:

  • type of house and living conditions;
  • your aesthetic preferences;
  • financial opportunities.

Modern window production offers many options. Each of them is distinguished by the quality of the profile and the reliability of the fittings. To avoid window repairs in the future, give preference to qualified specialists and carefully operate the product. For all questions of selection, repair and maintenance, you can contact our company!