Scope of acceptance tests. Is acceptance testing required?

5.4. Acceptance rules

General provisions

To verify that the product complies with the requirements of the technical specifications for the product, it is subjected to the following main categories of control tests:



The acceptance of a product, the release of which by the manufacturer has begun for the first time, must be preceded by qualification tests conducted in accordance with GOST V15.301-80.

Before the start or during the specified categories of tests, according to the requirements of the QCD or the customer's representative, the deliverer must present full set design documentation on the product.

For testing and acceptance by the representative of the customer, the product is presented individually or in a batch in the amount specified in clause 1.8.

When testing products (batches), continuous or selective control is used.

Note. When carrying out selective control, a control plan is drawn up in accordance with GOST 15895-77 and agreed with the customer's representative.

The product (batch) presented for testing and (or) acceptance must be fully completed in accordance with the requirements of clause 1.8. At the same time, purchased products or products obtained through cooperation must pass the input control carried out in accordance with GOST 24297-87.

The test results are considered positive, and the product (batch) passed the test, if the product (batch) is tested in in full and sequences that are specified in clause 3.3 for the category of tests being carried out and meet all the requirements verified during these tests.

The test results are considered negative, and the product (batch) fails the test, if the test results reveal a non-compliance of the product (batch) with at least one requirement specified in clause 3.3 for the test category being carried out.

When using a selective control method, the quality of the product (batch) is assessed based on the results of tests carried out according to control plans drawn up in accordance with GOST 15895-77 and agreed with the customer's representative.

The basis for the decision to accept the product (batch) is the positive results of acceptance tests, as well as the positive results of previous periodic tests carried out on time.

Acceptance of products, the release of which by the manufacturer has begun for the first time, must be preceded by qualification tests conducted in accordance with GOST V15.301-80. Acceptance of products, the release of which is resumed by the manufacturer after a break for a time exceeding the period of periodicity established for periodic testing of these products, must be preceded by periodic tests.

A product designed to work together with other products must be tested on a stand or analogue of the product, in which the tested product must be installed together with other products or their equivalents.

During the test, it is forbidden to adjust (adjust) the product, as well as tighten the fasteners.

When testing and accepting a product at the manufacturing plant, logistics and metrological support (required technical documentation, a complete set of design documentation at the request of the Quality Control Department and a customer representative, reference materials, workplaces, test and control tools, expendable materials etc.), as well as highlighting service personnel, security, Vehicle etc. is carried out by the manufacturer.

When testing in organizations (at test sites, in specialized institutes, testing centers, etc.) of a customer or industry, logistical, metrological and household support, allocation of service personnel, security and vehicles are carried out by these organizations and the manufacturer according to agreed decisions (signed contracts).

The applied means of testing, measurement and control, as well as the measurement and control procedure must comply with the requirements of metrological support.

It is not allowed to use test, measurement and control tools that have not passed metrological certification (verification) within the established time limits.

The manufacturer and organizations conducting tests ensure timely testing and strict observance of the legislation on the protection of state and military secrets and safety regulations when testing the product.

Presentation of the product for testing and acceptance to the representative of the customer must be carried out rhythmically.

The product presented for testing to the representative of the customer must be adjusted, subjected to technological training according to clause 3.6.

Note. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to the antenna-feeder device.

Bearer tests

Presentation tests are carried out by the quality control department in order to control products for compliance with the requirements of the technical documentation for products and determine their readiness for presentation to the customer's representative.

Tests are carried out in the amount and manner regulated by the requirements of mandatory Appendix 3 of GOST V15.307-77.

Acceptance tests.

Tests are carried out in order to control the product (batch) for compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications for the product established for this category of tests, to determine the possibility of acceptance.

Testing and acceptance of the product is carried out by the customer's representative in the presence of the QCD representative in the scope and sequence that are given below.

Composition and sequence of acceptance tests:

verification of the completeness and compliance of the product and its spare parts and accessories documentation, according to which the manufacture was carried out;

check for labeling;

checking when the power supply voltage changes;

tightness test;

checking the requirements for purchased products and materials;

checking the quality of temporary anti-corrosion protection and packaging;

current consumption check;

checking the activation of the sound alarm when the supply voltage decreases;

verification of compliance of the product with the requirements for the main parameters.

For testing and acceptance of the product, the representative of the customer is presented with a notice in accordance with GOST B15.307-77 Appendix 4 (form 1) with one product (batch) or several products (batch) of the same name (drawing) that have passed the presentation tests.

The number of products (batches) presented by one notification at the same time is agreed with the customer's representative (if the quantity is not specified in the specifications for the product). The presentation of the product (batch) is carried out by the QCD with a notification.

The notice is accompanied by labels (form) for the product, as well as protocols for bearer tests in accordance with GOST B15.307-77.

By agreement with the representative of the customer, the product is submitted for testing and acceptance according to one notice or separate notices (for testing and acceptance).

Note. Presentation constituent parts own production, not subject to self-delivery, for acceptance by the customer's representative, to assess the suitability of their use in the manufacture of the product (intermediate acceptance) is carried out by a notice signed by persons authorized by the order for the enterprise, agreed with the customer's representative.

The test results are documented in the protocol of acceptance tests in accordance with GOST V15.307-77.

By agreement with the representative of the customer, the results of the pre-delivery and acceptance tests can be drawn up in a single test report. In this case, separate columns must be provided in the protocol for recording the results of the bearer and acceptance tests and the conclusion on the test results. On the basis of the protocol, the representative of the customer in a notice of the conformity of the product (batch) with the requirements of the technical specifications for the product and (or) acceptance (upon presentation, respectively, for testing and (or) acceptance) or return (rejection).

Upon receipt of positive test results, the representative of the customer accepts the product, puts seals and (or) appropriate stamps, the method of placement and location of which must comply with the requirements of the design documentation for the product, and in the label (form) for the accepted product gives a conclusion indicating acceptance and suitability of the product.

If self-correcting failures are found in the product, it is returned to the manufacturer for analysis, identification and elimination of their causes.

Analyze the same copy of the product and under the same conditions under which such failures appeared. Further acceptance of the product after the appearance of self-correcting failures is carried out only after their causes have been eliminated.

The issue of re-acceptance of the product after the appearance of self-recovering failures in each case is decided by the representative of the customer.

If the analysis does not unequivocally reveal the cause of self-correcting failures, then the copies in which such failures were found are not subject to delivery.

In the event of repeated failures in different copies of products in the same batch, detected as a result of their analysis and arising for the same reason, the acceptance of products is suspended until the causes of the failure are eliminated.

The product that has not passed the test, the representative of the customer, with a statement in the notice of the reasons for the return and rejection, returns the Quality Control Department to identify the reasons for non-compliance with the requirements of the specifications for the product, take measures to eliminate them, determine the possibility of correcting the marriage (eliminating defects or eliminating defective products) and re-presentation. If it is impossible (inappropriate) to eliminate defects (exclusion of defective products), the product is finally rejected and isolated from good ones.

The reasons for the non-compliance of the product with the requirements of the technical specifications for the product and the measures taken by the enterprise are reflected in the act on the analysis and elimination of defects and their causes, drawn up in accordance with GOST V15.307-77.

The product returned by the customer’s representative after the elimination of defects (exclusion of defective products), re-inspection by the manufacturer, repeated presentation tests and acceptance by the quality control department, if their results are positive, can be repeatedly presented to the customer’s representative with a notice with the inscription “secondary”. An act on the analysis and elimination of defects must be attached to the notice. The secondary notice is signed by the head of the manufacturer (chief engineer) and the head of the QCD (chief quality controller) of the manufacturer.

If the returned product is not presented again, then a proposal for its use, an act on the analysis and elimination of defects and (or) the causes of their occurrence, is presented to the customer's representative together with a notice of the presentation of the next product of the same name or later, within the time agreed with the customer's representative.

The repeated test is carried out in full scope of acceptance tests.

In technically justified cases, depending on the nature of the defects (in case of failure of components of cross-industry use), the customer's representative may retest only those items of the product specification for which the product does not comply. established requirements which could have contributed to the occurrence of the nonconformity and for which tests have not been carried out.

The product that did not pass the repeated tests is rejected and isolated from the good ones.

Testing and acceptance of the product is suspended:

if the copies of the product presented twice for acceptance did not pass the test;

if the product samples were presented sequentially one after another for primary tests and finally rejected based on the results of each of the two consecutive primary tests.

The decision to use a completely rejected product in each specific case is made by the customer (or at his direction) and the head of the manufacturer (chief engineer).

In the event of suspension of acceptance of the product, the manufacture and intermediate acceptance by the representative of the customer of components of own production that are not subject to self-delivery, except for components whose defects are the reason for the suspension of acceptance of the product, are allowed to continue, taking into account the results of a preliminary analysis of the causes of defects.

The decision to resume testing and acceptance of the product is made by the customer and the ministry (department, association) to which the manufacturer is subordinate, after taking measures agreed with the representative of the customer to eliminate the causes that caused the suspension of testing and acceptance, and drawing up the appropriate document agreed with the representative of the customer.

It is allowed to decide on the resumption of testing and acceptance of the product at the level of the head of the manufacturer and the representative of the customer. In this case, the reasons for the suspension of testing and acceptance and the measures taken by the enterprise to eliminate defects are reported in the prescribed manner to the customer and the ministry (department, association) by subordination.

A product that has passed the test, is completed and packaged in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.9 and 1.10, is sealed by the quality control department and the customer's representative, and for which documents certifying their acceptance are issued, is considered accepted. The accepted product is subject to shipment or delivery for safekeeping to the manufacturer.

Periodic testing.

Tests are carried out in order to:

periodic quality control of the product;

stability control technological process in the period between previous and next tests;

confirmation of the possibility of continuing the manufacture of the product according to the current design and technological documentation and their acceptance.

Tests are carried out by the manufacturer with the participation and under the control of a representative of the customer, who gives an opinion on the test results.

The tests are carried out in the scope and sequence given below.

Composition and sequence of periodic tests:

checking the completeness and compliance of the product with the design documentation for which the manufacture was carried out;

quality control of anticorrosive and decorative coatings;

checking the interchangeability of replaceable blocks, assembly units, parts;

mass check;

check when the supply voltage changes;

check for continuous operation;

strength test when exposed to sinusoidal vibration;

structural resonance detection test;

strength test under the influence of repeated mechanical shocks;

transport strength test;

drop test;

high humidity test;

impact test low temperature environment;

test for the effects of condensed precipitation (hoarfrost and dew);

high ambient temperature test;

testing for the effects of changes in ambient temperature;

low atmospheric pressure test;

solar radiation test;

tightness test;

sand and dust exposure test;

reliability test;

packaging check;

marking check.

Note. The sequence of tests can be changed in agreement with the customer's representative.

Specific (calendar) test periods are established in the annual or semi-annual schedule, which is compiled by the manufacturer with the participation of a customer representative. The schedule should indicate the place of testing, the timing of testing, documentation of the test results and the submission of an act of periodic testing for approval, drawn up in accordance with GOST V15.307-77.

The schedule for periodic testing is approved by the head (chief engineer) of the manufacturer and the representative of the customer.

If the product has passed periodic tests, then the quality of products of a controlled period or quantity, or a controlled batch is considered confirmed by these tests, and the possibility of further manufacturing and acceptance of products according to the same documentation is considered confirmed, according to which the product that has passed periodic tests until the results of the next periodic tests are obtained. tests.

The term or number of products to which the results of periodic tests apply is indicated in the GOST B15.307-77 act.

The results of periodic tests are drawn up by an act of GOST V15.307-77.

The act is signed by representatives of the manufacturer, including the quality control department and the representative of the customer at the manufacturer.

The act is approved by the head (chief engineer) of the manufacturer and the representative of the customer at this enterprise.

A protocol on the results of the tests carried out, in accordance with GOST V15.307-77, must be attached to the act.

If the product has not passed periodic tests, then the acceptance of products and the shipment of accepted products are suspended until the causes of defects are identified, they are eliminated and positive results of repeated tests are obtained.

The manufacturer, together with the customer's representative, analyzes the results of periodic tests to identify the causes and nature of defects. Based on the results of the analysis, a list of defects found during periodic tests and measures to eliminate defects and (or) the causes of their occurrence, drawn up in accordance with GOST V15.307-77, is compiled.

If the nature of the defects in the item under test reduces the performance characteristics, then all accepted and not shipped products, which may have defects, are returned to the manufacturer for revision (replacement), and all accepted and shipped products for a controlled period or products from a controlled number of products that may have defects detected during testing , must be modified or replaced with suitable ones.

The decision to modify or replace is made by the manufacturer and the representative of the customer (customer) with the participation, if necessary, of the developer and the representative of the customer at this enterprise.

If the decision of the ministry (department, association) and (or) the customer is required to carry out measures to eliminate defects and their causes, as well as to finalize the shipped products or replace them with suitable ones, then the list of defects found during periodic tests, and measures to eliminate defects and their causes, agreed, if necessary, with the developer, the manufacturer sends to the customer and the ministry (department, association).

Repeated tests are carried out in full scope of periodic tests on modified or newly manufactured products after taking measures to eliminate defects. At the same time, together with the product, materials (act, protocols, etc.) must be submitted confirming the elimination of defects and the adoption of measures to prevent them.

Depending on the nature of the identified defects, in technically justified cases, it is allowed, in agreement with the customer’s representative (or the customer when testing by the customer’s organization or an industry organization), to carry out repeated periodic tests in the scope of the following types of tests:

on which non-compliance of the product with the established requirements is found;

which may have contributed to the occurrence of defects;

which have not been tested.

It is allowed to resume the acceptance of the product upon receipt of positive results for those types of retests, which revealed non-compliance of the product with the requirements of the technical specifications for the product during the initial periodic tests and which could affect the occurrence of defects, until the completion of the repeated periodic tests, if the validity period of the results of the previous ones has not expired. periodic tests.

Repeated tests are carried out on twice the number of specimens of products.

The product for the next periodic testing is selected by the customer's representative in the presence of a representative of the quality control department of the manufacturer from among the products manufactured in the controlled period and passed the acceptance tests with the conclusion in the notice.

The selection of products, if necessary, is drawn up by an act in accordance with GOST B15.307-77.

Note. Holding certain types tests included in the category of periodic tests on different copies of products are not allowed.

Upon receipt of positive results of repeated periodic tests and after completion or replacement of accepted but not shipped products, the acceptance of products and their shipment are resumed.

Upon receipt of negative results of repeated periodic tests, the decision on the further manufacture of products according to the current design and technological documentation and the resumption of acceptance, as well as the decision on previously manufactured products, including accepted and shipped, the quality of which is not confirmed by periodic tests, is made by the customer, who is in charge of the enterprise - the manufacturer, based on the analysis of the identified defects and their causes.

Type tests.

Type tests are carried out in order to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of proposed changes in the product or its manufacturing technology, which may affect the performance characteristics of the product and (or) its operation.

Tests are carried out on specimens of products, in the design or manufacturing technology of which the proposed changes have been made.

The need for type testing is determined by the developer, the manufacturer and the customer's representatives at these enterprises by a joint decision, or the customer's representative at the manufacturer in agreement with the manufacturer, and, if necessary, with the developer and the customer's representative at it, or the customer and the ministry (department, association) by a joint decision.

The tests are carried out by the manufacturer or, in agreement with the customer, the customer's organization with the participation of the customer's representative at the manufacturer and, if necessary, with the participation of the developer and the customer's representative at the developer.

When testing is carried out in the organization of the customer conducting the tests, a representative of the manufacturer also takes part in them.

Tests are carried out according to the program and methodology, which should contain:

necessary tests from the composition of acceptance and periodic tests;

requirements for the number of products required for testing;

indication of the use of the type tested product.

The program may include, if necessary, special tests (for example, comparative tests of products manufactured without taking into account and taking into account the proposed changes, etc.).

The scope of testing and control included in the program should be sufficient to assess the impact of the changes made on the performance characteristics.

Type tests are carried out on products manufactured with the changes made.

Manufacturing required amount the manufacturer carries out products according to a preliminary notice in accordance with GOST 2.503-86.

The readiness of products for type tests is determined by the quality control department of the manufacturer and the representative of the customer.

The product for testing in the amount specified in the type testing program (with random control) is selected by the customer's representative in the presence of the QCD representative. The selection of products, if necessary, is drawn up by an act in accordance with GOST B15.307-77.

If the effectiveness and expediency of the proposed changes are confirmed by the positive results of type tests, then these changes are made to the relevant design and technological documentation for the product in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.902-68.

The product manufactured after making changes to the documentation is tested in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications for the product.

If the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed changes are not confirmed by the results of type tests, then the proposed changes are not made to the relevant design and technological documentation for the product and a decision is made to use products manufactured taking into account the changes made in accordance with the requirements of the test program.

The test results are drawn up by an act in accordance with GOST B15.307-77 and a protocol reflecting all test results.

The act is signed by the officials who conducted the tests and approved by the representative of the customer at the manufacturer and the head (chief engineer) of the manufacturer or the customer and the ministry (department, association) in charge of the manufacturer.

Technological training

Technological training consists of the following steps:

1) Initial electrical run (time under normal climatic conditions).

The product turns on and operates under normal conditions at the rated power supply voltage (+12.6 V) for 8 hours.

In the process of training, periodic performance monitoring is carried out (every hour) in accordance with clause 3.3.

The product can be submitted for subsequent tests if it has worked flawlessly for 8 hours. Otherwise, the electrical run must be continued until a no-failure operation of at least 8 hours is obtained.

2) Impact of vibration loads.

The product is attached to the shaker table in the operating position. Training is carried out in the off state. The performance control of the product is carried out in accordance with paragraph 3.3 before and after exposure to vibration.

In case of failures (faults) after mechanical influences the training is stopped, the product is restored and again exposed to vibration loads for 30 minutes.

3) Impact of low temperature.

The product is placed in a cold chamber and turned on. The temperature in the chamber is lowered to the value of the operating low temperature of 223 K 2 K (minus 50С 2С) at a rate of 1 to 2 K/min. At this temperature, the product is kept for 7 hours.

After the specified time, the temperature in the chamber rises to a value of 293 K 2 K (20С 2С) at a rate of 1 to 2 K/min when the supply voltage is on. The performance of the product is checked in accordance with clause 3.3 at the beginning and at the end of exposure, as well as after every hour of its operation.

The product must be operational during the entire exposure time. If a malfunction occurs, the training is terminated, the malfunction is eliminated, after which the training is resumed until correct operation is obtained within 8 hours.

4) Exposure to elevated temperature.

The product is placed in a heat chamber and turned on. The temperature in the chamber is increased to the operating low temperature value of 323 K 2 K (50C 2C) at a rate of 1 to 2 K/min. After this temperature is established, the product is kept in the chamber in the switched on state for 100 hours.

The performance of the product is checked in accordance with clause 3.3:

at the beginning and at the end of exposure;

every 8 hours;

the last 8 hours every hour.

The last 8 hours under conditions of exposure to elevated temperatures, the product must work without failure, otherwise the training continues until a trouble-free operation is obtained for 8 hours.

  1. PART I HISTORICAL TYPES OF PHILOSOPHY Chapter 1 1 Philosophy of Ancient India (2)

    List of textbooks

    ... complex Chapter 8. Philosophy of crisis Introduction ... term analogue ... modernized ... compositeparts ... characters and conditionaldesignations ...

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  3. Contents 2 introduction 9 chapter 1 qualimetry basics 12

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    Togo, this term included compositepart in logically connected system concepts and terms: for example, the science of quality ... complexes prepared in the current year by full-time teachers of the university). Introduced higher terms are basic. Other terms ...

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    ... 10 ... - modernized"Domostroy" ... compositepart ... designations complex scientific concepts. Here are some of terms, introduced... and conventionality... V. I. Bazhenov. Chapter conservative-protective camp M. ... symbol Trinity, and unit ... analogue ... scroll ... complex ...

  5. Page 1

    Acceptance tests are carried out by the supplier before delivery finished products to the customer. These tests are carried out on the conformity of products to some of the most important requirements standard. These tests are carried out for each lot of material on a certain number of samples taken from this lot.

    Acceptance tests are checked by an employee of the state acceptance by the forces and means of the manufacturer in the presence of a representative of the technical control department in the scope and sequence that are provided for in the standards and technical specifications for products. The test results are documented in a protocol. If the results are positive, the employee accepts the products, puts seals and (or) appropriate stamps, and in the form (passport) for the accepted products gives a conclusion indicating its acceptance and suitability.

    Acceptance tests are designed to evaluate the product upon acceptance by the customer and consist of control measurements to ensure that the product complies with standards.

    Acceptance tests - control tests of finished products carried out by the manufacturer during acceptance control. Type tests are control tests of products carried out after changes are made to the design, recipe or manufacturing technology to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of the changes made.

    Acceptance tests of dielectric carpets are carried out in accordance with GOST.

    Acceptance tests are carried out during the transfer of materials or components of mass production from one enterprise to another. For this, laboratory and, less often, bench tests are mainly used.

    Acceptance tests are carried out by a special interdepartmental commission. So, for the acceptance of automated control systems, a commission is appointed by order of the customer ministry. The activities of the interdepartmental commission are regulated by approved regulations. The system commissioning process is often delayed. The reasons leading to this situation are different and are largely determined by the specific situation. Let's consider some of them.

    Acceptance tests are carried out in order to verify the compliance of the created system with the general technical requirements IIS and the requirements contained in the TOR for the creation of the system.

    Acceptance tests - control tests of finished products carried out by the manufacturer during acceptance control. Type tests - control tests of products carried out after making changes to the design, recipe or manufacturing technology to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of the changes made.

    Acceptance tests - control tests of finished products carried out by the manufacturer during acceptance control. Type tests - control tests of products carried out after making changes to the design, recipe or manufacturing technology to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of the changes made.

    Acceptance tests of dielectric carpets are carried out in accordance with GOST.

    Acceptance tests should include measurements of quality indicators at the point of connection of the consumer to the network of the power supply organization with the consumer turned on and off and assessing the compliance of its actual effect on the quality of electricity with the permissible effect.

    AT recent times Increasingly, we are being asked: Do we need to carry out acceptance tests? They say that the standards are applied on a voluntary basis, and the Technical Regulations do not directly mention acceptance tests anywhere, or why extra costs, if you still carry out certification tests, or if you do not need to obtain a Permission for Use, then acceptance tests also do not need to be carried out, etc.

    Let's try to understand this issue, imagining what the question of the need for testing in general, including acceptance tests, looks like now. And, perhaps, we can start with the mandatory Technical Regulations, despite the fact that there is a significant part of the products that are not covered by them.

    Since February 15, 2013 entered into force, which contains direct instructions for ensuring safety in design and manufacture. Let us turn to paragraph 3 of Article 4 and to paragraph 3 of Article 5:

    "... When developing (designing), the permissible risk for the machine and (or) equipment must be determined and established. security level, corresponding to the established risk, ensured:

    - completeness of research and development work;

    - carrying out a set of necessary settlements and tests, based on duly verified methods;..."

    "...When making a machine and (or) equipment tests should be carried out, provided by the design (construction) documentation...."

    It is clear that the developer and manufacturer must conduct . It is also clear that these tests, provided design documentation, should be carried out BEFORE the conformity assessment procedure in the form of certification, i.e. before certification testing. It is also obvious that if the products are subject to declaration, the applicant must have "on hand" a document on conducting their own tests BEFORE the confirmation procedure. The only question is - WHAT test reports?

    Over 30 years ago definitions various kinds tests were given in GOST 16504-81: “The system of state testing of products. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions”, which even has a Belarusian analogue of STB 1218-2000.


    1. TESTING

    1. Tests *

    Experimental determination of quantitative and (or) quality characteristics properties of the test object as a result of impact on it, during its operation, when modeling the object and (or) impacts.

    Note. Definition includes assessment and/or control

    Test types

    35. Research tests

    E. Investigation test

    F. Essais de recherche

    Tests carried out to study certain characteristics of the properties of an object

    36. Control tests

    F. Essais de controle

    Tests carried out to control the quality of the object

    43. Preliminary tests

    E. Preliminary test

    F. Essais preliminaires

    Control tests prototypes and (or) pilot batches of products in order to determine the possibility of their presentation for acceptance testing

    44. Acceptance tests

    E. Acceptance test

    F. Essais d'acceptance

    Control tests of prototypes, pilot batches of products or products of a single production, carried out respectively in order to resolve the issue of the advisability of putting these products into production and (or) use for their intended purpose

    47. Acceptance tests

    E. Approval test

    F. Essais de reception

    Control tests of products during acceptance control

    48. Periodic tests

    E. Periodical test

    F. Essais periodiques

    Control tests of manufactured products, carried out in the volumes and within the time limits established by the regulatory and technical documentation, in order to control the stability of product quality and the possibility of continuing its production

    49. Inspection tests

    E.Inspection test

    F. Essais d'inspection

    Control tests established species manufactured products, carried out on a selective basis in order to control the stability of product quality by specially authorized organizations

    50. Type tests

    Ndp. Verification tests

    Control tests of manufactured products, carried out in order to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of changes made to the design, recipe or technological process

    52. Certification tests

    E. Certification test

    F. Essay de certification

    Control tests of products carried out in order to establish compliance with the characteristics and properties of national and (or) international regulatory and technical documents

    The list includes about 45 types of tests. Since they are all designed for different purposes, we will single out a few of them related to design and manufacture.

    So, if preliminary and acceptance tests are, by definition, for newly developed products, then acceptance, periodic tests are already carried out for manufactured products. The goals of these tests, given in the definitions of GOST 16504-81, are well explained in the standards GOST R 15.201-2000 “System for the development and production of products. Products for industrial and technical purposes. The procedure for the development and production of products" and GOST 15.309-98 "The system for the development and production of products. Testing and acceptance of manufactured products. Basic Provisions":

    According to clause 6.5.1 of GOST R 15.201-2000, to evaluate and control the quality of the results obtained at certain stages of design work (hereinafter referred to as R&D), prototypes (pilot batch) of products are subjected to control tests in the following categories:

    preliminary tests carried out for the purpose preliminary assessment compliance of the prototype product with the requirements terms of reference(hereinafter - TK), as well as to determine the readiness of a prototype for acceptance testing;

    acceptance tests conducted in order to evaluate all the characteristics of the product defined by the TOR, to verify and confirm the compliance of the prototype product with the requirements of the TOR in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of actual operation (application, use) of the product, as well as to make decisions about the possibility industrial production and sales of products.

    In contrast, acceptance and periodic tests (according to paragraph 4.5 of GOST 15.309-98) together should provide a reliable check of all the properties of the products that are subject to control for compliance with the requirements of the standards, and represent elements of product acceptance from the manufacturer (supplier).

    acceptance are carried out in order to control the compliance of products with the requirements of the standards established for this category of tests, as well as control sample or a standard sample (if they are provided for in the standards) to determine the possibility of accepting products.

    periodic testing are carried out to periodically confirm the quality of products and the stability of the technological process in a specified period in order to confirm the possibility of continuing the manufacture of products according to the current design and technological documentation and continuing its acceptance.

    It becomes clear that Article 4 of the TR CU does not refer to periodic testing, because these tests are carried out on products manufactured over a period of time (usually after several years). Also, “determining and establishing an acceptable risk for a machine and (or) equipment” is not the purpose of acceptance tests. These tests are carried out by the quality control department or similar services responsible for the acceptance of products manufactured for their delivery to the customer (consumer) and (or) direct sale (implementation) to the buyer.

    So, the manufacturer (developer) must carry out some tests aimed at determining and establishing an acceptable risk for the machine and (or) equipment. In our opinion, these tasks are most fully solved during acceptance tests. After all, when solving certain issues related to the safety of the machine, the designer tries to fulfill certain requirements set by normative documents, as well as common sense, so that the machine can be used for its intended purpose. The rationale for these decisions is closely related to the risk management process, which compares the results of the risk analysis with acceptable risk criteria.

    At the same time, according to the provisions of the same regulation TR TS 010/2011, “tolerable risk” is the value of the risk from the use of a machine and (or) equipment, based on the technical and economic capabilities of the manufacturer, corresponding to the level of safety that must be ensured at all stages life cycle products.

    To a certain extent, these possibilities are described specifications(hereinafter - TS), developed by product developers and establishing full complex requirements for products, their manufacture, control and acceptance. In accordance with paragraph 5.1 of GOST 2.114-95 " one system design documentation. Specifications” TS is subject to approval by the acceptance committee, if the decision to put products into production is made by the acceptance committee. The signing of the certificate of acceptance of a prototype (pilot batch) of products by members of the acceptance committee means the approval of the specifications.

    We believe that the term "testing" in the text of the technical regulation TR TS 010/2011 gives more opportunities to the developer and manufacturer of the machine. He does not limit them to the scope of the definition according to GOST 16504-81, but much wider. Tests simultaneously with verification calculations can serve to verify the chosen solutions. After all, only when testing machines can you create an imitation dangerous situation for which a protective measure is being developed.

    Sometimes you can hear the opinion that if the product is subject to mandatory certification, then acceptance testing is not necessary. Note that according to paragraph 6.5.2 of GOST R 15.201-2000, if the products are subject to mandatory requirements that are subject to further mandatory confirmation of conformity (certification), acceptance test results products in part mandatory requirements conducted in testing laboratories (centers) accredited in the prescribed manner, can be used to obtain confirmation of compliance, but not vice versa.

    And according to the regulation TR TS 010/2011, the applicant, in order to confirm the compliance of his products with the requirements of the Technical Regulations, must provide information on the studies (tests) and measurements carried out, along with operational documentation, specifications, etc. And if the tests were not carried out, the Certification Body has certain reasons to doubt the performance of the entire range of work on risk assessment by the manufacturer, for example: focusing on more frequent inspection control intervals.

    In conclusion, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that many well-known manufacturers(both foreign and domestic), on the contrary, they are proud that their products undergo rigorous tests, including for strength and reliability, which can serve in an additional way attracting customers. This may also indicate the responsibility of the manufacturer and developer to their potential consumers. In some cases, when certifying products, our customers insist that a record of the results of acceptance tests be made in the issued certificates. And we strongly support such a desire of customers.

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