Paving slabs how to choose high-quality. Paving slabs in the country: the choice of material, how to choose the right one and laying with your own hands. Production and quality characteristics of tiles

It is especially important for owners of private houses to know the main characteristics of such a coating as paving slabs, how to choose it and in what ways it can be laid. After all, this coating will be constantly subjected to heavy loads, since garden furniture and tubs with plants are placed on the sites near the house, cars can be parked here, building materials can be laid. The covering of garden paths in summer is strongly heated by the sun, in autumn it is flooded with rain, and in winter it freezes and thaws again. Therefore, the material for paths and platforms must withstand any adverse effects and the most intensive use. How to choose paving slabs to meet such high requirements?

Production method, source material and quality characteristics

Paving slabs can be made from various materials. For example, relatively recently, wood and rubber coatings have appeared on the market. However, while such varieties remain exotic. Coatings made of burnt clay and natural stone are widely used. But the most affordable, durable and practical is concrete tiles. This is a classic option, the main advantages of which are considered to be relatively low production costs and the ability to withstand heavy loads.

In order to choose the right coating, you need to consider its purpose. For example, if you want to buy quality tiles for paving a parking space or for laying a driveway, you need a more durable floor. It is better to purchase a tile produced by vibropressing. Such a coating is made from cement and crushed granite, adding plasticizers and pigments to the original mass.

With the help of this technology, paving slabs of different sizes are produced. However, for a parking space or driveway, it is worth choosing small tiles, since large specimens under such loads can crack faster. The advantage of this technology is the exact geometry of the individual elements, which allows the formation of a more durable hard coating during laying.

But for small garden paths, it is better to choose tiles made by vibrocasting. This technology does not imply a high degree of automation, therefore, in terms of geometry accuracy, tiles are inferior to vibrocompression. It looks more impressive, since this method allows for a greater variety of shades. In addition, with vibrocasting, it is possible to apply patterns to the surface of the tile.

Choice of design and size

Both methods of tile production (both vibrocasting and vibrocompression) make it possible to obtain a variety of shapes.

Manufacturers' catalogs include classic paving stones, hexagons, and more interesting varieties, conventionally called "racquet", "coil" or "wave".

The choice of paving slabs depends on which laying method you are going to use.

Paving stones, which is an ordinary rectangle, is considered the most versatile option. After all, when laying, it can be used in various combinations. The simplest options are "columns" and imitation of brickwork, but pairwise arrangements can be used: "herringbone", "checkerboard", "ladder", etc. These schemes look more interesting, but require a more careful approach.

When choosing tiles of a more complex shape, be prepared for the fact that you will need at least the simplest design project for laying it so that the coating looks harmonious.

In the catalogs you can find tiles of different colors. Although only natural raw materials are used to produce this material, coloring pigments are still added to it to make the shades softer. If white cement is used to make the coating, then brighter colors, such as green or yellow, can be obtained.

But they don't always look good on garden paths. It is worth choosing a tile of such tones only when the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site is large enough.

Which tile to choose: small or large? In addition to the nuances described above, it should be noted that the size also depends on the overall design of your site. There is another important point: the smaller the individual elements, the more seams are made between them. This means that they better distribute the loads that occur during intensive use, which is important for a parking space, but practically does not matter for straight garden paths, since they can be paved with elements of any shape and size.

For irregularly shaped terraces or arcuate paths, it is better to choose small paving stones, since this material allows you to create curves of any radius. There are, however, separate types of tiles that are designed specifically for circular shapes, but they are expensive.

Some nuances of quality

Beautiful design does not mean that this paving slab is of high performance, so it is safest to choose products that have been approved. This means that its quality is confirmed by the relevant certificates. Such documents are not always available for the products of small enterprises, although they are cheaper. If you want to find a quality tile, you should choose it according to the main criteria: frost resistance (this means that the product tolerates not only freezing, but also thawing), strength, moisture capacity, and concrete density. All these data should be reflected in the documentation.

However, some indicators can be assessed independently. How to do it right? For example, if you want to know how strong paving slabs are, you can try breaking off a piece from a sample using a special tool. Pay attention to the break. A durable tile made from quality, high-density, low moisture-holding concrete will look smooth when broken. If the fracture turned out to be uneven, with protruding grains, this indicates that the product is made from a mixture with an inhomogeneous structure and low density, and a high moisture capacity. Over time, this paving stone can crack. The fracture should be painted over evenly - this is important, and on the very surface of the product there should be no cracks, no bubbles, or any irregularities.

It is important to pay attention to the color of the tiles.

You won't be able to see all the elements of the party. But even on the samples there should not be pronounced dark or light stripes. Such bands usually indicate that the original components were poorly mixed. But it should be remembered that sometimes a light limescale coating appears on the paving stones.

Unlike stripes, it is considered normal. Plaque is the result of natural chemical processes that occur during the curing of the mixture, and it does not affect the quality of the product. This plaque can be easily removed with special products that are sold in stores selling goods for the home and garden. A slight difference in shades of different tile elements should also not confuse buyers. This difference arises due to the fact that natural ingredients with different characteristics are used in the manufacture of the mixture.

Too bright a shade of a tile may indicate that an excessive amount of pigment has been added to it. This reduces the strength of the product.

There are several other important nuances. So, if you hear a ringing sound when two elements hit each other, this means that the tile has dried up and you can already start laying it.

Currently, paving slabs are mainly produced by small private enterprises. Therefore, a homeowner who wants to improve his site with this material needs to know the criteria for choosing it.

How to choose the right paving stones?

The first thing you need to ask the seller of paving slabs is how these products are made. There are two main methods: vibrocasting and vibrocompression. The first one is more preferable, since it does not involve in-line production, but is actually manual. Therefore, tiles made using the vibrocasting method have a gloss and have no equal in terms of quality of the pattern. But the shape geometry is not ideal. If the aesthetic appeal of paving stones is of primary importance for the homeowner, it is recommended to choose these products.

The tile obtained as a result of vibrocompression is outwardly less beautiful than the previous one. But each product has a clear shape, resistant to mechanical stress, high-strength. Such paving stones can withstand heavy weight loads, so it can be laid in places with heavy traffic. If cars, including trucks, often drive into the local area, it is better to buy paving stones made in this way.

When choosing paving slabs, you need to pay attention to its color. You should know that too bright and saturated is not an advantage, but a disadvantage. He reports that during the production of products the technology was violated: an excess amount of pigment was laid. Such paving stones will quickly crack and begin to crumble.

To make sure the quality of paving slabs, you need to take two of them and knock them against each other. If the sound emitted is deaf, it means that the drying technology of the products has been violated. If it is sonorous enough, the paving stone contains a minimum of water, therefore, it has the proper quality.

What else to look for when buying paving slabs?

If the pavers have the correct shape and all products are the same size, it will be easier to lay. If the edge of the tiles is carved, you need to make sure that there are no chips on the products. It is important to find out from the seller how many freeze-thaw cycles the selected paving stone can withstand. A quality product should be designed for at least 150 cycles.

If the adjacent territory is planned to be used as a parking lot, you need to choose products with a thickness of at least 6 cm. If the car is a truck - 7-8 cm. In other cases, it is enough to lay paving stones 2.5-4 cm thick in the courtyard of the house. it will last much longer.

Every owner of a home with a private area adjacent to the house wants to equip it with a beautiful and easy-to-maintain surface. Paving slabs are ideal for arranging paths, blind areas and sites. It has good technical qualities that ensure long service life and beauty. Consider the options for the correct selection of tiles for sidewalks.

Choice of quality material

The main parameter in choosing paving slabs is quality. This indicator is not evaluated by appearance, brilliance and smoothness. To a greater extent, they affect the amount of added plasticizers and water. In addition, a high moisture content in the solution does not give the tiles proper strength.

To check the quality of vibrocasting tiles, hit the products against each other. If a ringing knock is heard, then this is a high-quality and durable material that can withstand high operational loads. In the case when the sound is deaf, indicates poor quality, you should not buy such a tile. This material is weak to wear and sub-zero temperatures. After a few seasons, the product may become unusable and the installation will have to be done again.

To obtain a truly durable material, you should adhere to the manufacturing technology. Many little-known manufacturers do not comply with this, referring to the low cost, the quality will accordingly be similar. Raw materials must meet the proper production requirements, only the highest grades will ensure proper quality.

Good paving slabs are not cheap. This justifies the adherence to technology, which will provide resistance to wear and long operation.

By the way, the price is not always the main indicator, just too low cost gives reason to doubt the quality of the coverage.

It is worth paying attention to color saturation, if the tile is excessively bright, then there is a chance of falling for a fake. In the manufacture of high-quality material, expensive pigments are used, which give the product a balanced color without much saturation.

Most unscrupulous manufacturers try to attract the attention of the consumer with beauty, not quality. They replace dyes with cheap analogues, which saves money. This leads to rapid fading and washing out, as a result, pores are formed that destroy the structure of the product.

If moisture penetrates into the structure of the material, then during frost and thawing it will lead to the destruction of paving slabs.

When buying a material, you should carefully examine it. Inspect all sides of the tile, in some cases, yellow spots can be found on the back side, this indicates violations and non-compliance with the production technology.

The use of clayey sand leads to rapid wear and a short service life of the product.

Following these tips, you can determine the quality of paving slabs by eye. If you approach the issue with particular seriousness, then you can exclude the purchase of tiles with weak strength. High-quality tiles will last for many years and withstand heavy loads. It is better to pay for quality once than to re-do it after several years.

choice of paving slabs photo tiles paving landscape


Site section: Ideas and tips / Landscape and flora

At present, the building materials market offers a wide range of floor coverings for decoration. But linoleum is still not inferior to all competitors and holds high positions. It is actively used by most of the consumers. Sometimes a situation occurs when a fallen object breaks not only itself, but also ceramic tiles. Probably similar situations happened to many who read this article. The grouting of tiles made of porcelain stoneware and other types of materials is carried out at the very last turn, when all the laying work has been completed and the base has firmly set. Filling the tile joints with grout gives the surface a final, finished look. In modern construction, one cannot do without a monolith. New materials and improved technologies make concrete only better. Special additives affect not only the technical characteristics of concrete, but also a number of other important factors. Porcelain stoneware is considered a hard and durable building material. It has great abrasive resistance. It is necessary to choose the right tile from porcelain stoneware, high-quality material can serve for many years. The construction market offers a large selection of good tiles from the most famous manufacturers.

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How to choose paving slabs for the yard, characteristics and production technology

When building a private or country house, sooner or later the question arises of how to choose a coating on the territory. You can concrete the paths, lay asphalt, but the best option would be to use paving stones or paving slabs. Although this option is not cheap.

Arrangement of the courtyard territory of a country house with paving stones

To add sophistication to the adjoining area when decorating sidewalks and paths, it is better to use porcelain stoneware or natural stone cladding. For antique and antique designs, look to molded wild or natural walkway products.

In the article, we will consider which paving slabs are better and how to determine its quality.

Production and quality characteristics of tiles

To create paving slabs, various raw materials are used: concrete, stone, wood and rubber.

Important! Popular is the tile made of stone of natural origin and clay, which lends itself to firing at high temperatures.

Clay tiles for arranging sidewalks near a country house

Given the cost, practicality and durability, many prefer products based on concrete mortar. This is a kind of "golden mean" for a budget builder, "cheap and cheerful." Due to the low cost, such a product can be subjected to significant mechanical loads.

Concrete tiles for pavement cladding

To decide how to choose paving slabs, it is recommended to pay attention to the purpose of the surface. For a parking space near a country house, pay attention to products that are resistant to brushing and resistant to heavy loads. In this case, paving stones created by ejection pressing will be a good option. Such tiles are made from cement and crushed granite with the addition of a plasticizer and pigments.

This technological process makes it possible to produce tiles of various shapes and sizes. The advantage of the technology is the accuracy of the geometry of individual fragments. And this makes it possible to build a coating of special density and hardness. It turns out a monolithic surface.

If it is planned to create small garden paths, pay attention to vibrocasting technology. In this case, you do not need special depreciation and accuracy of geometric shapes. Why pay more. Yes, and the picture will be interesting. Since this manufacturing method implies a wide range of colors, including the application of ornaments and patterns on the coating.

Arrangement of garden paths from paving stones

Marking and classification of paving slabs and paving stones

The shape and dimensions of paving products can be found by marking.

Varieties of tiles in shape:

  • K - products in the form of a square;
Qualitative paving slabs of square shape
  • P - rectangular shape of the tile;
Rectangle yard tiles
  • Ш - hexagon - paving stones;
Decorating the sidewalk for the house with hexagonal paving stones
  • D - used in conjunction with hexagonal products for the border;
  • Ф - curly products;
Figured tiles for a private house
  • EDD - decorative elements for roads.
EDD road tiles

And now you can try to decipher the abbreviation, for example: 3K-6 is indicated on the package. This means that the fragment is a square shape of the third standard size with a unit thickness of 6 mm.

What documents to require from the seller when buying paving products?

When choosing products, you should ask the seller for quality certificates for tiles for sidewalks and paths.

The certificate of conformity will be a guarantee that the current standards were observed during the production process.

Certificate of conformity for paving slabs

Important! The Certificate of Compliance is not all there is to see. It is necessary to require a conclusion on the testing of the building material. This document regulates technical parameters, for example: frost resistance, strength, etc.

Characteristics of paving slabs

You should not buy expensive stoneware pavers for roads when making garden paths. You can buy something easier.

Decorative walkways made of rubber paving stones near the house

Abrasion resistance

The durability and safety of the tracks during operation completely depends on the durability of the paving stones. And the higher the indicator, the more reliable the building material is to the effects of mechanical loads.

If we talk about concrete tiles, then the durability corresponds to the brand of concrete from which it was made.

Porcelain stoneware paving in the local area

Products made of porcelain stoneware and stone of natural origin have the best characteristics for erasing. Slightly inferior to polymer concrete and clinker products. Whereas the concrete tile, created by vibrocompression, closes the top three. Moreover, it should include crushed stone from granite or marble.

Frost resistance

Frost resistance corresponds to the characteristics of products to lower temperatures and freeze-thaw cycles. Since such coverage is on the street, the indicator is important. Especially for areas where frosty winters are observed. For example: concrete grade F-300 is able to withstand temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius below zero. Whereas the F-100 will not withstand minus five degrees.

Durability of paving slabs in harsh winters

Dimensions and shape

The resistance to mechanical stress depends on the thickness of the paving stones. Practice shows that products with a thickness of 30-40 mm are suitable for arranging garden paths. Whereas a tile thickness of 40-70 mm will ensure the movement of motor vehicles. In this case, the coating will remain intact and retain its original appearance.

Important! The dependence of the thickness and dimensions of tile fragments and the need to prepare the base for laying is traced. It is best to make the base perfect. But if this is not possible, give preference to products of small sizes. If the tiles are large and thick, the surface to be laid must be flat and free from defects. Otherwise, the building material will sag or vice versa, a certain edge will rise above the tiled surface. In any case, the coating will be of poor quality and ugly.

Small paving stone pavement

The complexity of installation and the solidity of the coating depend on the shape of the paving stones.

Price range

Studies have shown that pricing policy affects the purchase of one or another material for the local area by half.

Natural stone tiles for centuries

If you choose products of the budget plan, then in five years the reconstruction of the tracks will be required. Whereas products made of natural stone and porcelain stoneware will also serve your descendants. But the cost of such a product is significant. And not everyone can afford such pleasure.

Average score of ratings over 0

How to choose paving slabs for the local area - Encyclopedia of Construction and Repair

In recent years, paving slabs have been actively used in the improvement of not only squares and microdistricts, but also private houses. She lays out greenhouses, terraces, garden paths, courtyards, recreation areas. Due to the wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors, it is possible to realize the most daring design ideas with the help of tiles. In addition, it is easy to install and maintain, reliable, withstands temperature extremes and high humidity.

Use paving slabs from various materials. The most affordable - concrete. She is also the most sought after. Polymer sand is more expensive, and clinker is at the top of the price iceberg.

Concrete paving slabs in industrial volumes are produced by large factories with production capacities and lines that differ from each other. There are enterprises that use the most modern imported technologies and materials, the whole process is automated and computerized. Nevertheless, the degree of equipment of production does not seriously affect the price level. So, for example, the gray vibropressed sidewalk "Brick" (60x200x100 mm), which is very popular among the population, costs from 290 to 350 rubles / sq. m. m. More complex forms, such as "Coil", "Wave" or "Old Town", do not affect the price, which cannot be said about the color. Gray tiles have a natural color, while special pigments are used for red, black or yellow tiles. But the color and shape of a concrete tile does not affect its durability in any way, which, first of all, should worry the consumer.

When choosing a concrete tile, first of all, you need to pay attention to the brand of the product. Despite the area in which the tile will be laid, in our weather conditions I advise you to take it with a grade of at least 400. When the grade of concrete is high, you do not have to worry about frost resistance and water absorption. With proper installation, such tiles will last for decades. The higher the brand, the more expensive the product, but you should not save here. The second important point that you should pay attention to is the thickness of the tile. If this is a path for pedestrians, then you can take tiles 6 cm thick, if the parking area for cars is 6-8 cm, but if heavy trucks drive along it, then 8-10 cm. This will cause the product to rise in price, because it will take more to manufacture it raw materials. So, a brick tile 6 cm thick will cost us 300 rubles, 8 cm thick - 400 rubles, 10 cm - 500-550 rubles. Otherwise, the tile will quickly become unusable.

Often, sellers do not tell buyers about such nuances, do not show them certificates for products, and offer the best price for the lowest brand of concrete.

Another important indicator on which the service life of paving slabs depends is frost resistance. In our weather conditions, frost resistance should be at least F 150.

This is a guarantee that the tiles will not start to burst during the thaw after a cold winter. The ideal concrete tile should have frost resistance F 150 and grade M 400. It will not be cheap. However, in our region, tiles with the brand 300 are mainly produced. If the frost resistance index is high, then it will last a long time.

The most expensive penny is paving clinker. Given its quality characteristics, there is simply nothing better for paving the local area, professionals say. Clinker paving bricks, and this tile is only of such a classical form, cost from 1,500 rubles / sq. m. It will seem to someone that the clinker is not economically feasible and it is more profitable to replace it with a cheaper material, for example, concrete. Of course, the cost of this product is much higher than many analogues, but its service life is several times higher than that of concrete. And this is savings on material, dismantling the old and laying new tiles. And, of course, this is a time-tested quality and environmental friendliness.

Sidewalk clinker comes in different shades and colors - red, yellow, brown, black. But these are all natural colors that are obtained by high-temperature firing of clay. There are no pigments here. The strength of paving clinker is achieved in the process of baking clay - its molecules bind to each other so tightly that it becomes like a stone.

When laying tiles, all the work will go down the drain if it is done poorly. The tile may burst if a cavity has formed under it due to poor compaction of sand. That is why technology is so important.

To begin with, experts will offer the customer to decide for what purposes the territory will be used. Will there be traffic on it or will it be a pedestrian zone, on which no large weight loads are expected. Not only the choice of tiles depends on this, but the parameters of the side stone for creating borders and curbs. When all materials are in place, workers will determine the area to be paving and choose the direction of the slope to avoid puddles. The next stage is the preparation of the soil for further work or the dismantling of the old road surface. At the same time, old asphalt or tiles are removed. Why is the vegetative part of the soil removed and a pillow for paving slabs is created. The site is covered with sand and gravel, carefully rammed. If necessary, reinforcement is made with a road mesh, and only after that the installation of paving slabs, curbs, gutters begins.

As for the cost of laying, it is calculated individually and depends on the type of soil, whether it is necessary to dismantle the old coating, whether reclamation is required, what are the features of the relief, where the object is located and what are the weather conditions, as well as the urgency of the work. Laying paving slabs will cost from 300 rubles / sq. m. installation of 1 p. m of a curb - from 200 rubles. and 1 p.m of a curb - from 150 rubles.

Types of paving slabs and paving stones: photos, names and forms

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Paving of roads, squares, sidewalks, streets and private properties with small-sized elements has been carried out since time immemorial on all continents except Antarctica. In ancient times, granite paving stones, basalt, marble, sandstone were mainly used.

In ancient Rome and Greece, Byzantium and China, Egypt and South America, small and large spaces are still preserved, on which paving stones have been serving for thousands of years.

Nowadays, thanks to the emergence of new technologies in construction, a modern developer has almost unlimited possibilities in ennobling the territory, giving an avant-garde, modern or, conversely, classic look to private houses, summer cottages, parks, summer areas of restaurants and cafes, sidewalks, using all the available variety shapes, colors and textures.

In our article, we will consider the types of paving slabs and paving stones for various territories, their names, shapes and sizes, and also present photos of the main types of coatings.


All materials used for paving territories can be divided into two main groups - these are artificial coatings and coatings made from natural materials.

When deciding in favor of one of these categories, a number of the following factors should be taken into account: the purpose of the coating, the intensity of use, the weather and climatic conditions of operation, cultural and aesthetic requirements and, as an important factor, financial possibilities.

All FEM (curly paving elements) have common advantages:

  • strength;
  • ease of installation - the use of heavy construction equipment is not required;
  • ease of storage, transportation and unloading;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • maintainability - if it is necessary to lay or repair underground utilities, it can be easily dismantled and mounted in place, the replacement of individual elements is carried out quickly and without special costs;
  • water does not stagnate on the surface, because tile joints allow it to quickly seep into the underlying layers.

Each type of coating has its own unique advantages and disadvantages.


Consider the classification in more detail:

  1. Artificial surfaces:
    • paving slabs made of concrete (vibrocast and vibropressed);
    • polymer-sand paving slabs;
    • tiles made using Granilite technology;
    • coatings based on rubber and rubber crumb.
  2. Coverings for roads and sidewalks from natural materials:
    • granite paving stones;
    • sandstone-plastushka ("wild stone") and products from it;
    • backfilling with crushed stone, gravel, pebbles.
Concrete production

The secret of the popularity of concrete paving slabs lies not only in the attractive appearance that city streets and private households paved with this type of product acquire. The undoubted advantages of this type of coating include high performance and relative cheapness. So, for example, strength, low abrasion, frost resistance and resistance to many chemicals provide a long service life of such a paving surface even in a modern large city. And the ease of installation and environmental friendliness make paving slabs the best way to improve the territory.

Concrete paving slabs are made using two technologies - vibrocasting and vibropressing. Both of these technologies equally have a “right to life”. Due to the dense laying of the concrete mix using mechanical action (vibration or vibrocompression) and the low water content in the original concrete composition, a modern, strong and reliable coating is produced.

According to the vibrocasting technology, the liquid solution is poured into plastic or rubber molds and vibrated on vibrating tables for several minutes, then the molds are dried for at least 24 hours (depending on the ambient temperature), after which the FEMs are removed from the moulds. On the outer surface of the tile, the pattern that was on the inside of the form is copied. Such products are lighter and smoother, have a wide variety of configurations.

Vibropressed tiles are machine-stamped in steel molds under high pressure with vibration. The surface of vibrocompressed tiles is even and, as a rule, rough, the color is darker than that of vibrocast paving slabs, the number of standard sizes is small.

Vibro-cast and vibro-pressed tiles differ in appearance, but they are the same in quality, since the regulatory documentation (GOSTs) put forward the same technical requirements for this type of product and give general instructions for use.

The standard applies to concrete sidewalk slabs made of heavy and fine-grained (sandy) concrete in accordance with GOST 26633 and intended for the installation of prefabricated sidewalk pavements, pedestrian and landscape gardening paths, pedestrian squares and public transport landing sites.

As disadvantages of concrete paving slabs, one can consider the fact that cement dust is formed during operation. In addition, its surface is porous, so during prolonged use, various contaminants can eat into paving slabs.

To enjoy the beauty of a path or playground for a long time, it is worth remembering that it must be carefully looked after and, if possible, remove debris, stains, dirt and weed out sprouted plants in a timely manner.

Polymer sand products

Polymer-sand paving slabs are made from the following raw materials: sand of medium grain size, polymers based on polyethylene, special additives and dyes (dry pigments) are used as a base. All components are thoroughly mixed and heated to over 250°C.

The method of manufacturing polymer-sand paving slabs is vibrocompression. For its production, both manual machines of low productivity and modern automated lines are used. The use of equipment that provides high pressure during the pressing process makes it possible to obtain products of strict geometric shapes with no pores and clear pattern lines. Such paving slabs in many respects significantly exceed those of concrete.

The resulting polymer-sand paving slabs are characterized by high density, uniformity, strength and bright color. Throughout the massif, both external and internal voids and cracks are absent, water is practically not absorbed (water absorption is only 0.03%).

The disadvantage may be the price, which is 10-20% higher than that of concrete FEM. Also, the manufacturer must strictly adhere to all requirements in the manufacture: raw materials must be only of high quality (the use of secondary polymers is allowed no more than 20%, different types of polymers cannot be mixed, sand must be sifted, washed and dried in special ovens), otherwise the service life of such a polymer -sand paving slabs will be very small.

Technology "Granilite"

Granilit is a unique technology based on the vibrocasting method.

Concrete products manufactured using the Granilit technology have increased tensile strength in bending, wear and frost resistance (more than 500 cycles). The widespread use of such products is explained by the fact that it is possible to produce figured paving elements (FEMs) of various shapes. Good aesthetic properties allow it to be used as decorative elements for the design of territories of private residences and public buildings, on playgrounds, in gazebos, public transport stops.

Regardless of the size of the cast elements, it is possible to obtain colors of varying complexity, imitating the surface of any artificial or natural material, including the complex pattern of natural stone.

The essence of this technology is that the air from the concrete mixture, prepared according to a special recipe using special additives and pigments, begins to be removed in a special concrete mixer, and the prepared composition enters the vibrating table in an already solid, compacted, maximally air-free state. The vibrating table is necessary only for uniform distribution of the mixture over the forms and for even greater compaction of the resulting product.

Coatings based on rubber and rubber crumb

Safety coatings made on the basis of rubber (black) or rubber (colored) crumbs are designed for equipping children's and sports grounds, areas adjacent to swimming pools, and recreation areas.

The coating has a thickness of 10 to 20 mm, it can be one or two layers (quartz sand is sometimes added to the top layer to increase strength and adhesion). In unguarded places, the coating is carried out in an anti-vandal version, but if necessary, repairs can be carried out in a short time at low cost.

Such a coating does not need specialized care - rain washes away pollution and, due to porosity, water goes into the ground in a short time. To clean this coating, simply sweep away debris and rinse with water from a hose. The coating based on rubber crumb does not accumulate dirt, is very durable and resistant to wear. It can fit on complex terrain, it can be of different colors even within the same site. There are coatings that allow you to arrange a skating rink on top in winter.

All FEM laying work must be carried out with strict quality control.

During the production of works on the device of the coating, very high requirements are placed on the base. The surface must not have irregularities exceeding 25% of the coating thickness, must not be subjected to deformations from precipitation or ambient temperature, otherwise rupture may occur. For water runoff, it is necessary to perform a "decline" from the center of the site to the edges or to the places where rainwater is received.

The floor in the kitchen is tile or laminate which is better

Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the ennoblement of the territory adjacent to the house, whether it is a summer house or a cottage. Moreover, priority is given to the arrangement of paths. And this is not surprising, because with the help of paths you can divide the entire site into certain zones intended for growing flowers, beds, building a pool, gazebos.
As a modern material focused on the construction of paths, paving slabs are most widely used, which have a lot of advantages over asphalt or concrete pavement. However, the service life of a tile directly depends on a competent approach to choosing a product and performing installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of paving slabs

  • A wide range of colors and a variety of geometric dimensions allow you to create original drawings in the process of laying it;
  • Installation is carried out in such a way that the seams between the tiles form their own drainage system, ensuring that there are no puddles on the paths;
  • The tile is made from environmentally friendly materials, so in hot weather there is no release of harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • Manual laying eliminates the involvement of special equipment, so the installation of paving slabs for summer cottages is inexpensive;
  • Damage to one tile during the period of operation does not require the replacement of the entire pavement, but only the element requiring replacement;
  • Durability (25-30 years);
  • Relatively high cost.

However, the cost of a tile depends on the upcoming load on the path, the brightness of the color, the relief of the tile, so it will not be difficult to choose the option that is suitable for certain conditions of use.

How to choose the right paving slabs?

Of course, cost is of paramount importance, since cheap tiles are unlikely to last longer than 1-2 years. In addition, high-quality paving slabs for summer cottages must meet the following criteria:

  • The shape of the tile must have the correct geometric proportions.
  • The coloring should affect not only the top layer of the front tile, but the entire thickness of the tile without any inclusions.
  • The uniformity of the structure - the absence of air pockets, cracks.
  • When hitting each other, the tiles should make a ringing sound, indicating compliance with the technological process.

When choosing a tile, you should also pay attention to its dimensions:

  • Tiles of small shapes, but having a thickness of more than 6 cm, ideally withstand high loads, therefore, they are most suitable for arranging automobile, near-garage areas;
  • Tiles up to 6 cm are used for footpaths not intended for vehicle entry.

And, lastly, it is necessary to purchase paving slabs with a 5% margin for unforeseen circumstances.

Types of paving slabs, their advantages

Innovative technologies do not stand still, therefore, every year the variety of tiles is expanding, differing in the composition of the components used, the method of production, various geometric dimensions, scope, and, of course, cost. Today, the most popular types of paving slabs for summer cottages include:

1. Cement-sand tiles are produced in 2 ways:

Vibrocompression of semi-dry mixtures occurs in an automated way. Tile thickness from 6 cm.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • The accuracy of the dimensions of all tiles;
  • High strength of the product;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Low water absorption;
  • Excellent wear resistance;
  • Resistance to chemical attack;
  • Long service life;
  • Limited color spectrum (gray, red);
  • Rough smooth surface without any ornament;
  • High price.

Vibrocasting is carried out almost manually. The thickness of the manufactured tiles is 3-6 cm.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Smooth surface;
  • The presence of a variety of ornaments;
  • Wide range of colors;
  • The possibility of violation of geometric parameters;
  • Low frost resistance;
  • fragility;
  • Low strength;
  • The price is slightly lower than vibropressed tiles.

2. Clinker tiles are obtained by firing special types of clay at high temperature. The thickness of the tiles varies between 1-2.5 cm
Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Frost resistance;
  • High mechanical strength;
  • Uniformity of structure and color;
  • Excellent wear resistance;
  • Long-term preservation of the original color;
  • Wide color range;
  • Resistance to chemical elements;
  • Durability;
  • The cost is several times higher than the price of cement-sand tiles.

3. Rubber tiles - a combination of rubber mass, EPDM filler and polyurethane.
Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Various color solutions;
  • Excellent soundproofing characteristics;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Low cost;
  • Violation of the integrity of the tile when exposed to sharp objects.

4. Polymer-sand (plastic) tiles are made by melting on the basis of sand, polymers, dyes under the influence of a temperature above 250 ° C, and then pressing.
Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Plastic;
  • high density;
  • Uniformity of structure, color;
  • Resistance to mechanical, chemical influence;
  • decorative;
  • High frost resistance;
  • impact resistance;
  • Increased UV resistance.
  • Durability;
  • The average price range relative to other types of paving slabs.

5. Granite - natural stone tiles.
Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • Frost resistance;
  • impact resistance;
  • High cost, significantly exceeding the cost of cement-sand and clinker tiles.

Thus, vibropressed, clinker, plastic, granite tiles are ideal for paving paths, areas designed to withstand high loads.
It is quite possible to give the path an attractive appearance with the help of vibrocast or polymer-sand paving slabs.
Rubber tiles are ideal for arranging the space near the pool, or the territory in front of the entrance to the house.

Based on the foregoing, the most acceptable option both in terms of cost and quality characteristics for the improvement of any part of the local area is plastic paving slabs for summer cottages.

Tools required for tile installation

The following set will come in handy:

  • manual tamper;
  • curbstone;
  • cement-sand mixture;
  • crushed stone;
  • dry plaster;
  • geotextile;
  • sand;
  • channel;
  • broom;
  • rake;
  • watering can with diffuser;
  • rubber mallet;
  • Master OK;
  • building level;
  • cord;
  • paving slabs.

Preparatory work before laying tiles

The quality of the installation performed depends on the correctness of the preliminary work, so it is worth approaching this stage responsibly. Necessary:

At this stage, preliminary work on laying paving slabs + in the country ends.

Laying tiles

Guided by such a small instruction, laying paving slabs in the country will not be difficult even for an unprepared person. Of course, special attention should be paid to the choice of the necessary tiles and the quality of the preparatory work, since they have a greater influence on the finished look of the laid paving slabs with their own hands.

› Basics, preparation, general recommendations
Date: 2019-07-27 14:00:14
rotary tiles - price per square meter

The price of pavement tiles is affected by the way they are made, the presence of color additives in the composition, size and shape. In our company, we offer to buy paving slabs from the manufacturer inexpensively in various designs.

It is applied everywhere:

footpaths and sidewalks; playgrounds and parks; squares and forest areas.

The scope of the tile, as well as its cost, depends on how it was made. The price of paving slabs in Kazan is posted on our website. Discounts depend on the volume purchased.

Today there are two ways to produce it:

Vibrocast tiles. It is suitable for places where the traffic intensity is low. Vibropressed tiles. This type of tile can be used when laying city roads and sidewalks adjacent to them. It perfectly withstands significant long-term loads and endures climatic influences. In addition, this type of tile is most suitable for our climate, thanks to its water absorption performance.

Both vibro-cast and vibro-pressed tiles have similar practical characteristics and are equally strong and durable.

Buy paving slabs from the manufacturer of any size

Compared to many other road surfaces, tile wins in several ways at once. In addition to its versatility and attractive appearance, there are also numerous characteristics that make it a very practical material:

excellent resistance to sun and bad weather, frost resistance; absolute ecological sanitary and hygienic safety. When heated by sunlight, paving slabs do not emit any harmful fumes, therefore they are completely safe for the environment; ease of installation and ease of repair. Failed elements of the tiled coating can be freely replaced with new ones and it does not require the use of special equipment. This feature of the repair makes the tile a very profitable and inexpensive option for arranging a road area; various shapes, colors and prices (from cheap to expensive); looks great in the park in combination with concrete flowerpots and benches; the ease of installation of the tile is also ensured by its excellent geometry and rough surface; choice of color shade. In the production of tiles, pigments are used that are safe for both people and the surrounding landscape; durability. The service life of pavement tiles is much higher than other road materials.