How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint over old paint. What defects are possible after staining

It is now popular to paint the ceiling surface with water-based compositions. This is due to the fact that such a finish does not turn yellow over time and is not heavily soiled, and it also does not require complex maintenance. The ceiling painting technique in this case is so simple that it will not be difficult for a home craftsman to master it.

Tool selection

Before starting work, you need to decide what is better to paint the ceiling with a brush or roller.

The fact is that the result is influenced by two factors:

  • tool selection;
  • the quality of the coloring composition.

It is better not to use a brush, since it is more convenient to paint over the joints of walls, bevels, niches and other hard-to-reach places, but for the ceiling plane it is advisable to use another tool. It is better to paint the ceiling with water-based paint with a roller, as it will provide more surface coverage in one motion.

In specialized stores on the shelves there is a large assortment of different rollers that differ in the material from which the working surface is made.

It comes from:

  • sheepskin;
  • foam rubber;
  • plush;
  • reinforced wax;
  • terry cloth.

Before you paint the ceilings with water-based paint with a roller, you need to make a choice of coating for this tool. Products using natural sheepskin are considered a quality option. Thanks to their use, paint consumption can be minimized, and the ceiling coating is smooth and uniform, without the presence of lumps.

Sheepskin rollers are a versatile tool, as they can be used for paints on different bases - water-based, oil, acrylic. Their only drawback is their high cost. They are much more expensive than synthetic products.

A more affordable purchase would be to purchase a plush or terry roller. Their main drawback is fragility. But since a damaged tool is inexpensive, it can be easily replaced with new products.

The texture of the coating applied to the ceiling depends on the length of the pile. Rollers with long bristles create a smooth, glossy surface, while short bristled tools create a relief texture with microbubbles.

If you need to solve the problem of how to paint the ceiling correctly in order to get a high-quality finish, then you should not buy products made of foam rubber. They are the cheapest, but when they are used, the consumption of paint increases significantly, which flows from their surface and stains everything around. As a result of their use, bubbles form on the freshly painted ceiling, spoiling the texture of the coating.

The most durable are rollers with reinforced pile. The surface they paint is not subjected to deformation as a result of exposure to synthetic fibers intertwined with metal threads. Otherwise, these rollers are called "golden thread". Despite the fact that they are more expensive than sheepskin products, their high quality justifies the money spent.

Also on sale you can find a special tool for embossing the ceiling surface, leaving different patterns. Its working part is made of leather.

Types of water-based paint

Before you paint the ceiling with ceiling paint, you need to familiarize yourself with the variety of water-based compositions. They are used much more often than acrylic or oil.

Water-based paints are less toxic and smelly and do not need to be diluted with solvents - acetone or white spirit. To achieve the required consistency and follow the recommendations on how to properly paint the ceiling with a roller, you need to add ordinary water to the coloring composition.

The water-based coating is resistant to vapors and humidity, and ordinary detergents are used to remove dirt from it.

There are the following types of such paints:

  1. silicate. For their manufacture, the so-called "liquid glass" is used. They should not be used in rooms with high humidity, but they are suitable for painting the ceiling surface in living rooms.
  2. mineral. They are made on the basis of lime or cement. Such compositions are used for facade work.
  3. Acrylic latex. In addition to the coloring pigment and water, they contain low-toxic resins, due to which the coating becomes glossy or dull, depending on the type of composition.

To determine how much paint is needed, you need to know how many layers to paint the ceiling with a water-based emulsion. For one square meter, its consumption is 8 - 10 liters. This paint is applied in several layers, while each takes 2 to 3 hours to dry.

Surface preparation

Before you paint the ceiling with a roller, you need to perform a number of preparatory activities. No matter how high-quality the tool and the coloring composition used, the result also depends on the condition of the coating. To make it even, the remains of old finishing materials are completely removed, and height differences of more than 5 centimeters are leveled with plaster.

The preparation of the plane before painting the ceiling with a roller is performed in stages:

  1. Cleaning the rough surface. At this stage, paint, plaster and, if any, fungus are removed. For this, a metal spatula is used, and a thick layer is punched with a perforator. To minimize the amount of dust, the surface is moistened with water using a spray bottle or a wet rag.
  2. Primer application. Thanks to the treatment with an antiseptic preparation, before applying paint to the ceiling, its surface will be reliably protected from fungus. Instead of a special solution, you can use, for example, "Whiteness" or another composition containing chlorine.
  3. Primer treatment. This polymer-based primer strengthens the ceiling surface and enhances its adhesion to the putty. Experts do not recommend ignoring this stage. Otherwise, the putty begins to puff up, which makes painting difficult.
  4. Puttying. This process is carried out in several stages. First, a starting putty is applied to the surface treated with a primer, which is polished after drying. In places where the putty composition has given a strong shrinkage, another layer of it is applied and sanded again. Next, the ceiling in two thin layers is covered with a finishing putty and rubbed completely.
  5. Padding. The roller is moistened with a primer and the entire surface is treated with it, including the corners.

Remove furniture and furnishings from the room. The floor is covered with polyethylene and newspapers. In the process of painting, drops of paint will inevitably fall from top to bottom. To fix the film near the walls, use paper tape that will not spoil the wallpaper.

In order not to miss a single defect on the painted coating, it must be well lit. To do this, it is better to purchase an energy-saving lamp, which is fixed under the ceiling on a removable tripod. In the process of staining, it is moved.

Roller ceiling painting technology

There is a certain order on how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint with a roller. This work consists not only in the fact that the tool needs to be dipped into a bucket and rolled over a plane. The technology for carrying out repair work related to painting horizontal planes has nuances.

There are tricks for painting the ceiling with a roller, the knowledge of which will help get the job done:

  1. Before touching the work surface with a tool dipped in paint, it should be rolled out on a paint tray. This is required to ensure uniform distribution of the ink composition throughout the roller. Such a tray is a container in the form of a small stand with a corrugated surface located at an angle. Instead, you can use a piece of linoleum, which is spread on the floor.
  2. Without pre-rolling, unpainted areas remain on the painted surface. Even if they are covered immediately, the previously unpainted places will differ in shade.
  3. After the coloring composition is distributed over the surface of the tool, it can be rolled directly onto the ceiling surface. How to paint ceilings with a roller? This question is relevant for home craftsmen. According to the recommendations of professionals, the paint should be applied in parallel stripes no more than one meter wide so that they intersect by at least 10 centimeters.
  4. Painting is desirable to start from the window. When applying the first layer, you need to track the direction of the tool - the last of the strokes should pass in a straight line without separation from the surface.
  5. It will be easier for beginners to master the square-nested method of staining. For its implementation, the ceiling canvas is divided into squares with a side size of 70 - 100 centimeters. They are painted over gradually as it is more convenient - vertically or horizontally.
  6. You should not be afraid that after the paint dries, the outlines of the squares will be visible, since subsequent layers will block them. The surface should be painted over without stopping, otherwise the edges of the dried areas will begin to stand out.
  7. It is impossible to give an objective assessment of the quality of painting if you are standing under the ceiling. You should go down from time to time and from there look at the results of the work done, being in different corners of the room. If you look at the overlap at a right angle, you can not notice many shortcomings.
  8. When, after drying one layer, unpainted areas remain, they cannot be covered up imperceptibly, so it is better to paint with an assistant. One person paints, and the second at this time dilutes the coloring composition, rolls out the roller and monitors the quality of the coating being created.

When doing work, you must not forget how to properly paint the ceiling with a roller, because the saturation of the coating depends on the number of layers applied, and several of them will be required. Experienced painters are advised to start finishing the ceiling surface from lunch. In this case, it will be possible to start applying another layer in the morning.

You can not start the second painting until the previous layer is dry, otherwise the ceiling will turn out to be streaked (read: "How to paint the ceiling without streaks - recommendations for painting with different types of paints"). The last coat of paint should be applied away from the window - it is much easier to remove small bumps and eliminate unpainted areas.

One of the common mistakes made by beginners when painting ceilings is sagging. They form if the roller was not firmly pressed to the surface or was held incorrectly. Sagging can be eliminated only before the layer dries, using a foam sponge.

Before starting painting work, quality tools and accessories are usually selected. In a particular case, you need to choose a good roller. If the tools and additional attributes are of high quality, then correctly painting the ceiling with water-based paint with a roller will be easy and simple.

  • Squeeze in your hand and release sharply. A roller that meets all the necessary technical and physical parameters will take its original shape. A poor-quality product will remain deformed.
  • Carefully inspect the seam of the product. On a roller made in compliance with the required technology, you will not see a seam that leaves a characteristic imprint when painted.
  • Check the strength of the villi or foam rubber. When tensioned with high-quality material, it does not break or stretch.

For paint, you need a container, and rolling a roller - a tray. First, it is thoroughly moistened in a coloring composition, and then rolled several times in a dry tray. Thanks to this, the roller gets rid of excess paint, which will remain on the surface in the form of drops, streaks and layers. For information on how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint with a roller, see the video at the end of the article.

With this tool, the surface near the corners and joints with the wall cannot be painted, so for this finer work you will need a brush. You will also need a scraper or spatula. After purchasing all the necessary accessories and paint, you can begin to prepare the ceiling for painting.

If you do not plan to cover the walls with this coloring composition, then their upper part must be sealed with plastic wrap or ordinary newspapers. You can use tape to hold them on the wall. Furniture must be taken out, the floor must be insulated with any protective material.

Ceiling preparation begins with the removal of old whitewash or paint. The whitewash is washed off with warm water. As for the painted surface with water-based paint, it should be thoroughly moistened with water and wait until it begins to peel off. Then, with a spatula, the old paint can be easily removed.

After cleaning the surface, if necessary, it should be leveled, that is, made smooth. Seal all potholes with putty, and remove growths with a spatula. Then, with a thin layer of putty, completely putty the entire ceiling. This will make an ideal surface for applying a primer. Its optimal amount is three layers. If this is not done, then the paint on the putty will not last long and will begin to peel off after a few months, although its resource is designed for several years.

After completing the preparatory work to level the surface, you can start painting. Today, a rare homeowner does not know how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint with a roller or spray. When painting the ceiling base, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the light flux. Simply put, the first and third layers are applied perpendicular to the window. This is based on a three-layer painting.

There is another feature that should be taken into account. Coloring any surface monotonously, the eyes get used to and no longer notice gaps, stripes, layers and other imperfections. In order to avoid such mistakes, sometimes you need to go down from the stepladder, step back and inspect the ceiling from all sides. Due to the different refraction of light, this will allow you to see all the flaws.

Start painting from the joints of the walls with the ceiling, as well as from the corners. To do this, use a brush. When these places are painted over, you can use the roller.

The painting technology is not difficult and is carried out as follows:

The third painting should be, like the first, perpendicular to the natural flow of light, that is, the window. If the room is corner and the windows are located on both sides, then choose either side. Visually minor defects will not be noticeable.

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Paint the ceiling with a roller

Most often, the ceiling is painted with a roller: it takes too long to do this with a brush, and not everyone has an airbrush. With a roller, it is moderately convenient to carry out staining, not expensive, and such painting does not take much time. By choosing the right roller, you can paint any ceiling evenly and without smudges.

The convenience and quality of work largely depends on the tool, and therefore the roller for painting the ceiling should be chosen very carefully. By what criteria it is selected, and the subtleties of working with it, you will learn in this article.

Main characteristics

Roller dimensions

Paint rollers are designed not only for painting, but also for whitewashing, as well as priming various surfaces.

This tool is very light, easy to use, convenient. Rollers are available in large, medium and small sizes.

As a rule, professional painters work with large rollers, since such a tool requires a certain dexterity and skill.

The most common are standard rollers of medium length, about twenty centimeters. Anyone can use them, even a professional, even an amateur. And the smallest rollers are designed for painting places that are difficult to reach: behind pipes, along joints, in the corners of the room.

Although for this, a regular brush is more often used. If you have not yet had to paint the ceiling yourself, feel free to choose a medium-sized roller, with its help you will perfectly cope with any painting.

Types of nozzles

The nozzle of the paint roller can be different:

  • foam;
  • velor;
  • thread;
  • fur.

Each material is different in its own way, for example, painting the ceiling with a fur roller will be completely different from foam rubber.

The properties of materials must be known for a more accurate choice when buying.

Foam rubber nozzles are now considered the least popular, although until recently they were very popular. Their problem is that when applying paint, small bubbles appear on the ceiling, and this spoils the appearance very much. In addition, they strongly absorb paint, which begins to drip during operation, and the foam rubber itself wears out quickly.

It is best to use them for varnishing surfaces or applying glue.

Velor roller nozzles paint well, are suitable for any paint, do not wear out for a long time and are resistant to solvents. Their disadvantage is that the material absorbs part of the paint, which means that the roller often has to be dipped into the paint.

Thread rollers are the most stable and comfortable, they are of the highest quality. You just need to work with them carefully - they splatter paint. Fur attachments are the most popular. Such material perfectly absorbs paint and completely gives it away when stained, while it is stable, creates an even monochromatic coating. Minus fur nozzles in the villi remaining on the ceiling.

Other criteria

But choosing the size of the roller and the material of the nozzle is not enough.

When deciding which roller is needed for painting the ceiling, immediately pay attention to the quality of the tool. The nozzle should hold firmly on the handle, not hang out or fly off.

On the coating itself, no seams, thickenings, heterogeneous blotches should be visible. It is unacceptable if threads or individual villi stick out of the nozzle cover.

Having picked up a suitable roller, be sure to hold it in your hand, this will help you understand how convenient the tool is.

Then slightly pull the pile - a high-quality roller does not stretch the pile. In addition, it is worth squeezing the nozzle a little in your hand, if it is deformed, you should not buy such a roller. By the way, professionals always recommend buying not one roller, but several, or even better, buy one handle and several nozzles for it of different sizes. If suddenly one nozzle starts to paint the ceiling poorly, clog with paint or leave a pile, you simply replace it with another one.

Surface preparation

In order for the roller to leave an even, uniform trace, the surface of the ceiling must be as even as possible. It is impossible to paint directly on whitewash or old paint, otherwise, when painting, the old coating will get wet and begin to stick to the roller in whole pieces.

High-quality painting of the ceiling with a roller needs the same high-quality preparation.

So, first, the old coating is removed. It must be removed very well so that the remaining pieces do not protrude from under the new paint and do not spoil the whole look. After that, a primer is applied, and the voids and cracks that have arisen are sealed with plaster.

The next stage is puttying, with which the ceiling is completely leveled and smoothed. The preparation of the ceiling is completed with another primer, after which the ceiling can be painted.

Process Technology

Since the ceiling surface is fully prepared, it remains only to paint.

For this you will need:

  • roller with spare nozzles;
  • paint bath;
  • a piece of clean rag;
  • dye;
  • ladder;
  • telescopic handle for roller;
  • paint brush.

If the ceilings are not very high, you can do well without a stepladder, you will only need it when painting corners and hard-to-reach places where you need to paint with a brush.

We will paint over the rest of the area with a roller on a long handle. This will save time and a lot of effort, because the stepladder needs to be moved often, which means that you will often have to get down and climb again. Of course, when the ceilings are too high, the long handle will not be so comfortable, it will be hard to hold, and it will not always be possible to see the surface well.

The basic principles of painting the ceiling with water-based paint

There may be defects in the painting, and this is undesirable.

There are tricks for painting the ceiling with a roller. First, proper coloring begins with the corners where you need to use a brush.

Also, the joints between the surface of the ceiling and the walls pass with a brush. In such places it is inconvenient to work with a roller, stripes or stains may appear. If there is stucco molding on the ceiling or other decorative elements, we also use a brush here. And only after all the difficult places are painted, we take a roller.

The roller should never be completely dipped in paint. After that, the paint splashes, drips and leaves sagging and smudges on the ceiling.

First, the paint is poured into the paint bath, then you need to dip the roller halfway and carefully roll it over the grid so that the pile is evenly saturated and the paint does not drain. When the roller is saturated, we put on a long handle and proceed to apply the first layer.

The direction and trajectory of the roller when painting the ceiling

High-quality coloring requires applying paint in even parallel stripes.

Each strip overlaps, covering about ten centimeters of the painted space. It is not recommended to be distracted and delay the work, otherwise the paint will dry out, and traces will appear at the junctions of the strips.

Therefore, each layer of paint is applied as quickly as possible. The paint must be rubbed well with a roller so that it lies thinly enough. As a rule, the ceiling is painted in several layers, and the next one can be applied only after the previous layer of paint has completely dried.

Direction of roller movement on the finish layer

To paint the ceiling with a roller to be flawless, the paint layers must be perpendicular.

That is, the first time we apply the paint in the direction of the windows, we make the second layer perpendicular to the first. Thus, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling is carefully painted over, acquiring a uniform shade. If you see streaks of paint while painting, gently blot them and go over the roller again. If such a defect is noticed late, and the paint has dried up a little, you need to leave it to dry completely, and then sand this place.

This process is not difficult at all: after the first painting, you will have the necessary skills, and you will be much more confident in your abilities. Good luck with the repair!

Along with this material also read:

How to paint ceilings and walls with water-based paint

The problem of ceiling painting often does not raise many questions, despite the fact that this process is not difficult. As a rule, there are errors in these repairs that can affect the appearance and condition of the ceiling. Therefore, it is important to know how to draw the ceiling correctly using a watercolor cylinder.

The choice of water-based paint

Color dispersion is a suspension of polymer particles and pigmented substances dissolved in water.

If you have given the edge to this material to figure out how to paint a ceiling latex cylinder, you need to choose a great choice that is perfect for you in terms of price and quality. Manufacturers offer the following types of dispersion materials:

  • acrylic;
  • based on polyvinyl acetate;
  • with a silicate base;
  • acrylic with the addition of latex;
  • with mineral content.

Rules for painting the ceiling with a roller

Not everyone can paint a ceiling with a watercolor roller correctly.

Ceiling painting rules

To make sure you don't get jagged lines from a dark spot roller pass or other issues due to staining, follow these guidelines:

  • choose a long shaft;
  • the initial coating is needed from the corners, as well as the connection between the ceiling and the wall;
  • The master cylinder of paint is applied in three passes, the first pass being parallel to the light from the window.

    The second pass should be in a rectangular direction. Finally - it should be directed against the window;

  • Each subsequent layer is applied only after complete drying.

Roller technology

Everyone seems to know how to paint walls with watercolors the right way. Most beginners who carry out repairs themselves believe that there are no problems.

Actually, without the knowledge of creating color without lines and obtaining a perfect surface, this will not be possible.

Painting walls with water-based paint begins with the preparation of preparatory work.

The basic principles of painting the ceiling with water color

Include surface leveling, application of starting and finishing putty, filling.

When the walls are floored and filled, paint the corners with a corner roller or a brush that bends from the ceiling of the upper and lower borders and the floor, the walls can be painted with latex spray paint by hands.

To do this, use the mixer on low speed to thoroughly mix the paint. Then pour the color into a special tray so that the level does not reach the axis of the cylinder.

Painting the walls with a roller

When rolling the roller back and forth on the pallet, we collect the paint on the fur coat, after which we spend several times on the inclined corrugated surface of the tray.

This operation removes excess color and evenly distributes over the layer. It is also necessary that the colors of the latex paints be of the highest quality.

To find out which area of ​​the wall the copier has enough ink, simply turn it towards the wall in a square. Then mentally break this square into strips equal to the width of the fur coat.

For example, there are five groups:

  • we start drawing from any top corner;
  • skip the first tape and make a folding from the bottom up on the second tape;
  • we cross the third tape and take the roll from bottom to top on the fifth tape, then on the fourth, and then on the first and second tape.

With these manipulations, you can evenly distribute the color across the width of the square and paint your walls with water-based paint.

After two passes, the LMC is evenly distributed over the entire square of the square. Gather the color and continue drawing the same pattern.

When distributing the cover horizontally, take the previous square of the width of one tape.

Drying Time of Water Dispersion Paint

If you're doing this kind of renovation, you need to know how much paint on the walls dries out.

Drying time will affect the surface it applies to. However, after 2 hours, the surface of the water dispersion is dried on any surface.

Painting with water dispersion paint on a white sink

Wall painting with a water-based lime color is allowed if the surface layer of the wall is thin, firmly held and free of bubbles and cracks.

Only in this case the color of the water used for lime will be supplied for many years.

color in color

Painting walls and ceilings Dispersion paint has many advantages - a large number of bright colors, no emission of harmful substances or steam, and quick drying, unlike other types of coatings.

In addition, water-based paint is difficult to apply to ceilings and walls.

1.Possible causes of stains on the ceiling

2. Typical mistakes when performing paint work

3. How to fix the painting of the ceiling

Ceiling painting is not always successful. It happens that the color of its surface is heterogeneous.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint from A to Z

Spots, stripes, stains can be found on the ceiling, leading homeowners to a state of despair.

Is it worth it to repaint the surface again or will it only exacerbate the problem? Will I have to remove the newly applied layer of paint and start all over again, or can less drastic measures be dispensed with?

Let's figure out how to fix the ceiling after painting in the simplest and most effective way.

Possible causes of stains on the ceiling

First of all, make sure that the visible spots on the ceiling after painting are really an unevenness in the shade of the ceiling surface, and not a difference in the illumination of its various parts. Examine the ceiling in daylight and then in artificial light.

Compare whether the location of the spots matches. For a more reliable comparison, you can take a photo from the same point in different lighting modes. If the shape and location of the spots have changed, then the matter is in the uneven illumination of the ceiling.

Finally, the third reason may be the use of low-quality paint.

In this case, there is no other option but to wash off the paint from the ceiling and buy a new one. To avoid such a situation, it is better to immediately demand a certificate for products from the seller of building materials.

Typical mistakes when performing paint work

Divorces on the ceiling after painting are often caused by incorrect actions during the repair.

Here is a short list of the most common mistakes:

How to paint the ceiling, more on the video:

How to fix ceiling paint

The most important thing is to correctly determine the cause of the spots.

If it is a matter of uneven lighting, it is enough to put other lighting fixtures or change their layout. In all other cases, the most effective approach is to completely wash off the existing paint and apply a new one. Trying to put a new coat of paint on top of the previous one usually only makes things worse (read also: How to remove whitewash from a ceiling).

It is better to immediately notice defects than to think later how to fix the ceiling after painting. Before the paint begins to dry, you can have time to process the poorly painted areas with a roller and thus avoid the appearance of spots.

Which roller is the color of the ceiling with water by color: the choice of a roller (photo, video) | Ceiling PRO

Painting for various surfaces is used for water emulsion dyes. Highly visible ceilings, water-based colored paints.

You can add pigment to give the desired tone. The roller is the most suitable tool. Let's take a closer look at how to paint a ceiling with water based on color.

Tool selection

The surface of ceilings is often uniform, so it is more suitable for the use of paint for painting.

A wide range of tools for paintwork is on sale. Which ceiling paint cylinder depends on the following parameters:

  • When choosing, consider the condition of the ceiling surface and the appearance of the color;
  • handle length and size. Ready for use will be rollers with a handle length of 30 to 50 cm;
  • quality and structure of "hair".

The color composition must be spread over the surface in an even layer.

Therefore, it is important that you select the correct cylinder. A good color tool should have the following properties:

  • Absorbs color without significant excess;
  • The ability to capture a significant part of the space during staining;
  • The universal roller roller allows you to change the size of the "fur" if necessary.

The advantages of the cylinder include tool care - it is very easy to clean, comes with natural or synthetic fur.

It is better to buy a roll of natural materials, and then the color composition will be well placed on the treated surface.


If it's hard to tell what color the cylinder is on the ceiling, go with the natural peak version. Advantages of natural fur:

  1. Absorbs color perfectly;
  2. Do not remove additional color composition, so shades are off;
  3. Excessive excess paint in the scraper tray is completely removed before application to the ceiling surface.

Coloring with such a device provides a uniform coverage of the color composition.

There are no unnecessary marks on the treated surface.

To choose the right sheet metal, try to study all types of tools and the properties of each type.

Features of the choice of painting equipment

If you have problems, it is better to keep the ceiling on the ceiling, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Squeeze the pillow in your hand before buying. If the tool is of high quality, it is not deformed;
  2. look at the seam on the coat.

    It should not have a noticeable, distinctive joint, otherwise the marks will be traced during staining;

  3. check the bunch. If the instrument is of good quality, the villas must not be stretched or lowered.

The choice of ceiling paint roller also depends on the length of the villa in the palm of your hand. When buying a station according to the version with the average length of the villa. Because of the short fibers, there is a chance that uncolored spaces will remain and long excess colors will remain.

But if the ceiling coating is rough, with small cracks, then small errors can be closed due to long fibers (fill them with color).

If you need uneven coverage while painting, check out the polyamide version.

Design is a drum wrapped in rope. Therefore, when drawing, an interesting surface structure is created.

Building drawing tools

How to choose a ceiling painting roller to get a smooth, painted surface? Not only is the structure of the portal instrument tool important, but also the structural features. This is the nozzle and how to fix it.

Adapters have different nozzles from 4 to 40 centimeters long.

A tool with a medium nozzle length is more suitable.
When choosing, consider the diameter of the nozzle. The larger the diameter, the lower the chance of paint spraying.

After selecting the plate, we also see the attachment of the nozzle. You will need to carry cheap tools along the nose of the fur shop with the attachment, as it is non-removable. The choice should be made in favor of a removable nozzle plate, where the fastening is carried out using a coupling.

This is an economical option as you can easily change after wearing the fur.

There are 3 color nozzles designed for painting pipes

For painting ceiling surfaces, a cylinder with a cylindrical nozzle is the best option. The main thing is to choose the right material from which the fur coat is made.

Colored water applicator

An aqueous emulsion was chosen to treat the surface of the ceiling. We will find out which color paint with water ceilings are based on color.

Depending on how well the coloring tool is chosen, it depends on the surface area to be processed.

When choosing, rely on the weight of the cylinder, dimensions and performance in the process. Take care of the tool with metal fittings. Such a variety is rarely deformed in the course of work.

Choose a large tool to cover a large area when painting the ceiling space. Focus on the width of the fur coat with an area of ​​about 1 m².

You can use a brush to paint hard to reach places or buy a smaller device (a 5 cm fur coat).

Paint for water on the ceiling should have a structure in which the color composition is chasing from the inside. When you work, there are a certain number of colored sheets when pressed face down and spots of a large area.

The advantages of a color-based ceiling paint cylinder are long distance coverage. It takes less time to work while maintaining the color composition.

See the photo of ceiling paint paint with water based on the color above.

In addition to the various fur coat options and designs, attention must be paid to the choice of additional painting devices. Regardless of the chosen color scheme, a special tray is required, in which excess paint is removed from the cylinder during rolling.

Water-based ceiling paints come in the following forms:

The composition includes water, liquid glass and various pigments. It is good to apply paint with rollers with a wide and thick layer.

Important: this composition does not tolerate high humidity, not water dispersions.

Water-based acrylic polymers dry quickly, are resistant to sunlight and are quite durable. If you have any questions about what color to paint the ceiling with water dispersion paint, pay attention to the following points:

  • the need for relief or a smooth surface of the ceiling;
  • roller coil absorption;
  • the ability of the hood to accurately transfer the color composition.

Modern materials from which the working surface of the cylinders is made are suitable for applying almost all color compositions.

Make your choice according to your wishes and financial possibilities.


Performing repairs when painting ceiling areas requires certain rules. When it comes to deciding which cylinder is best for painting your ceiling, read the following guidelines and tips before you buy:

  1. The best result can be achieved by choosing a roller with soft oblong villas, preferably natural material;
  2. seamless options are made of rubber, wool or nylon rollers are attached to turn around the bearing part;
  3. the detachable version of the fur coat defines the seam along the tool, the cross passes through the seam.

When choosing which cylinder you can choose to paint the ceiling, check the release and adjustment lever.

For work with ceilings, the best option is a device equipped with a coupling. A good nozzle design is cylindrical. This design is suitable for painting large areas, including ceilings.

What is better to buy a ceiling bleaching roller, it is decided depending on the condition of the treated surface, the presence of errors and bottlenecks on it.

The choice and purchase is influenced by such points as:

  • comfort at work;
  • fur material;
  • the length of the villa;
  • design features.

The desired result can be achieved based on the competent choice of colored ceiling equipment. Before buying, carefully study the characteristics of each type, compare the functions.

Among the whole variety of finishing materials for the ceiling, the well-known water-based emulsion is in the first place - affordable in price, not requiring special skills in work and elegantly strict in design.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint has its pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • no unpleasant stench;
  • the smell of dampness disappears after airing;
  • whitewash components are non-toxic;
  • technological in work (just dilute, stir, tint and apply);
  • the ability to get any color after adding color;
  • easily washed off the body, clothes, floor;
  • can be performed by non-professionals - it is possible to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint with your own hands;
  • low cost of finishing;
  • combination with various types and types of interior.

The disadvantage is:

  • inability to tolerate low temperatures - under the influence of frost, the paint surface may crack;
  • high labor costs of preparing the ceiling for whitewashing;
  • the painted surface quickly becomes dirty and loses its original appearance.

Preparing for painting

Whitewashing the ceiling with old paint or wallpaper is possible, which is why many do so. However, the result of such a decision will be visible literally the next day: the snow-white-white surface of the ceiling with a different structure of the applied paint immediately catches the eye and neutralizes the entire effect of the repair.

In order for a matte or glossy ceiling to look aesthetically pleasing, it must first be prepared for painting. Step by step, the whole process of preparatory work is as follows:

  • walls, floors, windows and doors are protected from dust with polyethylene film;
  • previous finishing materials (paint, wallpaper, tiles) are removed;
  • the surface of the ceiling is repaired and, if necessary, reinforced with fiberglass;
  • the ceiling is treated with a primer, and then puttied.

The entire preparation process is described in detail in the article ""

Tools and materials

Before starting work, you must purchase in advance:

  • primer for painting ("Knauf", "Prospectors", "Optimist" or "Ceresit");
  • white water-based whitewash (taken in one batch - nuances in color tones are possible);
  • masking tape (krepp);
  • cuvette;
  • construction tape;
  • brush 5-8 cm wide for painting hard-to-reach places;
  • a small brush (with its help, the painting is corrected in the corners and near the heating pipes);
  • set of paint rollers.

For large volumes of painting work, you can use an airbrush with a compressor or a spray gun with a paint sprayer. In addition, you will need:

  • polyethylene film to protect walls, floors and furniture from paint splashes;
  • construction tape;
  • ladder;
  • mixer based on an electric drill or screwdriver;
  • container for mixing paint;
  • old clothes with a headdress and glasses.

Selection and preparation of water-based paint

The external perception and service life of the whitewash depend on the type of water emulsion. Just 20-30 years ago, the choice was limited only by the tone of the paint. Today it can be bought for any operating conditions.

Aqueous emulsion ceiling paints are a dispersed water emulsion of water, coloring pigments and insoluble tiny particles of polymeric materials in suspension, forming a thin polymer film on the painted surface after evaporation of the solvent (drying of the paint layer). Various impurities can also be added to the composition, changing the characteristics of the paint.

Depending on the additives, water emulsion can be.

1. According to the level of hygroscopicity:

  • for dry rooms (bedroom, hall, children's room);
  • wet (corridor, hallway);
  • with a high level of humidity (bathroom, kitchen, toilet).

2. Gloss levels:

  • matte (the room visually seems larger, but the smallest paint defects are visible on it, it is difficult to wash);
  • semi-matte;
  • glossy (all flaws are visible, but it washes well);
  • semi-gloss.

The best option is a semi-matte or semi-gloss surface.

3. Care options:

  • unsuitable for wet cleaning (cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth);
  • indelible (can be washed without the use of special products);
  • washable (withstand treatment with detergent compositions).

Depending on the insoluble particles, water emulsion is:

  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.

Mineral whitewash - the cheapest type of paint and varnish products. Produced on the basis of cement or lime. It has good adhesion to concrete, brick, drywall, wood and other materials.

At the same time, it also has a number of disadvantages - hygroscopicity, which does not allow painting in damp rooms, the impossibility of wet cleaning and a short service life - which led to a sharp drop in its popularity.

Water-based emulsion acrylic- the most demanded paint in the market of building materials. Here is the most optimal combination of price and quality - it has a long service life, low consumption per 1 m 2 of the painted surface (good hiding power), the ability to tighten microcracks up to 1 mm wide, and can be washed with a damp cloth.

When applied in 3 layers, larger flaws are also hidden, for example, gaps up to 2 mm wide. The presence of acrylic resins in the composition of the paint allows the painted surface to withstand significant mechanical stress and a large difference in temperature and humidity.

The disadvantage is the formation of a vapor-tight layer, which does not allow painting a poorly dried surface.

At the core silicate liquid glass paint. Its low popularity at a low price and long service life (20 years or more) is due to the low moisture resistance of painted surfaces (bathrooms, kitchens, corridors cannot be painted).

Silicone dye consists of water, coloring pigments and silicone resins. This is the latest achievement in the construction industry. It is characterized by water resistance, elasticity, resistance to mechanical and natural influences, long service life, high aesthetic properties, etc.

At the same time, the highest price among similar paints corresponds to the high quality of the product.

The main characteristics of water-based whitewash are summarized in the table.

Properties / Types of paintsAcrylicsilicateSiliconeMineral
Vapor permeability++ +++++ +++ +++++
CO2 permeability++ +++++ +++ +++++
Film strength+++++ ++++ ++++ ++++
Color fastness+++ ++++ +++++ +++
fire resistance+ +++ ++ +++++
Elasticity+++++ ++++ ++++ +++
Wash resistance+++++ ++++ +++++ ++
Mold resistance+++ +++++ +++ +++
Manufacturability+++++ ++++ +++++ +++
Color palette+++++ ++++ +++++ +++
Hygroscopicity+++++ + + +++

Property level:

  • +++++ - high.
  • ++++ is good.
  • +++ - medium.
  • ++ is bad.
  • + - practically absent.

What roller to paint

Painting on their own is done mostly with paint rollers - the purchase of an airbrush or a compressor for small areas to be painted is not economically feasible.

On the shelves of hardware stores you can find a variety of rollers:

  • faux fur with short, medium and long pile;
  • foam rubber;
  • velour.

Many inexperienced repairmen do not attach importance to which roller to paint the ceiling with water-based paint, and buy the cheapest sets. But there are some secrets here:

  • the velor roller does not absorb water-based paint well - finishing work will be delayed in time due to slow staining;
  • foam rubber leaves small bubbles on the ceiling;
  • faux fur with short pile is heavily spattered with very small particles of paint.

Therefore, the ceiling should be painted with a roller with a medium and long pile made of faux fur. At the same time, the villi should sit well (do not climb out of the base when twitching), the seam should go obliquely and not stand out.


Painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion requires its preliminary treatment with a primer. Most apartment owners who do this work on their own skip this step and apply a paint layer directly on the putty or floor base, by analogy with a wall.

Having received a slightly different quality, they cannot understand that physical forces manifest themselves completely differently on the wall and ceiling. If the wall is not primed for paint, then its adhesion to the painted surface will still be sufficient for a long service life. On the ceiling, the paint tends to fall down under the influence of its weight, forming bubbles, stains and cracks during drying.

Grounding allows you to:

  • improve adhesion between the ceiling and the paintwork material;
  • reduce paint consumption;
  • strengthen the surface of the floor;
  • protect the ceiling from various fungi and mold;
  • increase the reliability and durability of the treated surface.

The primer must be chosen for the base of the whitewash: acrylic primer is suitable for acrylic, silicate primer for silicate, etc. On the ceiling without putty, the primer is applied with a brush in 2-3 layers, while the solution should be rubbed into the surface of the ceiling. On the putty, you can prime with a roller - 2 passes are enough here.

You can also prime the ceiling with paint diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. This is much worse than a special primer, but much better than no primer at all.

Coloring instructions

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint? There is nothing complicated in this process. You just need to follow a few simple rules.

  • Painting begins after complete drying of the primer. If the rule is broken, the paint simply will not stick to the ceiling.
  • With 2 passes, the 1st coat of paint is applied across the light stream from the window. The second is parallel to the light (see diagram).

If you plan to resort to 3 layers of whitewashing, then the 1st layer of paint is laid from the window, perpendicular to its plane, the 2nd - across the first layer, the 3rd - just like the first, parallel to the light, but work begins at the far wall and are conducted towards the window, which can be clearly seen in the diagram.

  • Each subsequent layer is applied to a completely dry surface - at least 12 hours.
  • Work is best done in the evenings - the sun's rays (ultraviolet) on the wet paint leave dark spots. When working during the day, windows should be covered with a film or cloth.
  • Drafts lead to streaks due to uneven drying of the paint layer. The same thing happens when drying the ceiling with electric heaters.
  • Applying a layer of paint should be within a time period of 15-20 minutes. Therefore, breaks and breaks are not allowed.
  • Each layer of paint must be applied with a new roller. Attempts to wash it under running cold water will not allow you to get a high quality whitewash (carious owners do not throw away the washed roller - it can be useful for working with oil types of paints).

Roller whitewash

You can whitewash the ceiling with a roller, paint sprayer and brush. Each technology has its own characteristics. How to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks using a roller? You just have to stick to the technology developed over the years:

  • Seal with masking tape the joint of the ceiling with the walls around the entire perimeter.
  • Protect wallpaper, furniture and floors from paint splashes with plastic wrap.
  • Prepare paint for work. This can be simple stirring or dilution with water to the desired consistency. How to properly perform this stage of work (dilute or just stir) can be found in the instructions printed on the package.

For reference: experienced painters advise for the 1st layer to dilute the water-based emulsion a little stronger than it is written in the instructions.

Stirring is best done with a mixer. If small grains appear on the surface of the paint during its operation, the water-based emulsion must be cleaned. To do this, it must be filtered through cheesecloth, folded in 3 layers.

  • With a wide brush, paint over the border of the junction of the ceiling to the wall, as well as places inaccessible to the roller (near the heating pipes). The width of the passage is 8-10 cm. In order for the water emulsion to lay down in an even layer, the brush is dipped into it by 1/3, after which it is pressed against the edge of the can to remove excess. If this is not done, then the paint will definitely begin to drip down and flow down the brush handle. At the same time, a large amount of paint is difficult to rub into a thin layer on the surface of the ceiling.
  • Pour whitewash into a cuvette (you can use a bowl with a clean piece of oilcloth, hardboard or linoleum spread nearby) and soak the roller around the entire circumference. To do this, it is dipped in paint and rolled over the ribbed surface of the cuvette (oilcloth, linoleum, etc.) until the entire surface is evenly saturated with a water-based emulsion. If you skip this operation, weakly stained spots form on the ceiling, invisible when wet (professionals call them “non-paints”).
  • Wet part of the roller and gently pressing it against the ribs of the tray, spread the paint over the entire surface of the pile. You need to start painting from the corner according to the scheme. Strip width - no more than 50 cm. Painting should go in the direction of the roller. The strips are applied with an overlap of 5-10 cm. The handle of the roller should be at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the ceiling - when the roller is above the head, control over the snug fit of the pile to the surface to be painted along the entire length of the roller disappears.
  • Quality control must be carried out either by a beam of light from a flashlight or by changing the viewing angle of the painter, for which he needs to look at the painted area from the side. Influxes of paint are removed with a developed roller - the pile will absorb excess water emulsion. Traces from the roller during overlapping work are removed with a dry (worked out) roller in W-shaped movements along the course of painting.

During operation, as the dye is consumed, the pressure on the roller should increase. You can start the second layer no earlier than 12 hours, until the paint is completely dry.

Spray painting

Working with an airbrush gives not only an excellent painting result, but also brings satisfaction from the process itself - it is easy and pleasant. For high-quality painting you need:

  1. Dilute water emulsion. What is acceptable for a roller and brush is not suitable for a paint sprayer - the mixture should be more rare;
  2. Strain the paint - small particles often clog the nozzle. During the repair, the painted areas dry out. Continuation of work is impossible without getting fresh paint on the already dried one, as a result of which the boundaries will be clearly visible. To remove them, you will have to wait until the applied layer is completely dry and wipe the visible defects with fine sandpaper. The second layer will hide errors in the work;
  3. Adjust the paint supply, for which paint an unnecessary object for 20-30 seconds - at first the spray gun throws out a lot of coloring matter;
  4. Coloring is started after stabilization of the flow of paint. The nozzle is held at a distance of about half a meter from the ceiling. Move at a speed of 1 m in 5 seconds. The inclination of the nozzle must be constant, preferably perpendicular to the surface to be painted;
  5. You need to paint in sections: first with movements in one direction, then across them, after which they move on to the next square. The pace is even. A slight delay will result in a thick layer of paint that will take a long time to fiddle with. It is better to underpaint than overpaint - subsequent layers will close the "underpainting";
  6. The best result is obtained when applying 3 layers of whitewash.

brush painting

Nostalgic for the old days paint the ceiling with a brush. Here, no matter how hard you try, the finishing result will be much worse: smears and stains are visible. At the same time, paint consumption increases: something will drip onto the floor, something will remain in a thicker layer of paint.

The technology is applicable in back rooms, garages, workshops. When agreeing to a brush, it is necessary to take into account the time of work - it will be 3-4 times longer.

How to avoid divorce

The headache of any painter is the appearance of divorces. This problem is especially acute for beginners in the painting business. How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks? First, strictly follow the painting process. Secondly, follow these tips:

  • remove all heating devices (this is especially true for lighting on the ceiling), turn off the batteries or wrap them up for the duration of the work;
  • prevent drafts;
  • maintain constant control over the quality of coloring either with the help of light or step aside, changing the viewing angle;
  • do not interrupt work for smoke breaks and respite;
  • do not paint directly overhead;
  • do not jump from place to place.

Compliance with technology allows even a beginner to get a perfectly painted ceiling surface.

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An article-instruction on how to properly paint the ceiling with water-based paint. Surface preparation, tool selection and the benefits of water-based paint.

The decision to paint the ceiling with water-based paint is the most reasonable and correct. With the obvious ease of application with your own hands, the surface painted with water-based paint, a beautiful and high-quality coating is obtained. However, to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface, choose the paint and apply it. How to properly paint the ceiling with water-based paint, we will tell in this article.

Advantages of water-based paint

Water-based paint has gained its popularity due to its simple composition - it is water and polymers undissolved in it, and excellent technical characteristics.

Of the advantages of water-based paint, it is worth noting:

Fast drying;

Absence of a sharp and unpleasant odor;

The paint does not crack, the painted surface pleases with an attractive appearance for a long time (of course, if all the requirements for applying paint were observed);

The composition of the paint does not contain toxic and harmful substances.

Surfaces painted with water-based paint, as a rule, cannot be washed, but moisture-resistant types are now available.

Acrylic water-based paint is one of the most popular and inexpensive, but this composition is not resistant to moisture.

Silicone paints are usually used in rooms with high humidity - bathroom, kitchen. The composition is moisture resistant, surfaces painted with silicone water-based paint can be washed.

In addition, water-based paints are divided into glossy, which have an attractive appearance and make it easy to wash, and matte, durable and able to hide small cracks.

To paint the ceiling with water-based paint correctly, it is recommended to choose special types designed specifically for application to the ceiling. This paint is thick, perfectly lay down on the surface, without dripping or flowing. Information about paint consumption is indicated on the label, but you need to keep in mind that the paint is applied in three layers.

Surface preparation for painting

Like any surface to be painted, the ceiling must be prepared for the application of water-based paint. And the better this is done, the better and more durable the coating will be as a result.

First of all, we dismantle the lighting fixtures, then carefully remove the old decorative coating: the whitewash is washed off, the wallpaper, previously well moistened with water (we use a roller for this), are cleaned with a spatula. The paint is more difficult to remove, it will have to be scraped off with a spatula or scraper.

If the ceiling is too dark, there is a chance that the base will show through the paint despite three coats being applied. In this case, you must either choose a special primer, or a paint with high hiding power, for example, "Dulux v sheen" or similar.

Ceiling painting tools

To paint the ceiling with water-based paint, you need the following tools:

  1. The roller is the main tool of the painter, and for painting the ceiling you need a roller with a medium pile, and we do not recommend using foam and velor rollers. A long pile will absorb excess paint, while using a short pile roller will leave streaks.
  2. Paint bath, the best option with a corrugated bottom.
  3. Flat brush - will be needed when painting corners where the roller will not be able to do this.
  4. Stepladder or goats - which will be more convenient to comfortably paint the ceiling.
  5. Masking tape - will allow you to protect surfaces that do not need to be painted from painting.

You should also take care of good lighting of the room, this will help you better see where it has already been painted and where it has not yet.

We paint the ceiling: step by step instructions

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint fits into a few simple points:

  1. First, prepare the paint for application. If necessary, add water to the paint (see instructions), mix well and fill the bath.
  2. Let's start painting: first of all, we apply paint with a brush to the corners and other places inaccessible to the roller. It is recommended to maintain a strip width of no more than 7-10 cm.
  3. Now you can start painting the ceiling with a roller. An important point: the first layer is applied in strips perpendicular to the window. The strips are applied with an overlap of several centimeters with wide movements. Apply a layer at a time, without stopping, this will allow the paint to lie flat.
  4. After applying the first layer, wait about 2 hours, that is, let the first layer dry. Now you can start applying the second layer. Important: the second layer is already applied parallel to the window. We evaluate the work done, and if unpainted areas are found, we immediately correct it.
  5. Let the second layer dry, and apply the third, final layer. The layer is applied similarly to the first, that is, perpendicular to the window. It is recommended to use a new roller for applying the third coat.

The process of painting the ceiling with colored water-based paint is generally the same as white. The white composition of the paint is mixed with the desired color, taking into account the fact that the dried paint will be several tones lighter than in liquid form. That is why it is recommended to dilute the entire volume of paint with color (see Do-it-yourself paint tinting), since it will be difficult to choose a shade when preparing the second and subsequent portions of paint.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint VIDEO

The most common way to decorate a ceiling is to whitewash or paint it. And the most used paint for this is water-based. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint at first glance seems to be a simple matter, but there are many subtleties, ignorance of which leads to the appearance of spots or stripes. How to avoid the appearance of such a nuisance, we will tell further.

Preparing for painting

In order for self-painting of the ceiling with water-based paint to be of high quality and uniform, preliminary preparation of the ceiling is necessary. It is possible to achieve uniform coloring only on a flat, puttied surface. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to clean the ceiling from any previous coating (with the exception of a water-based emulsion, which holds very well).

How to remove whitewash

If you have whitewash on the ceiling - chalk or lime - you need to moisten the ceiling with water, and remove the coating with a spatula. Clean everything down to concrete. Even the smallest fragments must be removed. Sometimes it is very inconvenient to scrape small areas with a spatula, it is easier to do it with a wet rag.

In any case, after removing the whitewash, the ceiling should be washed with water and detergent. After complete drying, prime and putty with gypsum or cement (preferably white) putty to an even state, which is also called “under the egg”.

How to remove old water emulsion

If the ceiling has already been painted with a water-based emulsion, simply removing it will not work. The procedure depends on how the paint holds on the ceiling. If she just changed color and you need to update the ceiling, there are no swellings, cracks and other similar problems, you can get by with a little blood. First - remove dust (with a cloth with water), dry, then primed. After the primer dries, you can paint. But once again we pay attention - this procedure is used only if the water emulsion is holding well and there are no defects.

Cleaning waterproof water-based emulsion from the ceiling is still a pleasure

If there are cracks, swellings on the surface of the water-based emulsion, it must be cleaned off. There are two ways - dry and wet. Dry is to clean with sandpaper (manually or using an angle grinder), wet is to wash off. This method has to be used for paint that is not afraid of water. But it is very difficult to clean off such paint. If the water-based paint holds well, no tricks help, but there are surface defects and putty is necessary, take coarse-grained sandpaper and make the surface rough. After that, you can putty. Further - according to technology: primer and then paint.

The ceiling painted with a water-based emulsion is washed off twice abundantly wetting with hot water. The water should be almost boiling water - about 70°C. After wetting part of the ceiling, wait 10 minutes, then again moisten the same area with hot water. After about five minutes, you can remove the paint with a spatula.

Removing old paint is a lengthy process

You can repeat this procedure several times, gradually removing lagging paint from the ceiling. Small residues can be cleaned with sandpaper, and then rinsed the ceiling, dried and primed. On the primer, it is already possible to putty, sand, leveling the imperfections.

Types of water-based paint

Water-based paint is a water-based emulsion that contains polymer particles undissolved in water. The composition also includes pigments and various additives that change the characteristics of the final product. After applying the paint, active evaporation of water occurs and a thin polymer film remains on the surface.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with the choice of composition. They use four types of polymers:

  • Acrylic. Aqueous emulsion based on acrylic resins allows you to get a smooth surface, has good hiding power, hides small surface defects, up to cracks up to 1 mm wide. Its disadvantage is the high price, but it is easier to work with it. In its pure form, acrylic compounds are hygroscopic and can only be used for dry rooms, but they do not interfere with the passage of steam. To create a waterproof film, latex is added to the acrylic emulsion. The same additive increases the elasticity of the dried film. Such compositions can be used in wet rooms.

    Acrylic-based water emulsion - a smart choice

  • silicates. This type of water-based paint is based on liquid glass. The coating is resistant to atmospheric precipitation and at the same time does not prevent the removal of vapors, has a long service life (10 years or more), and can be used for outdoor work.

    Silicate paints are vapor-tight

  • Minerals - lime or cement. Mineral water-based emulsions have good adhesion to any surface, but are quickly washed off. As a result, they are gradually losing popularity.

  • Silicone. Silicone-based aqueous emulsions are the latest in industry. These compositions are good because they "tighten" cracks up to 2 mm thick. As a result, the surface painted by them, even without excellent preparation, is even and smooth. The film is dense, but vapor-permeable. Silicone water emulsion can be used to paint the ceiling in bathrooms and other wet areas. The disadvantage of this type of paint is the high price.

Latex may be added to any of the formulations. Latex water-based paint is water-repellent. It is not afraid of moisture, can be used in wet areas.

Based on the main characteristics of these compositions, you can choose the best type of water-based paint for yourself. Each case requires its own properties and the “best water emulsion” is different each time.

What primer to use

The primer is necessary for better adhesion (adhesion) of the paint to the surface to be painted. It allows you to avoid the appearance of cracks and swelling after the paint dries. If there is no primer, this can happen. Everything will have to be cleaned and re-puttyed. Because in order for the painting of the ceiling with water-based paint to be of high quality, it is necessary to prime the surface well.

The base of the primer must match the base paint. Under acrylic paint, a water-based emulsion requires the same primer, under silicone - based on silicones, etc. Moreover, it is advisable not to save: the quality of this composition depends on how smoothly the water emulsion will lie on the ceiling.

There is an economical way of priming: the main paint is diluted with water (1 to 2) and the surface is painted over with this composition a couple of times. It's certainly better than nothing, but the primer gives a more secure grip.

How to paint the ceiling with a water-based emulsion with your own hands

Each of the water-based paints on the bank has instructions for use. It describes how it works. Some formulations just need to be stirred well before work: undissolved polymers can settle at the bottom of the jar. Some formulations require dilution. The amount of water added is also prescribed in the instructions and depends on the method of application. Under spray guns, they are bred more strongly; when using a roller, thicker compositions are required.

When diluting the water emulsion with water, it must be added in small portions. After mixing thoroughly, test on a surface area. If the paint lays down evenly, almost completely paints over the base, you can paint.

It is more convenient to pour the paint into a special container with a tray and a ribbed platform. You can use an ordinary bowl and a clean piece of oilcloth spread nearby. It's not as convenient, but it's less expensive.

Which roller to choose

A roller for painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion is needed with a dense short pile. You need to examine it carefully. The pile should “sit” firmly and in no case should it “climb out”, even if you pull on it. Then look at how the seam is made. In no case should it stand out. It must be hard to find. It is best if it is made obliquely.

Devote maximum attention to choosing a roller: the quality of painting - the absence of stripes on the ceiling - largely depends on how good you have chosen the tool. It is more convenient to whitewash the ceiling with a water-based emulsion not from a ladder, but from the floor. To do this, the roller is planted on a long handle and well fixed.

How to paint without streaks

To avoid streaks on the ceiling, painting the ceiling with water-based paint should be completed no later than 20 minutes. Immediately after application, water begins to actively absorb / evaporate, and stripes appear at the junction of the dried and “fresh” color. Therefore, it is desirable to prepare the room. It is necessary to turn off (wrap) the radiators, to prevent the appearance of a draft. It is also advisable to wash the floor immediately before whitewashing, even if you work during the day, turn on the lights, this will allow you to better control the quality of the painting. After that, you can get to work.

Ready-to-use water-based paint is poured into a container, a roller is dipped into it, then it is well rolled over the site, achieving uniform distribution over the entire surface. When the roller has a solid color, they begin to paint.

The corners are painted over with the first brush. After applying a little paint, take a small roller and roll it well. Then they begin to paint the main surface. The first layer is applied parallel to the window, the second - perpendicularly.

It is necessary to stand so as to look at the painted place at an angle. This will give you a good view of how evenly the paint has spread, as well as where you have already painted and where you haven't. Move systematically, without jumping from one piece to another.

The width of the strip to be painted at a time is slightly larger than the width of the roller. After wetting the roller, place it approximately in the middle of the strip. Roll the paint quickly in both directions from one wall to the other. Don't waste too much time, you don't have much. On average, the water emulsion dries up in 10-20 seconds. We didn’t have time to put a strip next to it before - the border will be clearly visible, from which you will not get rid of. Having distributed the paint more or less evenly along the strip, dip the roller into the paint, and again roll it from the middle of the ceiling. At the same time, go into the already painted strip by about 10 cm. All this at a good pace without stops and smoke breaks. The edges of the dyed strip should not dry out. In general, these are all the rules.

After applying the first coat of paint, some places may be less well painted over. It is necessary to wait for complete drying, and paint a second time. This should already be enough to get a flat surface. If even after the third layer of water-based paint you have stripes and stains on the ceiling, you will have to redo it again. It is necessary to level the surface with sandpaper, prime again and paint again.

Which color

The easiest way to achieve perfect evenness of color is when using "snow white" paint. All pigments clearly highlight even small irregularities, so the process should be given maximum attention or use an acrylic or silicone-based water-based emulsion.