What is mezzanine. The meaning of the word mezzanine in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Actual "mezzanine" nuances

One of the most common ways to increase living space is the construction of a mezzanine. Diversifying the interior layout in this way is especially beneficial in rooms with high ceilings, which are often present in old buildings and are designed in new ones. A cozy office, a home library, a play corner or a sleeping place - all this can be placed on the mezzanine. How to implement these and other interior ideas with the help of this architectural element, read on.

Mezzanine dimensions

The higher the ceilings in the room, the more space will be left for the mezzanine. For example, if the mezzanine will be used as a pantry, then the minimum height of the room should be 3.2 m. Two full floors can be obtained with a ceiling height of at least 4.6 m. In any case, the functional purpose of the mezzanine is dictated by the existing height of the room.

In order to be able to move freely under the mezzanine, its height must be at least 220 cm. The same height is also necessary above the mezzanine if it is planned to arrange a work area on it and spend a lot of time there. If a pantry or dressing room is located under the mezzanine, then a height of 180-190 cm is enough for them, unless, of course, there are no basketball players in the family.

A sleeping place on the mezzanine will require a height above the shelf of at least 120 cm. A lower height is also possible, but comfort will not be enough. The height of a person in a sitting position is on average about 1 m. Adding to it the thickness of the mattress (approximately 15 cm), we get 115 cm. wanted this.

As for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bed on the mezzanine, here one should build on the size of the mattress. A standard single mattress has a width of about a meter. Double mattresses are found in widths from 140 cm to 200 cm. To this width, another 30-40 cm should be added for a solid border, on which, if necessary, a mug, book or breakfast tray could be placed.

When planning a sleeping place on the mezzanine, you need to know that the location of the bed near the ceiling is not very good for health, since in this case air exchange is difficult near it. This is more of a forced measure than a good decision. If you still make a bedroom on the mezzanine, then it is better that it be a two-level stepped structure. At the lower level, you can stand up to your full height, for example, to change into pajamas. Under the second (high) level of the mezzanine, you can place a computer desk and equip a workplace there. Under the lower level, you can provide a pantry, a large closet for storage or build an aquarium there.

When constructing a mezzanine, 20 cm must be taken as the total thickness of the shelf. This includes the thickness of the boards, fiberboard and beams. Other constructive solutions are possible, but in any case, reducing the thickness of the shelf, it is necessary to maintain its rigidity, reinforcing the structure with additional ribs.

Staircase to the mezzanine

The tiered arrangement of the mezzanine will definitely require a staircase leading to it. This imposes certain requirements on the size of the room: it must have a large area, since the stairs take up quite a lot of space. It is convenient to climb the stairs when the depth of the tread of the steps does not exceed 28 cm, and their height is 17 cm. Thus, in order to climb to a height of 240 cm, you will need to overcome 14 steps. This staircase will have a march length of 364 cm.

The most comfortable is considered a staircase with a platform on the march. If the size of the room does not allow enough space for the stairs, then you will have to opt for a less comfortable attic staircase. Climbing such a ladder is more or less convenient, but the descent is difficult due to the unusual position of the body - facing the steps. A steep staircase with a step height of more than 20 cm is not recommended. The best option in case of a shortage of space may be a staircase with steps of the "duck step" type, which involve alternating left and right steps.

Mezzanine place

The mezzanine cannot be created in an arbitrary place. The location of door and window openings affects its choice. Mezzanine structural elements should not impede access to the window or interfere with its opening. It must also be taken into account that the rest of the room must maintain ergonomics: it should not be too narrow or resemble a shaft due to its elongated shape. The open space effect will be lost. The only window in the room must be left in the lower (high) part.

In spacious rooms with high ceilings, the mezzanine can also be of the gallery type, i.e. encircle it on three sides. On such a mezzanine, you can freely place the library. In this case, its width, taking into account book shelves, will be about a meter. One of the sides of the gallery mezzanine can be expanded, thereby creating additional space for a reading corner. Narrow mezzanine shelves can be below the standard 220 cm from the floor level.

The mezzanine will have to be in place above the long and narrow corridors, since such rooms look more harmonious with low ceilings. Thus, the mezzanine can be created in several rooms at once, for example, above the hallway, corridor and in the living room. At the same time, the living room will not lose in height, since only a small part of it will go down. But the room will acquire a more interesting layout.

The possibility of covering with a mezzanine and such premises as a bathroom and kitchen is not excluded. Before you remove the wall that separates the mezzanine and the room from which the stairs will rise, you need to make sure that the design of the walls allows this.

Building material for mezzanine

Structurally, the mezzanine consists of beam supports and a ceiling that forms the floor. Supports and beams can be wooden or metal. The latter are a steel profile, the connection of which uses welding or bolts. It is technically more difficult to mount a steel structure, but in the end it will look much more elegant. The tree is more massive, but it excludes the work of a welder.

The floor of the mezzanine can be made of boards, fiberboard, polycarbonate plates, as well as reinforced glass. In order to separate the room formed under the mezzanine, use any sheathing (drywall, OSB, and others). So that the walls of the mezzanine ceiling do not work like a drum, mineral wool can be laid between them.

The design of the mezzanine can be spatial or openwork. The latter is able to become a decoration of the room, but for this it must be carefully designed. If you do not have a desire to highlight the mezzanine, then you can use the same materials that are used in the room for its decoration. For modern interiors, a mezzanine option made of stainless steel and glass blocks may be suitable. Wooden structures will organically fit into classic interiors.

If the mezzanine is installed on supports, then the designer must take into account the bearing capacity of the ceiling under the room.

Mezzanine fencing

Any high-rise fence, including mezzanines, is planned so that its height is above the center of gravity of a person. The security boundary runs at 110 cm, but for small mezzanines this may be too much, so the height of the balustrade is reduced to 90 cm.

The filling of the balustrade can be solid or openwork. Its appearance depends on the functionality of the upper room, as well as on the tastes and preferences of the owners. Naturally, it is better to hide the pantry on the mezzanine in the living room behind a solid fence. If you want to show the interior of the mezzanine, you can use the openwork filling of the fence. When choosing a material for a balustrade, they are guided, first of all, by the characteristics of the interior. Depending on the rest of the finish and its style, balusters can be made of wood, forging, nickel-plated pipes, perforated steel, glass, etc.

Comfort on the second floor

The biggest problem of mezzanines is stagnation of air and a higher temperature than below. If not foreseen there is ventilation, then sleeping on the mezzanine will not be the best. The ventilation problem can be solved in two ways: by creating forced ventilation or by developing a special mezzanine design that will not interfere with the natural movement of air. There may not be stagnation of air on the mezzanine if there is a ventilation grill in the place of its installation. A separate exhaust duct can be brought on purpose. In one-story houses or on attic floors, ventilation can be brought through the roof. As an option: you can connect the mezzanine room with a well-ventilated neighboring room through a flexible ventilation duct. If none of these methods is suitable, then it is necessary to contact specialists who will definitely come up with a solution to the ventilation issue.

An important element of comfort is daylight, the access of which to the mezzanine can be limited. An exception is the mezzanine with an equipped place to sleep. The workplace opposite should be well lit and preferably natural light. Sometimes it may be necessary to make an additional window opening in the wall from the side of the mezzanine, or install a light tunnel. However, any of these ideas will require the consultation of an architect.

In search of a simple way out, many try to solve the problem of light with the help of artificial lighting. I must say that modern lighting technology allows you to do this quite efficiently, but it is still not able to completely replace daylight.

Today, the mezzanine can be seen in almost every home. This functional furniture perfectly complements the interior, making it more ergonomic and spacious.

Websites specializing in sales will help in purchasing a mezzanine. In the search bar, you must enter the online store of cabinet furniture, and then view the proposed options.

Mezzanine: features

The use of a mezzanine in the interior helps to increase the living space in the room, while not harming the design. Furniture fits perfectly into the overall environment, adding personality to it.

As for the designation of the word "mezzanine", this name came to us from France. This term was called the top floor in the house.

With the use of a mezzanine, even in a small room, it is possible to profitably use the part under the ceiling. Items and things that are used less often than other options are placed on furniture.

Often, mezzanines are installed in the bedroom. In this case, the furniture is great for storing bedding.

Today, there are several types of mezzanines. These include:

  • open furniture. In appearance, it resembles a niche or a large shelf;
  • closed structures. A characteristic feature of this type is the presence of doors or blinds;
  • stationary models. Designs are installed under the ceiling, most often used for arranging kitchens;
  • mobile furniture. The mezzanine is located on the cabinet, and is its main part.

The difference between furniture may also lie in the way it is arranged inside. Some mezzanines have many shelves, drawers and other compartments.

How to choose

When choosing a mezzanine for a room, you should pay attention to such significant points:

  • type of construction. Open options are suitable for rooms with a small area;
  • furniture dimensions. The depth and width of the structure must match the free space allocated for its placement;
  • design match. In this case, you need to focus on the interior of the room.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of ventilation. It is necessary so that the things that are stored inside are ventilated.

Basically, for these purposes, small holes are created inside. This ensures a constant supply of air.

If you decide to install furniture in the hallway, take care of the presence of an additional light source in advance. It is best to use options in protective shades.

The high ceiling is an undoubted advantage of the room, it allows you to create additional space, for example, a mezzanine floor. To implement the idea, it is necessary to create a project, which, as a rule, does not require coordination with the relevant authorities. But you need to make sure that the floor will be in harmony with the overall design, the type of ventilation, materials for construction with sufficient strength and stylistic design are also preliminarily provided. The role of ventilation should not be underestimated, as the upper part of the space is often quite stuffy and hot, and cooling systems work more efficiently when mounted on external walls, which is not suitable for all options.

Mezzanine floor: definition

This word has French roots and is translated as the upper small floor, located in the common space of the house. The apartments are also not deprived of the possibility of obtaining such additional space, of course, provided that the ceiling height is at least 3.5 meters. It is worth noting that the built-on platform should be no more than 40-45% of the entire area of ​​​​the room. Today, the mezzanine floor has become popular again, and if earlier it was used only to expand the space, now it is faced with the task of strengthening the applied interior solutions.

Lighting and soundproofing

Being on the mezzanine should not contribute to constraining movements and discomfort, that is, when planning, the growth of living people should be taken into account. The creation of a structure is possible not only in a room with a ceiling of about 4 m. The equipment of sites in low bedrooms is quite common: there is a bed in the lower part of the room, and the main part of the height of the room is allocated for a cozy working area. The organization of a personal workspace always remains relevant, as it provides the opportunity to be in solitude. The office, of course, cannot be imagined without a library or at least a few shelves with literature. Thus, ensuring the strength of the structure and sufficient lighting at any time of the day comes to the fore.

The presence of a roof window is the best option, but, unfortunately, not always possible. It is desirable that at least small windows and a large number of additional lighting devices be present, which is especially important for those who work at night.

Since active mental work takes place in the office and new ideas and solutions are created, high-quality sound insulation is of particular importance. But screens and partitions can only be used if there is no feeling of lack of oxygen and light, otherwise it is worth limiting yourself to glazing.


During the construction process, it is necessary to strictly follow the project, since the mezzanine floor, built with your own hands, must be reliable and withstand the applied loads. Often used as the basis for the frame glued laminated timber. The design is fixed with specialized brackets on the walls and floor surface. The same material is used to fix the boards. The resulting space is optimally suited for the location of guest beds, a recreation area or an office. It is advisable to close open spaces with a wall of special materials, such as glass, lightweight plastic, or limit them with railings to ensure proper safety.


Access to the mezzanine floor is possible only after the creation of a staircase, which can have a spiral or mid-flight design. In the latter case, there are two options suitable for different conditions - a small staircase with a steep slope that saves usable space, or a classic staircase with a railing. Despite the original appearance and compactness of the screw type, it is worth remembering its injury risk due to the presence of non-standard steps. It is also almost impossible to bring large pieces of furniture on them, for example, a non-separable bed. Regardless of the design of the stairs, it should first of all provide easy access to the mezzanine floor in the apartment.

A mobile compact staircase is one of the features of the lounge area. When choosing such a design option, special attention should be paid not only to architectural, but also to aesthetic aspects, since such an addition constantly attracts the eye and should be distinguished by harmonious proportions and materials used.

What to choose

A house with a mezzanine floor in the form of a recreation area is more of a whim than an urgent need. With this type of arrangement, there is no need to allocate space for a high ceiling, since the installation of soft, light armchairs and a low sofa, on which it is comfortable to observe the landscape, becomes relevant.

In modern design, the organization of a bed on the mezzanine is becoming increasingly popular. Such a new trend gives comfort to the family bed, due to the elevation above the rest of the space, besides, on winter nights, the fact that the higher, the warmer the surrounding air will be relevant.

The mezzanine floor, the photo of which is presented below, can also be in the nursery. If there are restrictions in its height, a sleeping place is located on it, and below, depending on the free space, there may be a closet or a desk. This option is especially useful when arranging a small


It is important to choose the right environment for additional space. You should not clutter up the mezzanine floor; modest furniture content and intense lighting with the help of lamps or windows facing south or east are best suited. Such rooms are especially appreciated by collectors of books and antiques because of the free space on the main floor. The interior in light colors is more preferable, while you do not need to get involved in filling in the form of accessories and paintings.

What you need to know

Do not forget about the high risk of being in the extra space for the elderly and young children. It is also important to calculate the bearing capacity of the foundation, since a foundation that is mobile or located under an old house may simply not be able to withstand the increased load.

Do not be upset if the ceiling height is insufficient and the impossibility of implementing such an idea. If the room seems uncomfortable, despite the height not reaching 3 m, you need to look for a problem in an unsuitable design. Low-rise rooms have many positives, such as lower repair costs and energy savings.


see mezzanine

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

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  • ENTRESOL in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (mezzanine) (French entresol) ..1) the upper mezzanine of the house (in the mansions of the 18-19th centuries)...2) The upper part of the room, divided into 2 mezzanines...3) In a modern …
  • ENTRESOL in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (French entresol), 1) the upper mezzanine, built into the volume of the main floor, typical for mansions and manor houses of the 18th-1st half of the 19th centuries. …
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    [from French entresol] 1) the upper part of the room, divided into two floors; in old mansions, the upper low floor is the opposite of high ...
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    well. cm. …
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  • ENTRESOL in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (mezzanine) (French entresol), ..1) the upper half-floor of the house (in mansions of the 18-19th centuries) ... 2) The upper part of the room, divided into 2 half-floors ... 3) In a modern dwelling ...
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  • BO STORE at the Wiki Quote.
  • MEZZANINE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    her, ed. (in one meaning with many) mezzanine, and, 1. Upper mezzanine ...
  • MEZZANINE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    her, ed. (in the same meaning with plural) mezzanine, and, f. 1. The upper mezzanine of the house.||Comp. ATTIC, ATTIC, MEZONINE, …
  • MEZZANINE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -hey, units. mezzanine, -and, f. 1. The upper mezzanine of the house. 2. Kind of a balcony inside a high room. 3. Flooring under the ceiling ...
  • MEZZANINE in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (it. mezzanine half-floor) upper half-floor of the house, incomplete floor (see mezzanine ...