How to tint white paint. Features of the selection and mixing of color for paint. Characteristics of computer and manual mixing

It is far from always possible to find the right shade of paint on the shelves of hardware stores. As a rule, standard colors are presented on the market, and to obtain the original shade, paint tinting will be required. Consider the varieties of colors, features of the manual and computer mixing methods, and also give step-by-step instructions for coloring the paint.

The need for tinting

Tinting is the process of mixing or diluting paints and pigments to achieve desired shades. To get the optimal tone, you can order tinting from a specialized company or mix the colorant and the finished paint yourself.

Tinting is indispensable in the following situations:

  • selection of shade for the interior of the room;
  • not large plot the painted surface is swollen, and it is reluctant to remove all the paint;
  • incorrect calculation of paint during the repair - there was not enough paint, but there is no longer such a shade in stores;
  • selection of matching colors.

Tinting allows you to replace complex Painting works minor cosmetic repairs

What are tinting systems and their varieties

You can quickly and accurately get the perfect even tone of paint with the help of tinting systems. To do this, use the main base paint and coloring compositions - colors. Colors have a contrasting or rich color. Coloring pigments of colorants can be organic or not. organic origin. Organic-based pigments are more often used to achieve brighter tones, but they have some disadvantages:

  • not suitable for all types of surfaces;
  • over time, the paint fades under the sun.

Inorganic pigments are available in a limited range of shades, but they are resistant to weathering and fading.

Colorants are produced in the form of pastes, paints and dry formulations.

Color pastes contain dispersant resins or are produced without a binder. There are universal pastes suitable for various types of paint, and highly specialized ones for certain categories LKM.

The main advantages of color pastes include:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to adjust the shade of paint during mixing.

The disadvantage of a viscous color scheme is the lack of standard color and saturation characteristics of the paste. The end result can be a "surprise" due to the uneven intensity of the color paste.

Coloring paints have the same components as the coatings for which they are intended - water-based, acrylic, oil, etc. The combination of white paint and such pigments allows you to get any shade. To obtain a very bright effect, you can use the colorant undiluted.

Dry pigments have a relatively low cost. The disadvantages of bulk mixtures include:

  • narrow color palette;
  • the difficulty of adjusting the shade during the tinting process (it is not advisable to add dry pigments to the finished paint).

Overview of colors of domestic and foreign manufacturers

On the construction market there are a number of tinting systems of European, American and Russian production. Among foreign companies popular colors "Tikkurila", "NCS", "Huls" and others. Stability and good quality are demonstrated by inexpensive domestic colorants Palitra (Izhevsk enterprise "Novy Dom"), Olki-Unikoler (St. Petersburg), Halo and Dali.

To tint Tikkurila paint, the Tikkurila Symphony mixing system is used, which is based on paint and varnish chemistry. The manufacturer guarantees an accurate result and "hit in color". The system is designed for tinting general construction and household interior paints. The Tikkurila Symphony color system includes a large number of colors - 2256 (of which 10 shades of white).

Separately developed a line of colors for facade works- Tikkurila Facade. The system includes 232 colors for painting wood and stone surfaces.

To perform the tinting of antiseptics and varnishes, it is necessary to use a separate group of Tikkurila colors

The Natural Color System (NCS) is the Swedish and Norwegian standard for naming color shades. This is the generally accepted and most common tinting system in the world. The basis of the NCS system is six basic colors: black - S, white - W, yellow - Y, red - R, green - G and blue - B. The remaining colors are endowed with a visual resemblance to elementary tones and have their own encodings. Letter designations indicate the presence of one or another base color, and digital designations indicate its amount as a percentage.

The Tex company produces colors based on imported pigments using high-quality German equipment. Colors are available in the form of paints and pastes.

Tex color pastes are universal, applicable for tinting putties, water-soluble paints, alkyd materials and whitewash compositions. Color paste - frost-resistant.

Important! Permissible content of paste "Tex" - no more than 10% of the total volume of paint. When working with the material, it must be taken into account that the result may vary depending on the quality and type of paint used.

Kohler paint "Tex" is designed for water-dispersion paints, resistant to external factors. It is applied to internal and external works.

The Aqua-Color company (St. Petersburg) produces universal colors in the form of paste and paints. Pigments are used for tinting alkyd, oil, water-based paints, grouts, as well as cement and lime mortars. Colors do not change the properties of paint. Aqua-Color products are affordable and have a wide range of applications: apartment renovation, office space, processing of facades of buildings, etc.

The firm "Olki" produces universal frost-resistant tinting pastes - "Unicoler", intended for tinting:

  • alkyd (pentaphthalic and glyphthalic) paints, enamels, varnishes;
  • water-borne primers and paints;
  • adhesive and whitewash compositions;
  • oily white paints;
  • epoxy, organosilicate and melamine alkyd paints.

Important! Unicolor paste cannot be used as a paint, as it does not contain film-forming substances

The Rogneda group of companies (Moscow) produces Dali tinting paints. The main purpose of the color:

  • use as an independent coating of various surfaces - painting, decor, decoration;
  • tinting of decorative and water-dispersive building materials(plaster, paint, enamel).

Tinting paints "Dali" have a number of advantages:

  • weather resistance (withstand temperature fluctuations in the range from -40°С to +40°С);
  • light resistance (do not fade under the influence of sun rays);
  • high adhesion with different types of bases;
  • obtaining a wide range of colors of different saturation.

Characteristics of computer and manual mixing

You can mix the paint manually or with the help of special equipment. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For tinting by hand you need to purchase a base paint and a coloranat kit. Immediately before staining, the pigment is added to the paint in proportions according to the instructions and mixed. This method has the following advantages:

  • profitability;
  • the ability to carry out tinting at the place of repair;
  • you can create exclusive tones, including as many colors from the paint tinting catalog.

The main disadvantage of manual coloring is that the resulting shade is difficult to reproduce again.

Automated mixing LMB is controlled by a computer program. It is enough to choose the desired color, and the machine itself will determine the proportions to obtain the desired shade and give ready mix. The advantages of the computer method are obvious:

  • accurate and fast coloring;
  • the ability to re-produce the desired color;
  • paint tinting colors are presented in a wide range.

Tinting paint by machine method cannot be done with reference to the object. In addition, in this way it will not be possible to create a complex tone or shade.

Features of tinting different types of paint

When choosing a color scheme, two main criteria must be considered:

Some pigments are universal - they are suitable for tinting different colors and are used to create the desired shade in the interior of a room or building facade.

When mixing colors with different paintwork materials, adhere to the following rules:

Do-it-yourself paint tinting: step by step instructions

The whole process of tinting paint can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Prepare several plastic containers.
  2. Measure out 100 ml of base and pour into one container.
  3. Add a few drops of dye to the base. If you need a more complex color, then you can combine several colors at the same time.
  4. Record the amount of base used (100 ml), the number of drops of color and describe the result of mixing.
  5. Mix the color with the base until a uniform tone is obtained.
  6. If the color seems pale, then you need to add brightness, dripping one drop at a time.
  7. Once the desired color has been achieved, it is necessary to paint a small surface and, after drying, evaluate the result in daylight and artificial lighting. It is important to consider that the color of the paint looks brighter on the base than in the container.
  8. If the test mixing is successful, you can tint the main volume of paint:
    • calculate the required amount of color based on the volume of the base;
    • subtract 20% from the result obtained - this is necessary so that the final shade matches the test one (on a large area, the color looks brighter than on a small one).

Example. To obtain the optimal shade per 100 ml, it took 5 drops of color, it is logical that 50 drops would have to be used to color 1000 ml of paint. However, it is not. To achieve the desired result, if 40 drops of dye are added to 1000 ml

It is quite possible to do the tinting of the paint yourself. The main condition is to act slowly, add the pigment gradually and evenly mix the paint.

When a person plans to renovate, he wants his apartment or house to look special. This can be achieved in various ways, in particular with the help of paint colors. The use of coloring pigments is also justified in the case when you need to choose a color for a certain interior, for perfect harmony of shades, or if you cannot find the required color in stores.

It also happens that the color paint was not enough to paint the entire surface, and the store ran out of the desired color. This is where color comes in handy. But what is paint tinting, what pigments are there, how to do it yourself and many other issues need to be considered in more detail.

What is tinting

Tinting of colorants is called a peculiar process of combining the two main components to achieve the desired shade. Color selection is carried out in two ways - independently or through special programs. In the second case, you just need to enter the required color into the program, and the system will independently calculate the percentage of paint and pigment.

Types of tinting pigments

Modern colors are produced in two main types - organic and synthetic (inorganic). The former are distinguished by the widest choice of shades, but they have one significant drawback - fading under the influence of sunlight. Synthetic colors are resistant to any manifestation of weathering, but the color palette is smaller.

To get a perfectly correct and accurate shade, a tinting system is used. Colorants for white paint come in three forms:

  1. The paste may or may not be based on dispersant resins. Among the wide range, you can choose universal types that are great for enamel, water-based emulsion and other types. Pastes are easy to use, the shade can be adjusted during mixing. The disadvantage is that there is no standard characteristic for the saturation of shades. Therefore, in the end result, you can get a completely different tone. For example, you assumed that you would get a light red color scheme, but in fact it turned out to be dark red. Therefore, it is important to initially carry out experimental staining on a small area of ​​the surface. The result is visible after drying.
  2. Dry pigment is considered the most inexpensive. Before diluting the powder, you need to stir it into the base, depending on the type of paint. For example, if you have oil paint, then you must dilute the dry color in drying oil. Has many disadvantages. For example, it is difficult to adjust the exact color and there is a small range of colors available.
  3. Dyes in liquid form are produced on a different basis, therefore they are considered specialized. Among the range there are colors for water-based or oil-based paints, etc. Due to this composition, the liquid pigment itself can be used as a paint. In this case, the color will turn out to be as bright and saturated as possible.

Tinting methods

What is tinting for paint is already clear. But you can do it different ways. The choice depends on material possibilities and preferences.

Coloring by computer

Computer tinting of paint in tinting machines is considered the most accurate.

  • speed of tone creation;
  • maximum accuracy;
  • the ability to choose colors for fans of almost all brands;
  • simultaneous tinting of several cans of paints at once;
  • savings for large areas of work;
  • selection of base colors for dark tones at the automatic level;
  • the safety of recipes and the possibility of obtaining new colors in the future.

The disadvantages include only one factor - this is the inability to make tinting directly on the object.

Manual tinting

Do-it-yourself paint tinting involves manual mixing of the components and independent selection of the pigment.

Process features:

  1. Manual blending is applied when you wish to create unique color consisting of several colors. It is also used if it is necessary to create smooth transition shades in the same room.
  2. It is very important to make a trial mixing and apply the resulting color to the surface until completely dry. Only in this way will you get a perfectly accurate shade. This should be done under the same lighting in which the paint will be used.
  3. Remember, artificial lighting can greatly change the shade of yellow and blue paint. The same in varying degrees applies to other colors as well. Therefore, be prepared for this. In short, cold tones look darker, and warm tones look lighter.
  4. If the walls are painted over a large area, then unlike a small painted area, the color will also be perceived a little differently.
  5. The main advantage of manual tinting is the ability to create color directly at the workplace.
  6. The disadvantage is that you will have to immediately mix the entire amount of paint needed to paint the intended area. Because in the future it will be impossible to create exactly the same shade. In this respect, computer tinting wins.

What equipment is used?

Specialized equipment for tinting is used both with a computer method and with a manual one:

  • The dispenser is required to supply the exact amount pigment in the total mass.
  • Mixer in the form of a mixer or shaker. For home tinting, you can use an electric drill with a special nozzle. Thanks to the mixer, it is possible to obtain the most homogeneous mass. Remember that the pigment can form peculiar threads and clusters.
  • The spectrophotometer is designed to read information even from a small colored sample. Thanks to this device computer program performs color selection.

Tinting technology

Before you tint the paint, you need to calculate the color consumption, choose the tone and prepare necessary tools. Of course, if you do it at home. To facilitate the work, specialists have created a special tinting table, thanks to which you will know how to properly dilute the pigment, in what ratio. But you need to understand that it is rather arbitrary, and the proportion may differ depending on the paints and components used.

Color calculation rules

To correctly calculate the ratio, it is necessary to minus a fifth of the amount of pigment. As an example, consider a color that is as close as possible to sea ​​wave. To obtain such a shade, it is necessary to add blue and green colors to the white paint. For example, 200 ml of paint consumes 10 drops of blue pigment and only 4 drops of green. To calculate the consumption per 5 kg of paint, you accordingly increase the amount of pigment by multiplying. As a result, we get: 250 drops of blue and 100 drops of green.

Mixing components - step by step instructions

  1. Prepare several small containers. Remember, they must be perfectly clean.
  2. Pour the components to be tinted and be sure to record the data on the amount of ingredients.
  3. Apply a small amount of the resulting paint to the surface to be subsequently painted.
  4. Let dry.
  5. Apply another layer if necessary.
  6. Color evaluation is carried out only in daylight and after complete drying.
  7. After you achieve the desired shade, you can begin to tint the entire mass of paint.
  8. For a large staining area, you will need many containers or one, but large. If you use 3-4 small containers, then pour the paint into it in exactly the same amount.
  9. Wash the containers, wipe thoroughly and dry. Even the presence of dust should not be allowed.
  10. Stir the laid out paint with a wooden stick and begin to gradually add color. First mix with a piece of wood, and then use an electric drill with a mixing attachment. This will give you uniformity.
  11. Next, you can paint the surface.

Remember that on a painted wall or other surface, the shade is always 1-2 tones lighter than it looks in the jar. Therefore, carry out experimental tests on the same material on which the color will be applied.

Overview of the most popular colors

Today, the construction market is simply overflowing with various coloring pigments of any type and manufacturer. The most popular and in demand among foreign and domestic pigments are the following:

  • Tikkurila Symphony is used to tint Tikkurila paint. It has the widest range of shades (2256), up to 10 only white. Applies to internal finishing works. But for internal, the company of the same name produces the Tikkurila Facade pigment. There are more options for coloring antiseptics and varnishes.
  • "Natural Color System" (NCS) is produced according to Swedish and Norwegian standards. In this system, there are 6 primary (base) colors and many shades. Thus, it turns out that the basic shades are qualified by letter designations, and the percentage of the main color in the color scheme is digital.
  • "Tex" is produced specifically for water-dispersion dyes. It has a high quality, despite the fact that it is a domestic product. It is made from imported active pigments using German equipment.
  • "Aqua-Color" is produced in St. Petersburg. Differs in universality, high quality and a wide range of shades. It is used for any paints and finishing works.
  • Olki manufacturing company produces Unicolor paint. Designed for many types of LKS.
  • The Moscow factory "Rogneda" produces coloring pigments "Dali". Also has high quality, used for enamels, whitewashing, paints on water based. Applies to all surfaces.

Read about it in special material on our website.

How to make DIY paint tinting

No matter how wide the choice of colors of paints in the store, sometimes it is not enough. In this case, tinting will come to the rescue - mixing a light base paint and a colored pigment. This allows you to get a wide variety of colors and shades.

Now it is possible to perform computer tinting of paint.

It is only necessary to choose the desired shade, and the paint tinting equipment will accurately calculate all the proportions for the mixture.

A big plus of this method is the ability to repeat the result if necessary.

How to choose the perfect wall color

When mixing paint by hand, it is unlikely that the same color will be obtained. But independent tinting makes it possible to evaluate how the paint will look directly in the room and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Shade selection

When choosing the desired shade of paint, a whole group of factors should be taken into account.

Paint can look very different from the first test strokes and when the entire surface of the walls is already painted.

Lighting also has a significant effect on the perception of color. Too bright light can visually discolor bright colours. At dusk or in low light, they will look more dimmer and gloomy.

The warm or cold light of the lamps can give the paint a yellow or blue color, respectively.

When choosing the right color according to the ink tinting spreadsheet, it is important to remember that monitors, even with good resolution and the display of colors will not be able to 100% accurately convey real shade paints.

When choosing a wall color for a living space, it is better to give preference to softer and calmer shades. The kitchen and hallway can be painted in brighter and more saturated colors.

DIY tinting

If the tinting of the paint is done by hand, then it is better to do it in the room in which it will be used.

This will help to achieve the perfect color in the lighting conditions of this room.

When tinting paint with your own hands, you should remember - no matter how hard you try to remember the proportions, you won’t be able to perfectly repeat the same color the second time, the differences will be noticeable to the naked eye. Therefore, the paint must be diluted in large capacity so that there is enough for the whole room at once. It is better to add 5-10% in reserve to the paint consumption indicated on the package per 1 square meter.

To facilitate the process of selecting the desired shade, you can download the program for tinting paints.

It is desirable that white paint and color are products of the same company. Manufacturers can have significant differences in the technology of paint production and its composition, so it’s better not to take risks, otherwise you may get a coating not only of a strange color, but also with poor performance.

Important! Only paint specially designed for it should be used for the surface.

Products for the ceiling, walls and floor have completely different indicators of soiling, wear resistance, etc.

As a rule, a paint tinting table is included with the color scheme, showing the possible proportions of mixing colors.

Large manufacturers, such as Tikkurila, offer buyers entire catalogs of paint tinting, available in paper and electronic form.

To stir the paint, you must use a mixing nozzle on a drill or puncher, because long and thorough mixing of the mixture by hand will still not give a uniform result.

The paint is mixed until a homogeneous mass in color and density is obtained.

The color of the paint in the container may differ slightly from what will be obtained when applied to the surface.

To see how this shade will look on the wall, it is worth preparing a trial mixture (trying to remember the exact ratio of the components), and then paint a small area and wait until it dries at least a little. Although even if the proportions are observed the second time, it will not work to get absolutely identical colors, trial staining will still help to get an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe result. It should be remembered that as it dries, the color of the walls will become somewhat less bright and saturated.

If you don’t like the resulting color, then you can change it by adding either a little more color, or, conversely, white paint.

If water-based dyes were used, then the mixture can be diluted with water.

Advice. If the color is in an uncomfortable package, from which it is difficult to add it to the paint in a small amount, then it will be convenient to use a regular syringe.

Types of colors

The composition of dyes can be organic or inorganic.

The first type allows you to get brighter and more saturated shades, but over time, this coating fades noticeably. Inorganic colors are presented in a much narrower range of colors, but are resistant to weathering and ultraviolet.

Colors are available as:

Dry dyes have the most favorable price of all three types.

Among their main shortcomings are big choice colors and complexity fine adjustment shade. Before adding to the white base, the powder must be diluted in a liquid suitable for its type - water, drying oil, etc.

and mix thoroughly.

Liquid dyes are the most convenient to use. They allow you to very effectively change the shade of color.

You should choose colors in accordance with the type of paint in the room (water-based, acrylic, oil, etc.). If some part of the surface needs to be highlighted with a color accent, then the color can be used even undiluted.

Although color pastes are easy to use, they themselves can have an uneven color.

As a result, when mixed, an unexpectedly light or dark shade can be obtained. When using them, it is important to observe the proportions - the amount of paste for a certain volume of base paint should not exceed that specified in the instructions.

  • Both Russian and foreign manufacturers have a large selection of types and shades of colors.

    Domestic paints not only have more favorable price, but they are not particularly inferior in quality, so chasing expensive foreign products does not make sense.

  • As a basis for tinting, it is recommended to use snow-white, and not just white paint. The latter often has a yellowish tint, which can greatly affect the result of tinting.
  • Do not get carried away, and immediately pour half a bottle of dye into the base.

    Even a few drops of color already noticeably change the color of the paint.

  • Colors can be used not only to obtain the desired shade of paint, but also added, for example, to plaster.

Note. Many mistakenly call tinting any mixing of paints of different colors.

However, there are two concepts for this action:

  • glazing - if two are mixed different colors to get a third (for example, yellow and blue to create green);
  • tinting is the addition of a coloring matter to white paint.

Surface preparation

Before painting, it is important to clean the wall from dirt, traces of the previous coating, mold, etc.

If the surface is uneven, it is better to plaster and sand it. It is also important that the wall covering for painting is also white, because dark background will be noticeable even after several layers of paint.

For better adhesion (adhesion) of the dye to the surface, it is recommended to use a suitable this type paint primer.

This will avoid unpleasant surprises in the process of tinting wall paint and painting and get the desired shade without too much difficulty.

And the video instruction will explain in detail how to make paint tinting without errors.

There are several most popular methods of finishing wall surfaces (wallpapering, ceramic tiling, painting), each of which has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. As for painting, today it is the easiest and most inexpensive way to transform a room and make all your design dreams come true.

Most paints have excellent physical and technical and performance characteristics, and the tinting of the paint will help you choose the right shade. If you are going to apply paint in the interior of your home, you need to pay special attention to the color scheme, since the color of the walls should be in harmony with all decor elements and furniture.

If the desired shade of paint cannot be purchased at the store, you can tint the paint yourself, at home.

Tinting paints at home is a responsible and difficult task, but sometimes it the only way get the right shade. For example, if a person needs a yellow color, then he can easily buy it in a store, but if the color of orange juice suits the interior (this complex color consists of yellow and orange), then it is better to tint the paint in this color yourself.

Tinting is also necessary if you need to paint a room in several colors, since only with this method it will be possible to obtain shades that are most accurate. suitable friend to friend.

Mixing paints will help to get the right color, but here you need to know exactly which groups of paints and varnishes can be mixed with each other (some types of paints are incompatible with each other).

And you also need to know exactly what kind of shade will be obtained as a result of mixing the original colors. Lately to create unique interior phosphor paint and reflective paint are used. These paints can be applied to various finishing materials.

In a store for a buyer, they can create the desired shade in a tinting machine, but it often happens that a house starts to look completely different in a store sample.

The point here is that many factors affect the color (lighting, color area, etc.). The advantage of home tinting is that the desired shade can be obtained immediately before painting and more accurately match the color.

There are only two overriding rules tinting:

  • 1) The desired shade must be selected under the lighting that will be in the room.

This means that you need to see how the created shade looks in different lighting conditions: in daylight, with the electric light turned on.

That is, if a chandelier hangs in the room, then you need to tint the paint and paint the walls in the light of this chandelier, and not with another light source.

  • 2) applied to large area(especially on a vertical surface), the color will appear richer than the sample.

In order for the room to be the color you need, you need to reduce the amount of color paste by 20%.

For example, if you created a complex color “cocoa with milk” on a sample by adding 5 ml of “coffee” color and 2 ml of “pink” color to 100 ml of paint, then in order to create the paint of the desired shade for the entire wall, you will need 1000 ml of paint add only 45 ml of "coffee" and 16 ml of "pink" (20% less).

How to tint paint

In order to get the shade of paint you need, you need to buy white paint (the cleaner it will be White color, the better), color or color paste.

Color for water-based paint - which one to choose? How to paint walls with color. Taking care of the façade

You will also need clean jars and brushes. Since anything can affect the final color, it is very important that the utensils, brushes and hands are clean.

At the first stage, you need to pour 100 ml of paint into a jar and drop one or more colors into it. The mixture must then be thoroughly mixed and visually inspected. If the shade is too pale, you will need to add more color.

Having received suitable shade, you need to apply it on the wall (on a small area of ​​​​its section) and leave to dry for a day.

Only after complete drying, the color should be evaluated in daylight or under artificial light. If the result pleases you, proceed to tinting the remaining paint, not forgetting to take away 20% of the tinter. If you don't like the color, try changing the proportions or adding a different color scheme.

Video: Tinting, coloring methods

Color for watercolors - paint, photo wall, choice

Water based paint is frequent choice for users to paint the walls in the apartment. The specificity of this coating is that it has a white color at the beginning. Using a special substance - paint - gets the desired shade. As a rule, a color photograph of the color for a water-based color, obtained after mixing, is provided by the manufacturer in the catalog or a consultant in the store.

But this series of shades is not the limit. In different dimensions, you can mix several patterns of different colors and bring unexpected and unusual results.

Color designation

Kohler is a concentrated substance that gives color to a particular color. There are many color options on the shelves, but not enough to choose the right interior. In addition to pallets, also with by different manufacturers, they are very similar and offer almost the same thing.

Look at the color photograph of the color for water-based paint to provide much more wide selection than those offered by non-ferrous metal manufacturers.

Benefits of color to color

The advantages of a concentrated substance are that they can be used on various surfaces: concrete, wood, brick, drywall, plaster and plaster.

Mix it up very easy, you don't need any special equipment or professional help. The cost of color is not very high.

The color scheme is very varied. If you mix more samples, you may recognize an unusual shade that cannot be found on the market.

Pigments of organic and inorganic origin help to achieve this. The first group is distinguished by saturation and brightness, but it quickly loses its properties when exposed to sunlight, and the other is less bright, but does not disappear in the sun.

How to choose a color shade

The choice of colors for painting walls depends on the type of color.

We produce special substances for alkyd, acrylic, water-based emulsion coatings. In our case, an aqueous emulsion agent is required. It may take the form of a powder, paste or emulsion. Most often we find the latter type. It is very easy to mix with the substrate.

Choosing a shade of paint

The shop consultant will suggest a color palette for wall painting and offer immediate mixing of the colors you want with the color.

But do not rush to buy a prepared mixture. Keep in mind that the conditions in the store are different from the conditions in the room. Firstly, supermarkets have brighter lighting, and secondly, color testing on the surface, which is different from the walls of your case. It is better to buy a small amount of flowers and try it at home. In addition, after drying, which will last several hours, the shade will change slightly.

Don't forget to evaluate the results in daylight and lamplight to make sure you're making the right choice. Before choosing colors for wall painting, when making a final decision, it is better to check it at home.

How to mix color with color

Seeing colors latex paint caramel on the Internet or in a catalog, you can get started and find that the desired shade does not work.

How to draw and paint walls

This means that the promotions are not executed. As a rule, manufacturers indicate on the packaging how much substance is needed for a certain amount of color. The classic ratio is between 3 and 100, which means adding 30 milliliters per liter of color.

Mixing paint with color

Carefully take care of how many colors you have chosen and how many colors you need to create a particular shade. This will help calculate the proportion and get necessary paint for painting walls.

In calculations, the paint can be directly thinned for application to walls.

It is recommended to pour about one-fifth of the paint into the pre-washed container, pour in the amount of paint required for the entire amount, mix the mixture thoroughly. Then slowly add the remaining color.

It can be mixed by hand or with a construction mixer. The more thoroughly the mixture is mixed, the more evenly the color will fall on the walls.

All colors presented in our store can, at your request, be painted in all the most popular and common tinting systems:

Dear visitors!

Please note that colors on your monitor may vary slightly from actual colors due to the color differences on your monitor. various factors. Enables display settings (brightness, contrast). This circumstance should be taken into account when choosing a color.

Flower catalog "RAL"

Flower catalog "RAL" (with color names)

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Color catalog "MOSCOW PALETTE"

Color catalog "ESCAROCOLOR"

Bayramix color catalog

Color catalog "Caparol 3D System"

Catalog of colors of tinted oil "TD Martyanov"

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Teknos outdoor painting flower catalog

Flower catalog TIKKURIL "SIMFONY"


Flower catalog TIKKURIL "Wooden facades"

TIKKURILA flower catalog "Colors for metal roofs"

Flower catalog TIKKURILA "Colors for mineral facades"

Flower catalog TIKKURILA "Colored paints for the interior"

Flower catalog TIKKURILA "Interior color"

Flower catalog TIKKURILA "Flooring"

Flower catalog TIKKURIL "Taika"

Color catalog TIKKURILA "Vinha"

Flower catalog "DETON RAL"

Flower catalog "ARTON"

Flower catalog "Olsta"

When coloring flowers, we use the original pigment paste, proprietary equipment and software.

We also perform tinting of all varnishes, impregnations, antiseptics and wood oils.

We warn you that colored and light products cannot be exchanged or returned! Therefore, we recommend that you carry out preliminary samples of colors, varnishes or antiseptics of the color that you need.

What tingles.

It is a process that, when colors are mixed, produces a product with the desired shades of color.

Color choice is very important point for home renovation, and you need to pay close attention so as not to destroy your interior and your mood. You can change all types of colored materials - paint, powder paint, varnish, impregnation, antiseptics.

Color can be MANUAL or COMPUTER (machine).

To avoid long and unproductive work in the process of selecting color shades, we recommend using computer tinting.
It should be noted that after painting the final color, the perception of the surface will depend on the nature and intensity of the illumination, the surface texture and other factors.
The choice of colors should be made with the same lighting in which it will be used in the future.


Only white is suitable for coloring, in which the color is gradually added in very small parts (literally falls off).
The number of colors determines the experience.

It should be borne in mind that large surfaces after painting appear lighter and more intense than on the shore, as well as the difference in natural and electric lighting. Bright colors make the room feel more spacious.


The method of color tinting was originally proposed by Tikkuril and then spread to many countries.

The fact that the professionals of this company offer and distribute color tinting in an affordable and easy way choosing a color that colors the map (tinting tables).

In Europe, especially in the Scandinavian countries, computer coloring has become the industry standard.

In the coming years, the demand for high quality computer coloring will increase.

For computer tinting, primary colors, pigment paste, special dosing pigment paste are required.

Mixers (shakers) are used to mix ingredients.

All calculations are performed using a special computer program.

What are the advantages of this method? A lot of them:

1. When choosing a color, you can choose the color you want from the "fan" of the probe. There is almost the entire range of possible colors and shades.

In this case, complete satisfaction of the result obtained with the selected sample is ensured.

2. Each color tester has its own source code, which can easily restore the selected color.

For example, if you need to paint or update past painted surfaces later. Everyone knows how difficult it is to choose exactly the same color.
The ideal renovation color is best suited for textured surfaces such as non-woven wallpaper and decorative plaster.

3. Computer toning allows you to get almost any color in different shades of saturation - from bright pale to saturated light.


The process of choosing tones and preparing the color takes very little time. In a few minutes you will receive what was intended.

Even a creative person the widest range paints will not please - there is sure to be a shade that the manufacturer has overlooked, a kind of "delicate cream with an orange tint." Only do-it-yourself paint tinting can save the situation!

Colors and colors are the same?

Perhaps you need to start with the meaning of the word "color", because in different areas this word has different meanings. For example, in colloquial language, color refers to color, color, shade, while painting professionals use this term to refer to a paint composition ready for use. In our case, speaking about getting the right shade with our own hands, we will become professionals while reading the article, and we will express ourselves accordingly!

With the advent of technology, such a thing as computer tinting of paints arose. A person only selects the desired color from the catalog, while the computer itself calculates the proportions to obtain the desired color and gives out the finished mixture. The advantage of this method is clear - even if there is not enough paint of the desired shade, we can always repeat the kneading process, which is almost impossible to do with manual mixing colors.

However, when choosing the right color in a hardware store where such a service is offered, it is necessary to take into account some points that can turn into a significant drawback of the method and cause your fair dissatisfaction. First, you need to consider what kind of lighting is in the room where you choose the shade. In different lighting, the same marker will give completely different shades. In artificial lighting, there are many yellow rays, and against its background, daylight will appear blue. You can imagine how easy it is to confuse our perception of colors.

Under artificial lighting, cold colors (blues, violets, greens) become more dark shades while warm reds and oranges brighten.

Electric lighting changes the yellow-blue palette to yellow or greenish, in orange-violet paint, violet may disappear altogether, and red will begin to give off slightly purple. Very bright light can visually discolor shades, the same can happen at dusk - blue tones will become lighter, while the red ones will darken. The farther the distance, the lighter the surface will appear, except that the blue and purple will darken.

The second nuance is that in a small area the shade looks different than in a large area, especially in vertical plane. It is difficult to take into account all these points without experiments on the spot. In addition, even computer catalogs are not always able to repeat one or another shade we need, for example, if we decide to “dance” from certain detail or piece of furniture.

Do-it-yourself paint tinting - where to start?

As already mentioned above, the disadvantage of manual tinting of paints is that you are unlikely to succeed in repeating the desired shade a second time. Therefore, before tinting, carry out a careful calculation in order to find out the exact amount of paint. Each paint has its own consumption, fortunately, manufacturers in without fail indicate these data on the packaging. Our task is to find out the staining area and multiply the resulting figure by the average paint consumption. Then we add another 10% to the obtained value - in case we exceed the average consumption. It's better to have spare paint left than to have to guess with a hint.

It is important to do tinting in one container. Even if you accurately calculated the amount of color, there is a possibility that in two different containers you will get a different shade. Therefore, do not take risks, and if the volume is very large, and you do not have the necessary vessel, it is better to contact specialists.

How to mix paint colors - choosing a base and color

So, for tinting, you will need a white base and the color itself - a dye that can give a different shade in different proportions with paint. It is important that the manufacturer of both components is the same - each has its own secrets of production, and the technologies are different. But you don’t even need to reach fanaticism - if you like the dye of a certain company, it is not necessary to change the white paint you bought earlier.

If the inscription on a container with a white base says that it is paint, then it must be used purely for the ceiling, if the paint is intended for walls, only vertical surfaces need to be painted with it. And it's not about the tricks of marketers - manufacturers are counting on different surfaces parameters such as wear resistance, soiling, elasticity. Will they play the same meaning on the ceiling as on the walls, which will be dirty ten times a day by indefatigable children or animals?

Usually, along with the color scheme comes a small catalog of possible shades with detailed instructions- how much dye to add to obtain the desired shade. To be sure of the result, use a mixer or drill at low speed with a special nozzle to mix the components. With due diligence, manual mixing can also give the desired result, but this is an additional risk.

If you're looking to create the right hue for your living space, consider the color guidelines. It is possible that at first you will like bright colors and shades, but they will quickly tire you out and become annoying. For try to select non-intense, calm bright hues yellow, green, orange. You can’t get hung up on one shade - so that the room is not boring, different walls can be decorated with different colors.

Tinting in practice - slowly and with arrangement!

For tinting, you will need a mixer (drill with a nozzle), a small container for a sampler (100-200 ml) and a container for a large volume, a white base and color.

How to mix paint colors - step by step

Step 1: Making a probe

Before mixing paint colors for the main volume, we will experiment with a small amount of material - we will make a probe. Otherwise, there is a chance to spoil the entire volume! Pour 100 ml of paint into a small container and add a few drops of pigment. In such cases, it is convenient to use jars with a narrow neck, but if the color is packaged in uncomfortable dishes, use a regular syringe - draw the pigment into it and gently squeeze it out to make drops. To start, add 2-3 drops, mix thoroughly, and bring to the desired shade, dripping one drop into the base. When the desired shade is obtained, fix the number of drops on paper.

You can’t rush in this matter - you will compensate for the loss of time with an excellent result. If you are not satisfied with some parameters in the main solution, you can either slightly dilute the paint by adding a white base, or increase the amount of dye by a few drops.

Presented in a large assortment. Domestic and foreign manufacturers present a facade coloring substance for different surfaces, different textures and colors.

Some coloring materials are made specifically for color. Coloring must be done in order to achieve the desired shade of the coloring composition. which has the necessary quality characteristics.

Kohler can be added in one color, or you can combine several pigment components at once in order to obtain a complex and unique shade.

Kohler is a dye with a rich color. The composition of the dye includes various pigments, additional elements that give saturation, color fastness, as well as resins and water.

Kohler is added to the paint in order to achieve an extraordinary, different from standard colors surfaces. Many coloring materials are suitable for mixing with color.

The concentration of color in the tinting agent is much higher than the required shade, therefore, when mixed with paint, the color becomes diluted, the most suitable for painting.

To get the original color which cannot be found in ready-made, it is necessary to mix several colors of color with paint.

The tonal composition may contain organic and inorganic elements that affect the quality of the coloring facade material, on the saturation of brightness and the shelf life of the resulting color after staining.

Selection methods

The coloring pigment is designed to be added to white enamels., decorative plasters, putties, water-dispersion compositions, alkyd coloring materials.

To achieve the desired shade, two tables are used:

  • RAL - 210 tones;
  • NCS - for 1950 shades.

These color charts allow you to choose the most suitable color.

Manufacturers can submit their own color gradation options, but it is imperative to provide in advance which color is needed. Shade selection occurs by comparing the shade with the color of the walls.


With repeated manual mixing of the tone composition, it is almost impossible to achieve the same shade.

This is primarily due to the inability to determine the presence of paint in a container to the gram.. And due to the saturation of the tinting liquid, the color of the resulting tone can vary significantly even with a slight deviation from the proportions.

In this case, it is necessary to increase the amount of the expected consumption coloring material by 20%, so that it is guaranteed to be enough for coloring.

There is a variant of color matching by a computer method using special programs. You can use tinting machines (most often they are used by enamels and varnishes) or use the catalogs of the manufacturer of pigment liquids.

In the process of work, you can use dispensers to add the desired tone to the paint, and to get quality cladding- drills for stirring the coloring composition.

Classification by purpose

Consistencies for tinting paints and varnishes are classified as follows:

  • pigment liquid products - added to , coloring materials;
  • pigment pastes or liquid pigments - for the purpose of coloring primer mixtures, varnishes and impregnations used to coat wood surfaces;
  • pastes and tinting mixtures of liquid consistency - added to alkyd or oil coloring mixtures, in the compositions used for whitewashing;
  • pigment materials with a shade of mother-of-pearl or gloss - suitable for decorating most paints and varnishes;
  • universal coloring pastes- added to enamels having a polyurethane, organosilicon, nitrocellulose or epoxy composition.

The coloring paste is divided into universal and facade. The characteristic of any dye is determined in accordance with the presence of organic and inorganic pigments.

In the presence of certain types of pigments, the optimal quality of the tinting composition is achieved.

How to dilute paint with color

So, how to tint paint at home? To dilute the coloring composition, it is necessary to carry out work in the following order:

  • prepare several clean containers for diluting the paint with color, as well as a preliminary sample of the various results obtained;
  • pour the components to be mixed into the container, while it is necessary to fix the proportions of the funds used. In this case, the color should be added, starting with a few drops, then gradually achieve the desired color;
  • thoroughly mix the tinted paint, for this you can use a drill with a nozzle - a mixer, then the quality of stirring will be at its best and there will be no streaks;
  • apply a little on the surface and wait for it to dry;
  • evaluate the shade in daylight, if the color suits - paint over the required surface.

Experts advise choosing the color and base of one manufacturer.

Bases for tinting are ideally adapted for coloring with "their" dyes.

What colors should I use color for?

Tinting of coloring compositions for the facade can be done for almost all paints, putties, enamels, while you should know some features:

  • when mixing color with water-based coloring compositions, the largest consumption coloring pigment should be no more than 20%;
  • when staining acrylic base color should be used no more than 8% of total mass mixtures.


Acrylic paints are the most popular paints used for tinting.. Yes, and for painting the facade, materials containing acrylic resins are the most suitable.

There are also water-based ones that are produced directly for painting the facade.

Bases for tinting are white (to snow-white). The line of products for coloring is called “for coloring”

Useful video

How to tint paint with your own hands:


Thus, it will not be difficult to paint the facade in the desired color when right choice colors, bases, as well as with the correct mixing of the components (colors and bases) in the production of a coloring solution.

Manual staining is quite realistic to produce with careful mixing of the components. In the process of achieving the highest quality coloring result, it is recommended to use specialized machines to obtain the desired color.

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