Recreation areas in the offices of Russian and foreign IT companies. Lounge Design The Magic of the Meeting Room

The importance of the recreation area in the office, I hope, is out of the question? How much can a person sitting without a break for 8 (or even 10) hours in front of a monitor be able to do? Psychologists categorically argue that we just need to be distracted from time to time, otherwise our working efficiency falls. Sometimes just a little warm-up, a walk or a cup of coffee with a friendly conversation can work wonders. The brain that got a break gives out fresh ideas appears on the face clever expression, fingers flutter across the keyboard. For the head of the company, there is no more gratifying picture.

As you know, it is recommended to take a short break of 10 minutes every hour, as well as a lunch break in the middle of the working day. And it’s better not to spend this time on VKontakte or Facebook. After such a “rest”, you can wait not for new ideas, but only inflamed eyes or headache. Personally, I have noticed such a relationship - the more “qualitatively” you manage to disconnect from work, the more fruitful it will be to return to it.

Dine in England

The stronger the effect will be, the more soul and imagination will be invested in the design of the recreation area. If you don’t have the opportunity to allocate a dozen rooms for relaxation, full of crazy ideas, like in Google offices, try using simple ideas create an interesting environment in at least one.

Choose a theme that is close to you - like in the Philips office, where there are recreation areas with the theme "Russia", "Netherlands", "Mountains", "1950s", etc. Take, for example, the theme "London". Order and paste on one wall a photo wallpaper with a view of London Bridge and Big Ben, and arrange and hang the right objects around the room that cause absolutely unambiguous associations for everyone - the Union Jack, that is, the British flag, quilted leather sofas, like in an English pub , souvenir red double-decker buses and all sorts of other things.

And you don’t even need to hire anyone - announce a cry in the office, and let everyone look in stores or make the appropriate accessories with their own hands. From the design of the wall, you can make a whole event by sticking wallpaper on the whole office, and then have a party in English style. So did the PR agency Eventum Premo in Moscow.

The option I described is from the category of “cheap and cheerful”. If we develop this topic, then the already mentioned Google with their transcendental imagination and transcendental possibilities have come as close as possible to the ideal.

Relaxation and movement

In order for the rest to be as effective as possible, it is important to take care not only of the visual and aesthetic effect, but also about the fact that people can relax, so to speak, "bodily". As you know, we are all different: in order to turn off the brain, someone needs to relax as much as possible, while someone, on the contrary, needs to jump and run. Therefore, a massage chair or a couch with a view of the fish is suitable for one, and a tennis table or Treadmill. Another one a good idea- a place for creativity, like in the ABBYY office.

Out of office space

An unusual solution is to move the recreation area outside the office. Such a place was created for itself by the architectural company Archi-Union from Shanghai. She built a two-story tea house in the backyard of her office. It bears little resemblance to a traditional tea house - this is its modern rethinking.

At the same time, the building is quite economical; parts of the roof of the destroyed warehouse were used for its construction. The house was literally squeezed into a narrow courtyard - as a result, it is open only on one side and looks at the pool and mini-garden. The architects did not want to touch the tree growing in the yard, and therefore the facade carefully wraps around the trunk. In addition, the tree seems to grow through the balcony of the second floor.

Work modern office it is speed, pace, saturation with information and a dynamic change of events. For fruitful work and for best results, psychologists recommend taking short breaks every hour. Such breaks in work help relieve stress, relieve fatigue and gain strength. For these purposes, there are rest rooms or lounge areas. For equipment, places to rest are best allocated private room, but you can also organize a recreation area in some part of the working room, ...

separating it from workplaces with partitions, cabinets, or simply placing it away from workplaces. A well-equipped recreation area not only helps relieve stress, it adds variety to the monotony of office work, encourages employees to communicate and interact with each other, this is especially important if your work is based on collective problem solving, or in creative work. It is here, in the recreation area, that most of the brave and creative solutions, where easy communication between employees takes place and valuable thoughts are born. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the equipment of a recreation area is one of the important tasks when equipping an office.

What should be a well-equipped recreation area? The style of the break room should be the same as the rest of the office or blend in with the rest of the office. When choosing furniture for a recreation area, it is important not to forget that this furniture should create an atmosphere of coziness, comfort and tranquility, be conducive to informal communication and relaxation. Therefore, you can bring some home elements into the interior of the rest room. For example, decorate windows with soft curtains, arrange houseplants, install lamps with soft, cozy light.

An important element of the rest room, of course, is upholstered furniture. It can be a corner or straight sofa, separate armchairs or pouffes. When choosing models of sofas and armchairs, it is important to pay attention to the degree of their rigidity, sofas and armchairs should not be too soft or too hard, optimal solution is in the middle. The best option when choosing upholstery material is genuine leather or high-quality leatherette. High tables with chairs will also be appropriate in the rest room, coffee tables cabinets for equipment, they can be made of glass, wood or be made in the same style as the rest of the furniture in the office.

If there is sufficient space, a bar counter can be placed in the relaxation room. AT recent times the type of equipment for the rest room - "coffee break" - has become very popular. In this case, upholstered furniture is replaced by a bar counter. The choice of this style for the equipment of the rest room is due to the fact that it is considered more correct not only to change places during a pause in work, but also to change the position of a person: with a constant sitting position, standing rest is more effective. A few minutes with a cup of coffee, spent at the bar, perfectly help to relieve tension and relaxation.

At small area office or with insufficient funds for equipping a rest room, you can allocate a small corner for a recreation area and place it there small kitchen by setting up two or three small tables with chairs and adding some decorative elements. A recreation area equipped in this way will also do its job perfectly.

They also play an important role decorative elements in the recreation area, such as aquariums, small indoor fountains, paintings that will promote relaxation and stress relief. It would be appropriate in the rest room to use elements with corporate attributes, for this purpose, you can select racks on which you can place items with company symbols, as well as diplomas and awards. This is especially important if the office break room is used as a meeting place or for informal communication with clients or partners. In this case, the issue of equipping the rest room should be approached especially carefully, because in this case the interior of the rest room is something that can affect the course of negotiations or further cooperation.

Some break room companies complement gym with treadmills, exercise bikes, showers. Of course, this type of rest room is the most effective, it helps workers recover faster after a working day, but it requires more financial costs and free space.

The editors of the CPU were interested in how recreation areas look like for employees of Russian and foreign IT companies. In the first part of the resulting collection - Facebook, SoundCloud, Airbnb, Evernote, JetBrains, BlaBlaCar, 2GIS and other projects.

In offices social network Facebook in different cities(California, Sydney, Montreal) recreation areas are located directly in the open spaces where employees work. They are separated by color and texture - sofas instead office chairs, bright colors instead of grey. The Indian office of the company has a lounge with a pool table and table hockey.

Facebook's headquarters in San Francisco also has playroom. There, employees can play an Xbox 360 console. In addition, table tennis tables and chess games are available to employees of the social network.

At the SoundCloud branch in Berlin, employees who want to take a break from work can also play table tennis or visit the library. The office has a separate yoga room, a relaxation room with a fireplace, and even a special soundproof room where tired workers can take a nap in the middle of the day.

All rooms in the Berlin office of SoundCloud are decorated in industrial style. The rooms were designed by the German design team of the Kinzo architectural agency.

At Airbnb's San Francisco office, employees can relax in the atrium or in the lounges and lounges located on each floor of the building. The premises are decorated in such a way that the employees feel as comfortable as possible there: photographs on the walls, fluffy carpets and pillows, bright colors. You can even bring animals into the office.

Evernote's San Francisco branch is notable for its brevity. The interior of any room is dominated by three colors (white, blue and green). Next to the open workspace is a recreation area with soft chairs. In the kitchen, there are only plastic chairs, in which it is not too easy to relax.

The interior of the ride-hailing service Lyft's head office echoes the service's symbol, a pink mustache. Mustaches can be found on the roof, where employees go to rest, and in the lounges.

Architecture and design of the St. Petersburg (largest) office international company for production software JetBrains was developed by the Finnish bureau Gullstén-Inkinen Design & Architecture. In 2014, the St. Petersburg branch of the company was among the winners of the competition the best offices country, hosted by Office Magazine.

Each floor in the building has its own color, in the range of which the meeting rooms and recreation areas are decorated. There are no separate rooms where employees could relax in the office - they are replaced by zones equipped with sofas and tables, as well as coffee points. On the last floor The building houses a library, a gym and a massage room.

In addition, in the summer, sofas and ottomans appear on the roof of the JetBrains office so that company employees can rest and breathe fresh air and admire the view of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

At the head office of the BlaBlaCar companion search service in Paris, the lounges are decorated in accordance with the theme of the service. In each room, you can find decorative elements related to car travel: suitcases, retro car models, maps, road signs, and so on.

BlaBlaCar is not the only company that has chosen to decorate break rooms with knick-knacks. In the office of the AstroSoft software development project, a typewriter is installed in the kitchen, with which employees like to take pictures.

The BlaBlaCar office kitchen is equipped upholstered furniture and is also used by employees as a recreation area. As representatives of the project told the CPU, internal negotiations are often held in recreation areas (when all conference rooms are occupied).

In addition, the Paris branch of BlaBlaCar has a separate room for board games.

The Moscow office of the Russian group of companies Rambler&Co is located in two neighboring buildings of the Danilovskaya manufactory. The location imposes its own specifics on the recreation of employees: a favorite place where Rambler&Co employees often spend time is a glazed passage between two buildings.

On one of the upper floors of the office there is a space called "Attic" - this is a place where employees can come with their food or buy it in one of the cafes located there. Also there are a lot of various sofas and armchairs where you can comfortably sit with a book or laptop. Periodically, various presentations, seminars and master classes are held in the Mansard.

The rest of the employee rest areas are scattered throughout the office. You can find a corner with a table for playing table tennis, several tables for a kicker, table hockey, a space with electric guitars and an amplifier.

The head office of the 2GIS cartographic project, located in Novosibirsk, is equipped with several lounges. The hottest, according to service representatives, is Hawaii. In it, employees from the production department, who are responsible for creating geoservice content, play tennis. From time to time the office hosts corporate table games championships - tennis, football, hockey, and darts. The main part of the "battles" usually takes place just in "Hawaii".

In addition, the office has recreation rooms "Igroteka", "Library", "Marine". In the relaxation room called "Veranda" there is a fireplace and rocking chairs - this is a place for relaxed rest and communication.

The head office of the international service for creating websites Jimdo is located in Hamburg, a port city. Therefore, the company's culture is closely related to the maritime and port themes.

"Aquarium" is small room under the stairs with an aquarium and fish. Muffled light, soft pillows sitting and silence, according to the representatives of the project, help to relax or focus on some idea or task. The building has a bar for programmers - a place to relax, work and socialize on Fridays over a bottle of beer. In addition, the office has a cabin room where you can work in silence or take a nap.

Employees of the Izhevsk software manufacturer "NPO Computer" have their own "Karelia" in the office. This is the name of the kitchen, which is also a recreation area for workers. Karelia has a bar counter, comfortable soft sofas, TV, birch and discus thrower.

In addition, the company's office has tables for table tennis and horizontal bars.

One of the mottos system integrator T-Systems, according to project representatives, - "If you can play together, you can work together." Therefore, recreation areas in the company's offices in Russia are playrooms.

Each branch of the organization has a table for a kicker (the St. Petersburg team has even won prizes in city competitions more than once). The St. Petersburg office has two Xbox units with large plasmas and a constantly updated game library. The company has a tradition of Friday gatherings - the time of board games. AT summer time office staff relaxing open terraces with great views of the city.

Employees of the electronic trading platform B2B-Center can work out on the simulators or play table tennis right at the coffee point. In addition, the company's office has a cafe where everyone can relax and have a bite to eat.

The main recreation area for employees of the St. Petersburg office of the entertainment market platform Radario is a huge terrace on the roof of the building where the company is located, with total area 200 square meters. In summer, Radario turns the roof into a floor workspace- with umbrellas, deck chairs and kicker tournaments between work.

In winter days, snow fights are arranged on the terrace.

Should there be a rest room for employees? This question, as a rule, is asked only by the most progressive and modern leader.

in the western corporate culture For a long time and everywhere it has been customary to organize the rest of the company's workers in a specially designated place with fairly comfortable conditions.

In our country, it is still often believed that a lounge for employees is:

First, the extra cost of equipping the premises;

Secondly, the territorial costs of the premises at the disposal of the organization (it is better, as many people think, to allocate an area for “useful business”: a warehouse, an office, a retail space);

And thirdly, according to many employers, employees who come to work to relax are not employees at all, at work you only need to fulfill your labor functions and rest in your spare time.

However, the equipment special room in the organization is not without meaning and in many respects, as Western practice shows, it makes it possible to increase labor efficiency.

A rest room is a kind of zone, geographically located within the organization at the main place of work, where company employees have the opportunity to relax in an informal setting, like at home, disconnecting from the main work process for a while.

The equipment of such a room can be very diverse - from a simple room with a sofa, flowers and a kettle, to a spacious room with a cinema, billiards and a restaurant, etc.

There are several reasons that justify the need to equip rest rooms for employees.

Here are the most significant ones:

Man is not a robot capable of working without rest.

As you know, effectively people are able to work up to eight hours a day, and then with a lunch break. After this time, labor productivity decreases significantly. At the same time, the mode daily work often for a number of positions and areas of activity actually exceeds eight hours. As a result, it turns out that there is a person in the workplace who is neither emotionally, nor intellectually, nor psychologically able to cope with his duties. It turns out that it would be much more effective to offer the employee a rest and then he would be able to continue working with renewed vigor. For a person, psychological, mental and physical unloading is extremely important, including at the workplace.

Naturally, the introduction to the organization of the rest room should be approached wisely. Of course, that for her visit should be strictly reserved certain time, a schedule has been set, etc. After all, abuses in this regard will also not benefit the overall productivity in the company and discipline.

The presence of a rest room for employees has an extremely positive effect on the level of team cohesion, which is also important, because labor activity characterized much more high rates if it is carried out in an atmosphere of united team spirit.

Equipping a lounge for employees increases the competitiveness of the company in the labor market, increases its chances of winning the sympathy of more qualified and experienced specialists, as well as long-term cooperation with them.

And, in the end, the presence of a rest room increases the prestige of the organization, raising it to the level of modern European firms with high level corporate ethics and work organization.

So, at first glance, it may seem that the allocation of a separate room for the rest of workers promises only trouble for the employer (reduction of the area useful for business, violation of labor discipline, additional material costs, etc.). In fact, the situation is completely different. After all, by investing in a well-organized, productive rest of employees during the day, the manager sows fertile ground for increasing the efficiency of his subordinates, the prestige of the company and the cohesion of the team.

Competent division of the company's office into zones, their attractive and stylish design are one of the most important components of the success of your business. They allow you to create a good atmosphere in the premises, which has a positive effect on both visitors and employees.

The former will be happy to contact you again, and the latter will feel better, which will increase their efficiency and overall positive attitude. In this article, you will learn how to do office zoning correctly and what you need to pay attention to.

Drawing up a design project

It is done first. Allows you to visually see how the office space will look in the future, and eliminate it in time possible mistakes. When designing an interior, consider the following factors:

  • All rooms must be decorated in the same style. Exceptions are the meeting room and management office. Their interiors may vary. Ideally, if the design of the office matches the corporate identity;
  • it is necessary to correctly select and arrange furniture so that it is not only beautiful, but also convenient for work;
  • the environment should emphasize the importance of your business, so that visitors understand at a glance that they have come to a serious company.

During the preparation of the design project, measurements are taken and a plan for the location of partitions, lighting, switches, sockets, various equipment and furniture is prepared. After that, it is developed general concept and a 3D model is prepared for rendering.

This is quite a serious job, which is best entrusted to the appropriate specialists. See photos of office zoning to get acquainted with the solutions offered by professionals in their field.

Principles of zoning

Most often, the zoning of space in the office begins with the conditional division of it into the following parts:

Front office. Designed for receiving visitors, holding public presentations and seminars. There is a reception room, a meeting room, a manager's office, etc. here. Since this part provides the main communication of the company with customers, the furniture here should be aesthetic and beautiful, but at the same time multifunctional.

Back office. It is a working space and a recreation area hidden from visitors. The main requirement for the environment here is convenience and comfortable conditions for work activities.

Furniture here can be purchased simpler, but many modern leaders don't skimp on it. aesthetic workplace well stimulates professional growth and increase of efficiency of employees.

According to the type of construction of activity zones, offices are divided into classical and open. In the first case, the premises are isolated from each other. Each office performs a specific function - sales department, transport service, accounting, etc.

The second option is more modern. Here, the premises are not separated by capital walls, but represent one large space. For zoning such an office, partitions are used, which can significantly save space.


The arrangement of this zone must be treated with special care. Your clients and partners get the first impression when they visit the office right here. Make sure the reception area is as comfortable as possible.

The ideal option would be if you divide it into two parts. The first is informational. Here place the reception desk and stands with booklets. The visitor should be able to quickly get all the information of interest. The second is a place to rest. Here, place sofas and armchairs on which people could relax and wait for their turn.

Don't forget that the reception area needs to show that you belong to your brand. Use more corporate colors when decorating it. Great idea- place a 3D logo on the wall in a prominent place.

Zone for negotiations and meetings

This place is intended for business meetings or discussion of work issues between management and subordinates.

Often the topics discussed here are of a confidential nature, so it is better to allocate for such a zone separate room, although modern style allows the use of screens and partitions. Main Attributes - long table, chairs, office easel, projector and monitor.

Negotiation room where business partners are invited and potential clients may be less official. Usually there are soft sofas, a low table, an aquarium, flowers and live plants. Everything that will make the visitor feel comfortable.

Work zone

It occupies the main part of the office. When planning it, first of all, it is necessary to identify illuminated and dark areas. Workplaces should be located close to windows, no further than 6 meters. In places where Sun rays do not reach well, you can arrange toilet rooms, pantries, utility rooms and other technical premises.

When distributing jobs, make sure that employees do not then sit with their backs to the door. This will help to remove anxiety and anxiety, allowing a person to calmly control personal space.

Do not sit people face to face - constant eye contact makes it difficult to concentrate and creates a feeling of being watched. Using partitions in your office for zoning will help you meet these requirements.

If you want to improve the interaction between two specific units, place them side by side. According to statistics, up to 60% of contacts are made between people working in close proximity to each other. This contributes to a useful exchange of experience.

Head office

With his respectable appearance, on the one hand, he should emphasize the high status of this person, and on the other hand, talk about the welfare of the company and its basic principles. It is appropriate here individual design, more expensive materials, including natural, large furniture and armchair.

The tabletop is massive, veneered. It can also be made of tempered glass, which will emphasize transparency and openness for partners.

Technical area

Designed for toilet equipment, sinks, etc. plumbing equipment. There may be a pantry with cleaning equipment, a place for lunch break. The technical area must be located in separate rooms.

Rest zone

Working without breaks is detrimental to the well-being of any employee. The presence of a recreational corner will help team members to relax, take a break and drink tea in a calm environment.

For this, it is not necessary to allocate a separate room. With the help of partitions, a recreation area is easily created next to the workspace. A good option- place it near the busiest place where traffic flows intersect.

Put modular semi-soft sofas with armchairs and coffee tables there. It will be useful to allocate a place for coffee breaks. In many large companies recreation areas are equipped with video and audio equipment, game consoles.

The design here does not have to be official. Having creativity and warm colors allow the employee to quickly switch to rest. The main thing is that the atmosphere contributes to relaxation and the appearance of a feeling of comfort.

Photo of office zoning methods